What a waste of energy. These Washington insider so called elites just feel entitled to do these shows and steal our tax dollars. They’d be the ones rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
A bit wobbly, dragging his right leg; unable eat normal food in public; slurring words and unable to enunciate complex phrases; and unable to explain his last hospitalization... Trump emerges from impeachment.
No Albert. The elites would not be arranging chairs on the Titanic. They would be the ones absconding with the lifeboats leaving all the women and children on the sinking ship.
They need Trump to be fighting this when the indictments start coming down. Ukraine was a vast pit of corruption but there are numerous countries where the swamp has been cashing in.
Trump is going to crush them.
Trump is going to win because most Americans do not support corruption in government.
... as the hunters and judges are fast and furious to clawback their right to privacy. But, they have impeached themselves, spoke of their social club, and are now under investigation, for quid pro Joes, quid pro Bos, and other classes of progressive corruption.
It will be fun when Durham's report comes out in regards to a sitting President launching an investigation into a political opponent with Democrats now on record claiming that's abuse of power.
meh it was like star trek picard, I've only caught a glimpse of it, an unentertaining screenplay, they could have made it like a ross Thomas novel, with all the interesting Ukrainian and Russian players in the shadows,
All but one of the Senate Republicans say he is our crook and can stay in office. Non-news by this point. Reminded of the 1930s with lying nationalistic clown Fascists in power with rallies by the people and ineffectual college graduates and liberals trying to sound an alarm.
" A bit wobbly, dragging his right leg; unable eat normal food in public; slurring words and unable to enunciate complex phrases; and unable to explain his last hospitalization... Trump emerges from impeachment.
Today, I listened to the Senate Minority Leader diatribe in favor of convicting our constitutionally elected President of two offences and to remove him from office. He kept on presenting TRUTH as a basis for that decision.
That speech was the near-absolute example of that V. I. Lenin's (That other Socialist-Tyrant) statement: "TELL A LIE OFTEN ENOUGH AND IT BECOMES THE TRUTH"---Which has become the goal-and-hope of the USA's Democrat-Socialist-Fascist Party.
The "Truth" is: 1. President Trump had an absolute duty to look-into the possibility of corruption in the transfer of our tax moneys (eg Anti-tank missiles) to the Ukraine; 2. That duty was fully in force even though the "daddy" of a possible-to-probable corrupter was a potential candidate, in opposition and in another Party, in a future election for the presidency; 3. The cited-aid was delivered to the Ukraine was, in fact, delivered within the time-limits set by the law passed by The Congress; And, 4. The persecutors in The House Of Representatives failed to, in a dispute between the Legislative and the Executive branches of our government, apply to the Judicial Branch for resolution of those differences (ie Subpoenas for documents and witnesses).
It would not surprise me to discover that Romney’s family or close associates are up to their necks in Ukrainian corruption. Snipes says “no” but who believes them anymore?
Blogger mccullough said... Mitch is gonna make Romney ride on top of the car
You are operating with an unfounded assumption, that McConnell has a problem with a weakened president. Mitch's family has significant business interests with China. Trump now owes Mitch a favor. The more Trump had to sweat, the bigger that favor looks.
So, the results are In In the US House, voting For Impeachment: Most Democrats, NO Republicans voting Against Impeachment: ALL Republicans, SOME Democrats
In the US Senate, voting FOR Removal: ALL Democrats, NO Republicans voting for Acquittal: ALL Republicans, NO Democrats
This represents the 4,892nd time ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck have pronounced Trump "weakened" and/or dropping in approval.
At this point in time, based on ARM's and LLR-lefty Chuck's "analysis", Trump is projected to be at -10,948% approval which will lead to democrats capturing over 595 states and 4,903,271 electoral votes.
When the D's do away with the Electoral College maybe they can also do away with the requirement that a 2/3 majority is required to remove from office after impeachment.
So many things and people to do away with so we can impose that radical change we need.
Splanky: "Does this acquittal mean Trump is now free to investigate corruption?"
Actually, it does.
Which is why Mitt voted the way he did so that when Mitt's son (involved in Ukrainian energy shenanigans) and Mitt's former aide on the Board of Burisma come under investigation, Mitt will use this vote as an excuse (just like Biden) to claim Trump is improperly investigating him.
So the dems big win was one vote from Pierre Delecto? After all of that shit for the last 3 months? Yeesh, no small wonder Trump is taking the dems to the cleaners. They make the indians handing over Manhattan for some glass beads look like savvy traders.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said... Blogger mccullough said... Mitch is gonna make Romney ride on top of the car
You are operating with an unfounded assumption, that McConnell has a problem with a weakened president. Mitch's family has significant business interests with China. Trump now owes Mitch a favor. The more Trump had to sweat, the bigger that favor looks.
Thank you for reminding the world how stupid democrat voters are.
It's amazing how the so-called swing vote Senators get so much press yet they hardly ever vote against their party line. For all that, Manchin, Collins, Murlowski, Sinema, etc - they almost never vote against their party.
Meanwhile, on the democrat side......(yikes!), it's just getting worse re: Iowa..
Pete Guaido@lib_crusher Uhhhhhhhh the IDP is now reporting vote totals from Black Hawk County that are at odds with what Black Hawk County themselves have reported
Now remember, ARM wants everyone to believe something far worse actually occurred on the republican side in 2012...............yeah. No one else believes that either.
In the last several weeks, I* have received numerous calls and texts. Many demand that, in their words, "I* stand with the team.” I* can assure you that that thought has been very much on my mind. I* support a great deal of what the President has done. I* have voted with him 80% of the time.
But *my promise before God to apply impartial justice required that I* put my* personal feelings and biases aside. Were I* to ignore the evidence that has been presented, and disregard what *I believe my oath and the Constitution demands of *me for the sake of a partisan end, it would, I* fear, expose my character to history’s rebuke and the censure of *my own conscience.
"Ummm. A "not guilty" verdict by the Senate does not alter the fact of being charged (impeached) by the House."
From Article 1, section 3 of the Law of the Land:
"The Senate shall have sole Power to try all Impeachments. "
That implies that impeachment is a two-part process, begun in the House, and decided in the Senate. Call it what you will. Either way, it's a big win for Trump, and more importantly, from my perspective, a huge defeat for the Dems.
"Just like Bill Clinton and Andrew Jackson, except:" Fake news from ARM. Andrew Jackson was never impeached. But I must not attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.
Observations: Now that Trump and his team are fully up to speed with how the Dems have been working with Lawfare and the deep staters to set up Trump, there will be much fewer chances for dems/deep staters to contrive an impeachable offense scenario.
However, up until last November/December when the details and outlines of how the dems had pulled off this hoax became apparent, that meant there were still other opportunities for democrats to manufacture hoaxes based on deep state actors working against Trump prior to that time.
Questions: The dems/Lawfare/Deep staters HAD to be working on more than one manufactured hoax scenario, so where do we think the next hoax impeachment attack will come from? What will be the source? State Dept? FBI? (doubtful now that Wray is on notice from Barr not to pull FBI partisan crap again)
What is the target date for the next hoax (or hoaxes) manufactured impeachment effort (or efforts) in terms of both pre-election and post-election time frames?
Does the Durham investigation and progress (whatever that is) require the dems to move on something quickly, no matter how haphazard, if it looks like the democrats spying on domestic opponents scandal is going to break out?
Pete Guaido@lib_crusher Uhhhhhhhh the IDP is now reporting vote totals from Black Hawk County that are at odds with what Black Hawk County themselves have reported
The DNC believes their voters are stupid sheep who will tolerate any manner of corruption and will, in the end, vote for the candidate selected by the party.
exiled: "The DNC believes their voters are stupid sheep who will tolerate any manner of corruption and will, in the end, vote for the candidate selected by the party."
Well, in defense of the DNC, just look at Inga, ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck.
"Just like Bill Clinton and Andrew Jackson, except:" Fake news from ARM. Andrew Jackson was never impeached. But I must not attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.
It's an understandable mistake for someone with a high school education in history.
The two previous presidents to be impeached were William Clinton and Andrew Johnson. If anyone had tried to impeach Jackson there would have been duels fought. He fought them for much less.
exiled: "The DNC believes their voters are stupid sheep who will tolerate any manner of corruption and will, in the end, vote for the candidate selected by the party."
Which is precisely why the Left constantly engages in ad hominin rather than address arguments and issues. Their sole argument is that Republicans are too evil to vote for, and you must vote for anyone who has a chance to defeat them. (which always just happens to be a Democrat)
Plus their constant promises to give their voters free stuff if they vote for them helps.
"[Blather, blather]... expose my character to history’s rebuke and the censure of *my own conscience."
There must be a name for the fallacious argument from "history's rebuke", or "being on the wrong side of history". It's a way for a disputant to avoid the work of actually persuading anyone of the merits of an argument by presupposing that the debates of today will be resolved in his favor at some point in the future, and that all reasonable persons will then agree with him.
And the idiot Democrats say they aren't giving up. They're going to blow through MILLIONS more of our tax dollars and our time. Vote them the hell out so we can finally get going on doing what AMERICA needs done instead of their petty vendettas.
What a monumental waste of time and energy! Who, in their right mind believed that there would be enough votes to remove Mr. Trump from office. There was never enough substance in the articles that any ordinary citizen could look at and say "yeah, that guy needs to go!". It was an extreme example of an unwise prosecution. I certainly hope it backfires on the Democrats this year, as I think the Republicans offer a better brand of corruption.
I mean, I assumed the Iowa caucus would have been done before now. Between this and rolling out Web pages, I really question the Democrat party's core competencies.
Probably other Althousians have seen more of the world than I have but after having had the privilege of participating in two medical camps in Kenya - the first after the most recent fractious election - I've come to the conclusion that no government is free from corruption. There is no room for self-righteousness. There is a great responsibility to see it exposed and eliminated wherever it is found, and it is everywhere.
You'll feel better if you think of all the damage they could have done if they had used their energy implementing their policies instead.
Given the current political makeup of Congress it's not like any policy was delayed. I get some of believe Congress doing nothing is a usually a good thing but was this do-nothing more destructive than their normal do-nothing?
What is the target date for the next hoax (or hoaxes) manufactured impeachment effort (or efforts) in terms of both pre-election and post-election time frames?
Normally I'd say this was never going to happen. Even the Democrats would understand that there is no way they can try to pull this shit off again. The best they could hope for would be to cause chaos.
The people controlling the Democratic Party's strategies right now want to destroy our way of life and change our system of government. (They're Communists like or Muslims) Who actually controls Democratic strategy at this point? Who thinks Pelosi actually wanted to impeach Trump? She knew what would happen. She was forced to impeach Trump by the radicals. Look at how far the Left has dragged the Democratic Party. Yang is considered a moderate. In fact too moderate. The "mainstream" Democrats are all rushing to get farther to the Left than Sanders. Could you imagine Joe Lieberman or John F. Kennedy as a Democrat today?
So...yeah I could see the Democrats getting even more hysterical, (especially if Trump wins in a landslide this November like I think he will) and actually trying to pull this off again. My prediction is it will revolve around replacing Justice Ginsburg.
Leave Mitt alone. I disagree with his conclusion. But does anyone honestly think he didn’t think this through carefully and vote his conscience? He doesn’t need or want invitations to liberal cocktail parties. He’s one of just a handful of senators who thought at all carefully before voting, so good for him.
"Leave Mitt alone. I disagree with his conclusion. But does anyone honestly think he didn’t think this through carefully and vote his conscience?"
I honestly think Romey weighed the pros and cons, and decided that he could exact some revenge against Trump, and it won't hurt him much politically, since he probably won't be running for re-election at age 77.
Calvin: "Leave Mitt alone. I disagree with his conclusion. But does anyone honestly think he didn’t think this through carefully and vote his conscience?"
LOL Absolutely.
Calvin: " He doesn’t need or want invitations to liberal cocktail parties." What he doesn't want is an investigation into his son who has Ukrainian energy financial relationships as well as his former aide who is on the Board of Burisma.
Okay. I’ll take someone who thinks and ends up voting against me than the many who didn’t and vote party line (the vast majority on both sides). He’s acquitted. Move on. My guess is that Utah won’t punish Mitt (and wouldn’t even if he were up this year) - they’re super conservative but can see Trump’s ... rough edges, let’s say.
The media talking heads are starting anew, to litigate President Trumps Ukraine phone call. Usually the left wakes up with all history erased from their brains. This was literally just a matter of seconds.
Leave Mitt alone. I disagree with his conclusion. But does anyone honestly think he didn’t think this through carefully and vote his conscience? He doesn’t need or want invitations to liberal cocktail parties. He’s one of just a handful of senators who thought at all carefully before voting, so good for him.
What Mitt, and others, had to do was justify to themselves a preconceived opinion. He had to vote guilty but was not sure why until he gave it plenty of thought. He convinced himself he did the right thing.
Calvin: "Okay. I’ll take someone who thinks and ends up voting against me than the many who didn’t and vote party line (the vast majority on both sides). He’s acquitted. Move on."
"Move on"?
Not a chance.
Calvin: "My guess is that Utah won’t punish Mitt (and wouldn’t even if he were up this year) - they’re super conservative but can see Trump’s ... rough edges, let’s say."
If Romney were running this year in Utah he wouldn't even survive the primary.
Romney was claiming he needed more witnesses to come to a conclusion.....but clearly those witnesses were not necessary for Romney to have already come to a "guilty" conclusion.
What Romney wanted more than anything else was to allow the dems to drag out the impeachment proceedings to give the democrats a greater opportunity to harm the Trump re-election campaign.
That's it. Romney wants to help the dems to defeat Trump.
Blogger bbkingfish said... Boy, very close vote. I'm sure Trump must be very disappointed by this. That must be why he cancelled the press availability this aft. *******************
Yeah, really close. An almost-perfect party line vote, when a "2/3 present" was needed to convict.
Ever notice how Turner Classic Movies sometimes shows relevant old films? Caine Mutiny playing today, as democrat Captain Queegs continue their investigation into the missing strawberries.
This whole comments thing is new to me but kinda fun. A couple of thoughts .... (1) Does Mitt really have a personal interest in this vote? I likely won’t follow up to debate the point, but I hadn’t heard that and would read reliable sources with interest. (2) Is it crazy for even Trump supporters to be a bit uncomfortable with some of his schtick?
Calvin said... This whole comments thing is new to me but kinda fun. A couple of thoughts .... (1) Does Mitt really have a personal interest in this vote? I likely won’t follow up to debate the point, but I hadn’t heard that and would read reliable sources with interest. (2) Is it crazy for even Trump supporters to be a bit uncomfortable with some of his schtick?
Yes Mitt has a personal interest in keeping investigations of how his sons make money at bay. You havent heard about it because you don’t think for yourself.
Start looking into it. Mitt has Five Sons.
How do they make their money?
How does Hunter Biden?
If people are OK with Hunter and the Romney Sons making money in foreign countries off political connections, then fine.
OT Howard, a neighbor is a retired USMC E-9. An excellent gentleman, as one would expect. He showed me a picture of him and his lady wife at some black-tie affair and I have to say it was the most splendid uniform I ever did see. My old chief was an E-9 married to a retired WAVE CDR, also an excellent gentleman but he wore the uniform like a bum. By that time he was above criticism.
Does Mitt really have a personal interest in this vote?
Is it crazy for even Trump supporters to be a bit uncomfortable with some of his schtick?
Is it crazy for Romney supporters to be tired of his schtick? After all, Mitt's a loser. Trump won and then delivered quite a bit of the conservative platform. Why care about style, when there is substance?
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said... Calvin said... This whole comments thing is new to me but kinda fun. A couple of thoughts .... (1) Does Mitt really have a personal interest in this vote? I likely won’t follow up to debate the point, but I hadn’t heard that and would read reliable sources with interest. (2) Is it crazy for even Trump supporters to be a bit uncomfortable with some of his schtick?
No and No.
We all applaud your tight logic and mastery of the facts.
CNBC] The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody's Analytics.
That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists surveyed by Dow Jones and more evidence that the U.S. still is a good distance from full employment even with the jobless rate at its lowest point in more than 50 years. The total also was a sharp gain from the 199,000 in December, which was revised down 3,000 from the initial count.
Does this mean nobody who knows you bothers to talk to you? Or maybe nobody debates you because you don't seem to accept alternative opinions? I've grown up my entire life with people making comments. It's not a novel thing nor even an internet thing. Maybe you're a sock puppet that was just born yesterday?
I get that his schtick is what floats him, and I’ve mostly excused it in my own mind on that basis (and that some shake-up was a good thing, all-else equal). But then ripping up the speech is schtick too, and I don’t know where it ends. Hopefully just the right spot. But it seems he’s part of the spiral, even if part of me likes his provocations. If I trusted he knew what he was doing and had the skill to calibrate, perhaps I’d be more comfortable. As is, part of me is glad for Romney, if only to temper the Trump force a bit. Looking forward to the disagreement ....
Leland, it simply means that I hadn’t participated in the comments section of a blog (or news article, etc.) until very recently. I’m still deciding how my change of heart on that front reflects on me. I’m afraid not well, but we’ll see.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said... Josephbleau said... Andrew Jackson was never impeached.
You are correct. Doesn't change my general point however. Even the obscure Andrew Johnson didn't lose the vote of a single party member.
Ya, when "party members" weren't RINOs or total hacks. Jeez, up your game. I used to think you were a reasonable, good faith commentator. No longer, you've gone off the deep end. Get a hold of yourself, man.
Seeing Red: "CNBC] The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody's Analytics."
That huuuuge jobs number includes 10,000 manufacturing jobs.
Calvin, welcome to the comments party! I voted for Mr. Romney in 2016 due to my intense dislike of both candidates. I still dislike Mr. Trump's personal "style" but admit to being in favor of the results of his policies. Mr. Romney got trounced (during a debate) by Candy Crowley in 2012, in my opinion, because he is a nice guy. Trump is a dick who wins.
Calvin, Romney's vote was clearly bullshit. This is demonstrated by his earlier vote for more witnesses. If he already had enough in his mind to convict, why would he need more witnesses? If he thought more witnesses could change his mind to believe Trump wasn't guilty, then he should never have voted to convict, because that implies more than reasonable doubt.
I haven't seen anyone notice this, but the Senators elected in Nov 2020 take office on Jan 3, 2021, and the President elected doesn't take office until Jan 20, 2021. So if Dems can simply win 20 or 21 seats in the Senate, they can still remove Trump from office for the last 17 days of his Presidency. That'll show him.
Calvin: "Leland, it simply means that I hadn’t participated in the comments section of a blog (or news article, etc.) until very recently.I’m still deciding how my change of heart on that front reflects on me. I’m afraid not well, but we’ll see."
You really don't have to share the details of your anguished inner struggle over pounding out a few comments on a blog site.
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३१८ टिप्पण्या:
318 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»What a waste of energy. These Washington insider so called elites just feel entitled to do these shows and steal our tax dollars. They’d be the ones rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
A bit wobbly, dragging his right leg; unable eat normal food in public; slurring words and unable to enunciate complex phrases; and unable to explain his last hospitalization... Trump emerges from impeachment.
Trump Dementia Syndrome.
Actually, impeachment is lost in Trump's shadow.
The GOP Congress a year from now will repeal the impeachment resolution.
No Albert. The elites would not be arranging chairs on the Titanic. They would be the ones absconding with the lifeboats leaving all the women and children on the sinking ship.
What a dumb calculation by Democrats
I been out on the tractor. Is da Man disempeached yet?
Watch McConnell's speech
They will impeach him again. They have to.
They need Trump to be fighting this when the indictments start coming down. Ukraine was a vast pit of corruption but there are numerous countries where the swamp has been cashing in.
Trump is going to crush them.
Trump is going to win because most Americans do not support corruption in government.
... as the hunters and judges are fast and furious to clawback their right to privacy. But, they have impeached themselves, spoke of their social club, and are now under investigation, for quid pro Joes, quid pro Bos, and other classes of progressive corruption.
And there's the only result that matters and the only part of this that will be remembered in a week.
What a dumb calculation by Democrats
Their base demanded it. ($$$$)
Meanwhile, NeverTrumps on Twitter are shocked! and appalled! that Republicans would put party over principle!
Life goes on.
It takes 67 Senate votes to remove an Impeached Prez:
Nancy knew this. Schiff knew this. Fat Jerry Nadler knew this. Schumer knew this. That requires a large amount of bipartisan agreement.
They had no bipartisan agreement -- yet Schiff plowed forward with a bogus, one-sided investigation with his Lawfare buddies.
And, what a surprise -- only 48 Senate votes to remove!
Thanks for the past 5 months, morons!
Can the grownups get back to work now?
Like anybody thought the votes would be otherwise??? Waste of our time and Money...They will pay BIG time for this
47 Democrats and one Rat voted to impeach.
I may have actually overestimated just how long this is going to be in the public's mind.
Today's numbers out of Iowa may be incorrect.
Alternate live-stream here, if you're having issues:
in other news
My "bipartisan" senator Kyrsten Sinema voted to impeach on ridiculous "abuse of power" charges.
What a phony. I am not surprised.
I wonder how this farce will be treated by history.
Now for the Senate to send over to the Speaker of the House a copy of the articles of impeachment torn in two.
Did Trump see his shadow? Does that mean 4 more years of President Trump?
Who changed their vote on the second article? I left the room.
Everything happened as could be predicted before it started. I hope everyone was entertained.
No more phone asking about democrat corruption.
totally off limits asking about democratic corruption.
You know what we call that? Not guilty!
Trifecta complete!
If only our long national nightmare of Democrats and never-Trumpers inventing offenses of DJT would be over.
Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor. May God have mercy on your souls.
Who woulda thought?
The epilogue is out of place. Was this a solemn responsibility or business as usual?
It will be fun when Durham's report comes out in regards to a sitting President launching an investigation into a political opponent with Democrats now on record claiming that's abuse of power.
meh it was like star trek picard, I've only caught a glimpse of it, an unentertaining screenplay, they could have made it like a ross Thomas novel, with all the interesting Ukrainian and Russian players in the shadows,
Trump emerges from the shadow of impeachment....
Just like Bill Clinton and Andrew Jackson, except:
"First time in history that someone has crossed the aisle on an impeachment conviction vote."
So somewhat worse.
Time to ask the Senators who voted to remove Trump why they shouldn’t vote to expel Bob Menendez from the Senate
Who changed their vote on the second article? I left the room.
Romney voted Not Guilty on article two.
All but one of the Senate Republicans say he is our crook and can stay in office.
Non-news by this point.
Reminded of the 1930s with lying nationalistic clown Fascists in power with rallies by the people and ineffectual college graduates and liberals trying to sound an alarm.
Nancy The Demon Ripper says impeachment is a permanent stain on Trump.
But it looks like Trump gave Nancy and her posse a real shellacking!
Adventures in furniture repair with heads as dense as oak.
Leland said...
Everything happened as could be predicted before it started. I hope everyone was entertained.
2/5/20, 3:38 PM
I only caught a few minutes of the proceedings. It was about as exciting as watching an earthworm crawl across a sidewalk.
What a waste of time..................
Wanna BTFO anybody who says 'he got away with it'? Tell them so did OJ.
If Dems pitch a fit
You must acquit
Has Ann referenced any conservative media outlet in her blogs in the Trump era?
If no, why?
Is Nancy full of Grey Goose by now?............................/s
Planned President failed. Trump has been deemed viable. TikTok their time is up.
Francisco D said...
I wonder how this farce will be treated by history.
Depends on who writes the history.
The swamp and their stupid supporters have made it clear there are no principles or morals they acknowledge except their power over us.
So it is going to come down to power.
I wish I were as clever as Romney
Has anybody said "Fuck Mitt Romney!" yet?
They are going to do this again.
And again.
How many times they need to do this they will keep on going.
Until they are stopped.
Only douchebags like W and Romney worry about “history’s verdict.”
The verdict is in. W and Romney are douchebags.
Exonerated, right?
Isn't that how it works now?
Tyrone Slothrop: Can the grownups get back to work now?
Sadly, I think there has not been a quorum of grownups in the Feral Gummit for decades. I blame the voters.
Mitch is gonna make Romney ride on top of the car
But...but...but....Inga and Chuck and ARM all ASSURED us that the noose was tightening, that the walls were closing in....
Otto said...
Has Ann referenced any conservative media outlet in her blogs in the Trump era?
Yes, she has.
" A bit wobbly, dragging his right leg; unable eat normal food in public; slurring words and unable to enunciate complex phrases; and unable to explain his last hospitalization... Trump emerges from impeachment.
Trump Dementia Syndrome."
What the hell are you talking about?
Jim at said...
Exonerated, right?
Isn't that how it works now?
Yes, they tried to impeach him, and failed.
So he wasn't impeached.
Today, I listened to the Senate Minority Leader diatribe in favor of convicting our constitutionally elected President of two offences and to remove him from office. He kept on presenting TRUTH as a basis for that decision.
That speech was the near-absolute example of that V. I. Lenin's (That other Socialist-Tyrant) statement: "TELL A LIE OFTEN ENOUGH AND IT BECOMES THE TRUTH"---Which has become the goal-and-hope of the USA's Democrat-Socialist-Fascist Party.
The "Truth" is:
1. President Trump had an absolute duty to look-into the possibility of corruption in the transfer of our tax moneys (eg Anti-tank missiles) to the Ukraine;
2. That duty was fully in force even though the "daddy" of a possible-to-probable corrupter was a potential candidate, in opposition and in another Party, in a future election for the presidency;
3. The cited-aid was delivered to the Ukraine was, in fact, delivered within the time-limits set by the law passed by The Congress; And,
4. The persecutors in The House Of Representatives failed to, in a dispute between the Legislative and the Executive branches of our government, apply to the Judicial Branch for resolution of those differences (ie Subpoenas for documents and witnesses).
It would not surprise me to discover that Romney’s family or close associates are up to their necks in Ukrainian corruption. Snipes says “no” but who believes them anymore?
Every voice vote of guilty sent a chill up my spine.
Hearing Romney say 'guilty' on Article I was staggering.
"I only caught a few minutes of the proceedings. It was about as exciting as watching an earthworm crawl across a sidewalk."
Never underestimate the entertainment value of earthworm racing. I hear it is big with Democrats this election season. Off to the races!
Fuck Mitt Romney.
President Trump is Acquitted forever.
President Trump is Acquitted forever.
Stop the presses.
So he wasn't impeached.
He was impeached but not convicted.
Hammer Time!
President Trump is Acquitted forever.
Top Romney Adviser Worked With Hunter Biden On Board Of Ukrainian Energy Company
F all the corruption excusing D's for voting for Schitt's fraud.
Blogger mccullough said...
Mitch is gonna make Romney ride on top of the car
You are operating with an unfounded assumption, that McConnell has a problem with a weakened president. Mitch's family has significant business interests with China. Trump now owes Mitch a favor. The more Trump had to sweat, the bigger that favor looks.
On to re-electing a very optimistic and successful president.
mccullough said...
Mitch is gonna make Romney ride on top of the car
Trump is going to make Romney walk up the down escalator.
The more Trump had to sweat, the bigger that favor looks.
Another lie you fabricated.
Not tired of winning
ARM: "...that McConnell has a problem with a weakened president."
Trump will be fine.
ARM will continue to wallow in sexual jealousy because the president has a beautiful wife.
Trump still President.
Hillary still not president.
Does this acquittal mean Trump is now free to investigate corruption ?
This calls for a PBR...
BleachBit-and-Hammers said: "Fuck Mitt Romney."
Does Mayor Pete read this blog?
Though I suspect he's more of a bottom than a top.
So, the results are In
In the US House,
voting For Impeachment: Most Democrats, NO Republicans
voting Against Impeachment: ALL Republicans, SOME Democrats
In the US Senate,
voting FOR Removal: ALL Democrats, NO Republicans
voting for Acquittal: ALL Republicans, NO Democrats
How do you like THEM results, Chuck?
This represents the 4,892nd time ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck have pronounced Trump "weakened" and/or dropping in approval.
At this point in time, based on ARM's and LLR-lefty Chuck's "analysis", Trump is projected to be at -10,948% approval which will lead to democrats capturing over 595 states and 4,903,271 electoral votes.
When the D's do away with the Electoral College maybe they can also do away with the requirement that a 2/3 majority is required to remove from office after impeachment.
So many things and people to do away with so we can impose that radical change we need.
Other than Benedict Romney, that went pretty well. I want my 2012 vote back, Romney! 😡
Because Mitt Romney and everyone who voted to convict Trump is against due process and fair trials they should all get the Trump/Manafort Treatment.
They should be rolled up with their families at 4AM by armed federal agents.
All of their records and communications should be opened up and phone calls and texts messages on social media accounts should be examined.
All of their attorney's offices should be raided.
All of their campaign staff should be spied upon by the FBI.
The FBI should start sending spies and honeypots out to entrap them.
And they all need to start proving their innocence.
Fuck them all and fuck the douchebags like ARM and Inga who support this fascist crap.
What's next? Will preznit Vindman twins and Eric Cheramellow cook up the next Schitt-show? Trump did wave his arms at a football game.
Splanky: "Does this acquittal mean Trump is now free to investigate corruption?"
Actually, it does.
Which is why Mitt voted the way he did so that when Mitt's son (involved in Ukrainian energy shenanigans) and Mitt's former aide on the Board of Burisma come under investigation, Mitt will use this vote as an excuse (just like Biden) to claim Trump is improperly investigating him.
A lot of people on TV told me the walls were closing in. How big is that friggin' room?
So the dems big win was one vote from Pierre Delecto? After all of that shit for the last 3 months? Yeesh, no small wonder Trump is taking the dems to the cleaners. They make the indians handing over Manhattan for some glass beads look like savvy traders.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Blogger mccullough said...
Mitch is gonna make Romney ride on top of the car
You are operating with an unfounded assumption, that McConnell has a problem with a weakened president. Mitch's family has significant business interests with China. Trump now owes Mitch a favor. The more Trump had to sweat, the bigger that favor looks.
Thank you for reminding the world how stupid democrat voters are.
It's amazing how the so-called swing vote Senators get so much press yet they hardly ever vote against their party line. For all that, Manchin, Collins, Murlowski, Sinema, etc - they almost never vote against their party.
I know a lot of people who supported Romney with high dollar checks. They are furious.
Can senators be recalled? He's only 2 years in to his 6 year term. What can the people of Utah do?
Democrats held together, Republicans didn’t, just opposite of what was being hoped for here on these threads.
So much winning! And yet I'm still not tired of it. :-)
Yes, they tried to impeach him, and failed.
So he wasn't impeached.
Ummm. A "not guilty" verdict by the Senate does not alter the fact of being charged (impeached) by the House.
But yes, the only good thing can be said about the whole sad exercise was it kept the felons in Congress from worse mischief.
Admiral Inga: "Democrats held together, Republicans didn’t, just opposite of what was being hoped for here on these threads."
....Republican, and personal enemy of Trump, didn’t....
Mitch doesn’t care about a weakened Trump.
But he does care about a weakened Mitch. Romney didn’t hurt Trump. Romney hurt Collins and Gardner.
Romney crossed Mitch. Romney’s business interests and those of his sons in China is now finished.
Remember, if the vote were 66 guilty, 34 not guilty, Trump still would have been acquitted.
Be proud of your shameful corrupt party, Inga.
It's time to sharpen that pike!
Meanwhile, on the democrat side......(yikes!), it's just getting worse re: Iowa..
Pete Guaido@lib_crusher
Uhhhhhhhh the IDP is now reporting vote totals from Black Hawk County that are at odds with what Black Hawk County themselves have reported
Now remember, ARM wants everyone to believe something far worse actually occurred on the republican side in 2012...............yeah. No one else believes that either.
A 'Recall Romney' movement was under way before this atrocity.
Assume it will really gain momentum now.
Limited blogger: "A 'Recall Romney' movement was under way before this atrocity."
That's not really a real thing, you know.
However, as a political tool to allow constituents to register their clear dissatisfaction with Romney, its perfectly okay.
Shorter Mitten, God made him vote Guilty:
In the last several weeks, I* have received numerous calls and texts. Many demand that, in their words, "I* stand with the team.” I* can assure you that that thought has been very much on my mind. I* support a great deal of what the President has done. I* have voted with him 80% of the time.
But *my promise before God to apply impartial justice required that I* put my* personal feelings and biases aside. Were I* to ignore the evidence that has been presented, and disregard what *I believe my oath and the Constitution demands of *me for the sake of a partisan end, it would, I* fear, expose my character to history’s rebuke and the censure of *my own conscience.
Pompous Ass.
Pelosi overheard saying "We won't let acquittal get in the way of our quest to get Trump."
How expected.
"Ummm. A "not guilty" verdict by the Senate does not alter the fact of being charged (impeached) by the House."
From Article 1, section 3 of the Law of the Land:
"The Senate shall have sole Power to try all Impeachments. "
That implies that impeachment is a two-part process, begun in the House, and decided in the Senate. Call it what you will. Either way, it's a big win for Trump, and more importantly, from my perspective, a huge defeat for the Dems.
"Just like Bill Clinton and Andrew Jackson, except:"
Fake news from ARM. Andrew Jackson was never impeached. But I must not attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.
There's one good thing to come out of this whole sorry exercise: at least now we know what a perfect phone call looks like.
Observations and Questions
Now that Trump and his team are fully up to speed with how the Dems have been working with Lawfare and the deep staters to set up Trump, there will be much fewer chances for dems/deep staters to contrive an impeachable offense scenario.
However, up until last November/December when the details and outlines of how the dems had pulled off this hoax became apparent, that meant there were still other opportunities for democrats to manufacture hoaxes based on deep state actors working against Trump prior to that time.
The dems/Lawfare/Deep staters HAD to be working on more than one manufactured hoax scenario, so where do we think the next hoax impeachment attack will come from? What will be the source? State Dept? FBI? (doubtful now that Wray is on notice from Barr not to pull FBI partisan crap again)
What is the target date for the next hoax (or hoaxes) manufactured impeachment effort (or efforts) in terms of both pre-election and post-election time frames?
Does the Durham investigation and progress (whatever that is) require the dems to move on something quickly, no matter how haphazard, if it looks like the democrats spying on domestic opponents scandal is going to break out?
Pete Guaido@lib_crusher
Uhhhhhhhh the IDP is now reporting vote totals from Black Hawk County that are at odds with what Black Hawk County themselves have reported
The DNC believes their voters are stupid sheep who will tolerate any manner of corruption and will, in the end, vote for the candidate selected by the party.
They're not wrong.
Yeah, I see it's a Utah state law maker who is trying to craft and pass a bill that would allow a US Senator to be recalled.
Says it's not aimed at Romney, just that the 6 year senate term needs to have a counter balance.
Oh well, as you say, if it's used to further embarrass Mittens, then its a good thing.
exiled: "The DNC believes their voters are stupid sheep who will tolerate any manner of corruption and will, in the end, vote for the candidate selected by the party."
Well, in defense of the DNC, just look at Inga, ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck.
Ahhaha, Ever get the feeling you've been cheated? Goodnight.
"Just like Bill Clinton and Andrew Jackson, except:"
Fake news from ARM. Andrew Jackson was never impeached. But I must not attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.
It's an understandable mistake for someone with a high school education in history.
The two previous presidents to be impeached were William Clinton and Andrew Johnson. If anyone had tried to impeach Jackson there would have been duels fought. He fought them for much less.
Surprising no one.
Fake news from ARM. Andrew Jackson was never impeached. But I must not attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.
Hey Cut him some slack! One Corrupt, genocidal Tennessean is pretty much the same as another
Today's votes to acquit represent the "official" end of the 2016 Election Campaign.
And the dems/LLR's have already put us on notice that they want to go after the 2020 campaign as we speak.
exiled: "The DNC believes their voters are stupid sheep who will tolerate any manner of corruption and will, in the end, vote for the candidate selected by the party."
Which is precisely why the Left constantly engages in ad hominin rather than address arguments and issues. Their sole argument is that Republicans are too evil to vote for, and you must vote for anyone who has a chance to defeat them. (which always just happens to be a Democrat)
Plus their constant promises to give their voters free stuff if they vote for them helps.
Today's Bonus Music Video, Number ONE with a Bullet; from President Trump!
Love Hurts
This one goes out to You, Chuck!
What price will Althouse make the Democrats pay? A tsk tsk, or a vote. A vote is the real way.
"[Blather, blather]... expose my character to history’s rebuke and the censure of *my own conscience."
There must be a name for the fallacious argument from "history's rebuke", or "being on the wrong side of history". It's a way for a disputant to avoid the work of actually persuading anyone of the merits of an argument by presupposing that the debates of today will be resolved in his favor at some point in the future, and that all reasonable persons will then agree with him.
There should be a "wrong side of history" tag.
Josephbleau said...
Andrew Jackson was never impeached.
You are correct. Doesn't change my general point however. Even the obscure Andrew Johnson didn't lose the vote of a single party member.
I'm reading next or future House can rescind this Impeachment Resolution!?
Can they also declassify / reveal 18th witness ICIG testimony?
I can see, though I don’t agree with, the guilty votes on the first article of impeachment.
But the second article is an obvious absurdity.
Those who voted guilty on the second article can’t justify it, not in principle not in any way intellectually. It was just crass politics.
Any action the dems take against Trump is obviously revenge for losing impeachment.
AlbertAnonymous said...
What a waste of energy.
You'll feel better if you think of all the damage they could have done if they had used their energy implementing their policies instead.
And the idiot Democrats say they aren't giving up. They're going to blow through MILLIONS more of our tax dollars and our time. Vote them the hell out so we can finally get going on doing what AMERICA needs done instead of their petty vendettas.
Boy, very close vote. I'm sure Trump must be very disappointed by this. That must be why he cancelled the press availability this aft.
Gahrie said...
It's an understandable mistake for someone with a high school education in history.
Yet you failed to notice until it was pointed out by someone else.
"I'm reading next or future House can rescind this Impeachment Resolution!?"
-- Even if they could, what's the point? Trump won; move on. Re-litigating the past will just use up time that could be used on actual policy agenda.
What a monumental waste of time and energy! Who, in their right mind believed that there would be enough votes to remove Mr. Trump from office. There was never enough substance in the articles that any ordinary citizen could look at and say "yeah, that guy needs to go!".
It was an extreme example of an unwise prosecution. I certainly hope it backfires on the Democrats this year, as I think the Republicans offer a better brand of corruption.
"Pierre Defecto"
Trump emerges from Shadow of impeachment.
speaking of Shadow-- whoodathunk Trump acquitted
...before the results of the Klown Kar Kaucus??
I mean, I assumed the Iowa caucus would have been done before now. Between this and rolling out Web pages, I really question the Democrat party's core competencies.
Probably other Althousians have seen more of the world than I have but after having had the privilege of participating in two medical camps in Kenya - the first after the most recent fractious election - I've come to the conclusion that no government is free from corruption. There is no room for self-righteousness. There is a great responsibility to see it exposed and eliminated wherever it is found, and it is everywhere.
You'll feel better if you think of all the damage they could have done if they had used their energy implementing their policies instead.
Given the current political makeup of Congress it's not like any policy was delayed. I get some of believe Congress doing nothing is a usually a good thing but was this do-nothing more destructive than their normal do-nothing?
What is the target date for the next hoax (or hoaxes) manufactured impeachment effort (or efforts) in terms of both pre-election and post-election time frames?
Normally I'd say this was never going to happen. Even the Democrats would understand that there is no way they can try to pull this shit off again. The best they could hope for would be to cause chaos.
The people controlling the Democratic Party's strategies right now want to destroy our way of life and change our system of government. (They're Communists like or Muslims) Who actually controls Democratic strategy at this point? Who thinks Pelosi actually wanted to impeach Trump? She knew what would happen. She was forced to impeach Trump by the radicals. Look at how far the Left has dragged the Democratic Party. Yang is considered a moderate. In fact too moderate. The "mainstream" Democrats are all rushing to get farther to the Left than Sanders. Could you imagine Joe Lieberman or John F. Kennedy as a Democrat today?
So...yeah I could see the Democrats getting even more hysterical, (especially if Trump wins in a landslide this November like I think he will) and actually trying to pull this off again. My prediction is it will revolve around replacing Justice Ginsburg.
bbkingfish: "Boy, very close vote."
bbkingfish shooting for the ARM Award.
Competition for that is tight between LLR-lefty Chuck and Left Bank already!
Yet you failed to notice until it was pointed out by someone else.
I read the comment string backwards. I still haven't read your original post.
Leave Mitt alone. I disagree with his conclusion. But does anyone honestly think he didn’t think this through carefully and vote his conscience? He doesn’t need or want invitations to liberal cocktail parties. He’s one of just a handful of senators who thought at all carefully before voting, so good for him.
Can senators be recalled? He's only 2 years in to his 6 year term. What can the people of Utah do?
Stop giving him money and start giving him shit instead.
btw-- was that the plan or reason for the "malfuction*" of
the Shadow app/ vote tally clusterfuck?
...to skew results as per how the Peachment broke??
But does anyone honestly think he didn’t think this through carefully and vote his conscience?
Yes, next question.
Bullshit. If Mitt wants to be left alone he can retire from office. His conscience? The guy is a piece of shit. He’s just another politician.
Leave Mitt alone. I disagree with his conclusion. But does anyone honestly think he didn’t think this through carefully and vote his conscience?
@Calvin, yeah. Me.
"Leave Mitt alone. I disagree with his conclusion. But does anyone honestly think he didn’t think this through carefully and vote his conscience?"
I honestly think Romey weighed the pros and cons, and decided that he could exact some revenge against Trump, and it won't hurt him much politically, since he probably won't be running for re-election at age 77.
Romney doesn’t have a conscience.
Calvin: "Leave Mitt alone. I disagree with his conclusion. But does anyone honestly think he didn’t think this through carefully and vote his conscience?"
LOL Absolutely.
Calvin: " He doesn’t need or want invitations to liberal cocktail parties." What he doesn't want is an investigation into his son who has Ukrainian energy financial relationships as well as his former aide who is on the Board of Burisma.
Gahrie said...
I read the comment string backwards.
This was your best option under the circumstances.
Okay. I’ll take someone who thinks and ends up voting against me than the many who didn’t and vote party line (the vast majority on both sides). He’s acquitted. Move on. My guess is that Utah won’t punish Mitt (and wouldn’t even if he were up this year) - they’re super conservative but can see Trump’s ... rough edges, let’s say.
Not Guilty! Just like OJ except the deplorables are cheering now.
Drago is right. Mitt doesn’t want people looking into how his family makes money. This is a self-interested vote.
The media talking heads are starting anew, to litigate President Trumps Ukraine phone call.
Usually the left wakes up with all history erased from their brains. This was literally just a matter of seconds.
Leave Mitt alone. I disagree with his conclusion. But does anyone honestly think he didn’t think this through carefully and vote his conscience? He doesn’t need or want invitations to liberal cocktail parties. He’s one of just a handful of senators who thought at all carefully before voting, so good for him.
What Mitt, and others, had to do was justify to themselves a preconceived opinion. He had to vote guilty but was not sure why until he gave it plenty of thought. He convinced himself he did the right thing.
Calvin: "Okay. I’ll take someone who thinks and ends up voting against me than the many who didn’t and vote party line (the vast majority on both sides). He’s acquitted. Move on."
"Move on"?
Not a chance.
Calvin: "My guess is that Utah won’t punish Mitt (and wouldn’t even if he were up this year) - they’re super conservative but can see Trump’s ... rough edges, let’s say."
If Romney were running this year in Utah he wouldn't even survive the primary.
Utah isn’t the only one who can punish Mitt.
Further proof of the Two Howards Hypothesis.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Josephbleau said...
Andrew Jackson was never impeached.
You are correct. Doesn't change my general point however. Even the obscure Andrew Johnson didn't lose the vote of a single party member.
ARM is stupid and completely ignorant of history as he posts some talking point his masters handed him...
but wants you to know his stupid talking point that means nothing is still correct.
Democrat leaders do know how stupid their voters are.
When is Romney going to move to have Bob Menendez expelled from the Senate?
Romney was claiming he needed more witnesses to come to a conclusion.....but clearly those witnesses were not necessary for Romney to have already come to a "guilty" conclusion.
What Romney wanted more than anything else was to allow the dems to drag out the impeachment proceedings to give the democrats a greater opportunity to harm the Trump re-election campaign.
That's it. Romney wants to help the dems to defeat Trump.
Blogger bbkingfish said...
Boy, very close vote. I'm sure Trump must be very disappointed by this. That must be why he cancelled the press availability this aft.
Yeah, really close. An almost-perfect party line vote, when a "2/3 present" was needed to convict.
Really, really close.
Ever notice how Turner Classic Movies sometimes shows relevant old films? Caine Mutiny playing today, as democrat Captain Queegs continue their investigation into the missing strawberries.
Romney could have abstained on the grounds that relevant witnesses were not called.
So he lied when he said he needed to hear from other witnesses.
He didn’t.
It was very heartening to see bipartisan support for conviction. It proves that it wasn't done for political calculus, but blind justice.
This whole comments thing is new to me but kinda fun. A couple of thoughts .... (1) Does Mitt really have a personal interest in this vote? I likely won’t follow up to debate the point, but I hadn’t heard that and would read reliable sources with interest. (2) Is it crazy for even Trump supporters to be a bit uncomfortable with some of his schtick?
There's only one of us, tcrosse. Bipolar is a burden, especially the self inflicted type.
did Krysten find
a horse's head
in her bed?
Calvin said...
This whole comments thing is new to me but kinda fun. A couple of thoughts .... (1) Does Mitt really have a personal interest in this vote? I likely won’t follow up to debate the point, but I hadn’t heard that and would read reliable sources with interest. (2) Is it crazy for even Trump supporters to be a bit uncomfortable with some of his schtick?
No and No.
His schticks is what keeps Trump afloat, Calvin.
Yes Mitt has a personal interest in keeping investigations of how his sons make money at bay. You havent heard about it because you don’t think for yourself.
Start looking into it. Mitt has Five Sons.
How do they make their money?
How does Hunter Biden?
If people are OK with Hunter and the Romney Sons making money in foreign countries off political connections, then fine.
But these people aren’t above scrutiny.
How does McConnell's family make their money? Clue: which country is the biggest threat to US interests?
Democrats did not move to expel Bob Menendez from the Senate. Romney has not either.
So they are fine with corruption. They thrive on it.
Now you are talking. Look into all of them. Including Romney.
OT Howard, a neighbor is a retired USMC E-9. An excellent gentleman, as one would expect. He showed me a picture of him and his lady wife at some black-tie affair and I have to say it was the most splendid uniform I ever did see. My old chief was an E-9 married to a retired WAVE CDR, also an excellent gentleman but he wore the uniform like a bum. By that time he was above criticism.
Does Mitt really have a personal interest in this vote?
Is it crazy for even Trump supporters to be a bit uncomfortable with some of his schtick?
Is it crazy for Romney supporters to be tired of his schtick? After all, Mitt's a loser. Trump won and then delivered quite a bit of the conservative platform. Why care about style, when there is substance?
Obama put through Net Neutrality. Then Netflix gave him $50 million.
Follow the money. Biden is a fucking moron and so is his spawn. He didn’t invent this game nor is he the only participant.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Calvin said...
This whole comments thing is new to me but kinda fun. A couple of thoughts .... (1) Does Mitt really have a personal interest in this vote? I likely won’t follow up to debate the point, but I hadn’t heard that and would read reliable sources with interest. (2) Is it crazy for even Trump supporters to be a bit uncomfortable with some of his schtick?
No and No.
We all applaud your tight logic and mastery of the facts.
CNBC] The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody's Analytics.
That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists surveyed by Dow Jones and more evidence that the U.S. still is a good distance from full employment even with the jobless rate at its lowest point in more than 50 years. The total also was a sharp gain from the 199,000 in December, which was revised down 3,000 from the initial count.
Lololol not tired of winning.
This whole comments thing is new to me
Does this mean nobody who knows you bothers to talk to you? Or maybe nobody debates you because you don't seem to accept alternative opinions? I've grown up my entire life with people making comments. It's not a novel thing nor even an internet thing. Maybe you're a sock puppet that was just born yesterday?
I get that his schtick is what floats him, and I’ve mostly excused it in my own mind on that basis (and that some shake-up was a good thing, all-else equal). But then ripping up the speech is schtick too, and I don’t know where it ends. Hopefully just the right spot. But it seems he’s part of the spiral, even if part of me likes his provocations. If I trusted he knew what he was doing and had the skill to calibrate, perhaps I’d be more comfortable. As is, part of me is glad for Romney, if only to temper the Trump force a bit. Looking forward to the disagreement ....
wholelottasplainin' said...
We all applaud your tight logic and mastery of the facts.
Thanks. The sincere expressions of positive feedback that I receive from fellow commenters here is what gives genuine meaning to my life.
Romney, like Trump, has his schtick. This Mitt the Statesman is his schtick.
Leland, it simply means that I hadn’t participated in the comments section of a blog (or news article, etc.) until very recently. I’m still deciding how my change of heart on that front reflects on me. I’m afraid not well, but we’ll see.
Iowa Democrat Caucus precinct returns up to 86.12%!! After only three days! I’m so impressed...
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Josephbleau said...
Andrew Jackson was never impeached.
You are correct. Doesn't change my general point however. Even the obscure Andrew Johnson didn't lose the vote of a single party member.
Ya, when "party members" weren't RINOs or total hacks. Jeez, up your game. I used to think you were a reasonable, good faith commentator. No longer, you've gone off the deep end. Get a hold of yourself, man.
"Ever notice how Turner Classic Movies sometimes shows relevant old films? "
Yes they keep showing A Face in the Crowd because ya know the Andy Griffith character is JUST LIKE TRUMP!
Seeing Red: "CNBC] The jobs market kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody's Analytics."
That huuuuge jobs number includes 10,000 manufacturing jobs.
ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck hardest hit.
Calvin, welcome to the comments party!
I voted for Mr. Romney in 2016 due to my intense dislike of both candidates. I still dislike Mr. Trump's personal "style" but admit to being in favor of the results of his policies.
Mr. Romney got trounced (during a debate) by Candy Crowley in 2012, in my opinion, because he is a nice guy.
Trump is a dick who wins.
Calvin, Romney's vote was clearly bullshit. This is demonstrated by his earlier vote for more witnesses. If he already had enough in his mind to convict, why would he need more witnesses? If he thought more witnesses could change his mind to believe Trump wasn't guilty, then he should never have voted to convict, because that implies more than reasonable doubt.
Calvin said...
(2) Is it crazy for even Trump supporters to be a bit uncomfortable with some of his schtick?
You're just used to the Republicans screwing the pooch.
’That huuuuge jobs number includes 10,000 manufacturing jobs.’
Unpossible!! One of the resident lefty ‘economists’ assured me earlier this week that the manufacturing sector is in a recession! 😂
“Competition for that is tight between LLR-lefty Chuck and Left Bank already!“
Just walk away, Chuck-kay
It was very heartening to see bipartisan support for conviction.
No. What's heartening is all this new-found leftist love for Adolph Hitler, 2012 Edition.
Abuse of Power vote- Acquittal 52 Republicans, Conviction 47 Democrats and 1 Fopdoodle.
I haven't seen anyone notice this, but the Senators elected in Nov 2020 take office on Jan 3, 2021, and the President elected doesn't take office until Jan 20, 2021. So if Dems can simply win 20 or 21 seats in the Senate, they can still remove Trump from office for the last 17 days of his Presidency. That'll show him.
Full exoneration- majority vote for acquittal. Case closed. When you can't convince Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, it means you had no case.
Calvin: "Leland, it simply means that I hadn’t participated in the comments section of a blog (or news article, etc.) until very recently.I’m still deciding how my change of heart on that front reflects on me. I’m afraid not well, but we’ll see."
You really don't have to share the details of your anguished inner struggle over pounding out a few comments on a blog site.
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