... talk about whatever you like.
Photo taken at 7:23 this morning. Actual sunrise time was 7:05. The day to day change in the sunrise time is getting much bigger. The sunlight period is increasing by more than 2 and a half minutes a day —
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
२२३ टिप्पण्या:
223 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Heard a song this morning on Sirius driving home from vacation that I think may qualify as a song it didn’t take long to write: “Thou Shall Not Steal” by Dick and DeeDee (1965).
The daylight period is changing - but not the sumlight period. That seems to stay at 10 minutes..
The sun sets behind one of two mountains west of Tucson. I can watch the sun more north every few days as the sunset shifts north. By June it will set behind the northern mountain.
"The sunlight period is increasing by more than 2 and a half minutes a day —"
The most optimistic time of year. Yes, I shoveled snow three times yesterday and once more today but those extra minutes of light make the world seem new. I never really appreciated it until recently.
I woke up to 3" of snow on the ground here (near Atlanta).
No warning from our esteemed weather folks ("maybe some light dusting in the N. Georgia mountains").
Normally they are yelling days in advance and, more than twice, closed schools in anticipation to a snow that never came. Are they embarrassed? Hell no.
And people wonder(not here, of course) why I give "Climate Change" not a moment's thought.
It’s getting lighter at night. I love it.
Copy editor needed: Here's the first sentence of an article in today's USA today:
"An ex-con was taken into custody Sunday in New York City after two police officers were wounded less than 12 hours apart in shootings described as "assassination attempts" by the mayor and police commissioner."
"eddie willers said...
I woke up to 3" of snow on the ground here (near Atlanta)."
A racer friend of my sons was at Road Atlanta yesterday. Only one is his division that brought snow tires (probably just had them because he's from Wisconsin.) He won.
There used to be someone here who was shocked and horrified when a person got run over by a politically motivated driver. One would have thought that she would be condemning this Jacksonville incident nearly hourly, the way she repeatedly condemned what happened at Charlottesville, even though the details of what happened there and the evidence from the trial have been kept from the public. This is clear cut hit and run.
"...The sunlight period is increasing by more than 2 and a half minutes a day..." Yep, more time to play Golf!
You guys are losers!
Trump just retweeted an MVP heckler award.
Nadler just looks like a toad sucking a lemon.
Roger Pielke and Judith Curry under attack...yet again
Pielke documents the attack
oh that's reasonable,
Soooo They aren't really inscrutable... they're just sneaky! What... Melamine in your prescriptions?
like gary locke up in washngton, a decade or so ago,
"An ex-con was taken into custody Sunday in New York City after two police officers were wounded less than 12 hours apart in shootings described as "assassination attempts" by the mayor and police commissioner" and said ex-con was charged with attempted homicide, hate crimes and jaywalking, then released on his own recognizance for a preliminary hearing on Wednesday after next Thursday, police said.
Do I get the job?
"Dick and Dee Dee"
I believe they sang the title song in the Dick van Dyke Show episode, "Bupkis."
I wonder what Sanders was paid to not accuse the DNC of incompetence or corruption this morning?
narciso For your Cambridge prof... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73ks2TPPyho
"If my father travels, they stay at our properties for free. So everywhere that he goes, if he stays at one of his places, the government actually spends, meaning it saves a fortune because if they were to go to a hotel across the street, they’d be charging them $500 a night, whereas, you know we charge them, like $50." - Eric Trump, when asked about Secret Service protection at Trump Organization properties.
I recently heard some songs by Billie Ellish. She really is talented. It can be done. Somebody contemporary can write music that I like.
All right, I can do better.
"An ex-con was taken into custody Sunday in New York City after two police officers were wounded less than 12 hours apart in shootings described as "assassination attempts" by the mayor and police commissioner" and said ex-con was charged with attempted homicide, hate crimes and jaywalking, then released on his own recognizance for a preliminary hearing on Wednesday after next Thursday, police said through a spokesman who was visibly relishing a sausage sandwich with a side of Mac-n-cheese while indicating that the police union continues to hold the mayor's bail-reform policy at fault for failures to protect law-abiding citizens and officers alike.
Biden's latest in New Hampshire: calling someone who asked him a question about his electability a "lying dog-faced pony soldier."
He has been the source of much amusement, like Jeb Bush before him. He will be missed.
My new passport came in the mail yesterday. I'll be headed to Germany for a couple weeks in June. I haven't been back since I lived there 1991-1994. Bringing my wife and meeting up with a few buddies to visit all the old haunts, and hopefully do some of the things I neglected my first time around.
"...calling someone who asked him a question about his electability a "lying dog-faced pony soldier."
There's no way anymore to know if it's satire.
’lying dog-faced pony soldier’
I had to watch the video to make sure this gem was an actual quote from Plugs. He said it, and that’s no malarkey. My word as a Biden!
Yes, the sunrise/set times move the fastest this time of year. Check an analemma.
satire has effectively gone zombie, whereas snl does their best frank drebin 'nothing to see here'
More of the story --
The dust-up came after the voter asked Biden, “How do you explain the performance in Iowa and why should the voters believe that you can win a national election?"
"You ever been to a caucus?" Biden replied.
After the voter said she indeed had attended a caucus, Biden shot back: "No you haven’t. You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier."
see what I mean
Some nut shot up a Bronx police station using a .9mm hand gun. That's got to be smaller than a BB-gun.
The video was interesting, but burdened with advertising. I won't link it. He surrendered immediately after the first return volley, and slid the gun far across the room to signal his surrender. Suicide-by-cop, but he suddenly got cold feet
Any way you slice it, it's still February, and it sucks.
The Dud's ABiden
His attorneys will have ample proof of his deteriorating mental state when they use it to get him off the hook for corruption charges. (see "Vinny the Chin")
arrrggghhh........got cold feet??
Biden camp and his media supporters are arguing that Joe was just joking. Doesn't sound or look like good-natured joking. Even if it wasn't malicious, it was at best dismissive of the woman and rather passive-aggressive.
“In fact, every major Democratic candidate is running on an agenda to the left of Mr. Obama’s.” (Washington Post Editorial Board)
We had a little frosting the other morning, but so far this winter almost zero of the white stuff. In recent years much of what has hit the SE starts south and east of us. We just get cold and rain, broken by gorgeous days like yesterday and this morning--mid60s, partly cloudy.
Oh yeah. After dusk you can see Venus and maybe Mercury, but in the 90 minutes or so before dawn you might see Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in the east.
Caveats apply
from another angle,
"An ex-con was taken into custody Sunday in New York City after two police officers were wounded less than 12 hours apart in shootings described as "assassination attempts" by the mayor and police commissioner" and said ex-con was charged with attempted homicide, hate crimes and jaywalking, then released on his own recognizance for a preliminary hearing on Wednesday after next Thursday, police said through a spokesman who was visibly relishing a sausage sandwich with a side of Mac-n-cheese while indicating that the police union continues to hold the mayor's bail-reform policy at fault for failures to protect law-abiding citizens and officers alike
, and declared
"... dog-faced pony soldier" would be an enlisted WWI cavalry soldier.
, and declared that this sentence could proceed further with perfectly logical clauses and phrases but that he did not wish to call special attention to his skills as a police spokesperson at a time when two of his fellow officers were lying in hospital beds being treated for their wounds
Andrew said...
Biden's latest in New Hampshire: calling someone who asked him a question about his electability a "lying dog-faced pony soldier."
'Pony Soldier'; he's trying to freak out Fauxcahontas.
being treated for their wounds but that it was a matter of public record that his daughter-in-law had escaped an attempted assault which further entailed that he had to use personal time off from his job to attend to the ramifications in family matters that flowed directly from that incident.
Nice picture. I love seeing freshly fallen snow.
It hasn't snowed at all in South Jersey this year. In fact the ponds only froze over once, and then only for a couple of days. I don't miss shoveling the snow but I look forward to how the ice and frost (in the past at least) changes the landscape. There's still time but I could see it not happening at all this season.
Today it was 48F and sunny. I walked around the lake and enjoyed the light and air. The silver maple trees are starting to flower already; they're a good 6 weeks early. My irises, rhododendrons, and roses have got to be loving this. OTOH we may get a plague of gypsy moths or pine borers, so it's not without its concerns.
madAsHell: I wonder about the economics of reloading 0.9mm cartridges. Personally I'd throw them out, assuming I could find them.
9 mm. = .38 caliber = (.36 actual) and depending on the model can be equivalent to the original .38 cartridge or up the .38 Super ACP, which was the most powerful handgun cartridge available prior to the S&W .357.
"An ex-con was taken into custody Sunday in New York City after two police officers were wounded less than 12 hours apart in shootings described as "assassination attempts" by the mayor and police commissioner" and said ex-con was charged with attempted homicide, hate crimes and jaywalking, then released on his own recognizance for a preliminary hearing on Wednesday after next Thursday, police said through a spokesman who was visibly relishing a sausage sandwich with a side of Mac-n-cheese while indicating that the police union continues to hold the mayor's bail-reform policy at fault for failures to protect law-abiding citizens and officers alike, and declared that this sentence could proceed further with perfectly logical clauses and phrases but that he did not wish to call special attention to his skills as a police spokesperson at a time when two of his fellow officers were lying in hospital beds being treated for their wounds but that it was a matter of public record that his daughter-in-law had escaped an attempted assault which further entailed that he had to use personal time off from his job to attend to the ramifications in family matters that flowed directly from that incident
, but that no New York City cop would ever ask for any special treatment and all they wanted was a fair shake and a new mayor.
Here’s the guy who tried to kill the Republican campaign workers registering voters in Jacksonville. What a haircut.
Is it just me, or does de Blasio think that he is the mayor of Gotham City?
Do they use that term in "1917"? Maybe he just watched it and had it rollin' round in his noggin.
At least he didn't call her a hairy assed wookie.
I noticed the dead eyes, Aunty. Creepy dude.
I dubbed him mayor bane, after the villain in dark knight rises, he's a former visitor to corto maltese, I mean managua in the 80s,
It's been a relatively mild winter in these parts of northeastern MA. Cold-ish the last couple of days (30's), with light snow today. Hardly any snow on the ground, rain is predicted early in the week. This is typical of the low end of the winter precipitation range IIRC. I enjoy winter and do like snow, but I'm not disappointed when it doesn't fall.
If Pelosi's tearing up of Trump's SOTU speech document was calculated, was it done to fire up the base only or do you suppose she was trying to win over some of the folks in the middle and blacks & hispanics? She and the Democrats running to be their candidate don't have a positive vision for the country and what they would do to deliver it, so they are reduced to arguing that we all not believe our lying eyes and agree with them that things are terrible under Trump. Not going to win anything with that approach.
@Hagar: I think the "point" was ".9mm" vs. "9mm".
Hagar: I'm familiar with 9mm firearms (I own two of them). The joke of course is that the journalist is so clueless that he or his editor could make a mistake like that. Not to mention that, well, a lot of us can't even see something that's 0.9mm wide unless we have our glasses on. You might think that would be a hint, but...
OTOH, a caliber that size might be just right for shooting mosquitoes. I've seen it done with lasers, which is cool in its way, but seems hardly sporting.
Thanks to those who submitted applications for the copy editors job. I was hoping for something like: shootings described by the mayor and police commissioner as "assassination attempts" , rather than shootings described as "assassination attempts" by the mayor and police commissioner, which I guess is marginally better than shootings described as "assassination attempts by the mayor and police commissioner".
Kristol's NeverTrump-Funded Phone Calls Push GOP-Leaning Independents to Vote in NH Dems Primary
“Yup. I’m happy to have joined with some others to help remind New Hampshire independents, who might be accustomed to voting in the Republican primary, that this year, they may be able to make more of a difference by voting for a responsible and electable candidate in the Democratic primary,” Kristol said.
and your objection is what now?
“9 mm. = .38 caliber = (.36 actual) and depending on the model can be equivalent to the original .38 cartridge or up the .38 Super ACP, which was the most powerful handgun cartridge available prior to the S&W .357.”
A couple years ago, I was out shooting, and my Glock 17 quit cycling reliably. One magazine would cycle at maybe 50%, the next magazine at 100%, then back to 50% or so. For the life of me, I couldn’t figured it out. Then I unloaded one of the magazines and noticed that the rounds were a little short. Turns out I had loaded some of the magazines with .380, and some with 9mm. Two almost identical looking boxes, side by side on the table. I have a loader that loads 10 rounds at once, and so I would take one row from a box, load it into a magazine, then do the same for the next magazine (you can never have too many magazines).
The point is that the two calibers both fit in the larger gun just fine. There just isn’t enough powder in the shorter round to reliably cycle the bigger gun. I also have the same thing with my 10 mm G20. Most of my practice is with .40 S&W, because of the cost of 10mm (the story is that the FBI moved to 10mm after having been outgunned, but then backed off with a shorter case, the .40, because female agents were having problems with shooting 10mm - and they have now gone to 9 mm). Don’t try this with anything besides a Glock though - could be dangerous. And of course. .223 Remington is almost identical to 5.56 (mm) NATO. You can safely shoot .223 in a 5.56 barrel, but not the other way around. I have yet to see a good reason to buy a .223 barrel, but with 5.56 you can buy whichever caliber of ammunition of the two is cheapest.
Note that with all of these paired calibers, one is metric, and the other is in inches.
remember the original bad boys, the French trafficker,
not exactly "voulez-vous couche avec moi?"
“Lord Buddha, Guanyin, please spread the #coronavirus to Americans! They are too bad!”
Lord Buddha and Guanyin are the deities that Buddhist Chinese used to worship.
Aunty Trump said...
Here’s the guy who tried to kill the Republican campaign workers registering voters in Jacksonville. What a haircut.
2/9/20, 2:59 PM
Awful hair, but his eyes are worse. Crazy eyes.
Froo? What 'froo'?? You Amelikan klazy !!
Coronavirus death toll jumps to 900+ as China's ambassador to US dismisses ‘absolutely crazy’ bioweapon rumors
kills 89 in one day
70 on cruise ship confirmed virus
video of chinese being dragged from homeshttps://100percentfedup.com/coronavirus-update-stunning-videos-show-chinese-officials-dragging-citizens-from-homes-chasing-them-with-sticks-to-capture-themuk-experts-issue-dire-coronavirus-warning/
Why is WHO doing bioweapons research
undercover workers say bodies piling up
article in the WSJ, that i'd Love to get Chuck's take on
President Donald J. MacGuffin
Seriously, Chuck? I would Love to read your take on this?
Voters chose Donald Trump as an antidote to the growing inflammation caused by the (OK, deep breath . . .) prosperity-crushing, speech-inhibiting, nanny state-building, carbon-obsessing, patriarchy-bashing, implicit bias-accusing, tokey-wokey, globalist, swamp-creature governing class—all perfectly embodied by the Democrats’ 2016 nominee.
On taking office, Mr. Trump proceeded to hire smart people and create a massive diversion (tweets, border walls, tariffs) as a smokescreen to let them implement an agenda of tax cuts, deregulation and originalist judges. . .
Those reforms have left the market free to do its magic and got the economy grooving like it’s 1999. . .
I’ve learned to appreciate Mr. Trump’s theater of chaos and Hitchcockian plot device, which help him get things done. Like what? Well, he’s moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, installed competent originalist Supreme Court justices who don’t see penumbras and emanations whenever they want, sent Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani to the terrorist netherworld, and don’t forget that he got those UCLA basketball players out of Chinese prison.
Chuck? rebuttal? Care to explain WHAT Trump has done, that has made you decide Not to vote for him again?
• Congressional Delegation Background
• Adam Schiff in Ukraine???
• Falsifying Congressional expenditures records??
interesting thread per @NicAtNigh
a portion:
"Since it doesn't look like Schiff himself led a CODEL, Hoyer's office fabricated the expenditure records to make it look as if Adam Schiff was not on the trip
Also omitted from the records, is the expenditures in Ukraine. There's no record of that stop! What is going on here?"
"The only way that the Delegation could've used a military airlift for their sudden trip to Denmark and Ukraine, is by having willing participants in the Department of Defense.
We need to know why did Steny Hoyer's office omit the trip to Ukraine from the expenditure records."
This came from Rod Dreher article in AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE: Plague Pushes China To Breaking Point
Read this stunning comment left by “Wyoming Doc,” a physician in Wyoming (whose name I know) whose wife is an immigrant from China:
Has been a while since I last wrote anything. I have had the flu and have been home with my wife for the past several days. It has been fascinating. Our satellite TV provider has a service wherein you can subscribe to the People’s Republic official TV station.
There have now been four occasions where I have witnessed on live Chinese national TV public officials being frog-marched out of press conferences in hand irons. Their crimes? One had his mask on upside down. One did not have a mask on at all. One was stating (translated by my wife) that he had repeatedly been telling Beijing about the problems for weeks – and there was no response. One was answering every question with obvious double-speak (not unlike listening to Nancy Pelosi or Ted Cruz). Shortly into the press conferences, young men from the PLA show up – slapped on the hand irons – and hauled them out and in all 4 cases – it was just stunned silence in the rooms. My wife just casually tells me – “no one will ever see them again.” It is also clear to me as a physician – listening to the Chinese doctors – and viewing footage from the hospitals and clinics – that this is many orders of magnitude worse than what they are saying. Common sense will tell you that as well – are they really going to torpedo their entire industrial heartland for months – just because 300 people have died? — I think not – I think this is way worse than we can possibly imagine.
My mother-in-law lives in a smaller city – far on the western fringe of China – If Wuhan were Atlanta – she would be in a place like Boise. She had a fever about 8 days ago. Please note – official statistics note that there are 9 people in her province confirmed to have the virus. This belies the fact that she (never known to me to be a liar or fabulist ) has been telling my wife for days that there are hundreds upon hundreds of people all over the sidewalks and streets outside the hospital – and that the hospital is completely filled with patients. And apparently the crematorium has been very busy. Of most grave concern to her – is Beijing nationalized all of their small province’s health care workers and sent them to Shanghai or Beijing – leaving their city of a million with only a handful of doctors. When she had her fever – a nurse looked at her for 10 minutes. They found out she had a runny nose – and because of the runny nose told her she did NOT have the virus. NO TEST WAS EVER DONE – WHY? they simply do not have enough kits – and are having to go by their gut instinct. She was sent back to her own home – and placed in quarantine there – never having been tested. She is unable to leave – and this is being violently enforced in her city. They bring her food 3 times a week. All this to say – any and all numbers coming from China are highly suspect – and basically worthless. And thankfully my mother-in-law is getting much better...
Robert Conrad Dead. Sad to see "Pappy Boyington" and "JIm West" leave us. He was a good Columbo villain too.
Biden is losing it!
.223 is the actual caliber of .22 rifles for which they have had the machinery like forever.
As a kid I got Troy Donahue, Doug McClure, and Tab Hunter mixed up. I also got Burt Lancaster mixed up with Kirk Douglas. But I never got Robert Conrad mixed up with William Conrad.
Biden: "Those who say 'the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots' -- a great line, well, guess what: The fact is, if you’re going to take on the government you need an F-15 with Hellfire Missiles. There is no way an AK-47 is going to take care of you."
So forget your little "2nd Amendment"
...we're gonna kill you anyway, you dog-faced pony soldier
So imagine the President of Penn, when asked about the idea of Don Trump Jr. visiting the campus (private university, where Don graduated and where he has spoken occasionally in the past) being asked about the possibility of a Don Trump Jr. visit, and saying this:
““We won’t credential him as an alumnus. I suppose if he wants to come as a non-alum and debate an issue with us, maybe in the future we would have him come. This year, I’d actually be afraid for his physical safety, people are so mad at him.”
That would be nuts, right? It wouldn’t be an insult of Don Jr. so much as it would be a confession of a complete breakdown of authority and the total loss of any semblance of civility on the part of the supposedly grand institution of the University of Pennsylvania. Right? The depth of Penn’s own pathology doesn’t reflect on Don Jr., with both the institution and the prospective guest having so aggressively split from one another. Penn’s inability to guarantee physical safety is a Penn problem, and a very big one at that.
So, nothing like that has happened at Penn. I made it all up. But what I didn’t make up, was that bolded quote. With the substitution of the word “conservative” for the word “alumnus/alum” in my quote, someone actually said that.
It was Matt Schlapp, talking about the possibility of physical harm coming to Mitt Romney if he visited this year’s Washington CPAC Conherence.
Schlapp said it on a television program produced and hosted by Greta van Susteren. I had never heard of the program and it isn’t clear to me how it can be viewed. (Gray Television?!?). So if anybody figures that one out let us know.
I just want give a shout out to Maynard Friedman.
From the NYT: Trump Got His Wish. Mexico Is Now the Wall.
Mexico has effectively turned into an extension of Mr. Trump’s immigration police beyond American territory. And this is the case on multiple fronts: On the southern border with Guatemala, they prevent Central American migrants from coming into Mexico; on the northern one, they block those seeking entry to the United States from leaving.
Even the NYT has admitted there is a wall to immigration on our southern border and Mexico is paying for it.
Yet another promise fulfilled.
Once again, Chuck hardest hit.
walter: "I just want give a shout out to Maynard Friedman."
Whoa! Careful now. LLR-lefty Chuck is NOT going to appreciate you talking smack about his gal AOC.
Especially now that LLR-lefty Chuck has simply come out and admitted that he is all for having a socialist in the White House along with complete democrat control of the House and Senate.
And if LLR-lefty Chuck tries to tell you anything differently, just call him a lying dog-faced pony-soldier.
It was Matt Schlapp, talking about the possibility of physical harm coming to Mitt Romney if he visited this year’s Washington CPAC Conherence.
So, Romney is an "alumnus" of CPAC? I am so old I can remember when Romney was a Democrat, before he changed parties, like you, to run for Governor of Mass.
I'm beginning to think LLR-lefty Chuck's Tide pod eating habits as well as his passionate and personal devotion to far left democrats has permanently damaged his cognitive abilities.
Gronk got me hooked on Tide pods
Michael K: "So, Romney is an "alumnus" of CPAC?"
LLR-lefty Chuck is so desperate to spin for his socialist allies that he continues to create bizarre and moronic hypotheticals that he believes are Powerful Messages Which Will Harm Trump.
It's all so very very weird....in a gin-soaked way.
Howard: "Gronk got me hooked on Tide pods"
I really thought he would return for the playoffs.
gilbar: You asked a question. And since I am a Journal subscriber, I can see and have read that column by Andy Kessler. It’s dumb, and not terribly interesting.
The usual Trump garbage about how Trump is the personal miracle worker for the economy. The economy is growing at a pace that began before Trump took office, before the passage of a tax bill, before the implementation of those cuts and before any significant deregulation. And the numbers all basically prove it. Unemployment declines, GDP growth; even the stock market was rising at least as fast in 2012-2016. The current records are the continuation of the trend.
Trump hired smart people? He’s fired most of them.
Judges? Trump gets credit only for being the current occupant. The Federalist Society and Heritage are doing a great job of screening nominees; McConnell is doing s good job confirming them, made all the more easy by a change in Senate rules that McConnell opposed strenuously.
Why would Willard want to attend CPAC? I doubt there’s a panel discussing a ‘severely conservative’ RomneyCare reboot.
Sorry LLR-lefty Chuck and obama-fanboy. You've already lost the economic argument.
But only completely.
Every normal person knows Trump is the key to this economy. Every single one of them and you and your p****-hat pals aren't going to change that.
Whadya talkinabout? Romney's severely conservative.
And CPAC was never fooled.
Beasts of England: "Why would Willard want to attend CPAC? I doubt there’s a panel discussing a ‘severely conservative’ RomneyCare reboot."
Perhaps there is panel discussing "severely conservative" Open Borders plans?
How about a "Conserving Conservatism by Electing Socialists" panel?
There has to be something that will get Mitten's Massachusetts juices flowing.
Abolish ICE? AOC Economics and why its the best answer now??!!
Lots of options for "severely conservative" types....
Romney's Bain was big into creative destruction of companies, BTW.
’The economy is growing at a pace that began before Trump took office, before the passage of a tax bill, before the implementation of those cuts and before any significant deregulation.’
Please normalize those data for Obama’s near-billion dollar stimulus, ZIRP/NIRP, and a few trillion in quantitative easing. Also, tell me why if ‘magnificent’ Obama has such a great economy that - even with the previously noted monetary stimulation - the labor participation rate significantly declined throughout his entire tenure. Next, explain why it’s rising during Trump’s.
The numbers prove that Obama’s economy was a mirage. Remove the various stimuli and his numbers reveal a recession. Trump’s economy is pure organic growth.
I wonder just how many hours Mitt spent lying in bed and thinking about the precise words he would use as he led a group of republicans over to the White House to tell Trump that he had lost the support of the Senate and would have to resign in order to save the nation from any further damage.
I'll bet Mitt already knew what suit he would wear, what he would say in front of the microphones setup outside the White House, how he would talk about what a sad and somber and prayerful day this was.
And then Mitt would tell us all about how it, despite it not being discussed prior to that moment (wink wink), Mike Pence would have to depart as well.
And gee whiz, even if that meant Nancy Pelosi would have to assume the Presidency then, well, gosh darn it, that's what has to happen for the nation to regain its soul......
Look how much effort Mitt put into arranging the political rollout of his decision (which he lied to the entire republican caucus about), now imagine the coordination with the leftist media that LLR-lefty Chuck adores so very much to announce the successful coup against Trump!!
So many leftist/LLR-leftist dreams died on Wed. So very many.
Not least of which on these very pages with LLR-lefty Chuck, who to date, shows absolutely no signs of recovery from this disappointment.
And it's glorious.
Mark: "Romney's Bain was big into creative destruction of companies, BTW."
Indeed. They pretty much went "Full Gordon Gecko/Blue Star" on them all.
’Trump gets credit only for being the current occupant.’
He gets full credit for their nominations, having actually won the election which entitled him to do so. Glad I could help!! :)
Michael K said...
It was Matt Schlapp, talking about the possibility of physical harm coming to Mitt Romney if he visited this year’s Washington CPAC Conherence.
So, Romney is an "alumnus" of CPAC? I am so old I can remember when Romney was a Democrat, before he changed parties, like you, to run for Governor of Mass.
Unlike Trump, whose father was a slumlord, Romney’s father was President of American Motors and then a Republican governor and then Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
And so unlike Trump, Romney has effectively been a lifelong Republican. Undeclared, I suppose, when he was with Bain and not in politics. But when you toss out ignorant shit like, Romney was a Democrat and “changed parties” to run for Governor in Massachusetts. Romney ran as the state Republican nominee for the Senate against Kennedy almost ten years before he ran for governor.
Where do you get your shit headed ideas on this stuff?
Try again:
Chuck's friends have called Bain a corporate chop-shop. Buy up companies, gut them, sell off the parts, layoff the workers.
At least that's what his principled pals say.
*near-trillion dollar stimulus*.
’...then Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.’
You mean the ‘Department of Black People’?! 🤣
Romney ran as the state Republican nominee for the Senate against Kennedy almost ten years before he ran for governor.
Well, it would be pretty stupid to run as a Democrat for Senate against a KENNEDY.
LLR-lefty and now Pro-socialist dem candidate Chuck: "And so unlike Trump, Romney has effectively been a lifelong Republican."
OMG!! That. Is. Just. Too. Perfect.
For the record: I did not pay LLR-lefty Chuck to write that! He did it all by himself! Just as when he admitted he was only here to smear and lie about Trump, drive a wedge between Trump and his voters and also drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers!!
Weekends are the best since that is when LLR-lefty Chuck writes the most revealing things, usually after having 5 to 10 gin and tonics!
Mark: "Well, it would be pretty stupid to run as a Democrat for Senate against a KENNEDY."
LLR-lefty Chuck is on a roll! (was it over when Germany bombed Pearl Harbor?)
Anyone who knows anything about Michigan knows that the Republicans there, particularly during the time of Governors George Romney and William Milliken, are rather weak tea.
Byron York presents the "goods" on "lifelong republican" Romney:
Mark: "Anyone who knows anything about Michigan knows that the Republicans there, particularly during the time of Governors George Romney and William Milliken, are rather weak tea."
Weak tea republicans are precisely what LLR-lefty Chuck wants desperately and for one reason: it leads to democrat majorities and leftist policy victories.
walter @5:48 PM has my vote as the thread winner, since I'm a fan of both Milton Friedman and Maynard G. Krebs.
F-15’s aren’t equipped to carry/fire Hellfire missles, which are commonly deployed by AH-64 Apace helicopters, Reaper and Predator drones, and A-10 Warthog ground attack aircraft. I haven’t been second-in-line for Article II Executive Powers, but hey, I could be available...
Bruce Hayden... Similar story with .308 win and 7.62x51. One tip I was given WRT surplus 7.62 cases. A Wholesaler told me that the bulk of surplus 7.62 was fired through M-60s which have larger chamber dimensions to facilitate full auto fire. Resizing them full length would be a chore, whereas national match surplus is really a breeze. Lotsa names for .380 though.
Anybody else catch far left Lawfare's Benjamin Wittes (whom LLR-lefty Chuck adores) comparing the removal of Sondland as EU Ambassador and the reassignment of Vindman back to the Pentagon with the actual Holocaust?
Mollie Hemingway called him out for being a Total LLR-lefty Chuck.
LLR-lefty and now Pro-socialist dem candidate Chuck: "And so unlike Trump, Romney has effectively been a lifelong Republican."
If Romney was effective, he wouldn’t have been a senator.
Now life-long country club Republican....ok.
Regarding the .9mm, I suspect that some young journalist wrote about a 357 magnum, which would be one Hell of a huge cartridge, for sure — about 22 times larger than the largest US naval cannon. He or she got schooled, but the lesson taken away was incomplete, something along the lines of “if it’s a bullet size put a period in front.”
I always knew Brad Pitt was likely not the sharpest tool in the shed.
If it weren't for "Chuck's" wild-assed "severely conservative" misrepresentations, the comment section here would be really dull. I appreciate the hilarious enstompening that follows these wild flights of fancy.
From Wikipedia --
Romney "registered as an Independent and voted in the 1992 presidential primaries for the Democratic former senator from Massachusetts, Paul Tsongas. . . . When Kennedy tried to tie Romney's policies to those of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, Romney responded, 'Look, I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I'm not trying to take us back to Reagan-Bush.' . . . [Romney also stated], 'I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country.'"
Somehow I don't think that anti-Reagan Independent qualifies as "lifelong" Republican.
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Biden curse continues:
After Biden made headlines today for calling a woman a “lying dog-faced pony soldier” his bus broke down on the road.
Aunty Trump said...
I always knew Brad Pitt was likely not the sharpest tool in the shed.
2/9/20, 7:21 PM
It is regrettable that beauty and brains is a rare combination.
What? Minnesota is swinging toward Trump?
And in the New York Times, no less.
The supply of Leftist tears is going to crash the price.
Seems like a decent opportunity for an options play.
Obamas production company produced the dicumentary winner.
The Coneheads won for best documentary.
Last week in the New York Times it was Trump’s “Steel Curtain” in PA, this week Wisconsin. It’s starting to look like he painted the “Blue Wall” red.
Thao Nguyen
trump's support in the WOW counties (milwaukee suburbs: waukesha / ozaukee / washington) is much stronger now than it was in 2016
third parties (gary and mcmullin) got 6-7% there and it appears those voters are increasingly backing trump now
And the Democrats ran an ad against Trump featuring Schiff: “You cannot stop him! You cannot constrain him! You cannot change him!” That just makes me want to vote for him more.
Birkel, that article is about Wisconsin, not Minnesota.
The pony soldier thing was great. I put that in the plus column for Biden.
How's that John Bolton subpoena coming along?
Inga/LLR-lefty Chuck, any updates? I mean, I thought the dems/LLR's were going to jump all over that.
Must be an awfully long subpoena to be taking this long to get it out the door.
I'm loving all the latest Biden news.
Andrew: "I'm loving all the latest Biden news."
It's like a tsunami of bad for him and his dem/LLR supporters.
I don't know why you people do not understand truthiness in The Age of Trump.
Getting the Leftist Collectivists to amplify the article by making a purposeful mistake works.
Sheesh! Confefe punks!
I reached into the memory hole, and this piece hadn’t burned yet:
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Democrats would not consider a deal with Republicans to summon Hunter Biden to testify in the Senate impeachment trial in exchange for testimony from former Trump administration officials, including John Bolton.
“I think that’s off the table,” Schumer, a New York Democrat, told reporters Wednesday during a break in the trial.
Some Senate Republicans proposed a deal on witness testimony that would include summoning either former Vice President Joe Biden or his son Hunter Biden. In exchange, the Senate would also summon Trump administration officials sought by Democrats.
Former national security adviser John Bolton tops their list.
But Democrats Wednesday rejected the idea, arguing that the Bidens are not relevant to the impeachment charges against Trump.
“That trade is not on the table,” Schumer said.
You have to hand it to Democrats for. balls. They talk as if the Senate Minority Leader had never rejected a deal to get Bolton’s testimony.
"Dog-faced pony soldier"
Was just a joke
But a stupid one
As Brit Hume noted, this prediction by Bill Kristol did not hold up very well:
· Jan 8
What’ll happen: House sends over articles. Senate adopts McConnell’s rules on party line vote, convenes as court of impeachment. House managers make case, show need for witnesses, seek to call them. CJ Roberts agrees. His ruling upheld by 47 Dems + ~ 12 Reps. Bolton testifies."
Can anybody remember the last time Kristol was right about anything? It's amazing people still listen to him.
Narciso, that is one misguided fool [as was Marx, of course]. With so many economies in the world, American workers would have to cut their wages drastically to form a 'united' work force. I don't think they want that.
It is regrettable that beauty and brains is a rare combination.
I beg to differ, exiled. ;-)
Birkel, we cheeseheads are sensitive about being confused with the filthy Scandis next door.
Bill Kristol, what's the deal
With that freak? They must
Have dirt on him.
On second thought, you're probably right about that, mockturtle.
Mark said...
Well, it would be pretty stupid to run as a Democrat for Senate against a KENNEDY.
Ed Markey finds himself in just that position this year. Not his fault. Young Joseph Kennedy III is challenging his Senate seat. If Kennedy wins, he could be the presidential nominee in 2024, for what Democrat doesn't dearly love a Kennedy?
He's actually the fourth JPK. Either they aren't counting the old man or they aren't counting the one who died in the war. Americans can barely take IIs and IIIs, and they definitely don't like IVs, Vs, and VIs.
We do not have to worry about any deadly combination of beauty and brains when it comes to MSNBC's Katy Tur:
"On Friday, Tur, who became media-famous in 2016 after then-GOP candidate Donald Trump was mean to her, asked a guest whether gerrymandering could be used to break up Republican control of the U.S. Senate.
"Is gerrymandering something that would help improve the situation? How does that sort of divide promote consensus in the Senate, or even in the House?" she asked."
She was olbermanns girl friend, thats how she advanced in the organization fvf amd 1917 have won a few awards
Thank you for responding Chuck; I really Did want to hear your take
Ah slo jo:
Dog-faced Soldier, lying pony
There was a Dog-faced Soldier
In the heart of New Hampshire
OK, here's my quick piece on "1917".
Stunningly good camera work and production; the lead actors are adequate and the big names showed up for their cameos; the plot has holes big enough to drive tanks through and overall it's a derivative, overlong mess.
And with that I bid you sweet dreams
I would say the leads are good, because they convey the anguish of their existencen the villain of the piece is probably Cumberbatch's character, and hes trapped in the same paradigm.
Shirley pete
Unsurprising that Biden left off the "and tyrants."
You imagine how tired theyve gotten on her by now
"Can anybody remember the last time Kristol was right about anything? It's amazing people still listen to him."
Bill Kristol is so politically lost he needs a compass.
What he and his Bulwark brethren fail to understand is that they are helping to reelect Trump. They are so emotional and irrational that unemotional and rational folk look at their endless stream of baseless attacks on Trump, which makes Trump, not them, look more real, more honest, and more faithful to our country, as a whole.
Nice clip, Narciso!
I would describe the New Hampshire diners' collective reaction to Warren as...........tepid.
President Trump’s company charges the Secret Service for the rooms agents use while protecting him at his luxury properties — billing U.S. taxpayers at rates as high as $650 per night, according to federal records and people who have seen receipts.
During the 2016 campaign, Trump told voters that — if he was elected — he would not have time for travel.
“I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,” Trump told the Hill in a June 2015 interview. “I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off.”
But since taking office, Trump has spent more than 342 days — a third of his entire presidency — at his private clubs and hotels, according to a tally by The Post. Trump has said he works during these trips.
Other recent presidents have allowed the Secret Service to use their properties — George H.W. Bush’s compound in Maine, Bill Clinton’s home in suburban New York, George W. Bush’s ranch in Texas — free, according to the Secret Service and spokespeople for those former presidents.
the plot has holes big enough to drive tanks through
That was obvious in the previews, wasn't it?
billing U.S. taxpayers at rates as high as $650 per night
Let me know when this totals the $1 billion Trump has lost on his hotel/golf operations since becoming President because of risk-averse cancellations and increased security costs because of deranged Lefties.
And stop with all that Oscar/AA talk. It gets annoying.
They built this massive array of trenches then were trapped in no mans land for momths if this is to riff off the battlea of ypres.
Well ford vs ferrari and 1917 were the only films worth watching. The other was just another sinecure granted obama thanks to netflix
But when you toss out ignorant shit like, Romney was a Democrat and “changed parties” to run for Governor in Massachusetts.
Chuck, I will allow others to rebut your stupid comments. I was ready to believe you were really a lawyer. Does Michigan allow high school, graduates to take the Bar exam, like California?
Path of glory, with kirk douglas and mustache twirling adolph menjou painted a much darker portrait.
The likes of foch and haig werent that common
Too vile to get out of the rain
When some blithely talk about civil war, one can look at say the conflicts in the former yugoslavia or lebanon to see how that works out.
Link is too long to highlight narciso
at least she didnt say "Milton Bradley"
...you know, the general and the comedian
And it's wrong narciso
for when Biden finally drops out:
"Where have you gone
Joe DeMentia
Our nation turns its
lovely eyes from you"
Apple polishing or sincerity
purplepenquin: "President Trump’s company charges the Secret Service for the rooms agents use while protecting him at his luxury properties"
Biden charged Secret Service Rent for using cottage on his property.
Number of purplepenguin posts concerning Biden being paid by Secret Service for rent: Zero
So, I guess the lefties/LLR-lefties are back to emoluments, eh?
Brad Pitt is dead to me.
“Anybody else catch far left Lawfare's Benjamin Wittes (whom LLR-lefty Chuck adores) comparing the removal of Sondland as EU Ambassador and the reassignment of Vindman back to the Pentagon with the actual Holocaust?”
Yeh. The guy who worked with Weismann to reinterpret that Obstruction of Justice from a specific intent to a general intent crime, that effectively kept the Mueller investigation open better than a year longer than it should have been open (their intentional misinterpretation would have turned shutting down the Mueller investigation into Obstruction of Justice) while keeping Congress from investigating the FBI’s FSI abuse and anything to do with Peter Srzok’s Crossfire Hurricane. And no doubt was one of the primary orchestrator the entire Russia Collusion hoax. Yeh, that Benjamin Wittes. One of the most evil people arrayed against Trump.
He says some interesting things about buchanan, and then out right lies about sanders
Another fave, drago
purplepenquin: "President Trump’s company charges the Secret Service for the rooms agents use while protecting him at his luxury properties"
Hillary charged the SS rent in Chappaqua.
What’s your point?
Ohhhh--- NOW they suspect foul-play??
Remember that woman who supposedly died after drunkenly falling into trash chute in a luxury apartment??
Turns out she 'may have been strangled to death', according to Jeffrey Epstein pathologist
Remember she worked for Soros & lived in the same building as Huma Abedin & Anthony Weiner?
do you know how small a trash chute door is??
Well thats awkward isnt it?
"smirking eyes" makes more sense.
But, "Joe DeMentia"- love it, will steal it shamelessly.
“When some blithely talk about civil war, one can look at say the conflicts in the former yugoslavia or lebanon to see how that works out.”
Just been watching Randy Barnett on Levin (on FNC). They talked about the difference between a democracy versus a republic, and that one of the benefits of a republic is that it reins in mob rule (democracy). Several of the Dem candidates have stated that they would rule by decree essentially that the 2nd, and maybe even 1st Amdts are no longer biding. If someone like Warren gets the Dem nomination and then beats Trump, she has vowed to ban MSRs (modern sporting rifles) on her first day in office. If something like that happens, I expect the cold civil war that we are engaged in to go hot. But I don’t think that the result would be significantly different if the Democrats Winn the trifecta, the President, Senate, and House.
Ran out of malarkey.
@Yancey, I also read that the power is out in his hotel.
a little more on the Flu ManChu
Scientist Who Discovered Ebola: UK Faces 'Major' Coronavirus Outbreak
Exiled Chinese Billionaire Claims 1.5 Million Infected With Coronavirus, 50,000 Dead | Zero Hedge
LIVE FROM HONG KONG: China in Horrible Situation as Coronavirus Spreads, Major Financial Issues Loom and Hong Kong Protests Kick Off Again
Coronavirus – The African Connection
But I never got Robert Conrad mixed up with William Conrad.
Ok...that made me laugh. Now can you help me out...which one's The Rock and which one's Vin Diesel?
well, a lot of us can't even see something that's 0.9mm wide unless we have our glasses on. You might think that would be a hint, but...
OTOH, a caliber that size might be just right for shooting mosquitoes. I've seen it done with lasers, which is cool in its way, but seems hardly sporting.
Just 'cause it's interesting, here's a video that contains slow-mo footage of a 2mm gun being fired https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3PHD__2wsE
Yancey Ward said...
But, "Joe DeMentia"- love it, will steal it shamelessly.
oh thanks Yance-- didnt you read the 1st post by Iman??
kidding-- steal away-- you know what they say--
"It aint a meme until it's stolen!"
Other recent presidents have allowed the Secret Service to use their properties — George H.W. Bush’s compound in Maine
Have you ever been to Wallker's Point in Kennebunkport?
The Secret Service had barracks built at the entrance to the Bush/Walker home. It is like a thumb into the ocean on a rocky cliff. The Bush home is towards the end of the thumb. The secret service post is the base of the thumb.
In other words, GHWB and Barbara had their property enhanced at taxpayers expense in order to protect a former POTUS. That is somewhat different from the Trump situation.
there's nothing like a baby's laughter
hope Althouse doesnt post this this
Here Are The Billionaires Backing Pete Buttigieg’s Presidential Campaign
Forty billionaires and their spouses have donated to Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign, according to an analysis of federal election filings, making the South Bend, Indiana mayor a favorite among America’s richest people.
Over 100 Brits arrive in Milton Keynes to be quarantined for Coronavirus
Passed through Beaver Dams NY last Sunday on the way to WV. On the west side of the road there's a very visible solar power installation. Wasn't generating any power, not a single watt. It was completely overcast and dreary. Passed through again on Saturday on the way home. Was bright and sunny, a perfect day for photovoltaic installations to generate power! Absolutely perfect conditions. Not a cloud to be seen! The panels were generating exactly zero watts, as on the Sunday before. It snowed Friday. A lot. No one had laboriously brushed all the previous day's snow from the panels.
From bestplacesdotnet: "On average, there are 158 sunny days per year in Beaver Dams (zip 14812). The US average is 205 sunny days." 47 less sunny days than average for the U.S., less than half the days in a year, and tax money, my money, was used to subsidize the installation of solar power. And not only are there fewer sunny days, on some of those sunny days the panels are going to be snow covered and useless.
A few days per year I have to use the wipers on my car to clean off the pollen making it impossible to see through the windshield. I'll bet no one goes out to clean the panels off on those days. Until it rains - they're severely degraded.
Environmentalists and the politicians who voted to waste taxpayer money installing solar power panels in NY get to feel good about themselves because they're reducing CO2 emissions! I'm willing to bet that over the lifetime of the panels that they reduce less CO2 than the CO2 that was used to produce, transport, and install them. Not to mention the CO2 produced to dismantle, haul away, and dispose of them when they've reached the end of their useless life. As toxic waste. In landfills.
If grid tied photovoltaic installations made economic sense, subsidies wouldn't be needed to install them. Power companies would be rushing to build them.
Trump threatens their share of redistributive change, their quid pro Joes, their quid pro Bos, their prophets and profits, and exposed the faded colors of social liberal club to solar irradiance. Undeniable. Unforgivable.
If grid tied photovoltaic installations made economic sense, subsidies wouldn't be needed to install them. Power companies would be rushing to build them.
They are, in Australia. The original project was tied to a wind farm. It worked so well they just added 50% more battery storage there and have eliminated the use of peaker plants.
There are now several new installations being built, and the plan is to completely eliminate the need for peaker plants through out Australia in the short term and perhaps export electricity in the long term. So these large batteries don't eliminate the need for natural gas generation, but they can eliminate the dirty, expensive peaker plants, thus saving money and cutting emissions.
Shoutout to my homeboy of The People, Richard Marx.
Wherever you go, whatever you do, he will be right here waiting for you.
Why are gas turbine peaking plants dirtier and more expensive than any other gas generating plant?
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