nice! That's the kind of corona you want to go viral!
Kung Flu masters?: What's Up With China & Flu? pt. 3
By now we have heard Dr. Boyle, Creator of US BioWeapons Act Say Coronavirus Is Biological Weapon & @WHO Knows About It- which is why the Chinazis govt tried to cover it up & is now taking drastic measures to contains it -
So-- will the ChiComs be up for a war crimes charge? Will this tarnish their reputation globally? Mess up their organ-trafficking? Could the Coronavirus outbreak lead to the fall of the Communist China ? At least 24 provinces, municipalities & other regions have told businesses not to work until Feb 10. Last year, those parts of China accounted for over 80% of national GDP, & 90% of exports. Could this be Communist China’s Chernobyl moment?
In 2019, the US contributed $59,227,935 to the WHO.China with 1.4B population only paid $18,948,900. Yet-- China blasts US for ‘not helping’ as mainland death toll hits 361
video of massive misting disinfectant(?) sprayed thru neighborhoods
Is the virus spreading thru digestive tract (fecal to oral) in addition to respiratory droplets?
Oh--and the head of the Canadian virus lab in the Chinese spy scandal, Dr. Frank Plummer, suddenly died today. The cause of death was not reported.
Funeral Home Worker in Wuhan: We Are Working 24/7 to Cremate Bodies
Bernie is sitting in Bernie HQ surrounded by angry followers.
He is wondering how to get out of this mess.
He knows he wasn't supposed to win.
But his followers know he won and they are all worked up about it.
If he was truly an independent he would be breathing fire right now.
But he is not. He is as phony as Mitt Romney.
He just wanted another couple million dollars. He was happily going to lose the primary and keep his marxist followers in line voting for some corporatist shlub preferably Biden who he clearly had a deal with.
He would stop this if he could. But he can't. His followers want blood.
Beautiful sunrise! I'm not a morning person but damn if you're not inspiring me to become one! I can get up by sunrise, or before, but driving early in the morning sounds so horrible to me, lol. I may have had too many years dealing with rush hour traffic or the subway at rush hour, it's so unpleasant. But maybe a drive to a scenic spot is so different I wouldn't mind it.
If Prince Andrew is reading this ---- be a man, you little creature, and help the FBI out.
If you are not Prince Andrew but just a fairly happy and self-confident American female reading this, and if you support abortion and are reading this - especially if you are a vegetarian - please please please repent. You are too smart to be brutal and stupid, and if you are a woman ---- there is a level of self-hatred in supporting abortion that you need to know is a self-hatred that you can abandon.
Either God loves us all, or he does not.
If you think maybe you are a psychopath, and you are reading this, well do not let your heart be troubled. Ask God why you do not love anybody ---- just ask. The answer is simple ----- Trust me, God loves you.
I take it that the highest mark of patriotism is now standing behind the POTUS on live national television and tearing up one's copy of the State of the Union address.
While liberal activists derisively accused him of building and paying for “Trump’s wall” by putting Mexican troops on the border with Guatemala to interdict migrant caravans, a new poll shows a sharp increase of support so that now a super majority of Mexicans are in favor of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (nicknamed AMLO) in his efforts to secure Mexico’s southern border. AMLO sent National Guard forces to the border last month to stop caravans from crossing through Mexico to the United States and deport them to their home countries. The poll also shows a majority of Mexicans agree with the idea that Mexico is acting as “Trump’s wall”,...
poor "Prince Andrew" the poltroon, the friend of Epstein, is an old old man, and God loves the old among us just as much as God loves the young among us.
So pray for him, he has just as much a chance to repent as anyone else.
narciso what you said at 10-27 is right, of course, but so many of my friends never had a real friend in this world (sometimes I come across as arrogant but I have had a hard life and I freely admit that people like me who have been beaten down year after year by pain and hardship are rarely successful at being real and treasured friends to the people who need their friendship - just saying - I really don't mind that I have suffered so much but I really wish I could have had the energy I would have had, absent that suffering, to be a good friend to the people I cared about ... and usually, I wasn't. Sad!)
God loves us all but God is aware how hard it is to live far far far from the world that people who are surrounded by good people who were not beaten down by year after year of pain and hardship live in
the last shall be first and the first shall be last Andrew, the poor creature, was clearly never surrounded by good Christian friends, and that is so sad. What is the point of being a prince if you are a loser?
...The White House and President Donald Trump's reelection campaign are lashing out at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for ripping up the president's State of the Union speech. No sooner did Trump finish his address Tuesday night then Pelosi tore it in two, right on the dais behind him. The president had appeared to snub the House speaker before his speech when she extended her hand to him, and he turned back around without acknowledging it. Tim Murtaugh, the communications director for Trump's reelection team, responded: “She might as well rip up any plans for attracting independent voters. Pelosi and the Democrats sat on their hands through all of the good news for Americans in that speech. It’s a sad place to be when good news for America is bad news for Democrats.” The White House accused Pelosi of disrespecting Trump's guests of honor by ripping up the speech. “Speaker Pelosi just ripped up: One of our last surviving Tuskegee Airmen. The survival of a child born at 21 weeks. The mourning families of Rocky Jones and Kayla Mueller. A service member's reunion with his family. That's her legacy," the White House tweeted.....
What is the over/under on Dem Senators voting to acquit or voting present? Will any channel Arlen Spector and vote "Not Proven", citing Scottish law as Spector did?
I think possible Dem acquit votes are Sinema-AZ, Manchin-WV, Feinstein-CA, Jones-AL, Peters-MI, Casey-PA, Menendez-NJ, Coons-DE, and Tester-MT. I will guess that Sinema, Manchin, Feinstein and Jones will vote to acquit. Tester, maybe. Casey, Coons, Menendez, and Peters, unlikely.
I think Feinstein dislikes both Schiff and Pelosi, and she thinks Pelosi is stupid. Sinema and Manchin have about the same motivations. Jones will toss a Hail, Mary into the end zone.
I don't know much about these folks. Any thoughts?
What about the no-name lady from MN who is up for re-election? Is the GOP looking better in MN?
well yeah that is what she ripped up, a speech about one of our last surviving Tuskegee airmen who just got promoted to general today, the survival of a chid who was born very premature, a speech about the devastated and mourning families of Rocky Jones and Kayla Mueller, a speech about the hardships the families of American soldiers have faced ....
she just ripped it up, something no Speaker of the House has ever done before.
look, she is a very old lady, and needs our prayers.
many of us have been just as cold-hearted as her over the years, in our own way, and knowing that, we need to pray for her.
There's a great new video on Trump's Twitter feed. It focuses on the invited guests at the SOTU. It's a striking message of unity. I don't see how the Dems can compete with this.
Manchin likes to play at being the Dem version of Maverick McCain, but he's not very good at it. Even his impression of Mitt the Pink Hat Weasel is weak.
If you are a Republican, you quickly see that Manchin is there when you don't need him. But he has managed to have just enough cover to get re-elected in WV.
"What is the over/under on Dem Senators voting to acquit or voting present? Will any channel Arlen Spector and vote "Not Proven", citing Scottish law as Spector did?"
I haven't checked out the bloviation round from the Senators other than the one Althouse posted earlier on Tuesday from Collins, so I might have missed important information.
I think only Manchin of the Democrats is a possible acquittal on both counts. Quite a few may vote to acquit on the obstruction of Congress, but only Manchin on both counts. The whip will be used to keep everyone else in line.
You were correct the other night- Laurence Fox's father was in "Patriot Games", but his father is James Fox, not the brother Edward. Edward's daughter is Emilia Fox who is the star of "Silent Witness".
Amadeus 48 My prediction is one vote for acquittal and one for conviction from Sinema. But after the SOTU she might vote two acquittals. Feinstein two guilty votes. Manchin two acquittals.
I just finished watching the SotU, Trump swung for the fences. The Democrats should have allowed the final impeachment vote to go forward last Friday- doing it tomorrow just played into Trump's hands. This is the gang that can't shoot straight.
...Mr. Bloomberg’s advisers said it was possible that he would propose additional measures to raise even more revenue, depending on how his other domestic spending plans develop. They said he did not plan to devote any revenues to reducing the existing $1 trillion deficit, which they said he views as a long-term problem but not an immediate one....
The thought crosses my mind that the Democrat’s Iowa software screwup is precisely what you get when one hires a firm based on cronyism and the firm’s political correctness. It’s what always happens with socialism.
I saw another Mini Mike Bloomberg ad last night, and thought again that everyone was underestimating him. It could easily have been from a Republican. He essentially touts experience in business and as the successful mayor of our largest city. Throw in a mention of law and order. It totally ignored, of course being the biggest gun grabber in the country (he has a number of well financed front groups for that), and some of the other stuff that earned him his nickname of “Nannie”. He also has a decent sized media network, which also helps when running against Trump. I think that he is the one Democrat running for President who would have a decent chance to beat Trump. Most of the rest of them are on the wrong side of history, with their personal pronouns, fascination for socialism, preference for other country over ours, etc. Putting an R by his name, running those Ads, and he could win. Putting a D there, and I think that he becomes very dangerous.
I don’t think that the Democrats are really smart enough to pick him as their Presidential nominee. A lot of pretty dumb people over there, on the wrong side of history. We dabbled with internationalism and socialism under Obama, and it didn’t go well. A lot of Americans feel a lot better with Trump’s strong brand of nationalism. I think a distinct majority. Who made us more secure. Obama didn’t send support for our mission in Benghazi when our consulate there was attacked, put the Muslim Brotherhood into temporary power in Egypt, and shipped $150B to Iran, probably the biggest state supporter of terrorism in the world, etc. Whenever he faced a choice between US and international interests, he seemed to always pick the international interests. Sure, he made droning terrorist leaders around the world standard practice, but tried to hide it. Trump touts it. He announced last night that if you attack And kill Americans around the world, we will take you out, and you won’t see it coming. Esp at night, when you can’t see the threat, but we can see and track you. Likely scared the excrement out of terrorists around the world. A lot of people really like that Trump puts America and Americans first.
As I said above, best thing tge Dems could do would be to give Mini Mike their Presidential nomination. I think that is unlikely. But after that, they just have to keep from pissing him off. He had pledged $1B to elect Democrats around the country. Now, he seems to be talking $2B. His money helped buy two of my Senators (Tester and Senema) their Senate seats in 2018. There are enough vulnerable Republicans running for re-election, that all his money could flip the Senate, and that would likely mean the end of Trump’s transformation of the Senate. and his money might be able to save Palsi, Schifty, and Wadler their positions in the House. Imagine the current House membership, with Schumer in charge of the Senate. Imagine how the impeachment would have gone, with the Dem making the rules there. Bloomberg’s billions could easily put us into that situation.
"Best Penis Enlargement cream from doctor OLU World Wide said... Hello everyone am here to give a testimony of how Dr. OLU herbal mixture saved my husband and I from shame and disgrace. My husband and I were married for 5 years and no issue it was a really problem for me so a friend of mine told me about how Dr. OLU herbal mixture saved their marriage so I contacted him on his what's app number (+2348140654426) and he got back to me so I told him everything that is going on. And he told me not to worry about anything, so he told me what to do and after i bought his products he told my husbands to use it for just one week and so we obeyed his instructions after using the product my husbands penis increased from 4 inches to 9 inches"
OK, that's great. But how can Chuck get to 4 inches?
@Bruce Hayden, everything you wrote is correct, but (1) there are an estimated 100 million gun owners in the US, and hardly any golf them will vote for him in the primaries, much less in November, and (2) Google the character string “stop and frisk walking while black.”
I do worry about the Wuhan 2019-NCoV Coronavirus. It very much appears to have been stolen by a Chinese national researcher from the Winnipeg research lab, ending up in China’s level 4 containment lab in Wuhan, where a bit of genetic engineering was performed that added those four HIV-1 spikes that makes the virus so dangerous. From its location in China’s level 4 containment lab, along with the manufactured increased lethality, I think it very likely that they were working at engineering bioweapons.
But being communists, they screwed up. First, they made it. Then they accidentally let it escape into the general populace. Then they lied about it. And now they are, in their normal heavy handed way, trying to control the damage. Just another example, if we needed it, of why socialism, and esp its communistic offshoot, can’t, and don’t, work.
There was a joke in the USSR about the workers pretending to work, and the country pretending to play them. When faced with the gulag or making quotas, plant managers just lied. Of course, they made their quotas, or at least reported that they did. Lying to the government by its people, and essentially it’s management class became endemic. And, when the USSR collapsed, it turned out that much, if not most, of their economic growth had been, in reality, only in the reports filed out by plant managers and bureaucrats.
And that sort of thing is why, I think, that this crononavirus outbreak has the very real possibility of severely damaging China and its economy, and then hurting the rest of the world, both medically and financially. All because no one wanted to report the bad news up the chain of power. So, when the crononavirus escaped, it wasn’t reported and made a priority, and when it started to spread, the infections and fatalities were underreported. Fudged and downplayed. The natural result of this was that precious days and weeks were lost in fighting the coronavirus. And that underreporting is having deadly consequences. Quarantine might have helped contain the problem, but by the time that people high enough in the government found out about the outbreak, it was probably too late to contain through quarantine, esp as it quickly spread throughout the rest of the world.
“@Bruce Hayden, everything you wrote is correct, but (1) there are an estimated 100 million gun owners in the US, and hardly any golf them will vote for him in the primaries, much less in November, and (2) Google the character string “stop and frisk walking while black.””
Was there any indication given about when Iowa will be done counting or will the powers that be dribble out the results longer than anyone pays attention?
Unrelated: Bernie is winning NH by more than the margin of error. NH DNC inquiring about purchading Iowa's election app.
’Early enough for early returns from Iowa caucuses to come in?’
According to the ‘internet’ they've tabulated 70.82% of the precincts. So, the Party of Science should have the complete results no later than Friday afternoon. Math is hard, yo!!
Talk radio is outraged that Pelosi ripped up a speech containing the names of verious heros and sympathetic figures. Apparently it's gone the Koran sacred text route.
Not a fan of the speech, the applause lines or the rebuttal. All claim clearly that the nation is inhabited by morons.
so, when Mayor Pete Butifuc started campaigning; he was this clean shaven boy apparently, his handlers didn't like that look; 'cause it made him look like a little boy.
So, then; he started walking around with a permanent five O'clock shadow... NOW, the handlers have apparently upped their game, and he wears a couple day growth of whiskers
Serious Question WILL exMayor Pete Butifuc stay in the race long enough to have a Full Beard?? If so, will he top it with a man bun?
Bloomberg's problem is that his essential appeal is exclusively to gentry Democrats and NeverTrumpers. You can add a few Trump-haters, but can you imagine a wave of support from Bernie Bros or black voters for a New York con man who accuses POTUS of being a New York con man? I can't.
Since the Democrat party and the deep state are one and the same, expect the November general election results to be held up by a similar snafu as what happened in Iowa, especially from the swing states.
Bigger problem in Iowa than inept vote counting - low voter turnout.
From Politico:
"If that number holds, turnout will run only to about 170,000 people, well below the 240,000 who participated in the caucuses in 2008.
“It’s an enthusiasm gap,” said Michael Ceraso, who worked for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 campaign and was Pete Buttigieg’s New Hampshire director before leaving the campaign last year.
Since the start of the campaign, a critical part of the candidates’ electability-based appeals had been a promise that they were uniquely suited to rouse an unreliable electorate in the fall.
The lesson from Monday, Ceraso said, is that “None of these candidates right now are inspiring what they’re claiming they’re inspiring.”
Chris Adcock, chairwoman of Democratic Party in southwest Iowa‘s Page County, said in a text message that “our team was REALLY surprised turnout was no better than 2016.”
Bigger problem in Iowa than inept vote counting - low voter turnout.
I read that but am not convinced we can draw too many conclusions. For starters, the day after the Super Bowl is one of the least productive Mondays of the year.
“I saw another Mini Mike Bloomberg ad last night, and thought again that everyone was underestimating him. It could easily have been from a Republican. He essentially touts experience in business and as the successful mayor of our largest city. Throw in a mention of law and order.”
So, like every forgotten vanilla GOPe candidate ever? I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow bought his way into the White House, but I can’t think of the last time someone so bland was elected President. Calvin Coolidge?
On impeachment, I bet it will be party line at best. No way Feinstein flips and even the Arizona chick is highly unlikely. Some heavy party discipline is being dished out this morning. Naive indeed, to expect any principled Democrats to show up this late in the game.
"Since the Democrat party and the deep state are one and the same, expect the November general election results to be held up by a similar snafu as what happened in Iowa, especially from the swing states."
That's a disturbing thought because it rings true. We may need to have independent auditors (do such people exist?) monitor the voting process in swing states. Iowa may be a warning of things to come in Nov.
Today is Victory over the District of Criminals day. All the Trump's men should have a parade. Kellyanne was giddy on FOX this AM. A great victory has changed the course of American political war.
It’s an enthusiasm gap,” said Michael Ceraso, who worked for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 campaign and was Pete Buttigieg’s New Hampshire director before leaving the campaign last year.
The lack of introspection is stunning. People are turning away from Democrats and it is somehow the voters' fault.
RH, we understand that you are not a human being but a robot, or an autist, which is in some ways less than a robot. We understand that you cannot proceas symbols. Surely in the interest of efficiency, you are not bound to keep repeating it, are you?
—do worry about the Wuhan 2019-NCoV Coronavirus. It very much appears to have been stolen by a Chinese national researcher from the Winnipeg research lab—
The guy who headed the Canadian lab is dead. He died yesterday or the day before.
Do you understand WHY this point is being made and reinforced?
Do you support or oppose that objective?
Do you have other real world suggestions to accomplish that objective that would affect anyone except yourself? Since nothing you have ever said accomplishes this, PLEASE DO NOT REPEAT YOURSELF AGAIN. For instance, do not talk about teaching good character.
—And that sort of thing is why, I think, that this crononavirus outbreak has the very real possibility of severely damaging China and its economy, and then hurting the rest of the world, both medically and financially.—
Saving face, but in the longer run, the opportunities for other countries is a good thing. What we need to worry about is another wave of emigration.
Of course, it seems I’m in the targeted range of death so,.....
OTOH, this, like the Plague, could start a new Renaissance. I just hope I’m alive to see if I’m right.
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७९ टिप्पण्या:
And this sunrise is type — what???
Beautiful marvelous wonderful etc. Very painterly.
Thanks to the old master painter in the sky. I hope he doesn’t mind being called that.
nice! That's the kind of corona you want to go viral!
Kung Flu masters?: What's Up With China & Flu? pt. 3
By now we have heard Dr. Boyle, Creator of US BioWeapons Act Say Coronavirus Is Biological Weapon & @WHO Knows About It- which is why the Chinazis govt tried to cover it up & is now taking drastic measures to contains it -
So-- will the ChiComs be up for a war crimes charge?
Will this tarnish their reputation globally? Mess up their organ-trafficking?
Could the Coronavirus outbreak lead to the fall of the Communist China ?
At least 24 provinces, municipalities & other regions have told businesses not to work until Feb 10.
Last year, those parts of China accounted for over 80% of national GDP, & 90% of exports.
Could this be Communist China’s Chernobyl moment?
In 2019, the US contributed $59,227,935 to the WHO.China with 1.4B population only paid $18,948,900.
Yet-- China blasts US for ‘not helping’ as mainland death toll hits 361
video of massive misting disinfectant(?) sprayed thru neighborhoods
Is the virus spreading thru digestive tract (fecal to oral) in addition to respiratory droplets?
Oh--and the head of the Canadian virus lab in the Chinese spy scandal, Dr. Frank Plummer, suddenly died today.
The cause of death was not reported.
Funeral Home Worker in Wuhan: We Are Working 24/7 to Cremate Bodies
Bernie is sitting in Bernie HQ surrounded by angry followers.
He is wondering how to get out of this mess.
He knows he wasn't supposed to win.
But his followers know he won and they are all worked up about it.
If he was truly an independent he would be breathing fire right now.
But he is not. He is as phony as Mitt Romney.
He just wanted another couple million dollars. He was happily going to lose the primary and keep his marxist followers in line voting for some corporatist shlub preferably Biden who he clearly had a deal with.
He would stop this if he could. But he can't. His followers want blood.
Does Bernie seem suicidal to you all?
if Bernie continues to do well,
...will the excitement of his success be, um, bad for his heart?
The snub of Nan's extended hand was terrific, just terrific.
Besides, Trump was being cautious. She mighta have had one of the Russian poison devices in her palm.
Just keep Bernie away from bedsheets that can be torn into strips.
Beautiful sunrise! I'm not a morning person but damn if you're not inspiring me to become one! I can get up by sunrise, or before, but driving early in the morning sounds so horrible to me, lol. I may have had too many years dealing with rush hour traffic or the subway at rush hour, it's so unpleasant. But maybe a drive to a scenic spot is so different I wouldn't mind it.
When are Bernie's followers going to notice he is not as eager as they are?
Who are they going to move on to? AOC?
The SOTU is going to drive the globalists nuts.
This will be over before we even get to November.
A very emotional speech. The SOTU turned into a honor Americans night. Trump sincerely loves us.
Either God loves us all, or he does not.
If Prince Andrew is reading this ---- be a man, you little creature, and help the FBI out.
If you are not Prince Andrew but just a fairly happy and self-confident American female reading this, and if you support abortion and are reading this - especially if you are a vegetarian - please please please repent. You are too smart to be brutal and stupid, and if you are a woman ---- there is a level of self-hatred in supporting abortion that you need to know is a self-hatred that you can abandon.
Either God loves us all, or he does not.
If you think maybe you are a psychopath, and you are reading this, well do not let your heart be troubled. Ask God why you do not love anybody ---- just ask. The answer is simple -----
Trust me, God loves you.
Beautiful colors and composition. How lucky to live near such a sight. Thanks for sharing.
The likes of Prince Andrew think they are too sophisticated to need God, hes been carausing everywhere from kazakhstan to the virgin islands.
I take it that the highest mark of patriotism is now standing behind the POTUS on live national television and tearing up one's copy of the State of the Union address.
and they want us to take them seriously.....
Trump gave one of the best SOTU speeches ever.
But it was the execution that made it impressive. He put himself and Americans clearly on one side trying to make lives better and do great things.
Anyone who wouldn't cheer that looks like a hater.
The Democrats spent the entire night looking like haters.
And Nancy's folly at the end cements that impression.
The democrat party is finished.
The "vote" to impeach Trump tomorrow is looking really bad right now.
Does Nancy look suicidal to you all? I think a lot of democrat leaders are going to tell us they are very happy and have no thoughts of suicide.
Via Lucianne:
While liberal activists derisively accused him of building and paying for “Trump’s wall” by putting Mexican troops on the border with Guatemala to interdict migrant caravans, a new poll shows a sharp increase of support so that now a super majority of Mexicans are in favor of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (nicknamed AMLO) in his efforts to secure Mexico’s southern border. AMLO sent National Guard forces to the border last month to stop caravans from crossing through Mexico to the United States and deport them to their home countries. The poll also shows a majority of Mexicans agree with the idea that Mexico is acting as “Trump’s wall”,...
poor "Prince Andrew" the poltroon, the friend of Epstein, is an old old man, and God loves the old among us just as much as God loves the young among us.
So pray for him, he has just as much a chance to repent as anyone else.
He does, but if you dont make the effort to seek him out, there lies the problem,
narciso what you said at 10-27 is right, of course, but so many of my friends never had a real friend in this world (sometimes I come across as arrogant but I have had a hard life and I freely admit that people like me who have been beaten down year after year by pain and hardship are rarely successful at being real and treasured friends to the people who need their friendship - just saying - I really don't mind that I have suffered so much but I really wish I could have had the energy I would have had, absent that suffering, to be a good friend to the people I cared about ... and usually, I wasn't. Sad!)
God loves us all but God is aware how hard it is to live far far far from the world that people who are surrounded by good people who were not beaten down by year after year of pain and hardship live in
the last shall be first and the first shall be last
Andrew, the poor creature, was clearly never surrounded by good Christian friends, and that is so sad. What is the point of being a prince if you are a loser?
...The White House and President Donald Trump's reelection campaign are lashing out at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for ripping up the president's State of the Union speech.
No sooner did Trump finish his address Tuesday night then Pelosi tore it in two, right on the dais behind him. The president had appeared to snub the House speaker before his speech when she extended her hand to him, and he turned back around without acknowledging it.
Tim Murtaugh, the communications director for Trump's reelection team, responded: “She might as well rip up any plans for attracting independent voters. Pelosi and the Democrats sat on their hands through all of the good news for Americans in that speech. It’s a sad place to be when good news for America is bad news for Democrats.”
The White House accused Pelosi of disrespecting Trump's guests of honor by ripping up the speech. “Speaker Pelosi just ripped up: One of our last surviving Tuskegee Airmen. The survival of a child born at 21 weeks. The mourning families of Rocky Jones and Kayla Mueller. A service member's reunion with his family. That's her legacy," the White House tweeted.....
What is the over/under on Dem Senators voting to acquit or voting present? Will any channel Arlen Spector and vote "Not Proven", citing Scottish law as Spector did?
I think possible Dem acquit votes are Sinema-AZ, Manchin-WV, Feinstein-CA, Jones-AL, Peters-MI, Casey-PA, Menendez-NJ, Coons-DE, and Tester-MT. I will guess that Sinema, Manchin, Feinstein and Jones will vote to acquit. Tester, maybe. Casey, Coons, Menendez, and Peters, unlikely.
I think Feinstein dislikes both Schiff and Pelosi, and she thinks Pelosi is stupid. Sinema and Manchin have about the same motivations. Jones will toss a Hail, Mary into the end zone.
I don't know much about these folks. Any thoughts?
What about the no-name lady from MN who is up for re-election? Is the GOP looking better in MN?
well yeah that is what she ripped up, a speech about one of our last surviving Tuskegee airmen who just got promoted to general today, the survival of a chid who was born very premature, a speech about the devastated and mourning families of Rocky Jones and Kayla Mueller, a speech about the hardships the families of American soldiers have faced ....
she just ripped it up, something no Speaker of the House has ever done before.
look, she is a very old lady, and needs our prayers.
many of us have been just as cold-hearted as her over the years, in our own way, and knowing that, we need to pray for her.
"Hello everyone am here to give a testimony of how Dr. OLU herbal mixture saved my husband and I from shame and disgrace."
Good heavens, ARM. Give it a rest.
There's a great new video on Trump's Twitter feed. It focuses on the invited guests at the SOTU. It's a striking message of unity. I don't see how the Dems can compete with this.
""Hello everyone am here to give a testimony of how Dr. OLU herbal mixture saved my husband and I from shame and disgrace."
Good heavens, ARM. Give it a rest."
Great stuff.
Ann, do you have an affiliate link to Dr. OLU's herbal mixture? Asking for a friend...
Manchin's a fraud.
Manchin likes to play at being the Dem version of Maverick McCain, but he's not very good at it. Even his impression of Mitt the Pink Hat Weasel is weak.
If you are a Republican, you quickly see that Manchin is there when you don't need him. But he has managed to have just enough cover to get re-elected in WV.
"What is the over/under on Dem Senators voting to acquit or voting present? Will any channel Arlen Spector and vote "Not Proven", citing Scottish law as Spector did?"
I haven't checked out the bloviation round from the Senators other than the one Althouse posted earlier on Tuesday from Collins, so I might have missed important information.
I think only Manchin of the Democrats is a possible acquittal on both counts. Quite a few may vote to acquit on the obstruction of Congress, but only Manchin on both counts. The whip will be used to keep everyone else in line.
And Amadeus 48 is correct- Manchin is only there when his vote isn't needed.
Note to Narciso
You were correct the other night- Laurence Fox's father was in "Patriot Games", but his father is James Fox, not the brother Edward. Edward's daughter is Emilia Fox who is the star of "Silent Witness".
Amadeus 48
My prediction is one vote for acquittal and one for conviction from Sinema. But after the SOTU she might vote two acquittals. Feinstein two guilty votes. Manchin two acquittals.
I just finished watching the SotU, Trump swung for the fences. The Democrats should have allowed the final impeachment vote to go forward last Friday- doing it tomorrow just played into Trump's hands. This is the gang that can't shoot straight.
Ann, do you have an affiliate link to Dr. OLU's herbal mixture? Asking for a friend...
Use the Amazon Portal, of course.
...Mr. Bloomberg’s advisers said it was possible that he would propose additional measures to raise even more revenue, depending on how his other domestic spending plans develop. They said he did not plan to devote any revenues to reducing the existing $1 trillion deficit, which they said he views as a long-term problem but not an immediate one....
Back to you, Arm.
The thought crosses my mind that the Democrat’s Iowa software screwup is precisely what you get when one hires a firm based on cronyism and the firm’s political correctness. It’s what always happens with socialism.
Don’t be silly.
The software worked just fine.
The voters just went and voted for Bernie.
I saw another Mini Mike Bloomberg ad last night, and thought again that everyone was underestimating him. It could easily have been from a Republican. He essentially touts experience in business and as the successful mayor of our largest city. Throw in a mention of law and order. It totally ignored, of course being the biggest gun grabber in the country (he has a number of well financed front groups for that), and some of the other stuff that earned him his nickname of “Nannie”. He also has a decent sized media network, which also helps when running against Trump. I think that he is the one Democrat running for President who would have a decent chance to beat Trump. Most of the rest of them are on the wrong side of history, with their personal pronouns, fascination for socialism, preference for other country over ours, etc. Putting an R by his name, running those Ads, and he could win. Putting a D there, and I think that he becomes very dangerous.
I don’t think that the Democrats are really smart enough to pick him as their Presidential nominee. A lot of pretty dumb people over there, on the wrong side of history. We dabbled with internationalism and socialism under Obama, and it didn’t go well. A lot of Americans feel a lot better with Trump’s strong brand of nationalism. I think a distinct majority. Who made us more secure. Obama didn’t send support for our mission in Benghazi when our consulate there was attacked, put the Muslim Brotherhood into temporary power in Egypt, and shipped $150B to Iran, probably the biggest state supporter of terrorism in the world, etc. Whenever he faced a choice between US and international interests, he seemed to always pick the international interests. Sure, he made droning terrorist leaders around the world standard practice, but tried to hide it. Trump touts it. He announced last night that if you attack And kill Americans around the world, we will take you out, and you won’t see it coming. Esp at night, when you can’t see the threat, but we can see and track you. Likely scared the excrement out of terrorists around the world. A lot of people really like that Trump puts America and Americans first.
As I said above, best thing tge Dems could do would be to give Mini Mike their Presidential nomination. I think that is unlikely. But after that, they just have to keep from pissing him off. He had pledged $1B to elect Democrats around the country. Now, he seems to be talking $2B. His money helped buy two of my Senators (Tester and Senema) their Senate seats in 2018. There are enough vulnerable Republicans running for re-election, that all his money could flip the Senate, and that would likely mean the end of Trump’s transformation of the Senate. and his money might be able to save Palsi, Schifty, and Wadler their positions in the House. Imagine the current House membership, with Schumer in charge of the Senate. Imagine how the impeachment would have gone, with the Dem making the rules there. Bloomberg’s billions could easily put us into that situation.
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OK, that's great. But how can Chuck get to 4 inches?
@Bruce Hayden, everything you wrote is correct, but (1) there are an estimated 100 million gun owners in the US, and hardly any golf them will vote for him in the primaries, much less in November, and (2) Google the character string “stop and frisk walking while black.”
I do worry about the Wuhan 2019-NCoV Coronavirus. It very much appears to have been stolen by a Chinese national researcher from the Winnipeg research lab, ending up in China’s level 4 containment lab in Wuhan, where a bit of genetic engineering was performed that added those four HIV-1 spikes that makes the virus so dangerous. From its location in China’s level 4 containment lab, along with the manufactured increased lethality, I think it very likely that they were working at engineering bioweapons.
But being communists, they screwed up. First, they made it. Then they accidentally let it escape into the general populace. Then they lied about it. And now they are, in their normal heavy handed way, trying to control the damage. Just another example, if we needed it, of why socialism, and esp its communistic offshoot, can’t, and don’t, work.
There was a joke in the USSR about the workers pretending to work, and the country pretending to play them. When faced with the gulag or making quotas, plant managers just lied. Of course, they made their quotas, or at least reported that they did. Lying to the government by its people, and essentially it’s management class became endemic. And, when the USSR collapsed, it turned out that much, if not most, of their economic growth had been, in reality, only in the reports filed out by plant managers and bureaucrats.
And that sort of thing is why, I think, that this crononavirus outbreak has the very real possibility of severely damaging China and its economy, and then hurting the rest of the world, both medically and financially. All because no one wanted to report the bad news up the chain of power. So, when the crononavirus escaped, it wasn’t reported and made a priority, and when it started to spread, the infections and fatalities were underreported. Fudged and downplayed. The natural result of this was that precious days and weeks were lost in fighting the coronavirus. And that underreporting is having deadly consequences. Quarantine might have helped contain the problem, but by the time that people high enough in the government found out about the outbreak, it was probably too late to contain through quarantine, esp as it quickly spread throughout the rest of the world.
“@Bruce Hayden, everything you wrote is correct, but (1) there are an estimated 100 million gun owners in the US, and hardly any golf them will vote for him in the primaries, much less in November, and (2) Google the character string “stop and frisk walking while black.””
Completely agree. I just hope it is enough.
It's 0540 here, early.
Early enough for early returns from Iowa caucuses to come in?
Was there any indication given about when Iowa will be done counting or will the powers that be dribble out the results longer than anyone pays attention?
Unrelated: Bernie is winning NH by more than the margin of error. NH DNC inquiring about purchading Iowa's election app.
NH DNC inquiring about purchasing Iowa's election app.”
’Early enough for early returns from Iowa caucuses to come in?’
According to the ‘internet’ they've tabulated 70.82% of the precincts. So, the Party of Science should have the complete results no later than Friday afternoon. Math is hard, yo!!
Talk radio is outraged that Pelosi ripped up a speech containing the names of verious heros and sympathetic figures. Apparently it's gone the Koran sacred text route.
Not a fan of the speech, the applause lines or the rebuttal. All claim clearly that the nation is inhabited by morons.
Perhaps everyone should mail an intact copy of the SOTU speech to speaker Pelosi.
so, when Mayor Pete Butifuc started campaigning; he was this clean shaven boy
apparently, his handlers didn't like that look; 'cause it made him look like a little boy.
So, then; he started walking around with a permanent five O'clock shadow...
NOW, the handlers have apparently upped their game, and he wears a couple day growth of whiskers
Serious Question
WILL exMayor Pete Butifuc stay in the race long enough to have a Full Beard??
If so, will he top it with a man bun?
West Texas Intermediate Crude said...
It's 0540 here, early.
Early enough for early returns from Iowa caucuses to come in?
yeperee! they just released a "new Wave" of results
They are NOW (i shit you motherfucking NOT!) up to %71.6 !!!!
At THIS RATE, we'll have those results; in time for the convention
Iowa Democrats are STUPID!
Bloomberg's problem is that his essential appeal is exclusively to gentry Democrats and NeverTrumpers. You can add a few Trump-haters, but can you imagine a wave of support from Bernie Bros or black voters for a New York con man who accuses POTUS of being a New York con man? I can't.
But there is a long time until November.
"The democrat party is finished."
Please, less of this sort of Inga-like mindless partisan boosterism.
I think we will see an awful lot of that U-Tube clip for the next 9 months.
A free gift from Nancy to The Donald.
The Boy Pete thinks his man bun is in his pants. Who am I to argue.
All I can say is after the actions of the Democrats last night, anybody who votes for them are idiots. They hate you.
Since the Democrat party and the deep state are one and the same, expect the November general election results to be held up by a similar snafu as what happened in Iowa, especially from the swing states.
Has Iowa finished counting the Dem votes yet? They are awfully slow. "Sorry, my App failed" is pretty non-specific.
Bigger problem in Iowa than inept vote counting - low voter turnout.
From Politico:
"If that number holds, turnout will run only to about 170,000 people, well below the 240,000 who participated in the caucuses in 2008.
“It’s an enthusiasm gap,” said Michael Ceraso, who worked for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 campaign and was Pete Buttigieg’s New Hampshire director before leaving the campaign last year.
Since the start of the campaign, a critical part of the candidates’ electability-based appeals had been a promise that they were uniquely suited to rouse an unreliable electorate in the fall.
The lesson from Monday, Ceraso said, is that “None of these candidates right now are inspiring what they’re claiming they’re inspiring.”
Chris Adcock, chairwoman of Democratic Party in southwest Iowa‘s Page County, said in a text message that “our team was REALLY surprised turnout was no better than 2016.”
Dem senator on the radio says impeaching Trump is a no-brainer.
Bigger problem in Iowa than inept vote counting - low voter turnout.
I read that but am not convinced we can draw too many conclusions. For starters, the day after the Super Bowl is one of the least productive Mondays of the year.
Have Iowa Dems revealed the results of the remaining 38% that wasn't announced last night when I shut 'er down? I haven't found anything yet.
Yeah. That no-brainer thing is tough. Most people with no brains are dead. A few walk among us as Democratic Senators.
I haven't found anything yet.
(While waving hand in Jedi mind trick fashion and delivered in a Bill Belichick mumble): We're on to New Hampshire
The Democrats cannot screw this primary up, so, I propose that they count all of the votes again. Measure twice, cut once! Little carpenter lingo.
“I saw another Mini Mike Bloomberg ad last night, and thought again that everyone was underestimating him. It could easily have been from a Republican. He essentially touts experience in business and as the successful mayor of our largest city. Throw in a mention of law and order.”
So, like every forgotten vanilla GOPe candidate ever? I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow bought his way into the White House, but I can’t think of the last time someone so bland was elected President. Calvin Coolidge?
On impeachment, I bet it will be party line at best. No way Feinstein flips and even the Arizona chick is highly unlikely. Some heavy party discipline is being dished out this morning. Naive indeed, to expect any principled Democrats to show up this late in the game.
yes he'd be anti Coolidge, the second coming of nelson Rockefeller,
yes, synemas a tease, like miss heard, a texas gal whose fluent in Spanish,
"Since the Democrat party and the deep state are one and the same, expect the November general election results to be held up by a similar snafu as what happened in Iowa, especially from the swing states."
That's a disturbing thought because it rings true. We may need to have independent auditors (do such people exist?) monitor the voting process in swing states. Iowa may be a warning of things to come in Nov.
Today is Victory over the District of Criminals day. All the Trump's men should have a parade. Kellyanne was giddy on FOX this AM. A great victory has changed the course of American political war.
It’s an enthusiasm gap,” said Michael Ceraso, who worked for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 campaign and was Pete Buttigieg’s New Hampshire director before leaving the campaign last year.
The lack of introspection is stunning. People are turning away from Democrats and it is somehow the voters' fault.
Malaise. It can’t be their fault. It’s the voters/American people.
rhhardin said...
Talk radio is outraged
RH, we understand that you are not a human being but a robot, or an autist, which is in some ways less than a robot. We understand that you cannot proceas symbols. Surely in the interest of efficiency, you are not bound to keep repeating it, are you?
—do worry about the Wuhan 2019-NCoV Coronavirus. It very much appears to have been stolen by a Chinese national researcher from the Winnipeg research lab—
The guy who headed the Canadian lab is dead. He died yesterday or the day before.
Let me put it this way RH-
Do you understand WHY this point is being made and reinforced?
Do you support or oppose that objective?
Do you have other real world suggestions to accomplish that objective that would affect anyone except yourself? Since nothing you have ever said accomplishes this, PLEASE DO NOT REPEAT YOURSELF AGAIN. For instance, do not talk about teaching good character.
—And that sort of thing is why, I think, that this crononavirus outbreak has the very real possibility of severely damaging China and its economy, and then hurting the rest of the world, both medically and financially.—
Saving face, but in the longer run, the opportunities for other countries is a good thing. What we need to worry about is another wave of emigration.
Of course, it seems I’m in the targeted range of death so,.....
OTOH, this, like the Plague, could start a new Renaissance. I just hope I’m alive to see if I’m right.
How can Dems run an election when they can't even run a coin toss?
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