I was out on a bike ride and met one other intrepid bike rider out too. No longer a commute to the store because there's nothing at the store to buy, but you still need the bike ride.
Maybe it’s time for some Christmas movies on Hallmark. Nah! I think I am going to watch Contact. That is a movie that sort of captures the mood. Contact by aliens.
Do you think the writers have been holding that one back for when this calms down? Unless... Unless the aliens bring the cure for the ChiCom virus, that would be epic, but what do they do for the next season? They would have to end the world on that note.
On another topic entirely different from news of the day.
I read an article published on St. Pats about the "little-known" contribution of the "Irish and Scotch-Irish" to the American Revolution. First, I don't think it's all that little-known.
However, the author, while recognizing that the Scots-Irish, the Presbyterian Usltermen, were the vast majority of this "Irish" group, continually uses the term "Irish and Scotch-Irish." The Irish Catholics were a tiny part of this "Irish" grouping. The Irish-Irish were more likely to be domestic servants rather than yeoman farmers.
I like to use Scots-Irish because you can't drink Scots.
In 1603 the Scottish and English crowns were united in the person of James VI of Scotland, James I of England. The United Kingdom was formed in 1707.
The English Civil War [1642-1651] had three main military forces, the Royalist Cavaliers, the Puritan Roundheads with the New Model Army and the Scots Presbyterians, the lowlanders, a "dissenting" religion as England was state Anglican.
The civil was complicated but principally a struggle between the King and Parliament. [I sort of honor Cromwell as a regicide, the leader of the New Model Army and the only military dictator in the Anglosophere, a world-best record.] One small battle was even fought in the colonies between Cavaliers and Roundheads near the Va.-Maryland border.
At any rate, during the 1600s, lowland Scots like my Russell ancestors, were recruited to settle in Ulster and work the English-owned plantations. In the 1680s, the secretary of state of the Pennsylvania colony started recruiting the Orangemen from Ulster to emigrate to Penn., to squat on borderlands like the Wyoming Valley and practice their Presbyterianism free from Anglican rule. Quaker-dominated Penn. wanted the Scots-Irish to do their Indian killing for them because Ulstermen were the ultimate bad boys when it came to having their own farms and guns.
I don't have much information about my ancestors going way back but I do know about Nathaniel Chapman, but only because he was Johnny Appleseed's dad. He was Scots-Irish. Nat fought at Lexington and Concord with the Massachusetts militia, he fought at Bunker Hill and he stayed with the Continental Line through 1781 and Yorktown.
While the Revolution may have been led by aristos, lawyers and smugglers, the backbone of the Continental Army was those bad boy Scots-Irish. If anything, we should all light a candle on St. Andrew's day, the only acceptable Protestant saint.
Purchased ammo today, 9 mm and 357, in Cook County IL. Allowed only 1 box of each, marked up in cost. There was a line out the door for people picking up pre-ordered firearms.
Found a dealer outside of Cook County selling 9mm for $13 for box/50. Guess I'll be paying him a visit.
Wanted to purchase a Mossberg 590 Shockwave only to find it's illegal in Illinois. But I'm moving to Indiana in 2 weeks and it IS legal in that state. Sweet!
I went out to the supermarket this afternoon here in Oak Ridge. I usually do the shopping on the weekend, but decided to see what it was like during a weekday afternoon. No panic that I saw, but no toilet paper of any kind at a Food City. Everything else seem to be in stock except for liquid hand soap, iso-propyl alcohol, and hand sanitizer. But plenty dishwashing liquid which you can use for your hands, but get moisturizer.
My mother is worried about running out of toilet paper for some reason. We have enough for the next month at least. If we start to get down to a week's supply, I will just start taking a shower after taking a shit.
I'm Irish Catholic and have no sentimentality for the Scots-Irish.
My people were driven from our lands in Ulster, replaced by Presbyterian Scots planters brought in by the goddamn English. They took away what was ours since time immemorial
My great grandfather Burke was an Ulster Catholic who had to leave Ireland forever because of the Scots -- who had the gall to call themselves "Scots-Irish" by virtue of seizing a large portion of our nation. They aren't Irish, they're English, and they still hold Ulster for the English. But not forever.
Here's to a "Peaceful, United Ireland -- A Nation Once Again."
A few weeks ago, while walking up near Ebin G Fine park along the Creek, the water was a shade of blue I'd never seen before. Colorado rivers and steams are usually clear ---- to brown. perhaps greenish. Never really blue. That day, the water was like the blue you see in European melt. Not completely blue, like blue-ish. It was nifty.
Our local Costco has figured it out. They limit entry to 100 or so at a time; you line up outside and when someone leaves, you can go in. The wait was maybe 10-12 minutes. It was a breeze getting the shopping done - you can navigate all the aisles swiftly and keep your distance from people. If all you wanted was TP, they had it right inside the front door; they would hand you one pack, you go around the corner to the register and you're out. They also had a whiteboard out front listing what is out of stock. They add to the list during the day. It made for a stress-free experience, for both shoppers and staff. Maybe they should go with the system permanently...
I love big, dense cities. I used to have a place in Portland. I'm very happy that I now live in the suburbs. I'm happy I don't own the place in Portland. This will be much easier to get through in my Privileged White People enclave.
I never understood why the Enterprise had a tree with an edible fruit with a deadly parasite within, frankly, if they didn't have the facilities to deal with the parasite.
Neighborhood scuttlebutt is that two local restaurants are closing Saturday, not due to lack of customers but lack of food. We’ve already had a bakery close because they couldn’t get flour.
California starts its lock down order at midnight. Luckily, I got to the vet today and got antibiotics and other meds for my dog. That’s my silver lining for the day.
No offense Roughcoat but the Scots faced English oppression, too. We did a bit better than the Irish. I like what you have to say generally, but in Chicagoese, fucking blow me. NTTAWWT.
Government doesn’t have anywhere near the money, the speed or the creativity to stay ahead of a crisis like this—and the Trump administration deserves credit for embracing its private-sector partners. The business altruism on display is partly the usual American spirit, but it has been encouraged by free-market policies that have underwritten three years of economic boom and put companies on a better footing to confront hard times. And the profit motive and competition liberals detest remain the beating heart of the resourcefulness U.S. companies are now bringing to bear.
This one is an episode that follows Jack waking up and saying, "Hey Teal'c, what's up with the hair?" Followed by line, line, "Hey Teal'c, what's up with the hair?"
Roughcoat said... Purchased ammo today, 9 mm and 357, in Cook County IL. Allowed only 1 box of each, marked up in cost. There was a line out the door for people picking up pre-ordered firearms.
Found a dealer outside of Cook County selling 9mm for $13 for box/50. Guess I'll be paying him a visit.
Wanted to purchase a Mossberg 590 Shockwave only to find it's illegal in Illinois. But I'm moving to Indiana in 2 weeks and it IS legal in that state. Sweet!
I found that online is the way to go for ammo. Home delivery is pretty easy. Luckygunner is out of everything I want right now though.
Blacks are the only unhappy ones, except for Asians whose feelings are maybe hurt.
Why would blacks be disproportionately unhappy, except for one of two reasons:
1) D Party line - OMB; or, 2) Blacks don't get COVID-19 so why are you honkies bothering us with your measures? We don't need to be protected, we're already immune. We don't need to protect other black people, they're immune. We don't need to protect non-black people, because we are alienated and don't care about them.
Bear with me here...
Blacks are immune Blacks don't want to be bothered with staying home
Draft black people to do all the outside work! It'll be like slavery days again, we have to have black people do the work because only blacks with their sickle-cell anemia can endure the deadly malarial swamps.
Give all the delivery and customer service jobs and a'that to blacks!
If you live somewhere there are no blacks, have them shipped in from places of abundance. Maybe Amazon can manage it!
So, whaddya think? I think Althouse should be all over this, don't you? I mean, people who came from where she lives now helped free the blacks centuries ago, so really, they owe her.
I found that online is the way to go for ammo. Home delivery is pretty easy.
I ordered 7 boxes of 7.5 shot 12 Gauge ammo last night. Just in case I need to use it on Dove, rabbit or interlopers. I took stock of the 30-06 for the Garands, the .30 for the M1 Carbine (bonus: I ordered a can of ROK surplus two months ago), and the 7.65 for the AR-14. Ha ha, just kidding, it really is a 15. I ordered 5000 rounds of .22 six or eight months ago. My wife rolled her eyes then. She isn't now. I'll be OK. I don't have a .22 long gun - wish I did, but I do have two nice automatics that fit the hands just right.
Had to put down my 17 year old blue heeler today. Last week the vet would have come to the house. She decided she was done today. I put her bed in the back and my son carried her out. Vet came out the parking lot. Sobbed on my son's shoulder. Broke my 69 year old Sonoma County quarantine. Probably won't do it again but it's sure lonely now.
I went to the Clancy Brothers in Tipperary from here and they were good as usual but I was fascinated by the audience - all those people sitting so close together. Already it seems alien. And no worries. Not one had ever thought about stockpiling toilet paper.
It's amazing how much it hurts to lose a beloved animal, isn't it? You think you're not kid, you're a grown-up, you've done this before, blah, blah & every single time, it still hurts like a motherfucker.
My answer has been -- wait a respectful period of mourning & then honor their memory by going to the pound & adopting some critter who deserves a decent chance at life.
I know that according to orthodox Christian doctrine, our wee beasties will not be joining us in the afterlife. I've always considered that a major failing of Christian doctrine, and hope that God in his Wisdom & Mercy sees things quite differently.
Burr and Loeffler caught selling stock based on inside knowledge of coronavirus financial impacts. More cockroaches will probably emerge soon. It's all legal though!!
I know that the Deaf community has it's own proud culture, but are they really all that offended by closed captioning that everyone of these press conferences has to have someone signing?
My first impulse is to seek verification. My second impulse, upon verifying is to give them a chance at explaining, but suspecting that there is no good explanation -- they need to resign.
And face prosecution, if they are not automatically immune as members of Congress.
Orthodox Christian doctrine has not taken a stand on the issue. Nor could it since it does not pertain to the salvation of human beings, which is the province of Christian doctrine. Speculative theologians have taken stands on the issue, though.
The correct and most orthodox answer is that if God wants pets in heaven, there are pets in heaven. If He does not, there is not. Period.
At least to the extent that because He is the Eternal Fullness of Reality, once a pet exists, he always exists in the mind of God. And if we are in Him, then in that eternal Mind, our pets also exist with us.
This is going to give a whole new meaning to the phrase "Disparate Impact on Minorities". It'll be interesting to see how the California Dems chop that Solomonic baby in twain.
Mark, I understand your point about inside information and congress critters. But, inside information seems to be about particular stocks, not things in general.
Most Congress people aren't rich, as least yet, and many are of pretty modest means to begin with. When you get a briefing about the shit hitting the fan in general, how long should you wait to rebalance your portfolio? What should the law be?
I'm sure we'll hear more in the media about remdesivir than about hydroxychloroquine since pharmaceutical companies are big advertisers and you can bet remdesivir will cost a bundle while hydroxychloroquine is an inexpensive generic.
WE visited a couple of civil war sites about 5 years ago - down in North Carolina.They were listed as national battlefields, so I assumed part of the Civil war. Turns out they were Revolutionary War sites. Kings Mountain and Cowpens. In both cases the Scots=-Irish from Applachia came out in force and hit part of Cornwallis' army. It his splitting of his forces and the loss of men at those battles that resulted in the surrender at Yorktown. So they were an important force in the winning of the war. (as was smallpox the british suffered.)
David Begley said...The King of the California nation-state has ordered every one to stay home, but pot sellers can remain open as an essential business.
He lacks the authority and will to enforce that. What's he gonna do, post CHIPs at every on ramp? That being said, the weather here is aggravating the spread of winter colds and flus. Were I an apocalyptic believer in the State religion, I'd say that the rain brought on by AGW in order to enable the virus to wreak havoc.
Is it just me, or did Biden basically disappear despite wrapping up the nomination? Where is he? What is he doing?
Even though Trump may have been slow and clumsy in his initial response, he's now showing good, authoritative leadership in this present crisis. Biden just seems completely irrelevant. Who would want him to be in charge right now?
mockturtle said...I'm sure we'll hear more in the media about remdesivir than about hydroxychloroquine since pharmaceutical companies are big advertisers and you can bet remdesivir will cost a bundle while hydroxychloroquine is an inexpensive generic. <-- this
Also, I appreciate your background and experience in chemistry. Also, Yancey Ward's.
This is going to give a whole new meaning to the phrase "Disparate Impact on Minorities". It'll be interesting to see how the California Dems chop that Solomonic baby in twain.
When green dems promise to end fossil fuel production, we don't take them seriously. We do not believe they have the power.
Take a look around. This is crazy. All we need now is national guard marching through neighborhoods checking for firearms. Why not? Just need governor to order it.
Andrew said...Is it just me, or did Biden basically disappear despite wrapping up the nomination? Where is he? What is he doing? -- Byron York @ByronYork · 3h Democratic groups plan to spend millions slamming Trump over Wuhan virus response while Biden aims 'to project leadership by staying above the fray.' From WP: Democratic groups to spend millions hitting Trump over coronavirus response
Jesus Flevit, Mark, could you be any more condescending? Do you think you're correcting some neophyte on some misunderstanding on Christian doctrine?
Orthodox Christian doctrine has not taken a stand on the issue.
Yes, it has, which is why it made such a stir when Pope Francis opined that animals do go to Heaven. The standard view is that animals do not have souls, and thus are not objects of salvation nor do they have immortal existence of any kind. If you disagree, please find me a pre-20th C theologian, especially a "big gun" like St. Thomas or Augustine or Anselm or Cajetan who says differently. They all assign "soul" to animals in an Aristotelian sense, meaning that animals have an animating principle.
Nor could it since it does not pertain to the salvation of human beings, which is the province of Christian doctrine.
Uhhhm, what? I thought the province of Christian doctrine was the entirety of the Nature of God. That's why is called theo-ology, the study of God. Do you think all that speculation on the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Celestial Kingdom & its angelic inhabitants, to name just a few of the biggies, was only because of its soteriological import? Is that what you get out of the Summa or Augustine's De Trinitate or Anselm's Proslogium is that it's all about lil' old us?
Arlington leads Virginia in corona cases, with 17 as of this morning.
Probably most of them caught it working in DC. Arlington isn't really densely urban enough for people to walk on the streets. They do have a very high percentage of foreign-born, however, but real estate prices have driven out the poor ones.
Is a gun store considered an essential business? In a crisis situation, I can't think of anything more essential than what they sell. The Survival Rule of Threes states, humans can survive three weeks without food, three days without water, three hours without shelter, and three minutes without oxygen, but when you need a firearm or ammo, you might not survive three seconds without it.
One thing the recent rain in Southern California may have done is keep the homeless hunkered down. When the weather improves they will spread out and move around the community carrying any viruses they have with them.
The medical staff trying to help them will have to be ready to deal with hepatitis, tb, drug addiction, and mental health issues.
Jesus is walking with Peter and talking about death and all that. Peter asks about John. Jesus tells Peter, "What's it to you? Mind your own business."
Whatever God wants to do with pets -- that's HIS business. And He's not going to say His hand's are tied on the issue because of what Thomas Aquinas said.
OUR business is our own salvation. And whatever theologians might think about the matter, the papal magisterium is limited to matters of human salvation. It has nothing authoritative to say about non-humans. It might have opinions - but those are about as valid as the pope saying that this sports team is better than that one.
Even if 56% of CA was infected, there would be very few deaths if they can keep the elderly and already sick out of the 56%, which seems a lot easier and more effective than whatever else we are trying to do, which is not really clear. I mean what is the objective, and why isn't it to keep the only people truely at risk protected? Is letting some people die the price of treating everyone equal? Doesn't seem very equal to me.
they were an important force in the winning of the war
My brother inherited 4 acres of 35 my grandmother bought in the 60's (Sister sold her piece last year, rest is now city reservoir). By a complete fluke, I found out our 21 y.o. Scots-Irish g-g-g-gf (from Charlotte) led NC Cavalry in a skirmish there during Cornwallis' retreat to Yorktown. They used his description and map in the monument erected in the 90's. My then-employer's ancestors owned the land back then. I thought that was cool and possibly unique. He doesn't give a shit and complains about the taxes.
The homeless might be safer than most people since they are unlikely to do international travel or hang out with those who do, and the people who do have the virus automatically avoid them. The homeless are isolated from the community that is carrying the thing until they get a handout. The deadly gift of compassion never stops punishing those poor people.
The explosion of 20-story no-setback buildings on block after block as part of a plan for a high-density walkable urban village belies the assertion that Arlington is not very dense or urban.
It had a quiet small-town flavor to it when I moved here 30 years ago, but the last 20 years have been a race to become New York City. Of course, up in one-percenter land north of Lee Highway, that is a privileged sanctuary where there is still room to spread out and breathe.
Mockturtle We will hear about remdesivir for a completely different reason. The media can use it to bash trump. He is too slow getting it approved. Later he is funneling too much to big pharma. There is not enough. It isn't going to insert ethnic group here. Etc . trump was fast on chloroquine, so time to move on.
I've lost 40 lbs over the last year and am using this opportunity to lose the last 10 lbs (this is tough) to reach a self-imposed ideal. I've basically flattened some of my own curves. Meanwhile, my coworkers have been moaning about gaining weight because of binge- and stress-eating.
"The homeless are isolated from the community that is carrying the thing until they get a handout. " Or vice versa. L.A. is wrestling with that in terms of whether to turn unused spaces into "shelters" or continue allowing tents.
Bagoh What we are doing is not sustain able for sure. And not all measures are sensible. But if they can squeeze the curve down until we get chloroquine and more masks and more tests and a serum treatment they will save lives, businesses, suffering and keep the country functional.. Italy is not functional right noe, that is what we seek to avoid.
In San Diego we have a large number of homeless who stand on medians receiving money and food from drivers or who sit outside of grocery stores. The big question is did it already happen?
You hear a lot of Neil Diamond songs on the classic rock/adult contemporary stations, but not this song, or really any of the songs he had as hits in the early 80s. I have always loved this one, though.
WE visited a couple of civil war sites about 5 years ago - down in North Carolina.They were listed as national battlefields, so I assumed part of the Civil war. Turns out they were Revolutionary War sites. Kings Mountain and Cowpens.
I do not care for that one at all. I love Neil Diamond up until about 1975 and the Beautiful Noise album. Great stuff, and then he just kind of stopped caring and started phoning it in.
Chicklit, Congratulations on the self-control and weight loss. It is a great feeling to accomplish that. Don't let it get back on you. It gets harder every time.
We haven't really changed that much since the Middle Ages. Back then, in plague years, they sought out scapegoats and hoped for miracles. Nowadays, we pine for some therapeutic med that will make this nightmare all go away and quickly. Maybe, but I'm not betting on a miracle cure...... Outside of Iran, people are not blaming the Jews or the witches, but there are scapegoats. The Dems are quite vehement that this is all Trump's fault. If he had approved those tests, we'd be on the smiley side of the curve. Republicans like to blame the Chinese. Well, they were certainly part of it, but I don't think it was the result of their diabolic machinations......This will resolve itself over time, but shit happens and it's not an evil plot or subject to the intervention of Providence.
My mother (RIP) was a Neil Diamond fan. The only song that I still like of his is Play Me. There may be a lurker or two here for whom this has special meaning as well.
bagoh20 said...Chicklit, Congratulations on the self-control and weight loss. It is a great feeling to accomplish that. Don't let it get back on you. It gets harder every time.
Unknown said...I like "Play Me" as well, though even Diamond has admited he could have worked five minutes more on the lyric and done away with "brang me" :-)
That's like Dylan regretting "Early one mornin' I was layin' in bed.." unless of course it was deliberate. But he repeated his transitive/intransive confusion with "Lay Lady Lay." Hmmm. Maybe we need an Annalysis?
I still like Cracklin' Rosie and Sweet Caroline (the original version, not the bastardized Boston monstrosity) because they are two of my earliest memories of music. Whenever I hear Sweet Caroline, I think of first grade and being on the playground at St. Charles school.
I like too that before he got to full of himself, he wasn't afraid to be silly with a tunefull kids' song like I Am The Lion or the just all around silly (but also tuneful) Porcupine Pie.
Agreed. Dolenz & Nesmith have a live album dropping (before the current imbroglio anyway) early next month and supposely a tour (again before the recent Unpleasantness) to support it.
Turns out they were Revolutionary War sites. Kings Mountain and Cowpens. In both cases the Scots=-Irish from Applachia came out in force and hit part of Cornwallis' army.
A show that may interest you is Outlander running it's 5th season on Starz as we speak. Quick rundown on plot. A WII English nurse found herself back in 1745 Scotland. (turns out there are certain people with genetics that allow them to time travel...don't ask) She falls in love with a Highlander and tries to avoid the Battle of Culloden for her lover and friends. When she fails, she travels back to 1949 (she spent 3 years in the past)
But wait....there's more. In 1969 she finds out her true love did not die at Culloden and traces him as a printer in Edinburgh. She returns, twenty some years later (her time travel is a distance of 202 years....don't ask)
Anyway they have many great adventures and, now in season 5, find themselves in the early 1770s North Carolina and Claire (the time travelling nurse, now full fledged MD) knows that the Revolutionary War is coming so they have THAT to deal with.
Anyway, fun show and you find out why there are so many Scots in NC. (many banished to the colonies after losing at Culloden)
Unknown wrote: Agreed. Dolenz & Nesmith have a live album dropping (before the current imbroglio anyway) early next month and supposely a tour (again before the recent Unpleasantness) to support it.
Tell me why you like "Repo Man" and I'll follow your comments more regularly.
bagoh20: “Is a gun store considered an essential business? In a crisis situation, I can't think of anything more essential than what they sell.”
C’mon, man... the government will protect you. Trust them.
On a serious note, quality firearms and ammunition are going to be nearly impossible to find/purchase the rest of this year. With the coronacircus (and attendant mischief if it continues on much longer), hurricane season and election coming, there will be limited stock online or in stores. The past 10 days have cleared out gun dealers and ammo merchants. Lines around the block. People pre-paying to secure their firearms and then going to pick them up, leaving nothing to chance. The impact will be long-term. The manufacturers simply cannot ramp-up production that rapidly. Whatever they do release will be sold quickly — very quickly.
That’s why I’ve been stocking up on pistols and rifles for 4 years now. I’ve built four custom AR-14s this winter. I’ve been steadily reloading my own ammunition, and have a solid stock of materials/consumables to load all the cartridges I want for the next 5-10 years. If draconian measures come down from on high, I can sensibly ration supplies to meet my own needs indefinitely. It’s the value of productive paranoia, and a wonderful hobby to boot.
I also expect my side work in private firearms training to be steady and lucrative. I only do one-on-one training (or for a married couple). I charge a high price so I can choose who I will work with. That way, I don't have to deal with a herd in a classroom or (worse) on the firing line. And my clients love the experience. It’s very rewarding.
Your right to protect your person and family is the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution for a reason. Anyone who would outsource that precious freedom to a government authority is a dolt. Anyone who thinks the Second Amendment is an 18th century anachronism is a fool. Anyone who thinks the Second Amendment was/is intended for duck hunting is a certifiable idiot. The police have no legal duty to protect you. Look it up. Dial 911 and die. When seconds count, the police will be there in minutes. Gun control is the ultimate form of people control. Give up your right to keep and bear arms, and you will NEVER get it back.
I wouldn't put much stock in the anecdotal stories about choroquine. It would be a remarkable coincidence that it was effective. I would basically have to see a double blind study with placebo controls to be convinced. I don't see that anyone has had access to enough patients to actually do this right. I am guessing the U.S. is about to try this, and I predict it will show no reproducible effect against placebo. I hope I am wrong.
The other drugs are, at least, targeted against similar RNA viruses, so there is, at least, a reason to try them as a treatment in the first place, so blind luck wouldn't be involved if they had some beneficial effect. However, again, you need to do a double blind study with placebo control to have any real confidence. No one has done this that I can find right now.
Dunno Yancey, between https://www.covidtrial.io/ (French) and reported Chinese and S. Korean results, I would have more hope than not...and a bit beyond blind luck.
Surprised nobody mentioned the fondness the Chinese had for melamine a short while ago. Lotsa folks lost their pets on that occasion. They were luckier than the adulterated baby food/milk events.
I overheard an argument the otherday between black/white about Trump "calling the coronovirus a hoax". White said "he didn't say that". Black said "prove it". Ignoring the context just like "good people on both sides". I expect that line will be pounded next election. I wonder what those dems hated before Trump. That is a load of rage to have bubbling inside a person.
Washington has been semi-closed down for about a week but retail was allowed to stay open if they could follow CDC "social distancing" guidance (6 feet). California's "lock-down" is about the same, except that retail seems to be closed.
Rumor tonight is that Washington State is about to go full lock-down. One friend called to let us know - urged us to get to the grocery store tonight before the panic. I poo-poo'ed it until another friend posted on FB that it was going to happen.
The rumors seem to be coming from the WA National Guard - hope they are wrong.
Yikes Back pain. Yep, there's nothing worse. I have a co-worker who was motivated by Type II diabetes, she lost over 80 lbs and now has normal blood sugar. Although she still has to watch her carbs.
BTW, if you're worried about civil unrest, nothing says safety like an M-60 and some claymore mines.
Until I hear otherwise, I'm going to be playing golf on Sunday with some buddies as planned. I heard O.J. saying that if they closed the golf courses he would go crazy. Me and the Juice on the same page.
Even though Trump may have been slow and clumsy in his initial response, he's now showing good, authoritative leadership in this present crisis.
I don't believe any of that. I think his response has been timely and measured. He's not rushing into stuff in a panic as the Dems most assuredly would.
Yancey: I share your hope that you’re wrong about chloroquine being no better than placebo. But I think we’ll know soon enough. When the trial endpoint is literally life or death, and the test period is merely weeks (between onset and death or a clear turn toward recovery), it shouldn’t take a large or lengthy study to detect a strong signal. Nor do I think it will be hard to get IRB approval or recruit subjects. Fingers crossed.
Andrew said... Is it just me, or did Biden basically disappear despite wrapping up the nomination? Where is he? What is he doing?
Even though Trump may have been slow and clumsy in his initial response, he's now showing good, authoritative leadership in this present crisis. Biden just seems completely irrelevant. Who would want him to be in charge right now?
I hate to break this to you all.
If Biden was president this would be a page B story most days.
Just like Swine Flu was when Obama was president.
Do people at this point actually think this is going to come close to 100,000 deaths world wide, much less 500,000? Flu kills that many people every year and we hear nothing.
I don't believe any of that. I think his response has been timely and measured. He's not rushing into stuff in a panic as the Dems most assuredly would.
Wait wut?
Do none of you bother to look at similar events in the past?
“On a serious note, quality firearms and ammunition are going to be nearly impossible to find/purchase the rest of this year.”
You can always build your own. Not an AR-14, which I see little use for (having its magazine in the stock, so it can direct feed the chamber), more likely build an AR-15 (which is what I expect you did). Great fun, and kits seem to still be readily available. I had maybe a dozen lower receivers, until the tragic boating accident last summer. Some were purchased. Turns out, they are now treated as pistols by the ATF, because you can build firearms that are legally treated as pistols with an AR-15 lower receiver. (AR-15 pistols have barrels shorter than 16”, do not have standard stocks (but instead typically have a stabilizing brace that can be used as a stock, as long as it can still be utilized as a stabilizing arm brace) and cannot have a vertical forward hand grip (though an angled one is apparently fine)). And some may have been 80% complete lower receivers, which in most states do not have to have a number. You can finish them by drilling the trigger well, as well as trigger pins and hole for the selector switch. You can use jigs with a drill press, or use a CNC milling machine, like the one sold by Ghost Gunner. It is great fun, even for someone as undextrous as I am. There are plenty of videos online to show you how to do it, and get around the few tricky parts (at least the first time). I would suggest purchasing at least a lower receiver vice block, a big magnet, and a bag of spare parts. The problem is that there are a number of small parts, sometimes held in place with springs, which means that if you aren’t careful, the spring, under tension can take off, possibly also losing what it is supposed to be holding in place.
My project for the winter was supposed to be a .300 AAC Blackout 7.5” pistol build. Supposed to be an excellent home defense weapon. More maneuverable than a 16” carbine, more accurate than a handgun, and typically utilizes 30 round magazines. It Hasn’t happened yet, as I have spent the winter so far trying to buy our new house, pack for the move, as well as, now, buying our subdivision in MT. Probably leave it in AZ for next winter, when we head north to MT next month. This summer, it will probably be a short barreled .458 SOCOM pistol (for bear protection), and maybe build out the AR-10 lower I have. Except that I will have the subdivision that I need to start worrying about. That should keep me busy summers for at least the next half decade. Still, an AR-15 build doesn’t take that long, if you just sit down and do it. Last summer, whenever I went over to a friend’s house to visit, maybe once a month, we would ultimately put one together, alternating whose it was.
“ Do none of you bother to look at similar events in the past?”
Are you comparing Trump with Obama, who in a similar situation, refused to impose travel restrictions until much later in the cycle, and went out to play golf the day he announced his task force?
Maybe I am naive, but my expectation is that the prompt closure of entry to people from countries who aren’t controlling the epidemic, as well as the social distancing being enforced now will give us time to get enough testing in place, test out possible medicines, and start producing a vaccine, so that the virus does not kill nearly as many as some have expected.
That all said, I have been prepared for the coronavirus for most of a month now. Mostly, I bought before the rush, so didn’t have to fight crowds or deal with scarcity. Though, Amazon did lie about when some masks would arrive - they were supposedly shipped almost a month ago. Still, I probably have enough, already.
My kid and their fiancé called tonight. They are now insisting on calling every week these days, worrying how we are going to survive. Told them that the new house is right by the Mayo Clinic. But the nearest hospital in MT is 20 miles away, and the population it serves is older than average. Still, the population density there is quite low - the county has under 2 people per sq mile. Contrast that with NYC (>28k per sq mile), Wuhan (similar), and DC (>10k per sq mile). We have a population density <1/10,000 (1%%) that of NYC. Personally, I would rather be 20 miles from the nearest hospital in such a sparsely populated area, than by the Mayo Clinic in a metro area with roughly half the population of NYC.
They don’t get it. They are much more likely to get the Wuhan Coronavirus than we are. They are just more likely to survive it. Besides, maybe because of the low population density where we live in MT, the social distances are also greater. People tend to stand further apart. And you are going to encounter many fewer in a normal day (assuming that everyone isn’t staying home, as they are right now). But I also think that they are still young enough that they can’t see their own mortality - just that of their parents, whom they don’t want to lose. But losing them would be much more tragic. On my father’s side, my kid has no first or second cousins, and on my mother’s side, just two second cousins. Their fiancé comes from a big Catholic farm family, with seemingly endless first and second cousins, so they won’t be alone.
"However, the author, while recognizing that the Scots-Irish, the Presbyterian Usltermen, were the vast majority of this "Irish" group, continually uses the term "Irish and Scotch-Irish." The Irish Catholics were a tiny part of this "Irish" grouping. The Irish-Irish were more likely to be domestic servants rather than yeoman farmers. I like to use Scots-Irish because you can't drink Scots."
I was always told, growing up, that I was part "Scotch-Irish" and it was definitely not Catholic. I think from both sides of my family, though less than 50% total. I never heard of the term "Scots-Irish" and this Scotch/Scots distinction until I was an adult. Scottish people were called "Scotch" all over the place. We lived in Delaware, and my father's parents were from Pennsylvania and New Jersey. My mother came from Michigan. I don't know when or where this "Scots" business got started in the U.S., but I can tell you it was not happening back in the 1950s and 60s in my neck of the woods. (I'm just saying "my neck of the woods" because that's how people back there and then talked.)
Bruce, if your house is by the Scottsdale Mayo Clinic, two things:
-Mr. Pants spent two weeks there with swine flu in 2009
-Go to the Musical Instrument Museum just down the road when you can, if you haven’t yet. It’s extremely well done and is one of my favorite places, period. Blow a kiss to the Sun Devil Marching Band uniform on display (my daughter is a member and is so proud to wear it)
It looks-- if I skimmed the Daily Mail rightly-- like Senator Feinstein is the worst of the congressional profiteers; no surprise there. The current NYT article is 85% Burr, Burr, Burr.
I have a vague recollection of stopping listening to Neil Diamond after what I considered to be a not very good album centered on Africana somehow. Looking now, I see it was the B side that extinguished my enthusiasm.
For what it's worth, I almost always read the last part of these end-of-the-day threads the next morning. Early to bed, early to rise.
Growing up, I didn't know I was anything but an American. The last immigrants into my family line came over in 1850, the German 48ers. It was only as an adult, after Roots was aired, that my mom started looking into our family tree.
When I first started renting apartments in Chicago, the potential landlord would ask, what are you? I'd be like, I don't know. My last name is German and my extended family seemed mostly Scottish and English. You couldn't just tell an older Polish couple that you were American, it had to be something else, too.
It took Ancestry two tries to give me a result that sort of matched the family tree. 3/16 Scots-Irish, 3/16 German, 3% Danish [the Russell's came from Normandy with William] and the rest just undifferentiated British.
It's my impression that the American Scots-Irish thang is one strand of an interest in origins and ethnicities that grew out of the ACWABAWS centennial and the Civil Rights movement.
Jim Webb pretty much argues that Americans tended not to conceive of a Scots-Irish ethnicity precisely because it was so common; of course now there's a huge commercial interest in getting everyone interested in their real or imagined ancestry--self definitely included: German [arrived USA c.1910]/Scots-Irish & English [mid-18th C. on maternal side].
Just got a text from my son who works in a high-end custom cabinetry shop--one of their customers who was in last week has tested positive for the ChiCom Virus . . .
As Althouse embraces the Chinese communists' propaganda that paying attention to where and how we got this pandemic is raaaaaaaacist, here is what a leading Italian virologist says https://pjmedia.com/trending/politics-and-fears-of-racism-helped-coronavirus-spread-in-italy-virus-expert-warns/. He says that kind of thing made it worse.
For what it's worth, I almost always read the last part of these end-of-the-day threads the next morning. Early to bed, early to rise.
Me too. Except I am late to bed and late to rise. Cafe threads can become the most interesting. (and, surprisingly, it doesn't look like there are many drunk posters)
PS. Georgia folks: Vote for Collins (against Loeffler) and primary Gov. Kemp.
People I work with seem to be sure that Governor Brown will impose the 'stay home' order here in Oregon 'within 72 hours' and close 'non-essential' business. While I suspect that their 'sources' are chiefly rumor-mongers on Facebook, am not scheduled to work at all next week, anyway, so trying to keep a 'helpful' spirit isn't too difficult for the time being.
The bus system stopped charging fares late Wednesday: the idea being to minimize the drivers' near-contact with the plebs (we're also boarding via the rear doors); some of the drivers are wearing masks and behaving as if the plague is upon them, others are are being as chatty as usual. Three passengers on the last bus I rode yesterday.
Ever read Allen Nevins 8 vol. history of the period? Four volumes are pre-war, beginning like 1842, and the last four are one for every year of the conflict.
I never Nevinsed. I have Cattoned, and Footed. And quite a few others, but they're the big two.
I met Shelby Foote several times and interviewed him once at his home. By way of Shelby Foote, who knew and shook hands with Lee Meriwether (1862-1964--there might be a connection with the actress of the same name), who as a lad met and shook hands with Jeff Davis and Bedford Forrest, among other eminent or notorious Americans, I'm only a few degrees separated from that generation.
Foote claimed that he tossed his research notes but I always had my doubts and it looks like I was right. Some of his sources are pretty obvious and I proposed as a dissertation topic--for someone else!--to follow his story and foote-note it. (I mean of course the publications he used . . . I don't think he even claimed to have used unpublished sources.)
That said, I'm not the greatest admirer of his trilogy, and even less his fiction.
Thanks for explaining ACWABAWS! I figured that if you were giving a talk about it, it was likely to be the Civil War somehow or else an alien programming language.
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१९५ टिप्पण्या:
I was out on a bike ride and met one other intrepid bike rider out too. No longer a commute to the store because there's nothing at the store to buy, but you still need the bike ride.
Is this a reused picture? Or same spot picture?
Maybe it’s time for some Christmas movies on Hallmark. Nah! I think I am going to watch Contact. That is a movie that sort of captures the mood. Contact by aliens.
Do you think the writers have been holding that one back for when this calms down? Unless... Unless the aliens bring the cure for the ChiCom virus, that would be epic, but what do they do for the next season? They would have to end the world on that note.
On another topic entirely different from news of the day.
I read an article published on St. Pats about the "little-known" contribution of the "Irish and Scotch-Irish" to the American Revolution. First, I don't think it's all that little-known.
However, the author, while recognizing that the Scots-Irish, the Presbyterian Usltermen, were the vast majority of this "Irish" group, continually uses the term "Irish and Scotch-Irish." The Irish Catholics were a tiny part of this "Irish" grouping. The Irish-Irish were more likely to be domestic servants rather than yeoman farmers.
I like to use Scots-Irish because you can't drink Scots.
In 1603 the Scottish and English crowns were united in the person of James VI of Scotland, James I of England. The United Kingdom was formed in 1707.
The English Civil War [1642-1651] had three main military forces, the Royalist Cavaliers, the Puritan Roundheads with the New Model Army and the Scots Presbyterians, the lowlanders, a "dissenting" religion as England was state Anglican.
The civil was complicated but principally a struggle between the King and Parliament. [I sort of honor Cromwell as a regicide, the leader of the New Model Army and the only military dictator in the Anglosophere, a world-best record.] One small battle was even fought in the colonies between Cavaliers and Roundheads near the Va.-Maryland border.
At any rate, during the 1600s, lowland Scots like my Russell ancestors, were recruited to settle in Ulster and work the English-owned plantations. In the 1680s, the secretary of state of the Pennsylvania colony started recruiting the Orangemen from Ulster to emigrate to Penn., to squat on borderlands like the Wyoming Valley and practice their Presbyterianism free from Anglican rule. Quaker-dominated Penn. wanted the Scots-Irish to do their Indian killing for them because Ulstermen were the ultimate bad boys when it came to having their own farms and guns.
I don't have much information about my ancestors going way back but I do know about Nathaniel Chapman, but only because he was Johnny Appleseed's dad. He was Scots-Irish. Nat fought at Lexington and Concord with the Massachusetts militia, he fought at Bunker Hill and he stayed with the Continental Line through 1781 and Yorktown.
While the Revolution may have been led by aristos, lawyers and smugglers, the backbone of the Continental Army was those bad boy Scots-Irish. If anything, we should all light a candle on St. Andrew's day, the only acceptable Protestant saint.
Scotland the Brave, forever.
Purchased ammo today, 9 mm and 357, in Cook County IL. Allowed only 1 box of each, marked up in cost. There was a line out the door for people picking up pre-ordered firearms.
Found a dealer outside of Cook County selling 9mm for $13 for box/50. Guess I'll be paying him a visit.
Wanted to purchase a Mossberg 590 Shockwave only to find it's illegal in Illinois. But I'm moving to Indiana in 2 weeks and it IS legal in that state. Sweet!
I went out to the supermarket this afternoon here in Oak Ridge. I usually do the shopping on the weekend, but decided to see what it was like during a weekday afternoon. No panic that I saw, but no toilet paper of any kind at a Food City. Everything else seem to be in stock except for liquid hand soap, iso-propyl alcohol, and hand sanitizer. But plenty dishwashing liquid which you can use for your hands, but get moisturizer.
My mother is worried about running out of toilet paper for some reason. We have enough for the next month at least. If we start to get down to a week's supply, I will just start taking a shower after taking a shit.
7th graph, beginning, for civil read civil war.
Love on the Rocks
I'm Irish Catholic and have no sentimentality for the Scots-Irish.
My people were driven from our lands in Ulster, replaced by Presbyterian Scots planters brought in by the goddamn English. They took away what was ours since time immemorial
My great grandfather Burke was an Ulster Catholic who had to leave Ireland forever because of the Scots -- who had the gall to call themselves "Scots-Irish" by virtue of seizing a large portion of our nation. They aren't Irish, they're English, and they still hold Ulster for the English. But not forever.
Here's to a "Peaceful, United Ireland -- A Nation Once Again."
other news
The aulde memories die hard, sure. In fact they don't die at all. My grandparents saw to that.
Is that the Clancy Brothers I hear playing in the background?
Sorry, I fell asleep.
Tonight's Trek --
“Everything he tells you is a lie.”
“Now listen carefully. I’m lying.”
Lovely. I love the blue color.
A few weeks ago, while walking up near Ebin G Fine park along the Creek, the water was a shade of blue I'd never seen before. Colorado rivers and steams are usually clear ---- to brown. perhaps greenish. Never really blue. That day, the water was like the blue you see in European melt. Not completely blue, like blue-ish.
It was nifty.
They ought to rename TBS to "The Wonder Woman movie channel."
They have shown it about a 1000 times now.
This would be a good time to get a lot of road and bridge repair done.
And we get Data and Lore again. Harcourt Fenton Mudd, now what have you been up to?
Our local Costco has figured it out. They limit entry to 100 or so at a time; you line up outside and when someone leaves, you can go in. The wait was maybe 10-12 minutes. It was a breeze getting the shopping done - you can navigate all the aisles swiftly and keep your distance from people. If all you wanted was TP, they had it right inside the front door; they would hand you one pack, you go around the corner to the register and you're out. They also had a whiteboard out front listing what is out of stock. They add to the list during the day. It made for a stress-free experience, for both shoppers and staff. Maybe they should go with the system permanently...
I love big, dense cities. I used to have a place in Portland. I'm very happy that I now live in the suburbs. I'm happy I don't own the place in Portland. This will be much easier to get through in my Privileged White People enclave.
Angel Wing:
Sarah Bareilles has her own song, with the same name.
I never understood why the Enterprise had a tree with an edible fruit with a deadly parasite within, frankly, if they didn't have the facilities to deal with the parasite.
And was Data so easily forgiven?
Neighborhood scuttlebutt is that two local restaurants are closing Saturday, not due to lack of customers but lack of food. We’ve already had a bakery close because they couldn’t get flour.
California starts its lock down order at midnight. Luckily, I got to the vet today and got antibiotics and other meds for my dog. That’s my silver lining for the day.
that was dr. Soong
Yeah, I skip TNG. It was must-see TV back in its original run, but decades later, not so much.
Instead, for the second hour, we'll play Guess that Episode of Stargate SG-1 --
The team takes on one of the Goa'uld.
O'Neill says some wisecracking things.
Anubis baal hathor which one?
If kirk lived in the late 90d he would have been jack o'neil
No offense Roughcoat but the Scots faced English oppression, too. We did a bit better than the Irish. I like what you have to say generally, but in Chicagoese, fucking blow me. NTTAWWT.
I love big, dense cities.
That Smart Growth hyper-density disease incubators doesn't seem so smart after all.
Arlington leads Virginia in corona cases, with 17 as of this morning.
The catalan and the basque feel likewise about castille.
Government doesn’t have anywhere near the money, the speed or the creativity to stay ahead of a crisis like this—and the Trump administration deserves credit for embracing its private-sector partners. The business altruism on display is partly the usual American spirit, but it has been encouraged by free-market policies that have underwritten three years of economic boom and put companies on a better footing to confront hard times. And the profit motive and competition liberals detest remain the beating heart of the resourcefulness U.S. companies are now bringing to bear.
Kim Strassel tonight. THAT is helping...
Yeah, those guys.
Answer -- EVERY EPISODE (except the last couple of seasons when they went with the not as interesting Ori).
This one is an episode that follows Jack waking up and saying, "Hey Teal'c, what's up with the hair?" Followed by line, line, "Hey Teal'c, what's up with the hair?"
Teal'c has hair now.
Just imagine how effed we'd be if the Trump economy had NOT been humming as strong as it has been?
Roughcoat said...
Purchased ammo today, 9 mm and 357, in Cook County IL. Allowed only 1 box of each, marked up in cost. There was a line out the door for people picking up pre-ordered firearms.
Found a dealer outside of Cook County selling 9mm for $13 for box/50. Guess I'll be paying him a visit.
Wanted to purchase a Mossberg 590 Shockwave only to find it's illegal in Illinois. But I'm moving to Indiana in 2 weeks and it IS legal in that state. Sweet!
I found that online is the way to go for ammo. Home delivery is pretty easy. Luckygunner is out of everything I want right now though.
Yes julian sands and william davis can be kind of dry at times
And don't crush that dwarf.
Instead, hand me the pliers.
The first two hours on el rey in lieu of the same minitrue bulletin.
Then there was daniel jacksons fmr colleague possessed by osiris i think.
Narciso, from your link:
Ryan James Girdusky
Do you approve/disapprove how Trump is handling the Coronavirus (Survey USA poll)
Overall: 51/40
Men: 55/40
Women: 48/42
18-34: 52/39
65+: 56/40
w/ kids <5: 58/36
w/ kids in college: 55/41
GOP: 90/6
DEM: 24/68
Indie: 48/48
White: 59/36
Black: 28/58
Latino: 47/46
Asian: 32/44
Now, let's take a walk in the woods...
Blacks are the only unhappy ones, except for Asians whose feelings are maybe hurt.
Why would blacks be disproportionately unhappy, except for one of two reasons:
1) D Party line - OMB; or,
2) Blacks don't get COVID-19 so why are you honkies bothering us with your measures? We don't need to be protected, we're already immune. We don't need to protect other black people, they're immune. We don't need to protect non-black people, because we are alienated and don't care about them.
Bear with me here...
Blacks are immune
Blacks don't want to be bothered with staying home
Draft black people to do all the outside work! It'll be like slavery days again, we have to have black people do the work because only blacks with their sickle-cell anemia can endure the deadly malarial swamps.
Give all the delivery and customer service jobs and a'that to blacks!
If you live somewhere there are no blacks, have them shipped in from places of abundance. Maybe Amazon can manage it!
So, whaddya think? I think Althouse should be all over this, don't you? I mean, people who came from where she lives now helped free the blacks centuries ago, so really, they owe her.
Damn it. Wrong quote.
Yes julian sands and william davis can be kind of dry at times
Drab and colorless, yes.
Well they feel likely will have to do the grunt work
You would expect Cigarette Smoking Man to be rather ashen, though.
Yes but hes been generally that way wven back to airwolf in the mid 80s.
we have to be proactive
I found that online is the way to go for ammo. Home delivery is pretty easy.
I ordered 7 boxes of 7.5 shot 12 Gauge ammo last night. Just in case I need to use it on Dove, rabbit or interlopers. I took stock of the 30-06 for the Garands, the .30 for the M1 Carbine (bonus: I ordered a can of ROK surplus two months ago), and the 7.65 for the AR-14. Ha ha, just kidding, it really is a 15. I ordered 5000 rounds of .22 six or eight months ago. My wife rolled her eyes then. She isn't now. I'll be OK. I don't have a .22 long gun - wish I did, but I do have two nice automatics that fit the hands just right.
I found his qasi biographical sketch where he was a dark zelig amusing
It was light hearted sonething amanda tappings next series forgot about
the goid news
Buwaya: It would be nice to hear from you. Hope you and your family are OK.
Had to put down my 17 year old blue heeler today. Last week the vet would have come to the house. She decided she was done today. I put her bed in the back and my son carried her out. Vet came out the parking lot. Sobbed on my son's shoulder. Broke my 69 year old Sonoma County quarantine. Probably won't do it again but it's sure lonely now.
href="https://mobile.twitter.com/JerryDunleavy/status/1240799330895880192">sorry about that
Flat Tire I’m so sorry.
I went to the Clancy Brothers in Tipperary from here and they were good as usual but I was fascinated by the audience - all those people sitting so close together. Already it seems alien. And no worries. Not one had ever thought about stockpiling toilet paper.
Amanda Tapping made baguettes today. But it was pretty much the last of her flour.
@Flat Tire,
Had to put down my 17 year old blue heeler today.
It's amazing how much it hurts to lose a beloved animal, isn't it? You think you're not kid, you're a grown-up, you've done this before, blah, blah & every single time, it still hurts like a motherfucker.
My answer has been -- wait a respectful period of mourning & then honor their memory by going to the pound & adopting some critter who deserves a decent chance at life.
I know that according to orthodox Christian doctrine, our wee beasties will not be joining us in the afterlife. I've always considered that a major failing of Christian doctrine, and hope that God in his Wisdom & Mercy sees things quite differently.
Burr and Loeffler caught selling stock based on inside knowledge of coronavirus financial impacts. More cockroaches will probably emerge soon. It's all legal though!!
I know that the Deaf community has it's own proud culture, but are they really all that offended by closed captioning that everyone of these press conferences has to have someone signing?
Burr and Loeffler insider trading --
My first impulse is to seek verification. My second impulse, upon verifying is to give them a chance at explaining, but suspecting that there is no good explanation -- they need to resign.
And face prosecution, if they are not automatically immune as members of Congress.
Orthodox Christian doctrine has not taken a stand on the issue. Nor could it since it does not pertain to the salvation of human beings, which is the province of Christian doctrine. Speculative theologians have taken stands on the issue, though.
The correct and most orthodox answer is that if God wants pets in heaven, there are pets in heaven. If He does not, there is not. Period.
At least to the extent that because He is the Eternal Fullness of Reality, once a pet exists, he always exists in the mind of God. And if we are in Him, then in that eternal Mind, our pets also exist with us.
So, California is now on lock-down.
This is going to give a whole new meaning to the phrase "Disparate Impact on Minorities". It'll be interesting to see how the California Dems chop that Solomonic baby in twain.
The King of the California nation-state has ordered every one to stay home, but pot sellers can remain open as an essential business.
Gross over reaction.
Brian Williams is okay with this.
Mark, I understand your point about inside information and congress critters. But, inside information seems to be about particular stocks, not things in general.
Most Congress people aren't rich, as least yet, and many are of pretty modest means to begin with. When you get a briefing about the shit hitting the fan in general, how long should you wait to rebalance your portfolio? What should the law be?
I'm sure we'll hear more in the media about remdesivir than about hydroxychloroquine since pharmaceutical companies are big advertisers and you can bet remdesivir will cost a bundle while hydroxychloroquine is an inexpensive generic.
If a California illegal alien violates the Governor’s Order, will he be arrested? Why would an illegal alien obey the law anyway?
This is absurd.
WE visited a couple of civil war sites about 5 years ago - down in North Carolina.They were listed as national battlefields, so I assumed part of the Civil war. Turns out they were Revolutionary War sites. Kings Mountain and Cowpens. In both cases the Scots=-Irish from Applachia came out in force and hit part of Cornwallis' army. It his splitting of his forces and the loss of men at those battles that resulted in the surrender at Yorktown. So they were an important force in the winning of the war. (as was smallpox the british suffered.)
David Begley said...The King of the California nation-state has ordered every one to stay home, but pot sellers can remain open as an essential business.
He lacks the authority and will to enforce that. What's he gonna do, post CHIPs at every on ramp? That being said, the weather here is aggravating the spread of winter colds and flus. Were I an apocalyptic believer in the State religion, I'd say that the rain brought on by AGW in order to enable the virus to wreak havoc.
But I'm not a believer in that apocalypse.
Is it just me, or did Biden basically disappear despite wrapping up the nomination? Where is he? What is he doing?
Even though Trump may have been slow and clumsy in his initial response, he's now showing good, authoritative leadership in this present crisis. Biden just seems completely irrelevant. Who would want him to be in charge right now?
mockturtle said...I'm sure we'll hear more in the media about remdesivir than about hydroxychloroquine since pharmaceutical companies are big advertisers and you can bet remdesivir will cost a bundle while hydroxychloroquine is an inexpensive generic. <-- this
Also, I appreciate your background and experience in chemistry. Also, Yancey Ward's.
A prediction that 56% of California will be infected. Patently absurd.
David Begley said...Brian Williams is okay with this.
He witnessed the ravages of the Black Death.
Thanks reader.
So, California is now on lock-down.
This is going to give a whole new meaning to the phrase "Disparate Impact on Minorities". It'll be interesting to see how the California Dems chop that Solomonic baby in twain.
When green dems promise to end fossil fuel production, we don't take them seriously. We do not believe they have the power.
Take a look around. This is crazy. All we need now is national guard marching through neighborhoods checking for firearms. Why not? Just need governor to order it.
Andrew asked: Who would want him to be in charge right now?
Who? Do I have to spell it out? Biden is beholden to whomever funds him. He has this -><- much public support.
@young helegelian
I hope you're right and I hope she gets to chase rabbits. Maybe she'll finally catch one.
Andrew said...Is it just me, or did Biden basically disappear despite wrapping up the nomination? Where is he? What is he doing?
Byron York
Democratic groups plan to spend millions slamming Trump over Wuhan virus response while Biden aims 'to project leadership by staying above the fray.' From WP:
Democratic groups to spend millions hitting Trump over coronavirus response
Jesus Flevit, Mark, could you be any more condescending? Do you think you're correcting some neophyte on some misunderstanding on Christian doctrine?
Orthodox Christian doctrine has not taken a stand on the issue.
Yes, it has, which is why it made such a stir when Pope Francis opined that animals do go to Heaven. The standard view is that animals do not have souls, and thus are not objects of salvation nor do they have immortal existence of any kind. If you disagree, please find me a pre-20th C theologian, especially a "big gun" like St. Thomas or Augustine or Anselm or Cajetan who says differently. They all assign "soul" to animals in an Aristotelian sense, meaning that animals have an animating principle.
Nor could it since it does not pertain to the salvation of human beings, which is the province of Christian doctrine.
Uhhhm, what? I thought the province of Christian doctrine was the entirety of the Nature of God. That's why is called theo-ology, the study of God. Do you think all that speculation on the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Celestial Kingdom & its angelic inhabitants, to name just a few of the biggies, was only because of its soteriological import? Is that what you get out of the Summa or Augustine's De Trinitate or Anselm's Proslogium is that it's all about lil' old us?
Arlington leads Virginia in corona cases, with 17 as of this morning.
Probably most of them caught it working in DC. Arlington isn't really densely urban enough for people to walk on the streets. They do have a very high percentage of foreign-born, however, but real estate prices have driven out the poor ones.
"California nation-state has ordered every one to stay home"
Seriously, how do you even begin to enforce something like this? Abso-freaking-lutely impossible. It's just an exercise in political ass covering.
Dave Begley observes: A prediction that 56% of California will be infected. Patently absurd.
At least 56% of California is already infected. With TDS and lunacy.
Is a gun store considered an essential business? In a crisis situation, I can't think of anything more essential than what they sell. The Survival Rule of Threes states, humans can survive three weeks without food, three days without water, three hours without shelter, and three minutes without oxygen, but when you need a firearm or ammo, you might not survive three seconds without it.
Can some one sue in federal court about this, shirley.
Traffic is already reduced in L.A. But with this, a lot of stoners and pretend stoners will be driving around.
Oslo hospital to break coronavirus quarantine rules to fight staff shortage
One thing the recent rain in Southern California may have done is keep the homeless hunkered down. When the weather improves they will spread out and move around the community carrying any viruses they have with them.
The medical staff trying to help them will have to be ready to deal with hepatitis, tb, drug addiction, and mental health issues.
Jesus is walking with Peter and talking about death and all that. Peter asks about John. Jesus tells Peter, "What's it to you? Mind your own business."
Whatever God wants to do with pets -- that's HIS business. And He's not going to say His hand's are tied on the issue because of what Thomas Aquinas said.
OUR business is our own salvation. And whatever theologians might think about the matter, the papal magisterium is limited to matters of human salvation. It has nothing authoritative to say about non-humans. It might have opinions - but those are about as valid as the pope saying that this sports team is better than that one.
Even if 56% of CA was infected, there would be very few deaths if they can keep the elderly and already sick out of the 56%, which seems a lot easier and more effective than whatever else we are trying to do, which is not really clear. I mean what is the objective, and why isn't it to keep the only people truely at risk protected? Is letting some people die the price of treating everyone equal? Doesn't seem very equal to me.
they were an important force in the winning of the war
My brother inherited 4 acres of 35 my grandmother bought in the 60's (Sister sold her piece last year, rest is now city reservoir). By a complete fluke, I found out our 21 y.o. Scots-Irish g-g-g-gf (from Charlotte) led NC Cavalry in a skirmish there during Cornwallis' retreat to Yorktown. They used his description and map in the monument erected in the 90's. My then-employer's ancestors owned the land back then. I thought that was cool and possibly unique. He doesn't give a shit and complains about the taxes.
The homeless might be safer than most people since they are unlikely to do international travel or hang out with those who do, and the people who do have the virus automatically avoid them. The homeless are isolated from the community that is carrying the thing until they get a handout. The deadly gift of compassion never stops punishing those poor people.
The explosion of 20-story no-setback buildings on block after block as part of a plan for a high-density walkable urban village belies the assertion that Arlington is not very dense or urban.
It had a quiet small-town flavor to it when I moved here 30 years ago, but the last 20 years have been a race to become New York City. Of course, up in one-percenter land north of Lee Highway, that is a privileged sanctuary where there is still room to spread out and breathe.
We will hear about remdesivir for a completely different reason. The media can use it to bash trump. He is too slow getting it approved. Later he is funneling too much to big pharma. There is not enough. It isn't going to insert ethnic group here. Etc . trump was fast on chloroquine, so time to move on.
I've lost 40 lbs over the last year and am using this opportunity to lose the last 10 lbs (this is tough) to reach a self-imposed ideal. I've basically flattened some of my own curves. Meanwhile, my coworkers have been moaning about gaining weight because of binge- and stress-eating.
"The homeless are isolated from the community that is carrying the thing until they get a handout. "
Or vice versa.
L.A. is wrestling with that in terms of whether to turn unused spaces into "shelters" or continue allowing tents.
What we are doing is not sustain able for sure. And not all measures are sensible. But if they can squeeze the curve down until we get chloroquine and more masks and more tests and a serum treatment they will save lives, businesses, suffering and keep the country functional.. Italy is not functional right noe, that is what we seek to avoid.
In San Diego we have a large number of homeless who stand on medians receiving money and food from drivers or who sit outside of grocery stores. The big question is did it already happen?
I mean..if washing hands is primary defense, ummm...
thats not hoe it works
Blogger Automatic_Wing said...
"Love on the Rocks"
You hear a lot of Neil Diamond songs on the classic rock/adult contemporary stations, but not this song, or really any of the songs he had as hits in the early 80s. I have always loved this one, though.
How about the 300,000 chinese guest workers in lombardy, isnt that a reason?
@narciso: That link might elicit great comments from Bruce Heyden, given his expertise.
narciso said...How about the 300,000 chinese guest workers in lombardy, isnt that a reason?
You're NOT supposed to raise that sort of question. Shame on you!
Kamala Harris imploded first, and this might be Twosome's demise. Are there any Willie Brown protégées left to kill off politically?
Kalifornien Unter Alles!
WE visited a couple of civil war sites about 5 years ago - down in North Carolina.They were listed as national battlefields, so I assumed part of the Civil war. Turns out they were Revolutionary War sites. Kings Mountain and Cowpens.
That's SOUTH Carolina, thank you very much.
Can you believe an utter fraud like liz holmes would do this, yes i would.
"Love on the Rocks"
I do not care for that one at all. I love Neil Diamond up until about 1975 and the Beautiful Noise album. Great stuff, and then he just kind of stopped caring and started phoning it in.
Such were the plans I'd made...
Chicklit, Congratulations on the self-control and weight loss. It is a great feeling to accomplish that. Don't let it get back on you. It gets harder every time.
We haven't really changed that much since the Middle Ages. Back then, in plague years, they sought out scapegoats and hoped for miracles. Nowadays, we pine for some therapeutic med that will make this nightmare all go away and quickly. Maybe, but I'm not betting on a miracle cure...... Outside of Iran, people are not blaming the Jews or the witches, but there are scapegoats. The Dems are quite vehement that this is all Trump's fault. If he had approved those tests, we'd be on the smiley side of the curve. Republicans like to blame the Chinese. Well, they were certainly part of it, but I don't think it was the result of their diabolic machinations......This will resolve itself over time, but shit happens and it's not an evil plot or subject to the intervention of Providence.
"I found out our 21 y.o. Scots-Irish g-g-g-gf"
So, you are a 6th generation survivor of the Battle of Yorktown!
My mother (RIP) was a Neil Diamond fan. The only song that I still like of his is Play Me. There may be a lurker or two here for whom this has special meaning as well.
bagoh20 said...Chicklit, Congratulations on the self-control and weight loss. It is a great feeling to accomplish that. Don't let it get back on you. It gets harder every time.
I like "Play Me" as well, though even Diamond has admited he could have worked five minutes more on the lyric and done away with "brang me" :-)
I like pretty much all the Diamond hits except for "Heart Light". Despise that song, most because I despise the movie that inspired it.
Yes, I have an abiding hate for "ET".
Just saw a commercial on the TV --
Michael's craft store is having a sale right now!
Unknown said...I like "Play Me" as well, though even Diamond has admited he could have worked five minutes more on the lyric and done away with "brang me" :-)
That's like Dylan regretting "Early one mornin' I was layin' in bed.." unless of course it was deliberate. But he repeated his transitive/intransive confusion with "Lay Lady Lay." Hmmm. Maybe we need an Annalysis?
Mark said...Michael's craft store is having a sale right now!
Their sales are in the toilet. If you ever buy anything from them, support them now. Use a coupon, of course!
I still like Cracklin' Rosie and Sweet Caroline (the original version, not the bastardized Boston monstrosity) because they are two of my earliest memories of music. Whenever I hear Sweet Caroline, I think of first grade and being on the playground at St. Charles school.
I like too that before he got to full of himself, he wasn't afraid to be silly with a tunefull kids' song like I Am The Lion or the just all around silly (but also tuneful) Porcupine Pie.
On Sweet Caroline, I never really noticed the overly-loud horns until those damn Bostonians. Now when I hear it, I invariably hear those bastards.
Cracklin' Rosie is great. In fact that whole album The Taproot Manuscript is great.
Iirc, Cracklin' Rosie was a bottle of cheap wine..
BTW, don't ask which Neil Diamond album this is on, something that has apparently confused a number of people..
I liked sweet caroline, till i realized who it was referring to.
The Monkees do a better I'm a Believer, though.
It was a great story.
For years the lore has been that Neil Diamond's 1969 song "Sweet Caroline" was an ode to the then young daughter of late president John F. Kennedy and his wife, Jacqueline.
On Monday, the singer revealed the truth behind the hit.
"I was writing a song in Memphis, Tennessee, for a session. I needed a three-syllable name," Diamond said during an appearance on "Today." "The song was about my wife at the time — her name was Marsha — and I couldn't get a 'Marsha' rhyme."
Thats two syllables try again,,it would make more sense.
The Monkees do a better I'm a Believer, though.
Agreed. Dolenz & Nesmith have a live album dropping (before the current imbroglio anyway) early next month and supposely a tour (again before the recent Unpleasantness) to support it.
Thats two syllables try again,,it would make more sense.
Clearly Car-o-line the way it's sung..
Turns out they were Revolutionary War sites. Kings Mountain and Cowpens. In both cases the Scots=-Irish from Applachia came out in force and hit part of Cornwallis' army.
A show that may interest you is Outlander running it's 5th season on Starz as we speak. Quick rundown on plot. A WII English nurse found herself back in 1745 Scotland. (turns out there are certain people with genetics that allow them to time travel...don't ask) She falls in love with a Highlander and tries to avoid the Battle of Culloden for her lover and friends. When she fails, she travels back to 1949 (she spent 3 years in the past)
But wait....there's more. In 1969 she finds out her true love did not die at Culloden and traces him as a printer in Edinburgh. She returns, twenty some years later (her time travel is a distance of 202 years....don't ask)
Anyway they have many great adventures and, now in season 5, find themselves in the early 1770s North Carolina and Claire (the time travelling nurse, now full fledged MD) knows that the Revolutionary War is coming so they have THAT to deal with.
Anyway, fun show and you find out why there are so many Scots in NC. (many banished to the colonies after losing at Culloden)
The story about "Sweet Caroline" never made any sense considering the lyrics.
Along with Sweet Caroline, my other favorite was Solitary Man
"Belinda was mine, til the time that I found her
Holding Jim, loving him"
Unknown wrote: Agreed. Dolenz & Nesmith have a live album dropping (before the current imbroglio anyway) early next month and supposely a tour (again before the recent Unpleasantness) to support it.
Tell me why you like "Repo Man" and I'll follow your comments more regularly.
Hey, Solitary Man was upbeat compared to Shiloh, at least if you listen to the lyrics..
The more you drive, the less intelligent you are..
bagoh20: “Is a gun store considered an essential business? In a crisis situation, I can't think of anything more essential than what they sell.”
C’mon, man... the government will protect you. Trust them.
On a serious note, quality firearms and ammunition are going to be nearly impossible to find/purchase the rest of this year. With the coronacircus (and attendant mischief if it continues on much longer), hurricane season and election coming, there will be limited stock online or in stores. The past 10 days have cleared out gun dealers and ammo merchants. Lines around the block. People pre-paying to secure their firearms and then going to pick them up, leaving nothing to chance. The impact will be long-term. The manufacturers simply cannot ramp-up production that rapidly. Whatever they do release will be sold quickly — very quickly.
That’s why I’ve been stocking up on pistols and rifles for 4 years now. I’ve built four custom AR-14s this winter. I’ve been steadily reloading my own ammunition, and have a solid stock of materials/consumables to load all the cartridges I want for the next 5-10 years. If draconian measures come down from on high, I can sensibly ration supplies to meet my own needs indefinitely. It’s the value of productive paranoia, and a wonderful hobby to boot.
I also expect my side work in private firearms training to be steady and lucrative. I only do one-on-one training (or for a married couple). I charge a high price so I can choose who I will work with. That way, I don't have to deal with a herd in a classroom or (worse) on the firing line. And my clients love the experience. It’s very rewarding.
Your right to protect your person and family is the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution for a reason. Anyone who would outsource that precious freedom to a government authority is a dolt. Anyone who thinks the Second Amendment is an 18th century anachronism is a fool. Anyone who thinks the Second Amendment was/is intended for duck hunting is a certifiable idiot. The police have no legal duty to protect you. Look it up. Dial 911 and die. When seconds count, the police will be there in minutes. Gun control is the ultimate form of people control. Give up your right to keep and bear arms, and you will NEVER get it back.
You are correct: there is nothing more essential.
"I, Mudd" is a great episode. I recognized the quoted section above instantly.
@Unknown: Perfect answer!
Suave Iggy
On the various treatments for COVID-19:
I wouldn't put much stock in the anecdotal stories about choroquine. It would be a remarkable coincidence that it was effective. I would basically have to see a double blind study with placebo controls to be convinced. I don't see that anyone has had access to enough patients to actually do this right. I am guessing the U.S. is about to try this, and I predict it will show no reproducible effect against placebo. I hope I am wrong.
The other drugs are, at least, targeted against similar RNA viruses, so there is, at least, a reason to try them as a treatment in the first place, so blind luck wouldn't be involved if they had some beneficial effect. However, again, you need to do a double blind study with placebo control to have any real confidence. No one has done this that I can find right now.
chickelit said...Suave Iggy
Disappointed that Mike Watt wasn't playing bass.
Dunno Yancey, between https://www.covidtrial.io/ (French) and reported Chinese and S. Korean results, I would have more hope than not...and a bit beyond blind luck.
Surprised nobody mentioned the fondness the Chinese had for melamine a short while ago. Lotsa folks lost their pets on that occasion. They were luckier than the adulterated baby food/milk events.
Yancey Ward said...I hope I am wrong.
I do too, because, as you pointed out, what an easy fix from an O-chem POV.
I overheard an argument the otherday between black/white about Trump "calling the coronovirus a hoax". White said "he didn't say that". Black said "prove it". Ignoring the context just like "good people on both sides". I expect that line will be pounded next election. I wonder what those dems hated before Trump. That is a load of rage to have bubbling inside a person.
I should say especially for a generic and another commercially available drug.
Because of inability to fully own, less likely to be a rigged game.
BUMBLE BEE said... I wonder what those dems hated before Trump.
Bush? Palin? Romney?
(more typically early in vitro shows a hopeful mechanism with the available, researchers then work toward a "potentiating" ownable analog)
"ownable analog" = potential bio-weapon
Washington has been semi-closed down for about a week but retail was allowed to stay open if they could follow CDC "social distancing" guidance (6 feet). California's "lock-down" is about the same, except that retail seems to be closed.
Rumor tonight is that Washington State is about to go full lock-down. One friend called to let us know - urged us to get to the grocery store tonight before the panic. I poo-poo'ed it until another friend posted on FB that it was going to happen.
The rumors seem to be coming from the WA National Guard - hope they are wrong.
Having had my youngest brother play "Here Comes the Batman" like 1000 times on a 45 record player, I raised my kids on Steve Earle and the Monkees.
It's late and nobody will read this.
I got the lockdown Blues
from the top of my head
to the tips of my shoes
So much my pockets is sore
pockets is sore.
More dough than I can use
I got the Lockdown Blues.
"I've lost 40 lbs over the last year and am using this opportunity to lose the last 10 lbs (this is tough) to reach a self-imposed ideal."
Congratulations. But the tough part is keeping it off. you didn't get 50 lbs overweight by eating Salad and mineral water.
I work w/people in retail in CA. We are going to be there for you tomorrow. Don't panic.
chickelit said..."ownable analog" = potential bio-weapon
More about IP. Weapons are Wild(er) West
Congratulations. But the tough part is keeping it off. you didn't get 50 lbs overweight by eating Salad and mineral water.
It took me 20 yrs to get to 50l bs obese. I was motivated to lose by pain -- back pain. There be no greater motivater to lose weight than pain.
Yikes Back pain. Yep, there's nothing worse. I have a co-worker who was motivated by Type II diabetes, she lost over 80 lbs and now has normal blood sugar. Although she still has to watch her carbs.
BTW, if you're worried about civil unrest, nothing says safety like an M-60 and some claymore mines.
Until I hear otherwise, I'm going to be playing golf on Sunday with some buddies as planned. I heard O.J. saying that if they closed the golf courses he would go crazy. Me and the Juice on the same page.
Even though Trump may have been slow and clumsy in his initial response, he's now showing good, authoritative leadership in this present crisis.
I don't believe any of that. I think his response has been timely and measured. He's not rushing into stuff in a panic as the Dems most assuredly would.
My friend is a manager at a high-end retail outlet in Orange. They shut down two days ago for two weeks.
Yancey: I share your hope that you’re wrong about chloroquine being no better than placebo. But I think we’ll know soon enough. When the trial endpoint is literally life or death, and the test period is merely weeks (between onset and death or a clear turn toward recovery), it shouldn’t take a large or lengthy study to detect a strong signal. Nor do I think it will be hard to get IRB approval or recruit subjects. Fingers crossed.
Andrew said...
Is it just me, or did Biden basically disappear despite wrapping up the nomination? Where is he? What is he doing?
Even though Trump may have been slow and clumsy in his initial response, he's now showing good, authoritative leadership in this present crisis. Biden just seems completely irrelevant. Who would want him to be in charge right now?
I hate to break this to you all.
If Biden was president this would be a page B story most days.
Just like Swine Flu was when Obama was president.
Do people at this point actually think this is going to come close to 100,000 deaths world wide, much less 500,000? Flu kills that many people every year and we hear nothing.
heyboom said...
I don't believe any of that. I think his response has been timely and measured. He's not rushing into stuff in a panic as the Dems most assuredly would.
Wait wut?
Do none of you bother to look at similar events in the past?
Looks like Republican Richard Burr sold millions in stock on February 13th.
He is the chair of the Senate Intelligence committee.
Jail is too good for traitors.
At least one more senator sold a big pile of stock and bought stock in a teleworking company the day they were briefed.
Kelly Loeffler. Republican Georgia.
Words fail me.
“On a serious note, quality firearms and ammunition are going to be nearly impossible to find/purchase the rest of this year.”
You can always build your own. Not an AR-14, which I see little use for (having its magazine in the stock, so it can direct feed the chamber), more likely build an AR-15 (which is what I expect you did). Great fun, and kits seem to still be readily available. I had maybe a dozen lower receivers, until the tragic boating accident last summer. Some were purchased. Turns out, they are now treated as pistols by the ATF, because you can build firearms that are legally treated as pistols with an AR-15 lower receiver. (AR-15 pistols have barrels shorter than 16”, do not have standard stocks (but instead typically have a stabilizing brace that can be used as a stock, as long as it can still be utilized as a stabilizing arm brace) and cannot have a vertical forward hand grip (though an angled one is apparently fine)). And some may have been 80% complete lower receivers, which in most states do not have to have a number. You can finish them by drilling the trigger well, as well as trigger pins and hole for the selector switch. You can use jigs with a drill press, or use a CNC milling machine, like the one sold by Ghost Gunner. It is great fun, even for someone as undextrous as I am. There are plenty of videos online to show you how to do it, and get around the few tricky parts (at least the first time). I would suggest purchasing at least a lower receiver vice block, a big magnet, and a bag of spare parts. The problem is that there are a number of small parts, sometimes held in place with springs, which means that if you aren’t careful, the spring, under tension can take off, possibly also losing what it is supposed to be holding in place.
My project for the winter was supposed to be a .300 AAC Blackout 7.5” pistol build. Supposed to be an excellent home defense weapon. More maneuverable than a 16” carbine, more accurate than a handgun, and typically utilizes 30 round magazines. It Hasn’t happened yet, as I have spent the winter so far trying to buy our new house, pack for the move, as well as, now, buying our subdivision in MT. Probably leave it in AZ for next winter, when we head north to MT next month. This summer, it will probably be a short barreled .458 SOCOM pistol (for bear protection), and maybe build out the AR-10 lower I have. Except that I will have the subdivision that I need to start worrying about. That should keep me busy summers for at least the next half decade. Still, an AR-15 build doesn’t take that long, if you just sit down and do it. Last summer, whenever I went over to a friend’s house to visit, maybe once a month, we would ultimately put one together, alternating whose it was.
You are top blog in blogspot
Did you do a lot of acid, Miller?
Back in the hippie days?
“ Do none of you bother to look at similar events in the past?”
Are you comparing Trump with Obama, who in a similar situation, refused to impose travel restrictions until much later in the cycle, and went out to play golf the day he announced his task force?
Maybe I am naive, but my expectation is that the prompt closure of entry to people from countries who aren’t controlling the epidemic, as well as the social distancing being enforced now will give us time to get enough testing in place, test out possible medicines, and start producing a vaccine, so that the virus does not kill nearly as many as some have expected.
That all said, I have been prepared for the coronavirus for most of a month now. Mostly, I bought before the rush, so didn’t have to fight crowds or deal with scarcity. Though, Amazon did lie about when some masks would arrive - they were supposedly shipped almost a month ago. Still, I probably have enough, already.
My kid and their fiancé called tonight. They are now insisting on calling every week these days, worrying how we are going to survive. Told them that the new house is right by the Mayo Clinic. But the nearest hospital in MT is 20 miles away, and the population it serves is older than average. Still, the population density there is quite low - the county has under 2 people per sq mile. Contrast that with NYC (>28k per sq mile), Wuhan (similar), and DC (>10k per sq mile). We have a population density <1/10,000 (1%%) that of NYC. Personally, I would rather be 20 miles from the nearest hospital in such a sparsely populated area, than by the Mayo Clinic in a metro area with roughly half the population of NYC.
They don’t get it. They are much more likely to get the Wuhan Coronavirus than we are. They are just more likely to survive it. Besides, maybe because of the low population density where we live in MT, the social distances are also greater. People tend to stand further apart. And you are going to encounter many fewer in a normal day (assuming that everyone isn’t staying home, as they are right now). But I also think that they are still young enough that they can’t see their own mortality - just that of their parents, whom they don’t want to lose. But losing them would be much more tragic. On my father’s side, my kid has no first or second cousins, and on my mother’s side, just two second cousins. Their fiancé comes from a big Catholic farm family, with seemingly endless first and second cousins, so they won’t be alone.
"However, the author, while recognizing that the Scots-Irish, the Presbyterian Usltermen, were the vast majority of this "Irish" group, continually uses the term "Irish and Scotch-Irish." The Irish Catholics were a tiny part of this "Irish" grouping. The Irish-Irish were more likely to be domestic servants rather than yeoman farmers. I like to use Scots-Irish because you can't drink Scots."
I was always told, growing up, that I was part "Scotch-Irish" and it was definitely not Catholic. I think from both sides of my family, though less than 50% total. I never heard of the term "Scots-Irish" and this Scotch/Scots distinction until I was an adult. Scottish people were called "Scotch" all over the place. We lived in Delaware, and my father's parents were from Pennsylvania and New Jersey. My mother came from Michigan. I don't know when or where this "Scots" business got started in the U.S., but I can tell you it was not happening back in the 1950s and 60s in my neck of the woods. (I'm just saying "my neck of the woods" because that's how people back there and then talked.)
Here's a link to a clinical study of Chloroquine
Looks very good to me, but I'm not experienced in dissecting such things.
Bruce, if your house is by the Scottsdale Mayo Clinic, two things:
-Mr. Pants spent two weeks there with swine flu in 2009
-Go to the Musical Instrument Museum just down the road when you can, if you haven’t yet. It’s extremely well done and is one of my favorite places, period. Blow a kiss to the Sun Devil Marching Band uniform on display (my daughter is a member and is so proud to wear it)
It looks-- if I skimmed the Daily Mail rightly-- like Senator Feinstein is the worst of the congressional profiteers; no surprise there. The current NYT article is 85% Burr, Burr, Burr.
I have a vague recollection of stopping listening to Neil Diamond after what I considered to be a not very good album centered on Africana somehow. Looking now, I see it was the B side that extinguished my enthusiasm.
For what it's worth, I almost always read the last part of these end-of-the-day threads the next morning. Early to bed, early to rise.
Growing up, I didn't know I was anything but an American. The last immigrants into my family line came over in 1850, the German 48ers. It was only as an adult, after Roots was aired, that my mom started looking into our family tree.
When I first started renting apartments in Chicago, the potential landlord would ask, what are you? I'd be like, I don't know. My last name is German and my extended family seemed mostly Scottish and English. You couldn't just tell an older Polish couple that you were American, it had to be something else, too.
It took Ancestry two tries to give me a result that sort of matched the family tree. 3/16 Scots-Irish, 3/16 German, 3% Danish [the Russell's came from Normandy with William] and the rest just undifferentiated British.
It's my impression that the American Scots-Irish thang is one strand of an interest in origins and ethnicities that grew out of the ACWABAWS centennial and the Civil Rights movement.
Jim Webb pretty much argues that Americans tended not to conceive of a Scots-Irish ethnicity precisely because it was so common; of course now there's a huge commercial interest in getting everyone interested in their real or imagined ancestry--self definitely included:
German [arrived USA c.1910]/Scots-Irish & English [mid-18th C. on maternal side].
Just got a text from my son who works in a high-end custom cabinetry shop--one of their customers who was in last week has tested positive for the ChiCom Virus . . .
F*** S*** Man!
As Althouse embraces the Chinese communists' propaganda that paying attention to where and how we got this pandemic is raaaaaaaacist, here is what a leading Italian virologist says https://pjmedia.com/trending/politics-and-fears-of-racism-helped-coronavirus-spread-in-italy-virus-expert-warns/. He says that kind of thing made it worse.
Next time Althouse, ask yourself “Am I helping?”
For what it's worth, I almost always read the last part of these end-of-the-day threads the next morning. Early to bed, early to rise.
Me too. Except I am late to bed and late to rise. Cafe threads can become the most interesting. (and, surprisingly, it doesn't look like there are many drunk posters)
PS. Georgia folks: Vote for Collins (against Loeffler) and primary Gov. Kemp.
ACWABAWS is not on Urban Dictionary. What does that mouthful mean?
American Civil War....
As long as I'm hitting this thread again how about Cousins' Wars or whatev from David Fischer Hackett [or DFH, whatev again]
Or David Hackett Fischer on the second whatev.
"I wonder what those dems hated before Trump.
Bush? Palin? Romney?"
America. Americans.
Narr was giving a talk about ACWABAWS on the 7th but I can't figure out what it means, either.
Come back Narr.
People I work with seem to be sure that Governor Brown will impose the 'stay home' order here in Oregon 'within 72 hours' and close 'non-essential' business. While I suspect that their 'sources' are chiefly rumor-mongers on Facebook, am not scheduled to work at all next week, anyway, so trying to keep a 'helpful' spirit isn't too difficult for the time being.
The bus system stopped charging fares late Wednesday: the idea being to minimize the drivers' near-contact with the plebs (we're also boarding via the rear doors); some of the drivers are wearing masks and behaving as if the plague is upon them, others are are being as chatty as usual. Three passengers on the last bus I rode yesterday.
Sorry-- my little historian's joke.
Among &
Within the
Covers all the pedantic objections and is more comprehensive and suggestive than Civil War.
Veteran of soc.history.war.acw AND the unmoderated group
Thank you Narr.
I prefer the War to Save the Union, Liberate the Slaves, and Punish the Democrat Traitors with Fire and Sword. WtStULtStPDTwFaS. Needs some work.
Ever read Allen Nevins 8 vol. history of the period? Four volumes are pre-war, beginning like 1842, and the last four are one for every year of the conflict.
Combine Nevins with Foote and Catton, you've got a great narrative.
I didn't even know about the Battle of Olustee until Nevins or Foote.
Covers all the pedantic objections and is more comprehensive and suggestive than Civil War.
The Late Unpleasantness?
I never Nevinsed. I have Cattoned, and Footed. And quite a few others, but they're the big two.
I met Shelby Foote several times and interviewed him once at his home. By way of Shelby Foote, who knew and shook hands with Lee Meriwether (1862-1964--there might be a connection with the actress of the same name), who as a lad met and shook hands with Jeff Davis and Bedford Forrest, among other eminent or notorious Americans, I'm only a few degrees separated from that generation.
Foote claimed that he tossed his research notes but I always had my doubts and it looks like I was right. Some of his sources are pretty obvious and I proposed as a dissertation topic--for someone else!--to follow his story and foote-note it. (I mean of course the publications he used . . . I don't think he even claimed to have used unpublished sources.)
That said, I'm not the greatest admirer of his trilogy, and even less his fiction.
I'll be back
Thanks for explaining ACWABAWS! I figured that if you were giving a talk about it, it was likely to be the Civil War somehow or else an alien programming language.
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