"The choppy, poorly shot video, released Wednesday morning by Project Veritas, captured [David] Wright [saying]... 'I don’t think we’re terribly interested in voters'.... Also: 'Commercial imperative is incompatible with news.' At one point he says: 'We don’t hold him to account. We also don’t give him credit for what things he does do.' In subtitles, Project Veritas indicated that 'him' stood for President Trump. He refers to Trump at another point as 'the f-----g president.' But ABC probably was also alarmed at Wright’s criticism of ABC News, which is owned by the Disney Co. At another point, he raises another longstanding critique of ABC News — that it blends news with promotion of Disney-owned movies and TV programs. 'Like now you can’t watch "Good Morning America" without there being a Disney princess or a Marvel Avenger appearing,' he says. 'It’s all self-promotional.'... [A] voice asks the reporter if he considers himself 'a Democratic socialist,' and Wright seems to reply, 'more than that, I consider myself a socialist.'
From WaPo reports.
Here's that "choppy, poorly shot video":
१४७ टिप्पण्या:
The cancel culture is the problem, not the film.
Kinsey gaffe - telling mostly the truth
Should be "Kinsley"
No real surprise here but it's fundamentally unfair to ambush people and record them without their knowledge. It's illegal in many places. I'm past the novelty of this kind of journalism. Now the guy is going to be punished for his private thoughts. There is nothing right about this.
A Kinsey gaffe is much gooier.
He's not being punished for his private thoughts, but rather for proving the point (yet again) that the mainstream media is hopelessly biased.
I often wonder how these people keep getting caught in O'Keefe's "stings." One would think they'd be very wary of saying anything or offering any opinions to anyone except their closest colleagues. Of course, stupidity and/or vanity could explain it...
It’s absolutely fair to expose “neutral” media when they hide their bias. It’s called exposing the rot.
The Press is totally now on one side - let’s just expose that because sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Clearly suspended for dumping on his company - not his comments on Trump.
Now the guy is going to be punished for his private thoughts.
If they were private thoughts, there wouldn't be a video.
it's fundamentally unfair to ambush people and record them without their knowledge. It's illegal in many places. I'm past the novelty of this kind of journalism.
Normally I may agree with that sentiment, but modern journalism has become so hopelessly and perhaps irretrievably subverted by the agendas of a cadre of vain billionaires and their elite globalists underlings and supporters that I'm willing to excuse Project Veritas's actions here.
I think it's vitally important that as many regular people as possible understand that in many cases, whats called a "news story" by these organizations often isn't really "news" at all but carefully crafted messaging. I want people to be much more skeptical of anything put forth by these organizations. Ask questions. Don't just assume your getting a fair take or objective journalism. This is perhaps the most important takeaway from the Trump years.
New ABC Motto: don’t think we’re terribly interested in voters
Did he get fired for speaking some truth? or for making ABC "news" look bad?
or both? or getting caught talking to the enemy - PROJECT VERITAS!
If Hillary were prez - the project veritas people would be dead.
Looking at his comments about ABC, they are not nearly critical enough.
the corporate industrial "news" complex is a joke. See: Joy Behar.
Every network does cross promotion and puff pieces supporting their advertisers, but Disney/ABC is shameless to the point of being unwatchable. Between their various TV networks, movies and theme parks, etc. there's very little real news in any of their "news" programs.
It's more likely this guy got suspended for being critical of his company than for any political viewpoints.
The hack D-press is corrupt. They push and peddle total lies all day, everyday. Lies that help one party.
" One scandal, commonly referred to as “Russiagate,” claims that the man who had just won the election was an undercover agent who took orders straight from Moscow.
The other one that emerged claimed the first scandal was always a false construct of the rival Hillary Clinton campaign and its politicized allies within the federal government’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies. This second scandal came to be called “Spygate.”
One of these scandals was indeed fake and the other was very real.
Most of the U.S. media went all-in on the proposition that the fake scandal was real and the real scandal was fake.
However, the scandal that was endlessly promoted by mainstream news outlets turned out to be a hoax, as shown by the investigations by special counsel Robert Mueller and Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz. Meanwhile, the scandal they dismissed as a “wild conspiracy theory” turned out to be real."
Russia Russia Russia! was a hoax and a lie.
the media pimped it.
The real story was smothered.
The label “socialist” has lost its sting, if it really ever had any, among liberals it deserves a yawn. It reminds me of Trumpists who report that when they are called “racists”, it really means nothing to them anymore. And how is Fox News any better? Most people already know to suspect everything they hear for bias.
the answer is yes, you note every single paper had the same spin on the roger stone travesty of judgement, mary McCord, btw who is a key player in the underlying fraud, is now pushing 'nationalist terror' at the times, from her perch at Georgetown,
Maybe I'm jaded and overly cynical, but he seems like one of the less looney ones. Project Veritas may have made journalists as a group worse by taking him down.
I often wonder how these people keep getting caught in O'Keefe's "stings."
When you live inside an enforced bubble you think you are immune.
Of all the jokes...ABC News is the biggest. George Stephanopoulos as its lead anchor, having been a Clinton henchman is just in your face. I'm surprised guests don't call him out on it.
But I don't feel bad for Mitt Romney in retrospect when Stephy took him out with that out of nowhere question on banning women's contraceptives. And, of course, Romney swallowed it.
It's amazing how the media, which demands openness & transparency from other organizations, are so awful at being open & transparent themselves.
The various sexual scandals involving high-ranking male reporters come to mind as examples.
Blogger pacwest said...
"I often wonder how these people keep getting caught in O'Keefe's "stings."
In my experience, if you give a lefty half a chance they will let you know exactly how they feel and won't shut up about it.
R C Belaire said...I often wonder how these people keep getting caught in O'Keefe's "stings."
For most, it's a normal conversation that they have all the time. And O'Keefe's stings are still rare enough, and jump topics often enough, that most of these people have never known anyone caught by them. So they don't think of it.
Sorry to see the guy lost his job over it though.
Correction. Looks like he just got suspended.
Assange explained this a long time. It's the raison d'etre of wikileaks, according to him: By making public what is private, by making people in private worry that what they say or do might become public, you change the nature of the private. It adds friction. People doing things that they wouldn't want made public, do them more slowly and end up doing them less effectively.
Lose his job? He is only suspended, likely with pay. See what happens in 2 or 3 weeks. He'll surface back somewhere in the Commie media.
It's probably all smoke and mirrors. I doubt they really fired him, and he's probably been told he'll receive a raise.
And how is Fox News any better? Most people already know to suspect everything they hear for bias.
Got any examples of where a Fox News boss was being reported that they purposely slant the news toward the right and where the person admits they're a far-right winger?
Then as usual, you have no comparison. Par for the course...
The label “socialist” has lost its sting, if it really ever had any, among liberals it deserves a yawn. It reminds me of Trumpists who report that when they are called “racists”, it really means nothing to them anymore.
Thanks to years of education indoctrination, of course it's lost its sting. When you only teach young people lies, that's to be expected. As for "racists" - once again, no comparison. This guy admitted to being a socialist; Trumpists are NOT racists no matter how many times you repeat that mindless mantra.
Inga said...And how is Fox News any better?
Standard partisan-think: It's ok that we do it, because they do it too. But they suck for doing it.
I often wonder how these people keep getting caught in O'Keefe's "stings."
When you live inside an enforced bubble you think you are immune.
My guess is that there is a comely young female involved in this case. Easier to be braggadocious if you think your opinions will get you laid.
I think he should be fired for not recognizing the sting itself. Not a good trait to have in a journalist.
R C Belaire said...
I often wonder how these people keep getting caught in O'Keefe's "stings." One would think they'd be very wary of saying anything or offering any opinions to anyone except their closest colleagues. Of course, stupidity and/or vanity could explain it...
One common problem is that liberals tend to believe that everyone thinks the same as them. They are surprised to find that isn't the case.
In the last 24 hours I've had more exposure to old line network news in a year. Too much.
Suspended, and required now to take classes on how to recognize stings so this doesn't happen again. When that's done he'll be quietly reinstated.
“Standard partisan-think: It's ok that we do it, because they do it too. But they suck for doing it.”
Where do I say this? What I’m doing is calling Veritas out for not taking a closer look at Fox News too.
One common problem is that liberals tend to believe that everyone thinks the same as them. They are surprised to find that isn't the case.
You mean like this?
Sanders will have no trouble winning the Presidency.
ABC News suspends journalist over 'socialist' remarks in Project Veritas sting
Yea, sure.
“Sanders will have no trouble winning the Presidency.”
This is an opinion. If you weren’t so dumb you’d know this. No one is twisting your little shriveled balls to agree with me.
Inga said...
“Standard partisan-think: It's ok that we do it, because they do it too. But they suck for doing it.”
Where do I say this? What I’m doing is calling Veritas out for not taking a closer look at Fox News too.
Fox News has recorded Democrats and news people admitting these things ? Where ?
What I’m doing is calling Veritas out for not taking a closer look at Fox News too.
I am not sure what Inga expects PV to find at Fox News except that there are a lot more old fashioned liberals there than people suspect.
I was in a college fraternity years ago and still volunteer for this organization today. A few years back, I remember watching Charlie Rose berate a representative of an national inter-fraternity organization for poor behavior by college men (and the specific behavior by a small group of men was horrible and indefensible - however, Charlie wanted the paint all college fraternity men as guilty). All the while, Charlie Rose was subjecting young women to horrible sexual harassment and everyone at CBS or who had otherwise worked with Charlie Rose knew it. But, he used his power granted him by a major network to attack something I believe in as well as hide his own crimes. If there was simply one Charlie Rose, that’s not the end of the world. But, we’re continuing to learn that the entire mainstream media is made up of various frauds like Charlie who abuse their platform for their own gratification and gain. I have no issue with guerrilla journalists who work to expose this farce.
i don't understand?
Aren't Journalists, SUPPOSED to be biased and hateful?
he got fired for being biased and hateful towards Disney; Got it!
Tom - Indeed.
The left hide their corruption right in front of us.
He made a "gaffe". In the MSM a gaffe is what happens when you accidentally tell the truth.
The hilarious part of Bernie and his "Billionaire" shtick - is that he has no intention of taxing his precious billionaire class. Which includes many of his team-mates...
No - Bernie will tax the rest of us.
*Ice Cream Social for Antifa goons.
David Wright is one of the better ones in my mind but I haven't seen any of his work since he reported for them during the last days of S John Paul and the election of Benedict XVI. That was more or less when I stopped seeing network television.
The Trump campaign is suing the Times for libel "over a story falsely reporting as fact a conspiracy with Russia".
He got fired for criticizing Disney.
Let's not make it more complicated than it is.
Gosh, I'm shocked! A highly-placed media apparatchik is a convinced statist? Tell me it ain't so!
I can’t find anything too objectionable in these comments. Seems like they want to do their jobs, but their hands are tied by their bosses who won’t let them. The people with the money pull the strings.
"News" from ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS, MSDNC, etc.. is an orchestrated event, produced by Soviet-deep-state-Clinton-loyalist types who sell people like Inga - a pile of crap about Putin helping Trump, Jill Stein, Tulsi Gabbard, and Bernie.
All while Liars like Adam Schitt get a microphone.
their job is to tell the truth, they are clearly derelict in that task,
Left-wing Defense One: The MSM Is neutral and objective.
Left-wing Defense Two: Sure, they're leftists, but they keep their bias out.
Left-wing Defense three: What does it matter? Fox News is just as bad.
This is one time where I haven’t read all the foregoing comments; but if a leftwing equivalent of Project Veritas did this with Fox News as a target, nobody would care, right?
Fox would not be embarrassed; no reporters or program hosts would be suspended or fired; and the story would die quickly because Fox doesn’t hold itself to those kinds of standards and nobody else has such expectations of Fox either.
Exactly jill stein is terminally wrong about many things, gabbard is somewhat more aware but she has some blindspots, but they aren't really interested in pointing those out,
Inga said...
“Standard partisan-think: It's ok that we do it, because they do it too. But they suck for doing it.”
Where do I say this?
It’s never said directly. It’s all about attitude. It’s about who you call out and why and who you don’t call out and how you defend those you defend. And by “you” I mean all partisans, not just you. It’s at the heart of what is commonly known as whataboutism.
In this case, when faced with a mini-scandal at ABC News, you respond, “but what about Fox?”
You leftists sure get your panties in a twist over Fox News.
ONE lone news outlet that isn't a leftwing parasite.
Here’s another example right here on the Althouse blog:
Blogger Chuck said...if a leftwing equivalent of Project Veritas did this with Fox News as a target, nobody would care, right?
tim maguire said...
Here’s another example right here on the Althouse blog:
Blogger Chuck said...if a leftwing equivalent of Project Veritas did this with Fox News as a target, nobody would care, right?
2/26/20, 2:48 PM
Does he mean like 20/20 & 60 Minutes, and those other media products that cut their teeth using hidden cameras, ambushes, and dishonest editing to make their case even when they had no case to make? Like those? Well, actually NOT like those as no one has been able to show Veritas deceptively edits their videos as they actually release all the raw footage too, not that it stops those "stung" from claiming it anyway and receiving MSM cover for their claims.
But sure, if that is the hill Chuck wants to die on...
anything that doesn't venerate left policies as holy writ is suspect, the only acceptable critique is from the left like fair or media matters, which judge Jackson was reading as the definitive account of the stone travesty of justice,
""ABC News suspended one of its veteran correspondents late Tuesday for unguarded remarks he made in a video by operatives of Project Veritas...""
Unguarded remarks. In other words, he let the cat out of the bag and exposed the socialist, anti Trump, anti voter agenda of the media.
Can't have THAT!!! So he is suspended. Not fired. Just suspended until the dumb rubes with their short attention spans and knuckle dragging brains forget aaallll about it.
Then. Back to the GUARDED (lying) remarks.
All better now.
Bay Area Guy Kinsey gaffe - telling mostly the truth....."
Should be "Kinsley"
Drat. And here I was thinking that you meant lying about stuff but in a really sexy and kind of a kinky way.
Project Veritas didn't take him down, ABC News did. And in this context, 'take down' means suspended. Likely only so long as it takes for this to blow over. I'm not current on my media scribes and personalities, is this guy someone? The better known he is the longer he'll have to sit in time out.
Anybody with an IQ above room temperature already knew this but it's nice to have someone
on the record admitting it.
tim macguire, that's basically standard operating procedure in TrumpWorld, isn't it? When it is pointed out that Trump's attorney general is doing something reprehensible, TrumpWorld says, but what about Eric Holder?
And to that I have a great answer: I didn't excuse Eric Holder, either. I'm a Republican. A pre-Trump Republican, that it.
Whataboutism doesn't work on me. I make the same demands on ABC, the NYT, the WSJ, NPR, the BBC, etc., etc. And Fox.
Sean Hannity has done rally appearances with Trump.
No real surprise here but it's fundamentally unfair to ambush people and record them without their knowledge. It's illegal in many places. I'm past the novelty of this kind of journalism. Now the guy is going to be punished for his private thoughts. There is nothing right about this.
It's entirely fair. Oftentimes, that's the only way we'll learn what a public person actually thinks about relevant issues. He's a socialist. He's unhappy with ABC News and its news operation. Those are relevant.
Nobody thought it was unfair when we learned that "when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything...Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything." Locker room talk.
In those few states where it's a problem, there generally has to be a reasonable expectation of privacy. This conversation was in a public place. If Wright is stupid enough to say these things in public, he deserves the consequences. And now we know about his political views....as if there was any doubt.
- Krumhorn
“In this case, when faced with a mini-scandal at ABC News, you respond, “but what about Fox?””
Oh boy the hypocrisy continues. First, whenever anything negative is reported about a Trump, the first thing we hear is “whataboutism.” That you don’t recognize that your side does this every bit as much or more is telling. Also, why didn’t you ask about why such undercover videos haven’t been done to Fox? Aren’t you as equally curious, or does your bias keep you from wondering?
Tim, your partisanship is showing, ooops.
Journolists are in the business to spin yarns and to speak truth to facts.
Inga:” The label “socialist” has lost its sting, if it really ever had any, among liberals it [garners] a yawn.”
Doubtless true. Similarly the label “creationist” has no sting amongst fundamentalists, from whom it garners a yawn. But no educated person should be either a socialist or a creationist.
Chuck said...
This is one time where I haven’t read all the foregoing comments; but if a leftwing equivalent of Project Veritas did this with Fox News as a target, nobody would care, right?
Fox would not be embarrassed; no reporters or program hosts would be suspended or fired; and the story would die quickly because Fox doesn’t hold itself to those kinds of standards and nobody else has such expectations of Fox either
Yeah, Chuck: we're just waiting for a left wing version of Veritas to find that many of Fox News's people are secret liberals masquerading as "fair and balanced". We on the right would be shocked, I tell you, shocked!!!
Or maybe they could "out" Juan Williams and Donna Brazile for being crypto-conservatives.
As for nobody having any expectations of Fox, WTF? Did you see on Drudge that Fox News had its largest audience EVER the other night?
Free clue: it's not because we consider it the "What-Ev" Network.
the same reporters who have took Brezhnev as face value, who slobbered over gorbachev, we saw how they acted at fidel's funeral, who basically agreed with ho chi minh and Ortega,
if a leftwing equivalent of Project Veritas did this with Fox News as a target, nobody would care, right?
I'd bet you couldn't get Fox news executives to admit to purposely slanting the news, and admitting that they're anti-socialist. Maybe THAT'S why this hasn't happened yet.
If you don't believe that, then go ahead and do it yourself. Knock yourself out, Chuck.
the ap is the worst offender, because their feed goes to 1400 papers, big and small across the country,
Possible undercover Fox News sting gotcha finds:
"If we don't suck up to Trump, Roger Ailes will perform sodomy on us at dawn."
"Did you get your Putin paycheck? ooo I did too!"
"We really hate Trump... but because Roger Ailes will butt-F* us at dawn, we toe the line."
This is an opinion. If you weren’t so dumb you’d know this.
I know it's an opinion. And it's a stupid one completely devoid of reality. Yet you believe it. That's my point.
sounds like gabe Sherman fan fiction, fanned by the Murdoch boys, to take over the network,
Chuck said...
tim macguire, that's basically standard operating procedure in TrumpWorld, isn't it? When it is pointed out that Trump's attorney general is doing something reprehensible, TrumpWorld says, but what about Eric Holder?
>>>Exactly what is Trump's attorney general doing that is "reprehensible"? You simply assume what you have not put into evidence.
>>> Has Barr done anything that resulted in him being cited for contempt of congress? When Holder said he was Obama's" wingman", did you object?
And to that I have a great answer: I didn't excuse Eric Holder, either. I'm a Republican. A pre-Trump Republican, that it.
>>>Bullshit. You've spent years on this blog attacking conservatives.
Whataboutism doesn't work on me. I make the same demands on ABC, the NYT, the WSJ, NPR, the BBC, etc., etc. And Fox.
>>>Well aren't you special. NEVER MIND that you very seldom fault anyone on the left. Can you provide any examples of your steely-eyed critique of other news media?
Sean Hannity has done rally appearances with Trump.
>>>He is a COMMENTATOR with an open bias, not a supposedly disinterested journalist. He's not like Shemp Smith, who offered "news" with sneering contempt against Trump and conservatives.
’When it is pointed out that Trump's attorney general is doing something reprehensible...’
I’m unaware of anything done by Barr that’s ‘reprehensible’. He’s a two-time US Attorney General, Chuckles - so he knows more about ethics and the law than you’ll ever comprehend.
like sending weapons to cartels that ended up killing American and Mexican law enforcement officials, like brian terry, almost a decade later, and we still don't have all the documents, because holder is a radical, going back to his days at Columbia, barr was one of the few awowed conservatives on campus there, interesting enough,
Fox News has a news and an opinion decision. Their news reporting is good, solid even. Their opinion section is...an opinion section.
The other main networks have completely meshed their news and opinion sections. They don’t even pretend.
ABC News was an active participant in the Russian collusion hoax. This was arguably the biggest, dumbest, political hit job in modern journalistic history. Yet ABC and virtually every other MSM network went all in without a hint of skepticism. They made their own beds, they deserve no respect.
Say what you will about Fox but they avoided that embarrassment.
is there anyone in academia who isn't a left wing hack?
O.T. 2nd Circuit uphold Trump ability to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities. Good deal.
He refers to Trump at another point as 'the f-----g president.'
At least he doesn't call him 'the f-----g "president"', with scare quotes.
Bushman of the Kohlrabi: "ABC News was an active participant in the Russian collusion hoax. This was arguably the biggest, dumbest, political hit job in modern journalistic history. Yet ABC and virtually every other MSM network went all in without a hint of skepticism. They made their own beds, they deserve no respect."
To this day Inga believes passionately in the russia collusion hoax AND she still believes Carter Page is a russian spy.
To this very day.
Meanwhile, her lefty compatriot LLR-lefty and Sudden-Onset-Socialist Chuck is still here smearing Bill Barr and claiming he has done something reprehensible!
What a shocker that an admitted liar and smear merchant (but only against conservatives and those who fight back against his beloved dems) like LLR-lefty Chuck would do such a thing!
He’s a two-time US Attorney General, Chuckles - so he knows more about ethics and the law than you’ll ever comprehend.
That’s a pretty low bar - Chuck’s delirious eagerness to lie to himself makes ethics completely foreign to him.
donald: "Fox News has a news and an opinion decision. Their news reporting is good, solid even. Their opinion section is...an opinion section."
It has long been a tactic of the far left to purposely blur the lines between Fox's obviously partisan opinion hosts and the Fox news division when leveling criticism against Fox News.
Which is precisely why LLR-lefty and Sudden-Onset-Socialist Chuck did it (again!) in this very thread while attempting to shift the focus off the obviously far left partisans in the other networks "straight news" (wink wink) divisions.
Note: LLR-lefty Chuck is also a huge fanboy of Jim Acosta and adoring admirer of Adam Schiff, so you know where he is coming from.
So journalists, like FBI agents, are not allowed to hold political opinions?
Inga wants to know why there haven't been undercover journalists going after Fox news.
Well, what's stopping them?
I think we all know what's stopping them. Going undercover would only prove the straight news division personnel of Fox News are basically that: straight news.
Can you believe that in a post talking about partisan news reporters LLR-lefty Chuck actually thought it would be clever to toss in Sean Hannity's name?! LOL Yeah, because Hannity has always portrayed himself as an objective journalist!
Again, I think its quite healthy that LLR-lefty Chuck's leftism has been fully exposed.
Very simple to determine which networks are most biased.
With the benefit of hindsight, how accurate was their reporting on Kavanaugh/Avenatti/Smollett/collusion/impeachment/etc?
“I think we all know what's stopping them. Going undercover would only prove the straight news division personnel of Fox News are basically that: straight news.”
Oh boy, LOL.
"is there anyone in academia who isn't a left wing hack?"
Inga the Collusion Truther: "Oh boy, LOL"
Then go and do it and get back to us.
BTW, Carter Page, russian spy or no?
Nothing new.
"I consider myself a socialist"
Next, we'll have a regular commenter assure us that he wants us to be just like Denmark, or like European "social democrats."
Anyway, anything in this video we didn't know about MSM progs?
The problem for ABC is not that ABC's reporters and news product are biased, or that commercial considerations are more important than news value, but that ABC should be perceived to be what it actually is.
You're supposed to think of ABC/Disney as a sort of disembodied, neutral observer, positioned godlike above the passing political parade. Because, We're Journalists Here.
Even though you "journalists" are actually corporate shills, and unable to perceive much of anything that lies beyond the horizon of your closed political environmental bubble.
I can very well imagine the undercover taping of Sean Hannity's private views. I'd bet they are poorly reasoned and largely conservative and he's be outed as such. Big whoop!
And the undercover taping of Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum would prove they are left-of-center denizens of DC. They might appear less Leftist than George Snuffalupagus. But I'd bet it is closer than Leftist Collectivists believe.
Racist fopdoodles are goofy. If I put a quarter in Xis tin cup I would bet he gives legal opinions worth less than what I paid.
Is anybody really surprised?? It's hardly a secret that the Main Stream Media hates Trump and doesn't EVER tell the good things he has done, but always find something to pin on him to gin up the hate and division. Wake up. The Media ARE the reason everybody is so divided.
So the part of the video that shows the admission of them not giving Trump the credit when he is due, as well as them only focusing on scandal, investigation, and palace intrigue is bad for ABC.
The part of him bravely striding past the democratic socialist label to adopt the socialist label isn't that shocking. Although I think it is hard to claim to be a socialist and prob ably be someone who is worth in the high 7-figures, maybe even low 8-figures.
But on the whole I think most of the video paints Wright and Feis(sp?) as somewhat sympathetic figures. They have good points about the incompatibility of plain news with a corporate profit motive. And it goes beyond the bleeding of promotion into Good Morning America. The most popular "News" shows are the variations of Hannity, Carlson, Maddow, Don Lemon, etc. And those are all basically variations of "Here is why you are right and they other side is wrong." Straight news should be just the facts. But far too much of media is analysis.
Also when they point out that their coverage misses what voters really care about, and that they see themselves as these aging and dying dinosaurs, it again makes them somewhat sympathetic as individual figures. While it is still overall bad for ABC, it makes the individuals look like they are also kind of just caught up in a failing system.
The inclusion of this footage, should make lefties who reflexively dismiss out of hand anything from Project Veritas, to rethink that position. It makes it look like the goal of Project Veritas is really to uncover the systemic problems in media and not some sort of gotcha journalism designed to screw over individual people in the media.
Inga thinks there is some sort of law that precludes undercover investigators from investigating Fox News employees.
Too funny.
I can't wait for LLR-lefty Chuck to hit us with his The Conservative Case For Voting In Socialists!
I'm sure it will be as well reasoned as his 10,000 word essay on his tortured decision to not join the military.
Let's apply the standard offered by exhelodrvr1 to commenters here.
Gosh, Inga has been terrible with her predictions.
A certain racist fopdoodle has a terrible record for predictions.
As for me, I am quite accurate. I did say Trump was a 40-60 underdog in 2016. However I mainly avoided overly optimistic wishcasting and let myself be happy with the result. I expect Trump will win 35 states or more in November. I was correct about Russia, Russia, Russia. I was right about The Wall. I was right about Avenatti. And Kavanaugh. And impeachment. And the FBI/CIA/IRS/State/DOJ. And the economy.
I was also correct about the 2018 midterms.
Let's stack up past predictions and measure.
Chuck said…"When it is pointed out that Trump's attorney general is doing something reprehensible, TrumpWorld says, but what about Eric Holder?"
I'm sorry, are you referring to William Barr? What has he done that is reprehensible?
OM: "I'm sorry, are you referring to William Barr? What has he done that is reprehensible?"
You will notice that LLR-lefty and Sudden-Onset-Socialist Chuck made that assertion before fleeing without offering any evidence to support his lefty talking point smear against Barr.
Because of course he did.
I'm sorry, are you referring to William Barr? What has he done that is reprehensible?
He conducted oversight over people that work for him, and then intervened in a case when those people were making sentencing recommendations outside of department guidelines.
For LLR-lefty Chuck, Bill Barr's biggest offense is his refusal to go along with far left Lawfare's marxist legal theories.
That alone is enough to earn him LLR-lefty Chuck's eternal enmity.
“Inga thinks there is some sort of law that precludes undercover investigators from investigating Fox News employees.
Too funny.”
What’s funny in a OCDrago kind of way, is how when he has no argument he makes shit up.
I don't know what it is, but Chuck continues to amaze me. Inga doesn't amaze me. The other lefties don't amaze me. They make their comments and I think, "Yep, that's what I would expect them to say". But time after time I find myself reading Chuck's comments and thinking "WTF?".
If ABC news would stop pretending and just admit they are a Disney propaganda arm pushing the agenda of the oligarchs they will reinstate this poor reporter.
They will reinstate this reporter.
But time after time I find myself reading Chuck's comments and thinking "WTF?".
You've got to think like a pecan pie.
Inga thinks there is some sort of law that precludes undercover investigators from investigating Fox News employees.
It has been done over a hundred times. Investigations came up empty so were never publicized. Still ongoing..
But time after time I find myself reading Chuck's comments and thinking "WTF?".
You've got to think like a pecan pie.
Baked and nutty?
Chuck said…"When it is pointed out that Trump's attorney general is doing something reprehensible, TrumpWorld says, but what about Eric Holder?"
Once again, Lil' Chuckles betrays his phony LLR credentials. Bill Barr was a respected mainstream Republican lawyer/past AG whose only reprehensible act was joining the Trump administration and bringing the Mueller Hoax to a close.
You are a pitiful joke, Lil' Chuckles. No more pretending to be a Michigan Republican election judge and allowing 115% votes for Obama. Hopefully they have found you out by now.
The Forgetful Russia Collusion Truther Inga: "What’s funny in a OCDrago kind of way, is how when he has no argument he makes shit up." 5:03 PM
Also Inga (@ 3:04 PM): "Also, why didn’t you ask about why such undercover videos haven’t been done to Fox? Aren’t you as equally curious, or does your bias keep you from wondering?"
Inga clearly thinks there is something nefarious stopping undercover investigators from investigating Fox News!
Why not? She still believes Carter Page is a russian spy.
this was the scoop by amy robach re Epstein, which was suppressed for three years, and her material was not used, they plagiarized the herald's reporting,
But I don't feel bad for Mitt Romney in retrospect when Stephy took him out with that out of nowhere question on banning women's contraceptives. And, of course, Romney swallowed it.
well then at least he won't be breeding any more little Romneys.
Original Mike said...
I don't know what it is, but Chuck continues to amaze me. Inga doesn't amaze me. The other lefties don't amaze me. They make their comments and I think, "Yep, that's what I would expect them to say". But time after time I find myself reading Chuck's comments and thinking "WTF?".
You have to understand Chuck's purpose to make sense of his pathetically small political movement.
Chuck's purpose is to team up with his leftist allies like Inga and give her someone to point to as a "good" conservative.
It allows the left to pretend they are bipartisan and main stream and the people that disagree with Chuck and Inga are deplorable and extreme.
That way they can both paper over the Democrat agenda which is truly extreme.
A stupid and small number of want open borders and infanticide and socialism and they certainly wont admit they want it.
Chuck is just part of the deception.
Most of the stuff David Wright said isn't shockingly political. Sure, a guy with his background ought to know what "socialism" is, but Hell he was only magna cum laude, not summa. What do you expect?
But his comments about the extent to which Good Morning America has morphed into a 2-hour commercial for Disney are on the money. My wife and I watch GMA regularly, but we record it, and we skip the stuff that doesn't interest us. We don't care about the latest Disney Princess movie (our granddaughters are mostly beyond that now), and as far as I'm concerned the Star Wars and Superhero franchises have worn out their welcome. So we may spend all of 20 minutes on the 2-hour show. And half of that's on cat and dog videos.
Remind me again how much they pay George Stephanopolous so they can call this a "news" show.
But time after time I find myself reading Chuck's comments and thinking "WTF?".
You too can be a Chuck, in two easy steps!
Step 1: convince yourself that there’s something noble in your jealousy of Trump’s successes.
Step 2: convince yourself that your lack of self-knowledge implies value in your predictably tedious and relentlessly brainless commentary.
Achilles: "A stupid and small number of want open borders and infanticide and socialism and they certainly wont admit they want it."
Inga's dem heroes and advocates for infanticide voted against medical care being provided to babies who simehow survive murderous late term abortions.
Incredibly, Inga's CNN heroes refused to refer to babies born alive as "babies". They referred to them as fetuses.
Inga is very proud to belong to that party.
“Also Inga (@ 3:04 PM): "Also, why didn’t you ask about why such undercover videos haven’t been done to Fox? Aren’t you as equally curious, or does your bias keep you from wondering?"”
“Inga clearly thinks there is something nefarious stopping undercover investigators from investigating Fox News!”
Huh? Are you seriously trying to say that my comment you just quoted indicates that I think there is some “nefarious” reason stopping undercover investigations of Fox? Man, you are desperate for a narrative, as I said, when you got nothing you make shit up. I was talking about BIAS, as I clearly said. I didn’t say a word about “nefarious purposes”.
Choppy poorly shot is better than deceptively edited or whatever the meme was.
OCDrago on a rip tonight! A little Adderall gave him a boost... or what? I can tell when something is bugging OCD, he posts rapid fire bullshit either outright lying or mischaracterizing what people say and hopes others will just take his word for it.
Fuck the news media.
John Henry
Inga - would swallowed Hillary's leftwing media controlled lies about "Russian collusion" is concerned about media bias.
Russia Collusion Truther Inga: "OCDrago on a rip tonight! A little Adderall gave him a boost... or what? I can tell when something is bugging OCD, he posts rapid fire bullshit either outright lying or mischaracterizing what people say and hopes others will just take his word for it."
Inga is clearly very very embarrassed by her continued passionate belief in the Russia Collusion hoax and the Carter Page=Russia spy hoax.
I don't blame her. almost 4 full years of debunked lies have rained down upon her head and she has yet to admit that any part of it was wrong!
Can you imagine? Thinking she could jump on and amplify every obvious lie for over 4 years and then when it all gets exposed as a lie she can just pretend like it never happened at all!
Too funny.
The Very Forgetful Russia Collusion Truther Inga: "Huh? Are you seriously trying to say that my comment you just quoted indicates that I think there is some “nefarious” reason stopping undercover investigations of Fox?"
You are quite the little conspiracy monger as the last 4 years have proven conclusively.
The desperation, the frustration, the sheer hopelessness of the "targets" of that video is compelling. "Dinosaurs." They've been so used to controlling the narrative they've lost track of what it means to be a journalist. Broadcast news deserves to die.
Good news. Broadcast media is mostly dead. They have lost their influence. And that is to the good.
His next public appearance will be underneath the spreading chestnut tree.
Chuckles: "When it is pointed out that Trump's attorney general is doing something reprehensible, TrumpWorld says, but what about Eric Holder?"
I nominate Chucklehead for immediate induction to the Begging-The-Question Hall of Fame!
that's surprising
just a coincidence, i'm sure
Well executed, brilliantly effective video.
WaPo editors call it something else because there's more to come from Project Veritas, unvarnished as it may be, that exposes and discredits the venerable yet thoroughly corrupt Post itself.
Bezos is going to demand his money back.
Inga writes: Most people already know to suspect everything they hear for bias.
One must have a heart of stone to read the guileless opinions of little Inga without laughing.
Leftists keep being caught by O'Keefe because they don't self-censor like conservatives do. A recent survey reported that conservative college students are afraid to express their opinions and therefore don't. Leftists are not so constrained. They assume that all decent people agree with them. I see it in my church. They think that our church should financially support Illegal aliens and help them avoid being deported and they don't expect any public disagreement.
Keto Blaze Xtreme Did you know- Regardless of its spectacular performances, Brazil misplaced 1-0 to Honduras in the 1995 Pan American Video games in Mar del Plata (Argentina). Actually, the stadium was constructed Keto Blaze Xtreme the aim of the 1998 FIFA world cup - it's each ironic and fitting that France would win the world cup at their own stadium the yr that it opened. You may examine France football staff players, roster, squad, fixtures, FIFA, Schedule, and more details. After spending twenty fours without profitable a world cup title, the Brazil Tootball Crew received it is fourth title on the 1994 tournament in the United States. Listed under are the dates and results for the 1986 FIFA World Cup qualification rounds for the South American zone For an summary of the qualification rounds, see the article 1986 FIFA World Cup qualification. They wish to present the world how they love the sport and how they support the Brazil national staff. In the second group stage of the 1978 World Cup , Brazil competed with tournament hosts Argentina for prime spot and a spot within the finals.
Dude shouldn't have been fired. OK, he has a personal political opinion, in private, off the record. So what? Is anyone surprised that he's a lefty? Seen any of his work?
He doesn't like the President. So what?
He doesn't like the news coverage of the President. Neither do I! No one does. The media focus on unimportant trash and let real stories disappear, good and bad.
He criticized his employer. Again, so what? It seems like he hit a nerve, but it's not like he intended for his criticism to be public. What, we need to worry that someone may be recording us when we say something negative about our company? Especially when it's true?
Wright got cancelled. It's unfair, and instead of deploring the fact he has a personal opinion we should be mad at Disney for firing him.
John Lynch,I agree and disagree: I agree that no one should be (or, probably, was) surprised to learn that the guy is a lefty.
But I disagree that he should not have been suspended. I'm pretty sure ABC is an at-will employer - if one of their employees is openly (and talking to another person outside your home is "openly") critical of company policy, why should the company be required to keep paying him?
This is exactly the logic the Left is continually using on Trump: he can't fire any Obama holdovers because somehow getting rid of people who vehemently disagree with their employer is Not Okay. Their vehement disagreement is, um, the highest form of patriotism or something, and Trump's not wanting to continue to beat his head against the brick wall of said vehement disagreement (even when that disagreement manifests in direct attempts to undermine *adminstration policy*) is a clear sign of Trumpian Fascism Descending on America.
Inga, everyone knows that your blogging is somewhat biased, stereotypes, propoganda, etc., but when you state :
"...The label “socialist” has lost its sting, if it really ever had any, among liberals it deserves a yawn...it really means nothing to them anymore..."
Try telling people who actually experienced "Socialism" first hand that "...it means nothing to them anymore...?" What a stupidfuck comment!
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