১৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২০

At the Snow Mist Café...


... you can talk all night.

This morning the sunrise caused a mist to rise up from the snow on the lake.

A bit earlier...


... a dog walk on the ice.

And here's a picture of the moon in the sunrise...


৭৯টি মন্তব্য:

Mark বলেছেন...

The Jesse Pinkman movie on tonight.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


reader বলেছেন...



Narayanan বলেছেন...

Mayor BloomingOnion's
Moment of Truth

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Boxing experts pick winner of a Donald Trump-Joe Biden fight


Beasts of England বলেছেন...

Love the color gradient in the top photo...

roger বলেছেন...

Topless protesters storm stage as Bernie Sanders campaigns in Nevada


What is it specifically and definitively about boobs which dignifies and elevates the issue? Think PETA cages and naked bicycle rides.

I'm not a robot

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Terrific photos, Althouse! Especially the first.

narciso বলেছেন...

Is he zeke emannuels inlaw


narciso বলেছেন...

Strike 2 for bloomberg


Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Did anyone else watch American Idol?

narciso বলেছেন...

What chuck was probably agitated about


narciso বলেছেন...

They were part of a civil war 50 years ago


Mark বলেছেন...

I saw three or so of the AI singers. One or two were a bit of a wailer, but the third, who I think was the last, had much better tone and control.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

The pictures are nice.

They also illustrate the metaphysical difference between Althouse and many of her commenters: she thinks aesthetically, many of us think empirically or strategically.

She prefers pretty pictures (nothing wrong with that!), many of us prefer to understand the actual workings of actual processes or to pursue definite goals against given constraints.

Those things are not mutually exclusive, of course, but they may explain some of Althouse's occasional huffiness: it's not nice to mess-up the pretty picture.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

I still want Bob Woodward to plunge into this Russian Collusion Hoax/ FISA Court Hoax/Ukraine Impeachment Farce, so he can write another Best-Seller - "Deep Throat meets Deep State."

narciso বলেছেন...

Well i thought of wisconsin as more rural, leaving out milwaukee,

David Begley বলেছেন...

1. My car window was broken this weekend and my Orvis briefcase was stolen. Only a script and my notary stamp were in it. My kids have had their car windows broken too. It’s $400 to fix.

This did not happen in Omaha 20 years ago with any frequency. Why now? No doubt stealing for drug money. We had one shooting in Omaha this weekend. Probably about drugs.

Mayor Pete wants to decriminalize ALL drugs. This from a guy who saw crime and murder skyrocket under his watch. But he’s supposedly a moderate because he’s Harvard, gay and not a socialist. Smooth talker. We’d see a massive crime wave.

This crybaby isn’t going to win, but it is amazing to see what the Dems are advocating.

2. Saw MTP today. Can’t decide who was more pathetic: Joe or Chuck.

Flat Tire বলেছেন...

Your winter photos make me long for the midwest. Grew up in central Illinois and after 50 years in northern Ca I still miss the winters.

Mark বলেছেন...

So I expected the Breaking Bad movie to be some big escapade taking place a long time after the series end.

Not a spoiler, but it simply takes place immediately after -- what happened to Jesse after Mr. White released him.

narciso বলেছেন...

Fiction they say has to make sense, fchuck fails that test.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

"If you show up with cancer and you’re 95 yrs old, we should say 'There’s no cure, we can’t do anything.'"
- Mike Bloomberg
This video of Bloomberg saying we should deny care to people once they're past a certain age (because it isn't worth it) is everything about him which is so awful.

per @HaMeturgeman:
"What if you're 86 yrs old, you've been treated for colorectal cancer, cancerous lung growths and pancreatic cancer?

And your name is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?"


narciso বলেছেন...

My novella, re events in the recent past, tries to make sense of what went on in one particular instance amd extrapolate.

narciso বলেছেন...

A first person perspective:


stephen cooper বলেছেন...

You know I am not stupid, I know that any of the evil clowns fighting for the chance to run against Trump could actually, say, win Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and be inaugurated in January 2021.

But Bloomberg is such a putz that I really think his election would lead to such revulsion among the electorate that we would get anti-Bloomberg presidents for the next 20 years

ngtrains বলেছেন...

love the shot of the Capitol.
fantastic color

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

We need to hammer Bloomberg as much as possible. He's clearly a short, racist misogynist. If he's only a bland, uncharismatic, ATM machine like Steyer, he's not a problem.

But, according to Steve Bannon, he's the principal reason the Dems won the House in 2018 - due to his enormous, targeted spending. Need the Dems to rage against the Billionaire trying to buy the election.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

"is such a putz that I really think his election would INEVITABLY lead to such revulsion among the electorate that we would get anti-Bloomer presidents for 20 years" ....

the way that the heartless simpleton Carter not only gave us 2 terms from Reagan but even let Barbara Bush's wimpy husband win over a candidate who reminded people of heartless simpleton Carter.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Did anyone else watch American Idol?

Just starting Pacific Time. Liking the toothless guy already. Hasn't performed yet. Gonna be fantastic, or terrible.

Predictions for week five(or so)

"You are what this show is all about"
"Best performance from you so far"
"Amazing improvement, you could be the winner"
Best performance tonight/this season/ entire show/ all time
Brought tears to my eyes
A little pitchy
Nice tits

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Scott Adams

"I’m thinking of registering Democrat just so I can lie to the FBI if I ever need to."

narciso বলেছেন...

Well thats not conforting


FullMoon বলেছেন...

Toothless garbage man best performance so far.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Need the Dems to rage against the Billionaire trying to buy the election.

Grandpa Bernie is drawing crowds. Just like Hitler

Kathryn51 বলেছেন...

Narcisso, I thought you were finally on board with hyperlinking!

Here's the Bloomberg denigration of farmers via Scott Walker twitter feed:

Bloomberg Says Farmers Don’t have Enough Grey Matter

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

narciso let not your heart be troubled

never in the history of the world has a "run on toilet paper" indicated much

my little AI "historian reader" app tells me so

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

@David Begley

There used to be, about a hundred years ago or so, shootings in the streets over alcohol. People used to rob folks & burglarize houses in order to fund their booze habit. Lots of drinkers went blind, and sometime died, from homemade liquor that was basically poison.

We don't really hear too much about that kind of stuff anymore when it comes to booze - why do you think that is?

Crazy World বলেছেন...

Gorgeous thank you, wonderful day.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

We don't really hear too much about that kind of stuff anymore when it comes to booze - why do you think that is?

Because old time gangster tv and movies are out of style now?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

Don’t know if it’s ideological or they just those sweet, sweet ad dollars, but Q13 out of Seattle managed to make two separate mentions in a single broadcast that Bloomie was opening a local campaign HQ.

I’m kidding of course. I do know. It’s both.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

Just love those sweet sweet ad dollars....

buwaya বলেছেন...

Huh. Up much too early again.
What happened to those days when one could sleep in till noon on a weekend?
Now that I am in a perpetual weekend ...

I note some of the Inga whacking on about Civil Wars. I don't wonder about the apparent lack of interest in the American Revolution, or the US Civil War. These are almost as badly taught in K-12 as WWII.

The truth is that you were created in a Revolution, which developed out of much less cause vs the British government, which was your government at the time, than you have now against your own government. And that was a civil war as well, with loyalists against revolutionaries being no small part of it.

And the Union faction, at least, in your last Civil War, had much less cause to fight a war. What would it have hurt the inhabitants of Wisconsin, in 1861, to let the South go?

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Bloomberg said information technology takes more gray matter than farming, but he didn’t say farmers lack that gray matter.

buwaya বলেছেন...

As for law, in general - whats gone on the last few years is a near-perfect illustration of my point that "law" does not exist.

It is a padded velvet lining of process and ritual over a balance of terror.
Or fear, anyway. People are "fair" only if they are compelled to be.
No balance, no law. If you want law, restore the balance.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

neither the Revolutionary War, as fought by the soldiers who followed Washington, who had vowed a vow of loyalty to the crown which he later broke, or the Civil War, as fought by the soldiers who were loyal to Lincoln, who was not a good man, were wars that should have been fought.

But really what difference does it make compared to the fact that so many of us are going to make great mistakes in life if we do not ask for God's guidance?

stephen cooper বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
narciso বলেছেন...

True but modern political schisms arenot that clearcut spain for instance had the loyalists vs the republicans the trotskyites poum etc lebanon had the maronites vs fatah and assorted othet militias of ethnic solidarity and of courde the maronites were not originally united.

narciso বলেছেন...

The franjiehs vs the gemayels for instance, the last prevailed the first was the proximate cause of the civil war.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

at 10:59 I said - not many wars that have been fought should have been fought. Some, but not many ...

feel free to have the last word. I have reached my limit of 5 comments on someone else's platform.

narciso বলেছেন...

Franjieh who they called the squirrel, was the one who invited the plo to settle in beirut after black september

narciso বলেছেন...

Thats the way he was referred in agents of influence, the militias began planning their strategies not long after.

StephenFearby বলেছেন...

Chuck Ross, DC

"James Comey told the Justice Department’s inspector general that Andrew McCabe’s repeated denials that he was involved in a leak about an investigation of the Clinton Foundation cast suspicion that FBI lawyer Lisa Page went “off the reservation” and leaked the story herself.

Page did disclose information about a Clinton Foundation probe to a reporter in October 2016, but only because McCabe instructed her to do so..."

"...Page congratulated her former boss in a Twitter post [Page @NatSecLisa with a photo of her holding a glass of red wine captioned, "Cheers, Andy"] on Friday after the Justice Department closed the case.


Which produced this absolutely must-see hilarious response:


... captioned:


narciso বলেছেন...

Oh the chamouns were also in competition, it didnt end well, karantina was the spark that ignited the war.

chuck বলেছেন...

What would it have hurt the inhabitants of Wisconsin, in 1861, to let the South go?

Yes, letting the South control the lower Mississippi would have been a problem for commerce. That problem was recognized at the time, not least by some of the Union Generals. And that isn't to mention the problem of whether newly admitted states would be slave or not, or the Confederate ambitions for an Caribbean empire.

narciso বলেছেন...

Put it another way, how did jim crow affect winsconsin?

Francos uprising set the spanish one ablaze but the match was more likely ser in the 1934 parliamentary elections

narciso বলেছেন...

Imagine if they had been able to acqiyew more territory like walker in nicaragua.

narciso বলেছেন...

Acquire more territory, if the beits and otthe french had more affirmatively supported them

narciso বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Mark বলেছেন...

What would it have hurt the inhabitants of Wisconsin, in 1861, to let the South go?

The Democrats all asked the same thing back then.

narciso বলেছেন...

The american revolution shouldnt have been fought, what is this divine right of kings?

buwaya বলেছেন...

Charles I lost the argument about the divine right of kings in 1649.

Historia Civilis
The trial of Charles I

An interesting little video that gets into the deep matter of the nature of law. Having comprensively lost the English Civil War (or that particular one), Charles defended himself in a show trial, very successfully, in a technical sense, by questioning the right of Parliament to try him. There was no such right in law of course. Very embarassing.

But law is nothing but what you can enforce. Law is the decent lace curtain drawn over some less gentle negotiated solution between parties possessing some balance of power and mutual threat.

Though he disconcerted some hapless Parliamentarians, in the end the true leaders of the Parliamentary cause invoked the less divine right of horse, foot and guns, and stopped that nonsense. There was no appeal.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Somber Day of Remembrance in SF to remember Japanese-Americans

This is the same old, same old politico-ideological pap thats been served to Californians for decades. When I first came to CA 36 years ago, I was shocked to find that it was a big deal. That the teaching of WWII in the schools consisted of the Japanese internment and the Atomic bombs.

It was obviously an engineered guilt trip to make Americans depressed about their role in WWII and to question their role in the world. I would not be surprised if it were to come out that the whole thing, the emphasis on this, was some Soviet effort run through agents of influence.

Propaganda is very often a matter of emphasising fact x, which is made out to be supremely important, and ignoring fact y, which doesn’t matter.

Being a descendant of survivors of the Manila massacre, in which 100,000 people were murdered with incredible viciousness, the fact of the Japanese internment seems to rate not even a footnote in the tale of WWII. I object with all my heart to the ranking of fact x vs fact y.

It is the 75th anniversary today, by the way, of when my great-uncle joined the 8th Cavalry in order to avenge his mother, brothers, sister, nieces and nephews, murdered a week earlier by Japanese troops in their home. He was in the front line immediately, attacking Japanese bunkers at the Rizal Memorial stadium.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Charles I imported an army of murderous Irish and set them on his own people. For that he had to die.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Via Rantburg: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in an interview that she ripped up President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address to “get attention” from the press.

Pelosi said, “I had no intention of doing that when we went into the State of the Union.”

How childish. The First Woman Speaker.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Mini-Mike: There are certain states you don’t go to.

A rich Hillary. Deplorable.

Michael K বলেছেন...

When I first came to CA 36 years ago, I was shocked to find that it was a big deal. That the teaching of WWII in the schools consisted of the Japanese internment and the Atomic bombs.

My oldest daughter, now 53, when in 8th grade, had a class project that tried Harry Truman for war crimes for dropping the Atomic Bomb. He was convicted by the kids.

Michael K বলেছেন...

And the Union faction, at least, in your last Civil War, had much less cause to fight a war. What would it have hurt the inhabitants of Wisconsin, in 1861, to let the South go?

That's the proof it was about slavery. Two of my great uncles enlisted and both died. They were Illinois farmers. I have the letters of one to his wife. Nobody worried about the economic cost of the closing of the Mississippi.

I began reading about the Civil War in college. It was popular as a topic then. Not as much now. Bruce Catton wrote very popular books about it.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Sometime after the Civil War a reporter asked James Longstreet what it had been about. Longstreet said that if it had been about anything but slavery, no one had told him about it.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

When I first came to CA 36 years ago, I was shocked to find that it was a big deal. That the teaching of WWII in the schools consisted of the Japanese internment and the Atomic bombs.

My oldest daughter, now 53, when in 8th grade, had a class project that tried Harry Truman for war crimes for dropping the Atomic Bomb. He was convicted by the kids

My dad counteracted all that bullshit. He was a WWII buff because he was a kid and lived thru it. I was surrounded by books, saw some of the movies and he talked about it.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“ Bruce Catton wrote very popular books about it.”

I think that I have mentioned this before, but my great great grandfather was listed in his autobiography “Waiting for the morning train” as one of the GAR veterans who inspired him to write about the civil war. He grew up in Benzonia, MI, watching the Civil War vets march on patriotic holidays. The title of that book referenced waiting for the train to take him to college. A couple years later my grandfather and Catton’s brother, Bob, waited at the same train station to take them away to Carlton College (where my mother also went).

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

My daughter had a roommate on a semester abroad who was from Mongolia, they were dragged to a play that demonized America for dropping the bomb and her roommate was incredulous. “Do you know what those bastards did to my grandmother!!! They should have nuked the whole island!”

wildswan বলেছেন...

(Support Rural Broadband)
I wonder if the Nevada caucuses will have trouble reporting simply because many rural areas don't have fast internet. Where I'm visiting very slow downloads and picture breakup happen often because I'm using hot spot which they might use also. (Support Rural Broadband) Then, too, I was reading the directions for the Nevada caucus goers - they sounded like one of those awful games a Mensa person would enjoy. Excel spreadsheets, Google forms, phoning in, comparing this form to that after aligning and then realigning ( “Allow up to 15 minutes for non-viable preference group members to align with their second choice ... “People in non-viable groups can choose not to realign, however they will not be awarded any delegates.”; fill in the RED side). Then, as I say, you try to transmit your conclusions (send it electronically, then send the print electronically, volunteers will compare) over a slow balky connection knowing that you'll be blamed as a dumb hick by your party leaders if there's any trouble. And knowing that the Republicans are silently waiting (the lion sleeps in the jungle tonight) to seize and pounce.
(Support Rural Broadband)

David Begley বলেছেন...


Whiskey and heroin are exactly the same thing. How could I be so stupid?

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

I am getting more worried by the week about the effects of the Wuhan Coronavirus. It very much looks like it was bioengineered to make it more lethal by the BSL-4 lab in Wuhan, one of only two BSL-4 labs in all of China. And, I expect that the rural sanitation practices that still seem to predominate in China, even its biggest cities, is part of how it escaped into the general population. The Dems, and the left here, keep desperately trying to prove the contrary, trying to show that the Coronavirus was transmitted from some other animal (such as snakes) at the fish market several miles away. Nope. It didn’t cross from bats to cold blooded snakes, and then to humans. Pure spin, regardless of what Factcheck.org tries to pretend. Think about the likelihood of that happening, as contrasted to the likelihood that it magically, by chance, first appeared in public mere miles from the one place in China known to have the capabilities to have modified the virus.

That all said, China got behind the ball in addressing the virus getting out into public, presumably because of the black eye having bioengineered and weaponized that virus would give China to the world community. Xi supposedly ordered that the problem be addressed last December, right after the breakout. Maybe. But the problem is that socialism (and esp its communist variant) are innately bureaucratic. That means that he essentially ordered the DMV to timely address the outbreak. So, being bureaucrats, they dawdled. And that put them behind the ball. Which made China look even worse - not only were they bioengineering and weaponizing viruses in secret, but they did it sloppily. This sort of outbreak is supposed to be nearly impossible from a BSL-4 facility, but the Chinese managed to screw that up. And, now because of that screwup, probably millions are going to die. I have heard that nearly 100 million Chinese are now subject to travel restrictions, trying to slow the spread of the disease in the country. Likely to get more draconian before it gets better. The panic in China right now seems almost palpable. Making things worse is that their citizens know that their government lies to them constantly, so many, if not most of them trust what it says very little. They are told to hunker in place, and don’t travel. Their natural instinct is to flee for their lives. I expect the Chinese government will have to resort to lethal force in the very near future to enforce the quasi quarantine that they have tried to implement. The country may not survive this in one piece. For one thing, their economy, that has brought hundreds of millions out of the rice paddies and into the cities and the middle class appears to be starting to shatter.

The problems for the rest of the world is first that the virus has escaped China, and is showing up around the world. We even have a case in MT now. But maybe more importantly, the economies around the world are interconnected. A lot of product supply lines, esp in electronics, include a lot.of Chinese input. Companies are desperately trying to move production and supply lines out of China. That takes time, which they don’t have. I think that we may see a worldwide recession as a result, which, here, may give us a socialist in the WH, despite socialism being one of the causes of the entire mess.

narciso বলেছেন...

also Wuhan is not merely a major manufacturing hub, but a significant rail hub, think Chicago, so it's awkward to point out these details, if this had originated in east Turkestan, they'd call an alpha strike on the facility,

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“ I wonder if the Nevada caucuses will have trouble reporting simply because many rural areas don't have fast internet.”

Rural NV mostly votes Republican. It has been the explosive growth esp in Las Vegas that has caused the state to move to the left. We were just there this weekend, and we again wondered why anyone would want to live there,... but a lot of people do. Weird, the woman at the front desk at the hotel had gone to the same HS that my partner had, over 40 years earlier. In any case, it was weird seeing all of the political advertising. First I had seen except for the two billionaires running (ok, three if you include Trump). NV is like a lot of states, with the urban Democrats completely ignoring the needs of the rural Republicans. When I lived there, I was a Republican, in a heavily Republican county, and that was almost a decade ago. Things have just gotten worse, with the immigration from CA as that state rapidly disintegrates.

The point of that rant is that rural internet speeds are not going to affect the Dem caucuses, because there just aren’t very many Democrats in rural NV that have this problem. Almost all of them live in and around LAS Vegas, Reno, and Carson City, where Internet works just fine.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“ if this had originated in east Turkestan, they'd call an alpha strike on the facility,”

Which probably would have had the added advantage of pacifying their restive Muslim population at the same time.

One of the interesting aspects of the Wuhan Coronavirus is that it appears that it is more deadly to East Asians (presumably meaning Oriental race). If that truly is the case, it would be interesting to see if the Han Chinese are more susceptible than other ethnic East Asian populations.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

@Narciso ... Thoughts on this?

Mark বলেছেন...

What would it have hurt the inhabitants of Wisconsin, in 1861, to let the South go?

Decades before the Civil War, South Carolina threatened to secede over the issue of tariffs. And secession then was just as opposed as it was in the 1860s.

In 1861, disunion of the Union would have hurt every American. It would have been the end of the "United States." There were reasons for the Union -- and great reasons for maintaining it, one and whole and indivisible.

They fought for the Union, caring little about some oppressed dark-skinned people in some far off land. They were not worth dying for, but America was. It was only later that the morality of "freedom for all" entered into it. Even with the President.

Maillard Reactionary বলেছেন...

A sublime image of sublimation.