১৭ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২০

"Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren all must weigh the costs of punching Bloomberg where he looks most vulnerable: stop-and-frisk, charges of sexism, billionaire entitlement...."

"The more zealous the attacks, the greater the risk he turns his campaign ATM against them. They're already struggling to catch up with Sanders in national support and campaign dollars. Turning their focus toward Bloomberg only complicates that task. There's another risk, at least for the moderates: Weakening the one who may be best poised to stop Sanders, a democratic socialist, if they fail themselves.... By not competing in the four early states, Bloomberg has gone basically unchallenged, allowing him to define himself without interference or really any debate. This has made him a top-tier candidate and the only one with the certain cash to run to the end."

Axios summarizes.

It's crazy that Bloomberg has achieved such status in the race without exposing his candidate skills to the people. We have no idea what impression he will make on a debate stage, which will be crucial for challenging Trump. Bloomberg has stood back and watched so many of the Democratic candidates drop out, candidates who had to try to stand out in a debate and couldn't make it in a heavy crowd. Now, the crowd has thinned out, and everyone left is running out of money. And here's Mike, with endless money and still waiting to go on stage.

Will he even be in the next debate, which is this Wednesday? The DNC changed the qualification rules to help Bloomberg. They got rid of the requirement of a number of donors. But he needs some number of polls putting him over 10%, and the latest info I can find, here, says he's still one short. It's funny, because I was just checking for new polls at Real Clear Politics, and there hasn't been anything new since last Friday and no new national poll since last Wednesday. The most recent national poll surveyed people from 2/9 to 2/11. That seems odd, doesn't it? Are polls being held back? I remember before the Iowa caucus, the Des Moines Register held back its poll.

I wonder if the Democrats aren't getting themselves into terrible trouble over Mike Bloomberg. I like listening to "Morning Joe" on my car radio as I drive back home after my sunrise run. This is a 5 minute drive and about all I can tolerate, but it's good for giving me a sense of what Democrats are freaking out about at the moment. Today, they were tormenting themselves over Mike Bloomberg. He's got race-and-gender problems, but so did Trump. He's a billionaire, but so is Trump. If Trump did it, shouldn't that mean Bloomberg can do it?

I don't think they've faced up to why Trump was able to do what he did. Without first giving Trump credit, they're in no position to say so then Mike can do it too. It sounded to me as though they think of Trump as evidence that weird magic things happen. So, why not Mike? At the very least, they should recognize that Trump had a powerful skill in knocking down rivals on the debate stage, and Bloomberg has yet to set foot on the stage. It's crazy to forsake all others for Bloomberg.

২৪৩টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   243 এর 201 – থেকে 243
Achilles বলেছেন...

Their problem is that Trump is not racist, anti-gay, or a fascist.

Bloomberg is racist, is anti-gay, is sexist, and is an actual fascist.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

It's good to see [Cook] arguing that making the trains run on time is a socialist accomplishment.

@chuck (lowercase ‘c’), but if you’ve ever been to Washington, DC, and ridden their Metro you know that the trains in Washington do not run on time.

chuck বলেছেন...

least four different words or phrases for “manners.”

And different language for men and women. My step sister honed her Japanese waiting tables in an Hawaiian establishment that catered to Japanese men. When she got to Japan people were taken aback that she spoke "male" Japanese.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@chuck (lowercase ‘c’), did not know that. Interesting.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

I asked a Japanese-American friend for tips before I traveled there. For example, I asked for the word for 'toilet'. Turned out, his knowledge was out of date. When I used the word in Japan I was told, "We don't use that word anymore". Oops.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Yes, Mike. Actually, I have visited Japan three times in the past but it's been a few decades. ;-) Fell in love with it the first time. Subsequent two visits were business and I had no time to explore. First time my husband was on business and I explored every day on my own. One thing I really like is the utter cleanliness of the place.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Mike: I know of at least two words for toilet. Tearai and benjo. Which one is no longer used?

mockturtle বলেছেন...

And different language for men and women.

In some things, yes. :-)

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Bloomberg is racist, is anti-gay, is sexist, and is an actual fascist.

Absolutely, Achilles!!!

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Sorry, mock. My trip was in 1991. (benjo kind of rings a bell, but it's been a long time)

It was a scientific conference in Kyoto, but I only attended the conference to give my talk (very unusual behavior for me). Spent all my time exploring. I had the time of my life.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Bloomberg is racist, is anti-gay, is sexist, and is an actual fascist."

Yes, but he's their racist, anti-gay, sexist, fascist.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Hey, Bernie. By you you're a socialist, and by me you're a socialist. But by Lenin are you a socialist?

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Mike, did you go to a hostess bar? Quite an experience, isn't it? ;-) My husband and I were invited by our host.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

I did not. I did go bar hopping. Sometimes, you'd open the door to a very small place, the patrons would all turn and stare, and the barkeep would shoe you out. So you'd move on to the next one.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Let’s take a short trip down memory lane to see the president’s very special affection for stop and frisk. His tweets:

I fully support the @NYPD, @MayorBloomberg and @CommissionerKelly. They should all be honored for protecting us since 9/11---not demonized. (5/5/12)

Stop and frisk works. Instead of criticizing @NY_POLICE Chief Ray Kelly, New Yorkers should be thanking him for keeping NY safe. (7/3/13)

.@NY_POLICE Commissioner Ray Kelly has done a top job keeping NYC safe. Stop & Frisk has been a critical tool for the NYPD. (8/19/13)

@The_Anti_Fox: @realDonaldTrump @NY_POLICE then Donald will be OK being stopped and frisked 3 times a week, making you late" O.K. with me! (8/20/13)


Gahrie বলেছেন...

Bloomberg is racist, is anti-gay, is sexist, and is an actual fascist.

Bloomberg is actually exactly the guy the Left thinks Trump is.

Jim at বলেছেন...


I know this might come as a surprise to you, but Trump isn't trying to win the nomination of those who are largely opposed to stop and frisk. And if you think the general is going to come down to that issue? You might want to make other plans on election night.

wbfjrr2 বলেছেন...

Here in Arizona Bloomberg commercials are non stop. Even a supporter could get fed up with them.

I notice he’s changed how he pronounces his name. Started as “blumberg”, now he says “bloomberg “. I wonder if he used focus groups to decide to do that.

Regarding buying up all the air time that could end up freezing out not only his direct competitors, but also down ballot candidates on both sides, not just the Dem side. In that case, voter turnout will determine winners IMO. At this snapshot in time, looks to me like republicans are more united than ever before in my lifetime, and no matter which Dem gets the nomination there will be large butt-hurt segments of their potential voters.

Indirectly related to the Bannon opinion re Bannon being the tool for the Clintons, I was convinced for a very long time in 2016 that Trump was working for Hilary to destroy GOP chances, with the “crazy” stuff he often said and did.

Much to my surprise and glee, he wasn’t and thus far has been terrific, aside from a few regrettable tweets. Not having been a target of any, and seeing him still winning despite them, I can live with that.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Yeah, gadfly, Stop & Frisk works and his supporters know it.


n.n বলেছেন...

Diversity breeds adversity. However, was it a color judgment, or a judgment in color?

wildswan বলেছেন...

Interesting comment train but I go with:
Barry Dauphin said...
So the headline will read, "Despite spending millions, Bloomberg is still short."

The Dems have issues with their issues. They can't decide whether they are better represented by a billionaire or a Communist. Are white guys all right again or has the shadow of patriarchal racist hegemony fallen across the land? Should they buy the election or steal it? And - is anyone competent enough to do anything if anything is ever decided to be done or is it minions and lackeys all the way down?

Michael K বলেছেন...

gadfly has money invested in a remake of "Death Wish." Why else would he post that nonsense.?

Iman বলেছেন...

They need to remember to punch up, not down, which may require some contortions and pulled muscles, given teh mini-tycoon’s short stature.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Here in Arizona Bloomberg commercials are non stop. Even a supporter could get fed up with them.”

It is the AZ Senate race that is going to be interesting. The Democrat appears to have raised more money than anyone else running this year - a bit over $20m. His Republican opponent, Sen McSally, has raised maybe $12m, which would be great anywhere else.

AllenS বলেছেন...

I was in Japan in 1968, and the word for toilet was ben jo. All that they had back then was the old squat toilets.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Bloomberg Caught On Tape Saying the Elderly Should Be Denied Medical Care Because of Cost Overruns

Please nominate this guy, Dems.

Gk1 বলেছেন...

I'm surprised no one has compared mini-Mike to the other media oligarch who owned a major media empire, William Randolph Hearst. He too had aspirations of being president but for some reason never took off because of his portly appearance, thin reedy voice and tin ear for politics. Sounds pretty familiar to me.

Michael K বলেছেন...

It is the AZ Senate race that is going to be interesting.

I sure hope she runs a better race this time. She is fine in small groups. I know her. Her campaign in 2018 was all negative and no debates.

Kelly seems to be a one issue guy on guns with the Democrat platform the rest. Lefties in Tucson but I don't know about the rest of the state.

JAORE বলেছেন...

The left is always looking for the silver bullet candidate. If we run an African American (worked once), if we nominate a woman (Hillary), if we nominate a decorated veteran (Kerry), if we get someone with superficial Trump characterizations (billionaire, thin-skinned, basis for saying racist and sexist). Boy we have him now!

Instead they have someone with all of Trumps flaws (real or imagined) but none of his joy, enthusiasm, showmanship of even obvious love of country.

Sorry, Mike, you come up short.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Kelly seems to be a one issue guy on guns with the Democrat platform the rest.

I'm sure he's being heavily financed by Californians. McSally got off on the wrong foot last time by not supporting Trump. I'll vote for her but hope, as you do, that she runs a more effective campaign. Hers was one of the worst I've ever seen at the Senatorial level.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Bloomberg Caught On Tape Saying the Elderly Should Be Denied Medical Care Because of Cost Overruns

So, if he gets cancer, he will refuse treatment?

Chuck বলেছেন...

Althouse; I haven’t read all of the 200+ comments, so I don’t know if others have already made this point...

But I don’t think Trump will agree to any debates. Not after this summer, when Trump’s tax returns may be exposed and even more Trump scandals come to light.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

But I don’t think Trump will agree to any debates. Not after this summer, when Trump’s tax returns may be exposed and even more Trump scandals come to light.

Hope springs eternal, eh Chuckie?

Drago বলেছেন...

Banned Commenter and #StrongDemSupporter LLR-lefty Chuck: "But I don’t think Trump will agree to any debates. Not after this summer, when Trump’s tax returns may be exposed and even more Trump scandals come to light."


So. Much. Winning.

Michael S. Kochin বলেছেন...

TDS means never being called out for being crazy.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Bill Crawford said...
Would it be illegal for Bloomberg to offer each of them $100 million to drop out
Hey, I resemble that remark last month.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Not after this summer, when Trump’s tax returns may be exposed and even more Trump scandals come to light.

The idiot forgets when Rachel Madcow got a leaked Trump 1995 tax return.

She was waving it on the air until she noticed that he paid $25 million in income tax that year. There's probably a video somewhere.

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

Do you get paid per post, or per reply?

Birkel বলেছেন...

I promise I will drop out of the race for a cool $10,000,000 and step aside for Mike Bloomberg.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Birkel. I’ll do it for half that!

404 Page Not Found বলেছেন...

Who says Buttigieg and Klobuchar are "moderates"?

wbfjrr2 বলেছেন...

Re the AZ senate race, other than her dustup with the CNN reporter a few weeks ago, she’s been totally invisible. I couldn’t believe the Governor appointed her to this partial term after she got beaten by one of the looniest candidates ever here in AZ. Don’t let Sinema fool you, dresses to her advantage but still votes to impeach, Twice.

McSally lost me when she came out for Sessions recusing himself back when she was a House member. One of the all time dumbest moves in my lifetime politically by Sessions, and she helped push the false Dem narrative.

She can’t decide to do what she needs to do to win, and that’s to go all in on Trump.Shes here in Tucson, and tries to tiptoe hoping some of the UofA liberals will come over to her, which is brain dead.

I’ll still have to vote for her unless it’s obvious she’s gonna lose, then I’ll just skip her. Lousy politician, which happens to be her current profession, thus better not to suck at it.

realist বলেছেন...

MikeR said...
"Personally I think their best chance is just to hope that Bernie Sanders wins the general, and just support him."

Let's address that hypothetical - even though I think it's pretty unlikely that he would win, because Republicans will go negative on his policy proposals and past to a degree that Democrats haven't done in the primaries.

If Sanders does win, though, it would set off intra-party fighting among the Democrats of epic proportions. It would be something like what the Republicans had with the Tea Party and Freedom Caucus, but about 5x worse. The Sanders/AOC wing of the party would want all sorts of legislation that lots of Democratic Senators and Reps from swing states/districts wouldn't support. Good chance it ends up an epic mess of primary challenges from the left-wing party against moderate members and losing lots of seats in the House and Senate.

And, to address the rejoinder that wouldn't be the case because Sanders would have won enough states to be elected President. If Sanders wins over Trump, the lesson would be (1) that Trump's high negatives with groups such as affluent suburban women outweighed worries about Sanders' policy positions and (2) those affluent suburban voters thought that most of the Sanders policy platform would never make it through Congress.

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