"Former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg remained the leader of the race, with 26.9% of state delegates. He's closely trailed by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, with 25.2%. They're followed by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 18.2%, former Vice President Joe Biden at 15.6% and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar at 12.5%.... 'We took a gut punch in Iowa,' Biden told a crowd Wednesday morning in Somersworth, New Hampshire...."
CNN reports.
७८ टिप्पण्या:
Wow, they managed to process another 4% of the precincts. They should be very proud.
This is so brutally transparent.
They will wait until after New Hampshire to tell everyone it was
Bernie 30
Buttigieg 22
a bunch or real losers...
RealClear has Sanders in the lead for votes and Buttigeig tied for delegates. Biden gets no delegate at slightly over 12%. It’s more than a gut punch. Biden has been knocked down.
It is really awesome to see how stupid the DNC thinks democrat voters are.
I would not be surprised to see them try to manipulate the results to get Biden above 15 percent.
steyer and Pelosi, were among the donors, to this sham show,
Has there been a deliberate decision by the media to focus on the state delegate equivalents rather than the actual round 1 round 2 votes (because Sanders beats Buttegieg in actual votes, but not delegates)? It's one thing to focus on SDE's in the headline -- I can understand that -- but it's notable that the article you link doesn't even seem to address the actual votes.
Joe still Biden his time after all these years. Not only hasn't ever won a primary or caucus -- he's never even received a delegate yet in this, his third attempt. Maybe he'll get his first one in the last batch of Iowa votes? Or maybe NH?
Mayor Pete leads by a petty slim amount and he still may end up losing or virtually tieing Sanders.
As others have pointed out, I imagine that ultimately this will benefit Biden. The loss of momentum for Sanders and Mayor Pete is transformed to Joementum.
Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
Expect updates throughout the week.
Has there been a deliberate decision by the media to focus on the state delegate equivalents rather than the actual round 1 round 2 votes?
In previous years, the Iowa caucuses did not report votes, they only reported delegates. So if you want to compare like-to-like, you use delegate counts to determine who won this year just like you did in previous election years.
"The Iowa Democratic Party released another batch of caucus results on Wednesday afternoon, covering 75% of Iowa's precincts....."
They can [blank] 75% of my [blank]!
Has there been a deliberate decision by the media to focus on the state delegate equivalents rather than the actual round 1 round 2 votes (because Sanders beats Buttegieg in actual votes, but not delegates)? It's one thing to focus on SDE's in the headline -- I can understand that -- but it's notable that the article you link doesn't even seem to address the actual votes.
Oh gosh, heavens no, our brave, truth-to-power speaking media wouldn't think of colluding with the DNC to push the establishment's favored narrative. Wherever would you get an idea like that?
Iowa Democrat Party Incompetence: Day 3. To be continued...
The results explain why the Dems keep pushing Biden, who is a bad candidate and probably not physically or mentally fit to be president.
None of the other candidates is popular with Black voters, and without a very strong turnout from Blacks voting for the Dem candidate, they haven't got any hope at all of beating Trump.
It'd be awesome if the Dems staggered piecemeal the results of all states during this primary campaign season. Super Tuesday will be fun!
Watching the D's is like watching Molotov Cocktail Fails on You Tube.
They could have reconvened another caucus and hand-tabulated the results in this span of time - and reported the new results. They had one job. Four years to prepare. The Party of Science.
Competence in progress... An evolving consensus.
For the impeachment hoax, I have previously described it as:
"A farce, a sham, a scam, a flim-flam, a circus, a travesty, a mockery, a con-job, and a snow-job."
I now re-direct this to the Iowa Democrat Caucus and their failing Apps.
Blogger Rob said...
Wow, they managed to process another 4% of the precincts. They should be very proud.
As the Barbie doll said, math is hard!
face palm, with an old one,
Beasts of England said...
Iowa Democrat Party Incompetence: Day 3. To be continued...
This is not incompetence.
People need to stop pretending that it is.
I’m not there yet, Achilles - but I could lean that way soon.
Lewis Wetzel said...
The results explain why the Dems keep pushing Biden, who is a bad candidate and probably not physically or mentally fit to be president.
None of the other candidates is popular with Black voters, and without a very strong turnout from Blacks voting for the Dem candidate, they haven't got any hope at all of beating Trump.
And none of their black candidates inspire black people either. Spartacus and Kamala wont be able to deliver as VP's.
Bloomberg? Not gonna do it.
I am still waiting for the media trial/puff pieces for Michelle.
But does she really want to lose to Trump?
Re: Steven:
In previous years, the Iowa caucuses did not report votes, they only reported delegates. So if you want to compare like-to-like, you use delegate counts to determine who won this year just like you did in previous election years.
Yes, I understand why that's the headline number, since the SDE's translate into state delegates who eventually pick a subset of the Iowa delegates to the Democratic convention. But the Iowa Democrats are supposed to be reporting all the below the line numbers in the interests of transparency, and they're newsworthy too -- after all, the actual vote is a better measure of party support than the delegate calculation. And the Iowa caucus isn't important because of the raw number of delegates at stake (a whopping 41 out of 3,979) but because of the signal it sends about how much support each candidate has managed to attract in the party.
Beasts of England said...
I’m not there yet, Achilles - but I could lean that way soon.
Bernie will end up at 29 +/-2 but get ~26% of delegates.
Buttigieg will end up at 23 +/-2 but get just a few more delegates than Bernie.
Biden will get 15% of the votes. We are just not sure how that happens or how many of the delegates that becomes. But somehow he will come in 3rd in delegates.
This will be announced after New Hampshire. But they cannot have Bernie Rolling into South Carolina with momentum. South Carolina is the Biden firewall.
It is the urban county with des moines that is holding out on reporting. Because Bernie killed it there.
Iowa Dems are now at 84% of the vote reporting!!!!
This is exciting! Like watching my Iphone re-charge.
If I'm the "party," and I'm desperate to make sure it's not Bernie, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes (wink wink), I'm honestly not sure what I would do.
Biden seems so self-evidently weak--including but not limited to snapping pretty inappropriately at nice voters and that nice Savannah Guthrie--that it's hard to see him completing the process of getting the nomination. Pete seems like he's not quite ripe, and may have trouble attracting minorities (and per Ann's earlier post, may be almost as big a commie as Bernie).
Bloomberg? I dunno. What to do, what to do?
So McKinsey Pete got some votes from Angry Amy’s supporters on the second ballot.
The pressure on Angry Amy to drop out now will be intense.
Same with Warren.
Bernie is the leading Socialist. And McKinsey Pete is the leading Globalist.
I'm From Iowa (born here, moved to Chicago when 10, moved to Ames at 18, moved to west union at 55)
Here's what you Need to Know about Iowa Democrats (i was a card carrying memember 'til '94)
Iowa Democrats are EVERY BIT as corrupt, and scummy as democrats Anywhere
Iowa Democrats are COMPLETELY Incompetent; not able to hit the inside of a barn they're standing in
What's happened This time, is Usual democrat BULLSHIT, but performed by people that LITERALLY, are SO STUPID, that they Live in Iowa and are Democrats
Is this all the votes from 75% districts, or only some of the votes from 75% districts?
Mayor Pete will never win the black vote so we can ignore this.
Does anyone else have this feeling that there is something that's going to happen, so out of the ordinary, that there will be a nationwide WTF?
Blogger is really struggling lately. Someone needs to wipe it down with a cloth, or something.
Does anyone trust CNN????
Is anyone explaining what the heck they are doing?
Mark Steyn was guest hosting for Rush today. He had an interesting on Iowa; Biden did poorly and they didn't want to have to admit it prior to the Impeachment vote. Of course, this was a couple of hours ago and the votes done.
I do believe Bernie is the real problem, though.
Just tooting my own horn for stating here a couple weeks ago that Biden would be this year's Jeb! once they actually started counting votes.
I'm pulling for Klobuchar.
Is anyone explaining what the heck they are doing?
There was an old Chicago tradition of holding up the "count" until they knew exactly how many votes they needed to win.
Biden is done. Analyst yesterday said not only did he fail to win, place, or show, he is basically out of money.
No money, goodbye.
Now, dems gotta fuck Bernie.
Bloomberg seems most normal and has executive experience and billions of dollars and an organization that includes thousands of reporters
Biden is done. Analyst yesterday said not only did he fail to win, place, or show, he is basically out of money.
He also has all the physical stamina of Hillary Clinton.
RCP is reporting that Iowa Dems are now reporting 86% of the results!
We are getting there!
'We took a gut punch in Iowa,' Biden told a crowd...
Biden might've won if he wasn't such a creepy corrupt doofus moronic geezer. Just my two cents.
Biden's South Carolina firewall is breaking down. He's doomed.
Lewis Wetzel: "The results explain why the Dems keep pushing Biden, who is a bad candidate and probably not physically or mentally fit to be president."
It also explains why LLR-lefty Chuck keeps working so hard to transfer Biden's clear dementia and weakness onto Trump.
Still waiting on 57 counties.
My guess is that some county's numbers can't be recovered. What then?
(Since they are Democrats, new counts will show up in someone's trunk)
swierczekml: "Does anyone trust CNN????"
LLR-lefty Chuck has long regarded CNN as the very definition of "truth" and has defended them passionately, especially when CNN has been caught lying. That is when LLR-lefty Chuck goes into #CNNDefenseMode overdrive.
Results being posted by the DNC are fake.
IDP is now reporting vote totals from Black Hawk County that are at odds with what Black Hawk County themselves have reported
Are state election comissions involved in this at all, or is it just a Democrat party thing. In which case we can't believe any of the numbers.
Jersey Fled said... Are state election comissions involved in this at all?
Nope,not at ALL
Blogger Browndog said...
Results being posted by the DNC are fake.
IDP is now reporting vote totals from Black Hawk County that are at odds with what Black Hawk County themselves have reported
Iowa Democratic Party tweets the recent caucus results will have 'minor correction'
They had One Thing to do; not show Bernie leading... And they can't even do That!
So the quotes are from CNN, not our host.
What no one is talking about. The DNC, Democrat National Committee came into Des Moines Tuesday morning and took over the vote tabulation.
This is not Iowa. The Democrat party of Iowa that fubar'd the caucus vote. It is the DNC that still hasn't figured out what lie needs to be told. Almost 48 hours has passed and the final vote count is not released. Why? Democrats have not said a word since Tuesday afternoon. Releasing small increments, with no explanation of why simple counting takes 48 hours.
Evolution is messy. Standing Pat is easy let's you blame tradition. FYI, the Sky is Not Falling.
Dems are literally taking hundreds of Bernie votes and re-distributing them to Tom Steyer and Patrick Duval.
County Rpt Release
Sanders - 2149 1638
Steyer - 27 396
What in the world is going with the Democrats?
First the impeachment fiasco (rigged process, rushed investigation, hurry up and wait, deliver half-azzed product to the Senate) now this. How can anyone believe that this thing is not rigged? And what is so bad with the real result that justifies looking so stupid?
Joe Biden, still waiting for Ballot Box 13 to be found.
AllenS @ 4:16, not sure what you might be alluding to, but the more I see the current crop Democratic candidates struggle to deliver excitement or enthusiasm within the broader electorate, the more I think that Howard Schultz should reconsider running.
This is like watching my Windows computer update.....71%......75%........84%.......84%........82%..FU**KING FU*K FU*K.....86%
Mayor Pete, the left-wing loon, will not carry Indiana, a state he is willing to shaft by getting rid of the Electoral College
it's not even math. It's just counting and adding up columns of numbers. Apparently second grade arithmetic is beyond the capacity of the dems. I wouldn't trust those averages.
The anecdotal evidence that is coming out suggests the DNC is cheating the count to minimize Sanders' win on Monday. Coming up with another explanation like total incompetence is getting less tenable by the hour.
This reminds me of the Dem’s favorite country, the USSR. It’s not who votes, but who counts the votes that matters!
Here's my attitude, and I think there are lots of people who agree: By the time we have 100% of precincts reporting, WHO CARES? So that's tough on the winner or winners, because instead of having Tuesday am paper/tv with raised or clenched fists and American flag backgrounds, we have (dropping down to the bottom of the scrolled pages) "remember that caucus last Monday (or was it two weeks ago Monday?) -- if you want to know what happened, click here -- Oh New Hampshire results are in!!"
Everyone should care what's happening in Iowa, not just democrats.
This is an American election on American soil.
Here's an article explaining the lastest foul-up - Bernie's votes attributed to Deval: article in Des Moines Register.
So have you ever had that experience where you go into a fast food joint and order a burger and coke and the moron behind the counter rings it up and announces $35.17? It goes into their head and out of their mouth without a single thought behind it, such as: "Say, this guy ordered a burger and coke, isn't that usually about $6 not $35?"
That's the level of braindead activity the Democratic party is showing here. At ~75% the released count for this county (or precinct or whatever the hell it is) showed Deval Patrick at 0 delegates and suddenly their very next release shows him getting 21. Yet not a single person involved in the count looked at that and said "Say, maybe we shouldn't post this on the door just yet, there might be some mistake going on! I mean, who is this Deval Patrick guy anyway? I haven't heard of anyone named that campaigning here!"
Multiply this by all of the Democratic party elected officials at the local, state, and national level and you can see why we're f**ked.
(And IMO the Republicans in general aren't much better than that. As Glenn Reynolds says: we're suffering from the worst political class in US history.)
This is not Iowa.
Is the Secretary of State, or whatever the name of the honest broker, involved?
Primaries are sponsored by the parties, and the results aren't monitored. I guess that's as much a question as it is an assertion.
Biden should drive his No Malarkey bus into the Iowa Dem HQ to figure out which morons are in charge of vote counting.
So in two different precincts support for Bernie was inexplicably attributed to Deval Patrick.
Nothing fishy about that.
It's new math that's the problem. You reap what you sow.
Molly said...
Here's my attitude, and I think there are lots of people who agree: By the time we have 100% of precincts reporting, WHO CARES? So that's tough on the winner or winners, because instead of having Tuesday am paper/tv with raised or clenched fists and American flag backgrounds, we have (dropping down to the bottom of the scrolled pages) "remember that caucus last Monday (or was it two weeks ago Monday?) -- if you want to know what happened, click here -- Oh New Hampshire results are in!!"
That is their goal. Bernie will certainly play along. He doesn't want to win.
A real "independent" would be slagging the DNC and the machine running the party 24/7. Bernie is clearly a tool.
But it wont work.
His supporters feel their power.
I would hate to see them turn on Bernie...
His supporters feel their power.
I would hate to see them turn on Bernie...
2/5/20, 7:17 PM
Yeah, what a shame that would be.
Bernie is being treated unfairly but it isn't his party that doing it. It's the DNC and he's not a Democrat. So only the socialists have a right to be mad, you know the activists. And the millennials will be mad. And the Iowa Democrats whose votes are being "adjusted" and who are being blamed and ridiculed for what the DNC is doing, they aren't happy. Heckuva job of coalition building, DNC. Looking forward to the convention.
'We took a gut punch in Iowa,' Biden told a crowd Wednesday morning in Somersworth, New Hampshire
So the beatnik and the gay kid took the football player behind the school and beat him up? And the teacher's pet and the geek girl didn't do so bad either? I'm really liking this race.
It's a bit like The Breakfast Club. Joe is loudmouth jock (or wannabe jock) Emilio Estevez. Bernie is rebel Judd Nelson (but with a lot of beatnik Maynard G. Krebs in him). Pete is Anthony Michael Hall, the puny, geeky bright kid. Liz is stuck-up teacher's pet Molly Ringwald (but a lot more teacher than pet). Amy is outcast loner girl Ally Sheedy.
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