“I’m not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody….whether it’s Congress, newspaper editorial boards, or the president," Bill Barr tells @ABC News.
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) February 13, 2020
"I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me.” https://t.co/14rnEMD65c pic.twitter.com/QuoTgpUVHp
१४ फेब्रुवारी, २०२०
Are people understanding Barr's "impossible for me to do my job"?
I'm tired of reading all the articles about it. Or, more accurately, I'm averse to reading much of anything about it. But I do assume that Barr is helping Trump. Deliberately, of course.
१७९ टिप्पण्या:
It seems amicable to me. Trump will keep doing it and Barr will keep complaining about it. They have different aims.
Barr to get comfortable and Trump to keep bureaucrats from getting comfortable.
Politicians can make much better deals for themselves if stuff can be done privately. Trump is a public guy.
Rope-a-dope between Trump and Barr to fool the media,
Barr is expression no faith in the judicial branch. If you tweet, the judges will get mad and deny us results we want.
The judges are already corrupt.
Trump can't afford anything to be NOT ABOVE BOARD AND OPEN - he has that going for him and us
Wake me when Barr even begins to approach Eric Holder territory. -WSW
If Barr had some comic skills, it would help.
When the media starts to report the truth, I will agree that Trump should stop tweeting. Since everything they say or print is ALWAYS against him, he has to put the truth out there himself. He is the most transparent President of my lifetime whether you agree or not.
Barr is building the case that a Democrat demand of recusal, because Trump is directing him, is invalid. The silliness is; of course the President directs the AG and that fact has never been grounds for recusal into investigating political corruption in the past.
The only bad thing is it suggests Barr isn't going to use his hearing with Nadler to start connecting the dots between Democrats and the Mueller investigation.
Trump's tweeting often seems self-defeating, at least to me.
However, it also makes him the most transparent POTUS in history.
The Corrupt Dems are out of ammunition to shoot Trump. So they have turned their 6 ways from Sunday guns on B2 who is the actual special weapon that has them in his sights. And Trump laughs.
Yeah, I know exactly what this means. I’ve had to tell bosses before that I’ve got a situation handled and their continued intervening in the process is counterproductive. It’s called leading up that takes courage and it’s a great leadership quality.
Please, this is a concoction plotted and planned by the Cheeto and Barr to make it seem like Barr is not Trump's lap dog. Not buying it at all.
Vicki from Pasadena
Poor Ann is tired , because the Trump team has outfoxed her beloved media's narrative.
Trump is getting to her. What you are seeing is an elite progressive realizing that all her wily ways of trying to undo Trump are undoing her.
Trump is Barr's lap dog on this one.
How about arresting some people who need to be brought in front of a court of law? That should take some POTUS pressure off of you, but right now, nothing is being done that any of us can see.
There’s no need to read articles about the Barr-Trump dispute; Barr made his views entirely clear in the original interview:
“I think it’s time to stop the tweeting about Department of Justice criminal cases,” Barr told ABC News.
“I’m not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody ... whether it’s Congress, a newspaper editorial board, or the president,” Barr said. “I’m gonna do what I think is right. And you know … I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me.”
Barr said Trump’s middle-of-the-night tweet put him in a bad position. He insists he had already discussed with staff that the sentencing recommendation was too long.
“Do you go forward with what you think is the right decision or do you pull back because of the tweet? And that just sort of illustrates how disruptive these tweets can be,” he said.
When asked if he was prepared for the consequences of criticizing the president – his boss – Barr said “of course.”
Who is this deep-state bureaucrat who thinks he knows better than the President how to do the job of Attorney General?
The Q operation has slowly educated the public in the Mass Corruption that has run things in the Pax Americana for 50 years, and Q needs another year to top off the slow revelation of the impossible to believe horrors. That is the time when the Dems and other Corrupt DC scum will no longer be able to walk down the street without being chased. And Terrible Trump's Re-election will be done by then.
In the meantime the DC leaders of the actual Conspiracy are near insanity, resigning and cutting deals.
Trump is making Barr's job more difficult, Barr is defending himself. Seems simple enough to me. Whether this exchange causes either one of them to change their behavior is another question. One that time may or may not answer.
Or, more accurately, I'm averse to reading much of anything about it.
I don't know why that is for Ann..for me it is the absurdity theater of 'the President is not allowed to say that' or 'its illegal for him to tweet that' or 'he needs permission from a Hawaiian judge to do that'.
There's some Silicon Valley knockoff on Apple TV+...Don't bother, but there's a preview where the dialogue is about one employee thinking another brought her a bagel. The banter is...
"I can't give it to you, my doctor prescribed it..."
"Are you telling me it's a prescription bagel?"
"I don't think you're legally allowed to ask me that..."
It perfectly captures this absurd strategy. You'd think the Democrats would just give it up after impeachment seems to have made the President stronger. I guess when you're all in you have no place left to go...
If you want to see how evil, corrupt, and prevaricating the media can be, just look at this:
Your frontrunner told a group of black parents they could not read or write themselves and the New York Slimes and all of their fellow travelers suppressed this story.
Feeling a little let down, Ann and Meade?
Barr needs to understand his place.
He serves the people of this country.
Everyone in DC needs to be taught this lesson. They will learn this lesson one way or another.
Victoria said: "Please, this is a concoction plotted and planned by the Cheeto and Barr to make it seem like Barr is not Trump's lap dog. Not buying it at all."
Well, "Lap dog" is a little offensive, but, yes, ALL of Barr's authority is delegated from Trump. Trump may order Barr to do anything he wants regarding DOJ activities.
Barr is pure gangsta. And, coincidentally, he has an extensive background in the CIA. It takes one to nail one.
Had Trump picked Barr instead of that feeble goof, Jeff Sessions, he coulda avoided some of the mess.
Just hiding the DOJ dropping its investigation of McCabe. Barr is swampy.
You mean unindicted co-conspirator Bob Barr
Mark Steyn is laying into Barr in the first hour of Rush. What the hell does Barr think his job is? To clean up the toilet that is his justice department. So far no indictments, no action.
Raze the department of justice to the ground, salt the earth there and start over.
"I can't do my job because someone is saying mean things about me on Twitter!"
Wanna try saying that to your boss?
Rhhardin, there you go again, thinking like a woman eating bonbons and watching The edge Of night. Bob Barr is a relatively young man who still has career ambitions. He is a highly experienced political government operative. He practices realpolitik on steroids. And you're taking the side of an inept scribbler who is one of the few people without shame who will substitute in for Rush Limbaugh.
Barr is starting to take on a greenish tint.
I see nothing from him. Not one indictment. An investigation that keeps "widening."
Hunter is still driving a Porsche between his multiple mansions.
I am beginning to think there is not one honest and decent person in DC.
Buck Sexton
If the libs like you- and especially if you hate Trump- the law does not apply.
Was true for Hillary, and now we see is true for McCabe.
This makes a mockery of our legal system, and divides the country in irreparable ways
Achilles, don't be shy guy let your freak flag fly: You left out "or else"
To be fair Trump has shown great restraint in not de-classifying a lot of the information on how Crossfire Hurricane started, who participated perpetuating the hoax and a myriad of other embarrassing information on the swamp.
Trump's recent impatient tweets could also serve as a crop to get Barr to wrap up the case and start indicting. Letting McCabe slide for lying to the FBI doesn't fill me with confidence anyone is going to serve any time other than the people Mueller's star chamber fingered.
victoria: "Please, this is a concoction plotted and planned by the Cheeto and Barr to make it seem like Barr is not Trump's lap dog. Not buying it at all."
Good for you.
Now lets get back to all that clear and convincing evidence of Trump colluding with Russia that the dems and LLR-lefties have been telling us about for 4 years now.
At least attempt to connect your snark to the actual wording. You are really off form today.
So the media likes Barr today?
(Moves magnetic token next to Barr's name from Red to Blue column...)
Walter: thanks for the feedback and constructive criticism. I really take it all in and listen to it in my heart and in my mind. However the proper interpretation is that when more than three of you deplorables start telling me how off my game I am that lets me know but I have hit the target center Mass. No Maggie's drawers today
Hey, Mr. AG, if I understand you correctly by your actions, you believe that Flynn should be punished for lying to the FBI, when the interview in which Flynn supposedly lied was merely a setup, while McCabe walks for lying to the FBI about a material fact? How come?
So far, none of the hoaxers have been held accountable. In fact, their pernicious influence continues, as shown in the Stone case--a g**damn fool, but subject to fabricated political persecution. As long as that continues, Trump should keep up the pressure.
Why is he a "lad dog"? I thought the proper term was "wing man".
Barr sat down with the Stone prosecutors to discuss sentencing.
They agreed how to handle it.
The prosecutors didn't handle it that way.
And when Trump became apoplectic, they resigned en masse.
So now Barr's supposed to be saying Trump's tweet is the issue?
Physician, heal thyself!
Oh no someone by Drago a drink. As we were informed yesterday he only post's when he's totally stressed out. I feel your pain, brother.
This summer, I spent a few days with someone that Barr reported to in the Corporate world. The individual said that Barr was very much a straight shooter and not afraid to confront his boss. This was mentioned in the context of a conversation of whether Barr could stand up to Trump and this person was had not doubt that he could.
Based on that, I think it is likely that Barr is doing what he thinks is right and not engaging in a some sort of game to fool the media or placate people in the DOJ.
Wang man.
ARM: "As we were informed yesterday he only post's when he's totally stressed out."
"informed" by ARM.
You keep using this word "informed", I do not think it means what you think it means.
In other news, the Justice Department has closed its investigation into Andrew McCabe without bringing charges.
If Barr thinks he still has a job to do in that area, he'd better get ahead of Trump's Twitter account.
IMO Barr has taken the pulse of the left and is genuinely alarmed. He very much wants to stay on to get at the deeper roots of the illness. That means of course that he will do what's necessary to get the Don reelected.
Kevin said...In other news, the Justice Department has closed its investigation into Andrew McCabe without bringing charges.
What does it take for a lefty to get arrested in this town?!
What does it take for a lefty to get arrested in this town?!
Trump, is that you?
Kevin: "If Barr thinks he still has a job to do in that area, he'd better get ahead of Trump's Twitter account."
Remember, Barr had already said publicly that he would not interfere with ongoing investigations when he came aboard. This McCabe deal is one of those guaranteed-deep state protection deals within the DOJ/FBI.
I expect zero prosecutions coming out of the legacy teams in both of those organizations related to the performance of Comey, Strzok, McCabe etc.
This is why the only investigations to watch to determine the Swamp vs Trump balance of power is the Durham effort and the Ukraine investigation team that was established by Barr and working out of the Pittsburgh offices (instead of DC).
If both of those teams end up with no prosecutions then we will know its all a farce.
One sign of potential hope for some minimal amount of justice for the dems weaponizing the entire federal govt against domestic political enemies is Durham actually establishing a Grand Jury.
Only time will tell....and time is getting short.
Some potentially encouraging clues that Durham might be close to wrapping up and moving forward with charges:
- Barr agrees to testify in front of Nads Nadler's committee in late March (giving Barr 6-7 weeks for things to develop)
- The fact that the deep staters are beginning to leak again to the NYT and WaPo to try get ahead of where Durham's investigation is going; This has been a consistent pattern for the last 3 years when something is about to drop that shows the deep staters in a bad light
McCabe just walked..
Cook County transported to DC...
Now lets get back to all that clear and convincing evidence of Trump colluding with Russia that the dems and LLR-lefties have been telling us about for 4 years now.
Link fascinating below (first provided by narciso) explains how Bloomberg buys elections by outright buying support. Anyway, comments from left are full of Trump?Russia collusion. EVERY PLACE you see an article favorable to Trump that allows comments, there will be multiple Russian collusion accusation and belief. No doubt a combination of liars and, unfortunately, believers.
Althouse I think I understand what you’re saying. I think you and I agree about this one thing; that Bill Barr is genuinely upset, and Barr genuinely believes that the Trump Tweets about DoJ process in pending criminal cases really do make it hard for Barr to do his job. The most important thing being this; that Barr views his “job” as being an advocate for the President, personally and policy-wise. Which its own special kind of corruption.
What I urge for you, Althouse, is this: watch the A block (first 25 minutes or so) of last night’s (2/13/2020) “Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell,” which is available in a variety of podcast platforms. O’Donnell recited his own anti-Barr summary of the matter and then turned to former Justice Department spokesman Matt Miller who is almost always smart and direct in his opinions. Miller had a difference of opinion from O’Donnell and the resulting discussion was brilliantly hig-level.
Blogger ga6 said...
McCabe just walked..
Nobody is above the law..
Figuratively, not literally
Barr is not the problem. Barr is the symptom. The Senate is the problem. No one, absolutely no one, with any thoughts of cleaning up the DOJ, FBI, CIA, ETC., will ever be confirmed by the Senate. NO ONE.
No matter how much you hope and wish and dream, it will never happen.
I think it's about 50/50 that Barr will be out of office by Monday.
It will be for the best if it happens. The decision on McCabe is inexcusable.
Althouse I think I understand what you’re saying. I think you and I agree about this one thing; that Bill Barr is genuinely upset, and Barr genuinely believes that the Trump Tweets about DoJ process in pending criminal cases really do make it hard for Barr to do his job.
Hafta say that the MSM negative response and accusations to some of Trumps tweets puts Barr in position of wasting time and effort defending DOJ against media.
On the other hand, after so many times seeing elected and non elected officials ignorant of things commonly known to even us lowly commenters, cannot blame Trump for hoping to bring attention.
Stone case perfect example. Average person would have no clue about extreme nine years recommendation. Now, it is being discussed. Just like MSM and dems mention of Hunter Biden while trying to get Trump.
It's pretty simple.
Mueller prosecutors went rogue on Barr and weren't supposed to issue a recommended sentence. Barr saw it on the news, and was preparing to amend the filing when Trump tweeted. That made it look like Barr was caving to Trump, and he didn't need it or like it.
Barr has a much, much, much bigger problem now by letting McCabe walk.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "What I urge for you, Althouse, is this: watch the A block (first 25 minutes or so) of last night’s (2/13/2020) “Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell,"
Seriously. How funny is that?
Not only is the mask fully off for LLR-lefty Chuck, it's been broken up into small pieces, pulverized and then injected into a blast furnace!
Between LLR-lefty Chuck's astonishing over the top sycophancy and actual adoration for Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and Nadler and Swalwell as well as his hilariously transparent advancing of the farthest of the far left fever swamp talking points and narratives is simply too good to be true heading into November.
Even better, LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved "the Bulwark" (funded by a radical lefty billionaire) which claims to be "conserving conservatism" has ALREADY launched its first "Conserving Conservatism by voting for Soviet-ophile Socialist Bernie Sanders" article!!
So. Much. Winning.
I mean really. Lawrence O'Donnell!!
Lawrence O'Donnell makes Admiral Inga seem like Edmund Burke and LLR-lefty Chuck can't eat it up fast enough!
Can somebody explain to me why not prosecuting McCabe while throwing the book at Stone for the same offense is not an outrageous double standard?
Because I'd be a lot happier if I could believe that.
Howard said...
Achilles, don't be shy guy let your freak flag fly: You left out "or else"
No shit.
Trump has been set up by history to take the role of Georges Danton. I think he senses this. Nobody wants to meet the end of that road.
Trump has done as well as any one of us could have expected.
But this train isn't stopping until this country lives up to the principles of equal justice under the law or some approximation.
That means jail time for traitors and seditionists at the least. There are thousands of people in DC that deserve to hang.
Barr has been working with these weasels his whole life. I am not buying this "honorable" and "gangsta" bullshit. In order to live and work in DC you pretty much have to be a skeeze at this point.
Chuck said...
What I urge for you, Althouse, is this: watch the A block (first 25 minutes or so) of last night’s (2/13/2020) “Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell,” which is available in a variety of podcast platforms. O’Donnell recited his own anti-Barr summary of the matter and then turned to former Justice Department spokesman Matt Miller who is almost always smart and direct in his opinions. Miller had a difference of opinion from O’Donnell and the resulting discussion was brilliantly hig-level.
Oh shut the fuck up you condescending shitweasel.
Lawrence O'Donnell is a douchey globalist mouthpiece who says what his globalist masters tell him to say.
Just like you.
Barr better start throwing these corrupt shitheads in jail. They have admitted committing treason.
Bob Boyd said...
Can somebody explain to me why not prosecuting McCabe while throwing the book at Stone for the same offense is not an outrageous double standard?
Because I'd be a lot happier if I could believe that.
I know you don't want to think badly of people.
I want to think it is because you are nice people.
I don't want to think it is because you are afraid of what has to be done to make this situation live up to our principles.
At least support us when it comes to that.
Smoke signals in the hills have indicated Barr has been laying the groundwork for a housecleaning.
So, yeah, I agree with McConnell: Trump should listen to his Attorney General.
On these tweets he is wrong.
Somebody better go to fucking jail over this coup.
Show me, don't tell me.
The Deep State/Obama/Hillary coup attempt is now four years old. Justice delayed is justice denied. Yes, I know Barr hasn't had four years to work on it. Still, time is of the essence. Get cracking, Mr. Barr.
There are other activities which impact all of these Mueller-related prosecutions going on even as we speak that we should consider:
The NYT reports today:
"Attorney General William P. Barr has assigned an outside prosecutor to scrutinize the criminal case against President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn, according to people familiar with the matter.
Mr. Barr has also installed a handful of outside prosecutors to broadly review the handling of other politically sensitive national-security cases in the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, the people said. The team includes at least one prosecutor from the office of the United States attorney in St. Louis, Jeff Jensen, who is handling the Flynn matter, as well as prosecutors from the office of the deputy attorney general, Jeffrey A. Rosen.
Recall, AG Barr recently assigned his top counsel Timothy Shea to take over the lingering Mueller cases."
I don't think any of us have any idea what could be happening behind closed doors with Barr and his team. It is encouraging that Durham was brought in from outside of DC, the Ukraine investigation is based out of the Pittsburgh office and now we see US attorney's from St Louis called in as well as Barr's top counsel Timothy Shea taking over oversight of the remaining Mueller cases.
As with all things Trump, I'm happy to give it more time to see what comes of it all before reacting.
So, yeah, I agree with McConnell: Trump should listen to his Attorney General.
On these tweets he is wrong.
This comes under the category of True, True and Unrelated.
Barr is proceeding. Trump is tweeting. No relationship exists. Barr is not inhibited and probably is doing well under cover.
If he is complaining it is in the nature of a smoke screen.
Who is more non-partisan- George Stephanopoulus or Lawrence O'Donnell? Your bias shows in your sources, Chuck. Maybe you should consider a new hobby.
Trump’s political instincts are right. Just keep tweeting.
Keep reminding the people that the DOJ/FBI is full of shit.
I don't think any of us have any idea what could be happening behind closed doors with Barr and his team.
So, nobody knows what Mueller knows?
Seriously, I hate being in Inga's shoes regarding these constant letdowns. Keeping hope alive and then one letdown after another. The crooked lawmen and lawyers actually take peoples freedom away, bankrupt them through the process and ruin lives.
Unfortunately, there is not enough time to both investigate everyone from the previous administration and from the collusion/Mueller fiasco that merits being investigated, so they have to prioritize.
That's your real name, right?
I'm not nice or afraid.
alanc709: "Who is more non-partisan- George Stephanopoulus or Lawrence O'Donnell? Your bias shows in your sources, Chuck. Maybe you should consider a new hobby."
Perhaps this isn't a Chuck "hobby".
We know for a fact that lefty billionaire Reid Hoffman admitted under oath to paying people to pretend to the "lifelong republicans"/conservatives in online forums to create division amongst republicans.
We know that radical lefty billionaire Pierre Omidyar owns the Bulwark (one of LLR-lefty Chuck's favorite "go to" sources).
We know that Soros and other radical leftist billionaires are also funding efforts to create apparent "grass roots" conservative/LLR opposition to Trump in online forums.
We also know that LLR-lefty Chuck has come out of his FakeCon shell and has adoringly praised all the dems and in particularly the worst of the worst: Shiff, Pelosi, Nadler etc.
So, again, perhaps "this" isn't a LLR-lefty Chuck "hobby" at all.
Fullmoon: "Seriously, I hate being in Inga's shoes regarding these constant letdowns. Keeping hope alive and then one letdown after another."
I don't expect anything to come of any of this.
But we haven't reached the end yet, so I'm withholding final judgement. So far it doesn't look good at all.
Even bringing DC outsiders in might make no difference at all and is all for show. Huber is a good example of the setup/letdown.
So, in summary: expect absolutely nothing but the worst, because that is the absolute reality....unless and until someone demonstrates its not.
Same with Trump reelection. As Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit says: Don't get cocky.
I don't think any of us have any idea what could be happening behind closed doors with Barr and his team.
How many times do we have to hear this?
Actions speak louder than words. Once again a protected insiders (McCabe and Comey) walks for doing worse than Flynn or Stone.
If they were serious the DOJ would have indicted McCabe and/or Comey on their illegal acts. They would have arrested them in a loud and public manner and thrown them in solitary confinement until they talked or composed. Just like the swamp treats conservatives.
I was sceptical about Sessions; then Sessions do nothing special prosec from Utah; the IC report I; then IC report II. Now I'm sceptical of Barr and Durham until they show they are serious.
After the election Trump needs to bring in a complete outsider to clean up the deep rot in the DOJ, FBI, NSC, and CIA.
These insiders main goal is always to protect their insider brethren.
Drago said...
As with all things Trump, I'm happy to give it more time to see what comes of it all before reacting.
I would love for this to end peacefully with all the corrupt people in DC being trundled off to prison.
It would just be surprising to me if Barr, who has been working in DC all his life, actually started throwing all the people he has been doing business with and going to cocktail parties with in jail.
I see some bullshit retirements and maybe some pension reductions coming.
Two-Tiered Justice – DOJ Informs Andrew McCabe He Will Not Be Prosecuted for Lying to FBI Investigators (3 Times, Under Oath)…
One tiered justice system.
Laws democrats create for republicans. Democrats are not bound by laws.
Incredible we still have a bunch of Qanon assholes out there shouting "wait for Huber! Wait for Horowits!" are now shouting wait for Barr and Durham!
Without the rule of law we have nothing that binds us as a nation.
It cannot and will not stand.
And why is Barr trying to steal Trump’s thunder with his so-called “Durham investigation”? Doesn’t Barr know Trump already tweeted his conclusions about what Durham will find? It's past time for Barr and Durham to either fall in line behind Trump or resign.
I just clicked over to Ace, and naturally he states it clean and precise:
There Is No Law In America; Why Should We Be The Only Ones to Pretend There Is?
Oh, it just keeps getting "better":
Report: FBI Handed Over Classified Information To Spy Christopher Steele
FEBRUARY 14, 2020 By Madeline Osburn
Inspector General Michael Horowitz discovered that FBI agents shared extensive classified materials with former British spy Christopher Steele, despite knowing the Democratic National Committee was paying Steele and that Hillary Clinton herself was aware of Steele’s research, according to a new report by Eric Felten at RealClearInvestigations.
FBI agents met with Steele in Rome just a month before the 2016 election, where they gave him a “general overview” of Crossfire Hurricane as well as details of the cases against Trump campaign staffers Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. In addition to the intel, Steele was compensated $15,000 by the FBI for attending the three-hour meeting."
So I guess Achilles has given up on the whole frog marching of deep state moles fantasy. "May end peacefully" means the meds are kicking in.
So yes, obama's FBI was actually paying US taxpayer money to foreign digger of dirt on Trump (while working with Putin oligarch and govt pals) Christopher Steele to RECEIVE classified US Govt info!!
Even though the FBI knew (duh) that Steele was a paid operative for the Hillary/DNC.
But hey, Trump tweets and that's wrong.
Barr should STFU. Trump should never stop tweeting, ever.
Did anyone really think McCabe was going to go to jail for lying to his friends in the FBI? A 20 year old FBI veteran that was fired hours before his early retirement window is all we were ever going to get. Like Drago I am willing to reserve judgement and give Barr & Durham the cover they need. It may be another maddening Huber moment but we shall see. At the end of the day Trump can always release a massive MOAB and declassify everything if Barr does try to cover for his swamp friends. Time will tell.
“So I guess Achilles has given up on the whole frog marching of deep state moles fantasy. "May end peacefully" means the meds are kicking in.”
verb: inveigle; 3rd person present: inveigles; past tense: inveigled; past participle: inveigled; gerund or present participle: inveigling
persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery.
I am thinking of Barr's position paper when Session recused and Mueller got going
"Are people understanding Barr's "impossible for me to do my job"?"
Yes, AG Barr is trying to communicate to Trump that Trump is making it impossible for Barr to help Team Trump. But Barr did help Roger Stone despite the supposed "impossibility." So it wasn't so much a Barr rebuke of Trump as it was a whining plea to not make it so hard for Barr to help Team Trump.
Isn't it in the same category as Senator Collins saying that she thinks Trump learned his lesson from the impeachment? If only Trump would pretend he learned his lesson, that would help Collins a great deal. But he won't.
Sorry, Trumpers. Trump is not going to make your job easier and he is going to fire you if you don't do the job he made it harder for you to do.
“I don't think any of us have any idea what could be happening behind closed doors with Barr and his team.”
Nobody knows what Barr knows.
Gk1: "It may be another maddening Huber moment but we shall see."
Remember, Huber was a relatively early Jeff Sessions/Rod Rosenstein creature appointment, which completely explains why Huber's "investigation" included zero interviews, zero review of documents, zero summary reports and zero action.
Other than that, they were busy little beavers....
Avenatti convicted. Political review?
Remember when Mueller made some comments to the press that Barr's summary was not an accurate telling of the contents of his report? Barr's immediate reaction was to call Mueller on the phone and discuss it with him.
I'm sure Barr discussed this with the President and they are on the same page. My guess (hope?) is that Barr wants to make sure the idictments that are coming not be clouded by any hint of pressure from Trump.
BTW I don't believe that McCabe will not be indicted. Unless he has made a plea deal with Barr for someone higher on the food chain.
‘Stop the hammering! Stop the fucking hammering!!’
Inga: "Nobody knows what Barr knows."
Several individuals who report to him certainly do.
The results and follow on steps of what Barr and his team know is what is being discussed with the consensus being expect nothing to come of it all with anything that does come of it being a pleasant surprise.
You will note this is in complete contrast to your conviction of Trump for collusion based on a transparently fake hoax dossier.
Better yet: You STILL believe Carter Page is a russian spy AND Kavanaugh is a rapist!
lefty billionaire Reid Hoffman admitted under oath to paying people to pretend to the "lifelong republicans"/conservatives in online forums to create division amongst republicans.
That seems to be a massive fail. I have been a registered Independent since 1971. However, I have never felt more aligned with Republicans than I do now.
The shameless duplicity of Democrats (e.g., Russia hoax, Kavanaugh hearings, Schiff Inquisition, Lil' Chuck's LLR schtick, etc). have made me a determined enemy of Democrats. The dumb ones (e.g., Inga), true believers (e.g., ARM), insane idiots (e.g., Ritmo) and fellow travelers (e.g., Cook) never really bothered me all that much.
“So far no indictments, no action.”
Sad face and trombone.
"Huber's "investigation" included zero interviews, zero review of documents, zero summary reports and zero action."
Isn't the same pattern happening again with Durham not interviewing Carter Page? Think of it the man who was central to the obama administrations wiretapping of Trump hasn't even been interviewed by Barr or his people.
I get that we are getting cryptic bits and pieces. Flights to Italy, some folks here and there getting interviewed maybe a pissy leak from CIA operatives to the NYT but this doesn't feel like there is going to be a big watershed event after Durham completes his findings. There would be way more leaking or trying to get a head of it than what we are seeing so far.
At the end of the day Trump can always release a massive MOAB and declassify everything if Barr does try to cover for his swamp friends.
Been there, done that too-
How many times do you need Trump to announce he's 'days away' from declassifying coup documents then pretends it never happened?
“My guess (hope?) is that Barr wants to make sure the idictments that are coming not be clouded by any hint of pressure from Trump.”
Impossible. Trump wants revenge and he won’t shut up about getting it, that is his nature. Also he wants to send a message, “don’t cross me”.
Inga said...
“I don't think any of us have any idea what could be happening behind closed doors with Barr and his team.”
Nobody knows what Barr knows.
Self deprecating humor, I like it. So Trump like.
Francisco: "That seems to be a massive fail. I have been a registered Independent since 1971. However, I have never felt more aligned with Republicans than I do now."
It continues to amaze me that FakeCons like LLR-lefty Chuck truly believe that if they simply claim "LLR"-ness that their lefty lies will sell better to actual conservatives/republicans.
The only explanation I can come up with is lefties like Inga and ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck are simply so used to being directed how to think and buying into transparently hoax-y astro-turf efforts that they dont realize how that sort of tactic doesnt work with actual conservatives.
Which is why they return time and time again to this failed tactic and being surprised when it doesnt work.
“How many times do you need Trump to announce he's 'days away' from declassifying coup documents then pretends it never happened?”
Of course it never happened, nor will it ever happen. He has more to hide than it would reveal about others.
Blogger alanc709 said..."Who is more non-partisan- George Stephanopoulus or Lawrence O'Donnell? Your bias shows in your sources, Chuck. Maybe you should consider a new hobby."
Lawrence O'Donnell, Andrew Weissman, Adam Schiff. And he thinks he's a Republican. It's hard to know what to say to that.
Admiral Inga: "Impossible."
Inga continues to place astonishing faith in her mind-reading abilities.
Worse, she still thinks guilt should be assigned based in her "deep" inner thoughts and "readings".
Its amusing.
Trump respects a strong manager. This will improve their relationship and likely Trump will choose other subjects, knowing the DOJ is in good hands. Until the next time the news gets to him.
Rules for all or rules for none.
You want rules for none? Fine by me.
“Achilles, don't be shy guy let your freak flag fly: You left out "or else"”
Oh no doubt that’s coming. Talk about “wet work” with his veteran buddies against liberals. Talk about burning down DC, just give him time.
Blogger exhelodrvr1 said..."Unfortunately, there is not enough time to both investigate everyone from the previous administration and from the collusion/Mueller fiasco that merits being investigated, so they have to prioritize."
I accept that. I hope that's what's going on.
Admiral Inga: "Talk about burning down DC, just give him time."
Interestingly, staffers for the democrat front-runner are ALREADY threatening to burn down Milwaukee if their guy doesnt get the nomination.
Number of posts by Inga complaining about that? ZERO.
“No matter how much you hope and wish and dream, it will never happen.”
Such negative vibes coming from this thread today. Don’t despair.
Y’all need to be more like a Drago, keep tap dancing, even though the streets are icy!
I had other links not that one, notably about how Mueller's bureau shut down any further investigations into the hijackers support network,
the double standard is grating, it used to be the progs only went after the effective operators like colonel north, they did some of this with general Flynn,
as pointed these were the same prosecutors who let james wolfe walk for cultivating (ahem) miss Watkins with a copy of carter page's fisa warrant,
“Interestingly, staffers for the democrat front-runner are ALREADY threatening to burn down Milwaukee if their guy doesnt get the nomination.
Number of posts by Inga complaining about that? ZERO.”
Not true, but what else is new? I actually said that it won’t happen. We’ll give them some beers and brats and it will be Gemütlichkeit in Milwaukee, Bernie Bro’s and whoever locking arms and singing ooom pa pa songs and dancing the polka.
Everything I know about Barr, which isn't everything, indicates that if he had a problem with the way Trump is treating him, or believes that Trump is asking him to do things he thought wrong or improper, he would resign.
Until he does so I will take these actions and communications as routine and, likely, coordinated.
What would be different if Obama/Holder were still in office instead of Trump/Barr?
Impossible. Trump wants revenge and he won’t shut up about getting it, that is his nature. Also he wants to send a message, “don’t cross me”.
The entire purpose of the Ukraine Impeachment Hoax was to provide that line of reasoning for loyal idiots like Inga. That's how she can explain results of the Durham investigation to herself.
Anyone paying attention knows that is why impeachment was a defensive maneuver for Democrats because there was no chance that Trump would go down with that farce.
How does it feel to be so easily manipulated Inga? Do you even realize that you have been manipulated?
the problem is trying to prosecute a swamp rat like McCabe in virginia or Maryland, we saw the space cadets in the Stevens case (an alternate juror wore her star trek uniform) the two hacks on the libby jury, one a fire hydrant lake blogger, the rapist lt governor was on the McDonnell prosecution, in texas it's a little harder it took three grand juries to get their man in delay, reversed on appeal,
Compare Trump's attempts to capture the traitors in the FBI, DOJ, State Dept, NSA and Pentagon to General Geo. Washington's attempts to capture General Benedict Arnold after Arnold's sale for cash and high title in the world Government of his day as exchange for giving the British Empire's forces Fort West Point, and thus ending the Rebellion and leading to the quick hanging of thousands of Patriots and confiscation of their estates.
That bad old George Washington was out for revenge. How dare he.
You still have to charge. Simply have to. So what if he is acquitted or takes a plea.
avenatti found guilty on all counts, you have to be that kind of a colloidial slime to get convicted in a blue berg,
Admiral Inga: "I actually said that it won’t happen."
That's not the same thing as calling them out for simply saying it, which was my point.
Similar to your very very strange silence about the democrat partisan ramming his truck thru a GOP recruiting tent in FL given your Charlottesville fixation.
Similar to your comments about respect for the military and its members while continuing to smear Carter Page as a russian spy even after it has conclusively been proven he was not.
It's all of a piece.
better than nothing I guess,
Admiral Inga: "We’ll give them some beers and brats and it will be Gemütlichkeit in Milwaukee, Bernie Bro’s and whoever locking arms and singing ooom pa pa songs and dancing the polka."
Oh yeah, the Bernie bros will just fall in line like you do.......riiiight.
“That's not the same thing as calling them out for simply saying it, which was my point.”
I condemn the Bernie Bros for saying basically the same stupid kind of shit Achilles says here daily. I have yet to hear you call out Achilles, so should I assume you are of the same mind as him.
Admiral Inga: "I condemn the Bernie Bros for saying basically the same stupid kind of shit Achilles says here daily."
It only took you this long to do it....after being called out on it!
How "encouraging"!
Next up: Carter Page, Russian spy or no?
“Similar to your comments about respect for the military and its members while continuing to smear Carter Page as a russian spy even after it has conclusively been proven he was not.”
Similar to your comments smearing all Democrats and aren’t that they aren’t patriotic, despite the fact that there are Democrats and liberals who serve in the US military.
Admiral Inga: "We’ll give them some beers and brats and it will be Gemütlichkeit in Milwaukee, Bernie Bro’s and whoever locking arms and singing ooom pa pa songs and dancing the polka."
Speaking of lunatic lefties like Inga thinking the Bernie bros are just going to fall in line if the nomination is stolen from Bernie AGAIN:
Krystal Ball @krystalball Feb 13
For my progressive/dsa friends, if the General Election came down to Bloomberg vs Trump, who would you vote for?
Bloomberg 26.3%
Trump 11.2%
Neither/stay home 62.6%
66,296 votes · Final results
Oh Drago, I’m still waiting for you to call out Achilles on his violent rhetoric. How is Achilles’ rhetoric any different than the Bernie Bro’s? So how long are you going to make me wait, huh?
Admiral Inga: "Similar to your comments smearing all Democrats and aren’t that they aren’t patriotic, despite the fact that there are Democrats and liberals who serve in the US military."
Yeah, here's the story of one of Inga's "patriotic" lefty military members:
And remember, Inga's earthly messiah obambi literally called AWOL traitor and Taliban helper Bowe Bergdahl a "hero" in the Rose Garden.
That "patriotic" lefty helped to get at least 5 more servicemembers killed in Afghanistan!
Ah back to prevaricating so soon Drago? I’m awaiting for you to call out Achilles, now don’t make me wait forever,
Drago, the Bernie Bros and Never Trumpers cancel each other's votes out.
Plus, you are counting unhatched chickens. Plenty of time for Bernie to have another heart attack and steal his own election away from himself.
Admiral Inga: "Oh Drago, I’m still waiting for you to call out Achilles on his violent rhetoric."
I'm still waiting for you to say that perhaps its wrong of you to blame Christians every time one of your islamic supremacist allies murders innocents.
I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge the parents of the 2 NY schoolgirls who were butchered with machetes by your "spark of divinity" MS-13ers.
But in order to satisfy your request, I will address Achilles in the same manner you "addressed" the threats of physical violence by the multiple bernie bros:
Achilles, would you care for a brat?
Mark: "Drago, the Bernie Bros and Never Trumpers cancel each other's votes out."
There are millions of Bernie Bros.
There are about 100 NeverTrumpers, though I admit their numbers seem inflated because all 100 are fully employed by the MSM.
The Prevaricator smears Democrat and liberal military members by trying to compare them to Bergdahl. He must read their minds to think that they agreed with what Bergdahl did. Such smearing and hateful rhetoric toward Democrat military members who serve this country just the same way Republican and conservative military members do.
Shame on you.
well the top men never trumpers are a sad lot, they fired at least one tupolev spread, back into biden's campaign, the most pitiful thing since the guardian tried to flip Hamilton county ahia, that's how the natives called it,
Althouse--from your lips to God's ear. The only way Trump can screw this up is if Barr is fired or quits.
“I'm still waiting for you to say that perhaps its wrong of you to blame Christians every time one of your islamic supremacist allies murders innocents.”
I’m still waiting for you to prove I said any such thing. As I said the last time you threw this out of your anus, I’m a Christian, why would I even say anything close to this? You’re outright lying here, but when you got nothing, that’s what you do.
Every single time.
Admiral Inga: "The Prevaricator smears Democrat and liberal military members by trying to compare them to Bergdahl."
I didn't smear anyone.
Your fabulous and magnificent and amazing and "sort of a god" obama called the traitor Bowe Bergdahl a literal "hero" in the Rose Garden of the White House and had it beamed across the globe via television.
And obama wasn't the only one.
Susan Rice said Bergdahl served with "honor and distinction".
Democrat Senator Murphy called Bergdahl an "American hero".
So yeah, lefties call traitors "hero's".
Number of posts where Inga claimed it was wrong of these democrat leaders to call a traitor who helped the enemy kill American's: Zero
Meanwhile, Inga calls Carter Page a traitor.
“Interestingly, staffers for the democrat front-runner are ALREADY threatening to burn down Milwaukee if their guy doesnt get the nomination.”
This is going to be interesting. Looking more and more like 1968. Then the violence was just fine, because we (Boomers and our immediate predecessors) were the ones committing the violence. This time, the violence will be mostly directed at us.
The powers at the top of Dem politics don’t want Bernie as their nominee. They can’t control him now, and their control over him will become even less if and when he is elected. They support anyone but Sanders - even Bloomberg. They know that as long as they give him the things he wants most, like gun bans and limits on soft drink size, he will play ball with them. I think that Mini Mike, may be their 2nd last choice, but there is a big gap, this time between that and their absolute last choice - Sanders.
So the Dem establishment is going to cheat, to keep the nomination away from Bernie. And if his chances appear to have been reduced because of that, many now expect his minions, his Bernie Bots to take violent exception to the establishment. Because leftist violence in recent years has mostly been used against Republicans, I think that a lot of Dem insiders are discounting the chances of violence in response their screwing Bernie out of the nomination. I suspect that they are wrong. Hence my prediction for 1968 level Dem fratricidal violence.
We shall see.
Admiral Inga: "I’m still waiting for you to prove I said any such thing."
You have a 100% response rate of bringing up Christians every time there is an islamic supremacist attack that is discussed on these threads.
To prove me wrong, all you would have to do is show 1 instance where that didn't happen.
We're waiting...........(but won't be holding our breath)
The Prevaricator said...
“I didn't smear anyone.”
Yeah, here's the story of one of Inga's "patriotic" lefty military members”
Yeah, here's the story of one of Inga's "patriotic" lefty military members”
That was the actual true story of a lefty in the military.
Absolutely true.
A commie who wants the US to fail and communism to succeed.
An absolutely true story.
Just like the traitor Bergdahl story where an army of lefties lined up to call him a hero.
Absolutely true and irrefutable.
like freidman of votevets who white washed the va scandal, from his perch at the department of transportation,He was covering alongside commissar sanders who was chairman of the senate committee,
“To prove me wrong, all you would have to do is show 1 instance where that didn't happen.”
LOL, are you seriously thinking I’m going to waste my time looking for something to prove I didn’t say what you LIED about?
How about you condemn Achilles violent rhetoric, or else I’ll have to assume you agree with it. To prove me wrong about you, show one instance in which you disagreed with it.
We’re waiting....
Well, the recent news about McCabe no longer being under investigation tells me that Barr Is categorically not doing his job.
oh the special prosecutor, will be working with brandon grack, not nailing his slimey hide to the wall,
Inga: "LOL, are you seriously thinking I’m going to waste my time looking for something to prove I didn’t say what you LIED about?"
That doesn't even make sense so now your lies and "forgetfulness" are becoming moebius strips of incoherence.
Not to worry. The very next time an islamic supremacist commits a terrorist act you will be right back to your old tricks and bringing up Christians and Trump voters and Achilles and anything else to avoid discussing the obvious.
Similar to your Radio Silent routine on MS13 and the murders of innocent US school children by this gang.
The good news is by then you won't even remember this conversation!
So again, that's the good news.
BTW, were you proud of obama when he called Bergdahl an "American hero"? I'll bet you were.
“Yeah, here's the story of one of Inga's "patriotic" lefty military members”
That was the actual true story of a lefty in the military.
Absolutely true.
A commie who wants the US to fail and communism to succeed.”
So you think it’s patriotic and decent of you to compare Bergdahl to liberals and Democrats who serve this country in the military?
Shame on you, you sound like some sort of whack extremist, like your buddy Achilles. Would you refuse to serve next to a Democrat or liberal in the military? If so good thing you’re out of the military. You have no place in it.
(I've given up on Barr/Durham) ^ 2
Inga: "So you think it’s patriotic and decent of you to compare Bergdahl to liberals and Democrats who serve this country in the military?"
You continue to call Carter Page a russian spy.
Did you forget about that? (you "forget" lots of stuff you know)
we can go hack to the dhs report under Napolitano, where they singled out veterans and pro lifers, then major hasan, and abdulmutallab, proved a strong contrast,
It was interesting seeing Drago having a mini nervous breakdown on this thread. Thanks for the entertainment.
Inga: "So you think it’s patriotic and decent of you to compare Bergdahl to liberals and Democrats who serve this country in the military?"
Liberal and democrats called the traitor Bergdahl, who helped our enemy kill our troops, an "American Hero".
So yeah, liberals and democrats should be criticized mercilessly for that.
Did you criticize obama and Susan Rice and other dem's for calling Bergdahl a hero? I'll bet you didn't.
“I've given up on Barr/Durham) ^ 2”
Cheer up, it’s not all that bad.
Admiral Inga: "It was interesting seeing Drago having a mini nervous breakdown on this thread. Thanks for the entertainment."
And there it is. Surrender when she's run out of wiggle room.
Surrender Drago? Ha, hardly, I don’t like kicking a man when he’s down, plus it’s too much back and forth, cluttering the thread. I’ve had my fun with you, now I’m done.
Admiral Inga: "Surrender Drago? Ha, hardly, I don’t like kicking a man when he’s down, plus it’s too much back and forth, cluttering the thread. I’ve had my fun with you, now I’m done."
Inga is declaring victory like she's Joe Biden in New Hampshire!
IMHO, I think this is a great opportunity to show that Trump listens to criticism, begins to look more Presidential, settling some minds among the Republican Congresscritters and suburban white womyns. Barr gets to demonstrate independence. 3-D chess? You decide.
The traitors that ran the coup against Trump are literally laughing in our face today
Wince said...
Browndog said...
The traitors that ran the coup against Trump are literally laughing in our face today.
Trump should very simply re-Tweet that Lisa Page Tweet.
How could Barr complain about that?
"The traitors that ran the coup against Trump are literally laughing in our face today."
I was going to ask Inga about McCabe while she was here but refrained. It's really a very uncomplicated case. He lied to the FBI. He has admitted it. How do you justify defending him?
Berhgdahl has nothing on Ronnie Reagan who led Marines to slaughter then sold their Iranian murderers rockets for a couple hostages. Then diverted the blood money to Central American death squads.
Patriots tried to have the douchebag Trump lawfully removed. Coup indeed, you big macho realman normals sure go for hysterically whipping yourselves in to a soap opera Nirvana.
and Obama gave them enough for a million tow missiles, to those who have killed at least a thousand Americans, and wounded twice as many,
“I was going to ask Inga about McCabe while she was here but refrained. It's really a very uncomplicated case. He lied to the FBI. He has admitted it. How do you justify defending him?”
My charitable guess is that he may have flipped.
Howard: "Patriots tried to have the douchebag Trump lawfully removed."
Seriously, that was a good one. Had me going for a minute.
Howard: "Berhgdahl has nothing on Ronnie Reagan who led Marines to slaughter then sold their Iranian murderers rockets for a couple hostages. Then diverted the blood money to Central American death squads."
Have another scotch and sit down Howard.
"Letting McCabe slide for lying to the FBI doesn't fill me with confidence anyone is going to serve any time other than the people Mueller's star chamber fingered."
-- It was a pipe dream anyone was going to suffer consequences once Stzork and Page suffered no real consequences beyond their jobs, and the people who admitted to smashing hard drives with hammers and deleting subpoenaed evidence got immunity. Anyone who has thought there would be consequences for Democrats have not been paying attention. I'm not a huge Trump guy, but given the other choice, a blatantly corrupt Hillary Clinton, the country got the better choice, purely from an accountability point of view.
Trump hasn't been made to face any consequences, so hoorah for Andy McCabe.
He's paid fines for his university, along with a few other civil matters here and there. He's been more thoroughly investigated than any other politician I can think of. Maybe, just maybe, there's some crime hiding somewhere, but of the ones alleged, they've been thoroughly reviewed and the evidence has been found wanting. Now, maybe he's guilty and the evidence just isn't there. But, in America, when that's the case, you're still considered "not guilty."
I maybe completely naive. But the fact that AG Barr has his own person as DC USA, and has someone looking over the Mueller prosecutions suggests to me that he is cranking up the pressure, and not walking away. Which is why I think that Barr was essentially telling Trump that he had things well under control, and not to micromanage, because he would only get in the way. And, yes, probably had a private phone conversation where he explained himself.
I am also optimistic with Barr going in front of Wadler and his House Judiciary committee. If past experiences are any indication of future performance, Wadler won’t lay a finger on Barr. Schifty might, but there are no plausible justifications yet for him to get Barr in front of his HPSCI. That might change, if USA Durham has managed to dig nome answers out of the CIA (etc). Indeed, I would almost expect it, with both Barr and Durham, to counter their narrative if they testify in front of the SSCI.
A lot of people have complained about the timing, but for me, it looks better and better. Best thing I can think of for re-election would be Congressional hearings, etc, throughout the late spring and summer about FISAgate, intervention into our politics by the CIA and FBI, and maybe even the conduct of the Mueller investigation.
We shall see.
Bob Boyd.
I found that disappointing too. I wonder if, since it was thrown out, that charges can be advanced later as more evidence is gathered? My impression of this is that it is so convoluted and involves so many highly placed DC operatives that both Barr and Durham are being meticulous in their investigation. I may be giving them too much credit.
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