January 16, 2020

"This route."


Temujin said...

Nice video. I hate the Packers. Have for over 60 years now.

Stupid Lions Fan

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Loved the game! Can’t wait to beat the hated 49ers. Will it be a reply of the first SuperBowl where we meet KC? This season shows why we needed a new coach. Go Pack Go!

daskol said...

My 9 year old does that to me regularly on Madden 20.

MayBee said...

People having fun is the best.

AllenS said...

Damn, that was some happy feet.

JZ said...

The added light around his feet and the implorations to heaven give it a nice superhuman appearance. But we all know it’s just a football play, I mean route.

rehajm said...

It would seem all those sparklies would tip off the defense to the intended receiver. Guess not...

I like the Packers and think this is the best crew they've had in years. Historically they suck at clock management. Their offense system takes too much time to run in time sensitive situations. Hopefully it doesn't come back to bite them again...

Tank said...

Shades of Chip Ahoy

MayBee said...

It would seem all those sparklies would tip off the defense to the intended receiver.


Iman said...

Gonna be a good game!

Iman said...

Prediction: 49ers by a touchdown.

alanc709 said...

Packers were lucky to beat a badly-depleted Seahawks team. Good luck with the 49ers.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I'm not much of a football or sports fan, but I DO LOVE to watch an athlete perform in this superb physical and mental fashion.

What skill, instant planning and reflexes. Very nice

iowan2 said...

Packers receiver, Lazar is an Iowa boy, played for Iowa State. He is a first cousin to the DIL, so she grow up with him, and reports, even playing Pro, he is a genuine good guy, and so far,(its very early) he remains humble. He had an ankle injury early in the Seahawks game, hopefully he will be healthy to fully contribute against the 49ers.

hawkeyedjb said...

rehajm said...
"Historically they suck at clock management."

Aaron Rodgers seems unable to call for the ball to be snapped with more than 2 seconds remaining on the time clock.

AllenS said...

Yes, hawkeyedjb, with 5 seconds left to snap the ball, collectively, Packer fans' blood pressure starts to rise.

viator said...

The Packers will have their hands full with understudy Garofolo, George Kittle, very good running backs, great offensive line, Sanders, Samuels, and very good coaching.


Kittle has been held out of practice this week, injury or head fake?

Curious George said...

Who is starting at referee for the Packer's this week?

mockturtle said...
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mockturtle said...

Aaron Rodgers seems unable to call for the ball to be snapped with more than 2 seconds remaining on the time clock.

He's hoping someone on the opposing team will jump offside. With the Seahawks, that's not a vain hope.

mockturtle said...

Great moves. I'm sure Tre Flowers, the Hawks' corner, was pretty embarrassed about this but our [the Seahawks] secondary hasn't been a force since the Legion of Boom. Nothing could get me to root for SF so I'll be pulling for Green Bay this weekend. But will root for whichever team wins for the AFC in the Super Bowl.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Nicely done sparkle effect. I remember the play. I was vaguely for Seattle in that game, mainly due to KD Metcalf, who played for Ole Miss. My favorite remaining team is the Tennessee Titans due to TN being where I grew up, and AJ Brown, another Ole Miss receiver who is their top receiver. Both Metcalf and Brown are rookies. The Cowboys are my favorite team and they just hired Mike McCarthy who was fired by Green Bay. That was another reason I used to try and gin up some emotional investment in the Seattle/Green Bay game. It's hard for me to watch if I don't want one team in particular to win. Actually, it's hard for me to watch even if I do want one of the teams to win. I think I need to be on Adderall to appropriately watch sports these days. I carried my 14 year old to see Lebron and the Lakers vs. Luka Doncic and the Dallas Mavericks last Friday night, though, and I was into that game the whole time. Maybe I just need to be at the game rather than watching it on TV. Go Titans!

Inga said...

Yay Packers!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Go Packers!

I'm also all in for KC.
Go KC.

Francisco D said...

That route is the football equivalent of a basketball move known as breaking your man's ankles.

I grew up a Bears fan and a Packers hater. (I'm from Wisconsin but grew up in Chicago). However, I have learned to detest the Bears ownership and appreciate the continues excellence of the Packers organization.

Packers in the SB!

mccullough said...

Nothing like quickness. The ability to change direction like that is awesome. It’s why the Patriots have won so many Super Bowls and are always good. That’s what they look for.

Howard said...

A Niners Packers playoff game brings back memories of the good old days of Farve vs Young. Those were some of the best matchups. I predict that the game will turn on the fortunes of the SF D-line and Aaron Rodgers Houdini act. Whomever wins that matchup is going to Superbowl

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

That really was a great play.

The other night, Mike Pence said at the Milwaukee Trump rally that the Pack was going to beat Pelosi's 49er's. I'm afraid I'm not as optimistic as Pence. I will be very happy to be proven wrong.

CWJ said...

With all the manufactured 100th anniversary nostalgia, I'm sure every NFL exec, marketer, and PR flack is hoping for a Super Bowl I rematch. State Farm too.

Mr. Majestyk said...

As a Bears fan, I hate the Packers. As an American, I hate San Francisco. What to do? Root for whoever wins the AFC.

Bob_R said...

That was such a great route! Dropped my jaw at the time. Let's go GB vs. KC!

jpg said...

Don't care about the Packers, but those are cool special effects.

stevew said...

Aaron Rodgers seems unable to call for the ball to be snapped with more than 2 seconds remaining on the time clock.

That's by design and on purpose, especially when in the lead.

Great video. Not quite Barry Sanders change of direction, but pretty impressive. I've always thought that if I were to try something like that all the connective tissue in my knee would explode.

And route, is it "row-t" or "root". Its the latter for me when talking about a road, the former when discussing a wide receiver's path in football or any path someone is taking (milk rowt, delivery rowt, paper rowt).

Bay Area Guy said...

Yeah, it was a beautiful play. Well done, Rodgers and Adams!

Now, this weekend, the beat down the Packers will receive by the mighty Niners will obviate the warm feelings of this one touchdown!

FullMoon said...

Any of you people back east, or your friends or relatives, come out here for the game, bring extra clothes 'cause you will not want to return to miserable Wisconsin once you experience the fantastically wonderful Bay Area.
Oh, and DO NOT leave belongings in sight in your rental car.
And, watch where you are stepping.
Do not aggravate the homeless.
If short on cash, is legal to steal what you need ,under $900.00, San Francisco only.
Don't say 'Frisco.
Don't use your turn signals, or you will be marked as a tourist.

Only one spectator death since stadium opened, so odds for survival are good.

Have fun and don't raise a ruckus.

stan said...

nice burst technique before the break. Bursting with his feet gives the impression of acceleration while he is really dropping his hips and preparing for the cut.

mockturtle said...

Only one spectator death since stadium opened, so odds for survival are good.

Wear rival jersey at your own risk.

gadfly said...

In the end, with the game on the line, Green Bay took possession at its 20-yard line with 2:32 remaining and a five point edge.

On third-and-8, Rodgers lofted a perfect deep ball to Adams against cornerback Ugo Amadi for a gain of 32. Adams lined up in the right slot, beat Amadi to get open immediately, then drifted his route to the right to take advantage of the vacant real estate.

“Davante ran a great route in the slot there,” Rodgers said. “I think the leverage looked like the defender may have jumped inside at the snap, and he’s got a great release, got off the ball and I tried to put it in a good spot for him. He was on one tonight. He was really crisp with his route-running, just one of those special nights. He made a number of very heady plays. Tonight reminds me of the connection that Jordy (Nelson) and I had for so many years, where there were some unspoken things that we could do without even communicating anything about it, and Davante made three or four plays like that tonight, so that was pretty fun.”

FullMoon said...

FLASHBACK: GAO Found Barack Obama Broke the Law in 2014 and Put US Lives in Danger – But No Calls for His Impeachment