"... raises everyone up: 'From the pilgrims to our Founders, from the soldiers at Valley Forge to the marchers at Selma, and from President Lincoln to the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Americans have always rejected limits on our children’s future.' Trump wants to remind black Americans that this inheritance of striving and overcoming belongs to them, too.... It was clear from the choice of guests [at the State of the Union] that President Trump is going all out for the black vote, with personal stories of courage, success, and hopes answered. The first five featured guests were African American. The Democrats scowled through it all.... President Trump co-opted and promoted initiatives Democrats once claimed, making them his own: incarceration reform, family leave for men and women, infrastructure, high-speed internet for all communities, stamping out human trafficking...."
"The Political Genius Behind Trump’s SOTU Theatrics" by Karin McQuillan (American Greatness).
In that light, look at this montage, cutting in Pelosi's ripping of the speech right after each of the the featured African American guests (which
Pelosi unsuccessfully tried to get Twitter to censor):
१४६ टिप्पण्या:
Seems we've reached Peak Zinn.
*Peeks in to see if anyone is commenting*
I do applaud Twitter and Facebook for not taking down the video (yet), despite Ms. Pelosi's complaints. Yes, it could be classed as "Fake News," but it also could be classed as "Humor." As I told my budding comedian nephew last night, humor has to have a grain of truth to be funny.
If America is not just chock-a-block full o' racists many rice bowls would be empty tonight.
And the Democrats would actually have to produce positive results.
Actual good character is not only better for your soul, but prevents unfortunate video mashups being done by your opponent.
I'd criticize the outrage as going to the level of sacred Koran idiocy, though.
democrats have hated america since, At least 1861
At the first clip, I thought it was misleading. But as I keep watching, it's clear what they’re doing and it’s fair. Pelosi said she ripped up the speech because every word in it is a lie. Well, these are the “lies” that inspired her to rip it up.
Absolutely fair.
because every word in it is a lie
That's what she SAID; 'cause that's what she believes.
Especially the facts; to democrats, NOTHING is a bigger lie; than a fact
And Pelosi said Trump had "disgraced" the House of Representatives. I was afraid as I looked at the American Greatness article that it was going to identify one supposed "genius" behind the speech, but the writer did indeed mean simply Trump's gift. At least half of which is the Democratic Party's own suicide mission. They provide all the ammunition and then are amazed when someone wants to show what they did and who they are. The corporate replies to Pelosi's censorship request were a pleasure to read! Pelosi spokesman's "What planet are you living on" rejoinder to the refusal to censor was especially sweet. Think how far off the trail they've gone to imagine that there was anything shocking or reprehensible about showing that video; that it would just naturally be removed for their privilege.
--Kai Akker
Watching Pelosi step on a rake, over and over, turns out to be pretty satisfying.
It's going to be all racism all the time for the rest of the campaign. If the Democratic party loses 20% of the African-American vote, it might as well cease to exist as a party.
This reminds me of Monty Python.
And Monty Python was unifying.
A Wisconsin public school teacher was reportedly placed on leave this week after he said:
"limbaugh absolutely should have to suffer from cancer. it's awesome that he's dying, and hopefully it is as quick as it is painful,” Travis Sarandos, who teaches in Milwaukee,
democrats have hated america since, at least, 1861
Trump has an awesome opportunity to go after the Democrat leadership of America's major cities. Put the facts out there on how long Democrats have been in charge and what the results have been.
Trump is being a Bobby Burns issue Scotsman: "A Man's a Man , For A That." Which is the heart of the the dominant American culture of the Scots. in that culture all men are equal so long as the obey the majority's rules. It took hard hearted English and Spanish Aristocracies to impose the Slave Codes in their Caribbean Sugar Islands for wealth. That horrible slave system later came into the Tidewater south after ca 1800. But Sherman's Army ended that way of life 60 years later.
So Trump has taken racialial hatred away while taking the loss of jobs/economic Depression away. He has thereby has crushed the Dems need for existence...except to protect us from Russia, Russia,Russia.
Nancy’s daughter is trying to downplay her tantrum by calling it an ‘Italian grandma’ move. Well, uh - I had an off-the-boat, full-blooded Italian grandmother, and she never acted like a spoiled, whiny bitch. ’Che palle!!
Let's see--
I think 55 years of failure are enough. I am reading Amity Schlaes's book, The Great Society, and it brings it all back: Johnson's attempt to out-do the New Deal, the destruction of city neighborhoods in the name of urban renewal, the promise that equal opportunity goals would never become racial quotas (said explicitly by Hubert Humphrey), the brutalist architecture which now has dated horribly and has deteriorated beyond repair, the OEO (providing sinecures to grifters), the ruination of America's finest public schools (my wife and I have marveled at the education received by her mother at a public high school in southwestern Minneapolis in the 1930s--she got the equivalent of two years of college), and the greatest crime of all, the destruction of the black family in America through misguided public policy generated in the nation's capital by--wait for it--elites.
It has taken us 50 years to crawl out from under the wreckage of the Great Society.
Donald Trump has a great idea--let's truly treat black Americans as equals. They don't need help; they need to be left alone, as Frederick Douglass said repeatedly. Let's give the bright child a chance to go the school that she and her parents want. Let's celebrate the heroes of the American past--the Tuskegee Airmen and their bright and brave descendants, the soldiers, sailors, and airmen that have eagerly volunteered to defend America and have done their duty. Let's not channel children to hopeless "remedial" programs where all shall have prizes. Let's let them flourish.
Now, maybe this is all a con. You can tell what Wee Mikee Bloomberg is going to peddle to my rich liberal friends (at most 10% of the electorate, but influential). "I have known Donald Trump for forty years in New York. He's a con man." Yup. Put Wee Mikee in charge. He'll do what's good for those people--just like the "experts" who formulated and ran the Great Society programs.
But here is my question for Wee Mikee and his ilk: Aren't you the con men? Haven't we seen your works? It sure created a lot of pay for experts, social workers, under-performing teachers, administrators, consultants, etc. But did it help anyone except the people that ran the system? Did you read about Corey Booker, Mark Zuckerberg, the Newark schools, and $100 million of Zuckerberg's money? The teachers' union grabbed that dough so fast it was like it was never there, and the Newark schools got worse.
So I say, let Trump make his con man's pitch, and let Wee Mikee make his con man's pitch. I'd say say historically high employment and historically low unemployment among black Americans is a pretty good hand to play.
This is why I have said for years, that today's Democrats and Liberals are the most miserable people on earth. Republicans or Conservatives like Reagan touted what we can be. Trump is of that school. He believes that we can ALL do better and he (and we) are disgusted by Government largesse that rewards large departments, but not their actual production.
Trump believes all of us can do better, and we can get there if Government will pull away the obstacles.
Dems believe that things are all horrible, everyone is racist, sexist, ist-ist, and nothing can get better unless we punish those who have and redistribute to those who do not have. With a clause: most money has to go to those in power first. And they will decide who gets what remains. This is how Leftism is practiced everywhere throughout history.
Listen to the Dem debates and you'd think we're all living on a bowl of porridge, sitting in dark caves, hiding from masses of Nazis, while the physical world is coming apart.
Listen to Trump and you'll hear two things: He calls Bullshit by it's name, and he believes there are paths for every American to have a better life. He believes in the best of what we can do.
No- he's not as good a speaker as Obama. But he knows how to move us forward far better than Obama could even imagine.
I tried that stunt with my 6th grade report card, its all a lie ,while tearing it up, didn't work for me either.
I'm a big Schlaes fan. Just finished The Great Society this week and it is excellent if horrifying.
I also highly recommend her The Forgotten Man and her bio of Coolidge
John Henry
Really? Pdjt is not as good a speaker as obama? Do you listen to any of his speeches?
Sotu, for example. The hout of ad lib speech he did Thursday where he spoke with no note and remembered 40 people by name.
There's damn few people who can do that.
Both content and delivery pdjt does far better than Obama.
Obama could read a speech fairly well but even reading lots of ums and stutters. Off prompter he had trouble adlibbing 3 coherent sentences.
You sound like you've been co-opted by all the beautiful people who kept repeating the line about Obama being a great speaker. Super-duper smart too!
Who should I believe the bea9people or my lying ears?
John Henry
I've heard speculation that Pelosi tore up the speech in order to get people talking about her stunt, rather than what was in the speech. If so, it was a tactical mistake.
The Democrats are in an impossible situation. The economy is thriving, everyone, including the working classes, is doing better. In addition, Trump is fulfilling, or attempting to fulfill in the face of opposition, his campaign promises, he is attempting to do what he was elected to do. So what arguments can the Democrats make? You didn't really get that job or pay raise? Your child didn't get a job and is learning a trade? Your wife didn't get a pay raise?
And lets contrast this:
with this;
What exactly is SNL's message there? Prison reform is a joke? Kanye West is a clown?
My in-laws showed me that SNL skit, while wearing smug expressions. My first thought was that the Democrats are lucky that not many blacks watch SNL.
"No- he's not as good a speaker as Obama. But he knows how to move us forward far better than Obama could even imagine."
No, he's not as good at reading a teleprompter as Obama. But most of Trump's speeches are off the cuff and not filled with umm, uhh, and other various pauses as he tries to actually come up with something to say.
Did nobody else recall Kruschev standing in his seat at the un, pulling off his shoe and pounding the table with it? In1960.
The philipine rep was making some point about how bad communism is.
Nobody remembers that. Only the shoe.
That's the point of the speech ripping.
John Henry
The economy is thriving, everyone, including the working classes
So what arguments can the Democrats make?
You didn't really get that job or pay raise?
Your child didn't get a job and is learning a trade? Your wife didn't get a pay raise?
Have you Listened to Pete Butifuc's commercials? That is EXACTLY what he is saying
You DID NOT get that raise!
You have to work 3 jobs because unemployment is SO HIGH
ONLY The Rich have 401k's
It also shows Russian influence on Nancy Pelosi.
John Henry
You have to be perpetually angry to be a Democrat. Don't they get tired of it after a while. It's an ugly look.
Temujin said: No- he's not as good a speaker as Obama. But he knows how to move us forward far better than Obama could even imagine.
Obama had no intention of moving us forward.
It is true: only the rich do have 401Ks. Only the rich own their own homes.
But pete has it backwards. 401Ks and homes, however meager or grand, are "wealth", riches, assets whatever you want to call them.
They are a way in which average Americans can accumulate wealth at some level.
Not a lot of other places this happens.
John Henry
I have a friend who can't understand why everyone is piling on Nancy. She says men act like Nancy did all the time, but they don't like when a woman does....HUH???? I have never seen any man act like Nancy did on camera, throughout the whole SOTU. Are they blind, or just filled with hate?? I'm sick and tired of race and gender being the reason for the way people act. Grow up.
John henry said...
The philipine rep was making some point about how bad communism is.
good point; BUT!
you're confusing me.
What's next, is Bwana going to start talking about Partido Nacionalista de Puerto Rico?
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John Henry said...
They are a way in which average Americans can accumulate wealth at some level.
Yes, the Secret Secret, that the democrats Don't Want You To Know;
Is that MOST people in america are Rich! shhhh!
Oh my, this is well done.
i never Really understood The Shoe (but, of course, i heard all about it)
Was he going to Bury us with the shoe?
Was he going to sell us the shoe, to buy the rope?
It is not just a campaign narrative (Zinn, 1619 etc.).
This is an institutional narrative, or ideology.
It is not simply propaganda, for the caste that has adopted it.
They really do believe as they say. It is a creed, a formula, that serves as a symbol of belonging to their caste. That caste is now the American elite.
You really cannot change minds. You can't argue people out of beliefs.
In the case of institutions such beliefs will stay entrenched, until the personnel are changed out, through deliberate forceful means (revolution, though even that doesn't always work) or by changing the cursus honorum to put a different sort of person in the pipeline (the long march).
Have you Listened to Pete Butifuc's commercials? That is EXACTLY what he is saying
You DID NOT get that raise!
You have to work 3 jobs because unemployment is SO HIGH
ONLY The Rich have 401k's
Nope, I haven't been listening to his ads, and if that's what they are saying then he is an idiot. One third of US households have 401k's or IRA's. A lot of them have both. And its clear to anyone that wants a job that they are readily available. The Democrats want to have it both ways, they want to be the party of the working class, while disdaining them. When they had complete control of the means of mass communication that was possible. But those days are past.
What Owen said.
Pelosi ripped that speech for a viral moment.
She got it.
Next up, a reinactment of Lincoln giving the Gettysburg Address and Pelosi tearing up the speech in the background. Washington and Jefferson speeches, Pelosi in the background.
Soviet influence, but she's like an old line Marxists, like the New Dealers in the 70s. so Duterte wants to rip up the treaty with the us,...profit. you mentioned his npa affinities in the past,
Re Kruschev shoe banging. That was Lorenzo Sumulong in 1960. A protege of sorts of Carlos Romulo. Later a Senator.
As Filipino politicians go he was a notable, honorable man.
Though a Nacionalista, he did not serve the Marcos dictatorship upon losing his seat when Marcos suppressed the Senate. His reputation was such that Cory Aquino appointed him to the nonpartisan constitutional commission that (mostly) restored the old constitution in 1987.
’She got it.’
Good and hard. All while forgetting that the left has lost its stranglehold on the narrative.
I'm surprised Pelosi hasn't offed herself yet.
Maybe Marcos had the right idea, like Fujimori 20 years later, in a different place, just poorly executed, a Richard the 3rd figure, if one considers benigno acquinos fate,
Duterte is badly misunderstood.
He is, ideologically, as far left as it is possible to be, on the traditional axis.
He was a Maoist of the old school.
Political practicality requires a very different policy however, a compromise between the heart and the head.
His voters however are not communists. The tao, the masa, distrust and despise government more than any American libertarian. They also distrust the political and cultural elite more than any Trumpist.
"wendybar said...
I have a friend who can't understand why everyone is piling on Nancy. She says men act like Nancy did all the time, but they don't like when a woman does....HUH???? I have never seen any man act like Nancy did on camera, throughout the whole SOTU. Are they blind, or just filled with hate?? I'm sick and tired of race and gender being the reason for the way people act. Grow up."
Tell her. You're preaching to the choir here.
he comes from Davao, which as far off the beaten path, as one can imagine, so what's his game with The Dragon, he thinks they won't swallow him first.
I haven't seen Pelosi's explanation of what led to her rip job. I was tuned in to the end of the speech and watched her do it. My immediate reaction was that it was not planned, it was impulsive, and it was the culmination of her growing disgust and anger throughout the speech.
She thought it would immediately signal that disgust to those for whom she cares and values. She was correct. It never occurred to her at that moment that others (deplorables and others) would find her action disgusting.
Davao is the Philippines "second city", so it is not off the beaten path in any conventional sense. It is sidelined because the entire country is sidelined vis-a-vis the Manila axis. Imperial Manila is akin to London and Paris in terms of dominating the country. Or more so really.
Duterte to a great degree is a manifestation of the revolt of the country as a whole against its arrogant center. Very Trump-like in that respect, but the man that the masa chose for this is very different.
It really was a monumentally stupid thing Pelosi did, huh.
When you have the law, pound the law. When you have the facts, pound the facts. When you have a shoe ...
When all you have is a shoe, every problem looks like a sidewalk.
"Wilbur said...
I haven't seen Pelosi's explanation of what led to her rip job. I was tuned in to the end of the speech and watched her do it. My immediate reaction was that it was not planned, it was impulsive, and it was the culmination of her growing disgust and anger throughout the speech."
No. She pre-ripped the pages long before the end. It was not impulsive, it was a calculated move. Well, miscalculated.
Meade's "Peak Zinn" coincides with Pelosi's peak Chardonnay.
I think that if a political party is consumed by race, then it's the racist party. The Demtards is that party
1619? Meh. Take a look at this: https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2020/02/07/my-jaw-hit-the-floor-tucker-carlson-takes-house-dems-new-way-forward-act-apart-in-terrifying-monologue-watch/
According to Carlson, a significant number of Dems support this nightmare of a bill.
amadeus48 said, "my wife and I have marveled at the education received by her mother at a public high school in southwestern Minneapolis in the 1930s--she got the equivalent of two years of college"
That may well be true, but the high school population was much more limited back then. Less than half the population went. Some of them were locked out but mostly it was people who had done poorly in 1-9 (or 1-6!). At some point, people came to believe that everyone should go to high school. The only way that works is if the curriculum isn't that hard. A "two years of college" curriculum would result in at least half the school flunking out.
That's not LBJ's fault. That nature's.
Maybe Democrats should try what the GOP had to do from 08-16: STFU and take your medicine because the people have spoken and you lost a fair election with your shitty candidate.
I'm a big Schlaes fan. Just finished The Great Society this week and it is excellent if horrifying.
I'm struggling through it. It reminds me of "Bonfire of the Vanities" which also had no one you liked.
"President Trump co-opted and promoted initiatives Democrats once claimed"
Including fair trade.
He is a moderate Republican who moved the party to the center, appealing to some Dems, hence fueling even more TDS.
His centrist and soft-lib tendencies concerned conservatives. But the TDS, collusion hoax, and impeachment fiasco have made moderate DJT a conservative warrior, who can afford nice symbolic gestures to keep reaching out to the middle while counting on a solid base.
Recall Pelosi's sarcastic clapping at last year's SOTU. Both actions, last year's and this, were premeditated and staged. She probably practiced, and consulted with her inner circle as to the best time to deploy the actions.
These are the acts of a petulant teen. Rather like Hillary's recent "nobody likes you" comment about Bernie and Schumer's assertion that impeachment will be a permanent asterisk on Trump's presidency.
The best and brightest.
"Meade said...
Seems we've reached Peak Zinn."
Do you mean Peak Zin as in zinfandel? If you do, then that's a funny line. If not, then I'm gonna take credit for it. And give you an assist.
t the high school population was much more limited back then. Less than half the population went... At some point, people came to believe that everyone should go to high school. The only way that works is if the curriculum isn't that hard.
So, then high school became Nothing but sock hops and football games;
At some point, people came to believe that everyone should go to college. The only way that works is if the curriculum isn't that hard.
So, then college became Nothing but beer blasts and football games;
At some point, people will come to believe that everyone should get an advanced degree?
These are the acts of a petulant teen.
Although I agree with this statement--it was childish of Pelosi to rip up the speech, it was equally childish of Trump to refuse to shake her hand. Yet there has not been a peep of criticism on this blog about that.
He is a moderate Republican who moved the party to the center, appealing to some Dems, hence fueling even more TDS.
Trumps' policies are further to the left than a lot of the Clinton presidencies' policies. NAFTA was opposed by the left, the argument being that businesses would relocate to Mexico to take advantage of lower wages and lack of worker protection and environmental laws. The unions were arguing that. But "centrist" democrats, having been bought off by the CoC, argued either that such fears were unfounded or, if jobs did move south, that was OK because the displaced workers would get better jobs, once they learned to code. Cesar Chavez argued for strong border enforcement because without it growers would just bring in illegals whenever field workers staged a strike. Trump is for prison reform, Hillary is the one that introduced the phrase "super predators" in regards to black youth.
Although I agree with this statement--it was childish of Pelosi to rip up the speech, it was equally childish of Trump to refuse to shake her hand. Yet there has not been a peep of criticism on this blog about that.
Pelosi started it even before that by deliberately fucking up the traditional introduction of the president to the House.
Pelosi has stated clearly that wasn’t the intent or the meaning of her ripping Trump’s speech.
But you seem to not want to accept that, or at least you’re willing to celebrate the doubting of Pelosi’s stated intent.
Let’s recall the Charlottesville Hoax Hoax. Where Trump made four or five different, inconsistent, semi-illiterate statements on the subject of Charlottesville. In one of them, Trump denounced white supremacy. In one, Trump uncharacteristically read from a script prepared for him. In the others, Trump careened from sloppiness to inaccuracy to falsehood.
But you, Althouse, along with the core group of Trump cultists including Steve Cortes and Scott Adams, rest your entire defense of Trump on Trump’s one self-serving denial.
So here is Pelosi (who stood and cheered for the people in question in the attack ad) clearly and convincingly telling what her intent was in ripping the speech, and you, unlike with Trump, are ready to ignore Pelosi’s own statement of intent.
thanx for bringing up, your "Charlottesville Hoax Hoax Hoax (Hoax?)"
Sometimes, people forget the intelligence of some commenters here; it's nice for you to remind them
Trumps' policies are further to the left than a lot of the Clinton presidencies' policies.
If you believe this, you are truly delusional. Trump may have, apparently at the urging of his daughter, done a few things that appear to be out of character, but this has been a hard right administration. The judges he has appointed are all hard right. He is the first president to actually speak at the March for Life. He has gutted all kinds of environmental protections and workers' rights.
The amazing thing is that so many working and middle class people think he is an advocate for them. To him you are nothing but useful idiots.
And its clear to anyone that wants a job that they are readily available.
I started taking notice of help wanted signs about a week ago. They're every where. And I live in the basket case called San Bernardino.
Hillary Clinton touting her husbands law and order record.
Cesar Chavez on illegal immigration.
The amazing thing is that so many working and middle class people think he is an advocate for them.
Maybe it's tied to the rise in their standard of living....
Banned Commenter and #StrongestOfTheDemDefenders LLR-lefty Chuck: "Pelosi has stated clearly that wasn’t the intent or the meaning of her ripping Trump’s speech."
Hitting the gin early this weekend, eh?!
Pelosi has said repeatedly and emphatically that NOT A SINGLE WORD OF TRUMPS SPEECH WAS TRUE.
Not a single word.
Not. A. Single. Word.
FakeCon LLR-lefties hardest hit!
I can see the lefty billionaires and DNC operatives will be out in force to try and mitigate the horrendous political mistake the dems made with Pelosi's moronic performance.
LLR-lefty Chuck is going to have to spend the next several months spinning like crazy to help his beloved heroine Pelosi get out of this one!
Pelosi has stated clearly that wasn’t the intent or the meaning of her ripping Trump’s speech.
What about the intent and meaning of the speech she gave immediately after ripping up Trump's speech?
Pelosi ripping up the speech was the most childish thing a speaker of the house has ever done in public. Who did she think would applaud her? What's she going to do in 2021 if Trump wins? Piss on Trump's speech? OR is tearing it up going to become a time honored tradition?
Once again a lying liberal ARM has to read Trump's mind with no evidence Trump saw Nancy’s hand and purposely avoided it since he neither shook Pence’s hand nor even really LOOKED at Nancy. And review past SOTU and there is no tradition of hand-shaking at the podium. Obama didn’t shake Ryan’s or Biden’s hands in 2016. On what do you base your etiquette flag-throwing ARM?
Field Marshall Freder: The amazing thing is that so many working and middle class people think he is an advocate for them."
Gee, those poor folks just lack the sophistication and expertise and intelligence and insight that our Freder possesses.
Get out there Freder and let those rubes and deplorables know you are happy to let them know what's best for them!
Jeez I’ve already mixed Freder with ARM. Oops.
Blogger Chuck said...
Let’s recall the Charlottesville Hoax Hoax
Mike (MJB Wolf): "Jeez I’ve already mixed Freder with ARM. Oops."
Freder, ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck are interchangeable.
According to Pelosi, he wasn’t a Tuskegee Airman, thst wasn’t his great grandson.
Everything was a lie.
This is what Dems get when they put a dipshit octogenarian in charge.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Let’s recall the Charlottesville Hoax Hoax"
Quick!! Palsi Pelosi screwed up! Change the subject, STAT!
it was equally childish of Trump to refuse to shake her hand.
You may want to take a closer look at the video. Or not.
Pelosi has stated clearly that wasn’t the intent or the meaning of her ripping Trump’s speech.
It getting harder and harder isn't it?
What's she going to do in 2021 if Trump wins? Piss on Trump's speech? OR is tearing it up going to become a time honored tradition?
She said tearing up the speech was the most dignified thing she could do considering the alternative, so she clearly had something else in mind--what's left of it.
I didn't say all of Trumps policies were to the left of the Clinton presidencies. But I well remember the lefts distaste for him. And the Democratic Leadership Council he was a part of.
He is the first president to actually speak at the March for Life.
Which I think is a good thing.
Hillary talking about the need to make abortion "safe, legal, and rare."
He has gutted all kinds of environmental protections and workers' rights.
Basically repealing Glass-Steagall
Trump rejects diversity, political congruence, anti-nativism and other classes of bigotry, and recognizes people by character and merit. He also rejected the Democrat principle of shared/shifted responsibility (e.g. financialization) and other reforms, and has lead the way to realize affordable and available. He has exposed quid pro Joes and called out quid pro Bos that placed Americans and others second and in crisis. He has marched with human rights activists in defiance of the progressives' wicked solution. Time will tell if he has an opportunity to follow through and realize his goals. For now, the Democrat hunters and judges have been quieted, but are likely seething in private behind walls.
Just sit back and imagine the absolute rage racist commenter LLR-lefty Chuck felt when he saw Trump had promoted the steely-eyed Tuskegee fighter jock to Brigadier General and the Brigadier General sent a little salute Trump's way.
Black war hero honored by Trump.
My God. Hard to imagine anything more triggering to LLR-lefty Chuck.
I wonder if LLR-lefty Chuck is going to update his racist "Department of Black People" slur against Ben Carson to attack this newly minted Brigadier General Tuskegee hero?
Not. A. Single. Word.
So you want us to take Trump seriously but not literally, but you will not extend that courtesy to the obvious hyperbole of Nancy Pelosi.
He has gutted all kinds of environmental protections and workers' rights.
He has pruned regulatory excess, abuse, and largess. He has clipped the wings of environmentalists, unions, and other for-profit non-profit protection rackets. No longer will environmental and labor arbitrage, outsourcing, insourcing, and obfuscation, be the first choice of Green-thinking, forward-looking industry and organizations. Well, baby steps.
Field Marshall Freder: "So you want us to take Trump seriously but not literally, but you will not extend that courtesy to the obvious hyperbole of Nancy Pelosi."
So you want us to take Pelosi seriously but not literally, which is a courtesy the dems/left/LLR's have absolutely refused to ever extend to DJT?
How about: No.
Its time you lived by your own rules.
Hope you enjoy it.
"Wehavethemeats said...
But you, Althouse,"
She isn't listening. She doesn't care.
Now how is that new Brisket Bacon Beef ‘N Cheddar? Good as it looks?
David Horowitz, brilliant writer and former Leftist, once wrote something that I found profound, obvious, and yet surprising. Regarding African Americans and their place in American history and society, he noted that most black citizens have ancestors who were living here for three to four hundred years; something most other Americans can't claim. And he said, "Who is more American than black Americans?" Yes, I knew that but never framed it that way (and of course Native Americans are the exception).
This high-speed internet crap really pisses me off. That started with VP Bore and I think there’s a line on phone bills for it.
Why isn’t it done yet?
Nancy’s daughter is trying to downplay her tantrum by calling it an ‘Italian grandma’ move. Well, uh - I had an off-the-boat, full-blooded Italian grandmother, and she never acted like a spoiled, whiny bitch. ’Che palle!!
She’s the Speaker of the US House of Representatives. 3rd in line. First woman. That trumps all.
Khrushchev's words were mistranslated at the time. He was really speaking of the future when he said "We will Barry you." And they did.
ONLY The Rich have 401k's
When I started out, I didn’t have a 401k.
How I got wealthier was by having a 401k and using it.
Browndog: What makes you think Pelosi will be Speaker next year?
wendybar said...
I have a friend who can't understand why everyone is piling on Nancy. She says men act like Nancy did all the time, but they don't like when a woman does....HUH????
Hand her your phone and say prove it.
Watch previous SOTUS and show me.
Nor did she announce the President like The Speaker does. Her first.
She broke decorum, she broke tradition and she sullied the position.
Because it’s not about her, it’s about the position.
I think she must have planned to rip it up before reading it. I saw the clips of the ripping up prior to watching it. After watching the speech, the ripping up seemed especially bizarre. So much of the speech was about specific veterans and American accomplishments. After reading the speech, she should have changed her plans.
(And what is the deal with Democrats who didn't stand for the idea of protecting Second Amendment rights? Are they saying they *don't* want to protect Constitutional rights?! They should at least stand for the idea of protecting their interpretation of Second Amendment rights. Yow! Who wants to vote for people who say that don't care about Constitutional rights?)
Everyone should have an IRA and/or a 401k, that is, everyone who wants to be penalized for using his own money, and doesn't mind being a ward of the state.
Bad week for LLRs since Kristol dropper the DemocRAT label on himself, as that party was melting down, and Romney revealed that his bid to be SecState for Trump was actually a failed attempt to burrow in and RESIST from the inside, where his friends Bolton/Viniminiman/Ciaramella/Minivinibrother etc waited for him to join them in taking down OrangeManBad from the inside, only to be thwarted by Trump's skill at reading weasels and stringing them along until they’re less of a threat. Yep. Bad week for LLRs.
Blogger Lucien said...
Browndog: What makes you think Pelosi will be Speaker next year?
Because Ronna Romney McDaniel is incompetent at best, have thought and still think she's NeverTrump.
What the hell did Pelosi think was going to happen when she made that childish move? I have always thought that Pelosi was a pretty astute politician - unethical and immoral - but astute. I am beginning to wonder if she, like Slow Joe - is descending into senile dementia or whether she's just had a good run playing against the JV and is getting her ass kicked by the Varsity.
To determine that, Twitter said it would examine videos to ascertain “whether the content has been substantially edited in a manner that fundamentally alters its composition, sequence, timing or framing”
"Framing" would be difficult to base a decision on since it can also be controlled while you take the video. Everyone has seen stills or videos from news stories that implied something that wasn't true - you might see an angry mob on the news but then see a photo from the event that shows that "mob" was a handful of people who were outnumbered by the press surrounding them. Or Hillary's 2016 rallies with photos/videos taken close to the attendees to make it look like a large group, but then you would see another photo of the event and realize how small and pitiful her rally was.
This is one reason I despise the Left.
he noted that most black citizens have ancestors who were living here for three to four hundred years; something most other Americans can't claim. And he said, "Who is more American than black Americans?"
Like with the 1619 Project that try to claim America was founded by slaves, People are too loose with the term "American".
Living in N. America prior to the creation of the United States of America does not make you an American.
The Democrats still not have adapted to the fact they no longer through their MSM allies control the narrative. The MSM approved message was supposed to be the SOTU was full of lies. Trump bypassed the MSM and Democrats, to set the narrative Pelosi's actions disrespecting the best of America that was showcased in the SOTU, including Black Americans. No wonder Pelosi tried to have the video taken down, it's toxic to her and the Democrats.
The video is a brilliant example of Trump using Alinky against the Democrats. The video uses at least 5 of the 13 rules:
#4 "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
#5 "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
#6 "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
#8 "Keep the pressure on."
#13 "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
Pelosi was trying to use Alinsky Rules and failed because her allies no longer control the Narrative:
#11 "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside."
#13 "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
Beasts of England said...
>All while forgetting that the left has lost its stranglehold on the narrative.
Like it was said, only Trump could force the democrats to attend Rush limbaugh's award ceremony.
Chuck? Oh Chuck? Where for art thou, Chuckiero?
Come ON!
Explain to us, One More Time, that when President Trump Explicitly excluded Nazi's,
that meant that he was Implicitly Including him.
Draw us diagrams!
Better yet; you could prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic...
Come ON, Chuck! Where did you go? WE WANT TO HEAR!
Living in N. America prior to the creation of the United States of America does not make you an American.
No, but the 14th amendment Sure did; That was July, 1868
When did YOUR people get here?
I stand by my prediction- Twitter will ban Trump sometime before the election. The pressure to do so can't be resisted. In fact, I think Trump is trying to get Twitter to do so.
Nancy ripping up the Tuskegee Airmen dressed like a hoodless Klansman.
There’s an optic for you.
Then trashing a black family’s dream of a decent education.
And a business owner who pulled himself up by his bootstraps getting out of addiction. I’m sure he didn’t build his business, tho, getting grants and loans.
Seeing Red: "Nancy ripping up the Tuskegee Airmen dressed like a hoodless Klansman.
There’s an optic for you."
And LLR-lefty Chuck smearing and sliming Ben Carson, pediatric neurosurgeonand John James, conservative MI Senate candidate.
I knew LLR-lefty Chuck was going to attack John James as soon as I learned John James was a West Point grad, 8 year Army veteran, (MBA-Michigan AND MS-Penn State), businessman and conservative.
I mean, thats the trifecta for a LLR-lefty Chuck political attack: Black, conservative, military background.
LLR-lefty Chuck DOES NOT like that one little bit.
Haha. Drago, you ridiculous fuckhead.
I have actually voted for John James. If you aren’t from Michigan, you certainly haven’t.
Why Althouse tolerates your preposterous clutter is a mystery to me.
“I stand by my prediction- Twitter will ban Trump sometime before the election. The pressure to do so can't be resisted. In fact, I think Trump is trying to get Twitter to do so.”
That would, of course, be a horrible decision on their part. If it looks close, I am thinking of shorting their stock. First, it would piss off a lot of Trump votes, which will ultimately mean lost customers. Second, at some point, Trump will retaliate. They are highly vulnerable to Sherman § 2 Monopolization claims, and with the Presidency comes control over the DoJ Antitrust Division. I expect that in a second Trump term, at least one big tech company is almost assuredly going to get sued for Sherman § 2 Monopolization. This way, Twitter would guarantee that they are at the head of the list. Third, Twitter, along with FB, Google, etc, avail themselves of the CDA § 230 Safe Harbor to protect themselves from liability of what their customers post. But that requires no editorial oversight. Which, of course, is a joke with Twitter, which in the last week or so permanently banned Zero Hedge for calling attention to likely Chinese government culpability in weaponizing the Coronavirus they stole from the Winnipeg lab, then letting it get loose in the public, then lying about it to the press around the world. Sure, Twitter was very likely under significant pressure by the Chinese government, but that is not a valid excuse for either Sherman § 2 or CDA § 230 liability.
We saw yesterday that Trump is more than willing to retaliate against his enemies, when the time is right. With the not guilty verdict by the Senate earlier in the week, Trump was more than willing to fire the Vindman brothers from his NSC, and Sonderman from his EU ambassadorship. I fully expect retribution if Twitter does ban Trump. And, as always, it would be perfectly legal.
Tell us More About the Charlottesville Hoax Hoax, Chuck!
Show us your geometric logic!
LLR-lefty Chuck: "I have actually voted for John James. If you aren’t from Michigan, you certainly haven’t."
There is zero evidence that you voted for James.
Given your racist posts of the past and your passionate defense of democrats and your praise of campaign attacks against republican senators, its almost a certainty that you are lying in order to maintain your FakeCon online persona.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Why Althouse tolerates your preposterous clutter is a mystery to me."
Banned Commenter has thoughts.....
Seeing Red: "Nancy ripping up the Tuskegee Airmen dressed like a hoodless Klansman...”
I feel certain that if we had access to CSPAN’s all-angles video of the SOTU, we’d find video showing Speaker Pelosi on her feet applauding, joining in the standing ovation for him.
It’s a special kind of alt-right bozo snowflake to be all butthurt about what they think Pelosi intended, with there being video evidence to the contrary.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "I feel certain that if we had access to CSPAN’s all-angles video of the SOTU, we’d find video showing Speaker Pelosi on her feet applauding, joining in the standing ovation for him."
Sorry FakeCon. There are already too many Pelosi public statements asserting unequivocably that EVERY SINGLE THING IN TRUMPS SPEECH WAS A LIE.
But ONLY every single thing.
Tsk tsk
"Teh interwebs". How do they work?
So much winning. So many future ads featuring LLR-lefty Chuck-s beloved San Fran Nan.
Pelosi applauds the "ALL LIES" about the Tuskegee Airman prompted to general?
Racist fopdoodle defends.
Calls people who note his defense of Pelosi "fuckheads" because calling names is what he has.
Racist fopdoodle should call more names.
Blogger Drago said...
LLR-lefty Chuck: "I have actually voted for John James. If you aren’t from Michigan, you certainly haven’t."
There is zero evidence that you voted for James.
Given your racist posts of the past and your passionate defense of democrats and your praise of campaign attacks against republican senators, its almost a certainty that you are lying in order to maintain your FakeCon online persona.
James ran against Debbie Stabenow. Who I have repeatedly described as having been a runner-up to the late Senator Jim Bunning* as “the most clueless” member of the Senate in a Washingtonian magazine survey of Capitol Hill staff. You think I favored Stabenow in that race?
*As with Trump now, Bunning was at the time in the early stages of terminal dementia.
I have already seen video where Pelosi says "every single thing in the speech is a lie" and the one Democrat congress-critter who snuck out saying the same thing.
It is almost like they (Democrats) all get the exact same talking points from the exact same source.
But I should not beleive my lying eyes, but trust the more intelligent and sophisticated bunch who want to be the overloards. They really want that extra pound of butter for being the most aggressive transit guard.
Why is he dragging in yet another Republican -- who has no relevance to the topic at hand -- just to bash him?
And a Detroit Tiger, too.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "You think I favored Stabenow in that race?"
You favor democrats in all races, as do ALL those you laud.
Every single day.
Without exception.
The record is clear and irrefutable.
I realize that record harms your continuing FakeCon mission here at Althouse blog, but that's yours and Pelosi's and Schumer's problem.
It was a pretty nuanced gesture open to many interpretations.
If were to ban pdjt, it would be awesome and probably the death of Twitter as a company.
PDJT could immediately move to Gab, parler, Mastadon, and/or the other one whose name I can never remember.
I'd suggest all 4.
Or he could set up his own at a godaddy, wix,network solutions or other server.
He could set up a Whitehouse.gov blog but there are probably a lot restrictions on that.
I suspect pdjt followers including the media would immediately follow him to one of the other platforms
I suspect that many would abandon Twitter altogether.
I suspect some people worldwide would first become aware of the other services because of the kerfuffle. Some would abandon Twitter for reasons having nothing to do with trump.
I doubt Twitter could survive the mass exodus and bad publicity.
John Henry
“We saw yesterday that Trump is more than willing to retaliate against his enemies, when the time is right. With the not guilty verdict by the Senate earlier in the week, Trump was more than willing to fire the Vindman brothers from his NSC, and Sondland from his EU ambassadorship. I fully expect retribution if Twitter does ban Trump. And, as always, it would be perfectly legal.”
Talked to a friend of mine just now about this. His theory is that banning Trump from Twitter would be a significant in-kind campaign contribution. I think that is more likely than not, though I expect that the probability that that interpretation being the one accepted by the courts is not that much above 50%. Still probably high enough that he could get a temporary injunction to keep his Twitter account active, at least through the election.
He also believes that Sondland being fired was in response to him being blackmailed by the Dem House Managers to switch his testimony to be more detrimental to Trump’s case in the Senate. Not sure how that would work.
The black General not only served in wwii, he also flew combat missions in Korea and Vietnam. I think I read 455 combat missions total.
John Henry
“I doubt Twitter could survive the mass exodus and bad publicity.”
Hence my suggestion to short their stock.
The chickens are coming home to roost.
JH: "The black General not only served in wwii, he also flew combat missions in Korea and Vietnam. I think I read 455 combat missions total.
John Henry"
What a stud that guy is.
Perhaps Nan's outburst was sundowning.
It's interesting, that a Life Long Republican, would take time out from viciously defending the Ultra liberal democrat, Nancy Pelosi; to suddenly attack Senator Jim Bunning, whose only crime seems to have been being a republican
Matt Sablan said, "It really was a monumentally stupid thing Pelosi did, huh."
Among other monumentally stupid things. The Trump campaign is letting the Democrats write his re-election ads for him. And they are writing their little black hearts out.
So much material, so little time. I hope the Orange Man has some coattails.
Harsh, but not as harsh as what Pelosi did.
"Living in N. America prior to the creation of the United States of America does not make you an American."
The point stands even using this definition of "American." Virtually every current black American could (if the records exist) trace their ancestors directly back to the moment that the US was formed, and know that these ancestors had their part in developing the new nation up to that moment. Most Americans of other ethnicity/origin can't say the same. Note this doesn't mean that I buy into the 1619 bullshit; it just means that black Americans are an integral part of America and have been so basically from the very beginning.
"I'm surprised Pelosi hasn't offed herself yet"
Maybe she's waiting for the Clintons to do it for her.
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