March 20, 2020

At the Ice Cold Café...


... it's the second day of Spring.


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Mark said...

The woman was Andy Taylor's girlfriend early on.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Mark said...

Name the famous person.

In the form of a question.

Who is Eleanor Donahue?

Mark said...

Elinor Donahue was the woman.

But she wasn't all that famous in Trekdom.

Mark said...

Of course, Hollywood movies came along and totally destroyed the canon on him, giving him an entirely different back story.

Bruce Hayden said...

Yesterday, I commented on someone in NYC demanding that everyone’s masks and ventilators be sent there. Today, we found out that the likely reason that the city is so short on so many things is that DeBlasio Didn’t approve of ordering emergency supplies until March 6. Two weeks ago, at a time when Amazon was already lying to me about the whereabouts of my second batch of masks (first batch, two weeks earlier, showed up promptly). The NYC mayor, dawdled for a month or so, before ordering necessary emergency medical supplies, while everyone else was jumping ahead of him with their orders. And somehow we are all supposed to be obligated to him and his city, to send him our safety net. Why do New Yorkers believe that they are so special, so that they, arriving late, get to jump to the front of the line? Sorry. I don’t buy it. NYC residents elected him multiple times. If they die through their own stupidity, why is that the fault of the rest of us?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Mark said...

Elinor Donahue was the woman.

But she wasn't all that famous in Trekdom.

Sorry, misread your question. Who is Zefram Cochrane? Played by Glenn Corbett in TOS, later played by James Cromwell in the films.

Mark said...

Why Bruce?

Because Trump.

That's why.

Mark said...

Never really cared for the re-imagined Cochrane, as if this were Star Wars or Dr. Who and they could just say to hell with what had been established before.

Mark said...

Reimagining the Roddenberry Trek vision for DS9 was OK though. Better than OK.

narciso said...

Cochrane wasnt central to tos as forst comtact and later enterprise (by proxy)

Automatic_Wing said...

Are we talking about the Abe Lincoln episode? That's one of the worst, lol.

narciso said...

No that was a different one with surak and lincoln and kahless and colonel green on the other end.

narciso said...

Kahless became a good guy in the ds9 mythos.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

President Hussein killed 12,000 Americans with H1N1.

Mark said...

Kirk and Spock made a mistake in trying to hurt Cochrane's gas girlfriend.

Achilles said...

mockturtle said...
Achilles, I've always like your posts but I wouldn't want to be around you in a major crisis. Your whining is part of the problem rather than part of the solution. Most people I see are helping neighbors and behaving very admirably through these inconveniences. Let us all just pray it is short-lived.

mockturtle, I am going to be as nice about this as I can. You need to grow up.

I actually have had people ask me how to get ready for this and deal with it. Actual crisis situations are kinda my thing.

But this isn't that and you wont.

This just makes me sad. We are just not the same people we once were. There is no critical thinking. No perspective.

Trump is doing an amazing job getting us through this. But next time a couple thousand people die of something somewhere how much damage would a Barrack Obama along with the governors of California and New York do with the power Trump and Governor's around the country have right now?

I thought before the majority of voters were capable of standing up for liberty. But it is really only Trump and a small number of us at this point.

In a month or so it will be impolite to bring this topic up.

Mark said...

Gas honey didn't like it.

Josephbleau said...

This corona is really a great moral panic. We can all feel afraid yet we don't pick isolated innocent people and hound them into jail with crazy prosecutors. Much better than hanging witches. We just sit at home feeling vindicated.

Sure its real, but it is a moral panic and satisfies that particular periodic human need. Just don't start stoning the infected.

Bruce Hayden said...

Something else. Today the Treaury Secretary announced that Tax Day has been moved from 4/15 to 7/15.

Also, with so much money slushing around. Yesterday, a banker I am dealing with told me that mortgage loan rates are bouncing around like crazy. A couple days ago, it was at 2%, today 5%. The loan officer I was working with was telling me to lock and close as quickly as I can. Yesterday, this bank manager suggested just the opposite, that the problem isn’t expensive money, but rather that refinances are swamping the system. My thoughts right now is to just pay cash, and finance later when things stabilize. We shall see.

The big reason that I haven’t closed yet is that this lending officer is demanding IRS transcripts to prove my income, since it is mostly dividends. Except that the IRS apparently quit providing them to 3rd parties, as of 6/30/19. She sends in the form (valid from 3/19 through 6/19) that I signed, and weeks later I get something back from the IRS telling me that I submitted the form incorrectly. Rinse and repeat. FHA, etc, apparently started requiring tax transcripts after they were wiped out by accepting too many Liar Loans. Mother idea seems to have been that you can fake your tax returns, but not IRS transcripts directly from them. Except that the IRS is no longer cooperating. Two parts of the government at cross purposes. Who would have foreseen that could happen?

Darkisland said...

I'm a bit late to the thread but what is everyone reading?

I am about halfway through "The Industrial Revolutionaries" by Gavin Weightman. This is a history of the industrial revolution from 17mple76 to 1914. Instead of telling the history via events and inventions, if focuses on the men who made it happen. Boulton, Watt, Tevethick, Stepehnson, the canal builders, steamship innovators and more.

I love reading about industrial history. I think it is critical that we recognize the men and women who made the history happen. For example, we have the Watt as a unit of power. Why is there no unit of measure call the Boulton? As great as Watt's contribution was, including discovering latent heat, it would have been a lab curiosity if not for his partner Matthew Boulton who actually made the steam engine into a commercialy practical product.

This book really scratches an itch for me.

So what are you reading?

John Henry

mockturtle said...

Why do New Yorkers believe that they are so special, so that they, arriving late, get to jump to the front of the line?

Because they're New Yorkers, Bruce, and we all recognize that they are very, very special. ;-)

Laslo Spatula said...

"Am I to assume that those of you complaining the most live in either California or New York? Or Illinois? Otherwise, how have you been inconvenienced?"


Four close friends unemployed. Triple the number if counting acquaintances.

One acquaintance shut down the bar he owned for good today. Rent high enough in Seattle already, couldn't risk how much debt would come from closure with no end in sight. It already ate into his life savings: purchases and repairs made that still need to be paid, despite no income.

Family member who had major breast-cancer surgery a month ago: next appointment changed from office visit to phone call; tests postponed.

I still have a job to go to -- we are considered an essential business. Many people there hit by spouses that are now out of work, or have left their jobs to care for children because of no school or day-care. Stress high in an already stressful environment.

On the plus side: the commute is amazingly light.

I am Laslo.

Mark said...

So many episodes dealing with humanity's resistance to captivity.

mockturtle said...

So what are you reading?


Ken B said...

It's gonna be a long year at Althouse, with Achilles regularly posting things like “It's only killed ten times what the regular flu killed”.

mockturtle said...

Achilles: You must live in California, right? If so, you have my sympathy. But it's not as though the whole country is in lockdown mode.

effinayright said...

Achilles said:

Between 110,000 and 565,000 people died of the swine flu in 2009 when Obama was president.

Did you read the official CDC death toll upthread?

Swine Flu stats:
"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, there were 60.8 million cases, 274,000 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths (0.02% case fatality rate) in the United States due to the virus.[117]

See this for confirmation by the NIH:

So...Where do you get your numbers?????

If you are referring to worldwide numbers, please provide a citation. But your undifferentiated and unsubstantiated claims really do muck up the water.

And for those who want the CDC's final tallies for flu in the US over the past ten years, go here:

Mark said...

I'm too busy eating John Henry to do things like reading.

And my bag of M&Ms is almost empty.

And I'm worried the store will be devoid of potato chips next time I go.

narciso said...

how far weve fallen from tos

narciso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Josephbleau said...

So what are you reading?

Python programming, I use sas and love its rigour but all the new hippies like python.

narciso said...

say again

Mark said...

Not going to watch Picard. And googling the link also showed me a clip of Doctress Who. Not going to watch her, either.

Darkisland said...

Blogger I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I have read that regarding the death numbers in Italy, anyone dying while harboring the virus, regardless of actual cause of death, is counted as a CV death. Hit by a truck while carrying the virus with no symptoms and no awareness of it? CV death. Does anyone know of that is true or not?

I've not read that but I would be surprised if it were not true. If Italy juices their death numbers, they can get more aid.

It worked in Africa. Remember 20-30 years ago and the myth of heterosexual aids? Everybody in Africa had AIDS and huge numbers were dying of it.

There were 2 problems with that:

1) They were not doing HIV testing but relying on WHO's "Bengui Diagnosis" I forget the details but basically if you had severe diarhea, coughing, weight loss and some other symptoms, you were diagnosed with AIDS. Never mind that these are common symptoms for 100 common African diseases. Yes, people were very sick and dying horrible deaths, but probably not from AIDS for the most part. And probably not more than normal.

2) If you had been diagnosed with AIDS and got hit by a truck, you died "from" AIDS, not "with AIDS"

When they started widespread HIV testing in the early 2000s (much provided by GW Bush) they found relatively few cases of AIDS.

There were a couple of reasons for playing this up. Money was the main one. People have been dying of horrible diseases in Africa since the beginning of time. Nobody gives a shit, just a buncha black folks. But heterosexual AIDS means that it could jump the ocean and infect a lot of non-gay, non-drug using white folks, men and women. PEOPLE WILL GET REAL EXCITED ABOUT THAT!!!! And did.

So yeah, I'd love to see some numbers on how many of the Italian deaths are from Kung Flu as opposed to other, unrelated, causes of death in people with Kung Flu.

John Henry

Josephbleau said...

Can someone tell me if Picard is on broadcast tv? I don't want to pay 5.99 per month for it. I saw the first few on the free 30 day subscription and was impressed that it was not horrible.

narciso said...

I like the skewering, and im dissapointed at what even michael chabon has wrought.

narciso said...

Its gotten much worse, mostly because the writers dont know trek or dont care

Inga said...

Figures show the virus is already spreading faster in America than it EVER did in China and the US has the second most new cases per day in the world

Some very interesting graphs.

Josephbleau said...

I think Python was made under the idea that R was so good they needed to make another open source language completely different but with the same functionality.

Ken B said...

You and I agree on those cases it looks, but what if a bureaucrat doesn’t? What happens? And what if we were 7nsure and skipped doing that run for our daughter? We have skipped other stuff voluntarily anyway.
You cannot shut down a state. It’s crazy to try. If they are going to use common sense then you don’t need the threat of jail and cops in the first place.

Anonymous said...

@ Bruce Hayden 7:35 PM

I hear you. I put a contract in on a house in late Jan, and didn't lock because I figured (correctly) that the Fed would make at least one move, and they actually made two, which would seem to be in my favor. Now I don't even know within a percentage point where I will end up, and it will almost certainly be on the higher side by possibly 1%, even if I come up with a higher down payment. Originally scheduled to close 3/31, but that's probably not gonna happen.


Josephbleau said...

I enjoyed watching tos because my grandmother told me not to because it was obscene. I liked watching Fireball XL5 when I was in 4th grade because of the hot girl puppets. So don't expect an informed opinion from me.

Known Unknown said...

"Figures show the virus is already spreading faster in America than it EVER did in China and the US has the second most new cases per day in the world

Some very interesting graphs."

Gee, you increase testing for something and you get more of it. Shocker.

effinayright said...

Right around now, I wish I held stock in the Comfort Beverage industry. It must be doing very well.

Mark said...

Gomer meets a stereotypical Jewish woman on a park bench.

Achilles said...

mockturtle said...
Am I to assume that those of you complaining the most live in either California or New York? Or Illinois? Otherwise, how have you been inconvenienced?

I want to be as childish as you and tell you to where to take your "complaining" comments. I understand that you are just lashing out.

Schools are closed. Recruiting efforts at all the places I am applying for jobs are essentially stopped. I am working "online" while watching kids. Productivity is close to 0. My wife's job is turned upside down. There is massive stress around the house. We are building our kids education curricula ourselves because the online shit is garbage. We paid a lot of money for childcare and it all got shut down. Hours will probably be cut soon.

We have some friends that own a restaurant. It kills me to see people losing their livelihood.

I haven't been able to talk to the people at the gym for obvious reasons. I hope they make it.

Jay Inslee is my governor.

Jay Inslee now has the power to shut a business or many businesses or all businesses down whenever he wants to.

The effects of this are permanent.

There is no sense of self responsibility. Nobody is letting gym owners set up disinfection systems. Nobody is letting people make their own decisions.

We have just become a collectivist nation over a couple thousand deaths in China.

Mark said...

I'll tell you -- I had started the beginnings of collecting emergency supplies in the event of some disaster. There are a few hills between me and there, but I thought that maybe when that bright light flashes from the District, I might be spared.

Nuclear destruction I thought possible.

This I never expected.

mockturtle said...

Figures show the virus is already spreading faster in America than it EVER did in China and the US has the second most new cases per day in the world

Dr. Birx warned specifically on a daily basis that once more tests are available and used there will be a huge spike in cases. So this is to be expected.

Mark said...

There's a glowing review --

"It was not horrible."

mockturtle said...

I understand that you are just lashing out.

Lashing out? You're the one who is 'lashing out', Achilles. Go chill somewhere.

Mark said...

Now Gomer went to the stereotypical Jewish mother's home and he's singing yiddish songs at the piano.

Mark said...

This is what we've been reduced to.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

mock, school is in total disarray. This school year is a wash now. STEM college students screwed because classes they desperately need for continuity and fought to get into and paid handsomely for are moved overnight to clumsy, noisy Zoom meetings with no lab components. No tutoring, no activities they also paid for. SATs cancelled. Public schools trying to teach an elementary curriculum through Google Classroom, with parents who are not at all prepared for sudden unguided homeschooling while they are trying to work from home and manage multiple children. Texas cancelled standardized testing which is required to determine promotions to the next grade.

mockturtle said...

Achilles, I guess if you're not used to watching the kids it can be very stressful. You are under a lot of pressure and I do sympathize. You will be in my prayers!

Achilles said...

wholelottasplainin' said...
Achilles said:

Between 110,000 and 565,000 people died of the swine flu in 2009 when Obama was president.

Did you read the official CDC death toll upthread?

So...Where do you get your numbers?????

Those are US numbers. Much more accurate.

It depends where you look but there is a general range for worldwide deaths.

8. Globally, an estimated 151,700 to 575,400 people died from swine flu in the first year of the pandemic.

Somehow we did not declare a national shutdown and emergency or give all of our governor's the power to shut down any business they wanted to.

Mark said...

Lot's of people out on the Washington & Old Dominion Trail today.

All of them practicing social distancing.

Ken B said...

“Covid19 probably won’t kill you.”

True. Neither will closing Gold's Gym for two weeks.

If I lived in Europe in 1348 it was true that the plague probably wouldn’t kill me. If I lived in Europe in 1939 it was true Hitler probably wouldn’t kill me, and if I were drafted in 1967 it was true the Viet Congress probably wouldn’t kill me. It's not really much of an argument for ignoring something.

Mark said...

Before my levofloxacin-degenerated Achilles tendon, I had thought about going on the Camino de Santiago. But even if I could now, I would first need to try something a bit shorter, like the 45-mile long W&OD trail.

Darkisland said...

I went to Costco Wednesday and to the local supermarket today.

In both instances there was a long, long, line. Maybe 100 people at Costco and 50 today. They were limiting the number of people in the store at any one time. In both cases the line moved fast, no more than 10 minutes or so in each.

Costco had a list posted at the door of stuff they were out of. Mainly alcohol, sanitizer, bleach and the like. We got almost everything we wanted. Even bought a brick of TP though we don't really need it at the moment.

Ditto the supermarket. My wife had a long list, the only thing I could not find was hand sanitizer and bleach in 1 gallon bottle. These were limited to 2 per customer but they didn't have any. They had half-gallon and quart bottles with no limit on purchase. Go figure. I bought a half gallon figuring I can go back for more if needed.

John Henry

Mark said...

Speaking of playing the percentages, and speaking of levofloxacin (an antibiotic in the same family as Cipro) --

Sure, the label said you have a low risk of blowing out your Achilles tendon and ruining your ability to safely walk without pain -- and of course you think, it could never happen to me -- but just Google it and see how that couple of percent risk translates to a LOT of people.

Lesa said...

I've been reading this blog for years and have commented on only one occasion. I am now commenting again only to tell you that, although I can't begin to follow the math you do, I think you are absolutely correct in your attitude towards this craziness that's destroying our economy (my state, CA, and nationwide). I don't see any whining on your part. The only thing I disagree with you on is that people will be embarrassed to mention the Wuhan virus a couple months from now. I only wish it were so, but I am afraid that anything related to it will be used to bludgeon Trump in his re-election efforts. I am from the Soviet Union, and our (U.S.)press/media nowadays are less honest and objective than Pravda and Izvestia, et al., used to be. My heart breaks for my beloved adopted homeland. I hope that you will, very soon, be proven right. But even if you are wrong now, I commend you on your rational, non-panicky attitude.

Ken B said...

Your arguments are misdirected and will have no effect. You need to address real issues. There is a lot wrong with the panicked and rushed response from a lot of people. You need to make the case their actions do more harm than good. You won’t do that by clinging to the false theory that covid19 is a minor outbreak of a mild disease. It is a huge outbreak of a serious disease. If it is not handled well it will be catastrophic. You need to understand that and raise your concerns, which are legitimate, within that context or you will be written off. Grow up.

Achilles said...

mockturtle said...
I understand that you are just lashing out.

Lashing out? You're the one who is 'lashing out', Achilles. Go chill somewhere.

I was posting an opinion and numbers and facts.

You posted this.

mockturtle said...
Achilles, I've always like your posts but I wouldn't want to be around you in a major crisis. Your whining is part of the problem rather than part of the solution. Most people I see are helping neighbors and behaving very admirably through these inconveniences. Let us all just pray it is short-lived.

I think it is a good thing that causing stress and pain to others makes you upset. People like Inga revel in the pain this is causing and cheer for it.

But you all need to start thinking about the costs of your actions.

But I think it is too late. The cow is out of the barn.

Jay Inslee is now a dictator with all of the powers that implies. From now on every election we are electing someone with unlimited powers.

Dow Constantine is a much smarter individual that Inslee. Much scarier. Probably the next in line to take over after our current dope smoker is out.

narciso said...

Yikes i thought that was palpatines brother, turtles all the way down.

Darkisland said...

Did you hear that there is this new fangled thing called teleconferencing? Slo-Joe just found out today.

I mentioned that I was supposed to be in NC next week but got cancelled or postponed. Client emailed me today asking if I would be willing to have a go at the project using something called "Help Lightening" Here's a video. It is sort of teleconferencing meets virtual reality meets telestrator. Looks pretty cool. I told him sure, I'll be happy to give it a go.

He sent me a bunch of files to plow through and then we will see how helpful I can be with it.

I'll report back next week.

John Henry

Drago said...

Inga: "Figures show the virus is already spreading faster in America than it EVER did in China and the US has the second most new cases per day in the world"

Repeat after me: I have complete and total faith in the numbers the Chinese Communist totalitarian government is feeding me and I am dumbfounded that geometrically increasing testing in the US results in increases in the number of those who test positive.

Mark said...

It took a while, but I finally recognized the voice of Gomer's Jewish mother --

It's Yente the Matchmaker!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Josephbleau said...
all the new hippies like python.

I am an old hippie and I love Python. Not all that similar to R. It has libraries that provide similar functionality (pandas) but it is a very different animal. Beautiful general purpose language. It has enormous range, a good language for my daughter to learn programming, good for data analysis and good for making GUI apps that are not intended to be commercial products.

boatbuilder said...

It would be instructive to me if one of you who incessantly criticize Achilles for not buying into the "we're all going to die and we therefore need to shut down the economy and turn ourselves over to our government overlords" view would explain why it is that there are only 1500 people in Washington who got the disease and only 75 who died.

WA is where it started--the epicenter--before anything was shut down. People got infected and carried it to their homes and friends and it should have spread like wildfire. The first positive test was 2 months ago. It is not getting worse.

Explain. Because I don't get it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Russis Russia Inga trusts the Chi-Com-Maddow info.

Inga said...

My daughter has a 19 year old who is missing her classes at U of MN and missing her internship in France this summer, my 16 year old grandson is looking to take SATs also. My 10 year old granddaughter is also doing the online classes. My other daughter and son in law both work outside the home, they’re juggling schedules like crazy trying to make sure they can show up at work, stay home with my two little grandsons and have my older grandson do his school work. I haven’t heard either of my daughters with children whine about their circumstances. They understand everyone is in the same boat and whining, crying and stamping their feet won’t make the virus magically disappear. They understand the rational of the need to isolate in order to flatten the curve of transmission, allowing the healthcare system to keep up. I’m proud of the women they are.

Darkisland said...

Video for Help Lightening.

Really, it's no malarkey!

John Henry

narciso said...

One wonders what part the flight from tehran to vancouver has about a month ago? A new cluster of cases.

Josephbleau said...

Corona is a great moral panic. It makes people afraid and they can take action by staying hidden. They don't have to burn witches or get crazy prosecutors to put day care workers in prison for sacrificing children in hidden caves. They just need to buy the sacred toilet paper. All in all a great improvement, just don't start stoning the infected.

Mark said...

The best two scenes in Fiddler are also the two most heartbreaking.

"God alone knows when we shall see each other again."
"Then we will leave it in His hands."

"No, there is no other hand."

Inga said...

Your arguments are misdirected and will have no effect. You need to address real issues.”

Good luck with that.

Fernandinande said...

Fuck, my mom is gonna kill me

Lovely pets (scroll right for more)

Diversity - Not you

Achilles said...

Ken B said...
Your arguments are misdirected and will have no effect. You need to address real issues. There is a lot wrong with the panicked and rushed response from a lot of people. You need to make the case their actions do more harm than good. You won’t do that by clinging to the false theory that covid19 is a minor outbreak of a mild disease. It is a huge outbreak of a serious disease. If it is not handled well it will be catastrophic. You need to understand that and raise your concerns, which are legitimate, within that context or you will be written off. Grow up.

True to form you can't even honestly represent what I say. I am laying out the costs in many posts and comparing them to what is going on.

People are dying. I get it. It is nasty business.

But that is what people do. We all die and for a lot of reasons.

As many people may die of COVID-19 as the flu this year. I admit that it is possible more people might die of COVID-19 this year than the flu.

That sucks. But orders of magnitude of people will die from other things like heart failure or cancer. Shit happens.

But you all just made every governor in the nation a local dictator with complete power over our lives and livelihoods. That may seem OK with Trump as president. That was almost Hillary Clinton.

I will not be surprised tomorrow if you all demand we start mandatory testing and dragging people off to "quarantine." Jay Inslee probably not. Dow Constantine? I know that fucker would. Gavin Newsome? Andrew Cuomo?

The governor of Oregon is a very scary woman. With Hillary in the Oval office what do you think they would do with the power you are giving these people?

You people do not understand what you are doing or why you are doing it.

I think you are all lost and that this will not end well.

Ken B said...

Here is a simple fact. With government funds — yes government funds — to support people and businesses for a short period the economy can survive two or three weeks of extreme self quarantining. Businesses need not fold nor people starve, lose homes, etc. As long as we keep the principal pipelines going we can handle the drastic throttling. That might buy us a lot in terms of the virus. So we need to try.

We also need to think about and talk about how to operate longer term. We need a lot of people to self quarantine, for some extended time. We also need to encourage others not in risk groups to increase their distances too. We need to discuss the costs. What we do not need is more uninformed bleating that it’s a hoax.

Grow up. Serious problems need serious discussion.

Mark said...

It brings tears to your eyes, watching those scenes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Keep an eye out on "remdesivir", an antiviral therapy used in Ebola treatment. Might show some promise.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Diversity - not you" - LOL.

Mark said...

At some point, we will have to come out from under the bed and hope . . . and let nature take it's course.

What will be will be.

We shouldn't be reckless about it.

But neither are we the masters of the universe.

Ken B said...

Inga : “”Good luck with that”

Yup. His response shows it’s pointless talking to him. The sad thing is while he is the most vocal he is not the worst of them here. It’s like Althouse's blog has become that drawing room in Gone With the Wind where the southern gentleman all scoff at the idea the North might beat them. Lots of heads deep in the sand here.

Bruce Hayden said...

Here in PHX, about all you see are closed restaurants as to seating. Most still have their counters and drive through open. Just was in Walmart and Fry’s (local Kroger’s). Both were wiped out in canned vegetables and lunch meats. Also, I think frozen veggies. Earlier this week, was at Sams Club, and most everyone there had a 45 pack of TP in their cart. Some had two. Masks, hand sanitizer, and 90% isopropyl alcohol were also gone. Without sit down diners, the restaurants were worried, but still limping along.

We have a bunch of apartments west of Denver. Our property manager warned us that we might face a lot of people not able to pay rents, and be prevented by the govt from evicting them. He believes that there would be govt programs to help. One of my brothers asked today if we should expect this, and cut back the quarterly dividend due in 11 days. I thought not - we have plenty of cash to ride it out. Indeed, we have just embarked on a plan to pay out the excess over the next five years.

My thoughts that there seems to be a decent correlation between how unfree a state is, and how far rehires governor is willing to go. In glee in WA, Jaba in IL, Fredo’s brother in NY, Nusome in CA, all seem to be panicking, and getting great joy ordering their subjects around. Much of the country - much more reasonable.

Mark said...

And, oh, by the way --


What if this had been a big snowfall? We've been holed up for longer periods than this.

Get a grip.

FullMoon said...

One acquaintance shut down the bar he owned for good today. Rent high enough in Seattle already, couldn't risk how much debt would come from closure with no end in sight.

Drove through a couple of shopping centers today. Numerous small restaurants open for business, but parking lots empty. These restaurants supposed to be closed but no doubt owners are hoping for business so they can survive.

Some people here consider this an inconvenience. I consider it a tragedy.

Big Mike said...

Xfinity gives me 3 PBS stations, and one of them is showing “Turandot” from the Met. A pretty good tenor is singing Calaf. Can’t wait to see how he does with Nessun Dorma.

Mark said...

Meanwhile, consider giving your $1200 government handout to someone who might really need it. Maybe your church or synagogue or some charity that has seen a drop off in contributions.

Inga said...

“Lots of heads deep in the sand here.”

Yes. As I’ve said before, when one’s head is in the sand one won’t see what’s coming.

Yancey Ward said...

Yes, we have lost our collective minds. I wouldn't have thought this possible even 6 weeks ago.

I wrote it a week or so ago- here is the only real policy you need:

(1) Stop all flights from outside the country, stop all flights from those places where you think hotspots might exist. At this moment, it would be places like New York City and Seattle. I would discourage air travel altogether, but I would ban it elsewhere.

(2) Emphasize and reemphasize that if you have a fever and/or a cough, isolate yourself immediately- don't go to the ER, don't go to a clinic where you might spread it. We don't actually need to know if you have COVID-19- the treatment is going to be the same anyway. Call for help if you start to have trouble breathing, don't go to the ER, don't go a clinic.

(3) Emphasize and reemphasize that you wash your hands before you leave the house and after you come home. Keep your distance from other people, and wipe down every surface you touch outside your home.

(4) Do shut down large gatherings where people sit next to each other and strangers for a time, but you should have to do this for more than 2-3 weeks maximum.

And now for the most important ones:

(5) Strongly suggest that all people over the age of 65 self-isolate from all but 1 or 2 trusted people until a vaccine is available. Same applies to people with serious medical conditions like suppressed immune systems, emphysema and other similar lung problems, or weak hearts. People can decide for themselves what risks they are willing to take with other less major medical problems.

(6) Definitely cut off in-person visitations to people in nursing homes, rehab facilities, and hospitals. Test the employees of such facilities every single day, and keep doing so until a vaccine is found. There is reason such employees must take TB tests and keep vigorously up to date with all available vaccinations- simple illnesses can kill 1-10% of such old people and physically compromised individuals. COVID-19 is no different here.

(7) Stop putting COVID-19 patients in the same hospitals as patients for every other illness. Set up completely separate facilities with separate personnel, and test those personnel every single day.

In short, the testing resources need to used on medical personnel, and then only on the general population. Right now we are probably not testing the medical personnel enough, everyone else too much. If you really want to limit actual deaths, we need only do a better job than Italy did on steps 6 and 7. This is probably what Germany has done better, and South Korea, too, and what Spain probably hasn't done well.

What we don't need are state wide/country wide lockdowns on everyone. This will end up killing more people than you save, if you try to keep it up for more than 2-3 weeks. That I have to point this out is distressing in the extreme. There are tradeoffs that can't be ignored here, but we are blithely just hurtling off the depression cliff right now, and that had better change in the next week.

Mark said...

We're still two or three weeks away from Panic Time.

narciso said...

consider in the genre of epidemic films was spawn, where a north korean type outbreak was brought to bear, due to martin sheens efforts.

Ken B said...

Michael K has been posting about Remsedivir for over a month. He also mentioned chloroquine very early. The advantages of chloroquine are that it’s already approved, its side effects are known, it’s cheap, and it’s easy to make. We can only hope it’s effective. There was one small peer reviewed study that is very hopeful.

This is a key reason why the Achilles chorus are wrong. Three weeks can buy us a huge amount if chloroquine is effective, if warmer weather works, if we can ramp up making ventilators. Three weeks could reduce the damage by a factor of a hundred.

Josephbleau said...

"I am an old hippie and I love Python. Not all that similar to R. It has libraries that provide similar functionality (pandas) but it is a very different animal. Beautiful general purpose language. It has enormous range, a good language for my daughter to learn programming, good for data analysis and good for making GUI apps that are not intended to be commercial products."

I am deeply interested in comp sci sociology. I grew up on basic in hs and Fortran wat5 in 1973 and cobol in college. I resist interpreted languages vs a compiler due to my youth in a cpu starved world and would probably default to C++ but I agree that kids benefit from a gentle introduction in a kinder language. thanks for the comment.

Mark said...

Yancy, you forgot --

(8) Stop all this blaming of "we should have done this" or "we should have already had that" or "it's all _____'s fault."

That ain't helping and is only making everything worse.

Mark said...

What's done is done.

Focus on the road ahead.

boatbuilder said...

2 months. No social distancing until long after exposure. 1500 cases. 75 deaths. Population 7.5 million.

Mark B? Mockturtle? Inga?

Anybody want to explain the stats in Washington State?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I think Althouse should create a thread where the non-Trumpists can complain about Trump. Social distancing from bitching about Trump is unhelpful. It results in a distortion of the marketplace of ideas. In this very thread we have fellow Republicans at each other's throats. This is just wrong. A bizarro world. I want to hear everyone bitching about Inga in unison and then I will know that everything is going to be OK.

Yancey Ward said...

I will tell you what is going to happen- two weeks from now the US will still be reporting 5,000+ new cases/day and will have reached 2-3 hundred dead a day- it will look like a plateau, but that will be an artifact of testing plateauing. What are Newsome, Inslee, Cuomo and all the other governors going to do then? Continue a lockdown? For how long? People will disobey it by the millions after 3 weeks. After the end of April, people will start to pick up the debris of their business and employment lives as best they can regardless of what the COVID-19 tabulation sites report- it will start to be ignored.

Achilles said...

Ken B said...
Inga : “”Good luck with that”

Yup. His response shows it’s pointless talking to him. The sad thing is while he is the most vocal he is not the worst of them here. It’s like Althouse's blog has become that drawing room in Gone With the Wind where the southern gentleman all scoff at the idea the North might beat them. Lots of heads deep in the sand here.

I know you and Inga are on similar intelligence levels.

My post was for more intelligent people.

Mark said...

So, question for the group --

Of those of you working from home during the crisis, how many of you are actually putting in full eight hour days? And how many are getting up late and doing about half, even when you still have a full load of things to do?

(Me? I still have some stuff to do, but a lot of what I do now is dependent upon what others in government and society do, so with that shut down, I'm going to have to start faking it pretty soon. And, yeah, I'm sleeping in most mornings.)

Yancey Ward said...

The only decision Trump made or didn't make that possibly changed anything at all was the decision to ban flights from China, and it is all but certain that decision was taken at least 2 months too late to matter, and we didn't know about the coronavirus two months before that, so it is moot.

That was it- no other decision would have affected anything- we would still have exactly the pool of infected, known and unknown, that we have as I write this. It is absolutely fucking hilarious that people think Trump had the power to stop this or even alter its course in any significant way. The delay is meaningless since we will never test more than 20% of the people infected regardless of how many tests we run now or when.

Ken B said...

I read you on other threads to. You said this today.
“ COVID-19 isn't going to kill 500,000 old people much less 500,000 mixed age people. It is not even going to be in the same ballpark as flu by any measure except one. “ That one is economic impact.

So you DID deny that covid19 would kill as many as the flu.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Yancey Ward said...
People will disobey it by the millions after 3 weeks. After the end of April, people will start to pick up the debris of their business and employment lives as best they can regardless of what the COVID-19 tabulation sites report- it will start to be ignored.

It will depend on the facts on the ground. People say a lot of crazy stuff but tend to act more cautiously when it's a matter of life and death.

narciso said...

One of the problems biegler, jordan (critical drinker) notice about picard, is its game of thrones level of brutality) sonething they couldnt get away with on cbs standard.

Inga said...

“Meanwhile, consider giving your $1200 government handout to someone who might really need it. Maybe your church or synagogue or some charity that has seen a drop off in contributions.”

I’ll be spending mine on more material to make face masks for hospital staff first and then anyone who needs one. I started making a couple of different kinds today and I’m encouraging the ladies from a group I belong to to join me, of course sewing in their own homes. I can’t go help out as a nurse anymore, because at my age, 68 it wouldn’t be safe. So instead of whining and pouting I’m gonna sew.

Michael K said...

I love reading about industrial history. I think it is critical that we recognize the men and women who made the history happen.

Sorry. I have given up on reading all the comments. I am reading Andrew Wareham's novels about Industrial Revolution England. I am also reading his novels about WWI RFC, the Royal Flying Corps. I have lost interest in the hysteria about COVID 19.

See you tomorrow.

Narr said...

Sheesh, look at the time.

Milwaukie guy et. al.!!

I just posted about ACWABAWS writing on last night's ice cafe . . . I hope the authorities will post it there soon.

Now I'll go read the last 150 comments here.

Gol darn that bigotry towards day-olds

Michael K said...

People say a lot of crazy stuff but tend to act more cautiously when it's a matter of life and death.

They also have good bullshit detectors, Good night.

narciso said...

Indeed yancey, and yet that step is noted almost in passing, what are thr other options massive testing...profit, now they dont mention treatment regimens like tendesvir or chloroquinine.

Ken B said...

Trump's decision made a big difference. Our strategy now is a race. Can we ramp up quickly enough so we are Korea instead of Italy. Italy was overwhelmed because they had a huge number of carriers from Wuhan in the region, with daily flights. Trump's executive order might be the most consequential executive order in over a century.

Achilles said...

Mark said...
What's done is done.

Focus on the road ahead.


Open up the schools.

Let gyms and restaurants at least try to squeak by.

Set payroll taxes and interest rates to 0. Set the corporate tax rate for less than 1,000,000$ to 0.

Double the money supply and use the money to back loans investing in domestic production of medical supplies and equipment and a domestic space program.

Induce inflation to reduce the impact of unsustainable welfare programs.

Prioritize distributed rural areas for production of critical resources.

Start throwing politicians who sold us out to China in jail.

boatbuilder said...

This Guardian piece and its criticisms could be written about any state in the country. And yet--1500 cases in a population of 7.5 million people, at the "epicenter."

Where are the cases?

How is Achilles wrong?

Yancey Ward said...

Three weeks ain't going to buy us shit, Ken B, if these treatments turn out to be only modestly efficacious, and modest efficacy is considered to be a 10% effect. We could have accomplished all you are wanting to do by simply isolating the people over age of 65, or who are physically compromised by illness in a significant way.

So, what would you do 3 weeks from now when nothing is different? Buy another 3 weeks? Within a month, supplies will start to run out in major cities, and then you will have a true clusterfuck of biblical proportions. You can't run this economy on minimal staff for very long. We aren't past the point of no return yet, but that point is lot closer than some of you seem to believe. At this point, if I lived in one of these states shutting down everything, I would pack my family up and get the fuck out right now.

FullMoon said...

Guy1. No need to over react, flu kills thousands every year and we do no shut the country down

Guy 2. I am scared to death and will look like a fool if I am wrong for agreeing with economically destroying lives so I will keep saying the same thing over and over and over and over again to dispute guy#1. And, when it is over, no matter what happens, I will say,I told you so.

narciso said...

The boxer capitulations which i imagine warehams touches on, it about halfway through chinas century of humiliation, it was one of the last gasps of thr manchu dynasty which would collapses in 1912.

FullMoon said...

There's something happening here
But what it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware

I think it's time we stop
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's going down?

There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong..

bagoh20 said...

Inga asked: "What would people here who are upset over the closings, do if they were in a position of authority?"

Excellent question, and I mean that. More people should ask themselves that, and consider also the terrible effects of shutting down an economy which will kill people, mostly the poor and already endangered though immense loss of wealth, because they are only cared for though the excess wealth others produce through commerce and work. Wealth is the very thing that makes our lives safe, healthy, secure and compassionate, and which without, all those wonders of civilization cannot be supported. Compare societies with wealth to those without and ask how many steps toward the lesser are we taking with this, who suffers first when it is lost, and is it necessary to do this harm, becuase it's a damned big price to pay, maybe not for you, the person in authority, but for all those you cannot see from your lofty perch.

My action:

I would quarantine the sick and those over 70. Absolutely no exposure to any other people unless they are cleared.

I would have special procedures for clearing individual that would be in contact with them, which would require assessment of recent contacts and travel, with sanitizing and proper gear immediately before contact.

I would enforce a curfew for those over 50 limiting them to their homes or businesses, and have inescapable messaging to them in particular about proper safety practices.

I would immediately remove any barriers to use of effective drugs with known or nearly known side effects, and give producers whatever they need to produce them in mass quantities immediately.

I would use federal funds to greatly accelerate production and delivery of needed medical supplies and personnel.

I would ban international air travel from any country with more than a trivial case count.

I would federally fund any expenses required for these actions.

I would leave everything else alone.

There would be other smaller items here and there like delaying tax season, adding some related deductions, education, and public service outreach, etc.

That would cost a fraction of the shutdowns, put almost nobody out of work, and concentrate protections on those who truely need it, while allowing the immunity to grow among those not threatened by the virus.

What is currently being done is like putting out a trash can fire by bulldozing down the house, becuase the authority figure looks so capable on top of that bulldozer.

walter said...

Good news here.
Almost no frozen vegetables (my staple) at local Walmart. entire end case of generic flavored ice sticks!
It's 30 degrees but summer is just around the corner, right?

Yancey Ward said...

Maybe in 3 weeks people will come to their senses, but there is now a major first mover problem.

You don't want to see this country with 20-40 unemployment and production cut in half. That is where we are headed at the rate we are going. Coronavirus will look like a walk in the park compared to that.

mockturtle said...

Unknown asks: Anybody want to explain the stats in Washington State?

Not sure where you are coming from but I'll do my best. Today alone, WA had 148 new cases confirmed for a total of 1524 and 9 more deaths for a total of 83. Some counties in WA are only just starting to get test kits. To put it into perspective, remember that, just a few days ago, Germany had only 2 or 3 deaths and now has 68. If you look at the graphs, the case numbers tend to be low for a few days then skyrocket as clusters increase [as in NY]. WA didn't follow exactly the same pattern because a large cluster in one nursing facility were exposed all at once by a staff member. The first actual WA [and US] case was a man in Everett [Snohomish County] who had been to Wuhan.

bagoh20 said...

My action is still draconian, but limits it to those who might be saved by it. There will be less than 100% compliance, of course, but the effect of those mistakes will be greatly limited by those who comply, and the mistakes will be well published lessons to the rest of us.

Kathryn51 said...

Reporting from "Ground Zero" (<5 miles from Kirkland nursing home).

The curve may be flattening in WA state. If so, it is due to voluntary steps by businesses, restaurants, gyms, etc. My son works for a company that is associated with sports teams - he's taking a big hit (sales). Originally, the company sent everyone home that was over 60 yrs old or had underlying conditions. 10 days later, everyone was sent home - fortunately, just about entire staff is able to work from home.

Restaurants began to practice safe distancing. Gyms began to focus religiously on super cleansing (wipe down every piece of equipment).

Wash hands. Cough into your elbow. Distance. Use "barrier" (like Kleenex) when handling gas nozzles, grocery carts, etc. Stock up but don't hoard.

Governor Inslee issued his EO on Monday - came down hard on meetings, restaurants (take-out only), etc - but did not shut down all businesses if they practiced CDC guidelines. There has been a major campaign to "shutitdownjay" here but thus far, he has resisted.

Pretty good Link, including links to Nate Silver

Inga said...

Also, I want to say that there women in the military, like my daughter who are working long hours and frantically trying to set up their hospitals and clinics and stand lone testing centers. Some of their staff are being diverted for the two hospital ships and so that leaves the them short staffed with with more duties. I hear no whining or complaining from that daughter either.

mockturtle said...


I shudder to think what some of these people are going to be like in another week.

mockturtle said...

Even if this whole exercise is for naught, think of it as an important practice session for a population-destroying pathogen that could be unleashed in the near future.

wild chicken said...

The two Missoula hospitals are quiet and RN daughter is bored. All is reddit/Missoula some HCW is having a meltdown waiting, says co-workers are picking at each other.

Like the French waiting at the Maginot line during the Phony War. Went to pieces and surrendered.

Don't think this is phony. I hear NYC is getting their patient surge right now.

FullMoon said...

I hear no whining or complaining from that daughter either.

Except about toilet paper and hand soap shortage, right? Or, was that complaint a bit premature

bagoh20 said...

The numbers I see show only 64 cases that are severe or critical IN THE ENTIRE NATION, with all the rest categorized as mild, SO, why is this so hard on our medical system?

My source:

Francisco D said...

Can't we all get along?

narciso said...

<a href="" nyc suffers from a massive misallocation of mdical equipment, did bloomberg tell us this.

Iman said...

China is big asshoe

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

FullMoon said...
Except about toilet paper and hand soap shortage, right?

FM is showing some leadership here. Hopefully other people will follow.

mockturtle said...

Almost no frozen vegetables (my staple) at local Walmart.

Oh, no, walter! I'm going tomorrow and had hoped to score a large bag of Birds-Eye Normandy Blend. Haven't been shopping in two weeks and have no idea how many things on my list will be unavailable.

bagoh20 said...

"Even if this whole exercise is for naught, think of it as an important practice session for a population-destroying pathogen that could be unleashed in the near future."

Or a society destroying dictatorship like in Venezuela, Cuba, China, North Korea, or the Soviet Union. Hey, at least we'll be ready for it, and know where the tasty dumpsters are.

narciso said...

Medical equipment, warren wilhelm is a petty tyranr like coriolianus snow,

narciso said...

Tyrant or kodos the destroyer,

Gahrie said...

I'd forgotten about how much I hated grinding in STV.

Gahrie said...

I miss my kids... well everyone except 6th period.

Mark said...

If the grocery stores don't start restocking soon -- which includes continued employment of all the people in the line -- when they do, there will be another run on the stores as shoppers are not sure when or if things will be there later.

I've got a couple of weeks of food. But I'm thinking that I need at least a month's supply.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Haven't been shopping in two weeks and have no idea how many things on my list will be unavailable.

Perhaps then you are not the person who should be telling people who are responsible for feeding their families, some of them large, that they are overreacting to the current circumstances.

In other news, if you wanted to have an even lower opinion of the intelligence and sober thinking of your fellow citizens: our pool guy today told us that a large number of his clients did not want him entering their property to service their pools. Do you know what a pool guy does? he sanitizes the fucking pool. Oh my GOD the stupid hurts!

Inga said...

“Except about toilet paper and hand soap shortage, right? Or, was that complaint a bit premature.”

Let’s see how well you’d feel like you were being taken care of in a hospital without hand soap and toilet paper. Or masks, or gowns, or PPE of all sorts. But I doubt you ever could’ve made it in the military.

Gospace said...

Several have mentioned the NJ family with multiple deaths from the Chinese iris aka COVID 19. Al the articles I’ve read have said except for the oldest, no underlying medical or risk factors .

Here’s a link to the widely disseminated of the family with no underlying medical conditions.

Obesity is an underlying medical condition. There may be one male in the back who is only overweight and not actually obese. Most obese people don’t get tested for obesity related problems, like, for e, diabetes, until they start showing serious symptoms. Unless they have a very aggressive doctor who tells them flat out “You’re obese. I’m going to test you for...” and then lists all the obesity related diseases.

Not trying to be cruel about it, but looking at the picture the statements that there were no underlying medical conditions is just a polite lie to avoid offending the family.

If you look like any of those women and care about your health, start a serious weight loss regimen and stick to it.

BTW, the two women I know who are most critical of fat women are formerly fat women . One showed me a pic one time of her and her friends and asked me what I thought. I told her I didn’t know any of the people. She pointed out which one was her.

narciso said...

Getting back to trek, roddenbery who was a child in the depression served in the army air force and was secretary to william parker (the vice roy of los angeles) saw a more optimistic future ahead.

FullMoon said...

In case you missed it:
Trump Explodes, 'You're a Terrible Reporter' as Media Makes Presser All About Themselves Again

narciso said...

Past an eugenics inspired uprising and a minor nuclear exchange. The first episode of tng gave us a glimpse of thr latter hellscape.

Mark said...

The Real Series had it's short skirts and tantalizing costumes, but it was TNG that really exploded the Roddenberry #MeToo vision of the future. At least in those early years, when Riker was portrayed as some kind of stud.

Achilles said...

Ken B said...
I read you on other threads to. You said this today.
“ COVID-19 isn't going to kill 500,000 old people much less 500,000 mixed age people. It is not even going to be in the same ballpark as flu by any measure except one. “ That one is economic impact.

So you DID deny that covid19 would kill as many as the flu.

I know I jump between world statistics an US statics. It is confusing to keep track of all the numbers.

Chance COVID-19 kills 500,000 in the US this year: < .000001%

Chance COVID-19 kills 500,000 people in the world this year: < 1%

Caveat: We have no idea how many people actually died in China. I would guess 30,000-50,000 people died of COVID-19 in China and more than 50,000 were hauled off to "quarantine" and will have their organs harvested.

I would put a reasonable confidence interval on 100,000 people worldwide +/- 30,000.

In the US 15,000 +/-5000.

80% Confidence interval.

The things that cause me to be uncertain:

1. This is how movies like I Am Legend and World War Z start. Everyone in the world could be lying about everything. So many people are acting in just inexplicable ways right now. I think the chance everything we have been told is complete horseshit exists.

The fact that congressman are still insider trading gives me hope.

2. Treatments may be 50% a successful as initial tests and hype indicate. If so numbers go much lower.

Ken B said...

I have concluded you don’t understand math. The virus seems to spread by a factor of 10 every two or two and a half weeks. Three weeks buys a 50 fold reduction in the cases confronting you at that time, since we are still in the exponential growth phase. In that time we have moved on chloroquine, new ventilators, getting more masks. These things can mean more than just delaying the spread, they can mean a permanent reduction in the amount of harm done. Further, the doubling period seems to lengthen with increasing temperature. So that can flatten the early part of the growth curve too. The longer we put it off the more chance of a vaccine, and of deploying remsedivir in time to save a lot of lives. These factors — more resources to reduce harm, more Chance of effective control, really matter.

Achilles said...

mockturtle said...
Even if this whole exercise is for naught, think of it as an important practice session for a population-destroying pathogen that could be unleashed in the near future.

All we had to do was give governors dictatorial powers.

No big deal.

mockturtle said...

Pants, I'm sorry that having your kids at home has caused you so much stress and the uncertainty involved must be painful in your situation. You and Achilles will be in my prayers and I hope this siege doesn't last long.

And, if the things on my list aren't available, it won't be a big deal to me. If I have to, I can survive on pea soup, corn bread and oatmeal. And I would gladly sacrifice those so that you and your children would have enough to eat. Sorry if I seemed selfish. I'm really not.

FullMoon said...

All we had to do was give governors dictatorial powers.

No big deal.

And it was way too easy.

Sebastian said...

"school is in total disarray"

Yes. Part of the insanity, and the unconscionable costs imposed on the young, for the benefit of sick seniors.

As several people here have already suggested, there is a better way, without underestimating the risk to certain groups: rigorously isolate the risk groups (anyone over 70, anyone with serious ailments over 50), demand behavior change from the near-risk groups (anyone over 50), but don't tank the economy and don't engage in child abuse.

narciso said...

you think theyll report this honestly

Kevin said...

Why do New Yorkers believe that they are so special, so that they, arriving late, get to jump to the front of the line?

Because if you can make it there you’ll make it anywhere.

Wouldn’t people with that special ability be the people we’d save first?

walter said...

Gahrie said...I miss my kids... well everyone except 6th period.

FullMoon said...

I have concluded you don’t understand math. The virus seems to spread by a factor of 10 every two or two and a half weeks. Three weeks buys a 50 fold reduction in the cases confronting you at that time, since we are still in the exponential growth phase.

The key finding there isn’t that there were fewer positives yesterday than the day before. We can’t know that for sure; at the moment, the data from yesterday includes around half as many tests as the day before so naturally we’d expect fewer positives. The key finding is that even if we assume that there were actually twice as many positives yesterday as the graph indicates, that would be roughly equal to the number of positives on Tuesday. In other words, we’re not seeing exponential growth.

Sebastian said...

"school is in total disarray"

And the disarray will only increase, unless people come to their senses.

Example: friend teaches a STEM subject. Not sure how exams can be administered and validity of scores checked.

No biggy, you say. But STEM subjects are cumulative. Apart from enabling behavior that would get people expelled on the spot, the disarray makes a mockery of sequencing. Not to mention hands-on lab work that can't be done, experiments interrupted -- the works.

Of course, there are thousands of instances of disarray. Within weeks, hundreds of thousands. It can't go on.

Kathryn51 said...

Gospace said...

Obesity is an underlying medical condition.

That was my first impression - this family was very overweight. I would be surprised if there weren't several cases of Diabetes II (although, I guess it is Diabetes I that is most problematical).

That's not to say that they deserved it. But facts are important. We are freaking out about statistics, but we need to Understand The Risk. Not the WORST case (a handful of children are carriers) but actual numbers so that adults can make rational decisions.

narciso said...


Achilles said...

As soon as I see "You don't understand math" or "math is hard" at the beginning of the statement the chances that statement are really stupid go up... expodentially.

narciso said...

In new york atate, it was determined on line work wouldnt count.

Achilles said...

Sebastian said...
"school is in total disarray"

And the disarray will only increase, unless people come to their senses.

Example: friend teaches a STEM subject. Not sure how exams can be administered and validity of scores checked.

No biggy, you say. But STEM subjects are cumulative. Apart from enabling behavior that would get people expelled on the spot, the disarray makes a mockery of sequencing. Not to mention hands-on lab work that can't be done, experiments interrupted -- the works.

Of course, there are thousands of instances of disarray. Within weeks, hundreds of thousands. It can't go on.

I will second this.

It is a complete disaster.

FullMoon said...

“Except about toilet paper and hand soap shortage, right? Or, was that complaint a bit premature.”

Let’s see how well you’d feel like you were being taken care of in a hospital without hand soap and toilet paper. Or masks, or gowns, or PPE of all sorts. But I doubt you ever could’ve made it in the military.

So, it was a lie,then? No shortage of tp and soap. Thought so.

Sebastian said...

Cuomo quoted at Powerline:

“I want to be able to say to the people of New York — I did everything we could do,” Cuomo said. “And if everything we do saves just one life, I’ll be happy.”

This is beyond irrational. It is insane.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I don't think you're selfish, mock, at all. In fact I think you're quite wonderful. I just think that you don't have a clear picture because of your self-reliant lifestyle of how truly disruptive, with long-term effects, this is.

In the scheme of things it's not a big deal, but my very social 4 year old hasn't had preschool, dance class, piano class, Sunday school, or a playdate in two weeks. For how long are we supposed to keep this up? I even have people trying to shame me because we go to the playground, with just her and her little sister, because tHe VirUS can LiVe oN sTaiNLesS StEeL!. Can someone explain to me why kids don't deserve a normal childhood and are relegated to watching live videos of zoos at their kitchen tables, for an indeterminate amount of time but maybe uP to 24 MonThs!!!!! because no one is willing to do the obviously sensible thing and tell the at-risk to stay home so the rest of us can live our lives?

Ken B said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

FullMoon said...
So, it was a lie,then?

Another good effort from FullMoon. Come on people, he's the only one really trying.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

No biggy, you say. But STEM subjects are cumulative. Apart from enabling behavior that would get people expelled on the spot, the disarray makes a mockery of sequencing. Not to mention hands-on lab work that can't be done, experiments interrupted -- the works.

YES. My oldest is a freshman aerospace engineering major. She is smart but she has to learn these concepts thoroughly or she won't make it in her future classes. She does every single physics and calculus problem in the tutoring center, or did before The Crazy Times, and visits her professors during office hours if she has questions, and meets regularly with study groups. How thoroughly can she master the concepts that she needs to sitting in a noisy house full of siblings two thousand miles away from her campus with nothing but a shitty Zoom meeting?

Narr said...

Too late for book talk. Maybe tomorrow.

The Kroger today was busy but not thronged. TP and sanitation-related shelves empty, but other shortages seemed pretty random. Have started buying things opportunistically -- but only stuff we actually use, and not in big lots.

Yesterday I asked the plumber how business was. He said they were actually busier than normal---lots of people needing paper towels cleared from their sewer lines.

See you tomorrow.

(We had two non-clog problems)

Mark said...

George Costanza on Voyager.

Sebastian said...

"Can someone explain to me why kids don't deserve a normal childhood"

They can't. It's time for you and other parents to mobilize, defend your children, and stop the insanity.

The rigorous isolation of risk groups does not require months of child abuse.

Achilles said...

mockturtle said...
Pants, I'm sorry that having your kids at home has caused you so much stress and the uncertainty involved must be painful in your situation. You and Achilles will be in my prayers and I hope this siege doesn't last long.

And, if the things on my list aren't available, it won't be a big deal to me. If I have to, I can survive on pea soup, corn bread and oatmeal. And I would gladly sacrifice those so that you and your children would have enough to eat. Sorry if I seemed selfish. I'm really not.

I don't think you are selfish.

You are lashing out. I am lashing out. There is a lot of pressure and stress right now.

There is a lot of shaming going around and a herd mentality that is taking us down a dark path. It is really hard to stop and think and people attack you if you do that.

I am watching people take the Red Pill on this board every day. You are showing self awareness that many people here lack.

Mark said...

Watching a clip of some WHO official.

Talk about people I have ZERO confidence in.

Inga said...

“The majority of New York City residents who have tested positive for the coronavirus are men between the ages of 18 and 49, according to newly released public health data.

Even though experts say the elderly are the hardest hit by the virus, just 46% of the city’s COVID-19 patients are over 50 while 54% are 18-49. The remaining 2% of cases are people age 5 to 17.

The demographics, from the city’s Health Department, were determined from an analysis of 3,954 positive cases on March 19.

By Friday, March 20, there were 5,151 COVID-19 cases and 29 fatalities.

Emergency room visits for flu-symptoms and pneumonia were up 366% compared to the same period last year. Queens had the largest increase in ER activity, followed by Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island and the Bronx.

“This is significant because as these numbers continue to rise there is growing concern about the city’s limited hospital and ICU bed capacity,” said Tomas Hoyos, CEO of the health and technology company”

mockturtle said...

Pants, please don't let other people shame or ostracize you. If you want to take your kids to the playground, just do it! Boldly! :-)

mccullough said...

Interesting how many NBA players are testing positive.

Their Chinese Masters control them

Mark said...


You know, we did things about as quickly as reasonably possible. As soon as the need was recognized.

You don't suddenly do something that is unprecedented in the history of the world at the snap of a finger when something no one expected happens.

Sebastian said...

If you want to help stop the insanity, check out Aaron Ginn at, "Evidence over Hysteria."

rightguy said...

Got off work at 4PM today (the hospital is 2/3 full, elective surgery has been cancelled, & no covid-19 cases) and went over Sara Park here in Lake Havasu City AZ. I had a nice hour+ hike in the desert hills around Lizard Peak and got a wonderful pic of a desert rose. Didn't see a single soul. I've lived most of my life in the South and I never stop being impressed by having quality hiking from trail-heads in the city limits.

mccullough said...

The Hysteria. The Panic.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Inga said...
The majority of New York City residents who have tested positive for the coronavirus are men between the ages of 18 and 49, according to newly released public health data.

“Is Covid-19 a judgment of God? I could not say for sure, but I think so.”

Mark said...

I saw a bunch of little kids out with their parents on the W&OD trail today.

They don't know what's normal and what isn't.

Mark said...

Which one's the red pill?

The one that continues to be a Duracell battery? Or the one that discovers he's got a computer interface in the back of his skull?

narciso said...

I walked about two miles today, before it all goes running man.

Mark said...

Don't worry if it does -- you'll be back.

Inga said...

“Is Covid-19 a judgment of God? I could not say for sure, but I think so.”

Who said that? Some loony televangelist?

Mark said...

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking.

Mark said...

Yes, let's drag in some obscure nobody into this and mock him.

Marc in Eugene said...

Here in Oregon, Governor Brown has asked that we all stay inside, not leaving our houses except for "essential purposes". I don't know what that means and since I'm not planning on going out tomorrow anyway, except for my morning and evening spatiamenta, will read up on the nonsense before Sunday. For now it's a friendly gubernatorial request but an 'order' of some sort is coming. I wonder how long it'll be before she calls up the National Guard to patrol the mean streets of Veneta, Woodburn, and Scio.

walter said...

What is the average age of an NYC resident?
And what is ARM getting at?

Big Mike said...

Well, a demand that we septuagenarians self-quarantine would have denied me yesterday’s trip to the therapist and today’s gym, but I could live without them (yes, I wiped down the gym equipment both before and after I used it). So, a single data point, I’d be cool with an “elderly shelter in place” strategy as has been proposed upthread. When it warms up outside I suppose I will be allowed to leave the house to mow?

I go to the local restaurants to pick up meals for takeout, and leave a tip as though I had eaten at a table. I hope the local restaurants survive all this — I have come to know some of the staff and I hate the thought that these people are suffering financially for what I see as a wrong-headed approach to flattening the curve. Meade and others have expressed sympathy for the working poor who are suffering, but $1200 won’t go far towards making them whole, and expressions of sympathy go even less far.

Mark said...

I do think this experience will change my shopping habits.

No more buying completely useless crap.

mccullough said...

This experience should change our manufacturing habits.

Fuck China

Mark said...

And frankly, and sadly, I've not been all that inspired to go back to Rome since, oh, March 2013 or so. The three times I've been there (and to Florence) are still fresh in my mind. But don't think I'll be going to Italy in the near or not-so-near term.

Mark said...

mccullough gets it.

Big Mike said...

@Inga, may I remind you that Trump is sending the hospital ship Comfort up to New York to increase their number of beds and doctors? That should help.

Drago said...

Inga: "Who said that? Some loony televangelist?"

Uh oh. Leading Iranian clerics are claiming that this virus is a judgement of Allah.

Inga will now find herself in quite a bind as criticism of islamic supremacists is simply a line she will not cross.

Achilles said...

Slopes aren't just for graphs and total infections.

"LAKEWOOD, N.J. (CBS) — Police in Ocean County have arrested a homeowner for hosting a pop-up wedding with more than 50 people in attendance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier in the week, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy banned gatherings of 50 or more people in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Lakewood police have charged 49-year-old Eliyohu Zaks with maintaining a nuisance for hosting the wedding at a home on Spruce Street.

“The Lakewood Police is asking that its citizens be responsible and obey the directives set forth by the State of New Jersey for the safety and health of all. Those that choose not to will be subject to criminal prosecution,” police said in a statement."

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