[The country's Vice Premier Sun Chunlan] demanded four types of people in Wuhan be put into mandatory isolation in quarantine stations: confirmed cases, suspected cases, people who have close contact with the former two, and those who have fever....
'There must be a 24-hour shift pattern. During the wartime condition, there must be no deserters, otherwise they will be forever nailed onto the pillar of historical shame', Ms Sun said, according to state broadcaster CCTV.
The Communist leader instructed the Wuhan government to send workers to every household to take the temperature of all family members in order to block the source of the outbreak.
८ फेब्रुवारी, २०२०
"China orders Wuhan to round up ALL suspected coronavirus patients and put them in quarantine camps as Beijing warns officials who run away from the 'war' will be 'nailed to the pillar of historical shame.'"
The Daily Mail reports.
५१ टिप्पण्या:
I'd worry about the refugee camps in the Mideast and Europe. That's the group that tends to migrate when things get bad.
The trouble with large numbers (e.g. a planeload) of possible cases is that if one has it then they all do. Do that with more and it's more certain.
Government officials going door to door to haul off people with a fever? The really scary thing is that, in China, they can. Tom Friedman (does he still work for the Times?) probably thinks it’s a great idea.
BBC had video of people hauled away against their will on a report last night on their YouTube feed.
Chilling to say the least
Will they properly clean the thermometers between tests?
I guess it's not just the flu then.
According to Derb this week (wife's native Chinese and is on social media with old Chinese friends), there are murmurings of rebellion in the masses. Chinese censors take down posts quickly. "Google and twitter can tell you how it's done."
So far all the victims of coronavirus, even outside China, are east Asian. Is it race-specific? Prehistorical exposure to different pathogens leading to different ability to fight the virus? Somethng to watch.
I don't know what to think about this coronavirus outbreak. On the one hand, when I read official reports (CDC, WHO, updates from medical journals) it seems to be not so bad. The mortality rate around 5-7% and mostly in people who are already in frail health. Kind of like the flu. And yet- these sources of mine leave a caveat that we aren't sure how things will develop. (i.e. they don't trust the information they are getting from China?)
On the other hand - I read in the media things like this- which seems very extreme for a disease with a mortality rate in the single digits - and the fact that a 34 year old doctor who cared for a lot of cases died. I would not expect a 34 year old doctor who cared for typical flu patients in the hospital to die from it.
Something isn't quite right, is it?
That Chinese government is sure efficient. Brutally efficient. Efficiently brutal.
Did they round up Friar John? I think he has a message for Ro Me Oh now in Mantua from Friar Laurence of Verona prefecture.
Corona and race
via Derb
as well as this week's Radio Derb.
Maybe move to one of the huge empty cities that China built.
@Sydney - yes, something seems to be “not quite right”. All governments lie as a matter of convenience , and some lie more than others. Our government promised me “certain death” the night before Hurricane Ike, for example, but here I am. So we can’t trust the government statements. By why the panic among people who kick out an annual flu virus? And why does this never happen in India?
Something is not quite right, no. In-house quarantine of 100 million or more Chinese in the areas closest to their super biowarfare lab does not sound right at all. So far, this sounds like an engineered virus and, given its speed and contagiousness, it sure seems to have the potential to be the next big one, on the Spanish flu level. The U.S. seems to be in the lull between the first dozen or more known cases and the next stage where we find out whether it has been spreading here as it did in China.
--Kai Akker
Inquiring minds want to know: oral or rectal thermometers?
We ALL know the difference with the old joke. The latter taste like shit.
They use forehead and ear thermometers now. The hardest hit will be the Cruise lines with their fleets of 6,000 passengers plus 2,000 crew members all trapped on ships.
The new ones do a thermal scan of your asshole.
Something tells me this disease is a lot more dangerous then the Chinese government is admitting. Those are pretty drastic measures there. If you own any Chinese stock - sell.
"Something tells me this disease is a lot more dangerous then the Chinese government is admitting. Those are pretty drastic measures there."
They're Communists you idiot.
Gospace--don't we all own Chinese stock at some level? Certainly the Europeans and Africans do. That's why the markets are so nervous about this. Fortunately, Trump has started to wean us from that opioid--back to balance--but this is a fairly serious global economic problem, as well as a major public health problem.
As I think about it, I realize that the arrival of the emerald ash borer was a warning and a metaphor.
This discussion reminds me of the depressing and chilling messages of the Netflix documentary “One Child Nation”
That was decades ago, can Communist China still rely the people’s resignation and sad obedience.
rhhardin; So far all the victims of coronavirus, even outside China, are east Asian. Is it race-specific? Prehistorical exposure to different pathogens leading to different ability to fight the virus?
This is an interesting hypothesis and has some support in studies about the Black Death plague and resulting resistance to other diseases by those survivors of the Plague.
Black death survivors and descendants
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggested that the plague did write itself into human genomes: The descendants of plague-affected populations share certain changes in some immune genes. Immunity to Smallpox and HIV resistant.
What stinks to me is that NYT and WaPo announcing that the claim of bioengineering of the Wuhan Coronavirus is false based on Factcheck.org. The top papers are announcing that there is nothing bad going on, and to just ignore everything to the contrary. Then yesterday, President Trump requested that CDC, NIH, give him a more definitive answer, which makes me very suspicious about all of these big papers telling us that the question is now closed, that the ChiComs definitely did not bioengineer the Wuhan Coronavirus. I think that that is pure spin, and the question should be why are these papers so eager to parrot the Chinese line? My view is that if the President is demanding answers, it is highly likely that there is no real consensus despite what these papers are so stridently claiming. And they should be able to give him some answers - there are roughly 60 BSL-4 labs in the country. Canada has one (their NML in Winnipeg), China has two (including Wuhan) and the US has 15, including facilities in Fort Collins (where I lived for 8 years) and Hamilton, MT (140 miles from our house in MT).
I do believe that some chicanery is involved here. This Coronavirus was first discovered by an Egyptian researcher who found it in a patient in Saudi Arabia. It went from him to Rotterdam, thence to Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, and was then apparently stolen by a pair of Chinese researchers working at Canada’s NML (who were immediate expelled from the lab and the country when this theft was discovered), who shipped it, along with several dangerous viruses, back home to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Then, suspiciously, a slightly different version of this Coronavirus appears at the Wuhan fish market 20 miles from the WIV, this new variant appears much more virulent than the one found by the Egyptian doctor in Saudi Arabia, and it now appears to contain four spikes that are present in a couple of HIV-1 variants.
I think, at this point, that this coronavirus was bioengineered in the WIV, and then somehow escaped. The ChiComs should have publicly panicked. Instead, because bioengineering overall is unpopular around the world, and weaponizing viruses is especially unseemly, if not a war crime, their first reaction was to hide their misdeeds. But that meant that more and more Chinese in Wuhan were walking around free, infecting others, while naively believing that there was nothing wrong. It probably could have been contained, if addressed immediately. It wasn’t. Up to a week or so ago, the authorities in esp Wuhan were still lying about the spread of the disease (with the fatality rate reported significantly not matching the infection rate found outside Wuhan and outside China). Now, the Chinese, esp around Wuhan, are starting to panic. They know that they were lied to, because their government always lies to them. That is reality in a communist state. Lying by the government is inevitably endemic. So, no surprise that when the government tells them they need to be quarantined, for their own good, their first reaction is to hide, because they believe that is a death sentence. It doesn’t look good.
Sydney said...
I don't know what to think about this coronavirus outbreak. On the one hand, when I read official reports (CDC, WHO, updates from medical journals) it seems to be not so bad. The mortality rate around 5-7% and mostly in people who are already in frail health. Kind of like the flu. And yet- these sources of mine leave a caveat that we aren't sure how things will develop. (i.e. they don't trust the information they are getting from China?)
On the other hand - I read in the media things like this- which seems very extreme for a disease with a mortality rate in the single digits - and the fact that a 34 year old doctor who cared for a lot of cases died. I would not expect a 34 year old doctor who cared for typical flu patients in the hospital to die from it.
Something isn't quite right, is it?
The mortality of ordinary flu, averaged over years since 2010, is about 0.1%, and it certainly tends to kill older and weaker people preferentially, although a healthy woman on my street died of it three years ago. And most people don't catch every flu because resistance in the population is wide spread because of vaccines, and previous exposure. The Spanish flu averaged about 2%, which is the current number being bandied about for Wuflu, although we won't really know what that number is in the US until and if it becomes an epidemic. And nobody has any resistance, because the strain is novel, and there's no vaccine yet. 2% of 237 million is a lot of people, even by Mao's or Stalin's standards.
I'm starting to worry.
“ And nobody has any resistance, because the strain is novel, and there's no vaccine yet.”
Maybe. Maybe not. There has been some suggestion that HIV medicines have some effect on the Wuhan Coronavirus, and if true, it is probably because of those four spikes also found in the two HIV-1 variants. The spikes are likely why this variant is more virulent than the one shipped from Winnipeg to Wuhan by those two Chinese researchers.
When communists tell you that you will be "nailed to the historical pillar of shame" you can bet that you'll be nailed to a pillar, both figuratively and literally.
the plague came from rats born on ships back from a genoan colony in the black sea, if memory serves, they say it's close to sars in basic structure, but it's the other strands that are problematic,
narciso said...
the plague came from rats born on ships back from a genoan colony in the black sea, if memory serves, they say it's close to sars in basic structure, but it's the other strands that are problematic,
Uh, plague is caused by a bacterium, Yersinia pestis, while SARS is a virus. Though it's possible they could have some DNA in common; almost all genomes do.
“ Wuflu”
I would prefer “WuSARS” instead, since coronaviruses (including the more virulent Wuhan variant) are apparently SARS variants, and not really very close to the flu.
I am not as worried about the US, than China, in particular. They have sever things working against them. Above, I mentioned that lying by the ChiCom government is a well known issue with communist states. All governments lie some to their people. Lying by totalitarian, and esp communist, countries, is endemic, if not ubiquitous, which means that inevitably no one believes anything they say. While we have a lot less transparency than we should, esp the left’s demand for thought control in this country, we still have plenty of semi legitimate ways to get facts out to the public. Another problem is that much of the population of China now lives in mega cities, a number of which are larger than our largest. Compounding this, many, if not most, of those mega city dwellers were rural peasants a generation or two ago, and brought their rural sanitary habits with them - including pissing and shitting in the streets, and spitting everywhere. Not covering their mouths when coughing. Etc. Until very recently, we didn’t have those problems, but within the last decade our left has effectively legalized these unsanitary practices for our homeless, probably our most vulnerable population. In any case, most of our population lives in either suburban or quasi rural areas, where we are more spread out. I know where I go, if things start getting bad, and that is to our house in MT, in a town of maybe 1k, in a county of 10k, and if that isn’t remote enough, my partner’s ex has a half section (half of a square mile) farm a bit down river from us. But it won’t get to that because distances between concentrations of people in this country are big enough, while most of our cities are small enough, that the virus is unlikely to really take off. Of course, these densely populated urban centers, that have relaxed sanitary standards over the last decade may not fair as well. And they can only blame themselves for living there, and voting for the politicians that have allowed sanitation to fall, as they have. Besides, we have guns, and they don’t.
Of course, we also have a lot of bleach, gloves, masks, etc. stashed from the last (SARS?) outbreak. Well under $100, and the only thing that really has to be replaced is the bleach, which I buy at the $1 store.
China can't provide her people with clean water, food, and air, nor can they develop a technology without stealing the key IP from the West, but they sure are good at rounding people up and putting them into camps.
We all have our talents, I guess.
If anyone here ever has a day when they wake up feeling down, just remember that you don't live in China. That should perk you up, even if you hate Trump.
And if it doesn't, you can always move to China. You'll never see his like there.
He who fights and runs away... lives to fight and run away another day (to paraphrase Maverick's daddy.)
Secular religion. Often violent, crude, but effective.
The “nailed to the historical pillar of shame” idea is the same as the constant Prog talk about Deplorables on the wrong side of history.
Bio-engineering/weaponizing a contagious disease seems to me would be incredibly foolish. Suicide of your own nation foolish. Like with poison gas on the battlefield, you can't control where it goes. Once a disease weapon is loosed, it can't be contained to the enemy and will surely come back at you.
"You arrogant ass! You've killed us!"
...otherwise they will be forever nailed onto the pillar of historical shame'
Revealing, perhaps.
Why don't they use those same cam lock connectors they make us assemble particle board furniture with?
400 million Chinese in quarantine.
Unfortunately for our vile Progs, it’s not We Deplorables.
But cheer up! I’m in the age group that dies. Keep Hope alive!
I think Narciso meant to refer to the present virus as being similar to SARS, not bubonic plague.
A little side note on Bruce Hayden's comments. I grew up in Stevensville, Mt. about 20 miles from Hamilton. In the 40s when I was a small boy we use to line up to get shots to prevent us from getting Rock Mountain Fever. The fever is carried by ticks. The vaccine was developed in the Lab in Hamilton built specifically for that.
‘Blogger Bruce Hayden said...
“ Wuflu”
I would prefer “WuSARS” instead, since coronaviruses (including the more virulent Wuhan variant) are apparently SARS variants, and not really very close to the flu. ‘
Kung Flu is the best possible name for this virus!
So people are being put in "camps", shades of the old China under Mao! Bet very few will make it out alive because their health resources have been overwhelmed. China's leaders to busy building empty cities to worry about 'health care'. What a disaster - nothing has changed in China, except for cosmetics.
rhhardin said, "The trouble with large numbers (e.g. a planeload) of possible cases is that if one has it then they all do. Do that with more and it's more certain."
The active quarantine of suspected patients bears resemblance to "concentration camps". And concentration of infected or exposed people likely just leads to more infection, disease, and death, making the deadliness of the new coronavirus a self-fulfilling prophecy.
“I grew up in Stevensville, Mt. “
Currently my favorite hat, that I wear most days, is from the Blacksmith Brewing Company in Stevensville. Great brew pub. Probably was there when you were growing up, just not yet brewing the beer they sell. Interesting place. Probably more character than anything else along US 93 down the Bitterroot Valley. Probably the majority of the 10 mm ammunition I have bought this last couple years has come from there too.
"You arrogant ass! You've killed us!"
I think it likely that that is precisely what happened.
yes, yancey ward, that is correct,
maybe it's more like wildfire in the original andromeda strain, the fact they don't even reference the biohazard facility, which was mentioned in articles only a few years ago is concerning,
Rhhardin speculates: So far all the victims of coronavirus, even outside China, are east Asian. Is it race-specific? Prehistorical exposure to different pathogens leading to different ability to fight the virus? Somethng to watch.
This is what my younger daughter believes but my granddaughter insists that the man in Everett, WA, is Caucasian. We are busy trying to investigate this possible DNA-linked phenom.
If I believed that genetic scientists [and molecular biologists] thought carefully of any possible consequences of their experiments, I'd feel a lot safer. But we have already seen that a geneticist [Chinese, in fact] has already engineered two babies, with disastrous results, and that there have been historic incidents of experimental biological weapons escaping labs. If something is possible, someone will do it.
UPDATE regarding the Everett WA [Snohomish County] man: "The man is a Chinese immigrant who was visiting his home country."
Rhhardin: Thank you for providing the links. Interesting and it will get even more interesting to see how it plays out.
Thank Nice information
my best old & historical storys, more information
@Blogger mockturtle
Seems unlikely that the five Brits who contracted the virus in Switzerland are also ethnic Chinese. That ethnic-difference theory sounds more like early-stage denial, to me.
We should start to get an answer this week, since we are nearing the end of the 2-week incubation period dating from late January, when air travel from China was still on an ordinary basis.
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