The Washington Post has an in person article by a guy who has the virus and is in quarantine. His symptoms have been relatively mild, and the quarantine no fun. But this guy is well to do (he got the virus on a two week cruise ship vacation with his wife) and was able to work from quarantine (unlike say an automobile mechanic).
Would you rather have a smooth talker with a nice pant crease - or a man who is clumsy with his words, but actually cares about halting the spread of the disease?
See: Trump's shutting down of all travel from China was a xenophobic overreaction! The viral card, like the race card, can be played as trumps against any hand. But only against Presidents with an (R) after their names.
Here is a good summary of the state of knowledge of Covid-19 from The New England Journal of Medicine. What I find most reassuring:
If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.
Hopefully we won't be subject to widespread quarantines involving whole towns or regions like Italy or China if we have an outbreak here. But I suspect we will only quarantine contacts of known cases. Nonetheless- I have stocked up on non-perishable foods and hygiene products.
This article linked at Instapundit warns us that the economic impact does not really depend that much on the severity of the illness when caught, or even the degree of spread. It's all about the shipping containers.
If you have any kind of symptoms, whatever they might be from, you can always self-quarantine. That is, just take a sick day and stay home on the couch.
I will just point out that it is likely that SARS and MERS had inflated mortality rates, too, and for the very same reasons- the selection bias caused by people only seeking medical treatment when developing pneumonia and having difficulty breathing. What seems to be true vs SARS and MERS is that COVID-19 is more infectious, but even here the data isn't conclusive yet.
We have also stocked up on medicines and a few items that might become scarce as supply chains are affected.
Yes. Be prepared.
Filled the prescriptions. Plus we just bought a bit early on our regular rotation......this stuff.----> TP, Kleenex, laundry soap, shampoo, vitamins, some supplements, aspirins, cough syrup....all stuff we would buy right now anyway. Normal. Just early. We shop at Costco for most items and have lots of supplies. Mass quantities like the Coneheads would say.
Also our NORMAL is a pump house full of food and related supplies. We just did inventory to make sure that everything is rotated and up to quantity.
Two freezers with meat, hams, corned beef, chicken, venison, fish, shrimp, vegetables, nuts, polenta, cornmeal, flour. Cheese bricks. Dehydrated apples, plums, pears, strawberries (all grown on our property).
Pumphouse: Dried beans, rice, wild rice, pasta. Canned foods galore. Canned milk, evaporated milk. Tomato sauce, paste, chopped, stewed tomatoes. Mushrooms dried and canned. Garbanzo. Kidney, Cannelloni, Green beans. Corn regular and creamed. Soup. Pickles. Mayo. Oil. Shortening. Jams and Jelly (home canned). Tuna. Clams. Spam!!! COFFEE and much much more.
This is not because of Corona....(Oh yeah. We also have beer, wine and booze in the pump house) Not because I think the world is going to end or the Zombie Apocalypse is nigh. It is because the nearest large Walmart, Costco etc is about 90 miles away one way. Safeway is 35 miles away one direction. It is because of snow! Because the power goes out a lot. Because our itty bitty local grocery store charges at least twice the cost for all those items. AND because it is nice to just step into our own personal little grocery store when I need something and I'm lazy too lazy to go to the store for one item 😁
I get it that people who live in cities don't have this room or this need. BUT...they should still have some supplies on hand to last for at least a week or two of isolation.
This could possibly turn out to be more disappointing to Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck as no deaths in Iran strikes against US bases in Iraq and medical care being provided to babies that survived an abortion.
I'm reminded of talking to my kids when they were young, and progressively adding a bunch of 'nots' into requests to trick them into saying yes to doing something.
"Will you not not not not not not clean up your room?"
“I get it that people who live in cities don't have this room or this need. BUT...they should still have some supplies on hand to last for at least a week or two of isolation.”
This is good advice. I’ve done a massive food shopping haul, lots of canned foods, dry goods, the staples. Extra bottled water, refilled my prescriptions too. I’ve got a freezer, small, but I filled it up.
“Gee, who could have guessed that a respiratory/influenza like illness would affect the elderly, especially with already compromised systems, the most?
I mean, that's some revelatory info right there!”
Read up on the Avian flu types, like the one that killed hundreds of thousands after the first WW. The Avian flu affects YOUNGER adults the worst, what kills them is called a “Cytokine Storm”. Not all respiratory viruses affect the elderly the most.
I know Trump has offered to help Iran - which is very nice. Part of me wants him to air drop N-95 respirators (dust masks) with American Flags printed on them to the world. Can you imagine the entire world walking around with American flag respirators?
There is more than one person with the virus in Wisconsin. They just haven't been tested.
Coronavirus is everywhere at this point. Most cases are mild. Severe cases haven't been diagnosed yet. As soon as they start looking, they'll find it.
There is a known case less than two miles from where I live. They didn't travel to China or have contact with any other known cases, which means a number of unknown cases are out there.
The virus is in America, it's not going away, and it doesn't care about politics.
Trump speaking about Afghanistan agreement. He’s gotta make sure he pats himself on the back first before talking about the Coronavirus. All those congratulations!
Inga, still praying for the death of Americans so that she can score political points. Inga, you are human garbage, and whoever raised/educated you should be ashamed of themselves. They failed miserably.
Inga: "Trump speaking about Afghanistan agreement. He’s gotta make sure he pats himself on the back first before talking about the Coronavirus. All those congratulations!"
Yeah, attempting to end an endless 19 year war that was a key centerpiece of his campaign and promise to the American biggee, right?
And, mind you, this is after 3 years of lefties like Inga telling us Trump was going to start WWIII across the globe and kill us all!!
No wonder she is desperate for this subject not to be discussed!
Yeah, Trump should not be allowed to speak about anything except coronavirus. Nothing else is happening anywhere in the world.ds
Better yet, if Trump didn't talk about it what would the lefty lunatics like Inga be saying: See, even Trump knows that his deal to end the war is no big deal!!
Oh, and lest we forget: Carter Page: Russian spy or no?
The test being used to diagnose COVID-19 isn't really reliable, Inga. It gives lots of false negatives and probably a lot of false positives. You can't validate this sort of test for this purpose without a controlled study that takes months or years. Probably the 22 number is the people who have tested positive more than twice, and the 60 number is how many are suspected of having been exposed directly to the other 22, but have tested negative at least once, but are quaranteened anyway.
It really is this simple- they don't know for certain who is infected and who isn't- a standardized and reliable RT-PCR test isn't a trivial thing to develop for a new virus, and it isn't trivial to run either. This claim in the media that the South Koreans, for example, are running thousands of tests for confirmation is just bullshit on stilts at this point- they may be running 1000s of tests, but I wouldn't trust the data produced at all at this point since there is no data about the false positives/negatives to judge it all with. At best, the diagnoticians can diagnose cases of pneumonia once they develop, and might be able to reliably demonstrate they aren't bacterial in cause, but even doubt that since a viral infection, including COVID-19, can easily compromise a patient into developing bacterial pneumonia.
We will probably have some firmer data by the end of the month from the people quarantined in the US- they form a kind of control group that hasn't really been studied yet.
Zip it, Inga. Like Chuck and PPT, you've proven time and time again that you are incapable of rationally observing or discussing current events without being 100% wrong in your interpretations.
Lincolntf: "Zip it, Inga. Like Chuck and PPT, you've proven time and time again that you are incapable of rationally observing or discussing current events without being 100% wrong in your interpretations."
How can that be?
Inga loudly and proudly proclaimed Theresa May, Angela Merkel and Emmanual Macron the "Real Leaders of the Free World".......
She literally did that.
But she saved the best for last with that: She claimed that The Boy Trudeau was also the "Real Leader of the Free World". That was when she jumped the shark completely on that!
OK, I’m so glad that Trump is trying to explain what he meant by “hoax”. He says the hoax is the “Press criticizing the experts”, huh? That’s as clear as mud.
Inga said... Again, lying, “22 patients with Coronavirus”. There are over 60. **************
As you've been told time and again, at least 45 of the patients got it after being in China. Trump is focusing on the home-grown cases, which may have arisen by exposure to people here who were carriers but did not have any symptoms.
So stupid, Inga. Even if I lived right next door to you in Wisconsin, how would I "make" you zip it? I'm not a Kennedy, I don't beat up women. Or the handicapped, for that matter.
What's really galling about Inga's hypocrisy is that she doesn't remark on the national emergency Obama declared back in 2009 to address the H1N1 virus , which had already caused a THOUSAND deaths in the US before he took action.
"Now, let's go to the Wayback Machine. In April of 2009, the H1N1 became a pandemic.
But it wasn't until six months later, October, that then-President Obama declared a public health emergency on what was already a pandemic. By that time, the disease had infected millions of Americans and more than 1,000 people had died in the U.S.
CNN reported at the time:
Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [emphasis added]"
“A small study out of China suggests that the new coronavirus can persist in the body for at least two weeks after symptoms of the disease clear up.
This sort of persistence isn't unheard of among viruses, experts told Live Science, and thankfully, the patients are most likely not very contagious in the post-symptom period. The findings may even be good news, said Krys Johnson, an epidemiologist at Temple University's College of Public Health. The viruses that tend to hang around in people's systems also tend to be the viruses that the body develops a strong immune response against.
"If the virus is staying in people's systems, then they may not be able to be reinfected," Johnson told Live Science.”
No, Inga, the point is that anyone with an ounce of self-respect would realize that having been proven wrong so frequently, so consistently and so recently would realize that they are congenitally in the wrong and shut up on their own. Of course, you know you are worthless, so there's not even that ounce of self-respect to draw on. Sad.
Local news reported one case in my Portland suburb, right across the river from Milwaukie Guy. The afflicted doesn't live in my burb but works at a school here. The school is being scrubbed and will be closed for a couple of days. The local paper says that no conncection has been established between the victim and anyone who has had any exposure. Symptoms first appeared 9 days ago.
A bunch of my wife's colleagues are dealing with canceling Study Abroad programs and bringing back students who are already in Italy. Syracuse U. sent 350 kids home from Florence. Wake Forest, Elon, High Point University, etc. are doing the same. Not allowed on campus for 2 weeks after they return. Sucks for the kids.
I’m supposed to argue with someone who is telling me to shut up? What would you have me do, cite the 1st Amendment? You started the thread with a stupid comment and you haven’t improved. If you think it’s fine to tell other commenters to shut up on a comments thread, then I’ll just say to you. STFU.
I'm not saying you don't have the right to sound like an idiot on a daily basis, Inga, I'm pointing out that you are always misinformed or misleading in your posts. You are a worthless contributor to any conversation.
For someone who thinks other opinions are worthless - and admits not commenting here would be no loss - you sure seem to spend a lot of time running your big mouth on this very site.
Inga said... “For someone who thinks other opinions are worthless “
There are many good worthwhile comments here every single day, however yours, Lincoln’s and that other dumbass Splainin’ are not among them. **************
Thing is, once again you did what you always do, which is to ignore the substance of a comment, this time mine, that utterly falsifies your claims. Trump acted far, far quicker, than Your Saviour Obama did in an almost identical situation.
Most people arguing in good faith would address that point.
so what treatment protocol was applied to those who said their symptoms had dissipated, did they point out that seattle is near McCord airbase, or that there was a flight from iran that came into Vancouver next door, about a week ago?
@Inga, I did the research — which you could hVe easily done yourself had you been will to assume that perhaps you and the CDC were arguing apples and oranges. The 15 that Trump quoted (and now it’s 22 and unfortunately climbing) represents people who came down with it while here in the United States. This is the official CDC reported number. In addition there are 45 Americans who came down with the disease while outside the country including people who were aboard the Diamond Princess, people who had the bad luck to be in China at the wrong time.
So sit and fuss if it makes you feel better. CDC is telling Trump how many apples there are and you’re jumping up and down pulling at your hair because he won’t include the oranges.
I see the CDC’s point. The people who caught COVID19 outside the US, we need to try to cure them. But the cases of interest are the ones where the patients came down with the disease here in the US. Getting that to zero is their job, and I hope for the best for them.
BM, Trump needs to speak clearly and concisely. I directly quoted what he said. He should’ve said that the 22 were patients who had contracted the virus here, he didn’t. I knew that was what he was doing, BUT not everyone will know. Last night commenters here had the same discussion regarding the differences in the numbers of patients. He simply said that there were 22 Coronavirus patients. Period. The POTUS has to be concise. He needs to be CLEAR, he needs to put forth the effort to not give a muddled message. If he doesn’t want to be criticized, he needs to up his game. Not everyone is so willing to make excuses for him
OMG, now being reported, a nursing home in King County, WA has two confirmed cases with more patients in respiratory distress. This is the stuff of nightmares for healthcare workers. In an emergency healthcare workers can be mandated to work and to work overtime. I’m glad I’m retired, this is going to be tough even for young healthy staff nurses and caregivers.
Remember, Trump was already taking actions some time ago, and every single action he took was criticized by the dems.
LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved Schumer went and stealth deleted his tweet from that time criticizing Trump for initiating a travel ban from infected areas of China into the US.
Inga said... OMG, now being reported, a nursing home in King County, WA has two confirmed cases with more patients in respiratory distress. "
Why, aren't you a happy camper.
Given the number of homeless people living in squalor in Seattle, San Fran, LA and other Democrat strongholds, I would not be surprised to see more cases there. People who shit on the street with the blessing of local officials probably aren't real good about washing their hands afterward.
I know what's a really good idea! Let's open the borders so we can have even more people crowding together in the poor sections of sanctuary cities!
Michael K said. . . It would be helpful to know if the Washington patient who died had a trial Remdesivir.
I don't think they had time. It's my understanding that the patient didn't come to ER until when his symptoms were severe and he died within 24 (48?) hours. He also had "underlying health issues" - whatever THAT means.
we live in "Ground Zero" - the hospital (and the nursing home mentioned by Inga) are less than 5 miles from our home. Our kids were born at the hospital.
I watched a part of the press conference this afternoon and the doctor looked familiar. Sure enough - he was the physician - after a series of others - who FINALLY accurately diagnosed the blood infection that almost killed my 91 year old father. Dad lived another 6 years! We're in good hands at the hospital. Now if we could just get rid of our uber-political Governor (who took to Twitter the other daya to mock VP Pence following a phone call with him).
Exiled said Given the number of homeless people living in squalor in Seattle, San Fran, LA and other Democrat strongholds, I would not be surprised to see more cases there. People who shit on the street with the blessing of local officials probably aren't real good about washing their hands afterward.
Yep. I made that point a few days ago. The squalor and filth that the homeless encampments are, and the sad physical health and mental health conditions of those who are there, is a recipe for the spreading of diseases of all kinds. Diphtheria, Typhus, TB, HIV, Hepatitis to name just a few already existant. The Coronoa Virus will be rampant.
It is not going to be pretty. And because we are all so politically correct, especially in Californicateyou there will be not real measures taken to stop the spread to pandemic status.
“...the hospital (and the nursing home mentioned by Inga) are less than 5 miles from our home.”
This is just devastating and scary news about this nursing home. I can very well imagine what it’s like for the staff of that nursing home right about now, the patients and their families. I’m sorry there are Coronavirus cases so near where you live. I wonder if WA will shut down schools?
ay Inslee, he was found too ridiculous for the democratic primary, the point is more light than heat, who was this first casualty in contact with, and who were they,
The staff are undoubtedly in quarantine and not working. If this Coronavirus becomes much more widespread there won’t be enough highly trained specialty staff to go around.
Regarding the nursing home patients in Washington state who are positive for COVID19, they need to be put in isolation and carefully monitored, but that will be handled by specially trained staff equipped with at least biohazard safety level 3 training and suits. They won’t be handled by normal staff. Their rooms must be decontaminated, but this will also be handled by trained personnel. The people who were in contact with those two were with need to be quarantined, probably including staff.
@DBQ, I read an article that claimed San Francisco is where doctors in training can see diseases thought to have been stamped out for centuries. Wouldn’t surprise me.
The military trains their medics and corpsmen in inner city trauma centers, where they’ll get lots of training in patching up gunshot wounds.
Big Mike said... Regarding the nursing home patients in Washington state who are positive for COVID19, they need to be put in isolation and carefully monitored, but that will be handled by specially trained staff equipped with at least biohazard safety level 3 training and suits. They won’t be handled by normal staff. Their rooms must be decontaminated, but this will also be handled by trained personnel. The people who were in contact with those two were with need to be quarantined, probably including staff.
I wish I taped the press conference so I could confirm this, but I believe they said they can cut the ICU floor in half (makes sense to me since I visited ICU quite a bit to visit my Dad). The entire air flow system will be recirculated within the specific area.
Re: the nursing home. It's under complete quarantine, CDC will be there tomorrow, no visitors allowed. One gal interviewed on TV said she just wanted to visit her brother who was recovering from surgery but no outsiders allowed inside. I'm assuming they are going to need to review all of the visitor logs for the last few weeks and go find all of those folks as well.
@Kathryn51, sounds as though the CDC is on top of things. Bad luck for the folks who need to be quarantined, and I think all of us are hoping for the best for them.
The city council in Seattle has a flat out communist fascist Sawant and some toadies on it.
Oh, yeah. Glad I don't live there any more. My daughter & SIL live in Tacoma which is a bit more sensible. Only a bit.
Re the man in Kirkland. The articles I just read say he wasn't affiliated with the NH but that several residents of Life Care Center in Kirkland do have the virus. But who knows? There's the usual abundance of conflicting information coming in. And the CDC admits to briefing the President wrong on the victim's gender.
My wife is a home health nurse. She drives around meeting sick people all day.
We are pretty much guaranteed to get it at some point.
And the flu. And the cold.
In other news...
"Nineteen deaths were confirmed across the state between September and December 2019, the first few months of the flu season. Two more have been confirmed in Snohomish County in the first week of January: a man in his 80s and a woman in her 30s."
So an easy extrapolation would be 5 deaths from flu per month this year already in the state.
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१४३ टिप्पण्या:
Inga hardest hit.
That’s great news. I noted the 1 person w the virus in Boston is now deemed recovered as well.
LLR-lefty Chuck second hardest hit.
And he'll fight that patient!!
The Washington Post has an in person article by a guy who has the virus and is in quarantine. His symptoms have been relatively mild, and the quarantine no fun. But this guy is well to do (he got the virus on a two week cruise ship vacation with his wife) and was able to work from quarantine (unlike say an automobile mechanic).
Wisconsin Democrats grieve. They’re on tenterhooks, just anticipating some of that sweet coronavirus death toll!
Fake news and libs are conflating the RISK of contracting ChiCom flu with the DANGER posed by the disease, because ORANGE MAN BAD!
Everyone is happy to hear this news, right?
Dang. Not good news if you're a member of the hack press.
Would you rather have a smooth talker with a nice pant crease - or a man who is clumsy with his words, but actually cares about halting the spread of the disease?
The liberal dems think we need more people to die of the coronavirus, to die for their country/liberal democrat party.
One person in Wisc caught a cold and got over it?
(Just kidding)
"The one person in Wisconsin with coronavirus has recovered."
While the liberal media grieve.
See: Trump's shutting down of all travel from China was a xenophobic overreaction! The viral card, like the race card, can be played as trumps against any hand. But only against Presidents with an (R) after their names.
Here is a good summary of the state of knowledge of Covid-19 from The New England Journal of Medicine. What I find most reassuring:
If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.
Hopefully we won't be subject to widespread quarantines involving whole towns or regions like Italy or China if we have an outbreak here. But I suspect we will only quarantine contacts of known cases. Nonetheless- I have stocked up on non-perishable foods and hygiene products.
Listen, we cannot be too careful. I say we close down all inbound traffic from Illinois, just to be sure.
“ I noted the 1 person w the virus in Boston is now deemed recovered as well”
Come in off the ledge, Inga.
We have also stocked up on medicines and a few items that might become scarce as supply chains are affected.
This article linked at Instapundit warns us that the economic impact does not really depend that much on the severity of the illness when caught, or even the degree of spread. It's all about the shipping containers.
Leftwingers GET to lie. It's in the democratic charter. Lie lie lie.
If you have any kind of symptoms, whatever they might be from, you can always self-quarantine. That is, just take a sick day and stay home on the couch.
The NY Post had a good editorial, recounting the lies the Democrats are telling.
Mark @ 11:45. You can self quarantine, agreed, but I think the recommended period is 14 days.
I see that Trump Derangement Derangement Syndrome is still raging.
Good news.
@Inga, this septuagenarian thanks you for your note about the ages.
I see that Trump Derangement Derangement Syndrome is still raging.
You've never not had it.
Ken B is the TDDS disease vector.
I will just point out that it is likely that SARS and MERS had inflated mortality rates, too, and for the very same reasons- the selection bias caused by people only seeking medical treatment when developing pneumonia and having difficulty breathing. What seems to be true vs SARS and MERS is that COVID-19 is more infectious, but even here the data isn't conclusive yet.
We have also stocked up on medicines and a few items that might become scarce as supply chains are affected.
Yes. Be prepared.
Filled the prescriptions. Plus we just bought a bit early on our regular rotation......this stuff.---->
TP, Kleenex, laundry soap, shampoo, vitamins, some supplements, aspirins, cough syrup....all stuff we would buy right now anyway. Normal. Just early. We shop at Costco for most items and have lots of supplies. Mass quantities like the Coneheads would say.
Also our NORMAL is a pump house full of food and related supplies. We just did inventory to make sure that everything is rotated and up to quantity.
Two freezers with meat, hams, corned beef, chicken, venison, fish, shrimp, vegetables, nuts, polenta, cornmeal, flour. Cheese bricks. Dehydrated apples, plums, pears, strawberries (all grown on our property).
Pumphouse: Dried beans, rice, wild rice, pasta. Canned foods galore. Canned milk, evaporated milk. Tomato sauce, paste, chopped, stewed tomatoes. Mushrooms dried and canned. Garbanzo. Kidney, Cannelloni, Green beans. Corn regular and creamed. Soup. Pickles. Mayo. Oil. Shortening. Jams and Jelly (home canned). Tuna. Clams. Spam!!! COFFEE and much much more.
This is not because of Corona....(Oh yeah. We also have beer, wine and booze in the pump house) Not because I think the world is going to end or the Zombie Apocalypse is nigh. It is because the nearest large Walmart, Costco etc is about 90 miles away one way. Safeway is 35 miles away one direction. It is because of snow! Because the power goes out a lot. Because our itty bitty local grocery store charges at least twice the cost for all those items. AND because it is nice to just step into our own personal little grocery store when I need something and I'm lazy too lazy to go to the store for one item 😁
I get it that people who live in cities don't have this room or this need. BUT...they should still have some supplies on hand to last for at least a week or two of isolation.
“You've never not had it.”
You don’t seem to understand that there are two derangements that Syndrome, you old geezer. I’m sorry that you’re r suffering from it so severely.
This could possibly turn out to be more disappointing to Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck as no deaths in Iran strikes against US bases in Iraq and medical care being provided to babies that survived an abortion.
I expect continued lashing out by the left/LLR-left since even MSM outlets were noting that the standard CDC Cuts lies were exposed so thoroughly.
Good news, I’m glad the Madisonian has recovered. It seems to be hitting those over 60 harder.
What about TDDDS? TDDDDS?
I'm reminded of talking to my kids when they were young, and progressively adding a bunch of 'nots' into requests to trick them into saying yes to doing something.
"Will you not not not not not not clean up your room?"
It seems to be hitting those over 60 harder.
Well, to be realistic. Everything hits those over 60 harder. I think our warranty has expired.
Inga: "Good news, I’m glad the Madisonian has recovered. It seems to be hitting those over 60 harder."
Gee, who could have guessed that a respiratory/influenza like illness would affect the elderly, especially with already compromised systems, the most?
I mean, that's some revelatory info right there!
“I get it that people who live in cities don't have this room or this need. BUT...they should still have some supplies on hand to last for at least a week or two of isolation.”
This is good advice. I’ve done a massive food shopping haul, lots of canned foods, dry goods, the staples. Extra bottled water, refilled my prescriptions too. I’ve got a freezer, small, but I filled it up.
Next thing you know Inga will be informing us that those who don't eat for long periods of time suffer from malnutrition.
Is there no end to the helpful guidance she provides?
Even the AP has had enough of the lying dems...for now:
"AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness."
No kidding.
“Gee, who could have guessed that a respiratory/influenza like illness would affect the elderly, especially with already compromised systems, the most?
I mean, that's some revelatory info right there!”
Read up on the Avian flu types, like the one that killed hundreds of thousands after the first WW. The Avian flu affects YOUNGER adults the worst, what kills them is called a “Cytokine Storm”. Not all respiratory viruses affect the elderly the most.
I know Trump has offered to help Iran - which is very nice. Part of me wants him to air drop N-95 respirators (dust masks) with American Flags printed on them to the world. Can you imagine the entire world walking around with American flag respirators?
There is more than one person with the virus in Wisconsin. They just haven't been tested.
Coronavirus is everywhere at this point. Most cases are mild. Severe cases haven't been diagnosed yet. As soon as they start looking, they'll find it.
There is a known case less than two miles from where I live. They didn't travel to China or have contact with any other known cases, which means a number of unknown cases are out there.
The virus is in America, it's not going away, and it doesn't care about politics.
Breaking: Washington coronavirus sufferer has died. Per the Boston Globe, posted 8 minutes ago.
"Trump is so stupid, he didn't understand that there was no serious threat when he closed the border." MSM, January 2020
"Trump is so stupid, he doesn't understand how dangerous a threat this is." MSM, February 2020
"Trump is so stupid, he couldn't see that this is no more dangerous than the flu." MSM, May (?) 2020
Trump going Live to address coronavirus fatality.
Everyone is happy to hear this news, right?
Shirley. You jest.
Trump speaking about Afghanistan agreement. He’s gotta make sure he pats himself on the back first before talking about the Coronavirus. All those congratulations!
And if Trump didn't talk about the Afghanistan agreement, you'd bitch about that, too.
Seems all you do is bitch.
Again, lying, “22 patients with Coronavirus”. There are over 60.
Inga, still praying for the death of Americans so that she can score political points. Inga, you are human garbage, and whoever raised/educated you should be ashamed of themselves. They failed miserably.
Inga: "Trump speaking about Afghanistan agreement. He’s gotta make sure he pats himself on the back first before talking about the Coronavirus. All those congratulations!"
Yeah, attempting to end an endless 19 year war that was a key centerpiece of his campaign and promise to the American biggee, right?
And, mind you, this is after 3 years of lefties like Inga telling us Trump was going to start WWIII across the globe and kill us all!!
No wonder she is desperate for this subject not to be discussed!
Yeah, Trump should not be allowed to speak about anything except coronavirus. Nothing else is happening anywhere in the world.ds
Better yet, if Trump didn't talk about it what would the lefty lunatics like Inga be saying: See, even Trump knows that his deal to end the war is no big deal!!
Oh, and lest we forget: Carter Page: Russian spy or no?
Obviously your own parents raised a moron.
The test being used to diagnose COVID-19 isn't really reliable, Inga. It gives lots of false negatives and probably a lot of false positives. You can't validate this sort of test for this purpose without a controlled study that takes months or years. Probably the 22 number is the people who have tested positive more than twice, and the 60 number is how many are suspected of having been exposed directly to the other 22, but have tested negative at least once, but are quaranteened anyway.
It really is this simple- they don't know for certain who is infected and who isn't- a standardized and reliable RT-PCR test isn't a trivial thing to develop for a new virus, and it isn't trivial to run either. This claim in the media that the South Koreans, for example, are running thousands of tests for confirmation is just bullshit on stilts at this point- they may be running 1000s of tests, but I wouldn't trust the data produced at all at this point since there is no data about the false positives/negatives to judge it all with. At best, the diagnoticians can diagnose cases of pneumonia once they develop, and might be able to reliably demonstrate they aren't bacterial in cause, but even doubt that since a viral infection, including COVID-19, can easily compromise a patient into developing bacterial pneumonia.
We will probably have some firmer data by the end of the month from the people quarantined in the US- they form a kind of control group that hasn't really been studied yet.
It is interesting that Tim Cook, and he's not the only one, is claiming the Apple supply chain in China is up and running.
Of course, its the ChiComs, so for all we know the Apple facilities might very well be up and running.....but by force.
We won't know for some time.
Zip it, Inga. Like Chuck and PPT, you've proven time and time again that you are incapable of rationally observing or discussing current events without being 100% wrong in your interpretations.
Lincolntf: "Zip it, Inga. Like Chuck and PPT, you've proven time and time again that you are incapable of rationally observing or discussing current events without being 100% wrong in your interpretations."
How can that be?
Inga loudly and proudly proclaimed Theresa May, Angela Merkel and Emmanual Macron the "Real Leaders of the Free World".......
She literally did that.
But she saved the best for last with that: She claimed that The Boy Trudeau was also the "Real Leader of the Free World". That was when she jumped the shark completely on that!
“Zip it, Inga.”
Oh? Are you going to come here to Wisconsin and make me?
More prudent travel restrictions being put on which, just like every other time, the democrats will whine about and claim are racist.
OK, I’m so glad that Trump is trying to explain what he meant by “hoax”. He says the hoax is the “Press criticizing the experts”, huh? That’s as clear as mud.
Inga: "OK, I’m so glad that Trump is trying to explain what he meant by “hoax”."
He is calling out your latest batch of lies....which will be as "effective" as all of your previous waves of lie after lie that failed.
Carter Page: Russian spy or no?
Notice that Inga dares not actually address the substance of the program and steps being taken.
There is is a reason for that.....
The hoax was “what Democrat’s were saying”? What were they saying that was a hoax?
Inga said...
Again, lying, “22 patients with Coronavirus”. There are over 60.
As you've been told time and again, at least 45 of the patients got it after being in China. Trump is focusing on the home-grown cases, which may have arisen by exposure to people here who were carriers but did not have any symptoms.
No "lies" are involved.
Inga: "The hoax was “what a Democrat’s were saying”? What were they saying that was a hoax?"
Entire threads have documented yours and the dems lies. No need to address it again here.
Just get busy on the next batch of're going to need them!
So stupid, Inga. Even if I lived right next door to you in Wisconsin, how would I "make" you zip it? I'm not a Kennedy, I don't beat up women. Or the handicapped, for that matter.
There are reports of people getting reinfected in China. I hope Fauci is right about reinfection.
What's really galling about Inga's hypocrisy is that she doesn't remark on the national emergency Obama declared back in 2009 to address the H1N1 virus , which had already caused a THOUSAND deaths in the US before he took action.
"Now, let's go to the Wayback Machine. In April of 2009, the H1N1 became a pandemic.
But it wasn't until six months later, October, that then-President Obama declared a public health emergency on what was already a pandemic. By that time, the disease had infected millions of Americans and more than 1,000 people had died in the U.S.
CNN reported at the time:
Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [emphasis added]"
So, Inga: shaddapyourface
Inga: "There are reports of people getting reinfected in China. I hope Fauci is right about reinfection."
I thought he was being "muzzled"!
Another lefty lie bites the dust. And in record time. Because of course it was.
It has been mostly a planned parent, the old, the infirm, the marginally viable, tragedy.
“A small study out of China suggests that the new coronavirus can persist in the body for at least two weeks after symptoms of the disease clear up.
This sort of persistence isn't unheard of among viruses, experts told Live Science, and thankfully, the patients are most likely not very contagious in the post-symptom period. The findings may even be good news, said Krys Johnson, an epidemiologist at Temple University's College of Public Health. The viruses that tend to hang around in people's systems also tend to be the viruses that the body develops a strong immune response against.
"If the virus is staying in people's systems, then they may not be able to be reinfected," Johnson told Live Science.”
“So, Inga: shaddapyourface”
Make me.
Wow. Questions from the press covering the peace deal and Ratcliffe being renominated!
Don't these MSM'ers know they aren't supposed to be talking about anything other than coronavirus?
Pence looks like he’s got more expression on his face I’ve ever seen before. He actually looks a little animated.
No, Inga, the point is that anyone with an ounce of self-respect would realize that having been proven wrong so frequently, so consistently and so recently would realize that they are congenitally in the wrong and shut up on their own. Of course, you know you are worthless, so there's not even that ounce of self-respect to draw on. Sad.
No hand sanitizer on the shelves this AM when I went shopping. But there was still bleach.
Get back on your ledge, just to be safe. You may need to jump any moment now.
Inga said...
No hand sanitizer on the shelves this AM when I went shopping. But there was still bleach.
I'm told it makes a great mouthwash and gargle, Inga: give it a try!!!
“I'm told it makes a great mouthwash and gargle, Inga: give it a try!”
You feel free to try it first, then report back here.
Walmart, Costco etc is about 90 miles away one way. Safeway is 35 miles away one direction.
How far to the Buckhorn Saloon?
Local news reported one case in my Portland suburb, right across the river from Milwaukie Guy. The afflicted doesn't live in my burb but works at a school here. The school is being scrubbed and will be closed for a couple of days. The local paper says that no conncection has been established between the victim and anyone who has had any exposure. Symptoms first appeared 9 days ago.
A bunch of my wife's colleagues are dealing with canceling Study Abroad programs and bringing back students who are already in Italy. Syracuse U. sent 350 kids home from Florence. Wake Forest, Elon, High Point University, etc. are doing the same. Not allowed on campus for 2 weeks after they return. Sucks for the kids.
“Make me”
Inga’s arguments are improving.
Don't forget to stock up on bat tenders. They're in short supply.
Ain't got time to wonder why WHOOPIE... we're all gonna die.
“Inga’s arguments are improving.”
I’m supposed to argue with someone who is telling me to shut up? What would you have me do, cite the 1st Amendment? You started the thread with a stupid comment and you haven’t improved. If you think it’s fine to tell other commenters to shut up on a comments thread, then I’ll just say to you. STFU.
So glad the Wisconsin guy has improved.
I hauled in an extra month's groceries and then had to go back for pain liniment for my shoulders.
Sheboygan brats can cure anything!
I'm not saying you don't have the right to sound like an idiot on a daily basis, Inga, I'm pointing out that you are always misinformed or misleading in your posts. You are a worthless contributor to any conversation.
I never told you or anyone to shut up Inga. I d prefer you keep digging.
“You are a worthless contributor to any conversation.”
Your opinions are worthless to me. Yawn.
The media coverage of this crap is so far over-the-top, it's hard to take them seriously.
In four to six weeks - when the fervor's calmed down - they'll move on to another attempt to 'get' Trump.
It's as tedious as it is predictable.
Your opinions are worthless to me. Yawn. - Inga
Not commenting here is NO loss to me. - Inga
For someone who thinks other opinions are worthless - and admits not commenting here would be no loss - you sure seem to spend a lot of time running your big mouth on this very site.
“For someone who thinks other opinions are worthless “
There are many good worthwhile comments here every single day, however yours, Lincoln’s and that other dumbass Splainin’ are not among them.
Inga said...
“For someone who thinks other opinions are worthless “
There are many good worthwhile comments here every single day, however yours, Lincoln’s and that other dumbass Splainin’ are not among them.
Thing is, once again you did what you always do, which is to ignore the substance of a comment, this time mine, that utterly falsifies your claims. Trump acted far, far quicker, than Your Saviour Obama did in an almost identical situation.
Most people arguing in good faith would address that point.
But not you.
Poor Inga hates being called wrong when she's wrong and hates being called a liar when she lies, but can't change her behavioral pattern.
It would be helpful to know if the Washington patient who died had a trial Remdesivir.
so what treatment protocol was applied to those who said their symptoms had dissipated, did they point out that seattle is near McCord airbase, or that there was a flight from iran that came into Vancouver next door, about a week ago?
this was the first case
@Inga, I did the research — which you could hVe easily done yourself had you been will to assume that perhaps you and the CDC were arguing apples and oranges. The 15 that Trump quoted (and now it’s 22 and unfortunately climbing) represents people who came down with it while here in the United States. This is the official CDC reported number. In addition there are 45 Americans who came down with the disease while outside the country including people who were aboard the Diamond Princess, people who had the bad luck to be in China at the wrong time.
So sit and fuss if it makes you feel better. CDC is telling Trump how many apples there are and you’re jumping up and down pulling at your hair because he won’t include the oranges.
I see the CDC’s point. The people who caught COVID19 outside the US, we need to try to cure them. But the cases of interest are the ones where the patients came down with the disease here in the US. Getting that to zero is their job, and I hope for the best for them.
BM, Trump needs to speak clearly and concisely. I directly quoted what he said. He should’ve said that the 22 were patients who had contracted the virus here, he didn’t. I knew that was what he was doing, BUT not everyone will know. Last night commenters here had the same discussion regarding the differences in the numbers of patients. He simply said that there were 22 Coronavirus patients. Period. The POTUS has to be concise. He needs to be CLEAR, he needs to put forth the effort to not give a muddled message. If he doesn’t want to be criticized, he needs to up his game. Not everyone is so willing to make excuses for him
OMG, now being reported, a nursing home in King County, WA has two confirmed cases with more patients in respiratory distress. This is the stuff of nightmares for healthcare workers. In an emergency healthcare workers can be mandated to work and to work overtime. I’m glad I’m retired, this is going to be tough even for young healthy staff nurses and caregivers.
Russia Collusion Truther Inga: "If he doesn’t want to be criticized, he needs to up his game."
Russia Collusion Truther just about sums that up, doesn't it?
@inga, to keep you happy? I‘m sure that tears of anguish at your dissatisfaction are coursing down his cheeks and leaving water spots on his silk tie.
No, I do not believe you when you write “I knew that was what he was doing.” I’m sorry, but you burned up your credibility a looooonnnnng time ago.
“Russia Collusion Truther just about sums that up, doesn't it?”
Birther Truther Trump needs to be able to do what is expected of US presidents. Stop making excuses for him.
Remember, Trump was already taking actions some time ago, and every single action he took was criticized by the dems.
LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved Schumer went and stealth deleted his tweet from that time criticizing Trump for initiating a travel ban from infected areas of China into the US.
Russia Collusion Truther Inga: "Birther Truther Trump needs to be able to do what is expected of US presidents. Stop making excuses for him."
We will never stop fighting for Trump as he takes on the Party of Socialism and Infanticide.
“No, I do not believe you when you write “I knew that was what he was doing.” I’m sorry, but you burned up your credibility a looooonnnnng time ago.”
Oh for pity sake BM, go find the conversation we commenters here had about it yesterday. You need to up your game too.
Lazy minded old men, the absolute worst.
Inga said...
OMG, now being reported, a nursing home in King County, WA has two confirmed cases with more patients in respiratory distress. "
Why, aren't you a happy camper.
Given the number of homeless people living in squalor in Seattle, San Fran, LA and other Democrat strongholds, I would not be surprised to see more cases there. People who shit on the street with the blessing of local officials probably aren't real good about washing their hands afterward.
I know what's a really good idea! Let's open the borders so we can have even more people crowding together in the poor sections of sanctuary cities!
“Why, aren't you a happy camper.”
Are you suggesting I should be happy a nursing home full of old people may very well have Coronavirus?
Inga: "Lazy minded old men, the absolute worst."
To be spoken well of by Inga one can become either a machete-murdering MS13er or an islamic supremacist.
When Inga runs out of rhetorical "ammo" she immediately reverts to either cut and paste lunacy or simple insults, as when she cursed out Althouse.
And we are definitely "there" on this topic.
Are you suggesting I should be happy a nursing home full of old people may very well have Coronavirus?
2/29/20, 5:31 PM
If it hurts Trump, you'll be happy.
“If it hurts Trump, you'll be happy.”
What a bunch of sad twisted people Trumpists are.
Michael K said. . .
It would be helpful to know if the Washington patient who died had a trial Remdesivir.
I don't think they had time. It's my understanding that the patient didn't come to ER until when his symptoms were severe and he died within 24 (48?) hours. He also had "underlying health issues" - whatever THAT means.
we live in "Ground Zero" - the hospital (and the nursing home mentioned by Inga) are less than 5 miles from our home. Our kids were born at the hospital.
I watched a part of the press conference this afternoon and the doctor looked familiar. Sure enough - he was the physician - after a series of others - who FINALLY accurately diagnosed the blood infection that almost killed my 91 year old father. Dad lived another 6 years! We're in good hands at the hospital. Now if we could just get rid of our uber-political Governor (who took to Twitter the other daya to mock VP Pence following a phone call with him).
Exiled said Given the number of homeless people living in squalor in Seattle, San Fran, LA and other Democrat strongholds, I would not be surprised to see more cases there. People who shit on the street with the blessing of local officials probably aren't real good about washing their hands afterward.
Yep. I made that point a few days ago. The squalor and filth that the homeless encampments are, and the sad physical health and mental health conditions of those who are there, is a recipe for the spreading of diseases of all kinds. Diphtheria, Typhus, TB, HIV, Hepatitis to name just a few already existant. The Coronoa Virus will be rampant.
It is not going to be pretty. And because we are all so politically correct, especially in Californicateyou there will be not real measures taken to stop the spread to pandemic status.
“...the hospital (and the nursing home mentioned by Inga) are less than 5 miles from our home.”
This is just devastating and scary news about this nursing home. I can very well imagine what it’s like for the staff of that nursing home right about now, the patients and their families. I’m sorry there are Coronavirus cases so near where you live. I wonder if WA will shut down schools?
Inga: "What a bunch of sad twisted people Trumpists are."
The party of infanticide speaks....
ay Inslee, he was found too ridiculous for the democratic primary, the point is more light than heat, who was this first casualty in contact with, and who were they,
“They won’t be handled by normal staff.”
The staff are undoubtedly in quarantine and not working. If this Coronavirus becomes much more widespread there won’t be enough highly trained specialty staff to go around.
Regarding the nursing home patients in Washington state who are positive for COVID19, they need to be put in isolation and carefully monitored, but that will be handled by specially trained staff equipped with at least biohazard safety level 3 training and suits. They won’t be handled by normal staff. Their rooms must be decontaminated, but this will also be handled by trained personnel. The people who were in contact with those two were with need to be quarantined, probably including staff.
Hospitals and nursing homes are probably scrambling to train their own staff in heightened isolation techniques and equipment.
@DBQ, I read an article that claimed San Francisco is where doctors in training can see diseases thought to have been stamped out for centuries. Wouldn’t surprise me.
The military trains their medics and corpsmen in inner city trauma centers, where they’ll get lots of training in patching up gunshot wounds.
Big Mike said...
Regarding the nursing home patients in Washington state who are positive for COVID19, they need to be put in isolation and carefully monitored, but that will be handled by specially trained staff equipped with at least biohazard safety level 3 training and suits. They won’t be handled by normal staff. Their rooms must be decontaminated, but this will also be handled by trained personnel. The people who were in contact with those two were with need to be quarantined, probably including staff.
I wish I taped the press conference so I could confirm this, but I believe they said they can cut the ICU floor in half (makes sense to me since I visited ICU quite a bit to visit my Dad). The entire air flow system will be recirculated within the specific area.
Re: the nursing home. It's under complete quarantine, CDC will be there tomorrow, no visitors allowed. One gal interviewed on TV said she just wanted to visit her brother who was recovering from surgery but no outsiders allowed inside. I'm assuming they are going to need to review all of the visitor logs for the last few weeks and go find all of those folks as well.
“ I'm assuming they are going to need to review all of the visitor logs for the last few weeks and go find all of those folks as well.”
It’ll be a HUGE undertaking. Visitors don’t always need to sign/log in and can come and go freely in normal circumstances.
@Kathryn51, sounds as though the CDC is on top of things. Bad luck for the folks who need to be quarantined, and I think all of us are hoping for the best for them.
We have also stocked up on medicines and a few items that might become scarce as supply chains are affected.
Rice, beans, tuna fish....what else do I need??? Oh, yeah! Ammo!
I love it when UPS delivers ammunition to my door in Seattle.....cuz you can't buy ammo is Seattle.
Better Ol' Yeller him. Can't be too safe.
cuz you can't buy ammo is Seattle.
Really? Since when? I know you can buy it in surrounding areas because I have just last year.
mockturtle said...
cuz you can't buy ammo is Seattle.
Really? Since when? I know you can buy it in surrounding areas because I have just last year.
Just inside the city of Seattle.
The city council in Seattle has a flat out communist fascist Sawant and some toadies on it.
Man died in Kirkland. Extended care facility.
108 residents 140 staff.
Here we go.
Just inside the city of Seattle.
The city council in Seattle has a flat out communist fascist Sawant and some toadies on it.
Oh, yeah. Glad I don't live there any more. My daughter & SIL live in Tacoma which is a bit more sensible. Only a bit.
Re the man in Kirkland. The articles I just read say he wasn't affiliated with the NH but that several residents of Life Care Center in Kirkland do have the virus. But who knows? There's the usual abundance of conflicting information coming in. And the CDC admits to briefing the President wrong on the victim's gender.
My wife is a home health nurse. She drives around meeting sick people all day.
We are pretty much guaranteed to get it at some point.
And the flu. And the cold.
In other news...
"Nineteen deaths were confirmed across the state between September and December 2019, the first few months of the flu season. Two more have been confirmed in Snohomish County in the first week of January: a man in his 80s and a woman in her 30s."
So an easy extrapolation would be 5 deaths from flu per month this year already in the state.
My wife is a home health nurse.
In King County?
mockturtle said...
My wife is a home health nurse.
In King County?
Michael K said...
"We have also stocked up on medicines and a few items that might become scarce as supply chains are affected."
I just ordered a new electric tooth brush and some dental picks. So I got the oral hygiene aspect covered.
Curses, foiled again says the Dems and the media (but I repeat myself)
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