That's today's sunrise, photographed at 7:11 — 5 minutes after the actual sunrise time. It was too overcast to see the sun though. Ice fishing was well under way.
Buttigieg considers abortion OK up until the fetus/child takes his first breath. What would be his rule for a baby delivered underwater who has yet to take a breath?
Kung Flu masters?: What's Up With China & Flu? pt 4
White House Asks Scientists To Investigate Whether 2019-nCoV Was Bio-Engineered if so, as a weapon, what then?
Coronavirus Is Bad. Comparing It to the Flu Is Worse
50,000 New Infections/Day In China?
Coronavirus death toll hits 811 in China, surpassing SARS deaths
Canadian Scientist At Center Of Chinese Bio-Espionage Probe Found Dead In Africa?
first U.S. citizen to die of the novel virus.
Epoch Time interviewed a Wuhan crematorium staff-
- 11 burner 50 minutes/body - two shifts each staff sleep 2-3h/day - Gov requires body pick-up within 1.5 hours after death - Estimate: this midsize crematorium cremates about 176 bodies/day. Hankou is larger.
Really? I drove home this evening from Black River Falls to Milwaukee. Clear skies all the way, had the full moon in m windshield most of the way home. Beautiful!
All those corrupt local Puerto Rico officials who have used U.S. disaster response aid to enrich themselves had better watch out. President Trump has just assigned Coast Guard Rear Admiral Peter J. Brown to take charge of all U.S. efforts on the island. Rear Admiral Brown is an excellent man with a servants heart, but he is also a very deliberate and serious man. And this man knows the island; we have crossed paths…. (Snip)A career Coast Guard officer (Snip)Rear Admiral Brown’s first duty station in the Coast Guard was in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and he has served more than half of his career in the Caribbean....
nobody cares what i say but i am an expert on pain and disease, I have not had a pain free hour since I was a teenager, and if you saw me on the street you would think you were looking at an old person, that is SAD
so here is what I have to say.
nobody reading these words could possibly believe they are not a blessed child of God, no matter how hard their lives have been, think about it.
narciso i pretend to be unhappy because that is how i connect with people who are unhappy, and i love them all.
don't be stupid, don't think for a second that i have not spent a lot more time in a heaven that makes Dante's heaven look like a lousy cruise ship than most people could imagine.
for God;s sake I have said I have spoken with angels for God's sake how much more jovial could I have gotten ....
but I don;t go on and on about that because if I did the people I want to connect with would not listen to me
Dont put words in my mouth, stephen cooper, i take issue with some of your reasonings but i respect them. Because of adams sin, that jesus had to come but his final triumph will happen at the end of time
Amy, I love you madly; but as you keep flashing that lake, I can't help but repeat that 1970s trope (yeah I was there) that Lake Mendota had to import Walleye Pike because the estrogen suspended in recycled beer (was it Old Style?) made normal fish breeding impossible.
I’m not sure I agree with your syntax, but I enjoyed a special love this evening. My nephew had a big CD release party tonight, and I was invited on stage to play guitar with the band for an encore - ‘The Weight’. They didn’t let me sing, but that was probably best for all involved... 😜
The 1920s gangsters one is "A Piece Of The Action". I'm sure the impetus was having access to a 1920s backlot for some inside-hollywood reason. That said, it's a classic. Probably the best "funny" Trek other than "The Trouble With Tribbles", and it's got "Fizzbin".
seriously narciso you are living in a fantasy world if you think Adam and Eve are my ancestors. They are not. have you not bothered to read a single word I have said?
also, sorry I deleted ten or twenty of my comments tonight, no big loss, I hope. I would have deleted more, because I do not want to waste your time.
Well .... Here is something that is not a waste of your time:
GOD LOVES YOU SO MUCH no matter what. God loves you more than a greedy shop-owner loves a rich foolish customer... much much more ---- and walter, I love you man, you remind me of me.
I see the undertones of racial hatred and sexism in the photo. The ugliest and most despicable propaganda picture since Hitler and Joseph Goebbels published scenes of the German countryside.
There is a huge disruption to our way of life on the near horizon that is being completely ignored by nearly everybody. This disruption is going to be bigger than the transition from horses to automobiles.
Think about what that transition consisted of. You went from barns to house the horses, to garages. Not a major change? Tell that to the groomsmen, stable boys and manure haulers. (not to mention the traditional buggy whip makers.) You went from a fuel supply chain consisting of delivering hay and oats to barns to one of gasoline purchased at serving stations (which had to be built first) This certainly was a disruption to the farmers. Our roads went from dirt and cobblestone to asphalt and concrete. This all took place in less than twenty years at the turn of the 20th century.
We are about to transition away from internal combustion engine cars (ICE) to electric vehicles. Advances in battery technology, production methods and autonomous driving are not only going to make electric cars far superior to ICE cars in performance, electric cars are going to be cheaper. No just in energy costs, but in production costs and maintance costs. (There are no oil changes on an electric vehicle, no transmissions, no radiators, no mufflers, etc) Within 10 years ICE vehicles will no longer make economic sense. This is going to have a huge impact on the American economy. The big three are all about to become Kodak, if they survive. It's also going to have a huge impact on the consumption and price of oil. Gasoline is going back to a niche product. Gas stations will vanish. (some will transition to charging station) The price of oil will drop by at least 50% and oil will largely become an industrial chemical. Natural gas and solar will produce most of the electricity, cheaper and cleaner.
Along with the change from ICE to electric will come a huge change in the way we use cars. Uber and Lyft type services are the future. It will be cheaper to use ride services than to buy a car that spends most of the time parked. When fully autonomous cars hit, things will change again. Cars will spend very little time parked. If you still own a car, when you get to work, instead of staying parked in a parking lot all day, your car will go off and make you and Uber, (or Lyft, or Tesla...) money while you are at work. Depending on the regulators, self driving cars are less than ten years away. Within fifty, it will be nearly impossible to get a driver's license because human drivers will be considered so dangerous.
For anybody who actually read the above and thinks I am a dreamer or out of my mind...the smart phone is only 13 years old, how many of you could imagine your life without it today? When's the last time you saw a pay phone? Or a portable radio? Or a camera?
Gahrie... I read the whole thing. You're timeline is too aggressive, and your optimism re solar energy being a major source of electrical energy is also unrealistic. If you had said nuclear I would've agreed, especially since that new radiation-eating fungus has been discovered at Chernobyl, and doesn't that sound like just the ticket for taking care of nuclear waste?
The big problem with electric vehicles is their inherent inefficiency: generate electricity at the plant, move it through miles of wires, store it in a battery, and then get it out of the battery to actually make the car move. There's no way to make those steps perfectly efficient, and AFAIK there's not much that can be done to improve the efficiency of the generator-to-battery step. ICEs, for all their problems, are relatively efficient in transforming chemical energy to mechanical energy. Obviously they would be better if we could capture the thermal energy in some useful way, but there are probably engineers working on that.
I'm hoping autonomous cars will be a thing by the time I'm too old to drive myself, and also that I'm well-off enough at that point that I can afford one! I love the idea of self-driving cars for the autonomy they could provide for the blind, the elderly, the occasionally inebriated, and anyone else who shouldn't or can't drive. I'm sure there will be many fewer traffic fatalities, and faster travel times, too. I'm less enamored of the fact that the government will know (or be able to easily find out) where your car was/is at any given time, but there are always trade offs.
Anyway, 10 years is too soon, more like 20, 25, 30, barring some major disruption. It would be pretty awesome if we skipped self-driving cars and went straight to self-flying cars like The Jetsons envisioned. Then we wouldn't even need to build roads...
Do you want to know the truth about Ukraine?? Watch this video. (and the 3 before it, but this is the best one) It was handed over to Senator Chuck Grassley, and Congressman Ron Johnson, who have asked for Hunter Bidens records.
Americans, in small rural towns, in industrial communities, and yes, in pockets of our country’s biggest cities, are tired of being reduced to a punchline by Washington politicians.
Mayor Pete responding to Biden’s latest attack. That might play to people in those places but doesn’t the vast majority of the Democratic base live in urban areas? Does this work on them?
Best way to eat them? Filet, dip them in egg, roll them in a batter (I like Shore Lunch brand), and fry them in oil in a pan.
Put your fillets in a bowl,add just enough water to cover. Saute diced onions in a pan. When the onions start to break, move them to the side of the pan. Put the fish in skin side down. Add the water, spoon the onions over the fish. When the water boils out you're done.
You have perfectly cooked moist fish with caramelized onion. No batter, no oil to ruin the flavor of the fish.
rehajm said... "I had a walleye filet at the clubhouse at Blackwolf Run a few years ago that I still dream about. Yum..." caught a lot of steelhead under that bridge. Gharie. its going to take an order of magnitude change in how we store electricity. When that time comes then the change will cascade. You need to change how it is stored and how fast it can be recharged. When you can make a vehicle that can do what an F150 can do now, mileage, fast refill time, carrying capacity , etc. you'll have arrived.
When you can make a vehicle that can do what an F150 can do now, mileage, fast refill time, carrying capacity , etc. you'll have arrived.
The Cybertruck has a bigger payload than a 150 already. It's supposed to have a 400 mile range, which will be more than enough for 90% of users. Charging speed is improving all of the time.
Tesla is making a big announcement concerning drivetrain/battery technology at the end of Q1 or beginning of Q2. Solid state batteries would be a huge breakthrough, literally a gamechanger.
Electric cars will be too until you can charge them in 5 minutes and drive them 400 miles.
How about 500 miles, and 80% charge in 30 minutes? That's the prediction for the tri motor Cybertruck, the one they plan on building first. Plug into the supercharger, go to the bathroom, grab a bite, maybe stretch your legs a little bit and you're back on the road. That's 2021 people, for a truck that can carry more and tow more than a 150, with current technology.
Anyway, 10 years is too soon, more like 20, 25, 30, barring some major disruption.
That's my point...the major disruption has already started and nobody is noticing. Tesla battery pack price and performance are both already the best in the industry by five years, and both are about to get even better. No other car company is making an electric car that can compete with a 2012 Model S, and Tesla is about to produce a car that will beat a Camry on price and performance. Throw in fuel and maintenance savings and buying an ICE car will be economically disastrous. The fly in the ointment is the fact that Tesla very well could simply stop selling cars and provide a ride service like Uber or Lyft instead.
My grandfather was a fishing fanatic. When the perch were running, he and a few buds would take off work to fish the run. We got yellow perch by the beer case, (remember them?), full. Laid newspaper on the ping pong table and the four of us children went to work cleaning. We had em Curious George's way, for a long time. The last time I had them, they were egg/floured but sauteed in butter. Walleye too... same way!
"The Cybertruck has a bigger payload than a 150 already. It's supposed to have a 400 mile range, which will be more than enough for 90% of users. Charging speed is improving all of the time." Here's the problem. As soon as you turn on the lights you cut your mileage in half. Forget about the lights and the heater. You just turned your truck into a commuter vehicle. I'm not saying your predictions are wrong. Hell. It may happen in the next five years. I'm saying there ae a lot of problems that need to be overcome first. The biggest one is storage. Right now in order to increase distance there must be a corresponding increase in weight and charge time. Personally. I still think fuel cells are the best viable option. But they have their own obstacles to overcome.
A key issue in American's way of life is the automobile and the open road. It is the freedom of mobility that electric self drivers challenge. Somebody will control a kill switch on your ride. Maybe a lot of somebodies for a lot of different reasons. ROAD TRIP! Don't bet on it.
Commercial vehicles that return to a home base and can be charged overnight are actually a better application than personal vehicles.
Same was said for natural gas powered vehicles 50 years ago during the first oil crisis. There are roughly 175,000 natural gas powered vehicles today in the U.S. compared to roughly 270 million gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.
Like my township recycles paper, plastic and glass today? Where 2/3 of it actually goes to the landfill.
Nope. The plan is to use the old car battery packs in their powerwalls. (because of the different way the two systems work, the batteries are still effective for home use even after they are no longer good for car use) When they are no longer good for powerwall use the plan is to recycle them and reuse the lithium to make new batteries. If they produce a million mile battery like they are expected to later this year, that means a battery would last fifty years at normal usage. (most cars are driven around 13,000 miles a year)
Remember Musk's whole purpose behind Tesla is to make Earth a better place to live.
Commercial vehicles that return to a home base and can be charged overnight are actually a better application than personal vehicles.
Same was said for natural gas powered vehicles 50 years ago during the first oil crisis. There are roughly 175,000 natural gas powered vehicles today in the U.S. compared to roughly 270 million gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.
Amazon just ordered 100,000 electric delivery vans from Rivian. When Fed Ex and UPS see the money Amazon is saving, they will too. Tesla is already using electric semis to deliver their cars.
If you had asked someone in 2010 "what is the best way to waste a fortune", the reply would have been try to start up a car company or a rocket company. Elon has done both.
"Tesla is already using electric semis to deliver their cars."
Apparently not all of them. Saw a semi delivering Teslas last week at the dealership in my town. Unless those big exhaust stacks were just there for show, it was diesel powered.
"Remember Musk's whole purpose behind Tesla is to make Earth a better place to live." No. His whole purpose is to get stinkin', stupid, rich. He is doing that by filling a niche market. If he was that environmentally altruistic a tesla would cost 1500.00.
No. His whole purpose is to get stinkin', stupid, rich.
So you're saying he took the $200 million dollars he made by selling PayPal and invested literally all of it in a car company and a rocket company with the whole purpose of getting rich? Really? Because before Elon if you had asked someone what is the easiest way to waste a fortune, there's a good chance they would have said either start a car company, or start a rocket company. He did both. Simultaneously. He came damn close to losing everything. He worked his ass off and changed the world.
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१०८ टिप्पण्या:
Yellow perch caught through the ice are the only fresh water fish I really enjoy eating.
I thought Althouse might blog this today. Link
Buttigieg considers abortion OK up until the fetus/child takes his first breath. What would be his rule for a baby delivered underwater who has yet to take a breath?
Bird of prey, laid an egg, ill ley my self put.
looks like this is nothing to sneeze at
Kung Flu masters?: What's Up With China & Flu? pt 4
White House Asks Scientists To Investigate Whether 2019-nCoV Was Bio-Engineered
if so, as a weapon, what then?
Coronavirus Is Bad. Comparing It to the Flu Is Worse
50,000 New Infections/Day In China?
Coronavirus death toll hits 811 in China, surpassing SARS deaths
Canadian Scientist At Center Of Chinese Bio-Espionage Probe Found Dead In Africa?
first U.S. citizen to die of the novel virus.
Epoch Time interviewed a Wuhan crematorium staff-
- 11 burner 50 minutes/body
- two shifts each staff sleep 2-3h/day
- Gov requires body pick-up within 1.5 hours after death
- Estimate: this midsize crematorium cremates about 176 bodies/day. Hankou is larger.
we see photoshopped tan-lines on those ice fisherpersons
Nice blog
my best farming application & more information
Nice photo, not a great scene today. As for ice fishing I'm still a no thanks.
Really? I drove home this evening from Black River Falls to Milwaukee. Clear skies all the way, had the full moon in m windshield most of the way home. Beautiful!
Trump’s team releases new plans for drilling, mining in Utah national monuments (
Great tweak of Romney.
Thanks yancey
Via Lucianne:
All those corrupt local Puerto Rico officials who have used U.S. disaster response aid to enrich themselves had better watch out. President Trump has just assigned Coast Guard Rear Admiral Peter J. Brown to take charge of all U.S. efforts on the island. Rear Admiral Brown is an excellent man with a servants heart, but he is also a very deliberate and serious man. And this man knows the island; we have crossed paths…. (Snip)A career Coast Guard officer (Snip)Rear Admiral Brown’s first duty station in the Coast Guard was in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and he has served more than half of his career in the Caribbean....
Hopefully the drilling will settle the lawsuits. That was a tremendous landgrab.
So, tonight on Star Trek, Kirk has to deal with yet another rogue captain who corrupted or was corrupted by the culture on some alien planet.
The one on the planet that was 20th centuru rome?
narciso - close.
the one on the planet that made the sun move in the sky (FEBRUARY) the one on the planet that taught us that our hearts are full of love (OCTOBER)
Well i try to avoid those, but ritmo has a way of taking a wizz everywhere. Does your proselytizing strategy work.
Half the time i cant figure what guild going on about.
On one plan they seeded chicagos ganglands om another nazi germany on another they sacrificed the crew to the arena.
Pain and disease we are told is the curse of sin, we arent told why some are afflicted more than others.
narciso for the record i understand goc, his heart is in the right place.
so is yours.
God loves us all, if we are human.
nobody cares what i say but i am an expert on pain and disease, I have not had a pain free hour since I was a teenager, and if you saw me on the street you would think you were looking at an old person, that is SAD
so here is what I have to say.
nobody reading these words could possibly believe they are not a blessed child of God, no matter how hard their lives have been,
think about it.
JOY is what God wants for us.
Well you dont seem very jovial.
"does your proselytizing strategy work"
why yes, it does.
God loves those of us who have suffered year in and year out, and ....
narciso i pretend to be unhappy because that is how i connect with people who are unhappy, and i love them all.
don't be stupid, don't think for a second that i have not spent a lot more time in a heaven that makes Dante's heaven look like a lousy cruise ship than most people could imagine.
for God;s sake I have said I have spoken with angels for God's sake how much more jovial could I have gotten ....
but I don;t go on and on about that because if I did the people I want to connect with would not listen to me
trust me
I am looking for one of these. Anty suggestions?
Magic Bowling ball
I could grioe about dissatisfactions with my life, but i know many carry greater burdens
We are all descended from adam, stephen cooper,
not me, narciso.
Those are two different states of being.
"those are two states of being"
my friend, you know exactly what you are talking about.
narciso said...
Half the time i cant figure what guild going on about
We're saving this for your tombstone.
Dont put words in my mouth, stephen cooper, i take issue with some of your reasonings but i respect them. Because of adams sin, that jesus had to come but his final triumph will happen at the end of time
Oh noes
Amy, I love you madly; but as you keep flashing that lake, I can't help but repeat that 1970s trope (yeah I was there) that Lake Mendota had to import Walleye Pike because the estrogen suspended in recycled beer (was it Old Style?) made normal fish breeding impossible.
They are all our ancestors, thats word 1, now do we admit the consequences of that realization.
Yes, Rome.
And explicitly praising of Christianity.
It's never even acknowledged in TNG.
They were too en...full of it, by then.
Talking past each other, if you can even let me agree with you
I’m not sure I agree with your syntax, but I enjoyed a special love this evening. My nephew had a big CD release party tonight, and I was invited on stage to play guitar with the band for an encore - ‘The Weight’. They didn’t let me sing, but that was probably best for all involved... 😜
Francis Menton (Manhattan Contrarian) takes a second look at the Bloomberg Campaign.
Lotta Etch-A-Sketch goin' on..
"the weight: - just pulled into Nazareth ---- great song!
walter - thanks, I love you man.
From the self-assured self deleter no doubt.
Day(night) ending in Y...
’pulled into Nazareth’
And I was playing a Martin D-28, viz. Nazareth, Pennsylvania. (Which is, of course, the setting for the song.)
"I said what I wanted to say to someone, and then I deleted it because I had said what I wanted to say to that someone.
Tell me that is wrong, and tell me why."
Do you delete upon tacit recognition of being read by recipient?
Hard to believe in context of narc's responses.
The 1920s gangsters one is "A Piece Of The Action". I'm sure the impetus was having access to a 1920s backlot for some inside-hollywood reason. That said, it's a classic. Probably the best "funny" Trek other than "The Trouble With Tribbles", and it's got "Fizzbin".
walter i love you man.
never stop being who you are !!!!
Violent Leftist Drives Van Through Tent of GOP Volunteers Registering Voters
are you allowed to draw/fire a weapon when someone is using
a vehicle to harm/kill you, and your retreating is ineffective
re a charging vehicle?
seriously narciso you are living in a fantasy world if you think Adam and Eve are my ancestors.
They are not.
have you not bothered to read a single word I have said?
also, sorry I deleted ten or twenty of my comments tonight, no big loss, I hope. I would have deleted more, because I do not want to waste your time.
Well .... Here is something that is not a waste of your time:
GOD LOVES YOU SO MUCH no matter what. God loves you more than a greedy shop-owner loves a rich foolish customer... much much more ---- and walter, I love you man, you remind me of me.
I see the undertones of racial hatred and sexism in the photo. The ugliest and most despicable propaganda picture since Hitler and Joseph Goebbels published scenes of the German countryside.
There is a huge disruption to our way of life on the near horizon that is being completely ignored by nearly everybody. This disruption is going to be bigger than the transition from horses to automobiles.
Think about what that transition consisted of. You went from barns to house the horses, to garages. Not a major change? Tell that to the groomsmen, stable boys and manure haulers. (not to mention the traditional buggy whip makers.) You went from a fuel supply chain consisting of delivering hay and oats to barns to one of gasoline purchased at serving stations (which had to be built first) This certainly was a disruption to the farmers. Our roads went from dirt and cobblestone to asphalt and concrete. This all took place in less than twenty years at the turn of the 20th century.
We are about to transition away from internal combustion engine cars (ICE) to electric vehicles. Advances in battery technology, production methods and autonomous driving are not only going to make electric cars far superior to ICE cars in performance, electric cars are going to be cheaper. No just in energy costs, but in production costs and maintance costs. (There are no oil changes on an electric vehicle, no transmissions, no radiators, no mufflers, etc) Within 10 years ICE vehicles will no longer make economic sense. This is going to have a huge impact on the American economy. The big three are all about to become Kodak, if they survive. It's also going to have a huge impact on the consumption and price of oil. Gasoline is going back to a niche product. Gas stations will vanish. (some will transition to charging station) The price of oil will drop by at least 50% and oil will largely become an industrial chemical. Natural gas and solar will produce most of the electricity, cheaper and cleaner.
Along with the change from ICE to electric will come a huge change in the way we use cars. Uber and Lyft type services are the future. It will be cheaper to use ride services than to buy a car that spends most of the time parked. When fully autonomous cars hit, things will change again. Cars will spend very little time parked. If you still own a car, when you get to work, instead of staying parked in a parking lot all day, your car will go off and make you and Uber, (or Lyft, or Tesla...) money while you are at work. Depending on the regulators, self driving cars are less than ten years away. Within fifty, it will be nearly impossible to get a driver's license because human drivers will be considered so dangerous.
For anybody who actually read the above and thinks I am a dreamer or out of my mind...the smart phone is only 13 years old, how many of you could imagine your life without it today? When's the last time you saw a pay phone? Or a portable radio? Or a camera?
Gahrie... I read the whole thing. You're timeline is too aggressive, and your optimism re solar energy being a major source of electrical energy is also unrealistic. If you had said nuclear I would've agreed, especially since that new radiation-eating fungus has been discovered at Chernobyl, and doesn't that sound like just the ticket for taking care of nuclear waste?
The big problem with electric vehicles is their inherent inefficiency: generate electricity at the plant, move it through miles of wires, store it in a battery, and then get it out of the battery to actually make the car move. There's no way to make those steps perfectly efficient, and AFAIK there's not much that can be done to improve the efficiency of the generator-to-battery step. ICEs, for all their problems, are relatively efficient in transforming chemical energy to mechanical energy. Obviously they would be better if we could capture the thermal energy in some useful way, but there are probably engineers working on that.
I'm hoping autonomous cars will be a thing by the time I'm too old to drive myself, and also that I'm well-off enough at that point that I can afford one! I love the idea of self-driving cars for the autonomy they could provide for the blind, the elderly, the occasionally inebriated, and anyone else who shouldn't or can't drive. I'm sure there will be many fewer traffic fatalities, and faster travel times, too. I'm less enamored of the fact that the government will know (or be able to easily find out) where your car was/is at any given time, but there are always trade offs.
Anyway, 10 years is too soon, more like 20, 25, 30, barring some major disruption. It would be pretty awesome if we skipped self-driving cars and went straight to self-flying cars like The Jetsons envisioned. Then we wouldn't even need to build roads...
Aunty Trump,
How do you cook the perch?
Do you want to know the truth about Ukraine?? Watch this video. (and the 3 before it, but this is the best one) It was handed over to Senator Chuck Grassley, and Congressman Ron Johnson, who have asked for Hunter Bidens records.
"Aunty Trump said...
Yellow perch caught through the ice are the only fresh water fish I really enjoy eating."
" exhelodrvr1 said...
Aunty Trump,
How do you cook the perch?"
Perch are great, but so is walleye. They both are in the perch family. Walleye enjoy eating perch too.
Best way to eat them? Filet, dip them in egg, roll them in a batter (I like Shore Lunch brand), and fry them in oil in a pan.
Some people like tartar sauce, I like them the British way, with malt vinigar.
SIde of any sort of fried potato and your good to go.
I had a walleye filet at the clubhouse at Blackwolf Run a few years ago that I still dream about. Yum...
Americans, in small rural towns, in industrial communities, and yes, in pockets of our country’s biggest cities, are tired of being reduced to a punchline by Washington politicians.
Mayor Pete responding to Biden’s latest attack. That might play to people in those places but doesn’t the vast majority of the Democratic base live in urban areas? Does this work on them?
Best way to eat them? Filet, dip them in egg, roll them in a batter (I like Shore Lunch brand), and fry them in oil in a pan.
Put your fillets in a bowl,add just enough water to cover. Saute diced onions in a pan. When the onions start to break, move them to the side of the pan. Put the fish in skin side down. Add the water, spoon the onions over the fish. When the water boils out you're done.
You have perfectly cooked moist fish with caramelized onion. No batter, no oil to ruin the flavor of the fish.
Actually, I can very easily imagine life without a smart phone.
I don't have one.
I tell my wife it's because I'm too cheap to pay $30/month for a data plan, but mainly I do it just to aggravate her.
BTW I think smart phones are the bane of the 21st century.
Electric cars will be too until you can charge them in 5 minutes and drive them 400 miles.
rehajm said...
"I had a walleye filet at the clubhouse at Blackwolf Run a few years ago that I still dream about. Yum..."
caught a lot of steelhead under that bridge.
Gharie. its going to take an order of magnitude change in how we store electricity. When that time comes then the change will cascade. You need to change how it is stored and how fast it can be recharged. When you can make a vehicle that can do what an F150 can do now, mileage, fast refill time, carrying capacity , etc. you'll have arrived.
When you can make a vehicle that can do what an F150 can do now, mileage, fast refill time, carrying capacity , etc. you'll have arrived.
The Cybertruck has a bigger payload than a 150 already. It's supposed to have a 400 mile range, which will be more than enough for 90% of users. Charging speed is improving all of the time.
Tesla is making a big announcement concerning drivetrain/battery technology at the end of Q1 or beginning of Q2. Solid state batteries would be a huge breakthrough, literally a gamechanger.
Electric cars will be too until you can charge them in 5 minutes and drive them 400 miles.
How about 500 miles, and 80% charge in 30 minutes? That's the prediction for the tri motor Cybertruck, the one they plan on building first. Plug into the supercharger, go to the bathroom, grab a bite, maybe stretch your legs a little bit and you're back on the road. That's 2021 people, for a truck that can carry more and tow more than a 150, with current technology.
I don't have one. (a smart phone)
I don't either (never have owned any cell phone) and people consider me a kooky eccentric.
Anyway, 10 years is too soon, more like 20, 25, 30, barring some major disruption.
That's my point...the major disruption has already started and nobody is noticing. Tesla battery pack price and performance are both already the best in the industry by five years, and both are about to get even better. No other car company is making an electric car that can compete with a 2012 Model S, and Tesla is about to produce a car that will beat a Camry on price and performance. Throw in fuel and maintenance savings and buying an ICE car will be economically disastrous. The fly in the ointment is the fact that Tesla very well could simply stop selling cars and provide a ride service like Uber or Lyft instead.
My grandfather was a fishing fanatic. When the perch were running, he and a few buds would take off work to fish the run. We got yellow perch by the beer case, (remember them?), full.
Laid newspaper on the ping pong table and the four of us children went to work cleaning. We had em Curious George's way, for a long time. The last time I had them, they were egg/floured but sauteed in butter. Walleye too... same way!
"The Cybertruck has a bigger payload than a 150 already. It's supposed to have a 400 mile range, which will be more than enough for 90% of users. Charging speed is improving all of the time."
Here's the problem. As soon as you turn on the lights you cut your mileage in half. Forget about the lights and the heater. You just turned your truck into a commuter vehicle. I'm not saying your predictions are wrong. Hell. It may happen in the next five years. I'm saying there ae a lot of problems that need to be overcome first. The biggest one is storage. Right now in order to increase distance there must be a corresponding increase in weight and charge time. Personally. I still think fuel cells are the best viable option. But they have their own obstacles to overcome.
A key issue in American's way of life is the automobile and the open road. It is the freedom of mobility that electric self drivers challenge. Somebody will control a kill switch on your ride. Maybe a lot of somebodies for a lot of different reasons. ROAD TRIP! Don't bet on it.
So... How are we doing on recycling those Prius batteries?
Per BTU the ICE still rules.
The snow today is pretty. I don't like its prolonged nature though. Went out and shoveled, then it starting snowing again. All at once please.
So... How are we doing on recycling those Prius batteries?
Prius..not so great. Tesla plans on recycling theirs.
Commercial vehicles that return to a home base and can be charged overnight are actually a better application than personal vehicles.
Same was said for natural gas powered vehicles 50 years ago during the first oil crisis. There are roughly 175,000 natural gas powered vehicles today in the U.S. compared to roughly 270 million gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.
"Tesla plans on recycling theirs"
Like my township recycles paper, plastic and glass today? Where 2/3 of it actually goes to the landfill.
"Tesla plans on recycling theirs"
Like my township recycles paper, plastic and glass today? Where 2/3 of it actually goes to the landfill.
Nope. The plan is to use the old car battery packs in their powerwalls. (because of the different way the two systems work, the batteries are still effective for home use even after they are no longer good for car use) When they are no longer good for powerwall use the plan is to recycle them and reuse the lithium to make new batteries. If they produce a million mile battery like they are expected to later this year, that means a battery would last fifty years at normal usage. (most cars are driven around 13,000 miles a year)
Remember Musk's whole purpose behind Tesla is to make Earth a better place to live.
"Remember Musk's whole purpose behind Tesla is to make Earth a better place to live."
Then why does he want to go into outer space? :)
Commercial vehicles that return to a home base and can be charged overnight are actually a better application than personal vehicles.
Same was said for natural gas powered vehicles 50 years ago during the first oil crisis. There are roughly 175,000 natural gas powered vehicles today in the U.S. compared to roughly 270 million gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.
Amazon just ordered 100,000 electric delivery vans from Rivian. When Fed Ex and UPS see the money Amazon is saving, they will too. Tesla is already using electric semis to deliver their cars.
Then why does he want to go into outer space? :)
Why do people climb Mount Everest?
His other goal is to make humans multiplanetary.
If you had asked someone in 2010 "what is the best way to waste a fortune", the reply would have been try to start up a car company or a rocket company. Elon has done both.
Anyway, read an article this morning about a Climate Scientist's decision to buy a Prius plug in hybrid. He said he was getting 140 miles per gallon.
In the next paragraph he said he used 100 gallons of gasoline per year and drove between 10,000 and 12,000 miles per year.
You do the math.
"Tesla is already using electric semis to deliver their cars."
Apparently not all of them. Saw a semi delivering Teslas last week at the dealership in my town. Unless those big exhaust stacks were just there for show, it was diesel powered.
"Remember Musk's whole purpose behind Tesla is to make Earth a better place to live."
No. His whole purpose is to get stinkin', stupid, rich. He is doing that by filling a niche market. If he was that environmentally altruistic a tesla would cost 1500.00.
No. His whole purpose is to get stinkin', stupid, rich.
So you're saying he took the $200 million dollars he made by selling PayPal and invested literally all of it in a car company and a rocket company with the whole purpose of getting rich? Really? Because before Elon if you had asked someone what is the easiest way to waste a fortune, there's a good chance they would have said either start a car company, or start a rocket company. He did both. Simultaneously. He came damn close to losing everything. He worked his ass off and changed the world.
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