February 7, 2020

Microphone riles snake; terrified reporter soldiers on.


Achilles said...

Don’t put snakes around your neck.

They are easily strong enough to choke you out. They are wild animals.

People are dumb.

rehajm said...

Soooo...poo came out?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

moral? Don't walk about with your microphone hanging out.

readering said...

TV news a cut-throat business.

rehajm said...

I went to wiki to see what kind of python it might be. The list of snakes native to Australia goes on and on and on...

Better to just avoid Australia.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"It's biting my microphone! What do I do!"

Bite it back silly. sheesh, there's a blonde joke in here somewhere.

Bilwick said...

She is a loyal soldier. If I'd been a woman in that position, I'd be less worried about the microphone and more worried about the snake biting my boob

Hagar said...

Her first worry is to fit in with the group.

Darrell said...

In America, the reporter would check if the snake was wearing a MAGA hat first. That would inform what she should do next.

traditionalguy said...

Forked tongue tries to take over microphone. Nothing new to see, but she is cute. CNN could hire both as a package deal.

tim in vermont said...

“Look at that snike! What a beeoooootiful animal!”

Couldn’t resist. I loved that guy.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"You call that a snoik?

...THIS is a snoik!!"

Big Mike said...

Not so funny to one woman.

tim in vermont said...

I remember when I was working in Australia when the then Pope was visiting Cuba, it was all "The pipe said this, the pipe said that” and I remember wondering what this talking pipe was.

jim said...

Aw, that little snake. They were all just having fun.

Leland said...

No mic drop.

Marc in Eugene said...

Better just to avoid Australia, yes. The things people will do for money, tsk.

Achilles said...

That snake handler had his fun. What an ass.

I wish people had more respect for animals. That woman could have freaked out and hurt the snake or caused it to attack her in which case it would get hurt even more.


narciso said...

was the snake hurt, like with scorpions,


they can't get their heads around this travesty,

Rosalyn C. said...

If she had been bitten the lawyers would say it was consensual or maybe blamed her for wearing the tight sweater.
File this one under #things that are not funny.

tim in vermont said...

I remember another time my buddy and I were hiking in a park south of Sydney and we noticed on the path that there was an insect that had reared up and seemed ready to take us on, claws extended, facing my friend, who is 6-5, BTW. My friend walked side to side and walked around it, and the bug turned to face him, wherever he went, ready to defend himself, not willing to run away. The bug couldn’t have been more than an inch high, but he was all fight. The animals in OZ are really something.

Skeptical Voter said...

My favorite reptile bite happened a few years back.

Actress Sharon Stone was married to some big time newspaper guy (as best I recall).

Sharon and her (probably then, maybe not now) husband were allowed to get some close up and quality time with a Komodo Dragon at the Los Angeles Zoo. Nothing like a desire to see a really big lizard---at least five or six feet long and maybe 150 pounds

The Komodo Dragon was not impressed by Sharon's husband and bit him. And the problem with Komodo Dragons is that their teeth are full of dead meat and bacteria-- and a bite from one of them is (and in this case was) fairly toxic.

MAJMike said...

Tough lady. She's a keeper.

gilbar said...


Is This, One of the Reasons; WHY GOD had us invent pistols?
Dead Snakes Don't Strike

tim maguire said...

If I were her, I'd have pissed off a lot of animal rights activists that day. Not because I like hurting snakes, but because under the circumstances I don't think I would have been able to do anything else.

Yancey Ward said...

I give her credit- she was suprisingly controlled in the situation. With a normal reporter, I would have quipped that the situation was snake with a reptile draped over its shoulder.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

This reminds me of Dieter Zorn, the German herpetologist who gave demonstrations to help people overcome their irrational fear of snakes. He debunked superstition and unfounded revulsion, and handled snakes for science, unlike those backward, backwoods snake-handling Christians who handle them for God.

Oh, the funny part is he died from a snake bite.

n.n said...
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n.n said...

While kneeling, turn around for privacy. Twirl the microphone. Call it a windmill. Whack the snake until it is no longer viable. If it survives, whack it again, and again, ... Then leave it to evolve in pieces. Indulge your sociopolitical indemnity in the bright lights, big city, cosmopolitan, urban heat island.

narciso said...

Gordon sondland the nominee who tried to thread the needle also dismissed,.

n.n said...

If she had been bitten ... blamed her for wearing the tight sweater

A snake likes to hide in dark, warm, integrated spaces for safety and security, then pops its head out when it is either hungry or threatened. A tight, constricted sweater would be her redemptive choice. Also, avoid dens of snakes until you are prepared to assume responsibility. Take rational, reasonable steps... baby steps, to mitigate the progress of confronting unwanted, undesirable, inconvenient burdens.

Freeman Hunt said...

"Huh huh huh huh. Just stay still."


Narr said...

Not one of those Outback Boob Vipers I guess--almost a shame.

Suck out the poison!

Josephbleau said...

Cute, but I like bigger ones, the snakes I mean.

Josephbleau said...

The reporter does look a great strong budgie, don’t?

Lee Moore said...

Not being afraid does not require guts.

Being afraid and overcoming it well enough to function does.

Good on 'er.

Anthony said...

I want her on my team.

Gabriel said...

What I took away, is that the reporter looked in the camera and said things she knew for a fact to be lie, because it was the story they'd come out to do.