One of the mathematics ladies who worked for NASA back in the day passed away recently. My take - people get too excited when women are interested in mathematics, and get all "you go girl!" about it. Why? Why can't we just say, follow your dreams, whoever you are?
Kirk Douglas left almost all his 80 million to charity, which is evidence that he was a better person than I thought he was. I am always happy when I see such evidence.
Trump has made a few mistakes in his presidency - I hope today's claim that the "coronavirus" is under control is not one of them. That being said, I think it was.
Today is a good day to be a Cuban-American, today is the day from which the decline and fall of the nasty old man Sanders will be measured by historians of the future.
narciso it worries me when I understand every word you are saying! Just kidding, it does not worry me, i just want you to know that your idiosyncratic style makes sense to me.
Being really into the dog evolution thing, I really dug the pushing the documented data to 28,500 BP. 20,000 more to go, in my book.
There's a speculation out there that the Cro-Magnons domesticated the wolf and the Neandertals not.
Calling ourselves Cro-Magnons seems as stupid to me as calling yourself a Walloon. As far as we know, early on, in every language, we called ourselves the people. The Neandertals probably did too but the winners get to write the histories.
In downtown Milwaukie is Dark Horse Comics. I see a Conan-like graphic novel.
Western Europe: The people are competing with the Other for hunting, fishing and gathering areas. The people are outcompeting because we're a bit smarter with better tools and weapons and we have dogs.
Dogs help us hunt better, protect our hunting and fishing camps as well as our clan villages, even if it's just a cave.
Warfare results. Both sides have heroes but in the end, the Other settlements are destroyed, many adults killed, the cute ones taken as concubines [hence the Neandertal DNA].
Kind of grisly, but I'd bet most of the Other children were slaughtered too. Who wanted them in the gene pool when they were not even old enough to enslave?
BTW, new top gorillas usually beat the bellies of females pregnant by the previous Top Cat to miscarriage. It's a primate thing.
Last two items not part of the graphic novel pitch.
It'd be educational. You heard it here first. Copyright 2020 Milwaukie Guy
Not so much, deindustrialization in the midwest and the north east was a larger factor, as was the various foundations ford carnegie rockefeller sarah diamond joyyce et al.
What Israel’s Kibbutz Experiment Can Teach Feminists
But alas, they say, no such controlled experiment can be performed. They are wrong. Exactly such an experiment was carried out, and documented in the 1970s. But feminists were not happy with the results, and the research did not receive the attention it deserved.
Actually, we probably killed almost all of them. Slavery wasn't really economically viable until later in human history.
I wouldn't want a huge bummer gory slaughter at the end. The finale should be a huge victory for people and dogs and a bright future ahead. Going to have to work on that before my pitch.
The thing about Star Fleet is that it has a vaguely defined place in society. Some times it is like a military service, sometimes it is more like the Coast Guard or even some geodesic survey crew. TNG made it worse by putting kids on board.
But, we *do* know they had courts martial, and yeah, those guys were unprofessional and asking for it. Spock could see the logic of not bringing Kirk's buddy up on charges though I'm sure..
Wall Street now finds the coronavirus situaton alarming. You could sense something changing over the weekend, that observers were cutting through the Chinese BS and were discovering how bad the disease really is.
Joe Biden claimed tonight that he worked with Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping on the Paris Climate Accord. Except the current Chinese President is Xi Jinping. Deng Xiapoing left office in 1992 and has been dead for 23 years.
Biden is running to keep himself out of jail "Vinnie 'The Chin'" tactic. His lawyers will be able to cite ample examples on the campaign trail of his deteriorating mental state
If you wanna know what young Bernie Sanders was doing with his life, before age 40, when he became Mayor of Burlington, VT (pop 46,000), ya gotta study his alter ego, the Woody Allen character Fielding Mellish in Bananas.
Weinstein has pushed Grenell out of the news cycles. The morning clown joe was particularly nutty this morning...for the 90 seconds I could stomach it. Maybe the apologized for all the "reporting" they did on the Schiff leak claiming Russia was helping Trump, even though testimony admitted they had no intel suggesting such a thing.
If I was Kirk, I'd tell them all -- except for Scottie and the chick (who I think kept pretty quiet) -- that Spock was willing to let it slide, but he wasn't. They were all reduced in rank and, to the extent that they had pay, forfeited three months.
You can't have that kind of misconduct. Ever.
And McCoy needs to be told just once that being an ass eventually has its costs.
So did the Declaration of Independence and the Magna Carta. Not to mention the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pactd
Right, Nichevo. The effects of changes to the immigration law in 1965 and Reagan's amnesty in 1986 were no more consequential than the 13th century Magna Carta or the 18th century Declaration of Independence to the demographic changes in the US over the last 50 years.
Can I interest you in some beach front property in Arizona?
If you're in Charleston for the debate & primary, I can recommend Theatre 99 for your comedy needs, and Kaminsky's on Market Street for your late night coffee and coconut cream pie needs. (No financial connection to either, but man, that pie..).
We hopefully have hopes, unless it's racist. To have hopes, and if it 9s then a twitterer unwithstanding, I will guarantee less than honorificavally ddoom sad kinda uniuque
Ran into something interesting tonight while looking for some numbers to comment on another post.
This is the wikipedia entry for the 2016 Democrat primary in NY, complete with county map showing which counties went for Bernie, which for CLinton.
This is the wikipedia entry for the general election with county map showing Trump and Clinton counties.
So what's interesting about it? There is almost a one for one correspondence between counties that voted for Bernie in the Democrat primary that subsequently voted for Trump in the general election. NY doesn't have an open primary, and you have declare a party quite a long time before election, so Limbaugh's Operation Chaos isn't an explanation. I was trying to come up with reason why this correlation exists. Best I can come up with is that in rural counties both Democrats and Republicans are fed up with the status quo and want to shake things up. They could be more radical than urban Democrats, but that defies reality. I think. Anyone got a better explanation?
Gospace- here is a map color-coded- red is Clinton and green is Sanders.
Yes, Sanders dominated rural areas outside the South, but Clinton dominated most areas, urban and rural, in the South, and the urban areas everywhere else. If Sanders had done as well with minority voters in 2016 as he did in Nevada on Saturday, he would have won easily in 2016. Watch the exit polls on South Carolina- even if he loses to Biden, if he gets something similar to what he got in Nevada from hispanics and African-Americans, this race is already over because he will again dominate the rural areas of the midwest, mountain west, west, and northeast.
And think about the New York primary that comes up on April 8th. I think a lot of the brokered convention noise depends on Bloomberg winning that primary decisively. I don't think he will even win it- upstate Democrats aren't going to vote for him, and 50% of NYC hates the guy personally. If Biden is a non-entity on April 8th, Sanders will crush Bloomberg in New York state.
Here's Crazy Bernie's crazy plans - free college, cancel all student loans, a heap of utopian nonsense.
The loans were provided at risk. Let the colleges eat the loss. Also, progressive prices, not costs, are a problem for both the education and medical sectors. Obamalearns would offer just as much short-term relief as Obamacares and a persistent burden, debt, not baby... Fetal-American.
Yancey, I hadn't looked for national maps. Now that adds to the puzzle. Why did rural areas (outside the South) go for Sanders? What was his appeal to the more conservative rural areas?
Or was it not more of an appeal for Sanders than it was a Democrat Anyone But Clinton vote, the reason a lot of rural voters in my area (including me) voted for Trump?
I agree that Sanders will crush Bloomberg in NY. Biden is getting more negative press coverage by the day. They cannot hide his obvious senility anymore. So they're actually reporting on it.
I think an interesting data point is the Minnesota iron range. Those counties were blue in 2016 but the Minn DFL, popularly-based in the Mini-apple now, is still trying to restrict mining in the iron range. I predict the iron range goes red and is a good start to flipping Minn.
Two of my husbands trump hating friends from so cal days are hanging out in Tijuana, the one that lives there called me a nazi when I said trump would be elected and build a wall, the other one lives in London and said there would never be Brexit LOL. Lovely day in America.
"Milwaukee Guy Kind of grisly, but I'd bet most of the Other children were slaughtered too. Who wanted them in the gene pool when they were not even old enough to enslave?"
In the old tribal days the victors in war usually took women and children captive. The children were replacements for those lost in battle and became full tribal members. Genetics didn't come into it. That's why today most indigenous people don't want to use genetics to define who is a member of their tribe. Tomahawk Warren ran into this problem when she tried to prove her Cherokee roots using genetics - point being that the Cherokee don't accept that way of defining their identity and why didn't she know that? Why did she use the European way of proving she was Cherokee?
The tribes encountered by the Europeans in North America were stone age peoples and by closely studying their encounter I feel I learned a lot about how stone age people think and how the encounters went among different tribes way back when. Reading Hubbard's History of Indian Wars in England, the Indians seem modern in their thought, primitive in their weapons and outnumbered.
Am I the asshole? Not sure but whoever wrote this (for a travel article) is insufferable:
"With two minutes before we were due to leave our hostel for the local bus station, my travel partner casually walked down the steps of our riad in Marrakech after a long hot shower and a scavenger hunt in her backpack for the ideal outfit, asking about breakfast. I hurriedly tossed her pastries in paper napkins, demanding she eat on the road while hustling her out the door. Though we arrived at the bus station with four minutes to spare, the traveler in front of us in the queue snagged the last two seats to Essaouira. Out of options, we waited four hours for the next connection."
Picked this up at Ace's place, interesting if accurate:
Bernie is a near certainty to get the D nomination because of the Ds 15% rule. In fact, this will be settled next Tuesday
Eg. If Bernie get 20% of the vote, and no one else gets over 15%, Bernie gets all the delegates. The field is so split, that an outcome like this is what will happen.
Bloomberg is about to split the field even more, without crossing 15% himself. Its the biggest Own Goal in political history and will only cost him $500 million.
@Yancey, I always assumed that Obama won the nomination in 2008 because the ABC (Anyone But Clinton) vote coalesced around him, and the ABC vote had two bites at the apple in 2016 — first Sanders and then Trump. An alternate theory is that Obama, Sanders, and Trump represented “change you can believe in” to voters. I note that the two are not mutually exclusive, and could be mutually reinforcing.
I've been looking at statistics from this years flu season. There were at least 29 million flu cases leading to at least 280,000 hospitalizations and at least 16 thousand deaths. This was hardly noticed, so we could have 280,000 hospitalizations from WuFlu and handle it easily. In a regular flu season China would handle 4x as many cases as the US since its population is 4x as large. That would be over a million hospitalizations in China in a normal year and so far there are only 75,000 cases over there - cases - not hospitalizations. Yet the Chinese are panicky and stopping manufacturing and wrecking supply chains. So since the Chinese are able to handle way more cases of flu than they have reported, the panic over there must mean that the death rate is very high, higher than reported, or that there are far, far more cases than reported leading to the same result, many more deaths than usual. If China is quarantined the global economy will be wrecked and if it is not then whatever is going on to panic the Chinese will spread, possibly also wrecking the economy. It looks like tough times eve in reality and will be the apocalypse on CNN. I'm sorry to say I am so in the grip of the election that I estimate that the projected apocalypse is not going to be a plus for globalists or for the open borders crowd. Similarly, trade barriers and getting our manufacturing back home will be winning positions if we have an election on schedule and not the rapture. During CNN's apocalypse coverage leading up to the election, I will continue to follow Trump right through the gates of Hell (A CNN Special - Live Coverage of the Flames) to the voting booths just inside and there I'll vote Republican.
Another Dem debate tonight, this one with twice the billionaires. Will poor Joe’s signs of mental decline come to the fore? Will Lizzie’s tomahawk come out for Bloomberg again?
Eg. If Bernie get 20% of the vote, and no one else gets over 15%, Bernie gets all the delegates. The field is so split, that an outcome like this is what will happen.
Splitting the vote improves the possibility of a brokered convention.
Never believe polls, but if you do, the scenario above isn't happening anywhere. There are two three and four candidates splitting in every state and in all of those where Sanders is leading his lead is only by low to mid single digits, meaning the proportional allocation is split more evenly.
We'll know more after SC. If Biden wins its a hit to Bernie's momentum. If Bloomberg Biden Bernie split up super tuesday 'no one' on the first ballot is going to be a big factor.
This morning I read an article in a leftist rag that stated that "Donald Trump is accelerating his war on the rule of law".
I don't spend enough time at lefty rags to understand what this means, but this seems to be the meme of the week that Lefties throw around indiscriminately, and with no need for further explanation.
Help me here. What exactly is Trump's "war on the rule of law" and how is he accelerating it?
I'm always curious about things like this. Seems to me that Trump's policies are being challenged in court regularly, and 90% of the time Trump wins. (Once you get past that Hawaiian guy of course.
Or is Trump's war on the rule of law really just a war on what Lefties think the law ought to be.
J. Farmer said... "the cuban american vote did play a part in sending gullum back to the dugout and electing rick scott among other segments.
Not to mention prolonging a dead end posture towards Cuba that has utterly failed in its objective. " Yeah. Because you should always make nice to the dictator who stole all your stuff and murdered your friends and family. Cuba is a money making enterprise for the Castro family and their friends. Money made off the backs of their slaves.
Jersey Fled, it is all projection. If Trump does anything, it violates the laws of their Fantasy Island world. In this particular case, it could refer to his recent pardons and commutations. But it is immaterial what the specific reference is, really.
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६७ टिप्पण्या:
Weinstein needs a pardon. As if Hillary needed more motivation...
sun risin'
hoar risin'
Weinstein needs a pardon.
not after Moochele's glowing praise
Harvey Is A Wonderful Human Being
Harvey taken to Bellevue with chest pains.
So in tonight's Trek, widespread insubordination bordering on mutiny nearly gets all of the people in the shuttle-craft commanded by Spock killed.
Each of them, including McCoy, should rightly be disciplined if not court-martialed for their misconduct.
Failed Never Trump Pundits Don't Speak for You, But MSM Can't Get Enough of Them
Nevah Trumpahs
Obama Didn’t Just Help Create Trump, He Also Helped Create Bernie Sanders
Meanwhile, Starbuck is playing sheriff's deputy on Longmire -- finally showing again on regular cable.
One of the mathematics ladies who worked for NASA back in the day passed away recently. My take - people get too excited when women are interested in mathematics, and get all "you go girl!" about it.
Why? Why can't we just say, follow your dreams, whoever you are?
Kirk Douglas left almost all his 80 million to charity, which is evidence that he was a better person than I thought he was. I am always happy when I see such evidence.
Trump has made a few mistakes in his presidency - I hope today's claim that the "coronavirus" is under control is not one of them.
That being said, I think it was.
Today is a good day to be a Cuban-American, today is the day from which the decline and fall of the nasty old man Sanders will be measured by historians of the future.
What channel are they on, the cuban american vote did play a part in sending gullum back to the dugout and electing rick scott among other segments.
Obama Didn’t Just Help Create Trump, He Also Helped Create Bernie Sanders
LBJ's signing of the Hart–Celler Act and Reagan's amnesty helped a lot, too.
Mark - you and me agree on Star Trek.
But it is a dreamworld, where the UCMJ does not matter.
narciso it worries me when I understand every word you are saying!
Just kidding, it does not worry me, i just want you to know that your idiosyncratic style makes sense to me.
the cuban american vote did play a part in sending gullum back to the dugout and electing rick scott among other segments.
Not to mention prolonging a dead end posture towards Cuba that has utterly failed in its objective.
Being really into the dog evolution thing, I really dug the pushing the documented data to 28,500 BP. 20,000 more to go, in my book.
There's a speculation out there that the Cro-Magnons domesticated the wolf and the Neandertals not.
Calling ourselves Cro-Magnons seems as stupid to me as calling yourself a Walloon. As far as we know, early on, in every language, we called ourselves the people. The Neandertals probably did too but the winners get to write the histories.
In downtown Milwaukie is Dark Horse Comics. I see a Conan-like graphic novel.
Western Europe: The people are competing with the Other for hunting, fishing and gathering areas. The people are outcompeting because we're a bit smarter with better tools and weapons and we have dogs.
Dogs help us hunt better, protect our hunting and fishing camps as well as our clan villages, even if it's just a cave.
Warfare results. Both sides have heroes but in the end, the Other settlements are destroyed, many adults killed, the cute ones taken as concubines [hence the Neandertal DNA].
Kind of grisly, but I'd bet most of the Other children were slaughtered too. Who wanted them in the gene pool when they were not even old enough to enslave?
BTW, new top gorillas usually beat the bellies of females pregnant by the previous Top Cat to miscarriage. It's a primate thing.
Last two items not part of the graphic novel pitch.
It'd be educational. You heard it here first. Copyright 2020 Milwaukie Guy
Not so much, deindustrialization in the midwest and the north east was a larger factor, as was the various foundations ford carnegie rockefeller sarah diamond joyyce et al.
What Israel’s Kibbutz Experiment Can Teach Feminists
But alas, they say, no such controlled experiment can be performed.
They are wrong. Exactly such an experiment was carried out, and documented in the 1970s. But feminists were not happy with the results, and the research did not receive the attention it deserved.
Does this make our kibbutz look big?
Working title: Genocide of the Neandertals. Probably need something snappier.
new top gorillas usually beat the bellies of females pregnant
And alpha female chimps eat the babies of other females *slowly and with great relish"me.
Red in tooth and claw.
Don't know how "me" got in there
Actually, we probably killed almost all of them. Slavery wasn't really economically viable until later in human history.
I wouldn't want a huge bummer gory slaughter at the end. The finale should be a huge victory for people and dogs and a bright future ahead. Going to have to work on that before my pitch.
Still, think Conan but real.
This one almost passed without notice
The thing about Star Fleet is that it has a vaguely defined place in society. Some times it is like a military service, sometimes it is more like the Coast Guard or even some geodesic survey crew. TNG made it worse by putting kids on board.
But, we *do* know they had courts martial, and yeah, those guys were unprofessional and asking for it. Spock could see the logic of not bringing Kirk's buddy up on charges though I'm sure..
Here's Crazy Bernie's crazy plans - free college, cancel all student loans, a heap of utopian nonsense.
The man is delusional.
There Goes Peter Condom-Tail
Flight from $15?
Mayor Pete Crashes a Minimum Wage "Fight for $15" Protest - Is Booed and Harassed by Racial Justice Protesters as he Flees (VIDEO)
I've never liked Galileo Seven so I skipped tonight's episode. Now seeing a St Jude's commercial however during DS9.
They say trek was wagon train, it was morelike aubrey or hornblower in space wasnt it
Obama/ Buttiguieg speech sync
White Obama
J. Farmer said...
Obama Didn’t Just Help Create Trump, He Also Helped Create Bernie Sanders
LBJ's signing of the Hart–Celler Act and Reagan's amnesty helped a lot, too.
So did the Declaration of Independence and the Magna Carta. Not to mention the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pactd
real or menorex
Wall Street now finds the coronavirus situaton alarming. You could sense something changing over the weekend, that observers were cutting through the Chinese BS and were discovering how bad the disease really is.
crunchy irony
Nice photo
The best free service in the world.
best free service And Most Popular Articles
Go To The Link
Joe Biden claimed tonight that he worked with Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping on the Paris Climate Accord.
Except the current Chinese President is Xi Jinping.
Deng Xiapoing left office in 1992 and has been dead for 23 years.
He's dead, Joe
CONFUSION: Biden touts stats for North Carolina — in South Carolina
Biden is running to keep himself out of jail
"Vinnie 'The Chin'" tactic.
His lawyers will be able to cite ample examples on the campaign trail of his deteriorating mental state
If you wanna know what young Bernie Sanders was doing with his life, before age 40, when he became Mayor of Burlington, VT (pop 46,000), ya gotta study his alter ego, the Woody Allen character Fielding Mellish in Bananas.
Weinstein has pushed Grenell out of the news cycles. The morning clown joe was particularly nutty this morning...for the 90 seconds I could stomach it. Maybe the apologized for all the "reporting" they did on the Schiff leak claiming Russia was helping Trump, even though testimony admitted they had no intel suggesting such a thing.
Maybe it was the rio treaty, hes not been any sharper since then.
If I was Kirk, I'd tell them all -- except for Scottie and the chick (who I think kept pretty quiet) -- that Spock was willing to let it slide, but he wasn't. They were all reduced in rank and, to the extent that they had pay, forfeited three months.
You can't have that kind of misconduct. Ever.
And McCoy needs to be told just once that being an ass eventually has its costs.
Saw my first Klobuchar commercial.
Trump on live now meeting the Indian president.
If Joe Biden was president, he'd probably tell the president of India that he had run into his cousin at the 7-11.
So did the Declaration of Independence and the Magna Carta. Not to mention the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pactd
Right, Nichevo. The effects of changes to the immigration law in 1965 and Reagan's amnesty in 1986 were no more consequential than the 13th century Magna Carta or the 18th century Declaration of Independence to the demographic changes in the US over the last 50 years.
Can I interest you in some beach front property in Arizona?
Okay then
Alarming news for Titus: Clumber trainer shot dead by husband
If you're in Charleston for the debate & primary, I can recommend Theatre 99 for your comedy needs, and Kaminsky's on Market Street for your late night coffee and coconut cream pie needs. (No financial connection to either, but man, that pie..).
We hopefully have hopes, unless it's racist. To have hopes, and if it 9s then a twitterer unwithstanding, I will guarantee less than honorificavally ddoom sad kinda uniuque
"Saw my first Klobuchar commercial."
I did, too, here in TN about 3-4 hours ago. Don't know if it was national or just local. Actually didn't see it, heard from the other room.
Ran into something interesting tonight while looking for some numbers to comment on another post.
This is the wikipedia entry for the 2016 Democrat primary in NY, complete with county map showing which counties went for Bernie, which for CLinton.
This is the wikipedia entry for the general election with county map showing Trump and Clinton counties.
So what's interesting about it? There is almost a one for one correspondence between counties that voted for Bernie in the Democrat primary that subsequently voted for Trump in the general election. NY doesn't have an open primary, and you have declare a party quite a long time before election, so Limbaugh's Operation Chaos isn't an explanation. I was trying to come up with reason why this correlation exists. Best I can come up with is that in rural counties both Democrats and Republicans are fed up with the status quo and want to shake things up. They could be more radical than urban Democrats, but that defies reality. I think. Anyone got a better explanation?
Gospace- here is a map color-coded- red is Clinton and green is Sanders.
Yes, Sanders dominated rural areas outside the South, but Clinton dominated most areas, urban and rural, in the South, and the urban areas everywhere else. If Sanders had done as well with minority voters in 2016 as he did in Nevada on Saturday, he would have won easily in 2016. Watch the exit polls on South Carolina- even if he loses to Biden, if he gets something similar to what he got in Nevada from hispanics and African-Americans, this race is already over because he will again dominate the rural areas of the midwest, mountain west, west, and northeast.
And think about the New York primary that comes up on April 8th. I think a lot of the brokered convention noise depends on Bloomberg winning that primary decisively. I don't think he will even win it- upstate Democrats aren't going to vote for him, and 50% of NYC hates the guy personally. If Biden is a non-entity on April 8th, Sanders will crush Bloomberg in New York state.
If Biden is a non-entity on April 8th,
Not sure it's an "if" anymore:
“My name’s Joe Biden, I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States senate—if you like what you see, help out, if not, vote for the other Biden”
Here's Crazy Bernie's crazy plans - free college, cancel all student loans, a heap of utopian nonsense.
The loans were provided at risk. Let the colleges eat the loss. Also, progressive prices, not costs, are a problem for both the education and medical sectors. Obamalearns would offer just as much short-term relief as Obamacares and a persistent burden, debt, not baby... Fetal-American.
Yancey, I hadn't looked for national maps. Now that adds to the puzzle. Why did rural areas (outside the South) go for Sanders? What was his appeal to the more conservative rural areas?
Or was it not more of an appeal for Sanders than it was a Democrat Anyone But Clinton vote, the reason a lot of rural voters in my area (including me) voted for Trump?
I agree that Sanders will crush Bloomberg in NY. Biden is getting more negative press coverage by the day. They cannot hide his obvious senility anymore. So they're actually reporting on it.
I think an interesting data point is the Minnesota iron range. Those counties were blue in 2016 but the Minn DFL, popularly-based in the Mini-apple now, is still trying to restrict mining in the iron range. I predict the iron range goes red and is a good start to flipping Minn.
Two of my husbands trump hating friends from so cal days are hanging out in Tijuana, the one that lives there called me a nazi when I said trump would be elected and build a wall, the other one lives in London and said there would never be Brexit LOL. Lovely day in America.
"Milwaukee Guy
Kind of grisly, but I'd bet most of the Other children were slaughtered too. Who wanted them in the gene pool when they were not even old enough to enslave?"
In the old tribal days the victors in war usually took women and children captive. The children were replacements for those lost in battle and became full tribal members. Genetics didn't come into it. That's why today most indigenous people don't want to use genetics to define who is a member of their tribe. Tomahawk Warren ran into this problem when she tried to prove her Cherokee roots using genetics - point being that the Cherokee don't accept that way of defining their identity and why didn't she know that? Why did she use the European way of proving she was Cherokee?
The tribes encountered by the Europeans in North America were stone age peoples and by closely studying their encounter I feel I learned a lot about how stone age people think and how the encounters went among different tribes way back when. Reading Hubbard's History of Indian Wars in England, the Indians seem modern in their thought, primitive in their weapons and outnumbered.
Am I the asshole? Not sure but whoever wrote this (for a travel article) is insufferable:
"With two minutes before we were due to leave our hostel for the local bus station, my travel partner casually walked down the steps of our riad in Marrakech after a long hot shower and a scavenger hunt in her backpack for the ideal outfit, asking about breakfast. I hurriedly tossed her pastries in paper napkins, demanding she eat on the road while hustling her out the door. Though we arrived at the bus station with four minutes to spare, the traveler in front of us in the queue snagged the last two seats to Essaouira. Out of options, we waited four hours for the next connection."
Picked this up at Ace's place, interesting if accurate:
Bernie is a near certainty to get the D nomination because of the Ds 15% rule. In fact, this will be settled next Tuesday
Eg. If Bernie get 20% of the vote, and no one else gets over 15%, Bernie gets all the delegates. The field is so split, that an outcome like this is what will happen.
Bloomberg is about to split the field even more, without crossing 15% himself. Its the biggest Own Goal in political history and will only cost him $500 million.
@Yancey, I always assumed that Obama won the nomination in 2008 because the ABC (Anyone But Clinton) vote coalesced around him, and the ABC vote had two bites at the apple in 2016 — first Sanders and then Trump. An alternate theory is that Obama, Sanders, and Trump represented “change you can believe in” to voters. I note that the two are not mutually exclusive, and could be mutually reinforcing.
I've been looking at statistics from this years flu season. There were at least 29 million flu cases leading to at least 280,000 hospitalizations and at least 16 thousand deaths. This was hardly noticed, so we could have 280,000 hospitalizations from WuFlu and handle it easily. In a regular flu season China would handle 4x as many cases as the US since its population is 4x as large. That would be over a million hospitalizations in China in a normal year and so far there are only 75,000 cases over there - cases - not hospitalizations. Yet the Chinese are panicky and stopping manufacturing and wrecking supply chains. So since the Chinese are able to handle way more cases of flu than they have reported, the panic over there must mean that the death rate is very high, higher than reported, or that there are far, far more cases than reported leading to the same result, many more deaths than usual. If China is quarantined the global economy will be wrecked and if it is not then whatever is going on to panic the Chinese will spread, possibly also wrecking the economy. It looks like tough times eve in reality and will be the apocalypse on CNN. I'm sorry to say I am so in the grip of the election that I estimate that the projected apocalypse is not going to be a plus for globalists or for the open borders crowd. Similarly, trade barriers and getting our manufacturing back home will be winning positions if we have an election on schedule and not the rapture. During CNN's apocalypse coverage leading up to the election, I will continue to follow Trump right through the gates of Hell (A CNN Special - Live Coverage of the Flames) to the voting booths just inside and there I'll vote Republican.
Another Dem debate tonight, this one with twice the billionaires. Will poor Joe’s signs of mental decline come to the fore? Will Lizzie’s tomahawk come out for Bloomberg again?
Eg. If Bernie get 20% of the vote, and no one else gets over 15%, Bernie gets all the delegates. The field is so split, that an outcome like this is what will happen.
Splitting the vote improves the possibility of a brokered convention.
Never believe polls, but if you do, the scenario above isn't happening anywhere. There are two three and four candidates splitting in every state and in all of those where Sanders is leading his lead is only by low to mid single digits, meaning the proportional allocation is split more evenly.
We'll know more after SC. If Biden wins its a hit to Bernie's momentum. If Bloomberg Biden Bernie split up super tuesday 'no one' on the first ballot is going to be a big factor.
This morning I read an article in a leftist rag that stated that "Donald Trump is accelerating his war on the rule of law".
I don't spend enough time at lefty rags to understand what this means, but this seems to be the meme of the week that Lefties throw around indiscriminately, and with no need for further explanation.
Help me here. What exactly is Trump's "war on the rule of law" and how is he accelerating it?
I'm always curious about things like this. Seems to me that Trump's policies are being challenged in court regularly, and 90% of the time Trump wins. (Once you get past that Hawaiian guy of course.
Or is Trump's war on the rule of law really just a war on what Lefties think the law ought to be.
J. Farmer said...
"the cuban american vote did play a part in sending gullum back to the dugout and electing rick scott among other segments.
Not to mention prolonging a dead end posture towards Cuba that has utterly failed in its objective. "
Yeah. Because you should always make nice to the dictator who stole all your stuff and murdered your friends and family. Cuba is a money making enterprise for the Castro family and their friends. Money made off the backs of their slaves.
Jersey Fled, it is all projection. If Trump does anything, it violates the laws of their Fantasy Island world. In this particular case, it could refer to his recent pardons and commutations. But it is immaterial what the specific reference is, really.
"Donald Trump is accelerating his war on the rule of law".
Just part of the Non-Stop Outrage Cabaret that is modern media. Polite company avert their eyes whilst the deranged have their fits.
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