February 6, 2020
James Carville — glasses on crooked, foaming at the mouth — rages about Democrats veering far left and losing touch with American voters.
"This party needs to wake up and make sure that we talk about things are relevant to people. We need to go back to 2018 where we had good, diverse, strong candidates that had real connections to the community and talked about real things.... We’re like talking about people voting from jail cells.... We’re talking about not having a border. I mean, come on, people. Everyday people are out there struggling. We’re trying to get votes in Northern Wisconsin and Western Pennsylvania."
We’re trying to get votes in Northern Wisconsin and Western Pennsylvania."
Are you?
By revoking the 2nd amendment?
By outlawing Fraccing?
By eliminating the Electoral College?
Tell us More, about what you "Moderate Democrats" want?
Oh, I forgot:
Free Health Care for ALL Illegal Aliens
I'm not listing Bernie's platform; I'm listing Jo Biden's!
He's right. He's an asshole, but an asshole with good political instincts.
How about Mayor Pete Butifuc's platform?
A $15-an-hour minimum wage/A universal child allowance of at least $2,000 per child, and quadrupling of the earned income tax credit for single adults/'Affordable, universal full-day child care and pre-K for all children from infancy to age 5'/A path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants/A Medicare buy-in open to all meant to 'create a natural glide-path to Medicare for All'/A cap on all student loan payments as a share of income, forgiven in full after 20 years/... DC/Puerto Rico statehood, banning gerrymandering, ending the Electoral College, and ending the filibuster/Expanding and reforming the Supreme Court to curb partisan rulings/Sectoral union bargaining where agreements apply to whole industries, not just individual companies/A carbon tax rebated to taxpayers in cash, plus a quadrupling of research and development funding for clean energy...
Tell us MORE about these "Moderates"?
They want to beat Trump but can’t think of anything going wrong policy-wise that they can explain and advocate a solution. Their platform is a laundry list of giveaways. Those of us with new or growing paychecks (especially) don’t want to simply hand it over to the govt.
Isn’t Western Pennsylvania where Barack Obama called the people “bitter clingers to their guns and their religion”?
No, he’s wrong. We have it on good authority that all of the Bernie supporters are going to line up foursquare behind Mayor Cheat.
Carville’s age is finally catching up to his cranky disposition.
2018? Does he not remember Trump getting elected? I remember after Trumps surprise election some liberal writer, and I wish I could remember who because it was such an incredible moment of self-realization, ask if they were one of the freaks in the capital in The Hunger Games. That was probably the day after but any thoughts that anyone may have had like that have gotten subsumed into the Whirlwind of trump derangement syndrome never to be seen again.
It’s the economy, stupid.
Carville is reminding the dems to look at what women are thinking and go for that.
Biden is roadkill, due to his operative/whistleblower, not to mention that he’s a clueless old coot who looks on video the way SNL used to have to use actors to make Reagan look.
Once the corners of his lips became coated with foam, I found him very hard to listen to!
Also, when it was time for Claire McCaskill to ask her question, he basically said hi to her then continued to rave. She never got to ask anything! Hello, James, you're in the party of women and you totally disrespected the woman.
Now, all they have is Pete, but they pre-destroyed Pete with the offensive black-people-won't-vote-for-him argument.
If ever a woman had earned disrespect, it’s McCaskill, who got into the Senate on her husband’s name and thought it was because people believed in her nonsense.
The Iowa skullduggery has destroyed Mayor Cheat. You don’t that often watch elections get stolen in front of your eyes like that. Usually they are a lot more subtle.
For two days they held back the pro Bernie precints and nobody could figure out why they were stuck on the precincts that Howdy Doodie had won. There were maybe more features in that software than we thought. Features like “Which precincts should we release in what order to maximize the benefit for our inside guy?
TIL that Northern Wisconsin and Western Pennsylvania are separate states now.
Iowa has tarred Mayor Cheat with the stink of the Clintons.
Fulminating against "liblabs" like the actor who played him in Primary Colors.
You know. The one who was married to Angelina Jolie.
Not him. The other one.
Billy Bob Thornton.
Let's all look longingly back to a time when Dems weresane and rationsl and offering solid, workable policy positions instead of seeking to buy votes with freebie giveaways... 2018??
But his wife made an epic call before the last election, bless her:
Plus, she’s super hot in that outfit.
Ann: It’s not an argument; it’s a fact. Blacks won’t vote for Mayor Cheat.
I don't believe "We’re trying to get votes in Northern Wisconsin and Western Pennsylvania."
I think they just try to get more votes in Milwaukee and Philadelphia to offset the people they can't and won't understand in the northern Wisconsin and western Pennsylvania. He's saying Dems need to fear the power of northern Wisconsin and western Pennsylvania, but he's telling them to start trying to do something they have not been doing.
I like the quote "You can't run a Whole Foods campaign in a Campbell's Soup Country"
I am sure Carville is mistaken. There was a book out not long ago about how democrats were going to rule for 40 years. I am sure I saw that somewhere.
Are we getting to a point where a third political party could become viable?
Blogger Mr. Groovington said...
But his wife made an epic call before the last election, bless her:
That was amazing! How is she married to James Carville?
She had a completely sober reasonable and accurate analysis that no one had before the election in 2016. And Althouse, you've got to go look at it just to see her dress. It is fantastic.
I think Trump there is a good chance is going to do with a lot of working class hispanics and blacks what he did with a big chunk working class whites who had previously voted for Obama - he’s going to flip them.
The democrats are asking workers to commit economic suicide to fix the climate, give healthcare to illegal immigrants, and give up their right to self-defense with a firearm. Trump is going it have an easy time pounding that simple message home.
I don’t see how the democrats have a winning message.
Mayor Pete will not make it. He's gotten a bit of a free pass (aside from the fact that his own constituents don't like him and he oversees a city in a mess). But no one has taken him seriously. They will. And when they do they'll actually go back to look at what he's been saying. Not the 5 second sound bites that sound moderate and sensible. But his actual policy positions, his playbook, his promises. He's every bit as far left as those standing on either side of him.
Carville is correct in that this is not only not Hubert Humphrey's Dem party. it's not even Barack Obama's Dem party. These freaks have gone so far to the Left, they think they should be checking with LGBT school kids to get direction on who their next Education Dept. head should be. They support taking apart everything that our culture has existed on for centuries now. Change is one thing. To hold hands and jump off a cliff together is another thing entirely.
"foaming at the mouth, raging"
"James, you're in the party of women and you totally disrespected the woman."
Does that even need to be said?
"If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find."
How is she married to James Carville?
Some people believe, others are in show biz.
Still used the word 'diverse'...in to the trash he goes. Talk about insincere.
Hello, James, you're in the party of women and you totally disrespected the woman.
I don't see that at all. Carville disrespected Democrats. McCaskill just happened to be in his line of fire. The spin leftist put on Carville was his fear of Bernie. But Carville was very clear, Democrat candidates have ignored those issues important to Democrat voters specifically, and all citizens in general. Democrat candidates are running on concepts important to a small contingent of radical Dems. At the cost of ignoring the voters
Aunty Trump said...
"If ever a woman had earned disrespect, it’s McCaskill, who got into the Senate on her husband’s name and thought it was because people believed in her nonsense."
Not to mention that she helped a straw candidate to win the (R) primary so she could defeat him.
The Dems have hardly gone "far left," and anyone who says so is either deluded or has an agenda. The only candidate that seems to have a chance of winning is the most "far left" of the bunch, Bernie Sanders, because he speaks to the concerns of people in the nation. The rest of the Dems are in the pockets of their corporate masters whose lobbying money and campaign contributions they rely on to maintain their self-interested political careers. The Dems lost in 2016 because Hillary was a terrible candidate and because the Dems had not, during Obama's term, addressed the needs and concerns of the American people. The more the Dems harden their neither-too-hot-nor-too-cold middle of the roadism, the less compelling they are to more and more voters.
From the aforementioned article:
"My consultants put together a $1.7 million plan. Four weeks out we would begin with a television ad boosting Akin, which my campaign consultant Mike Muir dubbed “A Cup of Tea.” The production costs were pretty low, about $20,000, because we didn’t have to film anything. We just used pictures and voice-overs. We would spend $750,000 at first and run it for eight or nine days. Then we’d go back into the field and test to see if it was working. If it was, we’d dump in more “McCaskill for Senate” money, and we’d add radio and more TV in St. Louis and Kansas City."
My guess is he's probably talking about people who voted for Obama twice and then voted for Trump. He wants those people back, or he wants them to stay home. Or maybe what he's really worried about are suburbanites who voted against Obama twice and then voted for Hillary. They could also be turned off by the rhetoric this cycle. There weren't enough of them to win last time, but if they are scared off this time and don't vote, it will be that much worse for the Democrats.
What needs to be said to Democrats, is Socialism has no place in the party. A good start would be to immediately remove Sanders from participating in the nomination. The four idiot women also need to be notified that their behavior will not be tolerated anymore, so move on to some other political party.
That will never happen.
Bernie Sanders, the rich old white guy who owns multiple valuable properties, is now a hero of the "99%" movement from a few years ago. What a bunch of clowns. Please, let the Dems nominate that jackass.
C'mon Jimmy, that Overton Window ain't gonna move itself!
Robert Cook said... The rest of the Dems are in the pockets of their corporate masters whose lobbying money and campaign contributions they rely on to maintain their self-interested political careers.
It's amusing Cookie thinks this conflicts with leftism. In reality though a Corporatist system is substantially the same as a Socialist system, the only difference is which tiny elite sits on top of the other, government officials or the business leaders. This distinction is very important in leftist mythology but is meaningless in reality.
"By outlawing Fraccing?"
Fracking should be outlawed. It is dangerous to the environment, contaminating ground water with carcinogenic chemicals and exposing animals and people living nearby to these and other hazardous agents; instances of tap water in areas near fracking operations becoming flammable; links to earthquake activity; pollution of the air; excess use of water in areas already short of available potable water.
Robert Cook, you can't possibly still believe the easily debunked "flammable drinking water" tall tale, can you? Talk about choosing ignorance as a lifestyle, you, sir, have mastered the art.
@RobertCook, Fracking does allow the USA to be more independent of Middle-Eastern oil. This is a good thing. Until all energy is clean and safe (i.e., never), I would prefer this.
Now, all they have is Pete, but they pre-destroyed Pete with the offensive black-people-won't-vote-for-him argument.
@Althouse, why is it “offensive”? I did a little research on just this issue and found that the black residents of South Bend believe that Buttigieg’s policies were horribly insensitive to the needs of his black constituents, and that his urban renewal projects destroyed black neighborhoods. You really need to start viewing working class black homeowners as real people who have needs that are not dissimilar to the needs of working class while people.
The way Donald Trump does.
"TIL that Northern Wisconsin and Western Pennsylvania are separate states now."
Well, Western PA really should be its own state. They get the scraps left over from Harrisburg.
"Fracking should be outlawed. It is dangerous to the environment, contaminating groundwater with carcinogenic chemicals and exposing animals and people living nearby to these and other hazardous agents; instances of tap water in areas near fracking operations becoming flammable; links to earthquake activity; pollution of the air; excess use of water in areas already short of available potable water."
I'd like to see your research. The movie Gas Land has been largely debunked.
"....but they pre-destroyed Pete with the offensive black-people-won't-vote-for-him argument."
Sucks when the truth is offensive. Milwaukee is not Madison. The population living at 10th and Capitol isn't going to go out of their way to vote for a gay white man. Especially after he kisses his husband on stage at the Fiserv forum. The DNC knows this. They will not put him on the ticket.
This election is going to be a replay of 1936 when FDR consolidated his New Deal gains. How? In part, blacks swung to the Democratic party abandoning their allegiance to the Republicans. FDR won 48 states, excepting Maine and Vermont. Then Vermont voted the wrong way for about the next 25-30 years in Presidential elections
The Democrats are going to be out of power for another 8 to 16 years. They need a whole new generation of leaders to rise up.
And look at Carville's face and body language at about 2:55...resignation..defeat
At any rate, South Carolina’s primaries are coming up in 23 days and then we will know whether, offensive or not, black voters really will vote for Buttigieg.
"We’re trying to get votes"
Right. Until recently, you could do it by lying about who you are and what you want. Now, the masks are off and the left drives the agenda out in the open.
Carville recommends putting the masks back on, feigning seriousness and competence for the Althouses of America. I'm pleased they're off.
"Carville disrespected Democrats"
Right. James, tell me: which of Trump's policies hurt Western Pennsylvania and Northern Wisconsin? What would Dems do better for people there?
And James, tell me: if it's still the economy stupid, why should anyone vote against Trump?
And James, while we are at it, tell me: why would anyone who wants real borders really protected vote against Trump and for any Dems?
James, I know you've hated the GOP with a passion, but now that you disrespect actual Dem candidates and the actual Dem Party, including interloper Bernie S.--aren't your actual preferences more closely aligned with that moderate, semi-populist Republican, Donald J. Trump?
"And James, tell me: if it's still the economy stupid, why should anyone vote against Trump?”
Redouble your efforts comrade!
Sebastian is right. Somebody on Twitter said that “It is easier for the right to move left on economics than it is for the left to move right on culture.”
Trumpism in a nutshell, and he saw it first.
I don't know very much about sailing. But you'd imagine that the people running the Democratic Party would. All those weekends at the Hamptons....ah, good memories.
But the standard metaphor for primary to general election politics is a sailing one. Tacking. No, not tacky but sometimes that too. I guess when you are in a sailboat and the wind is not ideal you have to zig zag back and forth to catch what you can of it to go in the direction you actually want to go. You know, like to 1600 (not Western)Pennsylvania Avenue.
If the wind, I mean the mood of the electorate, is really not going your way you have to tack waaayyyy over to the side to catch the passionate Huffingtons of whatever odd zephyrs there be. In theory once you have the Nom you say Thank you Very Much and tack over to the center again.
The problems this cycle are two fold. The D's have tacked so very far over to the left and in pursuit of such minute whiffs of actual sentiment that they are in danger of just stopping all forward movement entirely. And when they do tack back towards the center they might capsize.
And then there's this bigger issue. Roaring down the middle of the bay in a gauche power boat is a tacky real estate developer who has the fossil fuel powered ability to make the boat go where HE wants it to. The wind going in the same direction is just adding extra momentum and causing him to kick up an even bigger wake.
Albeit not doing much for the comb over.
T. Wolter
Blogger Robert Cook said..."The Dems have hardly gone "far left," and anyone who says so is either deluded or has an agenda."
I'm sorry, Robert, but this is far left. The fact you agree with it does make it moderate. It makes you far left too.
Blogger gilbar said...
How about Mayor Pete Butifuc's platform?
A $15-an-hour minimum wage/A universal child allowance of at least $2,000 per child, and quadrupling of the earned income tax credit for single adults/'Affordable, universal full-day child care and pre-K for all children from infancy to age 5'/A path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants/A Medicare buy-in open to all meant to 'create a natural glide-path to Medicare for All'/A cap on all student loan payments as a share of income, forgiven in full after 20 years/... DC/Puerto Rico statehood, banning gerrymandering, ending the Electoral College, and ending the filibuster/Expanding and reforming the Supreme Court to curb partisan rulings/Sectoral union bargaining where agreements apply to whole industries, not just individual companies/A carbon tax rebated to taxpayers in cash, plus a quadrupling of research and development funding for clean energy...
"instances of tap water in areas near fracking operations becoming flammable;”
I had a girlfriend in college who could light her tap water on fire, in the ‘70s, in Upstate New York, where fracking is not allowed, even though the gas is there. I heard similar stories from other people at the time. That is such bullshit only a Democrat would believe it.
If natural gas caused cancer, we would all have ass cancer from our farts.
@Althouse, did Gusty Winds just explain what you think explains the antipathy black voters feel towards Buttigieg. I have to admit that it didn’t cross my mind. Let’s see if I can break this down so that even a distinguished law professor can grasp it.
1) Pete Buttigieg is a mayor of a modest-sized city.
2) The city has black residents, many living in black neighborhoods.
3) The people living in those neighborhoods feel that their mayor does not understand their problems, has made little or no effort to understand their problems, and in fact his policies have exacerbated their problems.
4) They are unhappy.
5) They are letting other black people know about it.
6) On the 29th of this month we will know whether other black people are listening, or will they reflexively vote the way the Democrat establishment wants them to.
"Fracking should be outlawed. “
This is the kind of shit Upstate New Yorkers have to put up with from the ignorant putzes downstate who run the show by sheer numbers. Oh yeah, and BTW, keep sending our kids to fight to keep the supply of foreign oil coming because our economy would then depend on it and no democratic government can survive the collapse of the economy.
James Carville — glasses on crooked, foaming at the mouth — rages
Yes he's crazy and scary. Don't listen to him Democrats you are doing great!
Robert, why don’t you head up to a trailer park in Arkport, NY, where fracking is illegal, and light a match to a few running faucets and then get back to me.
rhhardin said: Carville is reminding the dems to look at what women are thinking and go for that.
Oh for God's sake. Give it a rest.
Republicans, after Dick Cheney’s much derided energy summit, have made the US energy independent. Which Obama assured us was impossible and which Hillary promised to stop. Now the Democrats are telling us to throw away that huge success because they have another way, which, while engineers say it can’t work, and it’s never been successfully tried, we are assured we can bet our economic well being on it.
If it all fails, what happens? Fascism, people will be ready for it. Commies have always been the forerunners of fascism.
Pumpkin-Headed Old Man Yells at Cloud: Is Rational Voice of Party
"Oh for God's sake. Give it a rest.”
Brilliant retort!
Well you built it, Doc, charged it up with electricity and now it's stumbling around the lab, breaking the glassware and knocking over the furniture. And it doesn't think you're its friend.
Funny that you didn't foresee that things might get a bit out of control. Just hope it comes after you last.
Oft evil doth evil mar.
Please put Cook and his like minded types in charge of the Democrat campaign.
Wearing LSU and Marine Corp gear, you know he's sincere and means it. Like grabbing your pussy in front of millions.
If natural gas caused cancer, we would all have ass cancer from our farts.
Saving this for future use. Thanks, AT.
I laughed heartily at Carvel’s remarks because of one statement: “talking about NO BORDERS?!?!”
It’s funny because every day on The Five Juan Williams claims no Democrat is talking about open borders. But Carvel heard them, just like the rest of us. This gaslighting bullshit is gettin’ outta hand.
Carville is from the old school. It's all about what you talk about to him. Spin fantasies, spin the right fantasies, and you create reality. I don't think that's the operative model any more, not when you can cross check the current fantasies against the ones the same spinners were spinning lately.
I could never look at Carville without thinking of Dueling Banjos.
The best evidence of just how fucked up the Democratic Party is, is the fact that Carville is behaving like the sane adult in the room....
James, you're in the party of women
Althouse proves that the Democratic tactic of branding Republicans as anti-woman works on women.
No Gahrie, I think women are turned off by the pro rapist attitude among you deplorables that support Weinstein Johnny Depp probably also supporting Kirk Douglas for his heroic rape of Natalie Wood.
Shouting Thomas is your poster boy for losing the women's vote.
The more the Dems harden their neither-too-hot-nor-too-cold middle of the roadism
The Democrats are middle of the road? Comrade Marvin thinks Pol Pot was a Rightwinger.
No Gahrie, I think women are turned off by the pro rapist attitude among you deplorables that support Weinstein Johnny Depp probably also supporting Kirk Douglas for his heroic rape of Natalie Wood.
I've always said that the domination of Hollywood by Conservatives and Republicans was a bad thing.
Back when Bill Clinton was President we used to call Carville the “Talking Skull.” The intervening years have not improved him.
Exactly, Gahrie. women are upset that the only time that you people are in support of libtards are when they are rapists.
That Mary Matalin clip referenced above is a gold nugget!
You must watch it.
I forgot about the 2 Bloomberg twerps - Mark Halperin and John Heilemann.
"Can Trump win Michigan? haha, can Trump win Wisconsin? har de har har!!"
He is not wrong....He is very much correct.
Back when Bill Clinton was President we used to call Carville the “Talking Skull.”
I believe his lovely (Republican) wife refers to him affectionately as “Serpent Head.”
“Blogger Howard said...
No Gahrie, I think women are turned off by the pro rapist attitude among you deplorables that support Weinstein Johnny Depp probably also supporting Kirk Douglas for his heroic rape of Natalie Wood.”
Said in a post about one of Bill Clinton’s henchmen. Sweet, sweet, sweet irony!
"We’re trying to get votes in Northern Wisconsin..."
I was at a gun show in Northern Wisconsin a few weeks ago: wall to wall Trump advocacy. So good luck with that.
I knew Democrats were fucked when they stood on stage in one of the first debates and all raised their hands when asked whether they were in favor of free healthcare for illegal immigrants. As Carville notes, it’s critical to give a bit of thought to how that will play with working-class white voters in swing states.
I'm surprised that this is the first time I've seen that Matalin vid. Good stuff. I've always liked both Matalin and "He is a Judas!" Carville.
Robert Cook said...
"By outlawing Fraccing?"
"Fracking should be outlawed. It is dangerous to the environment, contaminating ground water with carcinogenic chemicals and exposing animals and people living nearby to these and other hazardous agents; instances of tap water in areas near fracking operations becoming flammable; links to earthquake activity; pollution of the air; excess use of water in areas already short of available potable water."
Robert is right. Even drilling for oil is dangerous. Have you forgotten what happened the last time we drilled the deepest oil well? We were attacked by the Mole Men!
"Mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent and Lois Lane are sent to the small town of Silsby for the inauguration of the world's deepest oil well. The drill shaft has penetrated the deep underground home of the "Mole Men", a race of small, furry, though bald-headed humanoids. The Mole Men come up through the shaft at night,…"
"No Gahrie, I think women are turned off by the pro rapist attitude among you deplorables that support Weinstein Johnny Depp probably also supporting Kirk Douglas for his heroic rape of Natalie Wood."
Howard--I think you need to reboot. I don't know what the heck you are raving about. Who is Weinstein Johnny Depp who is probably supporting Kirk Douglas? I thought Kirk Douglas just died at 103. Natalie Wood (muy caliente!) has been gone since early in the Reagan Administration. She was born Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko--a Russian! Is that what titillates you?
Demmies today get all hot and bothered when there are Rooshkies around--something new. Back in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s and early 10s, most Demmies thought the Rooshkies were secretly our friends.
It is a funny old world.
It is too early in the day to be hitting the sauce, Howard.
2018 was about hate and revenge, not the issues.
OK Boomer.
Sometimes Howard is just flinging poop, sometimes he’s somewhat interesting. You have to know the difference or just not read him.
Well he was dead on with his prediction about the death of the Republican Party:
Wasn’t he?
Exactly, Gahrie. women are upset that the only time that you people are in support of libtards are when they are rapists.
2/6/20, 8:44 AM
Yet women had no problem voting for the enabler and putting the rapist back in the WH.
Go figure.
Late here. I went to undergrad school at LSU with Carville and knew him well. My freshman yr (Fall, '62) my room-mate and doubles-partner on the tennis team pledged Phi Gamma Delta (Fiji) the fraternity to which Carville also belonged, although he was a soph. Carville was my roomies designated "big brother" in the fraternity, so visited our dorm-room frequently to check on his "charge." I can state unequivocally that he was the same pulsating, gyrating A-hole back then as that which we see today. Nothing has changed much. I see he and Mary M (a West. Ill. "Leatherneck" grad) in the Lower Garden Dist often. Have lunch w. them occasionally because as long as we keep the conversation limited to LSU sports--a passion we both share--or screwed-up city services--another common gripe shared denizens of the Crescent City--or better yet what new restaurant is a must visit--Jim can be quite jovial and loquacious.
Affordable, universal full-day child care and pre-K for all children from infancy to age 5'/A p
Bwaaaaaaaa. No you know why they need illegals.
And $180 billion Head Start is an unmitigated failure, has been for years, but let’s throw more money.
Call this what it is, Indoctrination Camps.
Hate to play the 'sex' card but the term 'women's vote' is very sexist. One never hears of the 'men's vote', does one? I also reject the idea of the 'black vote' [or worse, the 'African-American vote'] or the 'Hispanic vote'. People are individuals and do not vote as a bloc, in spite of what Pew Research and others would have us believe.
2018 was a serious wake-up call for the GOP and for Trump.
It was also before the air went out of the Mueller balloon, before the House Demmies showed they would do with power (That impeachment went well, didn't it? Let's do it again), before Squad really got rolling, thereby revolting two generations of Demmie voters, and before Nancy Pelosi on national TV tore up several compelling personal stories of hope and restoration and several optimistic national stories of work restored and horizons widening. She can do that if she wants to, but I never would.
The GOP used to be the stupid party (see Mitt Romney). We can argue about how much the GOP has learned, but the Demmies have regressed and are now at best the stupider party--and they don't even know it. I estimate that they are about eight years behind the GOP. The Demmies want to fight the 2012 election. The GOP is aiming to fight the 2020 one.
We’re trying to get votes in Northern Wisconsin..."
I was at a gun show in Northern Wisconsin a few weeks ago: wall to wall Trump advocacy. So good luck with that.
After what’s going on in the Great Commonwealth of Virginia?
Is he getting senile?
Looking at his pupils, I think that the problem with Carville’s glasses is that his head is asymmetric, and the dark rims accentuate that. In older photos, he is wearing rimless glasses, where that isn’t accentuated. If you look closely, I think that his glasses have always sat at an angle to some of his features on his face - you just couldn’t easily see that with rimless glasses. In particular, it looks like his eyebrows aren’t equal distances from his pupils.
I never liked the guy, but he has been one of the brightest Dem strategists for three decades now. Nothing I could really fall him with in his analysis.
Virgil X--thanks for the insight. I have always thought James could be a lot of fun and is wicked smart. I'll never forget when he put a waste basket over his head on 2004 (?) election night, conceding that all his prognostications were wrong and no one should listen to anything he had to say.
David Axelrod and James Carville are two smart dudes, and I wish they were Republicans.
"Splanky said...
Wearing LSU and Marine Corp gear, you know he's sincere and means it."
You can intermittently see the price tag for the LSU hat dangling beyond his right ear. Still he knew to go out and buy it and wear it.
To me he seems a technician watching machinery being abused - he's technician of how to run successful campaigns and he knows in looking at the campaign against Trump, he's looking an unsuccessful one. He's opposing what Robert Cook is arguing for. Cook says: "The more the Dems harden their neither-too-hot-nor-too-cold middle of the roadism, the less compelling they are to more and more voters." That's what British Labour said - that British voters wanted the extreme left. British Labour was proven wrong. Now Trump is saying "jobs matter; I said I knew a way to bring jobs back; I've done it with better treaties, lower taxes, cheap energy, deregulation; there are jobs for all races, sexes, creeds; vote for me and there will be four more years like that." The Dems are promising to reverse it all because that's what Greta would do. We the people are supposedly gonna vote for no jobs, high gas prices, high utility bills because otherwise Greta will frown. That's the essence of the Dem campaigns, that's what British Labour did and they did more than lose bigly. They smashed their voter block forever. No wonder Carville is frantic.
"Splanky said...
Wearing LSU and Marine Corp gear, you know he's sincere and means it."
You can intermittently see the price tag for the LSU hat dangling beyond his right ear. Still he knew to go out and buy it and wear it.
To me he seems a technician watching machinery being abused - he's technician of how to run successful campaigns and he knows in looking at the campaign against Trump, he's looking an unsuccessful one. Carville is opposing what Robert Cook is arguing for. Cook says: "The more the Dems harden their neither-too-hot-nor-too-cold middle of the roadism, the less compelling they are to more and more voters." That's what British Labour said - that British voters wanted the extreme left. British Labour was proven wrong. Now Trump is saying "jobs matter; I said I knew a way to bring jobs back; I've done it with better treaties, lower taxes, cheap energy, deregulation; there are jobs for all races, sexes, creeds; vote for me and there will be four more years like that." The Dems are promising to reverse it all because that's what Greta would do. We the people are supposedly gonna vote for no jobs, high gas prices, high utility bills because otherwise Greta will frown and so will Hollywood. That's the essence of the Dem campaigns, that's what British Labour did and they did more than lose bigly. They smashed their voter block forever. No wonder Carville is frantic.
“Is he my dispositive guy, my go to guy on politics? I don’t think so.” - Mary Matalin
Great clip, BTW.
“I think that the problem with Carville’s glasses is that his head is asymmetric”
According to my partner, body, and esp facial, symmetry is a big thing when it comes to how people react to you. She claims to have perfectly symmetrical features, which is why kids, and esp babies, love her (I think that part of it maybe the way she concentrated on them). She also claims that her facial symmetry is why she had to wear a lot less makeup when modeling - because models’ faces have to look symmetric, so if their faces aren’t symmetrical, makeup can be used to make them appear to be.
It may sound silly, but there is a lot of empirical evidence that symmetrical features are considered more attractive than less symmetrical features. And we see this in other species, where, for example, symmetrical male tail plumage is preferred over less symmetrical plumage by females. One theory is that symmetry corresponds to health and good genetics, both important in picking a mate, regardless of species.
Ragin' Cajun laments leftward lurch of party that Bill Kristol just joined.
I like how he enumerates the policy areas Trump just addressed. And he alludes to the nation killing cost analysis of Berno's plans.
But still..the "moral imperative" that makes the Cookiest of Dem options palatable is..Truuuuummmp!
"When I was wrong about the 2002 elections, I dumped a garbage can on my head. When my John Kerry prediction didn't pan out in 2004, I smashed an egg on my face." James Carville
(Both improvements)
The waste basket gambit was 2002, I see. Thanks for clearing that up.
“Moral imperative?”
Without power....you don’t win anything.
That depends on what you want to win.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
We can’t run a “Whole Foods” race in what I still insist is a “Campbell Soup” nation.
Robert Cook wrote:
. . .
The only candidate that seems to have a chance of winning is the most "far left" of the bunch, Bernie Sanders, because he speaks to the concerns of people in the nation.
. . .
He doesn't speak to my concerns, and I'll put my working-class credentials against yours any day of the week, Robert Cook.
Warren has the best bio of the campaign? The best critique, corruption is holding us back?
And Carvell’s lips didn’t fall off?
I'll put my working-class credentials against yours any day of the week, Robert Cook.
In this country we have a "left" that is contemptuous of the working class, just like in the UK.
In this country we have a "left" that is contemptuous of the working class, just like in the UK.
And it's no coincidence that revolutionary leaders are nearly always from the upper middle class.
Mock, I'm offended on behalf of Southern Appalachian hill folk and Cajuns alike, that you would lump such diverse groups together with no apparent understanding of their rich heritages.
Carville is always a hoot
We’re trying to get votes in Northern Wisconsin and Western Pennsylvania.
No, your Party is NOT trying to do that.
Those people are deplorable. They're not woke, and as cis het males, most of whom are white, they're at the bottom of the identity pyramid.
Heck, Carvile, you're a cis het white male. no one's going to listen to you!
Not until the Democrats lose at least two more Presidential elections, and probably a couple of midterm elections, too
They’re trying to pretend and to distract while racking up the voter fraud in Milwaukee and Philly
Ann Althouse said...
Now, all they have is Pete, but they pre-destroyed Pete with the offensive black-people-won't-vote-for-him argument.
No, Professor Althouse, pete destroyed himself by the fact that he has no real political connection with the black voters of South bend, the town where he is Mayor.
Who are the black leaders from South Bend who are firmly in Mayor Pete's camp? Where are they out, being proxys for him, getting him votes?
There aren't any? He was Mayor of South Bend for 8 years, and never bothered, or was able to, build any connection with the black community there?
If you find "black-people-won't-vote-for-him" "offensive", then, it appears from here, that your problem is you find the truth "offensive".
That's your problem, not the problem of hte people making the argument.
Mock, I'm offended on behalf of Southern Appalachian hill folk and Cajuns alike, that you would lump such diverse groups together with no apparent understanding of their rich heritages.
Narr completely misses my point. Nothing to do with either Appalachian heritage [from which some of my family are descended] and Cajun folk. I was referring specifically to Mr. Carville, who, without his hat, looks very much like the young man playing the banjo. So, is Narr making fun of the genetically impaired?
Carville is a Clintonite, so what passes for the Democrat Presidential Posse in what's left of the original Democrat Klown Kar is naturally offensive to him. He's aging, and probably can't handle two or three Hurricane cocktails on Bourbon Street as well as he used to.
The advice he's giving/the positions he's asserting would have been good advice for Hillary Clinton--not that she was willing to take it or act on it.
CARVILLE: Yes. I`m 75. Since Sanders is I think it`s like three years
old than me. I am happy that he is on the road to recovery.
WILLIAMS: I am too.
CARVILLE: I really am. If Sanders was 35 and in perfect health, I
wouldn`t be for him, for president. But I`m glad to see that, you know,
many people sustain these kinds of events and go on and live many more
years and live a very fruitful life. I hope that`s the case with him.
I`ve never been for him for president. No, I never would be for him for
president, but I wish him a long, happy, fruitful life.
This is not about Democrats feeling good about themselves. This is not about Democrats falling in love. This is about Democrats making an ultimate pragmatic decision to take out the greatest threat that the United States has had in the presidency since the beginning of this country. And I really, really believe that.
By the way, so good to see Williams ensconced safely behind a desk where his ability to "embellish" is more limited.
Butt'..Pete met with the reverend Al Charlatan!
Didn't he get his blessing?
I don't know why Carville thinks they'll listen to him. They didn't listen to Slick Willie in 2016 when he was telling them the same thing.
Earnest Prole said...
"I knew Democrats were fucked when they stood on stage in one of the first debates and all raised their hands when asked whether they were in favor of free healthcare for illegal immigrants. As Carville notes, it’s critical to give a bit of thought to how that will play with working-class white voters in swing states."
You don't need to be white to feel that having your property forcibly taken from you and given to strangers is not really in your best interest.
The Left have long won elections by promising to take from the wealthy few and give to the impecunious many. So when they see poor and ignorant, they hump its leg. But they seem to have forgotten that unless the poor and ignorant are also citizens, they can help you win a revolution, but they can't help you win an election. Or maybe they just pivoted to their endgame a little too soon.
James Carville, Bill Clinton's pet snapping turtle, comes out of hibernation to try and salvage the sinking Dem ship.
"Fracking should be outlawed. “
Fracking gives jobs to former Obama voters in the industrial MidWest
So you keep on making that "blue wall" red
From Slate:
In short, Buttigieg is helping to consolidate the left and split the moderates, creating ideal conditions for a Sanders win. Meanwhile, there’s still little sign the man from McKinsey has a real shot himself. Even with his recent success, he’s still polling at fifth nationally, now behind Bloomberg, and hasn’t shown a pulse with minority voters yet. If he does somehow manage to knock out Biden entirely, it might actually be counterproductive. According to Morning Consult, the most popular second choice among the ex-VP’s voters is Sanders, followed by Bloomberg, and then Warren (this is your regular reminder that Americans don’t vote strictly based on ideology). There’s a reason that FiveThirtyEight is giving the democratic socialist a roughly 50 percent shot at the nomination right now, versus 1 in 30 for Buttigieg.
Trump lost by a very small margin in Minnesota in 2016. A look at the county map shows the Twin Cities very blue, plus some other counties. Notable is that the Iron Range is blue. But the Democrats both nationally and locally have enthusiastically supported curbing extraction industries.
I predict that in 2020 Trump will flip the iron range, some percentage of the black vote in the Twins and turn Minnesota red.
Carville is crazy and scary smart. The scary part is sort of a personal insult.
You wouldn't want him to find you on his lawn.
And Mock missed mine.
Irony is what doesn't work so well online
Ann Althouse said...
Now, all they have is Pete, but they pre-destroyed Pete with the offensive black-people-won't-vote-for-him argument.
Why is that offensive?
Black people wont vote for Pete.
Not because he is gay.
They wont vote for him because he condemned a bunch of houses owned by black people and bulldozed them to open up space for rich white people to develop.
Pete is now the front runner.
Bernie doesn't want to win.
Is Mini-Mike really going to pull this off?
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