March 8, 2020

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.


traditionalguy said...

Pop goes the sun. He is trying to beat Daylight Savings Time.

Mark said...

So what responsibility do state and local officials have in this corona virus situation? What about employers and school administrators? How about those on the front lines, the border agents, TSA agents, port authorities? Parents? Individuals? YOU?

Or is Trump supposed to do it all himself? Is he supposed to carry all the responsibility himself?

Mark said...

Some buy breadmakers in the wake of the imminent apocalypse. Others buy pre-made frozen dough.

So I'm baking it now. Divided the loaf into quarters and baking the first two first.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

S&P500 futures trading suspended tonight after dropping 5%. Fasten your seatbelts because tomorrow is going to be bumpy!

Mark said...

Did we all supply over the weekend? Or do we still expect others to go out and bring us our deliveries?

Mark said...

Not putting the bread in a pan, just baking on a sheet. Quartered, have to shorten the baking time.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Funny you should say that Mark. Just today my wife pointed out grocery shoppers for InstantCart to me. There were 4 just in the meat aisle.

You can tell them by scanning groceries with their phone before it goes in the cart.

If things get bad enough we may try the service or get a trial of Amazon Prime.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Just got back from the grocery store. Full shelves, plenty of TP, didn't hear anyone mention Corana virus in conversation all week.

Christopher said...

Wuhan Flu, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar

madAsHell said...

My daughter, the epidemiologist, just returned from Dubai.

She said that SeaTac airport was empty, and she expected to encounter thermal imaging. She saw none.

Trust me, she's not some tart consumed by the content on her cell phone. Situational awareness was beaten into her head.

I'm sure they have discreet monitoring. Otherwise, I hope the science sticks it to Jay Inslee, the uber moron.

madAsHell said...

Just got back from the grocery store.

Locale??....cuz Seattle is almost in lockdown.

Narr said...

Just had the first case reported here--I'm surprised it's taken this long, but FedEx and the ChiComs had a spat a while back and their traffic was off IIUC.

The university admin has told faculty to be prepared to teach online if necessary . . .

When they can barely teach in person

Original Mike said...

Was in a backcountry New Zealand pub last night and they wanted to talk American politics. "All our media are shoving negative Trump stuff down our throats, but we like the guy" was the gist of it.

narciso said...

Maybe the find the beatifying of jacinda arden, exasperating

Francisco D said...

I am watching John Adams on Amazon Prime. It is good enough for me to take another stab at the David McCullough book or hagiography. I have put it down several times.

I never found Revolutionary War figures as interesting as Civil War figures. I suspect that the latter had the benefit of better writers.

narciso said...

His brother samuel is the more exciting one, that was paul giamatti in the atarring role?

Inga said...

“Did we all supply over the weekend? Or do we still expect others to go out and bring us our deliveries?”

I’ve done both. Instacart shoppers, the people who buy and deliver the groceries to the customer, still want people to shop online. That’s how they make a living. I suspect that there will come a day soon, hopefully not, that they won’t be willing to do this job anymore if the risk is too high. But for now they like getting orders and they like making money this way.

narciso said...

on site

Mark said...

I am watching John Adams on Amazon Prime.

Beware that one scene.

You know the one if you've seen the series.

Inga said...

Good for Twitter, showing some courage.

“Twitter has applied a “manipulated media” tag to a doctored video of former Vice President Joe Biden that was shared by White House social media director Dan Scavino and retweeted by President Trump, according to Washington Post reporter Cat Zakrzewski. It’s believed to be the first time the platform has used the tag to denote faked media.”

Mark said...

Biden campaign responds: "Thanks Twitter for that contribution-in-kind to my campaign! Looking forward to Bloomberg media doing a lot of the same!"

Mark said...

The bread is OK. The crust is not as crusty as I had hoped.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Just got back from the grocery store.

Locale??....cuz Seattle is almost in lockdown.


narciso said...

Maybe you didnt bake it long enough, just a suggestion.

Yancey Ward said...

Did the shopping this morning- no shelves empty, no panic at all.

madAsHell said...

“Twitter has applied a “manipulated media” tag

How do you find your way home at night??

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
madAsHell said...

Did the shopping this morning- no shelves empty, no panic at all.

You're not on the left coast. I'm sure you have mentioned your location before, but I don't recall.

Inga said...

“The bread is OK. The crust is not as crusty as I had hoped.”

Try baking it in a small Dutch oven, take the lid off after 1/2 hour, let it go for another 10 to 15 minutes. I bake my bread at 425 degrees.

JaimeRoberto said...

The general rule is that if a Republican is president, everything is the president's responsibility. If a Democrat is president, work your way up from local to federal, and the first Republican you find is responsible. See Flint as an example.

narciso said...

I think he mentioned he lived in northern washington.

Yancey Ward said...

Well, if that counts as manipulated media, then the entire news divisions of all the networks will have to be labeled manipulated media- they do this all the time- hell, they will even delete sections in the middle of a speech to alter the meaning.

In any case, no one looking at the full context of that speech segment will fail to realize that Biden forgot what he was saying- that part wasn't edited- the part that was removed by Scavino was Biden finally recovering and fixing his mistake the best way he could.

Yancey Ward said...


In Oak Ridge, TN. The local papers here are in full Coronavirus panic mode, but it doesn't seem to have affected people here yet. There are cases in the state.

narciso said...

The times has decided veritas doesnt matter (well it never has) because blackwater.

narciso said...

Particularly eric prince, any prog info must go through the echo chamber/journolist.

narciso said...

Any info on republican can come from grafitti in the huffington post bathroom.

Inga said...

No knead bread baked in a Dutch oven. Crackly crust.

I have a 5 quart enameled Dutch oven, perfect for a single recipe, using three cups flour.

Drago said...

Inga: "Good for Twitter, showing some courage.

“Twitter has applied a “manipulated media” tag to a doctored video of former Vice President Joe Biden that was shared by White House social media director Dan Scavino and retweeted by President Trump, according to Washington Post reporter Cat Zakrzewski. It’s believed to be the first time the platform has used the tag to denote faked media.”

Still waiting for the lefties/LLR-lefties to apologize for the Trump feeding fish in Japan lies that was all the rage....and then for every lie told after that....all the way up to Inga lying about what Trump said at the CDC just days ago.

Drago said...

Inga: "...a doctored video..."

How was this video "doctored" again?

eddie willers said...

labeled manipulated media- they do this all the time- hell, they will even delete sections in the middle of a speech to alter the meaning.

NBC on George Zimmerman's call to the police:

“He looks like he’s up to no good, he looks black.”

Here's the actual transcript:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

Inga said...

I also bake it in a 8 inch cast iron skillet, turns out beautifully.

Drago said...

Just think about how much the lefties/LLR-lefties and their media allies are going to have to cover for Dementia Joe.

It's going to be a smorgasbord of Joey Senility moments...and not too few sniffing of little girls hair moments to boot.

What will Twitter say about video's of Dementia Joe, who is fond of swimming naked in front of Secret Service agents, creeping little girls out?

Yancey Ward said...

Interesting observation just now- I have been using to follow the statistics on Coronavirus- in the last day they have altered the graphs for total cases and deaths. Before, the graphs covered the entire range of the epidemic, from the beginning to the present day, and the numbers of both zero to whatever they are at present. You had, and still have, two options for viewing the graphs- linear and logarithmic. Today, they changed the graphs to just cover the last 24 days- the x-axis, and start the y-axis where the totals were on February 15th. The effect is make the linear and logarithmic views look almost identical- over the smaller ranges of total cases and deaths, the difference between linear and logarithmic isn't as dramatic.

narciso said...

The times compressed the call log to make the 400 calls seem to be in one year, abc digitally edited the police station video (or proferred) to delete zimmermams injuries.

Drago said...

Remember when Katie Couric actually doctored (actually spliced video from a different part of the discussion and moved it) video of gun rights supporters to make it look like they could not answer a question?

Katie Couric being sued over 'Under the Gun' documentary

Drago said...

Remember how the dems/LLR's took an edit of Trump's speech and then looped it over and over and over again to make it look like Trump had made fun of a disabled reporter?

Good times, good times.

narciso said...

Or the syrian footage out of tennessee, back during world war 3.

Drago said...

Here's what we do know: This Alpha torpedo fired by Twitter and the left, like all the others, will no doubt circle about and hit the dems.

And all this after 4 years straight of russia collusion lies.

Drago said...

It seems like only yesterday when NBC literally blew a truck up and claimed it was due to poor design (gas tank) by an auto manufacturer!

narciso said...

Yes but this one is packed with cesium and other radioactive materials.

narciso said...

Biden could be melting down, like toh in raiders, and the press would be complaining its just dehydration.

narciso said...

Dont get me started on the media malfeasance we saw in 2008.

Yancey Ward said...

Looks like Winter is probably over here in east Tennessee. 10 day forecast is all 60+ highs, with a few 70s thrown in. Was a much milder Winter than last year.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Likewise here in SC. We've had a lot of rain, which has kept the pollen down so far, but we are moving into pollen season --- which is generally the end of Flu season.

I see that some 12,000 people have died of Flu this Flu season. Don't want to minimize that -- it's tragic for the people and families involved, but it wasn't a big story.

narciso said...

Bloomberg meme engine was as lame as mortal engines

Yancey Ward said...

Mike couldn't get it done.

narciso said...

After 700 (dr evil pinkey)million.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Bloomberg meme engine was as lame as mortal engines

The trailer for Mortal Engines did it no favors. When I finally saw it, and realized it was, very obviously, Steampunk Star Wars, I enjoyed it a good bit.

FullMoon said...

Inga: "...a doctored video..."

How was this video "doctored" again?

Inga said...

" a 8 inch cast iron skillet, .."
3/8/20, 11:44 PM

wildswan said...

At the beginning of May regular flu declines sharply so hospitals are hoping we get to May 1 before WuFlu bulges out into epidemic. My theory is that that decline is caused by more virus-killing UV rays because there's four minutes more sun every day which would mean that doing a "let the sun shine in" thing will hold off the flu. (I really like the sunrise pictures. No spam.) Today I threw open the door as soon as the sun touched that side of the house and invited in the UV-ray-purified but chilly air. "Come on in; here, blow around, enjoy." Then I took a ride and opened the window on the car roof so UV rays could purify my hair and nose.

narciso said...

With the difference star wars didnt try to cram 30 characters into as many
opening minutes.

William said...

I wonder who will be the first celebrity hit with the coronavirus. Probably a career boost, provided, of course, they don't die. They can record PSA's from their home as they recover. I wonder if any celeb is actively seeking out the virus for just those reasons.....Ted Cruz is self quarantining. I don't think he'll get much love for his sacrifice.....Some of the places where you think the coronavirus would be rampant aren't. Homeless shelters, prisons, gyms, rehab facilities, homeless encampments seem to have escaped the fate of cruise ships, at least till now.....The stock market slide has had more effect on my behavior than the virus. It will be a long time before I'm as rich as I was a few weeks ago. That's definitely lowered my immune system.

Gospace said...

The new misdirection is- claiming that pointing out Biden's mental acuity is going, if not already gone, is Republican disinformation- he's always been that way.

He's always been that way? I'm not certain they gamed this out completely.

Yancey Ward said...

It is funny- I rolled my 401K into a combination of IRA and Roth IRA in early February- my natural tendency of procrastination led me to invest all of it in intermediate bond funds until I could figure out what I wanted to do for an investment strategy. For once, my procrastination has paid off.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

With the difference star wars didnt try to cram 30 characters into as many
opening minutes.

Yeah, it didn't really get going until the second half.

LA_Bob said...

I was in both Walmart and Costco on Saturday. I live in a part of LA with lots of Asian. Asians are the only ones wearing masks and relatively few of them at that.

Walmart was crowded as normal. No evidence of panicking, but I did notice the bathroom tissue is all gone. Costco was lighter than I had expected, and I forgot to check the bathroom tissue, but I was talking to a customer and neither of us understood why the runs (!) on bathroom tissue at so many stores.

The real surprise was that no Costco employees wore masks or gloves. The checkers there handle a lot of cash.

Narayanan said...

Or is Trump supposed to do it all himself? Is he supposed to carry all the responsibility himself?
Is he Atlas carrying world on his shoulders?

Narayanan said...

Has this received much notice?

John Adams and the Spirit of Liberty

C. Bradley Thompson said...

very poetic. To launch a Children's book, reviews are very important. Try to get more visibility and sales in a crowded marketplace. I can do a free book trailer for you !

gadfly said...

'Epidemics can’t be subdued by tweet'

Of all the examples Marie Yovanovitch gave to illustrate the need to empower diplomats to do their jobs, none was more timely than what she said about coronavirus....

stevew said...

It didn't occur to me to go grocery shopping yesterday. Met daughter and her family for dinner last night at a restaurant located adjacent to the local mall - parking was easy so perhaps people are staying home.

Daughter and SIL work for the same company, in sales. They are currently prohibited from traveling to customer sites for meetings. Both think coronavirus is just being used to reduce travel expense.

I'm off to PA and NJ for meetings this week. Flying to and from. Will be interesting to see if the crowds are reduced. More cases of COVID-19 being identified in MA so maybe it's good for me to get out of this place.

rehajm said...

Oil and equites off sharply this morning. Fed is preparing more intervention, but they are running out of room on rates. One major bank told us late last week they will have trouble lowering mortgage rates because they don't have the manpower to deal with all the refis.

Lincolntf said...

A friend just canceled a long-planned trip from to MA to NC due to coronavirus fears. He has lung and heart conditions and has daily contact with his elderly parents. His flight would've had him laying over in NYC for a couple hours and we were planning on going to the Round 1 games of the NCAA Tournament next week. His doctors/parents didn't want him to risk being exposed, so there goes the trip. Sucks, cost us both a decent amount of money, him for his airfare (he's looking into refund policies) and me for the basketball tickets. My wife and I are still planning to go to Germany in June, hopefully that trip isn't affected.

rhhardin said...

Bonds, unless they're short term, are quite risky. Their value will plummet if interest rates go back up. Nobody will pay full price for a 1/2% bond when new bonds are paying 2.5%, sometime in the future. The longer the maturity, the harder the drop.

The bond itself may be quite safe but its value when you want to sell may be quite a loss.

David Begley said...

WTI at $31; lowest since the Gulf War.

David Begley said...


You can resell your tickets, usually for a profit, on StubHub.

David Begley said...

Futures limit down; 5%.

Lincolntf said...

I don't think I can, David Begley. For the first time ever, I used VividSeats to buy my tickets. Their system is that you show up with a device and display your e-ticket at the gate. There is no provision for getting paper tickets. I will ask a couple friends today, see if anyone wants to join me, otherwise I guess I'll take my wife rather than just eat the tickets. I haven't really thought it through yet.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Blogger Inga said...
No knead bread baked in a Dutch oven. Crackly crust.

This is a particularly good recipe. The only problem is that you have to think ahead because it is slow.

Mr. Forward said...

Big Clock Government stole my sunrise.

Fernandinande said...

"It’s believed to be the first time the platform has used the tag to denote faked media.”

All the more hilarious that the Twitter dweeb got it wrong, as you can clearly see from the video itself.

I guess they can't believe that Biden accidentally told the truth:

"We cannot get re-elect...we cannot win this re-election, excuse me, we can only re-elect Donald Trump."

rehajm said...

Its a one two punch of COVID and the floor on oil production. Keep in mind the US is a major producer. Prices below the cost of US production might mean low prices at the pump but it is a bad thing for US GDP.

Curious George said...

"Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Blogger Inga said...
No knead bread baked in a Dutch oven. Crackly crust.

This is a particularly good recipe. The only problem is that you have to think ahead because it is slow."

"Think" isn't in Inga's wheelhouse. But "slow" is. Hmmmmm

hugh42 said...

Original Mike, like the New Zealand info. My Mexican immigrant gardener just told me he's voting for Trump. So busy he can't do all the work. But he said, don't tell X,Y, and Z..

rehajm said...

Just back from Whole Paychecks. Instead of me and all the Instacarts there were some a few others shopping for them selves. Shelves are full and being restocked. We're just better at supply chains...

....and unless I'm told otherwise I'm flying this weekend. Delta sent a long email detailing what they're doing- cleaning gates and airplanes, handing out sanitizing prep kits to flyers.

I'm invited to the Masters again this year. Hopefully that's not endangered. So far PGA says they're not altering The Players. Augusta National would have to bar the doors to keep most of the pros away from their event...

Francisco D said...

The stock market slide has had more effect on my behavior than the virus. It will be a long time before I'm as rich as I was a few weeks ago. That's definitely lowered my immune system.

I am in similar circumstances. We had plans to buy a new SUV this month, but they are very likely to be postponed indefinitely.

That will be the major effect of COVID-19.

John henry said...

Inga said...

Good for Twitter, showing some courage.

“Twitter has applied a “manipulated media” tag to a doctored video of former Vice President Joe Biden that was shared by White House social media 

Interesting choice of links, Inga. Why not link to the unedited video? You have seen it, haven't you? As opposed to just having read about it.

Is the reason you don't link the unedited video because it makes Biden look even worse than the edited version?

As with so much else, you are dishonest on this.

John Henry

Inga said...

“Interesting choice of links, Inga. Why not link to the unedited video? You have seen it, haven't you? As opposed to just having read about it.

Is the reason you don't link the unedited video because it makes Biden look even worse than the edited version?

As with so much else, you are dishonest on this.”

I didn't link to any video, dumbass. I linked to an article that talked about what Twitter had done regarding the doctored video.

John henry said...

I know you didn't link even the edited video in this thread, Inga. You did yesterday, though.

The unedited video really does portrar Biden in a worse light than the video you keep talking about.

You are probably wise to steer people away from seeing either. Neither promotes your narrative.

John Henry

Fernandinande said...

The video; go to ~ -9:30 on the display.

rhhardin said...

Ruah has an economic analysis of the stock market that makes no sense.

Morality and economics, two things Rush should never explain.

Rusty said...

"Walmart was crowded as normal. No evidence of panicking, but I did notice the bathroom tissue is all gone."

Aldi was limiting everyone to two packages of toilet paper and two of paper towels. Does Corona virus make you shit like a demon?

narciso said...

no, he's pointing out the oil price plunge, is largely responsible for the drop today,

walter said...

It clearly scares the shit out of people.

Jim at said...

I didn't link to any video, dumbass.

That's precisely his point, dumbass.

Lewis said...

Which was a terrible time for me - I mean March the 8'th - but I was thinking Janis Joplin, how beautiful she was - she was 'plain' but what is that? When she sang everyone just ignored that and thought how can this come from that?I not being insulting on purpose, what she suffered from all her life and 'why' she offed herself. The blue raincoat, giving 'head on the bed', according to Leanard, who died reasonably, ie one could see the reason for it.

Lewis said...

Leonard, I meant

Lewis said...

“Notre crime est del’homme” Lamartine. ‘L’homme.’

Everything stained: The tea stains the cup,
The cup stains the counter, the foot stains the snow,
The moon stains the air. Everything said.
I am told this is not an original thought.
Below, what was forgotten and cold,
As if it were not merely, actually true,
There was a birth, the unthinking was done
And this messy mix of snow and blood
Produced a word that meant ‘goodbye’ or ‘hello’,
Unsorting a chaos into ‘this one and that’
And saying “Insofar as I am here, that is there.”

Or if they are ‘mad’, we are ‘mad’, since
Neither they nor we can prove the obvious:
That Johnson kicked a stone but Berkeley
Was already dead, that the delusion suffices
To make a few words bring a cup of tea
And that, without God, preserving the hollow
Takes so long to say, everyman
Could seek to find
Putrefaction of his mother,
Of his brother, of his kind.

Lewis said...

A Chance Of Blue I

What will happen will happen: The crowd
Of millions that, perhaps, have their own
Destiny: Accident jostled an understanding
That 'did not exist'. To look, completely,
In your eyes and smile. Something
O so innocent: to forget fear.

We both see, we hope, the same chance of blue.
The sky above just the destiny that destroys.
To wander beyond what is possible:
Men hope it will follow. Wanting
What our cowardice has denied us.

Lewis said...

Chance Of Blue II

I suppose, to confess, I always wanted
My sky to be blue. With some cloud,
To prefer us to change. A chance
Beautiful. Somewhere in the rocks
Looking towards the shore and knowing there
That family had a picnic and those, at a late hour,
Were rescued from a summer shower.
And because the sun must shine (it must)
There was someone, the children that picked seashells
And wondered and compared and forever were told
“The sea is a dangerous monster.”
And were happy, there were some people, old perhaps,
Sharing their unflasked, metallic tea,
Trying to gather the sun, who said
“I love you.” “I, too, my dear.”
“Isn’t it beautiful>” “My love, it is beautiful.”
“Aren’t we happy?” “Happiness is what we are.”

Lewis said...

Ok, that is 'undisciplined' - so, here's a poem in the 'perfect' sense - like a missive to my 'Eastern European' friends:

Lewis said...

The City.

A Sundays gentle cycle through seas of empty streets
Shadowing the shadow of Paul. We are expecting death,
September’s enervation as yet unyellowed,
A stilled silence at the grieving bed.

Or the hidden poor that scuttle out of view, the boxed porter,
Trader, shopmen with wives babed, again gestating.
The desperation of pubs bellowed by tongues of swollen want,
The dissipation of drunks, sickened

By that tumbled sense of all in one oned on Saturday,
Now stirred to listless cry of child, distorted hand of care.
On the makeshift carpet of grass men and women quiesced
By capital poison of fat and food.

An empty hall of towered streets, sepulchre of feet’s
Ghostly echo, the solitary essence of crowd, work, money,
The staccato knock of question and frigid stone.
Lost the prepared confusion of route,

The lanes that rebelled to be straightened, Wrens
Imperfect gloom twisted to a bridge and Thames.

Lewis said...

That's Horace in form, if not in person.

Lewis said...

There are only a few people that stare my soul - a mixture of mud and sand and fire - mud and leaves, really - and that would one 70 year old talking to another - me, 52 year old, being between:

Lewis said...

Lewis said...

It isn't because I hang from the usual tree - I wish- that I'm in love with women- one, in particuliar - Martina, who could and did destroy me. What is truth? Like a pitiable excuse - your chest expands with the enlightenment and then contract with the lie. The pain of a 'posteria inervation' (I'm quoting myself) setting you apart. Not that the head isn't knockable, if one didn't knock it!

Lewis said...

Do you know a woman moreintelligent, more beautifulthan Amy. And she is dead, as my mother would, as if that defeated the argument. What argument? That's what I would like to know.

Lewis said...

Lewis said...

Do you know a woman more intelligent than Amy?

Lewis said...

And she is dead, as my mother would have said, as if that defeated the argument.

Lewis said...

Every bum has a cold - just get stoned!

Goethe: "I believe we will achieve humanity but everyone will be everyone elses nurse."

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