February 25, 2020

Let's talk about the debate. It's about to start.

1. I made my predictions first thing this morning about what was going to happen and what ought to happen, and I got myself thinking this was going to be the greatest debate of all time... except that Tom Steyer will be there. That's so dull. I'm looking for a savage fight!

2. I'm just going to write in a numbered list. It's too boring to write time stamps in classic live-blogging style. And I'm not even sure I'm going to live blog. But I feel inspired, and they're starting early tonight — 7:00 my time. We'll see what happens.

3. My son John is live-blogging here. He mentions that the show is on CBS. My cable company is feuding with CBS these days, so I had to figure out a different source. We're watching on BET. Caught the end of the NAACP Image Awards.

4. How can a Democratic Socialist do better with the economy than Trump? — the first question, to Sanders. He takes a swipe at Bloomberg, so Bloomberg gets to speak. He lashes out and says Russia is helping Sanders get elected. Sanders is touched off, starts raving, and accidentally hits the microphone twice.

5. Warren accuses Bernie's team of "trashing" her. She did the work, and they didn't, and then they attacked. I predicted a secret alliance between Warren and Sanders. Doesn't look like that.

6. Biden attacks Bernie for the 9 deaths at the South Carolina church... because he voted against the Brady Bill 5 times. A vicious attack.

7. "I'm hearing my name mentioned a little bit tonight" (Bernie).

8. "That single garment of destimy"  — a Klobuchar garble. I forget what she was talking about. I was thinking about her garments, which are the dreariest color imaginable (dark brownish purple).

9. "I have been training for this job since I stepped on the pile — that was still smoldering — of 9/11" — Bloomberg.

10. Warren accuses Bloomberg of saying something he says he never said: "Kill it" (to a pregnant woman). Big reaction from the audience.

11. The moderators have totally lost control. The candidates are all talking at once, and the topic is: math. Yeesh!

12. After the break, there are 3 more moderators. I hope there's a little more order. The topic now is gun control. They have to vie for who's most controlling.

13. I got bored. There's a lot of recitation of proposals, not so much attacking each other. I'm not going to try to provide you with notes on that. This is the problem with live-blogging. If you start, then people expect you to keep going....


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Mark said...

Choice means more than just killing babies.

Temujin said...

4 socialists talking about how to make education work. If ever there was a live example of just how bad our education system has become in America, look no further than 4 socialists running for President.

Ay Chihuahua.

Yancey Ward said...

"So what does Joe's corner tell him between rounds?"

His name and where he is at.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

The man takes over and order ensues.

Inga said...

Amy is looking better than Warren tonight. Warren needs to stop attacking and talk about the issues.

Yancey Ward said...

Poor Biden, unable to make Warren stop talking. Her husband probably sympathesizes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hard to take any of these clowns seriously. Bad moderators too. Too many folks raising their hands like rowdy high school kids.

Oh I know. If only they conducted themselves in the dignified way that Trump and his own Republicans opponents did. Whatever.

effinayright said...

President Toilet Paper Shoe's Cooked-Up Drug Deal said...
The icing on the cake, you know how I know how dumb these Democrats are?

They keep quibbling over little fucking bullshit financial points. And why shouldn't they? Aren't they all owned by their donors and Wall Street?

Trump is running up trillion dollar deficits - and the people and the markets don't care!

These Democrats are fucking morons. The fact is Medicare runs their programs more efficiently than any other program in America. That's all that matters. All this bullshit about costs - that aren't being compared to the current waste - is fucking nonsense. It shows you how petty and stupid the Democrats are.

So self-defeating.

Speaking for all the rational people who comment on this blog: "We feel your pain" ----and LUV it!

p.s. as has been pointed out elsewhere, "Medicare for all" would bear NO relationship to the current program. It simply cannot be done.

Limited blogger said...

Warren is done, I thought she wanted to end filibustering?

Michael K said...

They really are crazy.

Yancey Ward said...

Red lighting?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

4 socialists talking about how to make education work. If ever there was a live example of just how bad our education system has become in America, look no further than 4 socialists running for President.

How's Betsy DeVos coping with her contempt of court order?

Mark said...

Bloomberg crashes even at an attempt at a self-effacing joke.

Limited blogger said...

Bloomberg just dropped the mic!!

Yancey Ward said...

Nanny Bloomberg- wow. Hall monitor.

Andrew said...

Warren is bringing up race. What an unexpected development.

These are the worst moderators I've ever seen.

Bloomberg gets more time to speak. Ka-ching!

Bay Area Guy said...

Bloomy tries some humor - falls a bit flat, but not terrible.

Ozymandias said...

Bloomberg's lame joke about his lame performance falls flat, even with his cheering section.

Why do they try?

Limited blogger said...

Amy K
the rest

Yancey Ward said...

Hispanics being ignored tonight.

Bay Area Guy said...

Worst. Moderators.Ever.

Mark said...

Gentrification means being "bought out"??

Inga said...

WTF, As a Democrat I’m furious the they are blatantly hiving Bloomberg so much time. Bloomberg is a arrogant piece of shit and the Democratic Party needs to back away from him. If not, they are going to get more votes voting third party again.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

p.s. as has been pointed out elsewhere, "Medicare for all" would bear NO relationship to the current program. It simply cannot be done.

Right, because just like the Republican't that you are, you equate "reason" with a lack of any confidence and just hoping some billionaire does it for you instead. Weak.

Ozymandias said...

Joe vs. Gentriifcation. He just lost Brooklyn.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Limited blogger said...

Biden can't explain anything, he is ridiculout

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Biden is a total actor.

There's not one thing coming out of his old man mouth that he didn't practice in a mirror a few dozen times over the last week already.

Oh boy. Steyer's for reparations.

This event is all over the place.

Inga said...

WTF, As a Democrat I’m furious that they are blatantly giving Bloomberg so much time. Bloomberg is a arrogant piece of shit and theDemocratic Party needs to back away from him. If not, they are going to get more votes voting third party again.

Yancey Ward said...

Steyer talking about his bank again. Tom, no one is listening to you. Brings up reparations.

rcocean said...

Slow JOe, its not 1970 anymore. No a black man's house in a white neighborhood is NOT valued less than his white neighbor.

Jeez, where is Joe Biden getting that from?

effinayright said...

Millions of Americans will be reminded that these would-be Geriatric Masters of the Universe put their teeth into a glass of Efferdent every night.

Not a good look.

Ozymandias said...

CBS needs to start turning off microphones.

Mark said...

Oooh. They got yelled at by the teacher.

Andrew said...

Race, race, race. Then, a cacophony of voices.

Inga said...

Oh Biden STFU.

Temujin said...

The question: How do you convince black voters you can change years of inequities?

They just talked about education and none of them except for Bloomberg gets that charter schools are a giant step in that direction. These people just don't get how this works.

Ken B said...

Interesting to see the reactions here but not the debate. My impression
Yancey - confirmation bias. Sorry mon ami, but that's how it sounds
Inga - cannot take her seriously, even in the way Laslo does, as a data point
Limited blogger - appeals to *my* confirmation bias

rcocean said...

I agree, Bloomberg is really sneering at them. "Fellow contestants"?

Limited blogger said...

Amy K gone wonky

Can't win the debate that way, insult somebody

Mark said...

Reparations explains how Steyer is polling as well as he is in South Carolina.

Yancey Ward said...

No followup on reparations. No surprise- no one wants to touch that grenade.

Browndog said...

I tried. 5 minutes.

Would rather watch guys drill holes on Oak Island.

Yancey Ward said...

Klobuchar not forgiving student debt without conditions. Put a fork in her.

Inga said...

Amy is doing well tonight.

rcocean said...

Inga now has a lonely conservative fanclub.

Yay Inga. Maybe they'll send you flowers. Got an address?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Warren is full of imaginary complaints. Nevertheless, she persists.

Limited blogger said...

Berno has vanished

He's just running out the clock

the rest

Mark said...

Why don't you watch the debate instead of engaging in your own confirmation bias, Ken?

rcocean said...

IRC, everyone supported Reparations in the first or Second debate.

Yancey Ward said...

I will get confirmation when Bloomberg bombs out next Tuesday.

daskol said...

“Those 40 congresspeople who made Pelosi the leader...I bough bough...got them elected.

QUOTE OF THE NIGHT. It’s his almost “you can’t handle the truth” moment.

Bay Area Guy said...

They need a new format. It's not a lucid discourse.

Ken B said...

No one mentioned Bernie’s health, and his lie about releasing records? I predicted not. They lack the guts to get tough.

rcocean said...

CBS Moderator breaks in to ask about the most important topic in America:

Sugary Drinks.

Mark said...

Bloomberg is LEADER OF THE WORLD!!!

Andrew said...

I'm impressed with how Bernie (!) appears to be the adult in the room. He dominates when he speaks, and sounds like he has gravitas.

More time for Bloomberg.

Naked cowboy?! What?!

Limited blogger said...

Bloomberg is getting better. His jokes and humor are slightly off, but he'll improve as time goes on.

When he talks policy, he really knows what's going on.

Bay Area Guy said...

Ahh, they're trying to blame coronavirus on Trump.

effinayright said...

President Toilet Paper Shoe's Cooked-Up Drug Deal said...
p.s. as has been pointed out elsewhere, "Medicare for all" would bear NO relationship to the current program. It simply cannot be done.

Right, because just like the Republican't that you are, you equate "reason" with a lack of any confidence and just hoping some billionaire does it for you instead. Weak.

No, fuckwit, it's because "medicare for all" would make all doctors and medical professionals de facto federal employees, and they won't accept that. And going forward, what bright young person in his/her right mind would spend all those years in med school and afterwards to be rewarded with a piss-poor government-controlled G-14's salary?


rcocean said...

"I will get confirmation when Bloomberg bombs out next Tuesday."

I think bloomberg is staying till the end. His goal isn't the nomination, he just wants to torpedo Bernie and Warren.

Ken B said...

I said, I am watching the Raptors game. I check here during ads and stoppages. Good game.

Mark said...

Joe, didn't Obama task you with curing cancer already??

chuck said...

Wow. Bloomberg lies like a socialist :)

rcocean said...

Crazy Joe Biden. If we can put a man on the moon, we can cure fat thighs. Here's $50 billion.

Brian said...

Why are they all talking so fast. Warren especially. It’s like they are being laid by the word. And they keep trying to push as many into their time (and beyond).

It makes them all look like losers.

Ken B said...

It’s Trump BBerg really hates.

FullMoon said...

Naked cowboy?! What?!
Insider info on Bernie...project veritas has the video

Limited blogger said...

I'll give Biden a moment at top, cause he completed a thought...

Mike B.
Amy K.

Mark said...

Was it you, LB? -- it was someone here -- who in the last debate tried to sell people on the idea that Bloomberg did well.

Yancey Ward said...

Bloomberg is only killing Biden.

rcocean said...

Biden's already spending $500 Billion on climate change.

He's a pretty big spender for a "Moderate".

Inga said...

Yay Amy.

Brian said...

paid not laid. Stupid autocorrect

Ken B said...

Raptors up by 1

rcocean said...

Right KenB. He doesn't think a "radical" like Bernie can beat Trump.

Ozymandias said...

Fewer people in prison in China because they shoot them.

Yancey Ward said...

Bloomberg is right about marijuana legalization.

JAORE said...

"So what does Joe's corner tell him between rounds?"

Nothing, they are too busy trying to staunch the bleeding.

And, yep, Bloomie paid fr a lot of enthusiasts in the audience.

Inga said...


Mark said...

Bernie says, "Let's promote blacks as drug dealers!"

Andrew said...

Bloomie's answer on marijuana is awful.

Sanders: including China? Wow.

They are all avoiding the fact that Trump has actually pushed for criminal justice reform, successfully.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No, fuckwit, it's because "medicare for all" would make all doctors and medical professionals de facto federal employees, and they won't accept that. And going forward, what bright young person in his/her right mind would spend all those years in med school and afterwards to be rewarded with a piss-poor government-controlled G-14's salary?

Thanks for the conspiracy theory, fuckwit. I remember when Rand Paul said that doctors were going to be made slaves. I guess this is your watered down version of that idiotic talking point. Doctors aren't like you - they generally aren't comfortable with the massive coverage gaps that kill their patients once they leave the E.R. They have better ethics than you do. And if they don't then nothing would stop them from accepting payments out of pocket. Just like they do already - go talk to one and help him set up his medical boutique. But then, you've never talked to a doctor because being a Republican't means that if it didn't come from Sean Hannity's butt to your ears while sitting in your armchair, then it's not true.

Now go away, there's actual things going on. Take your sign outside their venue and go protest there. Fuckwit!

rcocean said...

Bernie is going to not only legalize Pot, he'll help Blacks set up shop to sell legalized Pot.

Boy does he love Black folks. What about free Cocaine Bernie?

Bay Area Guy said...

Well, I had a lot more fun watching the last debate. This is mostly a buzzkill. That probably helps Bernie since he has the big lead.

Inga said...

Holy crap, Biden. Everyone is rightfully treating him like a dementia patient.

Andrew said...

A Viking Cruise commercial. That strikes me as very funny, for some reason. An ad for the 1%. Not to mention the recent news about the virus cruise ship.

JAORE said...

Will history books acknowledge that Joe Biden wrote and passed, all by himself, every key piece of legislation from 1892 through today?

Yancey Ward said...

Ritmo made a good point in an earlier comment- Bloomberg should have entered the Republican primary. That is where his natural base is- NeverTrumpers and other moderate and fake Republicans. He could have done some real damage to Trump there, and then followed it up with an independent run that might well have peeled off 5% of Trump's voting support.

rcocean said...

Buttigig is in favor of legal Cocaine and Heroin. No one has attacked him for it. So, I guess all the D's are in favor. Looks like lots of folks are going to need that free medicare for all.

Lucien said...

Bernie says 150 million people have been killed since 2007 and no one has the guts to say that’s a ridiculous lie?

rcocean said...

"Will history books acknowledge that Joe Biden wrote and passed, all by himself, every key piece of legislation from 1892 through today?"

I think he gave Obama credit for Libya. He's generous.

Inga said...

“No, fuckwit, it's because "medicare for all" would make all doctors and medical professionals de facto federal employees, and they won't accept that. And going forward, what bright young person in his/her right mind would spend all those years in med school and afterwards to be rewarded with a piss-poor government-controlled G-14's salary?”

This guy is a moron. Does he have my idea how Medicare works? Do people go see ”government” doctors? Do nurses and medical staff get their paychecks from the government when they treat a Medicare patient? Oh the stupidity.

Limited blogger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

Lotta Bloomberg ads during the break. Unfair!

Yancey Ward said...

Bay Area Guy,

Yes, that is my impression, too. Not quite as lively or fun, which is going to favor the frontrunner. No one has laid a glove on Sanders tonight- no one.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

LOL - the "Republican National Jewish Committee" or whatever they call themselves just put out an anti-Bernie ad.

Lucien said...

Not Bernie, Biden. (Sorry, I was playing Go with Deng Xiaoping).

effinayright said...

Ken B said...

Inga - cannot take her seriously, even in the way Laslo does, as a data point
The thing is, points have no dimensions, but believe they ARE the Universe, just as the Monarch, the King of Pointland, does in Edwin Abbot's classic "Flatland".

"So far as the Monarch understands them ...... he cannot conceive of any other except himself—and plumes himself upon the variety of ‘Its Thought’ as an instance of creative Power. Let us leave this God of Pointland to the ignorant fruition of his omnipresence and omniscience: nothing that you or I can do can rescue him from his self-satisfaction.”

J. Farmer said...

Lotta Bloomberg ads during the break. Unfair!

Just tuned in and saw one where he said, "I led a complex, diverse city through 9/11." Hmm.

Limited blogger said...

Overall standings

1) Bloomberg
...Sanders (tie)
3) Amy
4) Steyer
5) Warren
...Biden (tie)
7) Buttijudge

Inga said...

Warren is so much better when she’s sticking to policy. I hope someone told her to just stop giving Bloomberg attention.

Andrew said...

Did Warren approve of Trump pulling out forces from Syria?

Bloomberg makes a 9/11 reference again.

Mayor Pete, grizzled and hardened veteran.

Ozymandias said...

Ann has quit. I don't blame her. This is a farce.

Mark said...

Saw a Trump commercial here in D.C.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This guy is a moron. Does he have my idea how Medicare works? Do people go see ”government” doctors? Do nurses and medical staff get their paychecks from the government when they treat a Medicare patient? Oh the stupidity.

Yep, he's a moron. But then if a Republican't couldn't make things up or repeat whatever lies their pundits tell them then they would be Republicoulds. Republicouldn'ts. Lol. It's the government so it's evil... which I guess is why Trump is running it.

No one's getting rid of Medicare. I wouldn't expand it as much as Bernie is but it's funny when a Republican't like this guy thinks that attacking Medicare is actually a popular, red scare rallying cry. LOL!

Bay Area Guy said...

Bloomberg is much better this time. Pete B should not be talking about his paltry military service.

Mark said...

I will say that Pete is the only one who is speaking calmly.

Mark said...

Oh, shut the hell up, bitch.

Ozymandias said...

Joe is sulking.

Yancey Ward said...


It is a good thing he isn't going to be the nominee or the VP candidate, because his service in Afghanistan would likely be lampooned by the people who served there with him.

Inga said...

Holy crap Amy is laughing at Biden. Poor Biden, his handlers have to tell him it’s time to step down.

Limited blogger said...

Bloomberg is having his breakout

Sanders neither gains nor loses support

The rest are circling the drain

Biden gets a going away present of winning SC by a narrow margin over Bernie

effinayright said...

Inga said...
“No, fuckwit, it's because "medicare for all" would make all doctors and medical professionals de facto federal employees, and they won't accept that. And going forward, what bright young person in his/her right mind would spend all those years in med school and afterwards to be rewarded with a piss-poor government-controlled G-14's salary?”

This guy is a moron. Does he have my idea how Medicare works? Do people go see ”government” doctors? Do nurses and medical staff get their paychecks from the government when they treat a Medicare patient? Oh the stupidity.

You simnply do not understand what "Medicare for all" WOULD DO.

If the government is the Single Payer, ALL the money medical professionals would get would be SET by...the government. Ergo they would effectively employees of that government.

Just what the fuck do think "single payer" means, sweetie?


Ozymandias said...

Klob: I agree. Mistake to waste opportunity to say "I agree."

Andrew said...

Poor Joe Biden, the only one obeying the rules. At least the moderator is sympathetic.

We're all going to die. Better go to the CDC website.

Mark said...

Enough of this malarky, Joe's gonna speak, by gum.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just tuned in and saw one where he said, "I led a complex, diverse city through 9/11." Hmm.

Hmmm. The fairy Nazi just chimed in to lament that Bloomberg couldn't whiten his city very effectively.


One hundred years ago they were saying the same things about the Irish and Italians "overrunning" it like in Gangs of New York.

Farmer Know Nothing Party.

FullMoon said...

Donald Trump Jr.
DNC rigging it against Bernie. His same consistent answers were never booed before tonight. It’s happening again. #DemDebate
Quote Tweet
Frank Hopper
· 23m
I thought it was strange that the audience was booing when they were, until I learned that tickets to get in cost thousands of dollars and weren't even available for general purchase. The audience is literally stacked. #DemDebate

Bay Area Guy said...

Does anyone else think this coronavirus "pandemic" is totally overblown? I may be out on a limb here, but I see a lot of panic & hysteria.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden saved millions of lives by stopping Ebola.

Andrew said...

Poor Joe Biden, the only one obeying the rules. At least the moderator is sympathetic.

Mrs. K.: We're all going to die. Better go to the CDC website.

Biden singlehandedly saved us from Ebola. Thanks Joe.

Yancey Ward said...

I think it is overblown, but am less certain than I was a month ago.

J. Farmer said...

A Viking Cruise commercial. That strikes me as very funny, for some reason. An ad for the 1%. Not to mention the recent news about the virus cruise ship.

Not sure how 1% cruises are, but here's a fun fact: the founder, Torstein Hagen, was a partner at McKinsey & Company, the management consulting firm that previously employed Pete Buttigieg

stephen cooper said...

"Bloomberg's path to the Democratic party nomination" is currently blocked by a crazy old man who looks like an angry muppet version of a crazy old uncle and who supports evil things like saying Castro was not all that bad even though he and his pals killed so many; and the only other block on his path is the lying harridan Elizabeth Warren who thought she scored on him tonight by calling him pro-life (he isn't, but compared to the crazy infanticide-supporting nitwits on the stage with him, he sort of is).

Trust me, tomorrow the betting markets on the 2020 presidential race are going to shift towards Bloomberg.
Can't see him winning Michigan or Pennsylvania, though, in November, too many Muslim anti-Semites in Michigan and too many hunters in Pennsylvania.

Ozymandias said...

B'Berg; "make a fuss"???

Inga said...

Biden is right here. He made a good point about the CDC and NIH.

Sanders is right about Trump downplaying the Coronavirus. So did some leader in Iran.

Temujin said...

Please oh please oh please let the coronavirus dissipate by April.

J. Farmer said...

Hmmm. The fairy Nazi just chimed in to lament that Bloomberg couldn't whiten his city very effectively.

No, I chimed in to lament that Bloomberg was not mayor on 9/11.

daskol said...

Biy, back when I was predicting Warren would rise above this field of midgets, some tall, I severely overestimated her political skills. I’m very glad for that because even in overestimating her powers, she’s still the most dangerous spokesperson for the very worst possible ideas imaginable for our country. Everything she’s done and suggests is bad to catastrophic for us. Dear lord.

effinayright said...

President Toilet Paper Shoe's Cooked-Up Drug Deal said...
This guy is a moron. Does he have my idea how Medicare works? Do people go see ”government” doctors? Do nurses and medical staff get their paychecks from the government when they treat a Medicare patient? Oh the stupidity.

Yep, he's a moron. But then if a Republican't couldn't make things up or repeat whatever lies their pundits tell them then they would be Republicoulds. Republicouldn'ts. Lol. It's the government so it's evil... which I guess is why Trump is running it.

No one's getting rid of Medicare. I wouldn't expand it as much as Bernie is but it's funny when a Republican't like this guy thinks that attacking Medicare is actually a popular, red scare rallying cry. LOL!
More bullshit. I attacked "Medicare for all, not Medicare". Myself, I've been paying into Medicare my whole life, and I expect to be on it very soon.

But that's an entirely different kettle of fish from ditching that system for the elderly, and making the government in charge of medical care FROM BIRTH.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just what the fuck do think "single payer" means, sweetie?

It means no more executive thieves skimming 20% off the top for an overhead cost that doesn't otherwise exist and so that they can suck out handsome profits for themselves that Medicare administrators don't have.

It also means that we would no longer pay twice as much per capita as the next most expensive system for lower quality outcomes.

Now go ignore all that analysis and start cussing and getting angry.

Gk1 said...

I'm a little disappointed they aren't using their best Hillary southern drawl, to talk and make valid points. "I ain't no wazze tar-ed. I've come too looonngg fer' that" "I specu-la-tin' that we y'allz need to appoint us a coronavirus Kah-ZAR"

Ozymandias said...

B'berg just doesn't have the personal force to put a point across.

Bay Area Guy said...

I think Bernie wins, since nobody knocked him off his perch.

Slow Joe gets excitable.

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "Biden saved millions of lives by stopping Ebola."

Biden led the US Civil Rights contingent to Greenland where they were arrested by Bull Connor, Boss Hogg and a very small child with a twig.

Biden remembers that vividly. As vividly as FDR speaking at Christmas time in 1969 about the Vietnam War. A conflict where Biden won the Silver Star.....on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

rcocean said...

I didn't realize Joe Biden was President in the 1990's and from 2009-2016.

Andrew said...

Biden is cracking me up with his China stream of consciousness.

Warren attacking Bloomberg again. She's a good attack dog.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No, I chimed in to lament that Bloomberg was not mayor on 9/11.

Right, only a few short months later when there were absolutely no consequences whatsoever from it to keep dealing with and leading the city through.

New York ain't like one of your grain silos, Twinkle Toes. It's not just like you sweep up and everything's all cleared up.

Drago said...

rcocean: "I didn't realize Joe Biden was President in the 1990's and from 2009-2016."

He was also the lead dancer for the Radio City Rockettes!

C'mon Man!!

Yancey Ward said...

Steyer still there? Surprised me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Elizabeth is actually doing a better job than anyone else up there of trying to stay on topic.

There must be something in the water in South Carolina. I think the candidates know that the way to keep that audience engaged was with a good throw-down trailer brawl.

Hopefully they'll get some good BBQ later.

Temujin said...

I don't care about ANYONE'S TAX RETURN. Except mine. That's it. That's all anyone should be worried about.

Drago said...

"There must be something in the water in South Carolina. I think the candidates know that the way to keep that audience engaged was with a good throw-down trailer brawl."

Call me when they start the Tennessee Leg "rasslin'"

Yancey Ward said...

Good point for Sanders on the Politburo.

Ozymandias said...

Bernie gets rattled on China vs Cuba.

Bay Area Guy said...

Ooh, Bernie on the defensive about Cuba and socialists. I like it.

Inga said...

The dummy doesn’t know that Medicare for All will be built on the foundation of Medicare.

Yancey Ward said...

Sanders not backing down on the Cuba stuff- a good plan in my opinion. Kind of like Trump in that regard.

rcocean said...

Bernie, bernie, get off Allende's Chile and Cuba. Stop living in the past dude.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden making a mistake here about Obama- will get fact checked.

Limited blogger said...

I suspected a Bloomberg nomination many months ago.

I see it coming to fruition tonight.

Drago said...

Shorter Biden: I'm big. BIG, ya hear? It's the campaigns that got small.......

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But that's an entirely different kettle of fish from ditching that system for the elderly, and making the government in charge of medical care FROM BIRTH.

The government's in charge of any Medicare recipient's "medical care?"

That's news to me, and to anyone with a pulse. I didn't realize that Medicare hired doctors and told them what to do.

Bay Area Guy said...

Bernie hearts Daniel Ortega

J. Farmer said...

Right, only a few short months later when there were absolutely no consequences whatsoever from it to keep dealing with and leading the city through.

"I led a complex, diverse city through 9/11." -M.B.

Uh huh.

Ozymandias said...

Bernie's getting hit and he's steaming.

Yancey Ward said...

Obama had lots of nice things to say about Cuba- didn't mean he supported the dictatorship, and neither does it for Sanders. I think both are nuts, but there it is.

Inga said...

Thank you for being clear on authoritarianism Bernie.

Oh shut up Butti, you little twerp.

rcocean said...

My TV subtitles translated Nicaragua as "Nicg trans wax". Guess it the Noo Yawk accent that threw it.

Ozymandias said...

Bernie''s going to have another MI.

Mark said...

The ENTIRE Dem Party was all too happy to prop up the Sandinistas' oppression of Nicaragua.

They were all too happy to prop up Fidel and send storm troopers into a home to forcibly seize a young boy who had escaped and send him back to those murderous thugs.

Little late in the day to claim to be anti-communists.

Yancey Ward said...

Sanders not letting Buttuvwxyz get away with this line of attack.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Baby Face is from fucking Indiana. Everything's radical to him. Sugar cereals are "radical" to him.

Limited blogger said...

I think they've aligned behind mayor Mike, amazing!!

Bernie blowing a gasket!

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "Biden making a mistake here about Obama- will get fact checked."

No he won't.

Why waste the time?

In 2 weeks Slow Joe will be sunning himself poolside while his nurse tries to put a double knot in his bath robe sash to keep it closed.

Gojuplyr831@gmail.com said...

Tried to watch this. It runs as a poor attempt at Monty Python - a very poor attempt.

Ozymandias said...

Klob is a verbal narcotic.

Andrew said...

Wow, Bernie doubling down on his leftist bullsh-t.

Not a good look for him when he's that angry.

Inga said...

“Obama had lots of nice things to say about Cuba- didn't mean he supported the dictatorship, and neither does it for Sanders.”

Thank you! True.

Ozymandias said...

Bernie's flailing to get of the red issue.

Bay Area Guy said...

Russia hoax topic!

Ozymandias said...


Yancey Ward said...

Sanders is winning this going away at this point.

The people trying to sell Bloomberg- you are mistaking yourself for the primary electorate- that is a mistake. Put yourself into the shoes of the Ingas of the world.

Ozymandias said...

Joe living in the past.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"I led a complex, diverse city through 9/11." -M.B.

Uh huh.

Ok, so by 9/12 no leadership was needed. Even when W. was standing on the rubble with that bull horn days later.

Any other semantics you'd like to argue? I mean you are smart enough to tell biologists and anthropologists how crucial and meaningful the concept of race is and why it should be our basis for electing presidents and deciding immigration policy so I'm sure you're an expert on how New York City manages disaster responses and the massive changes they bring about as well.

rcocean said...

Joe Biden will make Russia PAY for interfering. Joe Biden will Stare down China. Joe Biden will "take Care" of North Korea.

Joe Biden - first he takes on Cornpop, now the world.

Yancey Ward said...

Andrew, he always looks like that, and he is now the frontrunner.

Drago said...

Inga: "Thank you! True."

tsk tsk tsk.

Sorry. We're playing by your rules now.

Say something nice about an authoritarian? Well, a "cuckholster" slur can't be far behind.

Not to worry. Trump won't have to say a word. The dem establishment is already doing that.

Will it affect the Bernie bros? Certainly not. Others on the fringe of Bernie Bro-dom? I'm thinking no.

A few percent in the middle? No question.

Andrew said...

Russia again?!

Someone should ask Joe to name the 17 agencies.

Steyer doesn't seem to realize that impeachment was a bust.

Mark said...

The Dems wanted to impeach Reagan when he tried to stop the Sandinistas and bring freedom to Nicaragua.

Yancey Ward said...

None of these guys read the Mueller Report.

Inga said...

Everyday Democrats do not like Bloomberg, I believe most of us see him as another arrogant Billionaire who thinks he can rule the little people.

rcocean said...

Bernie needs to stay away from that "We sure were mean to the Commies back then" rhetoric.

Bay Area Guy said...

Myself, I don't think 13 Russian trolls posting campaign bullshit on Facebook is an "attack" of any significance. And, No, I'm not an asset of Putin.

effinayright said...

It is very satisfying to know, as I'm sure most of you agree tonight, that Inga, Chuck and Pee-Pee Tape will be sobbing into their feculent pillows tonight, finally realizing in their resentment-filled hearts that the Dems will be well and truly FUCKED in the 2020 election.

We can expect a New Wave of Preppers, this time on the Left, going all Ted Kaczynski by decamping to the woods to live in squalor, and raising Tiny and Impotent Fists of Fury against not just "the Man", but the "Orange Man Bad" Man.


Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "Ok, so by 9/12 no leadership was needed. Even when W. was standing on the rubble with that bull horn days later."


After that no one could hear for 6 months.

Problem solved.

You didn't know W knew how to employ the Chewbacca Noise Strategy, did you? Karl Rove you magnificent bastard!

rcocean said...

Now its who can pander about Israel the most. Time for a break.

Ozymandias said...

Bernie: Must have policy on Israel and Palestinians." Yes, so what is it?

Limited blogger said...

This fight has been called...

Winner by TKO - Mayor 'Mini-Mike' Bloomberg!!

Bay Area Guy said...

Bernie does not heart Bibi

Inga said...

“Inga: "Thank you! True."

tsk tsk tsk.

Sorry. We're playing by your rules now.”

I agreed with Yancy Ward. What are you trying to say? You sound a bit confused.

Mark said...


Palestinians don't think that Allah gave them that land.

Yancey Ward said...

Shorter Bay Area Guy:

Я не русский шпион.

J. Farmer said...

Any other semantics you'd like to argue?

No. Now I'm just laughing at how easy it is to get your goad.

rcocean said...

Tulsi a russian asset
Bernie being helped by Putin
Trump a russian spy.

I'm noticing a pattern. Right Hillary?

Automatic_Wing said...

And, No, I'm not an asset of Putin.

Oh sure...that's exactly what a Putin asset would say.

narciso said...

No hes like corbyn that laid a reath ay the tomb of munich killers.

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