From the transcript:
TRUMP: Well, I think we’ve done a great job for the State of Washington and I think the governor, who is a failed presidential candidate as you know, he leveled out at zero in the polls, he’s constantly chirping, and I guess complaining would be a nice way of saying it. We’re building hospitals. We’ve done a great job for the State of Washington. Michigan, she has no idea what’s going on. And all she does is say, “Oh, it’s the federal government’s fault.” And we’ve taken such great care of Michigan. You know the care we’ve taken of New Jersey. I think if you ask Governor Murphy of New Jersey, “How are we doing?” I think he’d say great. I think. He’s a Democrat. Governor Cuomo has really said we’re really doing a great job... and Governor Cuomo has been appreciative. But a couple of people aren’t.I got up and walked away. I said out loud at the time: "He needs to stop saying 'appreciative.' He needs to stop talking so much. Make it strong and short. It's like he's trying to win by talking more than anyone has ever thought possible."
We have done a hell of a job. The federal government has really stepped up.... All I want them to do, very simple, I want them to be appreciative. I don’t want them to say things that aren’t true. I want them to be appreciative. We’ve done a great job, and I’m not talking about me. I’m talking about Mike Pence, the Task Force, I’m talking about FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers.... When somebody for political reasons wants to blame, I view that as blaming these incredible people.... We have this incredible hospital boat.... It’ll be in New York on Monday, weeks ahead of schedule. I think things, even the media, I think the media and governors should appreciate it. And I have to say, the media has been pretty good and the governors have been really good, except for a couple. And with them, it’s just political. “How’s Trump doing?” “Oh, well, I don’t know.” Because we have done a job the likes of which nobody’s seen.... I think they should be appreciative. Because you know what? When they’re not appreciative to me, they’re not appreciative to the Army Corps, they’re not appreciative to FEMA, it’s not right. These people are incredible. They’re working 24 hours a day. I mean, Mike Pence, I don’t think he sleeps anymore. These are people that should be appreciated. He calls all the governors. I tell him… I mean, I’m a different type of person. I say, “Mike, don’t call the Governor of Washington. You’re wasting your time with him. Don’t call the woman in Michigan.” It doesn’t make any difference what happens-
SPEAKER 5: You don’t want him to call the Governor of Washington?
TRUMP: You know what I’m say [sic]? If they don’t treat you right, I don’t call. He’s a different type of person. He’ll call quietly anyway, okay? But he’s done a great job. He should be appreciated for the job he’s done.
He followed up with this tweet about the Governor of Michigan:
I love Michigan, one of the reasons we are doing such a GREAT job for them during this horrible Pandemic. Yet your Governor, Gretchen “Half” Whitmer is way in over her head, she doesn’t have a clue. Likes blaming everyone for her own ineptitude! #MAGA— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2020
Notice the nickname. It takes a second to get the joke — half wit — but once you get it, you never experience her last name the same way again. Or that's the idea.
৩৫৩টি মন্তব্য:
«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন 353 এর 201 – থেকে 353Speaking of Nolan Finley, here's an article published Jan. 1, 2020 that gives a good breakdown on the great governor.
Finley: Whitmer flunks her freshman year
The Detroit News has been a reliably conservative, Republican-endorsing newspaper for generations. As long as it has existed, I think.
One of the above comments is in error. The News Editorial Board (3 editialists) did NOT endorse the Democrat Whitmer. 2 to 1, they endorsed Republican Bill Schuette for Governor. The rare split followed their even rarer posture in the 2016 Presidential race when Trump was the Republican nominee.
For the first time in its 143-year history at that time, the News endorsed someone other than the Republican nominee. They endorsed Libertarian Gary Johnson, calling Donald Trump “dangerous.”
Nice try, Chuck.
It’s very simple: Nolan Finley is a NeverTrumper.
My God you’re thick.
Ray SoCal said “ Testing is improving in the US, but I don’t understand why Ca is so far behind.
57,400 pending, and it has been that way for a day or two.
Total pending is 60,000 including CA.
US is now doing 105,000 tests per day.
CA seems to be doing 1000 tests per day.
As a CA resident, I’m worried.
Press seems to be MIA on this”
Let’s ask Miss Know It All Vicki from Pasadena why California is doing so poorly!
I think it must be Trump’s fault from what I read from her but maybe she will surprise us and say her public health officials suck.
Michael K lost this one badly. Facts trump opinions.
Definitely two movies!
Interesting projection.
>Michael K lost this one badly. Facts trump opinions.
In my movie based on facts with links, the MI Governor was unmasked as an ineffective political hack trying to shift the blame, playing politics with Coronavirus, and potentially increasing the death toll in Michigan.
Chuck provided a first hand report of a witness. What did MK provide to match that?
Ray-SoCal: "In my movie based on facts with links, the MI Governor was unmasked as an ineffective political hack trying to shift the blame, playing politics with Coronavirus, and potentially increasing the death toll in Michigan."
Indeed she did.
She's in full damage control now.
She's put out a message on Twitter calling for everyone to "lock arms and work together to defeat" Chinese Commie Bat/Pangolin Soup Flu.
That's a direct result of the pushback she's been getting for that letter threatening doctors and pharmacists.
Of course, we really can't be sure what's happening to ARM's satisfaction until we hear what the ChiCom Propaganda Ministry has to say. That happens to be ARM's "go to" source for "accurate" "facts" and figures.
Well we now have the Althousians variously praising and attacking Nolan Finley of the Detroit News on the very same page.
And we see that in TrumpWorld, all politics revolves around personal support for Trump. Not a lifetime of conservative principles.
ARM: "Chuck provided a first hand report of a witness. What did MK provide to match that?"
A perfect and relevant example as to why Chuck is full of crap on "compassionate use", which blows up the entire argument.
It's in the first line of what Michael K wrote. I'm not surprised you "missed" that, given your "shocking revelation" that the nation with 5 times the population of another has more cases of ChiCom virus than the smaller population nation.
BTW, any comment on the ChiComs refusing to test patients for the virus and how that might, uh, you know, skew their numbers...somewhat?
I agree with some of what Amity Shlaes says, but her lack of training in monetary economics means she misses quite a lot. My undergraduate degree was in Economics with a Statistics minor. My PhD was also in Economics and I worked at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors for 28 years. I do know a little about monetary economics. According to Wikipedia, Shlaes has no training beyond her undergraduate degree in English.
If I found myself in substantial disagreement with Michael K. or one of the other MDs who comment here about a medical issue, my first reaction would be to wonder what I was missing, not what they were missing. Shlaes would be more persuasive if she first made an effort to understand why there are no monetary economists who agree with her. If you want to learn something about it, I suggest starting with Scott Sumners' blog The Money Illusion.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "And we see that in TrumpWorld, all politics revolves around personal support for Trump. Not a lifetime of conservative principles."
"lifetime of conservative principles"
The latest in LLR-lefty Chuck's ongoing campaign: The "Conservative Case" for Supporting All Dems and Dem Policies At All Times
The wonder of it all is watching him toiling away for his dem allies thinking his tactics will work! Sometimes a job is just a job, even if victory is nowhere in sight, right Chuck?
Jeff: "If I found myself in substantial disagreement with Michael K. or one of the other MDs who comment here about a medical issue, my first reaction would be to wonder what I was missing, not what they were missing."
That's because you would be approaching this from an objective, just trying to understand, perspective.
Whereas LLR-lefty Chuck and ARM are simply trying to win the day's narrative/talking point battle for the democrats, and their desperation, driven by their boy's "performance" thus far, is causing them to panic quite a lot.
“Moments ago I hung my clothes out to dry in the warm sunshine here in southern AZ. This is an experience I was unable to enjoy all the years I lived in the PacNW. A mockingbird was singing gaily in the palm tree next door. It was a beautiful and idyllic half hour and I appreciated it fully. Thank you.”
Sounds wonderful. I can almost feel your AZ sunshine.
Dr. K you chose to take up the argument that Governor Whitmer outlawed the use of the chloroquine/Z pak protocol as allowed by the FDA, off-label, per compassionate use exceptions.
I pointed out that that is simply incorrect. I know for a fact it is being utilized right now in Michigan hospitals. And it is widely and well understood what sort of scenario might get a prescriber into trouble; something like a family practitioner who prescribed dosages for all 24 members of his immediate family, in case any of them feels like they are getting COVID-19, and without testing.
I do not believe that there is a single case in Michigan of a diagnosed hospital patient being denied the regimen. And I am not aware of any patient who has tested positive, and who is not responding to conventional treatment, who has been unable to take the regimen as a result of the Whitmer Administration determination.
This needs to be a very precise argument because the stakes are so important.
Jeff said...
If I found myself in substantial disagreement with Michael K. or one of the other MDs who comment here about a medical issue
But this is not a question about medicine, it is about facts and politics and Chuck is apparently a lawyer.
Whitmer's actions and statements today put the lie to ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck's defense of her.
She knows she stepped in it and now she is doing what she has to: downplaying it and calling for everyone to come together!
Because she cannot afford to keep pushing the same BS after the spotlight has illuminated her and her actions.
Besides, that's what she has LLR-lefty Chuck for!
You can always tell what is really happening not by what the politicians say but by what they are actually doing.
This is the mistake ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck keep making. They apparently believe this is still 1993 and the much MSM-praised Clintonite spin-meisters were lauded as the ultimate in communicators who could, in a wizard-like way, magically transform every political situation into a favorable one by the power of their words! Followed up by the sainted and "magnificent" obama!
Doesn't really work that way anymore. Far too many avenues for MSM-unapproved news to leak out.
But the old dogs can't learn new tricks, so here we are.
BCARM, I was not referring to the disagreement between Chuck and Michael K about the Governor of Michigan.
About that issue, I would ask Chuck: if what you say is true, why did Whitmer find it necessary to say or do anything at all about chloroquine? We've seen people hyping the (i) the story of some idiots who consumed unknown doses of fish tank cleaner, and (ii) a small Chinese study that yielded zero information about the effectiveness of chloroquine. (14 out of 15 non-chloroquine patients recovered as did 13 out of 15 chloroquine patients, which is about as non-informative as a study can be.) Why do you suppose that is?
Can you really not see that after three years of Russia! Russia! Russia! and the bogus impeachment show, you don't have to be a rabid Trump supporter to suspect that most criticism of Trump is politically motivated? Where do Whitmer and Sisolak get off telling medical professionals how to do their jobs?
Racist fopdoodle - who is banned but cannot stay away, almost like it is a job - defends Democratics.
News at 6 and11.
Governor Half says we should lock arms to fight Winnie Xi Flu.
Social closeness to fight the WuFlu?
Interesting theory.
Nothing like earning a nickname.
Uh oh.
"Wuhan reported only about 2,500 #coronavirus deaths, but 5,000 urns were delivered to one mortuary over just 2 days. “Wuhan has seven other mortuaries.” @shanghaiist
ARM hardest hit.
Jeff said...
Can you really not see that after three years of Russia! Russia! Russia! and the bogus impeachment show, you don't have to be a rabid Trump supporter to suspect that most criticism of Trump is politically motivated?
At this point all criticism of Trump is probably politically motivated. He is extraordinarily divisive. But, this doesn't mean that much of it isn't true. Not all, but much.
Similarly, all defenses of Trump are politically motivated. He has made fundamental mistakes that are simply ignored by his partisans. This doesn't mean he hasn't gotten anything right just a lot less than his partisans believe.
The Republican party is in turmoil at the moment, which exacerbates things. At some point this will resolve and things will go back to a more normal dialog between left and right.
The basic reason for the action on chloroquine by the Whitmer Administration is due to a concern that supplies of cholraquine on hand within the state were seen as “low,” and all health care providers wanted to avoid any shortages for (a) lupus patients who regularly take it on prescription and (b) an unknown number of hospitalized/diagnosed COVID-19 patients whose cases are so severe that the new “compassionate use” guidelines were applicable to them:
More excuses from Chuck who still ignores facts,.
the team found a clinical improvement in all but one 86 year-old patient who died, and one 74-year old patient still in intensive care unit. The team also found that, by administering hydroxychloroquine combined with azithromycin, they were able to observe an improvement in all cases, except in one patient who arrived with an advanced form, who was over the age of 86, and in whom the evolution was irreversible, according to a new paper published today in IHU Méditerranée Infection.
Interesting, Gov. Whitman gave the DNC Response to the state of the union.
On the statement:
>is apparently a lawyer.
Lawyers are trained to win, and they focus on the "Facts" that support their case. And yes, they are Selective on the "Facts" they use, because they want to win.
The use of the term "outlawed chloroquine" is a great example of a straw man argument.
Nobody is saying the Governor Outlawed the use of chloroquine. The accusation was she is playing politics.
And for some reason, which for a supposedly LLR I don't understand, our LLR commenter is defending her actions.
Mea Culpa - Chuck is right, I was wrong on The Detroit News Endorsing her for governor. There is a Detroit Free Press that did that I got mixed up The Detroit News.
I pointed out that that is simply incorrect. I know for a fact it is being utilized right now in Michigan hospitals.
I'm sure you know governor halfwit's phone number. There might be a reward.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Chuck provided a first hand report of a witness. What did MK provide to match that?
Another example of why I avoid technical comments here. Pearls and swine come to mind.
Good News!
Novartis intends to donate up to 130 million 200 mg doses by the end of May, including its current stock of 50 million 200 mg doses
The issue with Hydroxychloroquine is use needs to be early, and if you have delays in testing - Paging California, and you only try to use it after you have serious issues, it does not work that great.
Mea Culpa - Chuck is right, I was wrong ...
Stick with that, Ray, and you should be good to go.
You got off track again when you wrote this:
Nobody is saying the Governor Outlawed the use of chloroquine. The accusation was she is playing politics...
In fact, that is exactly what someone argued, and this is what I originally reacted to. First there was this untrue assertion:
Blogger clint said...
Is Governor Whitmer still threatening to yank the medical licenses of any doctor who prescribes Hydroxycholorquine for COVID?
Then this one:
Blogger Drago said...
Another key reason LLR-lefty Chuck has jumped in forcefully for Team Dem/Whitmer is Whitmer is one of 2 Utter Moron governors who have decided their medical treatment knowledge is superior to pretty much the entire Free World's medical understanding of the benefits of HC+Az.
Whitmer has outlawed its use for Chinese Communist Flu AND told pharmacies not to fill prescriptions fir those meds.
So yes, Ray; some of the commenters really are as stupid as I alleged. Again I was right. I’m not saying that YOU are that stupid; just that I was exactly right in what I wrote previously and unrelated to you.
Thanks for writing and have a good day.
Banned racist fopdoodles are the best sort of racist fopdoodles.
what part of schlaes is wrong, re the new deal, which failed the Hippocratic oath, hoover did more harm then good, turning a minor downturn into a Great Depression, Had Coolidge somehow been reelected, one might have been able to mitigate the damage
Michael K said...
Another example of why I avoid technical comments here.
Given how completely you disgraced yourself here one might think that some discretion would be your best option, but no, you attempt to imply that your made-up nonsense was a 'technical comment'.
our governor is arranging for samples of chloroquinine, and a new series of testing kits,
narciso: "our governor is arranging for samples of chloroquinine, and a new series of testing kits,"
Isn't it interesting that 48 governors felt no need to send threatening Lawfare letters to their doctors and pharmacists in the middle of a health crisis where off label medicines are needed to keep many people from dying?
And that both of those hack governors that did pull that stunt are democrat?
And that both ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck are going to the mat to defend that action?
That's okay. I'm sure the republicans will help remind the citizens of those states about that at the appropriate time and despite what democrats like ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck have to say, I doubt it will look very good.
Also keep in mind that there is currently a Full Democrat/LLR effort to cover up Whitmer's clear incompetence and failures and so anything LLR-lefty Chuck posts must always be placed within that context.
Chuck is a "sea lawyer"
exhelodrvr1: "Drago, Chuck is a "sea lawyer"
So very true.
Howard would enjoy that one too.
Alright, no more “Dr. K.”
Michael K., if you want to point us to the Powerline blog and suggest that the chloroquine/azythromicin regimen might just have some utility, be my guest. I don’t doubt it. I don’t think Governor Whitmer doubts it.
All that I insist on is the indisputable fact that Whitmer did not disallow the use in Michigan for particular cases of diagnosed COVID-19 . I am right about that, and I was always right about that, and nobody should be taking it unless very particular circumstances exist. The drug is certainly safe for some uses, but it is not without certain significant risks.
And of course the real, present social danger is that idiots who listen raptly to Trump and who get their medical information from Powerline, might do things to get themselves the drug when it is not efficacious, not advisable, and/or unreasonably risky. Social pressures like dumb statements from a President of the United States could put inordinate pressure on physicians to cut corners and overlook protocol guidelines to please their anxious patients.
You can agree or disagree with Governor Whitmer’s response in this case but there is a clear rationale for what she did; Trump mostly caused the problem in the first place by “selling” the “cure”, and in no instance has the newly experimentalized usage been denied to a Michigan patient who needed it.
LLR-lefty Chuck is going to be in Full Whitmer Protection Mode for an extended period of time.
He and his other Lifelong Conservatives....who all just so happen to have endorsed the entire democrat "conserve conservatism" electing democrats....
The one way that you know Biden is going to be replaced is that LLR-lefty Chuck has ceased providing round-the-clock defenses for Biden.
ARM simply hasnt gotten the memo yet.
maybe the macarena might work, or the electric slide, every day there is something crazier than the previous day,
It's looking like Trump wins bigly against the unseen enemy.
Jeff @2:00: I will check out Summer. And I acknowledge the terrible impact of the Fed policy decisions. But Schlaes showed convincingly that FDR and his Administration made the Great Depression worse and prolonged the suffering. That was my point. FDR’s experimental policy cures were worse than the economic disease, and this is seldom mentioned.
That said, I also don’t simply defer to people because of credentials and expertise. I’m sure the Fed at the time had lots of economists as advisers yet still made the disastrous monetary mistake you pointed out. For all the scientific and quantitative elements of economics, human beings will disagree on the diagnosis and possible remedies. Medical doctors do as well.
Respectfully, we live in a human system with real human choices. I find Schlaes’ narrative and analysis interesting because it is (a) so radically different from the conventional take on the Great Depression, and (b) she humanized it by pointing out the real impact of the Depression on “the forgotten nan.”
Any Doctor or Pharmacist in MI that happens to have donated to conservative causes and/or Trump should seek counsel now for the almost inevitable LLR-lefty Chuck approved Lawfare/Whitmer driven "investigations".
These will almost certainly mirror previous LLR-lefty Chuck approved attacks on conservatives like the IRS attacks on Tea Party groups and obama admin/govt attacks on major Romney donors like Frank VanderSloot.
Off-label use of a drug requires a compassionate use waiver from the FDA? I'm not saying that's not true, but I've never heard that before.
"Novartis intends to donate up to 130 million 200 mg doses by the end of May, including its current stock of 50 million 200 mg doses"
50 million doses seems like enough to address the current situation.
Hamilton 68 on the march, defending the Chinese, like they did the Russians, with their bogus proscription lists,
Original Mike: "Off-label use of a drug requires a compassionate use waiver from the FDA? I'm not saying that's not true, but I've never heard that before."
Fauci talks about that alot and always makes the point that even though the combo has not passed FDA trials for this virus it could still be used......
....but that still opens up any doctor or pharmacist to an investigation if the state or feds deem the investigation necessary...
And we've already seen in spades what a weaponized bureaucracy filled with dems and LLR's can do against conservatives.
The Whitmer letter was a threatening shot across the bow supported by only the hackiest of Chuck.
"Fauci talks about that alot and always makes the point that even though the combo has not passed FDA trials for this virus it could still be used......"
My understanding of the law, and I welcome correction if I'm wrong, is that physicians don't require any approval for prescribing off-label. This "compassionate use" talk would seem to be a red herring.
Economists like to think in terms of aggregate supply and aggregate demand. Aggregate demand is determined mostly by monetary policy. Lots of things can affect aggregate demand, but appropriate monetary policy can be quickly implemented to offset them. And a failure to do so is inexcusable.
The kinds of things Roosevelt did with the New Deal that made things worse were mostly things that negatively affect aggregate supply. Things that raise the cost of doing business reduce aggregate supply. One good example is an increase in oil prices.
Negative shocks to aggregate demand lead to unemployment and lower prices. In an economy experiencing inflation before the shock, you may only get a slowdown in inflation without going all the way to outright deflation (falling prices).
Negative shocks to aggregate supply also lead to unemployment, but with higher prices or rising inflation. The massive oil price increases of the 1970's had these effects.
The dead giveaway that the Depression was mostly an aggregate demand phenomena is the 25 percent drop in prices. That can only be the result of a huge drop in aggregate demand. And Friedman and Schwartz documented that the Federal Reserve allowed the M2 money supply to drop by a third from 1929 to 1933 while they sat on their hands.
Off-label use of a drug requires a compassionate use waiver from the FDA? I'm not saying that's not true, but I've never heard that before.
Maybe so but I know that physicians use off-label drugs that are not yet FDA approved for that diagnosis and they don't go to jail. In fact, it's very commonly done and I have personally benefited from it.
Original Mike: "My understanding of the law, and I welcome correction if I'm wrong, is that physicians don't require any approval for prescribing off-label. This "compassionate use" talk would seem to be a red herring."
The entire discussion started by Whitmer's horrible threatening political action should be called out. Repeatedly.
And to think she did it in the middle of a health crisis.
And LLR-lefty Chuck supports her.
Well. Is anyone really surprised?
mockturtle: "Maybe so but I know that physicians use off-label drugs that are not yet FDA approved for that diagnosis and they don't go to jail. In fact, it's very commonly done and I have personally benefited from it."
Exactly. Which is why the letter was completely unnecessary...
Let’s simplify this silly Whitmer spectacle. I am a Michigan resident, and am thus impacted by Governor Whitner’s decisions.
My position is that it is not smart for the Governor of Michigan to pick a public political fight with the President of the United States over aid we will likely need in the days, weeks and months ahead.
Whitmer has become a visible #Resistance fighter in this, and POTUS can crush her like an ant. I would prefer he have no reason to do so. Given the public health and economic stakes of this fight, I would like — indeed, I expect — her to be as constructive as possible.
The Mayor of Detroit is not baiting Vice President Pence and the Task Force. He is publicly thanking them.
If Whitmer is intelligent, she will recognize that all politicians have big egos, just as she certainly does. She’s shut down the entire State of Michigan with her stay-at-hope order. If this COVID-19 thing is so serious, and she knows that Trump likes appreciation, then she is being irresponsible as a high public official (in a fiduciary capacity) to sacrifice the needs of Michigan’s citizens for the sake of her political ambitions and the positioning of Democrats in November.
If this is serious, and you want something, then ante up. If all you have to do is stroke Trump’s ego because he’s a simpleton baboon, then do it, for God’s sake! Things are getting really bad in the City of Detroit, and we will need all the help we can get...
My wife just found out an hour ago that she’s been furloughed for three weeks, so things just got real in our household. And it’s likely because that stupid law Congress just passed doesn’t take effect until April 1. Her employer is (sensibly) trying to reduce their financial risk before the law turns them into a FMLA public works program or welfare charity. These kinds of legislative packages seek to mitigate the negative impact of things, but what they do is scare employers, who scramble to find their way around them. We’re now officially part of the collateral damage.
My understanding of the law, and I welcome correction if I'm wrong, is that physicians don't require any approval for prescribing off-label. This "compassionate use" talk would seem to be a red herring.
I think that is right.
Psychiatrists rarely prescribe tricyclic anti-depressants anymore because of the unpleasant side effects and the availability of better anti-depressants. However. tricyclics are widely prescribed off-label by doctors for people with pain and sleep issues.
Don't tell Lil' Chuckles. He wallows in his ignorance and obsessiveness.
Governor Half is walking back her lies.
Chuck and gadfly. Oh boy.
Got it, Jeff. Thanks
"mockturtle: "Maybe so but I know that physicians use off-label drugs that are not yet FDA approved for that diagnosis and they don't go to jail. In fact, it's very commonly done and I have personally benefited from it."
That's my point. They don't need "compassionate use" permission.
I was sincere in asking to be corrected if wrong. Chuck? Michael K?
Judging by the multiple over ask offers we have been getting the first day on the market for a house I am selling, I am thinking that inflation is a real possibility.
This "compassionate use" talk would seem to be a red herring."
Compassionate Use applies to the use of investigational drugs that are not normally available, typically cancer drugs. The use of remdesivir in this way was to get some from the maker before it was even in pharmacies.
The use was spectacularly successful and the government has ordered 200,000 doses. It is still in trials but the order is in place.
It has nothing to do with hydroxychloroquine which is an old drug in use 50 years.
Congrats, Tim in Vermont.
I see Chuck is still trying to defend Governor Halfwit.
That's what I thought,
So this is just an attempted power grab by the Michigan government. And the use of the concept of "compassionate use" is to make themselves look righteous.
Looks like Whitmer's father was a Republican and her mother was a Democrat. They divorced and she was close to her mother. Issues with Republicans?
Some questions about LLR Chuck too: I am a real lifelong Republican, and I've been active for many years. I became a Republican when I was in the military after my Vietnam service, when I was stationed in Asmara. Nixon moved to end the Vietnam war and opened up China. That's what made me a Republican, and I came from a family of Democrats.
I know many Republicans, most are very supportive of President Trump. A couple are never-Trumpers. Of the never-Trumpers, they are only against Trump, not all Republicans. LRR Chuck just doesn't fit in my lifelong experience as a Republican. He supports every Dem at every chance. It's much more likely he's a paid operative, in my opinion.
"Off label" generally applies to drugs that are approved for another purpose.
Xylocaine was used a local anesthetic for years and was used "off label" for Cardiac arrhythmias for years. I think it was finally approved by the sluggish FDA many years after it was standard treatment. Every ACLS protocol included it.
Given the lethal speed at which the FDA operates, currently approved drugs are the only hope of addressing the present crisis. God Speed to medical professionals willing to fight the virus and the bureaucracy.
And thank God I don't live in Michigan (though I do fear my own democrat governor).
Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD: "My wife just found out an hour ago that she’s been furloughed for three weeks, so things just got real in our household."
Very sorry to hear that.
Governor Whitmer is being exposed as a complete incompetent hack so she is attempting, with the help of a few hack helpers like LLR-lefty Chuck, to pull a Kathleen Blanco and lay everything off on Trump.
Sorry to hear that, Ignatius.
My wife is a medical imaging tech. Her department is not doing a lot of procedures because all electives have been cancelled. They're both reassigning people and talking about furloughs. She was going to retire June 1. After returning from our NZ vacation we have been working to accelerate that to Apr 10. She's 71 and I am immune compromised. We don't want her going back. We are appreciative to be in a position to get out.
Again; Governor Whitmer has said she is pleased to work with Vice President Pence.
Vice President Pence has said that he is pleased with Governor Whitmer’s efforts and he particularly singled out her “energy.”
The only problem is Trump. Just stfu and stay out of the stuff you don’t understand, President Dimwit.
You want to address the "compassionate use" issue, Chuck?
Blogger Original Mike said...
You want to address the "compassionate use" issue, Chuck?
No. But I will let FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn address it:
"He supports every Dem at every chance. It's much more likely he's a paid operative, in my opinion."
You're far from alone in that opinion.
"But neither chloroquine, a generic anti-malaria pill that was approved in the US in 1949, or remdesivir, an antiviral developed by Gilead Sciences, have completed clinical trials for use with COVID-19, so they are considered compassionate use options for the time being."
Per the discussion here, with respect to chloroquine, clinical trials are not required. Unless you've got information to the contrary.
Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD: What are you doing? This is the Internet! You're not allowed to be convinced by rational arguments here!
Kidding aside, thank you for being open-minded enough to give me a fair hearing. It doesn't happen often enough in this medium.
Original Mike, right now in Michigan hospitals as in other advanced hospitals all over the world, clinicians are giving chloroquine and antibiotics a try.
In Michigan, Governor Whitmer is not getting in the way of that.
At the same time, health care providers all over are essentially saying, “We don’t have a proven treatment for COVID-19. Let’s not start prescribing chloroquine casually; we have Lupus patients, Malaria patients and we may have a flood of hospitalized COVID patients who need those supplies...”
What the fuck is so hard to understand about that after more than 200 comments?
The new paper by Didier Raoult is impressive. No controls because he thinks it unethical to withhold a treatment that works from desperately ill patients. But this time around they have 80 patients and all but one got better. The story about this is already 22 hours old, and so far no one but the Powerline blog seems to be paying any attention. Guess Trump will have to Tweet it for people to find out about it.
" right now in Michigan hospitals as in other advanced hospitals all over the world, clinicians are giving chloroquine and antibiotics a try."
Yeah, and what we really need is the governors getting in the way.
More Chuck bullshit.
At the same time, health care providers all over are essentially saying, “We don’t have a proven treatment for COVID-19.
Sounds like your inept practitioner clients are worried. Everybody else knows what to do.
When this is over, those people who say "We don’t have a proven treatment for COVID-19." are going to need good med mal lawyers.
I don't recommend you.
Blogger Chuck said...
Again; Governor Whitmer has said she is pleased to work with Vice President Pence.
Still, Chuck wants you to know that half-whit saying the only problem is Trump is proof that half-whit's only problem is Trump.
This fucking guy-
To this very day Gretchen repeatedly repeats the lie that Trump said governors are on their own.
Drago: Thanks, it means a lot. I’m glad your bite (or punch) isn’t as bad as your handle. This is a good place to be vulnerable. Safe, I dare say.
Blogger Original Mike said...
" right now in Michigan hospitals as in other advanced hospitals all over the world, clinicians are giving chloroquine and antibiotics a try."
Yeah, and what we really need is the governors getting in the way.
How exactly do you think she is getting in the way of any legitimate usage of the protocol, as the Trump Administration fast-tracked the approved compassionate use? I entered these comments pages today by saying I knew of someone getting it, right now, here in Michigan.
Ignatius, you have my sympathy. My stepson was a pastry chef at a restaurant in a downtown DC hotel, and they shut it down and laid everyone off. It may be months before he can work again. This really sucks.
How exactly do you think she is getting in the way of any legitimate usage of the protocol, as the Trump Administration fast-tracked the approved compassionate use?
She has instilled a concern in physicians in Michigan about problems if they prescribe HC for the virus. The process is the punishment,. Ever heard that ?
Next it is NOT "compassionate use!" Try to get the terms right. Hydroxychloroquine has been an FDA approved drug for 50 years !
Off label =/= "Compassionate Use." I thought lawyers cared about language. Maybe you are not a lawyer after all.
What does the governor bring to the party?
What kind of conservative are you?
Jeff @ 7:15:
But I still don’t trust “experts,” all kidding aside.
And I do have a sense of humor. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Does remdesivir need a compassionate use waiver?
Chuck, what seems to be the case is that chloroquine is most effective when used very soon after infection, ideally even before the symptoms start showing up 5 days later. And it can work as a prophylactic for health care workers. Neither of these uses meets with the Governor's, or your, approval. We want people starting the treatment before they get sick enough to need hospitalization, so they don't end up there. Do you get it yet? No centralized authority can possibly deal with cases that early; we need primary care physicians and urgent care centers handing these meds out like Easter candy. Stop trying to substitute your TDS for the medical judgement of people like Dr. K who know what they're talking about.
“Again; Governor Whitmer has said she is pleased to work with Vice President Pence.”
You fucking fool, you’re proving my point!
POTUS makes the decisions, not the VP.
You are so thick.
Does remdesivir need a compassionate use waiver?
I think the answer is yes, because it has not been approved for anything yet. Chloroquine and Zithromax don't need the waiver because they are already approved drugs for other conditions, and physicians don't need permission to prescribe them for off-label use.
"Novartis intends to donate up to 130 million 200 mg doses by the end of May, including its current stock of 50 million 200 mg doses"
Chloroquine doesn't even seem to be in short supply.
"Chloroquine and Zithromax"
Is that the promising treatment everyone is pursuing?
"No centralized authority can possibly deal with cases that early; we need primary care physicians and urgent care centers handing these meds out like Easter candy. "
A conservative would understand that.
Michael K.;
If you are in infectious diseases, internal medicine or critical care, and you have an inpatient who has tested positive for COVID-19, and you are fighting pneumonia or something similar with that patient, no one in Michigan is going to stop you from using chloroquine and a Z-pak.
If you are a family practitioner with no hospital-based practice, you should almost certainly not be prescribing it for suspected COVID-19 patients. The vast majority of patients with diagnosed COVID should not get it. Many patients who are swabbed and who test positive should not get it.
The Whitmer order was speaking to the dumbfucks who get their news and opinions from the places that you get your news and opinions. Who might be pressuring their doctors to prescribe it for them. It was needed social pushback against the deplorables who are barely smarter than the FNC-watching couple from AZ who drank their fish tank cleaner because it contained something that looked like chloroquine on the label.
Yes, that is science at work in the form of “natural selection.” It is a philosophically interesting notion; whether a pandemic that selectively affected Trump supporters would be a net benefit to the world. But I think that’s beyond our discussion for now.
Chuck, let me explain this to you...
Whitmer puts shit out there. It scares people. In this case, medical practitioners.
They defensively “pivot’ to a defensive position.
The threat causes response. It’s not complicated.
And people will die. But that’s the price of politics, right? Because Trump is soooooooo evil, right?
Gretchen Whitmer seems to think so...
Dangerous for Michigan, and for the rest of the USA.
Chuck @8:11 PM:
Like the intellectually and scientifically sophisticated Jenny McCarthy antivaxxers, Chuck?
You are a remarkably silly person.
Blogger Jeff said...
Chuck, what seems to be the case is that chloroquine is most effective when used very soon after infection, ideally even before the symptoms start showing up 5 days later. And it can work as a prophylactic for health care workers. Neither of these uses meets with the Governor's, or your, approval. We want people starting the treatment before they get sick enough to need hospitalization, so they don't end up there. Do you get it yet? No centralized authority can possibly deal with cases that early; we need primary care physicians and urgent care centers handing these meds out like Easter candy. Stop trying to substitute your TDS for the medical judgement of people like Dr. K who know what they're talking about.
John Roberts of Fox News asked Dr. Fauci specifically about prophylactic use of the drugs in question and the answer was a fast, flat, “No.”.
Here is the transcript and the video of that:
If you are a family practitioner with no hospital-based practice, you should almost certainly not be prescribing it for suspected COVID-19 patients. The vast majority of patients with diagnosed COVID should not get it. Many patients who are swabbed and who test positive should not get it.
See, this is why you should shut up and go away, Chuck. This is exactly wrong. It's a recipe for the unnecessary death of tens of thousands, and the lifelong consequences of scarred lungs for hundreds of thousands. It is not just stupid, it is positively insane. Only someone truly deranged could think this.
And just stop.
And just stop.
The partisan reflex is just silly.
Thank you.
Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...
Chuck @8:11 PM:
Like the intellectually and scientifically sophisticated Jenny McCarthy antivaxxers, Chuck?
You are a remarkably silly person.
The one single most notable Vaxxer in modern American life isn’t Jenny McCarthy; it isn’t Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
It’s Donald J. Trump.
Trump should do these talks like good commanders do at Commander's Call in the Air Force. The commander come in all positive, gives out medals and Letters of Appreciation. Tells everyone to keep up the good work. Then he leaves. Then the Vice Commander and/or First Sgt. goes into details about what needs to be done next. If anybody needs to be chewed out, they do it, not the commander. He remains always positive.
Tucker Carlson interviewed a doctor treating corona patients in NYC, and asked him if he was worried about getting the virus.
He said no..
Because he's taking off brand cloroquine as a prophylactic. Also he's type-O.
So Chuck is fucking wrong again.
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Anthony Fauci, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:
"No. The answer is, is no. And the the evidence that you're talking about, John, is anecdotal evidence. So as the commissioner of FDA and the president mentioned yesterday, we're trying to strike a balance between making something with a potential of an, of an effect to the American people available at the same time that we do it under the auspices of a protocol that would give us information to determine if it's truly safe and truly effective. But the information that you're referring to specifically is anecdotal. It was not done in a controlled clinical trial. So you really can't make any definitive statement about it."
An FDA controlled clinical trial will take a year. They are the problem.
Chuck, Dr Fauci is an overworked bureaucrat who isn't up on what the French are doing. He's too busy doing interviews and calling for everyone to wait a couple of decades until the FDA has crossed every T and dotted every I to spend the time reading the Internet, which is where you find the latest info in this fast-moving crisis. There is only one treatment that works and is currently widely available. Any doctor who doesn't use it is killing his patients. For what? The greater glory of the FDA?
The doctor also confirmed what I had already thought-
Respirators are not the "life-saving" tool it's being hyped up to be. It's the last resort and nearly all patients die once they have to be put on a ventilator. All other treatment have failed and there's not much they can do at that point.
Jeff, you seem to be suggesting that all of these are okay scenarios to be prescribed a regimen of chloroquine and azithromicin:
~ A patient who is suspected of having COVID;
~ A patient who was exposed to COVID, and who feels bad but does not have a fever above 100;
~ A patient who tested positive for COVID, but who is responding to conservative symptomatic treatment.
I know for a fact that such patients ARE NOT GETTING chloroquine etc., and they should not be getting it. And Governor Whitmer’s directive does nothing but back up that standard of care.
Blogger Browndog said...
The doctor also confirmed what I had already thought-
Respirators are not the "life-saving" tool it's being hyped up to be. It's the last resort and nearly all patients die once they have to be put on a ventilator. All other treatment have failed and there's not much they can do at that point.
It is false to suggest that most infectious diseases patients on ventilators die.
It is certainly true that patients who require long periods of vent support can become ventilator dependent and can die as a result.
In any event ventilators are just about the a-number-1 tool of critical care.
"It is false to suggest that most infectious diseases patients on ventilators die."
He didn't say that. He said the prognosis for Covid patients who reach the ventilator stage is poor.
Do you have data to the contrary?
I am neutral on the drugs issue, but, almost all drugs in clinical trials fail or, at best, perform less well than expected. Of those drugs that do succeed in clinical trials they are almost all less effective when used clinically over longer time periods.
Drug development is very difficult, time consuming and frustratingly prone to failure. Anti-viral drugs have been particularly problematic, look at how long it took to get an effective treatment for AIDS, with vast resources invested. And finally, drug trials without appropriate controls are worse than useless, all noise and no data.
I read Art of the Deal and impressed by story about skating rink.
speaking of craving appreciation
(2019)Eyewitness News ABC7NY
Donald Trump honored in 1986 for reopening Wollman Rink in Central Park | WABC Vault
•Oct 23, 2019
Two ice skating rinks in Central Park are now removing the Trump name, even though the Trump Organization still runs both rinks. The Parks Department didn't give a reason why.
But in 1986 -- 33 years ago -- Donald Trump was lauded by New York City for revitalizing Wollman Rink and honored by Mayor Ed Koch.
Chuck, 460 people died today of covid. Tomorrow there will be more than 500. Meanwhile, there's a doctor in Minnesota trying to get 1500 patients into a proper trial with controls, but so far he's got less than 500 takers. Why would anyone with an IQ above room temperature agree to participate and quite possibly be assigned to the control group when there's already a treatment that's working?
The first instinct of the FDA is to suppress the information that there is a working treatment because you want to be absolutely certain that it works and that no puppies or kittens will be harmed. But you can't. Censorship like that is not possible in today's world. And so the large double-blinded clinical trials the FDA longs for probably aren't going to happen.
Even if clinical trials for chloroquine do get done, it's unlikely that they will report results before the end of April. And there's no reason to think that they will actually provide much information. For example, what dose will be used? How often? For how long? To answer questions like that, you need even more studies, and you need those questions answered before you start the trial against controls, because a trial with a sub-optimal treatment does not tell you how effective the optimal treatment would be.
The way you get information about what works and what doesn't in the messy real world is that thousands of doctors try hundreds of different things and they talk to each other about what seems to be working and what doesn't. The gold-standard controlled trials to validate their judgement and experience will come later. Millions of patients can't wait for the FDA and it's risk-averse culture to finish.
Blogger Jeff said...
Chuck, Dr Fauci is an overworked bureaucrat who isn't up on what the French are doing. He's too busy doing interviews and calling for everyone to wait a couple of decades until the FDA has crossed every T and dotted every I to spend the time reading the Internet, which is where you find the latest info in this fast-moving crisis. There is only one treatment that works and is currently widely available. Any doctor who doesn't use it is killing his patients. For what? The greater glory of the FDA?
After about 38 years of his national leadership in infectious diseases policy, I think I’ll trust Dr. Fauci. I will leave the truck driving to you guys. You can pick up Rush Limbaugh on the AM radio.
After about 38 years of his national leadership in infectious diseases policy, I think I’ll trust Dr. Fauci. I will leave the truck driving to you guys.
Chuck is going with the guy who did not have a test that worked and wants to wait a year or two to see if Hydroxychloroquine works.
Just the lawyer I want,
The airplane is flying now, Chuck. Look up sometime.
I trust Dr. Fauci to protect his turf and his butt. Chloroquine and Zithromax are FDA approved drugs. We should use them.
Drug development is very difficult, time consuming and frustratingly prone to failure.
Who knew that ARM was a pharmacologist post doc?
Jeff, you seem to be suggesting that all of these are okay scenarios to be prescribed a regimen of chloroquine and azithromicin:
~ A patient who is suspected of having COVID;
~ A patient who was exposed to COVID, and who feels bad but does not have a fever above 100;
~ A patient who tested positive for COVID, but who is responding to conservative symptomatic treatment.
I know for a fact that such patients ARE NOT GETTING chloroquine etc., and they should not be getting it. And Governor Whitmer’s directive does nothing but back up that standard of care.
No, most of them are not getting chloroquine today because there isn't enough available yet. But there will be very soon. If Trump offered to buy a billion doses at $10 per dose, there'd be a mad scramble to produce what is, after all, an easily manufactured generic drug that was selling for less a dollar per dose two months ago. Hell, for that much money the Chinese and Indians would sell it to us.
Both azithromycin and chloroquine are old drugs that have been prescribed millions of times. They are among the safest drugs there are. Apparently you do have to pay attention to the QT interval, but as the French doctors report, that is easily managed. So, let's suppose that under the combined scenarios you listed above that only 10 percent of the people we give the drugs to actually need it. Some 20 percent of cases require hospitalization under the current regime and 5 of those 20 die or have serious permanent lung damage. It's not unreasonable to think that at least half of those bad outcomes could be avoided by liberal early use of the drugs. So, we treat 1000 people at a cost of say, $500 per person including office visits. That's a half-million dollars spent. But we avoid 20 hospitalizations of at least five days each, save a couple of lives, and avoid lung damage to 3 others. I think that's a bargain, don't you?
Moreover, with a working treatment that lessens the load on hospitals, we can all go back to work much sooner. Unless there's a vaccine before the end of this year, it's likely that almost everyone is going to be exposed to the virus. It's just too infectious to stop via social distancing. Even the South Koreans are finding that out. But if there's a treatment, this is much less scary, and we can get on with the building of herd immunity.
Why do we waste time and energy responding to Lil' Chuckles and ARM?
They are easy to ignore, but then they become so freakin' annoying ...
jeff, you are right. This stuff is easy. DDT cured malaria by killing mosquitoes.
Instead we got politics. The Chucks of the world said "We can't use DDT because it might harm pelican eggs."
500 million children died,
Who cares?
So, we treat 1000 people at a cost of say, $500 per person including office visits. That's a half-million dollars spent. But we avoid 20 hospitalizations of at least five days each, save a couple of lives, and avoid lung damage to 3 others. I think that's a bargain, don't you?
Yup, I do but Chuck doesn't.
There is no "standard of care". That's the problem.
Given the safety profile H+A and increasing indication it is better early in illness, we have supply issues dictating policy. (I guess that boatlod from Israel didn't make a dent)
Given the primary patient age range for this, worse odds for extubation.
Arghh, a math mistake. I meant to say we treat 2000 people at a cost of $1 million. And I think my 10 percent number is really much too low. I would guess that at least 25 percent of the people who got the drugs in my scenario would benefit, not just 10 percent.
New York has a population of 20 million. 103 New Yorkers died from Covid today. The disease takes three weeks from infection to death, and it kills about 1 percent of the people who get infected. So 100 deaths today implies 10,000 infections three weeks ago. But in the ensuing 21 days, given a four-day doubling time, the number of infections has doubled five times, i.e., it is now 640 thousand. That's 3.2 percent of the population. Twelve days from now 25 percent will be infected. At that point it makes no sense to even bother with testing. Just give the drugs to everyone. The rest of the country is no more than a couple of weeks behind New York. If we don't come up with mass treatments very soon, we're going to lose a couple of million people. Most of those deaths can be avoided, but not if we allow people addled by TDS to delay those treatments.
Now, perhaps the doubling time is now longer than four days. Maybe it takes more than twelve days to get to 25 percent infected. But by the end of April? Hard to see how we avoid it. Containment has failed, and social distancing is only slowing it down, not stopping it. We need to treat tens of thousands of people right now, and millions next week.
Here’s what the Michigan letter says:
Prescribing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine without further proof of efficacy for treating COVID-19 or with the intent to stockpile the drug may create a shortage for patients with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or other ailments for which chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are proven treatments. Reports of this conduct will be evaluated and may be further investigated for administrative action. Prescribing any kind of prescription must also be associated with medical documentation showing proof of the medical necessity and medical condition for which the patient is being treated. Again, these are drugs that have not been proven scientifically or medically to treat COVID-19.
This isn’t hard to parse. The letter is warning physicians that they can be investigated and punished if they prescribe hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for any unproven medical use, and especially “without further proof of efficacy for treating COVID-19.” If the intent were what Chuck describes, it shouldn’t have been written this way.
What nonsense it is that politicians would override physicians.
Ca ca.
I have always thought the double blind requirement to be half Mengele and half Hippocratic Oath
What are your arguments for Mengele?
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Michael K said...
Another example of why I avoid technical comments here.
Given how completely you disgraced yourself here one might think that some discretion would be your best option, but no, you attempt to imply that your made-up nonsense was a 'technical comment'.
I could not come up with a better example of why this is a totally political blog with zero interest in science.
ARM is a nasty leftist commenter who lies when he doesn't have to.
I could not come up with a better example of why this is a totally political blog with zero interest in science.
ARM is a nasty leftist commenter who lies when he doesn't have to.
Some of us appreciate your presence here. Even when we disagree.
Where the hell is Ken B when we have a racist fopdoodle infestation?
I'm sure that if ARM or Chuck came down with the Wuhan flu, they would absolutely refuse to be treated with Hydroxychloroquine.
Dying to own Trump is really taking TDS to a new level. But of course, they wouldn't refuse it. They don't mind other people suffering and dying to own Trump, though.
Gotta love Cuomo blathering about nearly endless vents w/o factoring in staffing required. They're magical machines, apparently.
Trump fans; please do not read this interesting and enlightening article by Paige Williams in the New Yorker:
You will run into paragraphs like this, which will only confuse you:
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists soon reported a shortage of HCQ. By Sunday, at least four state pharmacy boards—in Idaho, Ohio, Nevada, and Texas—had restricted prescriptions. (The list has now grown to include Kentucky, North Carolina, and Oklahoma.) At least one board also restricted azithromycin. Katherine Rowland, a pharmacist in Eugene, Oregon, tweeted, “Well it finally happened to me. A dentist just tried to call in scripts for hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin for himself, his wife, & another couple (friends). nope. I have patients with lupus that have been on HCQ for years and now can’t get it because it’s on backorder.” A lupus patient in Maryland told a reporter for Undark Magazine that she never worried about a drug shortage but was now terrified that, without the medication that protects her organs from inflammation, her immune system would turn on her. “I’ll suffocate,” she said.
What I hope that Trump fans will do, is to hoard all the drugs that they can get their brother in law dentist (he loves to listen to Rush while he works, so if you’re a patient I hope you like Rush), and then take them. All at once, I hope.
Seriously, it is a wonderful read in the New Yorker. Of course most of you will hate it.
I cannot wait for a Blog Administrator to happen along.
A bit of that fish tank cleaner goes down nice with a slug of Tanqueray.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Hahahaha.
After about 38 years of his national leadership in infectious diseases policy, I think I’ll trust Dr. Fauci. I will leave the truck driving to you guys. You can pick up Rush Limbaugh on the AM radio."
Weekends or extended periods at home are the best because that is when LLR-lefty Chuck has had his fill of G&T's and the LLR mask falls all the way off.
All. The. Way.
In the past, weekends provided us with LLR-lefty Chuck's racist postings, dreams of assaulting women, attacking children, etc.
I can see this period is going to be one for the ages!
Seriously, we should start a pool to guess the number of far left democrat hacks LLR-lefty Chuck will passionately defend combined with the number of conservative republicans LLR-lefty Chuck viciously attacks.
I can guarantee its going to be a very large number in deed.
I'll go first: 120, 80 dems passionately defended, 40 republicans aggressively attacked.
Needless to say the following is implied: 0 democrat hacks attacked, 0 conservative republicans defended.
Today we have already seen what, 3 or 4 dem hacks defended and 0 conservative republicans defended? (I am probably low balling the dems defended #)
Keep Hope all costs.
Because Truuuuuummmmmmp!
Whitlessmer would rather choke off demand than expand supply.
"conserve conservatism"
Pinned Tweet
George Conway
People are dying because of it, and yet we still aren’t having a frank national discussion about @realDonaldTrump
’s psychological unfitness for office?
Michigan has HUGE ISSUES.
For March 28, 2020
29% Positives for March 28 with 2,559 tests done today. Number of tests done historically has been very low, they were at 500 a day on Wednesday.
Michigan probably has 92,000 infected based on the death rate per a formula Steve Sailor figured out. MI only seemed to start doing lots of testing on March 11, probably batching it.
SWAG - Michigan needs to increase their testing by X10.
CA is both better and worse. Only 18% positives. CA still has 64,000 tests pending. And yes, I am VERY WORRIED about CA, since I live here. MI I visited once for a trade show a long time ago in Detroit.
Both states are increasing # of positives about 15-20% per day
Browsing the data, you can see which states are in huge problems. NY is at around 34% positives per tests done and probably have 385,000 infected. They are doing around 14,000 tests a day. And the amount Positive is increasing.
What a high positive rate tells me, is they are only testing people that show symptoms, or are very high risk. The issue is not enough testing is getting done. CDC guidelines on testing I understand are still horrible on who should be tested for Coronavirus.
It's strange I am not hearing anything about Coronavirus in the Homeless communities in the US yet.
"It's strange I am not hearing anything about Coronavirus in the Homeless communities in the US yet."
Inherently underdiagnosed/documented for a host of reasons.
Maybe few reporters investigating.
But definitely a wild card factor for parts of CA
Sigmund Friedrich Retweeted
Jim Hoft
Mar 27
Michigan Man with Coronavirus Has Near-Death Experience - Is Saved by Hydroxychloroquine Treatment... Then UNLOADS on Liberal Gov. for Denying Life-Saving Drug to the Sick @100PercFEDUP
via @gatewaypundit
Michael Coudrey
Mar 28
Healthcare workers in India have been told to take Hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure to help protect against coronavirus infection.
ICMR advises use of hydroxy-chloroquine to shield health workers against corona infection
Amid rising coronavirus cases in the country, the national task force for Covid-19 constituted by Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) has recommended hydroxy-chloroquine as a preventive...
Michael K is a bad loser on top of all his other failings.
All major cities should be quarantined. But Cuomo complains that it would be 'un-American'. The gall of that guy!
“Sounds wonderful. I can almost feel your AZ sunshine.”
Nice in the winter. But 110-120 in the summer is brutal. When I first moved here, over 20 years ago, the dry heat of 100 in AZ was preferable, to me, to the much damper 90 degree heat in Austin. But PHX has gotten more humid, as it became the 5th most populous metro area in the country. My secretary told me that they would lose maybe 9” of water a day in evaporation from their pool. They ultimately filled it, as did my partner’s ex. There are still probably well over 100k pools in the metro area, evaporating at that rate. Moreover, transplants from Chicago miss their grass. A lot of grass still, that also needs watering.
We spend 6 months a year out of PHX, because it makes it very hard to do much outdoors for maybe 4 of them. Usually, we head north about two weeks from now, but it might be delayed getting into the new house. Mid April and mid October migrations seems to work well. Heading south later or north earlier risks early/late season blizzards. And later risks 100 degrees in PHX.
DR K seems to like Tucson. It doesn’t have the human induced humidity problems (keep in mind, the humidity in PHX is still, except in monsoon season, significantly lower than in most of the country. Just not as dry as we would like.
Appreciate having a monetary economist (or close enough for government work) here participating. Took my first monetary economics class in grad school (MBA) in the early Carter Administration. The Fed seemed, at the time, to be trying to inflate us out of our malaise, and instead we just got more inflation. The prof would rant and rave almost every class.
Keep up the commenting.
"Maybe GHWB"
You misspelled Reagan.
"Trump is no FDR."
Much less racist.
"For the first time in its 143-year history at that time, the News endorsed someone other than the Republican nominee. They endorsed Libertarian Gary Johnson, calling Donald Trump “dangerous.”
Chuck is still fighting the last war, or an election in 1992.
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