And as long as I'm dealing with Trump and Twitter, there's this, which I'm seeing because it was retweeted by Trump:
The corrupted Dems trying their best to come to the Ayatollah's rescue.#NancyPelosiFakeNews pic.twitter.com/a0ksPHeXCy— داون آندر (@D0wn_Under) January 13, 2020
ADDED: Good thing I made a screen shot. Trump's "eminent" tweet is now deleted.
१४१ टिप्पण्या:
Pedantic. With progress of Siri, Android, and similar autocorrect systems, the evolution of misspelling in the Twitterverse are tolerated with good humor.
Navy corpsman.
n.n: Pedantic. With progress of Siri, Android, and similar autocorrect systems, the evolution of misspelling in the Twitterverse are tolerated with good humor.
Dude, it's "is"
Is it a misspelling or poor grammar?
If Solemeni was planning future attacks, they would have been "eminently" bad.
Taking him out was an eminently good decision.
As far as whether he was planning anything and what, I will leave that up to the intelligence folks. But he has a 20-30 years history of carrying out terrorist attacks and was in the process of carrying one out when we droned him. He commanded a force that was able and eager to carry out more attacks.
Perhaps he said "This is my last attack. Really, pinky swear!"
I did not hear that he said anything like that and would not believe him if he had.
John Henry
does he always have to be a traitor,
Dude, it's "is"
Worst Trump misspelling yet... or brilliant trap for elitists to look out of touch?
I have no idea if Trump does this stuff on purpose, but sometimes I wonder. The MSM and Dems who ceaslessly highlight every instance that Trump makes a grammatical error in a Tweet seem to forget that
1). People will actually read and think about the content of the Tweet. So you're putting forth Trump's arguments rather than either suppressing or directly addressing them.
2). It can makes them seem like annoying pendants.
Nancy Pelosi can't figure out why those darn kids are out in the streets in Iran.
She will not support them. Because they seem to be on Trump's side or something.
Nancy Pelosi is just a piece of shit. I wouldn't piss on her if she was burning to death.
Democrats are just terrible people and they aren't even bothering with masks anymore.
His Eminence (abbreviation "H.Em.", oral address Your Eminence or Most Reverend Eminence) is a style of reference for high nobility, still in use in various religious contexts.
Soleimani qualifies according to D's
The "Dude" reference is thrown in strategically to *avoid* coming across as elitist. I used to be a grammar Nazi online, until I learned around the time of the GWB presidency that there are more important qualities in a leader.
It can makes them
And speaking as someone who is constantly making grammatical errors due to typing too quickly I can sympathize.
Navy corpsman.
With a single mistaken inflection, the Navy was infiltrated by the living dead. Catastrophic anthropogenic climate change.
Meade said...
Navy corpsman.
Obama didn't misspell that. He is really really smart.
He was just being hopeful.
He did try his level best to get as many service people killed as possible.
Tell Eminem the news.
"I have no idea if Trump does this stuff on purpose, but sometimes I wonder."
I'm thinking it is. No one under the age of 50 polices spelling in text or tweet. It actually makes you look clueless. Those tech-savvy, youth-appealing Democrats apparently aren't hip to this. It's funny that an old guy like Trump saw twitter and quickly understood it's uses and customs. Explains a lot.
Not saying that he does it on purpose, but there is a certain Streisand effect.
He's doing it on purpose.
OT query for grammar pedants:
If a person's preferred 3rd person singular pronoun is "they," does one still use the singular verb form?
They are the highest scoring person in the class. OR,
They is the highest scoring person in the class.
Blogger West Texas Intermediate Crude said...
they is the highest scoring person in the class.
could be cultural appropriation of ebonic
Pathetic how the democrats have been reduced to acting like the country lawyer parsing and qualifying the ideal conditions that needed to happen before a documented Iranian terror mastermind is eliminated. Is their blind hatred of Trump so great they can't see what that looks like? Sad!
West Texas Intermediate Crude: OT query for grammar pedants:
If a person's preferred 3rd person singular pronoun is "they," does one still use the singular verb form?
It's "they are".
Using "they" as a genderless singular pronoun is not uncharted grammatical territory. It goes back at least as far as Shakespeare.
The Democrats also sabotaged the North Korean peace talks. (Even) The Nation described Congressional Democrats as motivated by questionable "studies from Washington think tanks" and journalists that were "hostile to the peace process." And now the Democrats are embracing the Ayatollah. What the hell? This is bullsh*t.
These people should be ostracized.
Looks like Patterico has made the Twitchy Hall of Shame...
Trump tweet deleted and replaced with "Imminent" tweet. Criticism is emminent...
Dude, it's "imminent."
Or impending or inevitable, but yeah, something like that.
Dude, thanks to clowns like you, Orange Man Bad™ is going to win a landslide in ten months.
When I saw the criticism I thought maybe Trump had used immanent. That would have been cool.
Looks like Patterico has made the Twitchy Hall of Shame...<
I looked at Patterico this morning. Dana has a nice post about Iran with no Trump bashing but the comments are now dominated by an old lefty commenter that is almost as smart as Inga.
Probably half the comments by one guy.
In fairness, "imminent" and "eminent" are pretty darn close. We didn't hire Trump to be a fucking etymologist, now did we?
I was hoping that the Althouse’s Cult 45 demographic would go a lot farther with their comments on this one. You know; wondering about President Donald J. Trump’s five-dimensional skills as a messaging marvel, far beyond the understanding of the elitist classes.
I was hoping that there’d be a nice, long page of those comments.
Because it seems that the Trump Tweet has already been removed. Hard to make the case that Trump is engaged in meta-messaging when the Tweets get removed. Or when the White House denies Trump said whatever happens to be at issue.
Still, he’s a jenius.
The odd thing about mentioning “corpsman,” or “57 states,” is the degree to which the presidential speaker in question responds like a human being. With some combination of self-effacing humor, or regret, or embarrassment. Trump almost never does that. In the last week alone, there have been about a dozen crazed Trump misstatements. Some have been hugely consequential. Some, like this one, are trivial enough that Althouse can blog them lightheartedly. But mostly, Althouse ignores them. It would indeed be a heavy blogging workload, keeping up with all of the Trump abuses of language, clear thinking and basic honesty. So I can mostly understand. But this one, she blogged. Before Trump removed his Tweet.
It's not a brilliant trap, it's a booby trap, and the boobs fall for it every time.
Most people would simply recognize what he meant, address the content, and let the misspelling slide.
Do elitists not realize that when they mock the lesser people, their lessers are less likely to vote their way, or are they just unable to resist?
It's a put on, it's a put on, it's a put on...
"It can makes them seem like annoying pendants."
It's spelled "pendejos".
Any comment Trump makes on the issue is gold for him, because the Democrats can't help themselves from taking the opposite stance regardless of the absurdity of such opposition. If Soleimani wasn't planning anything, why was he meeting in Iraq with the militia commander that just stormed the US embassy?
I understand why Democrats and supporters don't like that Trump might get credit here and thus don't want it to seem like a good thing. However, their attempt to make it a bad thing neglects the crucial fact that Soleimani had no good reason to be in Iraq.
"We didn't hire Trump to be a fucking etymologist, now did we?"
No, we didn't. But I do appreciate his moonlighting as an entomologist — bugging the crap out of the Chuck Cillizzas.
we know with the embassies in 98, ali mohammed 'cased' them out as far as five years in advance, probably even acquired the plans, that was a subplot in ted bell's first work, spy,
So knowing the difference between "imminent" and "eminent" is now a sign of elitism? Are you really that proud of your ignorance?
Althouse, a question...
Does blogging this little spelling kerfuffle seem to you like better blogging than addressing the fundamental problems with:
A. A classified, cabinet-level congressional briefing in which there was no mention of “four embassies”;
B. Secretaries of State and Defense declining to offer specifics to the public of any planned attacks, in order to protect “sources and methods”;
C. Trump then going on the Fox News Channel to claim that he could tell the world “that it was four embassies.”
D. Followed by SecDef Mark Esper answering questions on CBS and CNN, and saying that he did not see any intelligence suggestive of actionable plans to attack four embassies.
E. And the news that at no time were any U.S. embassies placed on any special security alerts to defend against Iranian-formulated attacks.
Somewhere in there, I might have thought, there might have been something bloggable.
eminence front, it's a put on
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: " Some have been hugely consequential."
Several pro-islamic supremacist posters in the last week acted as the spokespersons for the Iranian mullahs by advancing the mullah's talking point of "30 US servicepersons killed" in the Iranian rocket strike.
Anyone who did that should never be taken seriously again.
suleimani certainly since 2006, had become kingmaker in Iraq, he had ratified maliki's choice over the recent pm, Abdul mahdi,
"Probably half the comments by one guy"
Mike K... that one guy is an assistant prof who teaches Physics at UCI. No joke.
It also appears that Trump's more dynamic and serious diplomacy vis a vis the murderous and terroristic islamic supremacist leadership of Iran (compared to the horrific Hate the US and Israel First "strategy" of some commenters "magnificent" obambi), is already achieving what leftists/dems/LLR-leftists said was impossible: driving Iran to the point of requesting additional talks while simultaneously encouraging the Iranian people to stand up to obambi's islamic supremacist pals.
Recall how obambi/biden and their team of losers completely ignored the Gree Revolution of 2009 and now Nancy Pelosi, the entirety of the dems and the entire NeverTrump/LLR-lefty movements are also ignoring the Iranian people's protests against obama's pals.
Its a sign of real courage for President Trump to stand up to these islamic supremacist suck ups and the anti-semitic democrat party/lefty/LLR-lefty media.
Chuck is always a nether hair away from amusing. Sadly, he remains merely insipid.
Althouse will know who Bryan Garner is. Some of her readers will know who Bryan Garner is. If you do, then you will understand where Garner fits within the worlds of conservatism, Republican politics, Justice Scalia, language, legal writing, and Trump.
Bryan Garner on Twitter:
Bryan A. Garner
Dec 14, 2019
I’ve always called myself Republican. I keep my Twitter feed generally apolitical & will continue to do so. Generally. But as of today, I’m switching parties. Over impeachment. The Republican positions aren’t consonant with intellectual honesty. As of today, I’m an Independent.
Too bad. Trump should have kept it up. Imminent Iminem - the white rapper.
Re Achilles and Pelosi fire extinguishing efforts; we thought the same about our drill sarge in basic training. But we promised ourselves that we would never stand in line again.
As for Trump and his spelling errors; being of a certain age myself (a year or so different from The Donald) I find that I can't proofread worth a darn on a phone or computer screen. So I'll cut the guy some slack. And anyway General Sulu-Mangy was an "eminent terrorist" who had it coming based on his track record.
Hello Althouse,
Would you please blog my way?
/s/ nobody important
talk about looking in a mirror,
Chuck said...
Althouse, a question...
Chuck, a question...
How can you be such a repellent piece of shit?
You were banned for a reason. But please do not stop.
Every time you post one of these stupid condescending screed's mouthing some media talking point I can just feel the indignation boiling from AA.
I find it entertaining watching you talk down to Ann as if it wasn't obvious you are a mouth breathing idiot copying and pasting whatever talking point the Disney/Johnson/Redstone media Oligarchy feeds you.
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck notes with approval another "lifelong republican" who has gone "all in" on supporting the dems Articles of Galactic Sham-wow-peachment and aligning themselves with Pelosi/Schiff-ty/Nadler!
The "Conservative" Case For Aligning With The Radical Left Dems And Destroying The Constitution To Get Rid Of OrangeManBad!
At this rate there might be a couple hundred of these guys desperately seeking lefty billionaire cash by competing for the same 100 or so establishment FakeCon attack-republicans-supposedly-from-the-right sinecures.
Again, the competition is very very steep for these positions! Hurry up LLR's!!
Nobody Likes a Stalinist Spelling Crank. BTW, most young people in business can't spell - they've become used to "spell checking". Its a crutch.
"Iman said..."
Dude, it's "Eman."
Chuck: Somewhere in there, I might have thought, there might have been something bloggable.
Fantastic idea! Start your own blog and bang away at it.
Pompous Pontificating pedants
Nattering nabobs of Negativism
Elitist snobs and supercilious Spellers
What has been most powerful about Trump's brilliantly executed operations against the terrorist leaders running the biggest terrorist shop for the biggest state sponsor of terror in the world is how the left/LLR-left are now officially on record as supporting that regime.
In the same way Trump has gotten these idiot lefties/LLR-lefties to support:
Black Face/KKK hood pictures
Open Borders
Abolishing ICE
Sanctuary Cities for repeat illegal alien violent offenders
Free Stuff for Illegals
Islamic supremacists and their tactics
Refusing to support US Troops who kill globally wanted terrorist leaders
Trade deals which permanently disadvantage the US and its workers
US "allies" (sponges) paying more for their own defense
I could go on and on and on ......
It's fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.
The difference is in- vs ex-. Same root though, mons, mountain.
DBQ: "Fantastic idea! Start your own blog and bang away at it."
I don't think cutting and pasting from Media Matters and Lawfare is a recipe for blogging success and I'm afraid that's all Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck has to offer.
Chuck said...
Althouse will know who Bryan Garner is. Some of her readers will know who Bryan Garner is. If you do, then you will understand where Garner fits within the worlds of conservatism, Republican politics, Justice Scalia, language, legal writing, and Trump.
This is so perfect.
Another douchey GOPe traitor removes his mask and self identifies as an enemy of the Republic.
I want to thank Garner for finally being honest with everyone about just being another tool. Gladly adding him to the list.
I also love how Chuck goes right to the heart of Ann's peer acceptance issue. This is perceptive of Chuck.
They have you pegged Ann.
They know how to get you to vote for them.
For what it's worth, there's also a word 'immanent,' meaning (cf. Webster's 3rd Unabridged) 'indwelling,' 'inherent,' 'intrinsic,' and also meaning 'characterizing the relation of the world to mind according to several philosophies.'
Would anyone here like to give me homework?
DBQ: "Fantastic idea! Start your own blog and bang away at it."
I don't think cutting and pasting from Media Matters and Lawfare is a recipe for blogging success and I'm afraid that's all Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck has to offer.
Althouse will know who Bryan Garner is. Some of her readers will know who Bryan Garner is. If you do, then you will understand where Garner fits within the worlds of conservatism, Republican politics, Justice Scalia, language, legal writing, and Trump.
I do not think this will garner much of a reaction, Chuck:)
Ann Althouse: "Would anyone here like to give me homework?"
Gee, it would take a real bizarre personality combination of "Eddie Haskell"/"Adam Schiff" proportions to do that........
There are two DNC-MSM talking points (articulated by Chuckles the Clown) that I find interesting:
1. There is a legitimate impeachment case and;
2. Trump lied about Soleimani's intentions.
Anyone with a cursory knowledge of the law knows that the Impeachment is merely a stunt and a poor one at that.
Anyone with an ounce of sense understands that only Soleimani knows what he was going to do next. Given his past history, any fool knows that the intentions were malign towards the Great Satan (us).
The pretense is amazing. These people are either total morons or they are deranged liars who will cling to the most absurd notions in order to smear trump.
We should pity these fools.
Soleimani had no good reason to be in Iraq.
What, you don't buy that he was there to help with community garden projects?
"Would anyone here like to give me homework?"
Well...I do need to vacuum and mop the floors today. Wanna help?
OH! That wasn't what you meant? No problem. Carry on. Nevermind me.
And anyway General Sulu-Mangy was an "eminent terrorist" who had it coming based on his track record.
Some of the Trumpists keep saying that. That the Suleimani killing was deserved; that the guy had it coming for past atrocities. That it was revenge and retribution and everything else like that.
But that’s not what the Trump Administration started out saying. It’s not the official, legal justification.
One of things I’ve gotten a kick out of lately is the claptrap about “bringing Suleimani to justice.” We didn’t bring him to justice. We killed him with a missile fired from a drone. We didn’t bring bin Laden to justice. We killed him, to decapitate a terror network. Self-defensive killings can themselves be “justified,” but we aren’t “bringing [the targets] to justice.”
Trumpists; I am open to lots of suggestions to justify the killing of Suleimani. Whatever it is, just be specific about what the precise justification is. Then, be clear and open about the factual basis. Because otherwise, the shifting, unclear, inconsistent and plainly unbelievable explanations from Trump and his cabinet and staff and senior Republicans just aren’t selling.
The dems reaction t Trump at this point reminds me of those NFL grudge games that get out of control in the 3rd quarter where the losing team tries to step on someone's head or attack them with a helmet like a weapon. They revert to this because they know they are losing. It's an ugly sight when it happens on the field. I just never thought I would see it played out on the field of public opinion. It's kind of scary.
Bryan Garner thinks you have to *favor* this impeachment to be intellectually honest?
Because if there's any possible way to pretzel logic oneself into honestly believing that Hunter Biden's position being paid 4x that of an Exxon board member is patently above suspicion and one could only have venal motives in seeking to investigate it, I really seriously literally cannot imagine it. Intellectual honesty requires the literal opposite. Anyone who claims otherwise is a lying fraud. Period. This is not a point on which reasonable people can disagree. Biden corruption is self evident, and no plausible explanation for the information already in the public sphere has ever been attempted by those claiming otherwise.
Reasonable people can disagree on this issue. Soleimani was said to have been responsible for the IED's that killed 604 Americans. Some people say that such carnage deserves a response. Others takes the more conciliatory view that the United States should not respond until the death toll exceeds one thousand. I'm in favor of the lesser number, but I can see how those who favor peace in our time would prefer a greater number.
I lean towards this being a misused homonym. The quotation marks around the word give me pause, though- it could have been deliberate, and meant to emphasize that the Democrats consider Soleimani an eminence, but the marks could also simply be for a true quote of the question of whether or not the attacks were "imminent", which is all relative anyway.
Pedantry is to be avoided most of the time since it leaves a bad impression- if you are going to do it, it needs to be done as a joke, not a gotcha. I know I often mistype homonyms even though I know the difference between the words.
And all of you guys are misspelling "Chuck"- it is "douchebag".
Blogger Nonapod said...but sometimes I wonder..."1/13/20, 10:18 AM
My friend, do not "wonder' anymore! Just accept the fact that Trump is loving pushing the TDS itch hourly. Look at the results - LLB, Chuck comes out with one of this "educated lawerly" guesses.
"Others takes the more conciliatory view that the United States should not respond until the death toll exceeds one thousand."
Who the fuck says this?
I’ve never given you any homework, Althouse. I’ve never told you what to blog.
See, I know of a blog where the hostess observes what is published in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the New Yorker, the Wall Street Journal, NBC, CNN and too many other news outlets to count. She doesn’t tell them what they should publish or produce. She comments on what she finds interesting about their editorial and production choices. Sometimes she points out their errors. Living freely in writing, she writes about her impressions with a healthy emphasis on clear and incisive use of language.
That’s what I do in my comments, always addressing the subject of the blog post at hand. That is, whenever I am not defending myself from the absolute worst of the almost-daily lies and defamations about me.
Oh, the name of that blog is “Althouse.”
Did Chuck seriously just claim to always stay on topic?!? OMFG.
Tell us how Bryan Garner was relevant to the topic of Iran, Chuck.
I think Yancey owes an apology to douchebags everywhere.
Did Trump mean Democrats' "eminent", revered general?
Bryan Garner has been one of the leading go-to commentators on Trump’s misuse of language. Like here;
Qwinn, my initial post on practically any Althouse blog post you can find, is invariably aimed at Althouse and her post’s subject matter. After that is when it quickly devolves into personal attacks on me. Sometimes I respond. The vast majority of times I don’t.
My additional interest in putting up a Tweet from writing expert Bryan Garner in a comments page about a Trump Tweet that blew a spelling and quickly got deleted, a subject about which Garner has been featured, is that he’s a registered Republican, and had been a writing partner to Justice Scalia, and now he’s broken with the Party, in no small measure due to Trump personally, And I just love writing such things.
"In the last week alone, there have been about a dozen crazed Trump misstatements. Some have been hugely consequential"
Can you be more specific about the multiple, hugely consequential misstatements?
Bullshit, Chuck. You just wanted to say "Bryan Garner".
And I just love writing such things.
I really do not understand why you waste your time here, Chuckles.
Did your dominatrix move out of state or raise her rates? Thus you are left to suffer abuse here. Maybe Inga can help you.
At least it is free and you can save your gin money.
I dunno, I have to say that the outcomes of Trump's decisions re: Iran could not possibly be reasonably expected to have gone better. Iran (and everyone else) heard "do not fuck with our embassies" loud and clear. A major terrorist kingpin was taken off the table with no collateral damage or even any significant retaliation yet. Iran looks weak and protests are getting stronger. Democrats and LLRs are once again proving their lockstep complicity with America's enemies and their propaganda.
If Trump's misstatements were so hugely consequential, they appear to have yielded nothing but positive consequences, so I say keep making em.
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "Bryan Garner has been one of the leading go-to commentators on Trump’s misuse of language."
Just take that in and let it marinate!!
No one knows who Bryan Garner was yesterday.
No one knows who Bryan Garner is today.
No one will know who Bryan Garner is tomorrow.
Bryan Garner is just another Bushie. Shocker! Bushies don't like people who push back against dems in the political sphere.
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "My additional interest in putting up a Tweet from writing expert Bryan Garner..."
Also experts:
Hillary will win
Brexit will lose
ISIS...what's that?
Trump cannot renegotiate Trade Deals
Trump will crash the economy
Trump's Fair Trade tactics will lead to massive inflation
You cannot ask NATO members to spend more for their own defense
and on and on and on......
Yeah, I never heard of him either. And if Garner was relevant re: "misstatements of language", then you would have led with a quote about that instead of impeachment, Chuck.
Point is I didn't even have to leave this post to find an example of you going off topic. If I did, I believe I could find similar off topic douchebaggery to trash Trump in at least 50% of the topics you post in.
Chuck posting about "intellectual honesty" is like Democrats posting about civility. It's always bullshit.
"So knowing the difference between "imminent" and "eminent" is now a sign of elitism? Are you really that proud of your ignorance?"
Knowing the difference isn't a sign of elitism; correcting the mistake in a tweet is a sign of schoolmarmery, and douchebaggery.
I know a lawyer who mixes up the two words. He actually spells "imminent" right, but pronounces it wrong. He never asked me to correct him, so I don't.
Are you really that proud of the gold stars and you garnered in grade school?
Blogger Known Unknown said...
"Others takes the more conciliatory view that the United States should not respond until the death toll exceeds one thousand."
even if true - Iran has exceeded 1000+ or do you not want to count non-US humans?
and do you want to wait for another 1000+ etc.
Maybe he should've tweeted it in Austrian.
Chuck said...
... and now he’s broken with the Party, in no small measure due to Trump personally, And I just love writing such things.
You love writing about people who leave the republican party.
The more racist shitheads like you and your friend who leave the more decent hardworking people will join our party.
Nobody cares about you Chuck. Nobody cares about your pitiful movement of LLR's. You are in the most hated and despised political movement in history.
You make our party better by leaving. It is our party now.
Climate sensitivity in light of the latest energy imbalance evidence
Of green, green, Green, and clean, renewable, socially inoculated greenbacks.
eminent (adj.)
early 15c., "standing or rising above other places; exceeding other things in quality or degree;" from Old French éminent "prominent" (13c.) or directly from Latin eminentem (nominative eminens) "standing out, projecting, prominent, high,"
- etymonline.com
It could work. An attack was believed to be imminent and eminent, thus the priority to exonerate the consensus of Soleimani and terrorist proxies.
Chuck makes another hugely misstatement, although it's not especially consequential.
This reminds me of one of my favorite exchanges from Frasier:
Frasier: I'm Dr. Frasier Crane, and this is my brother, Dr. Niles Crane, the eminent psychiatrist.
Niles: My brother is too kind. He was already eminent when my eminence was merely imminent.
so the temperature has optimized at the end of the period, if I read that chart right?
I wouldn't suggest he go through with it,
Iran Quds chief visited Russia despite U.N. travel ban: Iran official
- August 7, 2015
Qassem Soleimani, chief of the force which is an overseas arm of the Revolutionary Guards, has been subject to an international travel ban and asset freeze by the U.N. Security Council since 2007.
He was under house arrest. Did that change with Obama's deal? Meeting with his pals in proxy terrorist communities was eminently a bad choice.
Chuck engages in the logical fallacy of the appeal to authority, i.e., something along the lines of: "If legal writing expert Bryan Garner thinks Trump should be impeached and so left the Republican Party. Therefore, Trump must be bad!" Of course, being a legal writing expert (which Bryan Garner is) does not make one's political opinion any more or less worthy, valid, or correct.
On the merits of impeachment, as others have pointed out, because Trump had a legitimate basis for asking Ukraine to investigate its firing of the prosecutor investigating Burisma under threat from Joe Biden that it would lose $1 billion in U.S. aid if it didn't, the "abuse of power" article of impeachment is a BS.
Pardon my editing errors.
hold my distinctive single shot malt
Just as long as Chuck never finds Ricochet. There are still a couple of Trump haters over there but they get no "likes" anymore.
Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "...and now he’s broken with the Party, in no small measure due to Trump personally,..."
My God. MY GOD!! How will we carry on now that we've "lost" dear dear impressive influential critically important Bryan Garner?
What will become of us? Who will take care of us? Who will tell us in scolding tones that everything we've always believed is stupid and won't do for the future and that we must discard every conservative idea we've ever had in order to embrace the future...which all "thinking" people know involves becoming democratic "lite"...and that would be going lite on the "lite"......
Donald Trump has delivered (not just talked about and then stabbbed conservatives in the back like all the Bushies and Ryan and Romney and McCain et al) the most conservative governance in the last 80, 90, 100 years.
let me try this one again:
I would not want Trump to eminentize the eschaton.
I think Trump makes sure there are enough intentional spelling and grammatical errors that there always will be a doubt and an argument if needed.
The picture of Chuck and Nancy would have been more accurate if they had been wearing suicide-bomber belts. Allahu akbar!
It seems that everywhere I look these days, people are misspelling words or using the wrong homonym. On MLB.com, I saw a question about "which team hordes prospects the most?"
There were other recent examples I read that made me wonder if anyone has copy editors any more.
Clyde said...
There were other recent examples I read that made me wonder if anyone has copy editors any more.
1/13/20, 2:58 PM
They don't. Grammar and spelling is so Boomer...
"Dude, it's "Mr. President"
You know how I think GOPe tools like Chuck and Jim Treacher and Jonah Goldberg and so forth really reveal themselves?
Back during the primaries, they told us over and over that Trump was a NY Democrat and would govern like a liberal.
And I took that argument seriously. I was rather sure that he probably would, given how awful every other choice we've ever gotten from the GOP has been.
And when Cruz dropped out, I expected him to tack hard left. But... quite unexpectedly... he didn't. At all. So much so that when November rolled around, I was holding my nose *less* for him than I had to in the voting booth in my life (aside from Fred Thompson and Ted Cruz in primary votes).
And then he started slashing regulations... defending the border... good judges... and he turned out not just to be non-liberal, he's practically Reagan as far as policy goes!
But while every actual conservative breathed a huge sigh of relief... the ones like Chuck and Goldberg who were screaming loudest that he would be a horribly liberal President...didn't. In fact, their rage just grew and grew. Until it became extremely obvious that they couldn't care less about policy or conservatism. It was all just snobbery and class warfare. Their job was to make sure the GOPe only produced liberal false flag candidates.
Won't ever get fooled by them again.
Qwinn: "And then he started slashing regulations... defending the border... good judges... and he turned out not just to be non-liberal, he's practically Reagan as far as policy goes!"
According to Heritage Foundation, he's MORE conservative Reagan.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is PRECISELY what the FakeCon's like Jonah "Thanks Mom!" Goldberg and the rest of the Children Of NeverTrump are upset about.
They were all hoping that Trump wouldn't really defeat their preferred Hillary and then, after Trump won, they hoped he woundn't rock their Conservative In Name Only boat and off went Trump being more Reagan than Reagan on policy.
Ah, but there was a catch, dontcha know! The good old "insurance policy" was in place and had been up and running for over a year (yes, well into 2015 and before that the dems spying on everybody) and so the NeverTrumpers went all in on that.
Note: Some NeverTrump FakeCon's (specifically, Bill Kristol and the hack gang at The Weekly Standard) were being fed info directly from Glenn Simpson and the FusionGPS conspirators. McCain was actively participating in the activity! And lets face it, the reason the republicans in the Senate and House were so quiet and reneged on their campaign promises (Again!) and let the democrats do whatever they wanted is because all these "elite" (LOL) "insider" republicans literally believed whatever the dems and the media told them about Trump.
Trump really does have a point that now that this has all been exposed, with more to come, his "first" real term won't start until Jan of 2021.
I can't wait to see what lies LLR-lefty Chuck and his fellow lefty smear merchants come up with to explain away their 2020 loss.
I left the Republican Party over the creation of DHS and the problematic Patriot Act.
I saw both as overreach by a grasping federal bureaucracy.
And now I have evidence that the US federal government has been abusing the civil rights of America citizens, as predicted.
Fuck Bryan Garner and the racist fopdoodle he "road" in on.
Road and a double preposition to end a sentence, because fuck pedants.
Qwinn said...
So much so that when November rolled around, I was holding my nose *less* for him than I had to in the voting booth in my life (aside from Fred Thompson and Ted Cruz in primary votes).
1/13/20, 3:14 PM
I actually send money to Thompson. Wanted him to go the distance so much! Ted was a fairly close second but boy oh boy did I want President Thompson!
whereas over here, Maggie Haberman, plays the persecuted one:
Qwinn totally agree with your last post and wonder if you had read any Jim Treacher lately? He has really come around. He more often than not agrees with what Trump's doing but reserves the right to take shots at Trump for some of his verbal excesses (which are hard to deny) Treacher reminds me very much of President Mom Jeans who stops by to brighten our days. :-)
"He more often than not agrees with what Trump's doing but reserves the right to take shots at Trump for some of his verbal excesses (which are hard to deny) "
"Verbal excesses." True, and has caused a lot of confusion for liberals, #NeverTrumpers and even some Conservatives.
What I tell my #NeverTrumper friends is: "Focus on Trump's exercise of Article 2 authority under the Constitution, not his tweets." Sometimes it works, sometimes they are too far around the bend.
There's probably a few unnamed commentators here who could use this advice, too.
odd how they don't highlight this particular exchange:
Lefties never point out Trump's misspelling of Pocahontas (Pocahontus). I wonder why...
the picture of Schumer and Nasty is fairly accurate.
Funny how Trump always manages to accidentally misspell the key word.
Good comment by Qwinn at 3:14pm. Like Todd at 3:29p; Thompson is the only Presidential candidate I ever donated, but then he quit within a week after I sent the donation.
Back to Qwinn, I too bought that Trump was a NY liberal and backed Cruz. I was red pilled when the Never Trumpers decided to back Kasich over Cruz. From then on, I devalued as junk any comments from the Never Trumpers.
’What, you don't buy that he was there to help with community garden projects?’
And poetry, James K. How could you forget the poetry!! ;)
Todd and Leland:
Remember, though, that while Thompson was being judged repeatedly as winning one primary debate after another, he was brought down by the bullshit incessant warbling of "no fire in the belly!"
I seriously get nauseated when I hear that phrase now. First of all, you require "fire in the belly" so you gave us MCCAIN instead?!?! The only thing McCain ever showed "fire in the belly" for was trashing actual conservatives, and throwing the election to Obama.
Second, with the benefit of hindsight, look at who was pushing the "no fire in the belly" meme most back then. A LOT of overlap with the Nevertrumpers today. Oh, they said it *regretfully*, you understand. They really wanted Fred! But they just felt they *had* to concede that Fred simply did not in fact have sufficient "fire in the belly". Intellectual honesty required they admit it... and repeat it... and repeat it again... endlessly... until his polls sank low enough for him to quit. They were so sad about it too! Vomit.
Some actual conservatives fell for it (like Ace), but now that we know much better who can be trusted, I suspect that'll be harder for them to pull off next time.
"Probably half the comments by one guy"
Mike K... that one guy is an assistant prof who teaches Physics at UCI. No joke.
My mistake... I think the thread you were referencing had that DCSCA idiot exhibiting his tendency for excremental logorrhea.
"I really do not understand why you waste your time here, Chuckles."
Because he gets attention. He desperately wants to be treated, by our hostess, as an equal to her. This desire is, of course, pitiful.
oh disco, jd figured him out right quick, 'man of mystery' like the outtake real from network,
Hooked on phonics!! I had to read the homonym twice.
Spelling errors, sluring of words, out right lies none of this makes any difference to followers like Mead. Poor Chuck you should have realized by now that facts don’t matter as long as the king projects his style of the con.
3.5% unemployment
Record numbers employed
More job openings than unemployed
Lowest black unemployment ever
Lowest hispanic unemployment ever
Trade deficit down
Trade agreements signed
Fewer regulations
Income growth highest for high school dropouts
Second highest income growth for high school graduates
What facts have you, roesch/voltaire?
"Nancy Pelosi is just a piece of shit. I wouldn't piss on her if she was burning to death."
I'd piss on her even if she wasn't on fire. Imminently.
Yes lower taxes for the rich and corporations equal the highest deficits that our children will be stuck with, meanwhile we all have the right to work two jobs in a country with a higher rates of drug use, suicides for our soliders and bankruptcies for folks with major medical expenses. Oh and we no longer can go to school, or church, or the shopping mall without looking over our shoulder to see who might try to soot us. We have made America soiled.
Je pense donc je suis.
The only problem is, you don't think. I thought Obamacare fixed healthcare. Did they lie?
We have the best economy in 50 years. Blacks and Hispanics are enjoying their lowest unemployment rate EVAH. Wages for the lowest paid employees are rising at the best rate in 20 years. Trump has created over 500,000 good paying manufacturing jobs, where Obozo lost over 200,000 of them and said they were NEVER coming back. The only minorities that flourished during the Obozo years, were the Obozos themselves, now living in an ocean side mansion that will be under water in 12 years.
Rancid president and some rancid comments to go with him.
Oddly, roesch/voltaire, the record for Y-O-Y increase in the federal debt is still held by Obama.
You mentioned facts.
Tax revenue up.
Spending increases more than tax revenue.
Facts are stubborn.
Nobody need declare bankruptcy for medical bills.
That was a damned lie when Elizabeth Warren first lied it.
You can pay $5 a month on a medical bill of any size, forever, and the doctors and hospitals cannot send you to collections.
If that were the case then the system really would be f'd up.
"Oh and we no longer can go to school, or church, or the shopping mall without looking over our shoulder to see who might try to soot us."
If this is the case I'd say you're the one with the problem. Weren't you earlier complaining about spelling errors, or is this some kind of Freudian slip? Again, I have to ask, why are the posters with the most pretentious pseudo-intellectual avatars the ones that post the most insipid, vapid dreck here? At least Florida Man Cookie the Discount Amateur Noam Chomsky uses his name.
Niles being modest and tongue-tied: "My brother's eminence was evident back when my eminence was merely ... imminent."
One might say Trump is to spelling what his Democratic opponents are to economics.
Yes, Obozo was pretty rancid
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