"We have guided missiles but misguided policy. We have minesweepers in the Persian Gulf but there is a great need for drug sweepers in the Gulf of Mexico. Now economically we must stop the process of mergin', purgin', and submergin': Mergin' corporations, purgin' workers, and submergin' our economy. We have in this country welfare and jail care, when we should have work fair and child care. Now from the poor house to the courthouse to the state house to the White House: If not now, when? If not me, who? If not -
"I'm sorry, Pat, what was that question?"
Carl Weathers as the Reverend Jackson, on SNL, back in the day (1988?)
At the height of his power, Jesse simply told the Dem Party to give him a private plane, give him free reign to shake down corporate America, and give him mostly anything he wanted -- or he keeps running.
But Jesse is now 78, (same age as Bernie!) and way too old to have as much influence, as he once did.
The great friend of Calypso Louie and Crown Heights Al, none other than Hymie Town Jesse is shilling for the atheist Communist now "rediscovering" Jew. Marvelous.
cubanbob said... Browndog Obama chose Biden for life insurance. No one would Obama and make that moron president. The question is who will Biden pick as his Biden?
3/9/20, 11:40 AM
Laughably, Biden was said to have added "gravitas" to the '08 ticket, but cubanbob's take is more accurate.
They'll have to do the reverse this year. Biden will have to pick a Cheney, someone who projects competence because Biden pitifully does not. The question is: which Dem projects competence? (Note that I don't say someone who actually is competent.)
Gojuplyr831@gmail.com:"Could be a case of payback. Under Obama, Jackson got pushed to the background. He may see Biden will continue that trend."
It wasn't only Jackson that opposed obama. Remember that Sharpton called obama "Barack the magic negro".
This is understandable at a human level. Jackson and Sharpton had spent decades and countless hours developing and refining their racial shakedown grifts and along comes obama and simply picks up the mantle and goes right to the front of the racial shakedown artist class.
Perfectly understandable human jealousy and bitterness.
Biden was put on the ticket because Obama was an empty suit who happened to be black at a time when it seemed safe to try a black president. Remember the primaries were all before the big crash of 2008.
Back in the '80's, I nearly got trampled because I was standing in the most dangerous place in the world - in between Jackson and a TV camera. He was walking out of a DC public library just as I was walking past. I had to admit he cut an impressive figure in those days. I was not a fan of his, but I thought he was strikingly handsome in a way that didn't really come though on TV. But that was then (during his failed presidential run)...
"Barack had no experience, Biden had spent years in the Senate. Barack went to a liberal church run by a black nationalist, he was Catholic. Barack had Muslim middle name, his name was 'Joe.'"
Jesse's been doing this same rally speech for 45 years and still oddly mesmerizing. I guess it's all new to many in the Bernie crowd. I give credit to Jesse for staying loyal to those who were loyal to him, even though he knows Bernie's campaign is a losing cause.
cubanbob said... Browndog Obama chose Biden for life insurance. No one would Obama and make that moron president. The question is who will Biden pick as his Biden?
Hell, even I would've jumped in front of a gun and taken a bullet meant for Obama just to keep Biden away from the presidency, and I can't stand the guy.
As for Jesse Jackson, he's always for sale to the highest bidder. Bernie's check must have cleared first.
The stock market it giving you a little glimpse into your Bernie Future. The grifters (looking at you, Rev. Jackson) do just fine while the rest of you watch your 401K become a 201K.
1-Biden or Bernie beats Trump. 2- The economy tanks. 3- As a result, a great majority of the American people beg Trump to run for president in 2024 to bring back the Trump economy.
The reason Figurehead Joe is a formidable candidate, obviously, has nothing to do with Figurehead Joe.
The man is lost, confused and unimpressive. He's basically just outlasted everyone in the DC Swamp over the past 50 years.
But, as the appointed figurehead of the Dem apparatus and Deep State assholes (Brennan, Comey) he remains formidable. Bernie will simply lose the national election, because the country isn't socialist (yet), and the Dem moneymen in New York, would rather lose the election than lose their money.
So, Biden is the Man. And the press will largely ignore his shortcomings, ignore Hunter Biden in Ukraine, ignore his gaffes, and boost him whenever they can.
The guy is almost guaranteed 47% just to start.
It'll be a close election, sadly. Gotta fight hard in November for DJT. Time and money.
Jessie Jackson is an ancient charlatan with dwindling influence and significance. How many black primary voters will choose Bernie over Biden because of this endorsement? My guess is very few.
Who was it that called Dole "the tax collector for the Welfare State"?
It might have been Newt. Dole voted conservative when it suited him politically.
Some of that was due to his obsession with the budget which is why he delayed Reagan's tax cut and lost the Senate in 1982.
He was also known as "The Senator from Archer Daniels Midland." That was before Ethanol which is now the farmer's push button. One reason I kind of liked McCain was because he was the only Republican who called ethanol a boondoggle.
To me it's telling Jesse waited until after the South Carolina primary before he endorsed Bernie. If he really wanted Bernie to win he would have endorsed him before that primary, and campaigned for him there.
In many ways South Carolina is the historical ground zero for the African American subculture. It was the South Carolina primary in 2008 where Obama took charge of the Democrat nominating process that year, thanks in large part to Oprah.
But I guess Jesse didn't want Bernie to win that bad.
"I had to admit he cut an impressive figure in those days. I was not a fan of his, but I thought he was strikingly handsome in a way that didn't really come though on TV."
Ten years ago I worked in a state government building. One time I was walking down a hallway, and Jesse Jackson emerged with a bunch of state representatives. He must have seen me do a slight double-take. He smiled and nodded, and I did the same back.
I have to admit, he had a presence about him. I never liked him or cared for his politics. But at that moment, he was larger than life. Not because of his celebrity, but because of his air of authority. It's hard to describe, but some people have something unusual about them that commands attention. Maybe "charisma" is the word. Jackson had it. I came away from that very brief interaction feeling electrified, in spite of myself.
Of course, now he's past his prime, so I think his endorsement is too little too late. Plus his reputation has never recovered from paying his mistress with funds for the poor.
A Democrat who projects an air of competence as the Vice President on the Biden-X ticket?
Now that's a head scratcher. I've love to see a Biden Schiff ticket (so they could both lose)--but Schiff just excelled in the local primary for his Congressional re-election.
The Democrat bench is pretty thin these days; look at the clown car of this year's Presidential candidates. If you went down below for a big state Democrat governor, I suppose Gavin Newsome from California might be a prospect. But he's a lightweight at best. Whether it's Biden or Bernie or any other Democrat California is pretty much assured to vote "not Trump" this year.
I think the Republican bench will be thin in 2024. Strong Presidents tend to suck the air out of the party below them.
The only time I can remember seeing Jesse in person was in 1966-67 when my church had a youth project tutoring kids in Lawndale. This was during the Operation PUSH phase. Jesse wore a bright orangish dashiki and had an Afro about two feet wide.
I didn't say it was new. Jesse had his day. It's Obama now. And Jesse saw that coming which is why he famously said he wanted to cut Obama's balls off.
Among blacks? Democrats? No. I think he doesn't want to back a loser, especially against Trump. Too much for his ego. And what's in it for him?
"Bob Boyd said... I laughed at the "now." His influence is not new.
I didn't say it was new. Jesse had his day. It's Obama now. And Jesse saw that coming which is why he famously said he wanted to cut Obama's balls off."
That was 12 years ago.
"Bob Boyd said... I laughed at the "now." His influence is not new.
I didn't say it was new. Jesse had his day. It's Obama now. And Jesse saw that coming which is why he famously said he wanted to cut Obama's balls off.
Use it or lose it. Lose what? He has no future office to run for. What does he have to gain by supporting Joe "big time?" I think he and the Dems know Joe is whacko and will lose. No way fuccking Barry will want any of that.
I don't think the democrat primary is over despite Bernie's best efforts to tank his own candidacy.
Agreed. I can see Biden being hit with allegations of nepotism. Especially, since his son has a preference for hookers, and can't stay out of the newspaper.
Biden walks into Milwaukee as the presumed candidate. I don't think he walks out with that same mantle.
Nikki Haley and Ted Cruz will both be strong candidates if they choose to run. Mike Pence, coming off of a 8 years of Trump success, would also be a good candidate if he chooses to run.
I wonder if Jesse still has the shirt with Martin Luther King's blood on it.
He rode that horse for a long time while the senior people in the movement despised him as a two-bit showboat. Jesse made it work for him. His family might be wealthier than Joe Bidens.
My prediction: Obama will publicly endorse Biden after Michigan if its a blowout. He's already PRIVATELY endorsed him, by putting pressure on others to drop out after super Tuesday. So far, has any Senator or Governor (outside of VT) endorsed Bernie? I don't think so. The Establishment want Big Business Biden. And they know the Bernie Bros will fall in line, just like they did in 2016.
Where I live in the Southeast, there's a pro-Bernie commercial which is edited in a way that gives the clear impression Red Diaper Barry is supporting Grandpa Gulag.
Looking at the NY Times article about Obama's announcement of running mate. No mention of crime bill or Iraq War positions. But there was this interesting nugget:
"The choice by Mr. Obama in some ways mirrors the choice by Mr. Bush of Dick Cheney as his running mate in 2000; at his age, it appears unlikely that Mr. Biden would be in a position to run for president should Mr. Obama win and serve two terms. Shorn of any remaining ambition to run for president on his own, he could find himself in a less complex political relationship with Mr. Obama than most vice presidents have with their presidents."
"frenchy said... To me it's telling Jesse waited until after the South Carolina primary before he endorsed Bernie. If he really wanted Bernie to win he would have endorsed him before that primary, and campaigned for him there."
How does Jesse Jackson poll in the South?
I have the impression that he's more influential in the northeast and midwest. With Clyburn endorsing Biden, I doubt Jackson could have turned South Carolina, but Michigan...
Biden walks into Milwaukee as the presumed candidate. I don't think he walks out with that same mantle.
Sheee's back!!! God, damn you! Damn you all to hell!!!
I've been telling you guys and telling you guys. Until you drive a stake through her heart, she's never really gone. Her whole plan for the last three and a half years was to manufacture a brokered convention, so she could step forward to "save the party and the nation".
If Mr. Sanders succeeds in turning the U.S. into Sweden, Swedish author and historian Johan Norbergwrites in a January/February 2020 Cato Policy Report, it would translate into “more free trade and a more deregulated product market, no Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the abolition of occupational licensing and minimum wage laws.” A “Swedish” America would have “to abolish taxes on property, gifts, and inheritance” and “would still have to slightly reduce its corporate tax.” Social Security would go from “defined benefits to defined contributions and introduce private accounts” and there would be “a comprehensive school voucher system where private schools get the same per‐pupil funding as public ones.”
Rev. Jackson was supposed to be the first black president. He probably still wants to cut Obama's balls off. Cutting off his legacy appendage will have to do.
It is actually amusing talking to democrat voters about getting to vote for an invalid.
Certain things are required from a leader for their followers to maintain social standing among their peers. If they are willing to support a befuddled idiot then it opens them up to criticism and scrutiny.
Democrat positions cannot withstand scrutiny.
I still don't think Biden will be the nominee. People are embarrassed to be associated with him.
They know only a stupid bleating sheep would vote for Biden.
The Rev'rennnnd Jack'suhhnnnnnn, who sometimes badly misrepresents his calling, by screwing around on the side, is not a good source for Biden information. Secretly paying child support using Rainbow Coalition cash is not a good sign ether.
Biden is a jerk. He also HATES social security and medicare. This man spouts off nonsense like "Oh, man, work is the core of the American dream." Ha ha. This is so hilarious when it comes from someone like Joe Biden. The man is a loser.
Let's get something straight. Social security and medicare are the only guaranteed retirement programs not subject to market gyrations and they are essential lifelines for tens of millions of Americans. Politicians who advocate lower payments should be run out of town. The Dems better hope they're not stuck with this worthless bastard.
a reminder from your corrupt hack-D press and Bloomberg - the Democrat's BILLIONAIRE!
MSNBC @MSNBC · 13h Fmr. Bloomberg adviser Tim O'Brien: "If Republicans really want to make an issue out of Hunter Biden ... there is going to be a scorched earth response aimed at all of the Trump children that is going to be unlike anything they've experienced thus far."
BleachBit-and-Hammers said... a reminder from your corrupt hack-D press and Bloomberg - the Democrat's BILLIONAIRE!
MSNBC @MSNBC · 13h Fmr. Bloomberg adviser Tim O'Brien: "If Republicans really want to make an issue out of Hunter Biden ... there is going to be a scorched earth response aimed at all of the Trump children that is going to be unlike anything they've experienced thus far."
Turn this the other way. "You mean to say, Tim, that you have knowledge of the Trump family's involvement in criminal activities, but that you're COVERING IT UP?
"That you won't reveal it, as a QUID PRO QUO for keeping Biden hijinks under wraps?
"That you have knowledge of BIDENS' guilt, but hope to conceal it by means of blackmail or coercion directed at POLITICAL ENEMIES and THEIR FAMILIES???
What cover-up Nichevo? It's common knowledge. The Saudi blackmail of Qatar so Jared's 666 Fifth Avenue got it's balloon payment covered. Then they give MBS the green light to take out WAPO reporter Khasshogi. Most favored patent status for Ivanka's designs in China.
Browndog, I haven't seen any Biden signs here in Chicago either. Bernie is everywhere, bumper stickers and yard signs and the occasional tee shirt. But no Biden...
You mean Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece and OBL confident Khasshogi? That one?
One of the terrorist factions who were a first-order forcing of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change in the so-called "Arab Spring" (i.e. social justice).
Howard: "What cover-up Nichevo? It's common knowledge. The Saudi blackmail of Qatar so Jared's 666 Fifth Avenue got it's balloon payment covered. Then they give MBS the green light to take out WAPO reporter Khasshogi. Most favored patent status for Ivanka's designs in China."
Your Russia collusion fever dreams were a bit less far-fetched, but you can't use them any longer due to....reality.
I guess if you're going to fall for something, why not that?
President Toilet Paper Shoe's Cooked-Up Drug Deal said...
Have fun supporting Biden you bleating sheep.
I loved your link by the way. Leftists freak out and say truly ridiculous shit when they are reminded that Obama paid for recent Iranian terror attacks. But 30 dollar a barrel oil will take care of the Mullahs if all the old geezers don't die from COVID first.
Howard said... What cover-up Nichevo? It's common knowledge. The Saudi blackmail of Qatar so Jared's 666 Fifth Avenue got it's balloon payment covered. Then they give MBS the green light to take out WAPO reporter Khasshogi. Most favored patent status for Ivanka's designs in China.
Right after Trump got done peeing on a bed in Russia he went over to do some shopping at this favorite high end clothing store. While there he raped a chick in the public changing room with cameras watching everyone going in and out.
Then after that he got on a plane and raped a woman right there in first class while on his way to talk to Putin about rigging the election.
But before that meeting he needed to get together with Brett and make sure he had his story straight about all those gang rapes he led when he was in high school.
Then after he was done discussing the election rigging with Putin he asked the leaders of Saudi Arabia to pay off a loan of his and in exchange he said he would cover for the Saudis killing off some terrorist who was bothering them writing stories in the WAPO.
Howard said... Nichevo never played poker. He's the den mother of Boy Scouts for Donald.
That's how you're going to do me? I deserve this?
Yeah it hadn't escaped me that this was a bluff. The salient point of bluffs is that they don't stand up to challenge, that's what bluffing means. This is a pathetic bluff, brought to you by the puppetmasters of Preezy "Don't Call My Bluff!" himself.
In any case no deals are possible, there would be not merely a bluff but cheat, Democrats would never restrain themselves, they never have, they never will.
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"We have guided missiles but misguided policy. We have minesweepers in the Persian Gulf but there is a great need for drug sweepers in the Gulf of Mexico. Now economically we must stop the process of mergin', purgin', and submergin': Mergin' corporations, purgin' workers, and submergin' our economy. We have in this country welfare and jail care, when we should have work fair and child care. Now from the poor house to the courthouse to the state house to the White House: If not now, when? If not me, who? If not -
"I'm sorry, Pat, what was that question?"
Carl Weathers as the Reverend Jackson, on SNL, back in the day (1988?)
Two grifters enter Thunder Dome. One grifter emerges.
Jesse Jackson was definitely once a major power broker in the Dem Party.
Recall that in 1988, he came in second to Dukakis 42% -29%, coming ahead of such luminaries as Al Gore and Dick Gephardt (and Slow Joe Biden, who dropped out due to plagiarism.)
At the height of his power, Jesse simply told the Dem Party to give him a private plane, give him free reign to shake down corporate America, and give him mostly anything he wanted -- or he keeps running.
But Jesse is now 78, (same age as Bernie!) and way too old to have as much influence, as he once did.
"Bern baby, Bern" That should be Sanders new slogan on a CCCP cap made in Russia.
Could be a case of payback. Under Obama, Jackson got pushed to the background. He may see Biden will continue that trend.
“Everybody matters” regardless of race? I thought we were forbidden to think or say that.
Could be a case of payback. Under Obama, Jackson got pushed to the background. He may see Biden will continue that trend.
Biden was put on the ticket for the sole purpose of experience because O'Blamer had none.
can Jesse reasonably consider Obama Uppity Nigger
Browndog Obama chose Biden for life insurance. No one would Obama and make that moron president. The question is who will Biden pick as his Biden?
I don't think the democrat primary is over despite Bernie's best efforts to tank his own candidacy.
The rank and file democrats will not accept Biden. They just wont.
The great friend of Calypso Louie and Crown Heights Al, none other than Hymie Town Jesse is shilling for the atheist Communist now "rediscovering" Jew. Marvelous.
cubanbob said...
Browndog Obama chose Biden for life insurance. No one would Obama and make that moron president. The question is who will Biden pick as his Biden?
3/9/20, 11:40 AM
Laughably, Biden was said to have added "gravitas" to the '08 ticket, but cubanbob's take is more accurate.
They'll have to do the reverse this year. Biden will have to pick a Cheney, someone who projects competence because Biden pitifully does not. The question is: which Dem projects competence? (Note that I don't say someone who actually is competent.)
Gojuplyr831@gmail.com:"Could be a case of payback. Under Obama, Jackson got pushed to the background. He may see Biden will continue that trend."
It wasn't only Jackson that opposed obama. Remember that Sharpton called obama "Barack the magic negro".
This is understandable at a human level. Jackson and Sharpton had spent decades and countless hours developing and refining their racial shakedown grifts and along comes obama and simply picks up the mantle and goes right to the front of the racial shakedown artist class.
Perfectly understandable human jealousy and bitterness.
Biden was put on the ticket because Obama was an empty suit who happened to be black at a time when it seemed safe to try a black president. Remember the primaries were all before the big crash of 2008.
And the alternative for Democrats was Hillary.
McCain was another Bob Dole.
jesse jackson is STILL alive?
Back in the '80's, I nearly got trampled because I was standing in the most dangerous place in the world - in between Jackson and a TV camera. He was walking out of a DC public library just as I was walking past. I had to admit he cut an impressive figure in those days. I was not a fan of his, but I thought he was strikingly handsome in a way that didn't really come though on TV. But that was then (during his failed presidential run)...
Could be a case of payback. Under Obama, Jackson got pushed to the background. He may see Biden will continue that trend.
Not a bad idea. Plus his son went to prison so not eligible for a try at it.
Maybe this is a play for Jesse Junior as running mate. He's free (from prison) at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty....
Felons can run, can't they?
"Barack had no experience, Biden had spent years in the Senate. Barack went to a liberal church run by a black nationalist, he was Catholic. Barack had Muslim middle name, his name was 'Joe.'"
Or are we expected to forget all this stuff?
In 2016 Bernie got a lake house out of the DNC. This time he's holding out for them to fix the dock and the carport and pump the septic tank.
Jesse's been doing this same rally speech for 45 years and still oddly mesmerizing. I guess it's all new to many in the Bernie crowd. I give credit to Jesse for staying loyal to those who were loyal to him, even though he knows Bernie's campaign is a losing cause.
Biden has now flip-flopped on so many issues he balances his own ticket.
That's what he means by "the other Biden".
Jesse's endorsement won't help Bernie with black voters very much. He's a has-been.
Obama's the man now and I predict he'll support Biden big time if Biden becomes the nominee and that it will help him a lot with black voters.
Michael K: "McCain was another Bob Dole."
Not quite.
Bob Dole did not despise republican voters. McCain did.
What's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick?
Jesse Jackson's endorsement.
The Democrat party give brothels a bad name...
cubanbob said...
Browndog Obama chose Biden for life insurance. No one would Obama and make that moron president. The question is who will Biden pick as his Biden?
Hell, even I would've jumped in front of a gun and taken a bullet meant for Obama just to keep Biden away from the presidency, and I can't stand the guy.
As for Jesse Jackson, he's always for sale to the highest bidder. Bernie's check must have cleared first.
Bob Dole did not despise republican voters. McCain did.
Good point. I meant energy level.
The stock market it giving you a little glimpse into your Bernie Future. The grifters (looking at you, Rev. Jackson) do just fine while the rest of you watch your 401K become a 201K.
How about this for a election scenario?
1-Biden or Bernie beats Trump.
2- The economy tanks.
3- As a result, a great majority of the American people beg Trump to run for president in 2024 to bring back the Trump economy.
This morning's stock market plunge is directly related to Obama's re-jiggering the balance of power in the ME.
Bob Dole did not despise republican voters.
Who was it that called Dole "the tax collector for the Welfare State"?
It might have been Newt. Dole voted conservative when it suited him politically.
Obviously, Obama picked someone to be VP that he was smarter than. Who on earth is below Biden's intelligence?
The reason Figurehead Joe is a formidable candidate, obviously, has nothing to do with Figurehead Joe.
The man is lost, confused and unimpressive. He's basically just outlasted everyone in the DC Swamp over the past 50 years.
But, as the appointed figurehead of the Dem apparatus and Deep State assholes (Brennan, Comey) he remains formidable. Bernie will simply lose the national election, because the country isn't socialist (yet), and the Dem moneymen in New York, would rather lose the election than lose their money.
So, Biden is the Man. And the press will largely ignore his shortcomings, ignore Hunter Biden in Ukraine, ignore his gaffes, and boost him whenever they can.
The guy is almost guaranteed 47% just to start.
It'll be a close election, sadly. Gotta fight hard in November for DJT. Time and money.
"Bob Boyd said...
Jesse's endorsement won't help Bernie with black voters very much. He's a has-been.
Obama's the man now and I predict he'll support Biden big time if Biden becomes the nominee and that it will help him a lot with black voters."
First, "now?" LOL And nope. Barry won't chance his rep on Slow Joe. No way. He will do as little as possible while trying to look "helpful."
Jessie Jackson is an ancient charlatan with dwindling influence and significance. How many black primary voters will choose Bernie over Biden because of this endorsement? My guess is very few.
Curious George said...First, "now?" LOL
You don't think Obama's the most influential voice in the black community today? If not, who is?
And nope. Barry won't chance his rep on Slow Joe.
Do you mean Obama's perceived influence would be reduced if Joe loses?
Who was it that called Dole "the tax collector for the Welfare State"?
It might have been Newt. Dole voted conservative when it suited him politically.
Some of that was due to his obsession with the budget which is why he delayed Reagan's tax cut and lost the Senate in 1982.
He was also known as "The Senator from Archer Daniels Midland." That was before Ethanol which is now the farmer's push button. One reason I kind of liked McCain was because he was the only Republican who called ethanol a boondoggle.
To me it's telling Jesse waited until after the South Carolina primary before he endorsed Bernie. If he really wanted Bernie to win he would have endorsed him before that primary, and campaigned for him there.
In many ways South Carolina is the historical ground zero for the African American subculture. It was the South Carolina primary in 2008 where Obama took charge of the Democrat nominating process that year, thanks in large part to Oprah.
But I guess Jesse didn't want Bernie to win that bad.
"I had to admit he cut an impressive figure in those days. I was not a fan of his, but I thought he was strikingly handsome in a way that didn't really come though on TV."
Ten years ago I worked in a state government building. One time I was walking down a hallway, and Jesse Jackson emerged with a bunch of state representatives. He must have seen me do a slight double-take. He smiled and nodded, and I did the same back.
I have to admit, he had a presence about him. I never liked him or cared for his politics. But at that moment, he was larger than life. Not because of his celebrity, but because of his air of authority. It's hard to describe, but some people have something unusual about them that commands attention. Maybe "charisma" is the word. Jackson had it. I came away from that very brief interaction feeling electrified, in spite of myself.
Of course, now he's past his prime, so I think his endorsement is too little too late. Plus his reputation has never recovered from paying his mistress with funds for the poor.
"One reason I kind of liked McCain was because he was the only Republican who called ethanol a boondoggle."
They don't grow a lot of corn in AZ.
Bob Boyd said...
Curious George said...First, "now?" LOL
You don't think Obama's the most influential voice in the black community today? If not, who is?"
I laughed at the "now." His influence is not new.
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
And nope. Barry won't chance his rep on Slow Joe.
Do you mean Obama's perceived influence would be reduced if Joe loses?
Among blacks? Democrats? No. I think he doesn't want to back a loser, especially against Trump. Too much for his ego. And what's in it for him?
A Democrat who projects an air of competence as the Vice President on the Biden-X ticket?
Now that's a head scratcher. I've love to see a Biden Schiff ticket (so they could both lose)--but Schiff just excelled in the local primary for his Congressional re-election.
The Democrat bench is pretty thin these days; look at the clown car of this year's Presidential candidates. If you went down below for a big state Democrat governor, I suppose Gavin Newsome from California might be a prospect. But he's a lightweight at best. Whether it's Biden or Bernie or any other Democrat California is pretty much assured to vote "not Trump" this year.
I think the Republican bench will be thin in 2024. Strong Presidents tend to suck the air out of the party below them.
previous thing to be covered with a pillow
The only time I can remember seeing Jesse in person was in 1966-67 when my church had a youth project tutoring kids in Lawndale. This was during the Operation PUSH phase. Jesse wore a bright orangish dashiki and had an Afro about two feet wide.
the kamala harris endorsement video, looks as natural as amber heard going before the Australian customs board,
I laughed at the "now." His influence is not new.
I didn't say it was new. Jesse had his day. It's Obama now. And Jesse saw that coming which is why he famously said he wanted to cut Obama's balls off.
Among blacks? Democrats? No. I think he doesn't want to back a loser, especially against Trump. Too much for his ego. And what's in it for him?
Use it or lose it.
yes that's not extreme
Biden doesn't want to stand for 2-hour debate with Bernie.
God, I wish this debate was before tomorrow's primary vote in Michigan.
C'est la vie, c'est la guerre
the kamala harris endorsement video, looks as natural as amber heard going before the Australian customs board,
Hostage video. Somebody asked if she was blinking code with her eyes.
I think the Republican bench will be thin in 2024. Strong Presidents tend to suck the air out of the party below them.
Nixon did in 1972 and it was fatal for him. Trump has been doing a lot of campaigning with House candidates.
"Bob Boyd said...
I laughed at the "now." His influence is not new.
I didn't say it was new. Jesse had his day. It's Obama now. And Jesse saw that coming which is why he famously said he wanted to cut Obama's balls off."
That was 12 years ago.
"Bob Boyd said...
I laughed at the "now." His influence is not new.
I didn't say it was new. Jesse had his day. It's Obama now. And Jesse saw that coming which is why he famously said he wanted to cut Obama's balls off.
Use it or lose it.
Lose what? He has no future office to run for. What does he have to gain by supporting Joe "big time?" I think he and the Dems know Joe is whacko and will lose. No way fuccking Barry will want any of that.
That was 12 years ago.
And this is now.
No way fuccking Barry will want any of that.
I guess time will tell.
I don't think the democrat primary is over despite Bernie's best efforts to tank his own candidacy.
Agreed. I can see Biden being hit with allegations of nepotism. Especially, since his son has a preference for hookers, and can't stay out of the newspaper.
Biden walks into Milwaukee as the presumed candidate. I don't think he walks out with that same mantle.
Nikki Haley and Ted Cruz will both be strong candidates if they choose to run. Mike Pence, coming off of a 8 years of Trump success, would also be a good candidate if he chooses to run.
I wonder if Jesse still has the shirt with Martin Luther King's blood on it.
He rode that horse for a long time while the senior people in the movement despised him as a two-bit showboat. Jesse made it work for him. His family might be wealthier than Joe Bidens.
My prediction: Obama will publicly endorse Biden after Michigan if its a blowout. He's already PRIVATELY endorsed him, by putting pressure on others to drop out after super Tuesday. So far, has any Senator or Governor (outside of VT) endorsed Bernie? I don't think so. The Establishment want Big Business Biden. And they know the Bernie Bros will fall in line, just like they did in 2016.
Arizona Debate.
Two men enter. One man leaves.
Its Democrat Thunderdome.
Can we talk about 2028? I think tulsi will win it all.
...and suddenly I'm warming up to Mr. Biden!
Mr. Jackson is a gifted speaker. Off topic, but I think his reading of "Green Eggs and Ham" on SNL was spectacular.
Where I live in the Southeast, there's a pro-Bernie commercial which is edited in a way that gives the clear impression Red Diaper Barry is supporting Grandpa Gulag.
Looking at the NY Times article about Obama's announcement of running mate. No mention of crime bill or Iraq War positions. But there was this interesting nugget:
"The choice by Mr. Obama in some ways mirrors the choice by Mr. Bush of Dick Cheney as his running mate in 2000; at his age, it appears unlikely that Mr. Biden would be in a position to run for president should Mr. Obama win and serve two terms. Shorn of any remaining ambition to run for president on his own, he could find himself in a less complex political relationship with Mr. Obama than most vice presidents have with their presidents."
I suppose that turned out to be true.
that seals the deal. Sanders is toast.
BTW, the Biden campaign still has video on twitter that has been manipulated to make it appear that Trump said the coronavirus is a hoax.
Twitter has yet to flag it.......
Not that we didn't already know it would be this way.
"frenchy said...
To me it's telling Jesse waited until after the South Carolina primary before he endorsed Bernie. If he really wanted Bernie to win he would have endorsed him before that primary, and campaigned for him there."
How does Jesse Jackson poll in the South?
I have the impression that he's more influential in the northeast and midwest. With Clyburn endorsing Biden, I doubt Jackson could have turned South Carolina, but Michigan...
Soooo, how large a contribution to the Rainbow Coalition was made to secure Jackson's support? Just asking.
Isn't this an example of damning with faint praise?
Can we talk about 2028? I think tulsi will win it all.
I'm betting Nikki gets re-elected.
Biden walks into Milwaukee as the presumed candidate. I don't think he walks out with that same mantle.
Sheee's back!!! God, damn you! Damn you all to hell!!!
I've been telling you guys and telling you guys. Until you drive a stake through her heart, she's never really gone. Her whole plan for the last three and a half years was to manufacture a brokered convention, so she could step forward to "save the party and the nation".
1- The economy tanks.
2- Biden or Bernie beats Trump.
You had these out of order. Fixed now.
BarrySanders20 said...
Jesse's been doing this same rally speech for 45 years and still oddly mesmerizing.
I remember its peroration well: "We're goin' from the outhouse to the po'house to the ho'house to the White House!"
Stirring stuff.
If Mr. Sanders succeeds in turning the U.S. into Sweden, Swedish author and historian Johan Norbergwrites in a January/February 2020 Cato Policy Report, it would translate into “more free trade and a more deregulated product market, no Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the abolition of occupational licensing and minimum wage laws.” A “Swedish” America would have “to abolish taxes on property, gifts, and inheritance” and “would still have to slightly reduce its corporate tax.” Social Security would go from “defined benefits to defined contributions and introduce private accounts” and there would be “a comprehensive school voucher system where private schools get the same per‐pupil funding as public ones.”
-Johan Nordberg, Cato Policy Report
that's not Bernie's bag, good grief, that was oj simpson's characters name in naked gun,
Rev. Jackson was supposed to be the first black president.
He probably still wants to cut Obama's balls off.
Cutting off his legacy appendage will have to do.
It is actually amusing talking to democrat voters about getting to vote for an invalid.
Certain things are required from a leader for their followers to maintain social standing among their peers. If they are willing to support a befuddled idiot then it opens them up to criticism and scrutiny.
Democrat positions cannot withstand scrutiny.
I still don't think Biden will be the nominee. People are embarrassed to be associated with him.
They know only a stupid bleating sheep would vote for Biden.
The Rev'rennnnd Jack'suhhnnnnnn, who sometimes badly misrepresents his calling, by screwing around on the side, is not a good source for Biden information. Secretly paying child support using Rainbow Coalition cash is not a good sign ether.
Fortunately, there is Biden news if you go to UK papers for it,.
Hunter missed another court meeting about his finances.
gadfly: "Secretly paying child support using Rainbow Coalition cash is not a good sign ether."
Well, he couldn't very well openly pay child support using Rainbow Coalition cash, now could he?
Obama saved and progressed the Iraq war in 2.0... greater Middle East war 1.0.
in other news, simona mangiante, mrs George Papadopoulos is filing for divorce, I always found her a little dodgy,
Biden is a jerk. He also HATES social security and medicare. This man spouts off nonsense like "Oh, man, work is the core of the American dream." Ha ha. This is so hilarious when it comes from someone like Joe Biden. The man is a loser.
Let's get something straight. Social security and medicare are the only guaranteed retirement programs not subject to market gyrations and they are essential lifelines for tens of millions of Americans. Politicians who advocate lower payments should be run out of town. The Dems better hope they're not stuck with this worthless bastard.
a reminder from your corrupt hack-D press and Bloomberg - the Democrat's BILLIONAIRE!
Fmr. Bloomberg adviser Tim O'Brien: "If Republicans really want to make an issue out of Hunter Biden ... there is going to be a scorched earth response aimed at all of the Trump children that is going to be unlike anything they've experienced thus far."
Anti-Semitic black grifter endorses commie anti-Semitic grifter.
Ebony and Ivory
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
a reminder from your corrupt hack-D press and Bloomberg - the Democrat's BILLIONAIRE!
Fmr. Bloomberg adviser Tim O'Brien: "If Republicans really want to make an issue out of Hunter Biden ... there is going to be a scorched earth response aimed at all of the Trump children that is going to be unlike anything they've experienced thus far."
Turn this the other way. "You mean to say, Tim, that you have knowledge of the Trump family's involvement in criminal activities, but that you're COVERING IT UP?
"That you won't reveal it, as a QUID PRO QUO for keeping Biden hijinks under wraps?
"That you have knowledge of BIDENS' guilt, but hope to conceal it by means of blackmail or coercion directed at POLITICAL ENEMIES and THEIR FAMILIES???
"Is that what you're saying, Tim?"
What cover-up Nichevo? It's common knowledge. The Saudi blackmail of Qatar so Jared's 666 Fifth Avenue got it's balloon payment covered. Then they give MBS the green light to take out WAPO reporter Khasshogi. Most favored patent status for Ivanka's designs in China.
I just saw an ad for Biden with Obama narrating. He said Biden was the best VP ever.
Maybe Joe was the father Obama never had.
So what you're saying is, Howard, old news? Why not, it worked for the Clintons.
But then where is the deterrence, where the threat? Why should Hunter's treatment change?
Sanders could have used this endorsement a week ago, but coming now it is too late.
"who will Biden pick as his Biden?
Maxine Waters.
I can't believe these numbers coming out of Michigan:
Biden: 76%
Bernie: 24%
From what I've seen, all the locals love Bernie, have no appetite for Biden. Bernie signs everywhere.
Something is afoot.
Nichevo never played poker. He's the den mother of Boy Scouts for Donald.
“Then they give MBS the green light to take out WAPO reporter Khasshogi.”
You mean Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece and OBL confident Khasshogi? That one?
have no appetite for Biden. Bernie signs everywhere. Something is afoot.
A persistent legacy of Democrat democratic gerrymandering.
Browndog, I haven't seen any Biden signs here in Chicago either. Bernie is everywhere, bumper stickers and yard signs and the occasional tee shirt. But no Biden...
It is kind of odd.
You mean Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece and OBL confident Khasshogi? That one?
One of the terrorist factions who were a first-order forcing of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change in the so-called "Arab Spring" (i.e. social justice).
Ebony and Ivory
The two tone special of diversity and exclusion.
The headquarters for dc comics and nike, yes thats very sinister.
The qataris bought most of the fmr saudi lobby in academia and they pay rick wilson why exactly??
oh frabjous joy
Who is this?
He knows how to secure his legacy.
I tried to sit next to Jessie Jackson on a Southwest Airlines fight. The seat was open. This when I found out not every seat on a SW is “open.”
It is actually amusing talking to democrat voters about getting to vote for an invalid.
Certain things are required from a leader for their followers to maintain social standing among their peers. If they are willing to support a befuddled idiot then it opens them up to criticism and scrutiny.
Democrat positions cannot withstand scrutiny.
I still don't think Biden will be the nominee. People are embarrassed to be associated with him.
They know only a stupid bleating sheep would vote for Biden.
You're in MAGA country.
Obama going for threepeat.
Howard: "What cover-up Nichevo? It's common knowledge. The Saudi blackmail of Qatar so Jared's 666 Fifth Avenue got it's balloon payment covered. Then they give MBS the green light to take out WAPO reporter Khasshogi. Most favored patent status for Ivanka's designs in China."
Your Russia collusion fever dreams were a bit less far-fetched, but you can't use them any longer due to....reality.
I guess if you're going to fall for something, why not that?
Impressive campaign slogan from the hivemind.
'Biden is senile - but so is Trump!'
President Toilet Paper Shoe's Cooked-Up Drug Deal said...
Have fun supporting Biden you bleating sheep.
I loved your link by the way. Leftists freak out and say truly ridiculous shit when they are reminded that Obama paid for recent Iranian terror attacks. But 30 dollar a barrel oil will take care of the Mullahs if all the old geezers don't die from COVID first.
Shorter Ritmo: baaahh!! BaaaaaAAAAHHH!!!
Howard said...
What cover-up Nichevo? It's common knowledge. The Saudi blackmail of Qatar so Jared's 666 Fifth Avenue got it's balloon payment covered. Then they give MBS the green light to take out WAPO reporter Khasshogi. Most favored patent status for Ivanka's designs in China.
Right after Trump got done peeing on a bed in Russia he went over to do some shopping at this favorite high end clothing store. While there he raped a chick in the public changing room with cameras watching everyone going in and out.
Then after that he got on a plane and raped a woman right there in first class while on his way to talk to Putin about rigging the election.
But before that meeting he needed to get together with Brett and make sure he had his story straight about all those gang rapes he led when he was in high school.
Then after he was done discussing the election rigging with Putin he asked the leaders of Saudi Arabia to pay off a loan of his and in exchange he said he would cover for the Saudis killing off some terrorist who was bothering them writing stories in the WAPO.
It is all common knowledge.
Howard said...
Nichevo never played poker. He's the den mother of Boy Scouts for Donald.
That's how you're going to do me? I deserve this?
Yeah it hadn't escaped me that this was a bluff. The salient point of bluffs is that they don't stand up to challenge, that's what bluffing means. This is a pathetic bluff, brought to you by the puppetmasters of Preezy "Don't Call My Bluff!" himself.
In any case no deals are possible, there would be not merely a bluff but cheat, Democrats would never restrain themselves, they never have, they never will.
I loved your link by the way.
If you loved it so much, you might try actually reading it, then. And watching the media in it, especially this one.
That way you wouldn't even have to sound out the letters. You can just watch. And listen.
Skills that Replundericans fail miserably at, I know. But even you can try.
”But Jesse is now 78, (same age as Bernie!) and way too old to have as much influence, as he once did.”
And his kids have gotten rich on the graft his status bequeathed them.
Re: Biden on the ticket.
A. So limited he won’t outshine Barry O’SharpCrease.
B. See A.
“If you loved it so much, you might try actually reading it, then. And watching the media in it, especially this one.
That way you wouldn't even have to sound out the letters. You can just watch. And listen.
Skills that Replundericans fail miserably at, I know. But even you can try.”
LOL, that was hilarious. Let’s not hear how Biden is senile after watching Trump butcher those words.
They will reign in O'Biden to single digit speechifyin' minutes while Trump holds hours long rallies.
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