February 4, 2020

Watching the State of the Union?

Hang out here.


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Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago said...

I who have nothing. I who have nothing. I who have nothing. I who have nothing. I who have nothing. I who have nothing. I who have nothing. I who have nothing. I who have nothing.

Nichevo said...

someone should’ve stood up and yelled “You lie!”

Gutless sow had her chance.

Birkel said...

Fuck off, Ken B.

Martha said...

Asked why she ripped up Trump’s speech, @SpeakerPelosi said because it was “a courteous thing to do considering the alternative. It was such a dirty speech.”

mockturtle said...

I don't think she actually ripped his speech in half, but just made a gesture as if she did to show what she thought of it.

You can see it on youtube. She ripped it in half, several sheets at a time, then put them in a pile.

Seeing Red said...

—-In Michigan, Bloomberg has gone from -11% in a race with Trump to +7%. In 90 days.

Chuck's "principles" are telling him to support the guy that wants to repeal the 2nd amendment and ban soda.

He is a real conservative.

The rest of us are not.

He will fight you.——

And Xi is not a dictator.

Shouting Thomas said...

Now that I know you’re driven by sexual jealousy of Trump, ARM, everything makes sense.

You’re a lowlife.

Qwinn said...

Chuck is citing the well known polling firm "EPIC MRA" and their renowned genius pollster, Bernie Porn.

You read that right.

And if you can't trust a guy named Bernie Porn to accurately call an election, I say you're just too cynical. Have you no heart?

Hagar said...

Hagar, she absolutely ripped a few pages in half. Completely. Not the entire speech though.

I'll buy that, but it is still theater for the Party faithful, still in poor taste, and still reinforces the sense of the "impeachment" being a mere partisan game with no "there" there.
And one that she lost, but can't, or won't, let go of.

Birkel said...

NEW YORK TIMES: “It is fair to conclude that the Democratic Party’s center is panicking.”
- via Instapundit

Nichevo said...

I'm not tired of all the winning, Mister President, but I am getting a little ferklempt.

Sprezzatura said...

Soda sux. And it makes folks that make our national expense re health care higher.

Bulletproof coffee = good.


Lucid-Ideas said...

Conducting a 3 year witchhunt
Undermining the president on false charges
Never conceeding defeat
Tantrum shredding paper like a petulant child

4 more years Nancy.

Inga said...

“If I had 5 year old I would say that I would expect better behavior from my 5 year old, and that unlike Pelosi, I would get that from my 5 year old, which by the way doesn't exist.”

I’d understand the childish act of a five year old pretending to conduct an orchestra, waving around his arms, during the National Anthem, however an adult should know better, especially the POTUS.

Seeing Red said...

BTW. I’m still waiting for my $2500 from Obamacare.

Birkel said...

You choose the drink of your choice and I won't take it upon myself to stop you.
I expect the same respect from my fellow countrymen, whether elected or not.

Just because I prefer bulletproof (or any other kind of) coffee to soda is no matter.

Qwinn said...

I await with bated breath more scintillating election prognostications from renowned pollster extraordinaire Bernie Porn. As provided by Chuck.

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga, you’ve behaved disgracefully for the past 3 years, including lying so outrageously and repeatedly that Althouse banned you for a considerable period.

Maybe you should shut up.

Ryan said...

"Inga said...

Pelosi afforded Trump’s speech the respect it deserved. After Trump lying about protecting Americans with pre existing conditions, while he’s is in court trying to take away those very protections, someone should’ve stood up and yelled “You lie!”."

Why didn't the Dems mention this point in their rebuttal? They had a chance to actually respond to the speech, and failed.

phunktor said...

scowling harpies in tents
white tents
they need a logo.with an acronym.

walter said...

Pelosi had a staffer perforate the pages.
She should have invoked a Point of personal privilege.

MayBee said...

I can only imagine how racist it would have been to rip up Obama's speech.

Francisco D said...

Lots of energy from the trolls tonight.

ARM was really shaking ass along with Lil' Chuckles. Soros must be paying well or it is a mating dance between them.

They seemed almost as manic as Ritmo on a night without meds.

Go to it boys. Of course, you will never understand how irrelevant you are.

Mark said...

There have been several times when Pelosi goes completely over the psychopath cliff, times when she gives the death stare to people.

Amadeus 48 said...

To my Democratic and NeverTrump friends:

Sorry for your loss, suckers.

effinayright said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Rush Limbaugh on NAFTA said ...
Skilled workers, educated people are going to do fine 'cause those are the kinds of jobs Nafta is going to create. If we are going to start rewarding no skills and stupid people, I'm serious, let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.

out-of-context BULLSHIT.

As is clear here, Limbaugh was not calling all Mexicans "stupid and unskilled". He's saying that unskilled Mexicans/stupid Mexicans would benefit from Nafta, but skilled American workers would benefit from the kind of jobs Nafta would create.

Turns out he was wrong, but you're trying to paint him as a racist as well.

You're an asshole.

Sprezzatura said...


If fat and poor folks want to eat themselves into gov paid healthcare, they can at the very least have a wee bit of skin in the game. Likewise re the not-gov-paid-for folks, they're still F-ing the premiums for their fellow privately insured folks who don't guzzle and scarf body killing shit.

Similarly the electric-car folks (inc me re one vehicle) need to pay for the roads sans gas tax.


traditionalguy said...

Watched it on BBC. The comments were polite but amounted to saying Trump was only trying to get re-elected.The dummies did not seem to realize that the rest of the world wishes that Trump was their President. He is a master politician with an FDR level emotional IQ.

Sprezzatura said...

How about Rush re a little girl re looking like a dog?

Is that what it means to "Be Best"?

Mark said...

wholelottasplainin' -- actually he was comparing certain people in the country south of us to "unskilled and uneducated" Americans.

Meade said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
From a comment over at Insty:

“Trump is making the Dems eat one shit sandwich after another.”

In fairness, all Trump did was to bring them the menu. They ordered up every shit sandwich prepared every which way. And then he served them with a smile.

Mark said...

The immediately preceding contextual sentence that ARM left out is -

"A caller called here and was giving me grief for not wanting to do what it took to protect American jobs, and so I said to him, ‘If you are unskilled and uneducated, your job is going south. . . ."

walter said...

Pelosi did that stunt to placate her radical "underlings".
"Look what I can do!"

Ryan said...

The NYT is fact-checking the SOTU. They said the following quote is "misleading" because the criminal aliens have to first post bail before they are released to the public.

"In sanctuary cities, local officials order police to release dangerous criminal aliens to prey upon the public, instead of handing them over to ICE to be safely removed.”

Anonymous said...

ARM is always a sourpuss, but he's outdone himself tonight. Why has he been torturing himself like this instead of switching off the tube and going for a walk? He is clearly in brooding, seething, grim-faced agony at the prospect of Trump's impending re-election.

Mark said...

In his speech, Trump gave a whole new meaning to the term "boomer."

Trump dropped one bunker-buster after another on the Dems.


Mark said...

Dems everywhere want to abolish bail.

Birkel said...

It is you who want that government health insurance program. It's obvious flaws are yours to own, not mine. Don't try to get me to pay for what you want. Or try to tell me what I can have. That's the way to incivility.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Shouting Thomas: "Inga, you’ve behaved disgracefully for the past 3 years, including lying so outrageously and repeatedly that Althouse banned you for a considerable period"


Inga continues to slander Naval Academy graduate, Naval Intelligence officer and CIA asset instrumental in bringing russian spies to justice, Carter Page, as a russian spy.

What a disgraceful person Inga is.

Lucid-Ideas said...


[shreds speech]

Achilles said...

Shouting Thomas said...
Inga, you’ve behaved disgracefully for the past 3 years, including lying so outrageously and repeatedly that Althouse banned you for a considerable period.

Maybe you should shut up.

Do not listen to him Inga.

You are doing god's work.

Just like Nancy did when she acted like a petulant 5 year old on National TV tonight.

Get some.

Ken B said...

Ad idea: Trump talks about record low black unemployment, picture of unsmiling Pelosi. Cut to cheers, Pelosi rips up speech.

Drago said...

Ken B: "Ad idea: Trump talks about record low black unemployment, picture of unsmiling Pelosi. Cut to cheers, Pelosi rips up speech."

Not bad.

Sprezzatura said...


In this country, the poorest folks are cared for already. And, the privately insured folks who eat and drink shit that results in medical problems are making the healthier-choice-people pay more, because of insurance spreading the risk.

Presumably you would like to have sick poor people die without any care. But, until your dreams come true, we need to work to make poor folks and all folks less sick so that all health care costs go down.

And, FTR don't worry that yur paying for anyone's health. The gov is borrowing a trillion dollars (w/ interest) every year. So, it must be free money that is paying for poor folks to not be left to die in the streets.

Achilles said...

walter said...
Pelosi did that stunt to placate her radical "underlings".
"Look what I can do!"


You people do not understand the pressure that is on right now in DC.

Nancy and Mitt and Biden and thousands of people in DC know that if Trump wins they will not be able to hide the shenanigans they have been participating in over the last several decades.

Nancy answers to people.

She is trying to convince them she is not suicidal.

Ken B said...

Lucid ideas 10:22
Nice. You could make an ad with that too. I think there are some killer ads here, and I think team Trump will find them.

Birkel said...

I know you think we don't notice the camel you're marching over to our tent. But here's the thing: we will not submit to your authoritarian plans. You won't appeal to our better angels by forcing us to do it for our own good. Or the good of others.

Drago said...

Can you imagine how pissed off LLR-lefty Chuck was when Trump called on the Congress to pass legislation against partial birth abortion?

Sprezzatura said...


BTW where are you re folks (like me (though I'm not the one in my family who uses that POS (though it is crazy quick (still it's not my thing))) w/ electric cars not paying to use the roads re gas tax?

I know you like the gov paying and others paying for the healthcare re folks who make choices that kill their own bodies. Are you also for freeloaders re roads?

Big Mike said...

It will certainly be interesting to see how much money relatives of Pelosi got from places like Ukraine and Iran.

There are Internet rumors that Paul Pelosi, Jr. has some suspicious sweetheart deals in Ukraine, like Hunter Biden. Don’t know whether they’re true.

walter said...

Embrace the power of AND, Achilles.
SOTU stunt for the youngins.

Lucid-Ideas said...

This is the trifecta. Tonight is night 2.


By this time tomorrow night a whole boatload of swing voters will have decided to walk away. Many permanently. They're in shambles. They know it. Everyone else can see it. Some are moving towards grief. Others are still on anger. Many many are in denial.

Acceptance? A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Best Penis Enlargement cream from doctor OLU World Wide said...

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RichardJohnson said...

Snarky suggestion: Mail Nancy Pelosi copies of Trump's SOTU address. Think of her office getting thousands and thousands of copies. That would mess up her office for days. And if they were sent certified mail, her office couldn't just throw them away.

Birkel said...

If you were able to restate my position without misrepresentation, I might think you were serious.

pacwest said...

I watched CNN after SOTU. They tried the usual spinning. Racist, divisive, untrue, masterful Pelosi, etc. Van Jones injected a wakeup call, and you could see their faces fall flat. The Dems know they are in deep doodoo.

The Speech was OK for the most part, but the Dems looked petty throughout, punctuated by Pelosi's mean girl Jr Hi stunt at the end.

Jamie said...

Ryan said, "Dems would have some respect if they could have proven Russia ,collusion or pulled off an impeachment. They are just incompetent."

I must differ. Dems would have some respect if they could have countered Trump on the issues, showing the American people why their policies are superior to Republican policies. Their inability to prove Russia or collusion or successfully to impeach and remove the President with only a razor-thin House majority - these things don't make them incompetent on their own; they did their best. Unfortunately for them, Trump didn't cooperate by being corrupt or inept (all media messaging to the contrary notwithstanding).

Of course, not being able to counter Republicans' policies with better ones ALSO doesn't make them incompetent - just mistaken.

Daniel Jackson said...

Of all the comments about Nancy, the one left by "best penis..." is the best.

Seeing Red said...

...The White House and President Donald Trump's reelection campaign are lashing out at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for ripping up the president's State of the Union speech.

No sooner did Trump finish his address Tuesday night then Pelosi tore it in two, right on the dais behind him. The president had appeared to snub the House speaker before his speech when she extended her hand to him, and he turned back around without acknowledging it.

Tim Murtaugh, the communications director for Trump's reelection team, responded: “She might as well rip up any plans for attracting independent voters. Pelosi and the Democrats sat on their hands through all of the good news for Americans in that speech. It’s a sad place to be when good news for America is bad news for Democrats.”

The White House accused Pelosi of disrespecting Trump's guests of honor by ripping up the speech. “Speaker Pelosi just ripped up: One of our last surviving Tuskegee Airmen. The survival of a child born at 21 weeks. The mourning families of Rocky Jones and Kayla Mueller. A service member's reunion with his family. That's her legacy," the White House tweeted....

Birkel said...

Pouncing got too easy to spot.
Now the White House is lashing.

FullMoon said...

Well, it's only fair, CNN To Give ISIS Equal Time To Respond To Trump’s State Of The Union.

effinayright said...

Ryan said...
The NYT is fact-checking the SOTU. They said the following quote is "misleading" because the criminal aliens have to first post bail before they are released to the public.

"In sanctuary cities, local officials order police to release dangerous criminal aliens to prey upon the public, instead of handing them over to ICE to be safely removed.”

Apparently the NYT has never heard the term "jumping bail", which is itself a criminal offence.

So...a perp makes bail, then is released. Then he goes out an commits more offenses. Yeah, his bail is forfeit, but some innocent citizen is robbed, raped or murdered.

walter said...

Chuck! gonna quietly suckle some Tanqueray now...

Qwinn said...

If she hadn't ripped up the speech, we'd probably all be talking about how they sat on their hands and scowled instead of applauding the lowest poverty level among blacks ever recorded, or any of dozens of other objectively positive things. So politically it was probably smart for her to rip the speech up and draw all the fire that would otherwise have been aimed at every Democrat there (excepting Sinema, the only one who knew when obvious necessity for applause was obvious).

effinayright said...

Mark said...
wholelottasplainin' -- actually he was comparing certain people in the country south of us to "unskilled and uneducated" Americans.

Agreed. but he wan't being "racist" toward all Mexicans, which is what ARM tried to fob off on us.

Danno said...

Blogger Drago said...Minnesota Iron Range union workers now fully in the Trump camp, according to democrat hack union "leaders" who are sounding the alarm.

As they should be. The MN Senate Minority Leader, Tom Bakk, an old school pro-mining Democrat was just ousted by a suburban libtard woman. His seat will flip GOP almost certainly.

Seeing Red said...

Blogger Drago said...Minnesota Iron Range union workers now fully in the Trump camp, according to democrat hack union "leaders" who are sounding the alarm.

Inga will refuse to believe it.

Seeing Red said...

BTW, the no shaking hand rip up speech kerfluffle— The Speaker of Da Houzz did not announce the President properly.

Bitch started it.

Again, First woman Speaker of The House - embarrassing for women. She seems to think she’s in middle school, very catty. Not an attractive look on a mid-70 yo woman.

Seeing Red said...

Especially since this goes worldwide.

Mark said...

People across all demographics are seeing the country isn't crashing and burning in hell like the Dems said would happen with Trump. So the negativity card isn't going to work like it usually would. And the more Dems continue to shout wolf in the theater, the more people will see the disconnect.

Jimmy said...

it really is sad. the lefts response to Trump, tonight and every night, is always the same. Nothing but racism, russia, he's fat, he's a rapist. Twitter is full up with hate. trump is succeeding, much much faster than anyone thought. He also clearly loves this stuff. Loves it. He thrives on the type of comments by the leftist trolls on this forum. and it drives them crazy.
and everytime, whether its election night, or supreme court nominees, or impeachment, the left trips over its big floppy clown shoes. I live in hawaii, which is about as blue as it gets. and people that I interact with are sick of the incompetence of the dems. sick and tired of it. Iowa just the latest clusterstoop. they know that pelosi, obama, all of them, blew it. they have no programs, no candidates, and no way forward. the calls for openly committing election fraud, stealing votes, and burning down the constitution are starting to worry die hard leftists like mathews.
It is so much fun to watch. Trump hit all the points tonight. and did it with such glee and pure enjoyment.

Qwinn said...

Picture this: tomorrow, the Senate votes to acquit.

And then Mitch McConnell walks up to Pelosi and Schiff... and rips up the articles of impeachment

Well, Mitch or some other Republican. The one that does would have a hell of a good shot of winning the Presidency in 2024. I hope it's Cruz.

Qwinn said...

Aw, hell. Have EVERY Republican Senator rip up the Articles of Impeachment after the vote. Simultaneously.

That would be f'ing epic.

Mark said...

rip up the Articles of Impeachment after the vote

Don't forget the icing on top -- then have them delivered back to the Speaker.

chickelit said...

Fight the dours that be!

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The Union would be a lot better if we got rid of Alaska. I wonder how much it would garner on the open market.

Gk1 said...

Pelosi ripping up the speech in a petulant fury was a nice touch. Glad she is able to lose with such dignity and poise. ;-)

Lonestar Stacy said...

The ladies in white were touting HB 3, named in honor of the late Elijah Cummings. It is a plan to lower drug costs.

chickelit said...

What a stupid, stereotypical "woman scorned" moment for Pelosi. She just set back women in power by decades. .

chickelit said...

I mean, who treats words that way? Someone whom I can't trust with words.

Birkel said...

Hawaii would be a better real estate sale. Perhaps lease it to New Zealand and Australia for 99 years. Maybe Japan.

What would we do without Mazie Hirono!!

M Jordan said...

Pelosi’s rip was actually an R.I.P. for the three-year long coup attempt: it is over. Pelosi’s rage notwithstanding, it was a fitting coda for the final verse of this song. The reprise is four more years.

Trump coup, R.I.P.
Feb. 4, 2020

DeepRunner said...

Reasonable Dude, as Sidious would say...I can feel your anger...Let the hate flow through you.

Can you really sit at your keyboard and say USA would be better with "Bill Clinton's Enabler" as President?

pacwest said...

I thought Trump slightly missed on the Tuscogee Airman. He should have introduced the kid second. Looking towards the future stuff, which would have fit the theme better.

Quaestor said...

Days to the Demodämmerung: 272

AllenS said...

Pelosi ripping up Trump's speech was a symbolic move to blacks and Latinos, that if Democrats are elected blacks and Latinos will be able to go back on welfare. No problemo.

Clyde said...

Nan the Ripper petulantly ripping the speech in half was perfect symbolism for the sadly flailing Democrat party. Not a good week for them and it just gets worse for them tomorrow. The stench of failure will stick to them like a San Francisco sidewalk.

Deanna said...

So. Much. Winning.

My origins are upper Midwest Scandahoovian so it makes me kinda nervous.

phunktor said...

"I feel so sorry for the old ladies wearing white."

for some reason I prefer
S cowling
H arridans
I n
T ents

phunktor said...

Blogger Deanna said...
So. Much. Winning.

My origins are upper Midwest Scandahoovian so it makes me kinda nervous.

2/5/20, 12:58 AM
don't be so oppresssively depressive.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Having had much better things to do tonight than listen to an impeached phony of a president speak about the sad state of his own personal and national disunion, I see now that his little followers here really did their level best to flatter and emulate this baby president up to whom they look so slavishly. His Ungreatness, as it were.

So let me guess. He talked about how much money he made for his donors, claimed for himself the glory of a few Americans who sacrificed things he never could or would, complained about how mean and unfair people are to His Smallness, and honored a fellow professional perverted complainer and whiner for disuniting the country as unflaggingly as His Smallness does.

Well, it's all in a day's lack of work for him. Pity that his slaves here and throughout America never realize how much more they could do for their country by simply offering it and its people something more than just a big, bitchy mouth and resentment for the many Americans who give it so much more than their own greed, entitlement, grandiosity and petulance.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nancy treated his empty, grandiose printed words with all the regard they deserve. He and his doting, similarly small-minded followers are more than capable of giving his empty rhetoric all the self-regard he demands it to be given anyway.

The Presidential Medal of Freedom to a guy who did nothing but complain for decades, all in the service of a "career" that culminated with a demand for his own perverted personal peep show of American women for having the audacity to insist that their health care needs be given equal respect to that which is afforded American men.

How fitting. A groper honoring a peeping Tom. On the national stage.

A Great America for the Smallest of Moral Munchkins.

Clyde said...

I was napping when the speech was made live, but I just finished watching the 2 a.m. replay on Fox News. Awesome! It must really suck to be a Democrat right now, with the Iowa caucus debacle, this outstanding speech last night and then the impeachment acquittal vote later today unfolding over a three-day period. I'm still not tired of all the winning!

exhelodrvr1 said...

Once again, Nancy displays a cunning stunt for all the world to see!

rehajm said...

What a stupid, stereotypical "woman scorned" moment for Pelosi. She just set back women in power by decades.

I will admit it crossed my mind that maybe America isn’t ready for a female leader.

Rory said...

One thing about the snubbing/ripping: there could be something personal there. Pelosi could be wondering if she's been caught in Barr's web, and if Trump knows it.

Robert Cook said...

"'The only reason Americans with pre-existing conditions are protected from discrimination is because of the Affordable Care Act, and the President is trying to repeal that law.'

"Is that really the only reason? If it is repealed, can pre-existing conditions still be covered? Yes."

Not if the insurance companies decide they don't want to and stop approving applications for insurance from people with preexisting conditions...as was standard practice prior to the ACA.

gilbar said...

i just woke up, and watched Gretchen somebody, the major of michigan...
As she spoke, i was noticing that she kept wearing this pasted on smile; which i didn't think worked for her, at all. It made her seem fake, and pasted on.

when she got to be talking about the impeachment vote; her pasted on smile fell off, and she revealed (for ONE second,) her true, scowling self.
Suddenly, i understood the pasted on smile; As bogus and fake as it was, it was a Million Times better than her true hateful self

Robert Cook said...

"Insurance is not health care.

"Insurance doesn’t reduce costs. It inflates costs tremendously."

Exactly, Shouting Tom. Which is why tax-payer funded healthcare is the needed replacement for health care insurance.

Temujin said...

Robert Cook- that is exactly why we should be able to purchase from any health insurance company, across state lines, and allow the free market to offer the best at what it can. You will see that you are correct, some insurance companies may not cover pre-existing conditions. But others will see a gap in the market and jump in to offer that, plus many other options to attract business.

We can do this for virtually every commodity or service under the sun...except for insurance. Why is that? You want health care costs to come down? Open up the marketplace.

Temujin said...

Instead of closing it down and allowing the buttheads in government offices decide who gets what, and at what price.

Gabriel said...

@Robert Cook:Not if the insurance companies decide they don't want to and stop approving applications for insurance from people with preexisting conditions...as was standard practice prior to the ACA.

Homeowners' insurance denies coverage to pre-existing conditions, i. e. houses that have already burned down. Similarly life insurance policies cannot be taken out on the already dead.

There's a difference between "insurance" and "somebody paying my bills". Mandating "preexisting condition" coverage is one of those things. Insurance is for contingencies, not certainties.

It's fine if you think health insurance should be replaced by a system for paying the bills of the sick, regardless of actuarial principles, but kindly be honest in the terms you use.

Lincolntf said...

One cannot "insure" against anything that has already happened. The willful ignorance of those who pretend otherwise is a glaring example of why the Left will ultimately fail.

Robert Cook said...

"Wow, didn't even recognize Rush! Hope he can deal with his health issues."

By his own announcement, he has "advanced" lung cancer. He's dying.

AllenS said...

All of us are dying, Mr Cook.

Michael K said...

@Robert Cook:Not if the insurance companies decide they don't want to and stop approving applications for insurance from people with preexisting conditions...as was standard practice prior to the ACA.

That is a lie. It has NEVER been a "standard pratice."

Robert Cook said...

"Homeowners' insurance denies coverage to pre-existing conditions, i. e. houses that have already burned down. Similarly life insurance policies cannot be taken out on the already dead."

WTF are you talking about? Who is talking about "life insurance?! "Pre-existing conditions" refers to ailments or injuries people have had in their lives which insurance companies cited as reasons for denying insurance policies to people seeking to purchase healthcare insurance or refusing payment of medical bills for their paying customers who already had policies with them. Insurance company employees were given incentive bonuses to find reasons to deny claims.

Robert Cook said...

"All of us are dying, Mr Cook."

Yes, but some sooner than others. I don't mean to take glee in Limbaugh's lung cancer, but to express my irritation at fatuous statements such as "hope he can deal with his health issues" about someone with advanced lung cancer.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

This thread worked out just as I expected. Good job everyone!

jnseward said...

What an incredible show! President Trump doesn't miss a trick.

Gabriel said...

@Robert Cook:Who is talking about "life insurance?!

Ignorant or dishonest, that statement makes you one of the two... Insurance is financial protection for contingencies. Dying young is a contingency. Your house burning down is a contingency. Getting cancer is a contingency. In all cases you are trading a known financial cost (premium) for a contingent risk (your house burning down, dying young, cancer) which you can't afford IF it were to happen.

! "Pre-existing conditions" refers to ailments or injuries people have had in their lives which insurance companies cited as reasons for denying insurance policies to people seeking to purchase healthcare insurance

Yes, just as how dead people get denied life insurance and homeowners whose houses have already burned down are denied homeowner policies. Scandalous! Greedy! Unfair!

MayBee said...

Not if the insurance companies decide they don't want to and stop approving applications for insurance from people with preexisting conditions...as was standard practice prior to the ACA.

What I was trying to say is...it depends what laws replace ACA. Dems want to replace ACA, too.
What Trump said last night was he will protect people with pre-existing conditions. He didn't say he'd preserve ACA. Two different things.

gilbar said...

The insurance company i worked for, was Smart Enough, NOT to attempt to issue Health "Insurance"
We did things like Home Owners, Auto, and Workers Comp

If someone tried to purchase Auto insurance for a car with a "Pre-existing condition", you Know what we'd do.... we'd have them arrested for insurance fraud

Auto insurance IS insurance... Health "insurance" is Health Maintenance

James K said...

as was standard practice prior to the ACA.

Prior to the ACA, states had programs for people with preexisting conditions that enabled them to get insurance. See here for example.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga- get over yourself - It's a fucking football game.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Trump can't have fun at a football game - well then. FU.

Nancy is the real brat.

So, @SpeakerPelosi doesn’t believe that Kayla Mueller was a captive of ISIS and murdered by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi? Hell of a strategy here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


While Nancy and her lying Schitt-show melt down...

The chair of Iowa's Dubuque County Democrats said he was "blown away" by the low turnout at the county's caucus Monday night.

But in leftwing asshole land, if Trump has fun at a football game, that's news the the cult-left.

Robert Cook said...

Gabriel, I suppose you think your comments are incisive, but they are nonsensical.

mockturtle said...

In fairness, all Trump did was to bring them the menu. They ordered up every shit sandwich prepared every which way. And then he served them with a smile.

Excellent, Meade! :-D

Mr. Forward said...

This is my tenth complimentary hotel breakfast in a row. I’m usually first but this is a working town and there were already a half a dozen baseball and cowboy hats, separate tables, ahead of me. The tv is always on and nobody has said nothing the whole trip but when Pelosi ripped those papers every hat in the room did that little dip of disgust toward the tv and back and we all noticed and everybody laughed. First guy to leave the room said “gotta go build America” and we all saluted him with our coffee cups.

Chuck said...

Blogger Temujin said...
Robert Cook- that is exactly why we should be able to purchase from any health insurance company, across state lines, and allow the free market to offer the best at what it can. You will see that you are correct, some insurance companies may not cover pre-existing conditions. But others will see a gap in the market and jump in to offer that, plus many other options to attract business.

We can do this for virtually every commodity or service under the sun...except for insurance. Why is that? You want health care costs to come down? Open up the marketplace.

Well, uh, NO!

Virtually every service professional is governed on a state by state basis. Lawyers. Doctors. Building contractors. Motor vehicles are licensed on a state by state basis.

Having insurers regulated and approved state by state allows insurers to tailor products to that state, and it gives consumers an agency in their own state to redress complaints.

You may have some good arguments to nationalize the market. I like markets myself. “The genius of the marketplace.” So go ahead and make those arguments. But don’t start from the fundamentally incorrect notion that insurance regulation is a complete outlier because it isn’t.

Iman said...

That had to be torture for Democrats to sit through. And it had to be so much fun for POTUS.

Pelosi looked like an addled old woman during much of the speech. Not a good look for her.

MayBee said...

Gabriel- I know that health insurance has moved away from being "insurance" and isn't like homeowners and auto, where you can get canceled or declined or your rates can go up if, say, you have an accident or too many speeding tickets or a DUI.

But....it's also different. I believe - and you may not- that someone with insurance who needs cancer treatment shouldn't get cancelled the next year in the middle of the treatment. Or someone in remission shouldn't be able to get insurance or something even a little affordable because they might have cancer again. I don't know that in today's US, we can sell the idea that someone who has type 1 diabetes will not be able to afford health insurance as an adult to cover the diabetes and whatever may come.

The answers aren't easy and they aren't cheap, but "you have had medical issues in the past sucks for you if you can't afford insurance now" isn't much of a real answer, either. Too many people are afraid of that exact thing happening to them, or don't want to see that happen to other people, for that to have any real purchase, especially politically.

narciso said...

they made things complicated since the hmo bill that ted kennedy put up, with Jacob Javits as cosponsor,


I Callahan said...

Gabriel, I suppose you think your comments are incisive, but they are nonsensical.

There is nothing nonsensical about his comments. He's absolutely, 100% correct in how insurance is supposed to work. A pre-existing condition is an example of something that is NOT a contingency, which is what insurance is supposed to cover. You don't take a crashed-up car to the collision shop and THEN get insurance for it.

You probably think insurance companies, prior to Obamacare, were allowed to do anything they want - charge any rate they want, deny coverage, etc. You'd be wrong. The government already had its hand in EVERYTHING a health insurance company did from top to bottom, from rates to incentives to costs. And under Obamacare, not only did that get worse, but the costs ended up going through the roof. Obamacare was designed to do just that: push costs up to the point where the insured threw up their hands and voted in national health care. The problem is that the GOP (finally) called their bluff and laid the blame for the mess right where it was - with the left. So the idea that the government, who already f&*^ed up the health care system in the first place, should be SOLELY in charge of it, is so wrong it's hilarious.

Disclaimer: 30 years in the health insurance business as a financial and data analyst; 15 years at a plan, 5 years for a hospital system and 10 years working for two medical networks (the doctors' side). If you think I'm full of it about anything in this topic, I'll be in New York the first week of May (5 Boro Bike Tour) and I'd love to get together with you to chat about it.

MayBee said...

You probably think insurance companies, prior to Obamacare, were allowed to do anything they want - charge any rate they want, deny coverage, etc. You'd be wrong. The government already had its hand in EVERYTHING a health insurance company did from top to bottom, from rates to incentives to cost

exactly. Which is why the argument people are making that Trump wants to get rid of the ACA and therefore can't possibly support covering pre-existing conditions makes no sense.

Seeing Red said...


Seeing Red said...

You probably think insurance companies, prior to Obamacare, were allowed to do anything they want - charge any rate they want, deny coverage, etc. You'd be wrong. The government already had its hand in EVERYTHING a health insurance company did from top to bottom, from rates to incentives to costs.

Then add on top of that each of the 50 states own wishes for coverage in that state.

Known Unknown said...

"Or, that he is fucked and needs a Hail Mary."

You don't honestly believe any of this.

madAsHell said...

She looked like she was having a hard time with that paper

1. It was an unusual size of paper. It was like the old fake stage money.

2. I couldn't see anything written on the paper.

3. I haven't seen this upstaging since Steve McQueen in the "Magnificent Seven".

This was all theater, and it was planned. A planned temper-tantrum.

Iman said...

Prof. Turley sez Pelosi should tender her resignation after her antics.

Required field must not be blank said...

Re: Potholes

what you need to do to fix this issue is this wonderful tradition that recently started in the UK:


(you know you want to)

Leora said...

Prior to Obamacare, New York State covered pre-existing conditions and did not allow age based premiums. This resulted in a premium for me in my early 60's of about $550 a month with a high deductible policy. Post Obamacare, the insurance premium on a higher deductible policy rose to over $900 and ultimately to $1,200 a month before I qualified for Medicare. It was a power grab, not a reform.

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