In Atlanta, instead of a River runs through it, we had a four Railroads run through it. But today our railroads have become Airlines and Interstates go through it. And meanwhile, 80 miles away in Athens the #1 College Football recruiting class is having running backs running through it again.
Saturday comes soon. Meade must be fervently trying to think of something that Althouse does not already have. I know the feeling. Perfume won't work. Travel is off the list. She already has everything ever made by Apple... maybe Jobs will come up with some and new or better model, and quickly.
President Trump coming up at 2:33 ET on Rush Limbaugh.
I feel certain that Rush will press Trump to specify whether any Iranian cultural sites have been or will be targeted for attacks from U.S. armed forces. It's the single most important and most urgent question facing Trump today. So naturally Rush will ask it and will press Trump for a clear and definitive answer.
Rush has already warned Trump not to accept any QUDs brand golf balls with IED stamped on them. Trump will need to keep his hands and his legs until January, 2025.
Dramatically increasing the pressure on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to allow Bolton to testify, and to allow the issuance of a subpoena for that testimony.
And in the meantime, the House might seek to subpoena and depose Bolton on video, so that it could be available for use by House impeachment managers in the Senate even if McConnell doesn't want to issue any subpoenas from the Senate.
yes, that could be problematic, the point that all those that defend suleimani, largely owe their authority to him, he selected the cabinets for the better part of a decade, hence ameri and muhandis were put in government, Malaki's was perhaps his greatest pawn,
Chuck has it ever occured to you if the House Communists need more witnesses then they didn't have a case for impeachment to begin with? As a lawyer you should know that the prosecution should be ready for trial as soon as the grand jury hands down the indictment.
John Bolton’s testimony might prove to be interesting. Either he’ll spill some beans or he’ll clam up and cover for Trump, now that Trump started his pet war with Iran. The House should subpoena him now, before the a Senate does.
Or Bolton has been assured by the Senate Judiciary Committee that he won’t be called to testify and so his announcement of being willing to testify if subpoenaed by the a Senate is just a farce.
Bolton himself has said that he has more information to provide than what was revealed in the House impeachment inquiry. He did not provide it because at the time he felt compelled to not volunteer absent a subpoena, which the House did not want to issue a subpoena that would be litigated for months.
Now Bolton is willing to comply with a Senate subpoena (and presumably a House subpoena although he did not say so). And people familiar with what Bolton knows, think that Bolton will have information that is highly damaging to Trump's impeachment defense.
I want to hear that evidence. If anyone doesn't want to hear that evidence, they should say so clearly and directly.
“What Schiff's saying: "The president has put us on a path where we may be at war with Iran. That requires the Congress to fully engage."
"I'm certainly not satisfied that the intelligence supports the conclusion that the killing of Soleimani was going to either prevent attacks on the United States or reduce the risk to American lives." On Trump's threat to Iranian cultural sites: "None of that could come out of the Pentagon. Absolutely no way." The big picture: U.S. military leaders were "stunned" that Trump gave the order to kill Soleimani, a step they viewed as the "most extreme response to recent Iranian-led violence in Iraq," according to the New York Times.
Trump administration officials have since said Trump had little choice because Soleimani was planning imminent attacks on U.S. and allied forces in the region, but they have presented no evidence of such plans.”
Even though there is going to be a lot of really cold weather ahead of us, more daylight minutes/hours is something to be happy about. It's like, you know, winning!
Good, after the Iraq pullout, remove ourselves from Afghanistan. We don't need people on the ground to bomb the fuck out of people.
Also, too funny. It's the Democrats ridiculing POTUS Trump over his trying to protect the people in the embassy, I can hardly wait for them to start bitching now about the long overdue pullouts. HA!
AllenS: "Also, too funny. It's the Democrats ridiculing POTUS Trump over his trying to protect the people in the embassy, I can hardly wait for them to start bitching now about the long overdue pullouts. HA!"
Admiral Inga is already all over that so now we have the spectacle of some dems calling out Trump for somehow delaying removing troops from the ME while the majority of democrats are calling Trump out for even daring to suggest we ought to be pulling out and calling it another impeachable offense.
The best part is how these lefties like LLR-lefty Chuck actually believe we can't see what they are up to.
’The big picture: U.S. military leaders were "stunned" that Trump gave the order to kill Soleimani, a step they viewed as the "most extreme response to recent Iranian-led violence in Iraq," according to the New York Times.’
Keep rooting for the Iranian terrorists. It’s not like there’s an election in ten months or anything. :)
Admiral Inga: "Schiff is suggesting opening hearings into Trump’s Iran fiasco."
Will the hearings be held in secret with only Schiff allowed to leak selected information?
Will republicans be allowed to call witnesses?
Will republicans be allowed to have their questions answered?
Will Schiff hide certain transcripts because he doesn't like the truth coming out has he did with the sham-peachment?
You know, the more I think about having the democrats on camera all day long arguing against the killing of this latest democrat-praised delightful/poem reciting mass murdering terrorist, the more I'm inclined to say go for it!
It’s surreal. A few of my current political positions are well to the left of Clinton’s during his presidency! But now, I’m labeled an alt-right Nazi. Or worse. And they’re accelerating their leftward lurch at an accelerating rate, and truly believe these instant positions are mainstream.
Chuck said "If anyone doesn't want to hear that evidence, they should say so clearly and directly."
I don't want to hear the evidence because I am of the conviction that even if the President made a direct and clear quid pro quo offer to Ukraine, it was within his prerogative to do so. That is the very essence of diplomacy and negotiation. No one but a fool would contend that Trump was stupid enough to actually tell the Ukrainians that they must investigate Biden in order to secure an advantage for Trump's campaign. But as long as the Chief law enforcement officer of our government was seeking to determine whether U.S. law had been violated by a former vice president, for whatever assumed reasons, he was totally within his rights and indeed, his obligations to do so.
It is clear that Bolton left the government on less than a cordial basis and any interpretation he might render as to the motives of the president should be discarded out of hand.
These are the reasons I do not want to hear the evidence of John Bolton.
And they are the reasons that the Senate should dismiss the impeachment as soon as it arrives, if ever, from the Democratic Party.
“It's kinda cute that libs think Bolton is now their ally, and will take Trump out.” ———————————————-
“Or Bolton has been assured by the Senate Judiciary Committee that he won’t be called to testify and so his announcement of being willing to testify if subpoenaed by the a Senate is just a farce.”
The only reason I’d like Bolton to testify is because the House would have to open another hoax impeachment inquiry - requiring another vote - within ten months of the election. The ads write themselves!!
So you don't want to know how or why the aid to Ukraine eventually was released. If Trump's aim was so noble (battling corruption), why release it at all? Where is the U.S. DoJ/FBI investigation of Hunter Biden?
You don't want to know if Bolton stood at Trump's desk along with Mulvaney and Pompeo and said, "Mr. President, we may be in violation of the Impoundment Control Act if we don't release the aid; but even more importantly, the Ukrainians need it urgently, and we are hurting national security interests if we continue to hold it up. If anybody finds out about this, there will be hell to pay, and possibly a prosecution..."
I want to hear about all of that if in fact it is the case.
I want to hear whatever the truth is, about "whatever drug deal Sondland and Mulvaney [were] cooking up."
And I want every Republican Senator to be on the record about whether they wish to hear evidence from Bolton or not.
Chuckles and Inga are having orgasms over the potential John Bolton testimony.
To put things in perspective, Inga told us many times that "You don't know what Mueller knows". Yes. We now do.
When one leftist fantasy gets knocked down, another one takes its place.
These people are too crazy to give up.
They hafta keep hope alive. Personally, I always thought Bolton's testimony would be good for Trump. Bolton is not out there whining and crying and lying since being let go.Any negative quote has been taken out of context or blown out of proportion.
The reason Bolton did not get a legitimate subpoena (nobody did) is because they did not actually want his testimony. Bolton saying he will testify if subpoenaed is actually a fuck you dare to the dems.
Chuck's obsession is due to being on the spectrum. Inga's obsession is wanting to be right, for a change. Remember, Inga claimed the unfortunate "film maker" who Obama, Hillary and the rest of the Democrat establishment tortured for the Benghazi vid , might be a MOBY who was actually working for the muzzies in order to stir things up.
Of course, more recent memory is the infamous be -patient-you-don't-know-what is-in-it Mueller Report letdown, which saw Inga abandon her post here for many weeks.
According to Adam Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee Report, the evidence for impeachment was overwhelming by the end of his hearings in December of the previous decade. So stop stalling, send the articles over to Senate and let there be a vote.
@Reuters disputes the received wisdom now circulating in the media and on the Left, that the Soleimani hit was an ill thought-out provocation. Turns out there was a lot of “there” there after all.
Do I want to hear Bolton testify? No, not at all. A real genuine house impeachment would already have it. So speculation goes to Bolton can testify on hold up of Ukraine aid.You know what? I don't give a crap. Nor does most of America. So there's a delay in them getting MY TAX MONEY. SO what? Oh, there's a law? So what? Would any reasonable prosecutor indict anyone if it were broken?
Iranian regime calling in favors. Democrats inquire why a terrorist leader was deemed no longer viable. Leftists inquire why he was planned in Iraq, while colluding with terrorist proxies. Human rites corporations want to know why there was no collateral damage. Iraq puts on a show, and everyone frets that progress is inevitable.
Meanwhile, Deep Plumber continues to plunge the depths and muck of Water Closet.
aaaaaand an @AaronJMate thread--explains how US Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that the Obama administration intentionally let ISIS grow to try to weaken the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad
I think al udeid airbase might need a battery or two of patriots, in one the first episode of sleeper cells if I recall, the al queda cell leader farik fahris (who was masquerading as an Israeli, and is actually played by one, oded fehr,) is remarking on an attack against that base.
yes, but as sundance pointed out, many members of the intel committee, including trey gowdy signed off the finding that involved those same rebels trained by operatives including bin qumu,
You know, the more I think about having the democrats on camera all day long arguing against the killing of this latest democrat-praised delightful/poem reciting mass murdering terrorist, the more I'm inclined to say go for it!
Even Inga comes up with a good idea once in a while. By accident of course.
"The size of funeral crowds in authoritarian regimes is not an indication of popular support. In fact, the opposite is true. All those dictatorships are just trying to overcompensate for their lack of legitimacy. Let’s call it Legitimacy Envy. Soleimani’s funeral is no different"
They passed up this brilliant woman and picked Gretard!!
“The reason Bolton did not get a legitimate subpoena (nobody did) is because they did not actually want his testimony. Bolton saying he will testify if subpoenaed is actually a fuck you dare to the dems”
Actually, the reason that Bolton didn’t get a subpoena was much more likely that the House didn’t have the power or authority to subpoena him. They had no A1S1 Oversight authority, because Congress only has Oversight authority over parts of the government that they created. The Presidency was instead created by Article II of the same Constitution that impliedly authorizes Oversight pursuant to Congress’ authority to enact legislation. In regards to the phone call, the President has plenary power to conduct foreign policy. Congress has no power to oversee it. As for their A1S2 Impeachment power, at the time they sent out their “subpoenas”, their “impeachment” consisted of an agreement by Palsi, Schifty, and Wadler. 3 out of 438 Representatives. Not clear if it would have been valid after the partisan vote in the House setting up Schifty’s basement star chamber lake investigation. At a minimum, they have still to credibly specify any High Crimes or Misdemeanors on which to base opening an impeachment investigation, and were thus very likely loath to litigate their claims in court.
"My interview with @liviovarriale. The malware Procura di Roma used to attack US cyber space via my servers, the inconsistencies of the Italian investigations on Joseph Mifsud.
Is the professor in a witness protection program of Procura di Roma?"
"“A bag containing the suspicious items, a cellular telephone (Apple) belonging to Shauna Stanglr, who is also known as Puma St. Angel, and a Delaware Attorney General badge belonging to Hunter Biden's deceased brother Joseph R. Beau Biden III were provided to the police officer," the court papers state. The papers identify Puma St. Angel as the co-founder of Grace Grove at Rejuvenation & Performance Institute in Sedona, Ariz., a self-described "lifestyle center" staffed with on-site therapists and coaches. It is not clear from the documents if this is the facility that Hunter Biden attended." "Puma" (short for Shauna) rejuvenated him?
“So you don't want to know how or why the aid to Ukraine eventually was released. If Trump's aim was so noble (battling corruption), why release it at all? Where is the U.S. DoJ/FBI investigation of Hunter Biden?”
“You don't want to know if Bolton stood at Trump's desk along with Mulvaney and Pompeo and said, "Mr. President, we may be in violation of the Impoundment Control Act if we don't release the aid; but even more importantly, the Ukrainians need it urgently, and we are hurting national security interests if we continue to hold it up. If anybody finds out about this, there will be hell to pay, and possibly a prosecution..."”
Guess what? There is no evidence that the slight delay in dispersing the Ukranian aid violated the Impoundment Control Act. It was dispersed well within the proper fiscal year. And it is highly likely that Congress didn’t have Constitutional authority to demand more. They can demand that the money be spent within the current fiscal year, but demanding more would, in this case, almost assuredly violate the President’s plenary Article II power to conduct foreign policy, as well his responsibility to make sure that our laws are faithfully executed.
many members of the intel committee, including trey gowdy signed off the finding that involved those same rebels
MAD is why a conclusion is not forthcoming. They both have their fingerprints, pawprints, on this dysfunctional convergence. It's a veritable merry-go-round. Perhaps there will be a Golden Globe awarded to recognize their reconciliation.
Red State Did Iranian President Hassan Rouhani Just Admit Iran Was Behind the PanAm 103 Bombing
Hassan Rouhani ✔ @HassanRouhani Those who refer to the number 52 should also remember the number 290. #IR655 Never threaten the Iranian nation. 12:25 PM - Jan 6, 2020
"...That gets us to the number 290 and the hashtag #IR655, the body count and the call sign of [the Iranian airliner mistakenly shot down over Iranian waters in the Persian Gulf on July 3, 1988 by the Aegis-class cruiser USS Vincennes].
"Now to the threat or the admission of guilt.
On December 21, 1988, Pan Am Flight 103, enroute to JFK International in New York from Frankfurt/Main, Germany exploded some 31,000 feet above Lockerbie, Scotland. 259 people died. Two Libyan intelligence operatives were eventually tried. One was acquitted. The other was released in 2009 after serving nine years of a life sentence."
"...Abolghassem Mesbahi, a defector to Germany, said Pan Am flight 103 was downed in 1988 in retaliation for a US Navy strike on an Iranian commercial jet six months earlier, in which 290 people died.
He claims the Ayatollah Khomeini, who was Iran’s Supreme Leader, ordered the bombing “to copy exactly what happened to the Iranian Airbus”.
Previously unseen evidence gathered for the aborted appeal hearing of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the former Libyan intelligence officer convicted of the bombing, supports Mr Mesbahi’s claim and suggests that the bombers belonged to the extremist group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC)."
"...The clear implication of Rouhani’s tweet is that Iran will always revenge its losses. The question is whether this was just Rouhani using the PanAm 103 attack as metaphor knowing that people would know the implication…or did he just admit to the world that Iran was behind that terror attack?"
The Wikipedia articles on Flight 655 leaves little doubt that the commander of the Vincennes, Captain William C. Rogers III, was an unfortunate example of the Peter Principle at work and the Navy's attempt to cover it up.
'Rogers was personally criticized for being overly aggressive by Commander David Carlson, commanding officer of USS Sides, a second ship that was under the tactical control of Rogers at the time of the incident. Carlson claimed that the downing of Iran Air 655 marked the "horrifying climax to Capt. Rogers' aggressiveness, first seen four weeks ago".'
"...In 1990, Rogers was awarded the Legion of Merit "for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service as commanding officer..."
Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officers...
For those who need it. Not that you two will admit it.
Of course Iran threatens to massacre civilians. That is what terrorists do, slaughter the innocent. Unlike Trump, who takes out bad actors with precision.
many members of the intel committee, including trey gowdy signed off the finding that involved those same rebels
Yeah, you're right. Each side makes a move. Check. Democrats, hoping to break the stalemate, thought an empathetic appeal through threats of impeachment would be mate. And so the game progresses and evolves. Fine.
That is what terrorists do, slaughter the innocent. Unlike Trump, who takes out bad actors with precision.
Scalpel reciprocity is one step closer to self-defense. Check. Now, the Democrats want to indemnify -- an insurance policy, if you will -- an active terrorist while in collusion with terrorist proxies in a foreign land. Check, fail.
GMA sent the weepy Martha Raddatz to cover Soleimani’s funeral. With mourners in the background chanting ‘Death to America’, their chyron showed ‘Crisis Escalates Over Iran General’s Death’. I’ll leave that without further comment.
The Wikipedia articles on Flight 655 leaves little doubt that the commander of the Vincennes, Captain William C. Rogers III, was an unfortunate example of the Peter Principle at work and the Navy's attempt to cover it up.
Captain Rogers' wife was the intended victim of a car bombing in 1989. She was not injured but the car was destroyed.
One of the more unfortunate developments in the latter half of the 20th century was the way that conservatism, thanks in large part to the Cold War, became synonymous with militarism and interventionism. That's a reversal of our country's traditional history, where voices against war were largely the more conservative voices in the country. Robert Kagan pointed this out in his long essay Neocon Nation:
The oldest, and in some ways most potent, critique has always been that of genuine conservatism, a powerful counter-tradition that goes back at least as far as the debates over the ratification of the Constitution in 1787. The supporters of the new federal Constitution—George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and James Madison—insisted that the concentration of energy and power in the federal government was essential if the United States was to become a world power capable both of protecting itself and achieving its destined greatness on the world stage. “Let Americans disdain to be the instruments of European greatness!” Hamilton exhorted in the Federalist papers. But Patrick Henry, a leader of the anti-Federalist opponents of the Constitution, accused Hamilton and his allies, not unfairly, of seeking to “convert this country into a powerful and mighty empire.” This, Henry insisted, was a betrayal of the nation’s true purpose. “When the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America was different: liberty, sir, was then the primary object.”
That quotation is a favorite chestnut of Patrick Buchanan and that ancient confrontation has recurred in almost every generation since the founding. At the core of this conservative critique has always been the fear that “empire,” however one might define it—in Henry’s day, it meant simply a wide expanse of land under a single, strong central government—is antithetical to, and ultimately destructive of, American democratic and republican virtues. A big, expansive foreign policy requires a big, powerful central government to advance it, and such a government imperils American liberties. It also imperils its democratic soul. As John Quincy Adams memorably put it in 1821, America might become “the dictatress of the world,” but she would “be no longer the ruler of her own spirit.”
You don't want to know if Bolton stood at Trump's desk along with Mulvaney and Pompeo and said, "Mr. President, we may be in violation of the Impoundment Control Act if we don't release the aid; but even more importantly, the Ukrainians need it urgently, and we are hurting national security interests if we continue to hold it up. If anybody finds out about this, there will be hell to pay, and possibly a prosecution..."
Give it up Chuck. You don't believe your own bullshit.
You have gone from being a phony to a joke to a pitiful spectacle of what once was a human being.
GMA sent the weepy Martha Raddatz to cover Soleimani’s funeral. With mourners in the background chanting ‘Death to America’, their chyron showed ‘Crisis Escalates Over Iran General’s Death’. I’ll leave that without further comment.
Hold on a second. You mean to tell me the gang had an opportunity to kidnap or murder a prominent American journalist on live TV and they passed? Why?
Sounds like ABC may be colluding with Iran, investigation warranted.
Is Chuck in Milwaukee?
While Bruce has with cause shown to be the absolute "holy cow he's giving it away for free???" best commenter/commentator, at this Chuck's place to comment called the Althouse blog, we must ask did Guildy, my ol' ass, drive buwaya away?
From America I'll take the credit, from the blog I accept all and any blame.
This, like most-near all, my comments are rhetorical. I don't think that is good. I have not found a better path.
"At the core of this conservative critique has always been the fear that “empire,” however one might define it—in Henry’s day, it meant simply a wide expanse of land under a single, strong central government—is antithetical to, and ultimately destructive of, American democratic and republican virtues. A big, expansive foreign policy requires a big, powerful central government to advance it, and such a government imperils American liberties."
Two different issues, maybe three.
America needed a strong-enough central government, and there would have been no continental United States, hence no "liberty," without it. Actual American conservatism has always viewed a central government, as defined and circumscribed by the Constitution, as the guarantor of "democratic and republican virtues."
What that government should do abroad did not follow logically from the domestic design. Expansive foreign policy requires big government, but a single, strong-enough central government need not be "big, powerful" in seeking influence abroad. Hence the recurrent debates.
"Big, powerful" central government endangered liberties not because of imperial ventures but first and foremost because of the expansion of the administrative state--domestic, not foreign progressivism.
Witness how insane the legions of lefty idiots like Admiral Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck have become: accusing Ricky Gervais of being a right winger!!
Heads up Ricky. When the Inga/Chuck mob get rolling you will find yourself redpilled before you know it!
Ricky Gervais Twitter: How the fuck can teasing huge corporations, and the richest, most privileged people in the world be considered right wing? 😂 #GoldenGlobes
“I feel certain that Rush will press Trump to specify whether any Iranian cultural sites have been or will be targeted for attacks from U.S. armed forces. ”
Ricky Gervais Twitter: How the fuck can teasing huge corporations, and the richest, most privileged people in the world be considered right wing? 😂 #GoldenGlobes
1/6/20, 7:55 PM
But they're the good rich, privileged people. They're woke.
Of course, once the Left takes over, the heads of the woke rich leftists will roll too, because that's the way it always works. Woke = useful idiots.
duh duh duh I didn't in any way literally influence B decision.
He made many claims, many many. When I pointed out if CA is the future of America only to historians that read too much he attacked my country.
How can the greatness of CA be used to reference the horror of being an American?
Because it will always happen.
But America determines ergo what always happens nitwit.
You tell me I'm wrong in 40 years bro. You are a bad person if you kept American citizenship which I am not claiming or caring you or any not American has done your trashy way B.
Original Mike: "Chuck: Thanks for the heads up about Trump on Limbaugh. Good interview. Hope you enjoyed it."
The more the country sees the dems speaking off the cuff the worse the dems are received.
The more people see Trump unfiltered the better Trump does.
I have some British acquaintances (for and against Brexit) that happened to catch Trumps extended interview with Nigel Farage on LBC a couple months back and all them were floored. Paraphrasing here: "That was amazing", "he really understands what he is trying to do and how", "its so incredibly different to how he us portrayed", "no wonder the media will not give him time to speak unfiltered to the public", etc.
AllenS said...Even though there is going to be a lot of really cold weather ahead of us, more daylight minutes/hours is something to be happy about. It's like, you know, winning!
Blogger Inga said... John Bolton’s testimony might prove to be interesting "_"___'--:::::++;;; What's with subpenies etc. Can't Mustache write Dear Prudence confession to NYT or WaPo.
"Captain Rogers' wife was the intended victim of a car bombing in 1989. She was not injured but the car was destroyed."
But a NY Times article at the time quoted "a Bush Administration Official" as saying:
"...Captain Rogers had used the car earlier today to go to a doughnut shop."
So, they both drove the vehicle. But, under the circumstances, he was much more likely than not to have been the intended victim.
"... In addition, Government officials said they learned last year that an Iranian-directed group in Lebanon, the Revolutionary Guards, had ordered a Palestinian group to carry out attacks against Americans, including the bombing of a civilian jetliner and a plane."
Drago Yang and Gabbard: I agree. I could never vote for them, and hope they never win high office, but I have some respect for them as people, moral agents. The others all revolt me more the more I see of them. Possible exception: Delaney, but you never do see him so it’s a moot point.
Remember when Democrat candidates were only as awful as Dukakis? Good times, good times.
Any discussion of American empire*, whether you like it or hate it, and the dangers of despotism has to start by acknowledging what old Toynbee noticed: empires that must routinely use violence and subterfuge against foreign enemies usually end up using the same methods against the home population too, or at least those parts of the population that the security apparatus fears.
That's been happening since the 1940s, and increased drastically, as we now know, under recent administrations. The cost of maintaining our current system overseas, or going to war, is greater power of surveillance and control at home for people who are not trustworthy.
Why did the republic fail, because the expansion of the territories caused instabilities that created power vaccuums that were filled alliances of strong men
The crassus the pompeys against the parthians spartacan rebellion of course caesar decided he would be head homcho, a project his nephew ultimately completed.
"One of the major factors influencing Iran coverage over the past few years was the need to downplay every hideous thing Tehran did, in order to protect the nuclear deal. The media literally looked the other way while Iran's proxies stacked up civilian corpses."
walter said... Any word on the honest mistake release of said letter?
hoping to avoid a Clash?
"Should we stay or should we go now? Should we stay or should we go now? If we go there will be trouble An' if we stay it will be double So you gotta let me know...
“Will the hearings be held in secret with only Schiff allowed to leak selected information?”
The HSCI isn’t cleared for this sort of stuff. By necessity the Gang of Eight is, which does, currently include Shifty (and Palsi). Schifty’s Lawfare prosecutors aren’t cleared either. The WH is not about to let the sorts of intelligence driving this decision out to be leaked to our enemies. Sources and Methods. And Schifty’s HSCI has no oversight authority over WH decisions to use military force. None. To the extent that any committee do, they would be limited to Armed Serices or Foreig Relations.
“You don't want to know if Bolton stood at Trump's desk along with Mulvaney and Pompeo and said, "Mr. President, we may be in violation of the Impoundment Control Act if we don't release the aid; but even more importantly, the Ukrainians need it urgently, and we are hurting national security interests if we continue to hold it up. If anybody finds out about this, there will be hell to pay, and possibly a prosecution..."”
This is the usual Lawfare BS. There are no criminal sanctions in the Impoundment Control Act. The way it is supposed to work is that te President asks Congress for permission not to sped money allocated by Congress. If he doesn’t notify Congress, the Comptroller General can litigate the matter in the District Court for DC. Of course, if the Comptroller General had filed suit there for the delayed aid money for Ukraine, it would have been immediately dismissed as moot since, by then, the allocated money had bee spent.
And, no, there is no role for Schifty’s HSCI there whatsoever. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.
The reason that this is so clearly Lawfare, is that the law is being deliberately misinterpreted, in order to create a crime, when there is none. If you just read the Definitions, you might get the impression that the law covered delaying spending aid money for even a couple of weeks. It is just when you read the entire Act together, that you realize that it’s purpose is to force the President to spend the money that Congress has authorized to be spent in a fiscal year, in that fiscal year, and provides a mechanism to force the expenditure if he doesn’t request that the spending authority be rescinded.
And this doesn’t even get into the Separation of Powers aspect. The Act was enacted in response to Nixon’s attempt to sequester and not spend monies authorized by Congress, and enacted in spending bills either passed with his signature, or over his veto. Initially, there appears to have been a Line Item veto provision, presumably struck down as violative of Separation of Powers. Forbidding the President from delaying disbursement of the allocated aid monies for a couple weeks would infringe the President’s plenary Constitutional power to conduct foreign policy (and run the Executive Branch). If he decided that spending the monies in that fiscal year in the way directed by Congress wasn’t in the national interest, he could then have OMB send a request to the Comptroller General to rescind the authorization or to transfer the money elsewhere. The Comptroller General would then transmit the request to both houses of Congress, which would have to concur. That would presumably be Constitutional. In short, all that Congress can probably Constitutionally do is pass bills that authorize spending by the President in specified ways, and then have its Comptroller General sue in DC District Court to force the authorized spending. Anything more would violate Separation of Powers.
“Kyrsten Sinema breaks from pack: ‘Soleimani was a terrorist … Iran’s aggression should be checked’”
Arizona has a long history of maverick Senators, Republicans Goldwater and McCain being some of the more notable recent members of that list. I am quite happy that Democrat Sinema has joined that club. I had much lower expectations for her - she was elected with huge amounts of money from out of state billionaires like Soros flooding the airways, often sandwiching two of her ads around one McSally ad during a single commercial break, combined with a decent amount of cheating by Soros funded election officials.
“She wants to be re-elected, unlike Pelosi's sacrificial lambs.”
Still, in her defense, that is almost five years from now. A lot of Senators vote the party line until the last year or two of their term, then switch to representing their constituents for that sort period, figuring, often very correctly that their constituents have very short memories.
"Kyrsten Sinema breaks from pack: ‘Soleimani was a terrorist … Iran’s aggression should be checked’
She wants to be re-elected, unlike Pelosi's sacrificial lambs."
From my perch in MA I'd say Sinema seems to genuinely hold this point of view on the situation and action. If she is taking this position to improve her chances of re-election by the voters of her state then she is acting appropriately in representing them. That is much different than the pandering we see from the Pelosi sacrificial lambs and current crop of Democrat POTUS candidates.
she was elected with huge amounts of money from out of state billionaires like Soros flooding the airways, often sandwiching two of her ads around one McSally ad during a single commercial break, combined with a decent amount of cheating by Soros funded election officials.
Her election was part of the test run of ballot harvesting. The election official in Phoenix was part of it. Lots of "late votes" just like Orange County in CA.
If she wants to cross party lines, she will be unique these days, Soros also spent $600,000 to elect the Maricopa Sheriff.
Sinema isn't up for reelection this year. My take as a conservative Arizonan is that she is a common sense Senator unafraid to go against the current. Her attractiveness keeps her from being stifled by her Party.
My take as a conservative Arizonan is that she is a common sense Senator unafraid to go against the current.
I hope you are right., She sure looked radical in 2018 but McSally did run a weak campaign. I am worried about her this year. I know her and she is quite good in small groups but she got bad advice in 2018.
I hope you are right., She sure looked radical in 2018 but McSally did run a weak campaign. I am worried about her this year. I know her and she is quite good in small groups but she got bad advice in 2018.
I voted for McSally with misgivings due to her anti-Trump stand but have been pleasantly surprised by Sinema.
And, yes, Michael, I hope we hear from JH today to let us know he's OK.
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१६९ टिप्पण्या:
Sun day morning coming down. Is that Nashville and the Tennessee Capital Dome beyond the Cumberland River?
The latest sunrise is back on November 2nd before the time change.
Nothing can compare to the exhilaration of labeling and categorizing sunrises. Except maybe the intoxication of boring government.
You need a "dare to be dull" tag, Ann.
the race is OVER! We have a NEW President!
No need to even have a vote now! No need to even wait 'til November!
right? I mean, Right? If Lincoln Chaffee is running as a libertarian; it's all over but the shouting
In Atlanta, instead of a River runs through it, we had a four Railroads run through it. But today our railroads have become Airlines and Interstates go through it. And meanwhile, 80 miles away in Athens the #1 College Football recruiting class is having running backs running through it again.
Love the Orange and Black hues. A tad spooky though while still being serene. I wouldn't be there, but it's nice of you to be.
This ties as Althouse's best all time sunrise artwork. Althouse is in her creative phase. No one interrupt her.
traditionalguy said...
This ties as Althouse's best all time sunrise artwork.
i second that vote
Make it three.
"Type 5"? Would you please give us a list of all the types, and what characterizes them?
Saturday comes soon. Meade must be fervently trying to think of something that Althouse does not already have. I know the feeling. Perfume won't work. Travel is off the list. She already has everything ever made by Apple... maybe Jobs will come up with some and new or better model, and quickly.
President Trump coming up at 2:33 ET on Rush Limbaugh.
I feel certain that Rush will press Trump to specify whether any Iranian cultural sites have been or will be targeted for attacks from U.S. armed forces. It's the single most important and most urgent question facing Trump today. So naturally Rush will ask it and will press Trump for a clear and definitive answer.
I see some rats nibbling at the corner of that photo...
Rush has already warned Trump not to accept any QUDs brand golf balls with IED stamped on them. Trump will need to keep his hands and his legs until January, 2025.
Bolton will testify if the Senate subpoenas him.
Dramatically increasing the pressure on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to allow Bolton to testify, and to allow the issuance of a subpoena for that testimony.
And in the meantime, the House might seek to subpoena and depose Bolton on video, so that it could be available for use by House impeachment managers in the Senate even if McConnell doesn't want to issue any subpoenas from the Senate.
yes, that could be problematic, the point that all those that defend suleimani, largely owe their authority to him, he selected the cabinets for the better part of a decade, hence ameri and muhandis were put in government, Malaki's was perhaps his greatest pawn,
The sun will rise earlier? Are you sure? What about Global Warming?
Can't wait to see type #6
Maybe you could at least do a 'Rat of the Week'.
Pitchers and catchers report in another 5 weeks.
Chuck has it ever occured to you if the House Communists need more witnesses then they didn't have a case for impeachment to begin with? As a lawyer you should know that the prosecution should be ready for trial as soon as the grand jury hands down the indictment.
satire is nearly dead,
more of the toxic stupidity, Gervais was pointing out,
one might call it empire building,
Narcisco observes: satire is nearly dead, Link
Not surprisingly, the same people who watch CNN would be the same ones to not recognize satire.
John Bolton’s testimony might prove to be interesting. Either he’ll spill some beans or he’ll clam up and cover for Trump, now that Trump started his pet war with Iran. The House should subpoena him now, before the a Senate does.
IF the Senate subpoenas Bolton, that is.
the stache is tired of this game of telephone, Morrison's statement should have settled it,
Or Bolton has been assured by the Senate Judiciary Committee that he won’t be called to testify and so his announcement of being willing to testify if subpoenaed by the a Senate is just a farce.
Bolton himself has said that he has more information to provide than what was revealed in the House impeachment inquiry. He did not provide it because at the time he felt compelled to not volunteer absent a subpoena, which the House did not want to issue a subpoena that would be litigated for months.
Now Bolton is willing to comply with a Senate subpoena (and presumably a House subpoena although he did not say so). And people familiar with what Bolton knows, think that Bolton will have information that is highly damaging to Trump's impeachment defense.
I want to hear that evidence. If anyone doesn't want to hear that evidence, they should say so clearly and directly.
this was the tip of the spear in this operation,
no one gives a farthing about vanilla peach mint,
Schiff is suggesting opening hearings into Trump’s Iran fiasco.
Please do. Let’s hear what the Pentagon officials have to say.
“What Schiff's saying: "The president has put us on a path where we may be at war with Iran. That requires the Congress to fully engage."
"I'm certainly not satisfied that the intelligence supports the conclusion that the killing of Soleimani was going to either prevent attacks on the United States or reduce the risk to American lives."
On Trump's threat to Iranian cultural sites: "None of that could come out of the Pentagon. Absolutely no way."
The big picture: U.S. military leaders were "stunned" that Trump gave the order to kill Soleimani, a step they viewed as the "most extreme response to recent Iranian-led violence in Iraq," according to the New York Times.
Trump administration officials have since said Trump had little choice because Soleimani was planning imminent attacks on U.S. and allied forces in the region, but they have presented no evidence of such plans.”
Even though there is going to be a lot of really cold weather ahead of us, more daylight minutes/hours is something to be happy about. It's like, you know, winning!
Report: US military to pull out of Iraq.
You got what you asked for. Good luck.
Good, after the Iraq pullout, remove ourselves from Afghanistan. We don't need people on the ground to bomb the fuck out of people.
Also, too funny. It's the Democrats ridiculing POTUS Trump over his trying to protect the people in the embassy, I can hardly wait for them to start bitching now about the long overdue pullouts. HA!
I thought the impeachment inquiry had adjourned...
AllenS: "Also, too funny. It's the Democrats ridiculing POTUS Trump over his trying to protect the people in the embassy, I can hardly wait for them to start bitching now about the long overdue pullouts. HA!"
Admiral Inga is already all over that so now we have the spectacle of some dems calling out Trump for somehow delaying removing troops from the ME while the majority of democrats are calling Trump out for even daring to suggest we ought to be pulling out and calling it another impeachable offense.
The best part is how these lefties like LLR-lefty Chuck actually believe we can't see what they are up to.
Too funny.
it's schrodinger's peachmint, so the Iraqi security forces will be left to cleaning up the Islamic state remnants, sarc,
’The big picture: U.S. military leaders were "stunned" that Trump gave the order to kill Soleimani, a step they viewed as the "most extreme response to recent Iranian-led violence in Iraq," according to the New York Times.’
Keep rooting for the Iranian terrorists. It’s not like there’s an election in ten months or anything. :)
Admiral Inga: "Schiff is suggesting opening hearings into Trump’s Iran fiasco."
Will the hearings be held in secret with only Schiff allowed to leak selected information?
Will republicans be allowed to call witnesses?
Will republicans be allowed to have their questions answered?
Will Schiff hide certain transcripts because he doesn't like the truth coming out has he did with the sham-peachment?
You know, the more I think about having the democrats on camera all day long arguing against the killing of this latest democrat-praised delightful/poem reciting mass murdering terrorist, the more I'm inclined to say go for it!
Beasts of England: "I thought the impeachment inquiry had adjourned..."
Steny Hoyer laid out the House dems plan for the year and, get this, never mentioned sham-peachment at all.
Not a single word.
As though it were never even there.
’Not a single word.’
According to Feldman, there’s been no true impeachment, so that syncs perfectly!!
Beasts: "According to Feldman, there’s been no true impeachment, so that syncs perfectly!!"
It has been said before in this thread and previous days: This is truly the Schrödinger's Impeachment.
Chuckles and Inga are having orgasms over the potential John Bolton testimony.
To put things in perspective, Inga told us many times that "You don't know what Mueller knows". Yes. We now do.
When one leftist fantasy gets knocked down, another one takes its place.
These people are too crazy to give up.
Harvey may up the ante from a walker to arriving on a stretcher with an IV bag
that much vaunted civility
’These people are too crazy to give up.’
It’s surreal. A few of my current political positions are well to the left of Clinton’s during his presidency! But now, I’m labeled an alt-right Nazi. Or worse. And they’re accelerating their leftward lurch at an accelerating rate, and truly believe these instant positions are mainstream.
Chuck said "If anyone doesn't want to hear that evidence, they should say so clearly and directly."
I don't want to hear the evidence because I am of the conviction that even if the President made a direct and clear quid pro quo offer to Ukraine, it was within his prerogative to do so. That is the very essence of diplomacy and negotiation. No one but a fool would contend that Trump was stupid enough to actually tell the Ukrainians that they must investigate Biden in order to secure an advantage for Trump's campaign. But as long as the Chief law enforcement officer of our government was seeking to determine whether U.S. law had been violated by a former vice president, for whatever assumed reasons, he was totally within his rights and indeed, his obligations to do so.
It is clear that Bolton left the government on less than a cordial basis and any interpretation he might render as to the motives of the president should be discarded out of hand.
These are the reasons I do not want to hear the evidence of John Bolton.
And they are the reasons that the Senate should dismiss the impeachment as soon as it arrives, if ever, from the Democratic Party.
It's kinda cute that libs think Bolton is now their ally, and will take Trump out.
It's a special kind of stupid.
“It's kinda cute that libs think Bolton is now their ally, and will take Trump out.”
“Or Bolton has been assured by the Senate Judiciary Committee that he won’t be called to testify and so his announcement of being willing to testify if subpoenaed by the a Senate is just a farce.”
1/6/20, 1:51 PM
The only reason I’d like Bolton to testify is because the House would have to open another hoax impeachment inquiry - requiring another vote - within ten months of the election. The ads write themselves!!
LOL. "I don't want to hear the evidence..."
So you don't want to know how or why the aid to Ukraine eventually was released. If Trump's aim was so noble (battling corruption), why release it at all? Where is the U.S. DoJ/FBI investigation of Hunter Biden?
You don't want to know if Bolton stood at Trump's desk along with Mulvaney and Pompeo and said, "Mr. President, we may be in violation of the Impoundment Control Act if we don't release the aid; but even more importantly, the Ukrainians need it urgently, and we are hurting national security interests if we continue to hold it up. If anybody finds out about this, there will be hell to pay, and possibly a prosecution..."
I want to hear about all of that if in fact it is the case.
I want to hear whatever the truth is, about "whatever drug deal Sondland and Mulvaney [were] cooking up."
And I want every Republican Senator to be on the record about whether they wish to hear evidence from Bolton or not.
Bloomberg-Chaffee. What a ticket.
’And I want every Republican Senator to be on the record about whether they wish to hear evidence from Bolton or not.’
Before or after their Pecan Pie Scandal testimony?
"It's kinda cute that libs think Bolton is now their ally, and will take Trump out."
The savior du jour. There must be something in the DSM about the manic repetition of unfounded hopes.
Chuckles and Inga are having orgasms over the potential John Bolton testimony.
To put things in perspective, Inga told us many times that "You don't know what Mueller knows". Yes. We now do.
When one leftist fantasy gets knocked down, another one takes its place.
These people are too crazy to give up.
They hafta keep hope alive. Personally, I always thought Bolton's testimony would be good for Trump. Bolton is not out there whining and crying and lying since being let go.Any negative quote has been taken out of context or blown out of proportion.
The reason Bolton did not get a legitimate subpoena (nobody did) is because they did not actually want his testimony. Bolton saying he will testify if subpoenaed is actually a fuck you dare to the dems.
Chuck's obsession is due to being on the spectrum. Inga's obsession is wanting to be right, for a change. Remember, Inga claimed the unfortunate "film maker" who Obama, Hillary and the rest of the Democrat establishment tortured for the Benghazi vid , might be a MOBY who was actually working for the muzzies in order to stir things up.
Of course, more recent memory is the infamous be -patient-you-don't-know-what is-in-it Mueller Report letdown, which saw Inga abandon her post here for many weeks.
so what's the next step, another round of the koi pond,
’Mr. President, we may be in violation of the Impoundment Control Act...’
Oh, noze!!
’if we don't release the aid...’
But it was released before the congressional deadline.
’but even more importantly...’
This is gonna be good!!
’the Ukrainians need it urgently...’
Maybe they still had the blankets, MREs, and other non-lethal aid from Obama!!
and we are hurting national security interests...’
Did we empty our strategic reserve of Ukrainian beaver cheese?
’if we continue to hold it up.’
But, again, it was released within the allotted window.
’If anybody finds out about this, there will be hell to pay, and possibly a prosecution...’
Only in your dreams, sugar tits.
According to Adam Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee Report, the evidence for impeachment was overwhelming by the end of his hearings in December of the previous decade. So stop stalling, send the articles over to Senate and let there be a vote.
these Iranian kids should be playing baseball.
... there's no crying in baseball
Wait until the Mueller report comes out!
Wait until Storm Daniels' lawsuit!
Wait until we get his taxes!
Wait until Bolden testifies!
Libs know that all the things nobody knows will prove Trump is a criminal..
but enough about the presenters, rimshot,
Chuck asserts:
And I want every Republican Senator to be on the record about whether they wish to hear evidence from Bolton or not.
Here ya go. Let us know what you find out.
Republican Senators - Contact Senators
Blogger Browndog said...
Wait until the Mueller report comes out!
Wait until Storm Daniels' lawsuit!
Wait until we get his taxes!
Wait until Bolden testifies!
The unscheduled Dr.s visit!! My God, his health is failing ..and he is keeping it a secret..
@Reuters disputes the received wisdom now circulating in the media and on the Left, that the Soleimani hit was an ill thought-out provocation. Turns out there was a lot of “there” there after all.
How Tehran-backed forces are taking over in Iraq: 'The Iranians always have a plan'
You’re moving in on Iggy’s turf, narciso... :)
well we have to keep it light for a bit,
pointing out the travismockasham of our allies, is annoying
Do I want to hear Bolton testify? No, not at all. A real genuine house impeachment would already have it. So speculation goes to Bolton can testify on hold up of Ukraine aid.You know what? I don't give a crap. Nor does most of America. So there's a delay in them getting MY TAX MONEY. SO what? Oh, there's a law? So what? Would any reasonable prosecutor indict anyone if it were broken?
Leave it to cleavage..and/or the "no bra" movement.
Better seen than heard.
Don't cry for me, America. The truth is we never left you.
Moderation in public, misogynists notwithstanding, equal and complementary in Nature.
Iranian regime calling in favors. Democrats inquire why a terrorist leader was deemed no longer viable. Leftists inquire why he was planned in Iraq, while colluding with terrorist proxies. Human rites corporations want to know why there was no collateral damage. Iraq puts on a show, and everyone frets that progress is inevitable.
Meanwhile, Deep Plumber continues to plunge the depths and muck of Water Closet.
Baby steps.
Per his twitter, Jim Carrey must be on some new meds/drugs for 2020. He's riffing on mangoes.
from the Asia Times--
Trump’s preemptive action yet may turn out to be a masterful stroke.
aaaaaand an @AaronJMate thread--explains how US Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that the Obama administration intentionally let ISIS grow to try to weaken the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad
Lincoln Chaffee is even less of a libertarian than he is/was a Republican.
Carrey might be doing inpatient art therapy.
"See? I'm all better!!"
I think al udeid airbase might need a battery or two of patriots, in one the first episode of sleeper cells if I recall, the al queda cell leader farik fahris (who was masquerading as an Israeli, and is actually played by one, oded fehr,) is remarking on an attack against that base.
the Obama administration intentionally let ISIS grow
The Road to Syria--Obama Admin. KNEW Weapons Were Shipped from Benghazi to Syrian Rebels/Jihadists
The Libya-Rebels/Jihadists/ISIS Affair. And Iran, too. What a dysfunctional convergence.
Deep Plumber has his work cut out for him to unravel this ball of yarns.
yes, but as sundance pointed out, many members of the intel committee, including trey gowdy signed off the finding that involved those same rebels trained by operatives including bin qumu,
The day, that is the hours with sunlight, is lengthening, I can see it, I can feel it. I love this time of year.
ohhhhh, Humper!! Not again?!? Is this kinda like plagiarism?
Hunter Biden linked to 2016 identity theft involving deceased brother
You know, the more I think about having the democrats on camera all day long arguing against the killing of this latest democrat-praised delightful/poem reciting mass murdering terrorist, the more I'm inclined to say go for it!
Even Inga comes up with a good idea once in a while. By accident of course.
Oh, so you wanna see lots of boobs?
nice pic from @MessageFromLen
"The size of funeral crowds in authoritarian regimes is not an indication of popular support. In fact, the opposite is true. All those dictatorships are just trying to overcompensate for their lack of legitimacy. Let’s call it Legitimacy Envy. Soleimani’s funeral is no different"
They passed up this brilliant woman and picked Gretard!!
didn't he have an Ashley Madison account, he's like a cross between Michael j fox's editorial intern, and hart bochner's sleazy exec,
“The reason Bolton did not get a legitimate subpoena (nobody did) is because they did not actually want his testimony. Bolton saying he will testify if subpoenaed is actually a fuck you dare to the dems”
Actually, the reason that Bolton didn’t get a subpoena was much more likely that the House didn’t have the power or authority to subpoena him. They had no A1S1 Oversight authority, because Congress only has Oversight authority over parts of the government that they created. The Presidency was instead created by Article II of the same Constitution that impliedly authorizes Oversight pursuant to Congress’ authority to enact legislation. In regards to the phone call, the President has plenary power to conduct foreign policy. Congress has no power to oversee it. As for their A1S2 Impeachment power, at the time they sent out their “subpoenas”, their “impeachment” consisted of an agreement by Palsi, Schifty, and Wadler. 3 out of 438 Representatives. Not clear if it would have been valid after the partisan vote in the House setting up Schifty’s basement star chamber lake investigation. At a minimum, they have still to credibly specify any High Crimes or Misdemeanors on which to base opening an impeachment investigation, and were thus very likely loath to litigate their claims in court.
finally, an English version from Occhionero!
"My interview with @liviovarriale. The malware Procura di Roma used to attack US cyber space via my servers, the inconsistencies of the Italian investigations on Joseph Mifsud.
Is the professor in a witness protection program of Procura di Roma?"
(click on english version)
"“A bag containing the suspicious items, a cellular telephone (Apple) belonging to Shauna Stanglr, who is also known as Puma St. Angel, and a Delaware Attorney General badge belonging to Hunter Biden's deceased brother Joseph R. Beau Biden III were provided to the police officer," the court papers state. The papers identify Puma St. Angel as the co-founder of Grace Grove at Rejuvenation & Performance Institute in Sedona, Ariz., a self-described "lifestyle center" staffed with on-site therapists and coaches. It is not clear from the documents if this is the facility that Hunter Biden attended."
"Puma" (short for Shauna) rejuvenated him?
“So you don't want to know how or why the aid to Ukraine eventually was released. If Trump's aim was so noble (battling corruption), why release it at all? Where is the U.S. DoJ/FBI investigation of Hunter Biden?”
“You don't want to know if Bolton stood at Trump's desk along with Mulvaney and Pompeo and said, "Mr. President, we may be in violation of the Impoundment Control Act if we don't release the aid; but even more importantly, the Ukrainians need it urgently, and we are hurting national security interests if we continue to hold it up. If anybody finds out about this, there will be hell to pay, and possibly a prosecution..."”
Guess what? There is no evidence that the slight delay in dispersing the Ukranian aid violated the Impoundment Control Act. It was dispersed well within the proper fiscal year. And it is highly likely that Congress didn’t have Constitutional authority to demand more. They can demand that the money be spent within the current fiscal year, but demanding more would, in this case, almost assuredly violate the President’s plenary Article II power to conduct foreign policy, as well his responsibility to make sure that our laws are faithfully executed.
“Is the professor in a witness protection program of Procura di Roma?"”
Is he still alive? Did he commit Arkansas suicide?
many members of the intel committee, including trey gowdy signed off the finding that involved those same rebels
MAD is why a conclusion is not forthcoming. They both have their fingerprints, pawprints, on this dysfunctional convergence. It's a veritable merry-go-round. Perhaps there will be a Golden Globe awarded to recognize their reconciliation.
She gets her money the old fashioned way-she earns it. Not on some casting couch
FREE MONEY: Chelsea Clinton Hauls In $9 Million From Corporate Board Position
Red State
Did Iranian President Hassan Rouhani Just Admit Iran Was Behind the PanAm 103 Bombing
Hassan Rouhani
Those who refer to the number 52 should also remember the number 290. #IR655
Never threaten the Iranian nation.
12:25 PM - Jan 6, 2020
"...That gets us to the number 290 and the hashtag #IR655, the body count and the call sign of [the Iranian airliner mistakenly shot down over Iranian waters in the Persian Gulf on July 3, 1988 by the Aegis-class cruiser USS Vincennes].
"Now to the threat or the admission of guilt.
On December 21, 1988, Pan Am Flight 103, enroute to JFK International in New York from Frankfurt/Main, Germany exploded some 31,000 feet above Lockerbie, Scotland. 259 people died. Two Libyan intelligence operatives were eventually tried. One was acquitted. The other was released in 2009 after serving nine years of a life sentence."
"...Abolghassem Mesbahi, a defector to Germany, said Pan Am flight 103 was downed in 1988 in retaliation for a US Navy strike on an Iranian commercial jet six months earlier, in which 290 people died.
He claims the Ayatollah Khomeini, who was Iran’s Supreme Leader, ordered the bombing “to copy exactly what happened to the Iranian Airbus”.
Previously unseen evidence gathered for the aborted appeal hearing of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the former Libyan intelligence officer convicted of the bombing, supports Mr Mesbahi’s claim and suggests that the bombers belonged to the extremist group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC)."
"...The clear implication of Rouhani’s tweet is that Iran will always revenge its losses. The question is whether this was just Rouhani using the PanAm 103 attack as metaphor knowing that people would know the implication…or did he just admit to the world that Iran was behind that terror attack?"
IMO, Rouhani's tweet was a payback tweet.
The Wikipedia articles on Flight 655 leaves little doubt that the commander of the Vincennes, Captain William C. Rogers III, was an unfortunate example of the Peter Principle at work and the Navy's attempt to cover it up.
'Rogers was personally criticized for being overly aggressive by Commander David Carlson, commanding officer of USS Sides, a second ship that was under the tactical control of Rogers at the time of the incident. Carlson claimed that the downing of Iran Air 655 marked the "horrifying climax to Capt. Rogers' aggressiveness, first seen four weeks ago".'
"...In 1990, Rogers was awarded the Legion of Merit "for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service as commanding officer..."
Global Warming, I mean Climate Change, I mean Climate Emergency
Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officers...
For those who need it. Not that you two will admit it.
Of course Iran threatens to massacre civilians. That is what terrorists do, slaughter the innocent. Unlike Trump, who takes out bad actors with precision.
Target Trump: Adviser to Iran President Rouhani Threatens President Trump, Posts List of Trump Properties
cant the celebs 'jet-pool' instead of taking their own?
has there been a cartoon yet of Gervais a drone taking out a limo full of anti-American celebs?
many members of the intel committee, including trey gowdy signed off the finding that involved those same rebels
Yeah, you're right. Each side makes a move. Check. Democrats, hoping to break the stalemate, thought an empathetic appeal through threats of impeachment would be mate. And so the game progresses and evolves. Fine.
That is what terrorists do, slaughter the innocent. Unlike Trump, who takes out bad actors with precision.
Scalpel reciprocity is one step closer to self-defense. Check. Now, the Democrats want to indemnify -- an insurance policy, if you will -- an active terrorist while in collusion with terrorist proxies in a foreign land. Check, fail.
GMA sent the weepy Martha Raddatz to cover Soleimani’s funeral. With mourners in the background chanting ‘Death to America’, their chyron showed ‘Crisis Escalates Over Iran General’s Death’. I’ll leave that without further comment.
The Wikipedia articles on Flight 655 leaves little doubt that the commander of the Vincennes, Captain William C. Rogers III, was an unfortunate example of the Peter Principle at work and the Navy's attempt to cover it up.
Captain Rogers' wife was the intended victim of a car bombing in 1989. She was not injured but the car was destroyed.
One of the more unfortunate developments in the latter half of the 20th century was the way that conservatism, thanks in large part to the Cold War, became synonymous with militarism and interventionism. That's a reversal of our country's traditional history, where voices against war were largely the more conservative voices in the country. Robert Kagan pointed this out in his long essay Neocon Nation:
The oldest, and in some ways most potent, critique has always been that of genuine conservatism, a powerful counter-tradition that goes back at least as far as the debates over the ratification of the Constitution in 1787. The supporters of the new federal Constitution—George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and James Madison—insisted that the concentration of energy and power in the federal government was essential if the United States was to become a world power capable both of protecting itself and achieving its destined greatness on the world stage. “Let Americans disdain to be the instruments of European greatness!” Hamilton exhorted in the Federalist papers. But Patrick Henry, a leader of the anti-Federalist opponents of the Constitution, accused Hamilton and his allies, not unfairly, of seeking to “convert this country into a powerful and mighty empire.” This, Henry insisted, was a betrayal of the nation’s true purpose. “When the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America was different: liberty, sir, was then the primary object.”
That quotation is a favorite chestnut of Patrick Buchanan and that ancient confrontation has recurred in almost every generation since the founding. At the core of this conservative critique has always been the fear that “empire,” however one might define it—in Henry’s day, it meant simply a wide expanse of land under a single, strong central government—is antithetical to, and ultimately destructive of, American democratic and republican virtues. A big, expansive foreign policy requires a big, powerful central government to advance it, and such a government imperils American liberties. It also imperils its democratic soul. As John Quincy Adams memorably put it in 1821, America might become “the dictatress of the world,” but she would “be no longer the ruler of her own spirit.”
Bruce Hayden: Your comments at 6:02 and 6:10 are very enlightening. Thank you...
You don't want to know if Bolton stood at Trump's desk along with Mulvaney and Pompeo and said, "Mr. President, we may be in violation of the Impoundment Control Act if we don't release the aid; but even more importantly, the Ukrainians need it urgently, and we are hurting national security interests if we continue to hold it up. If anybody finds out about this, there will be hell to pay, and possibly a prosecution..."
Give it up Chuck. You don't believe your own bullshit.
You have gone from being a phony to a joke to a pitiful spectacle of what once was a human being.
GMA sent the weepy Martha Raddatz to cover Soleimani’s funeral. With mourners in the background chanting ‘Death to America’, their chyron showed ‘Crisis Escalates Over Iran General’s Death’. I’ll leave that without further comment.
Hold on a second. You mean to tell me the gang had an opportunity to kidnap or murder a prominent American journalist on live TV and they passed? Why?
Sounds like ABC may be colluding with Iran, investigation warranted.
Is Chuck in Milwaukee?
Lincoln Chafee is hoping to play spoiler.
He'll campaign only in states that are close.
He'll be surprised how few of those states actually exist.
While Bruce has with cause shown to be the absolute "holy cow he's giving it away for free???" best commenter/commentator, at this Chuck's place to comment called the Althouse blog, we must ask did Guildy, my ol' ass, drive buwaya away?
From America I'll take the credit, from the blog I accept all and any blame.
This, like most-near all, my comments are rhetorical. I don't think that is good. I have not found a better path.
"At the core of this conservative critique has always been the fear that “empire,” however one might define it—in Henry’s day, it meant simply a wide expanse of land under a single, strong central government—is antithetical to, and ultimately destructive of, American democratic and republican virtues. A big, expansive foreign policy requires a big, powerful central government to advance it, and such a government imperils American liberties."
Two different issues, maybe three.
America needed a strong-enough central government, and there would have been no continental United States, hence no "liberty," without it. Actual American conservatism has always viewed a central government, as defined and circumscribed by the Constitution, as the guarantor of "democratic and republican virtues."
What that government should do abroad did not follow logically from the domestic design. Expansive foreign policy requires big government, but a single, strong-enough central government need not be "big, powerful" in seeking influence abroad. Hence the recurrent debates.
"Big, powerful" central government endangered liberties not because of imperial ventures but first and foremost because of the expansion of the administrative state--domestic, not foreign progressivism.
Bolton as the New Mueller!!
It just keeps getting better and better.
Btw, what was Bolton eating on the day Soleimani got whacked? Dems/LLR-lefties everywhere demand to know!!
If it was meat loaf and ice cream than we will need another Special Prosecutor to investigate!!!
Admiral Inga, how many Robert Mueller comforters and throw cushions did you end up buying?
Witness how insane the legions of lefty idiots like Admiral Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck have become: accusing Ricky Gervais of being a right winger!!
Heads up Ricky. When the Inga/Chuck mob get rolling you will find yourself redpilled before you know it!
Ricky Gervais Twitter:
How the fuck can teasing huge corporations, and the richest, most privileged people in the world be considered right wing? 😂 #GoldenGlobes
Beasts of England,
Any idea why his remains were draped in Iraqi flag?
Smug reads reports that the Trump Administration plans to withdraw from Iraq, demands more.
No enough operational elbow room for Iran?
“I feel certain that Rush will press Trump to specify whether any Iranian cultural sites have been or will be targeted for attacks from U.S. armed forces. ”
Ricky Gervais Twitter:
How the fuck can teasing huge corporations, and the richest, most privileged people in the world be considered right wing? 😂 #GoldenGlobes
1/6/20, 7:55 PM
But they're the good rich, privileged people. They're woke.
Of course, once the Left takes over, the heads of the woke rich leftists will roll too, because that's the way it always works. Woke = useful idiots.
Chuck: Thanks for the heads up about Trump on Limbaugh. Good interview. Hope you enjoyed it.
duh duh duh I didn't in any way literally influence B decision.
He made many claims, many many. When I pointed out if CA is the future of America only to historians that read too much he attacked my country.
How can the greatness of CA be used to reference the horror of being an American?
Because it will always happen.
But America determines ergo what always happens nitwit.
You tell me I'm wrong in 40 years bro. You are a bad person if you kept American citizenship which I am not claiming or caring you or any not American has done your trashy way B.
Chuck was being cheeky with that.
Waka waka
Original Mike: "Chuck: Thanks for the heads up about Trump on Limbaugh. Good interview. Hope you enjoyed it."
The more the country sees the dems speaking off the cuff the worse the dems are received.
The more people see Trump unfiltered the better Trump does.
I have some British acquaintances (for and against Brexit) that happened to catch Trumps extended interview with Nigel Farage on LBC a couple months back and all them were floored. Paraphrasing here: "That was amazing", "he really understands what he is trying to do and how", "its so incredibly different to how he us portrayed", "no wonder the media will not give him time to speak unfiltered to the public", etc.
I am excluding Yang and Gabbard in my comment above.
It is the harbinger that keeps getting funded over and above time and time again.
What does San Franscisco Real Estate mean?
That silicon is better than real.
Okay let's find out.
Let us find out.
AllenS said...Even though there is going to be a lot of really cold weather ahead of us, more daylight minutes/hours is something to be happy about. It's like, you know, winning!
Seasons lag the annual Althouse tag.
Blogger Inga said...
John Bolton’s testimony might prove to be interesting
What's with subpenies etc.
Can't Mustache write Dear Prudence confession to NYT or WaPo.
Michael K said...
"Captain Rogers' wife was the intended victim of a car bombing in 1989. She was not injured but the car was destroyed."
But a NY Times article at the time quoted "a Bush Administration Official" as saying:
"...Captain Rogers had used the car earlier today to go to a doughnut shop."
So, they both drove the vehicle. But, under the circumstances, he was much more likely than not to have been the intended victim.
"... In addition, Government officials said they learned last year that an Iranian-directed group in Lebanon, the Revolutionary Guards, had ordered a Palestinian group to carry out attacks against Americans, including the bombing of a civilian jetliner and a plane."
Well it was over two years ago man (my best tommie the dude impression
Yang and Gabbard: I agree. I could never vote for them, and hope they never win high office, but I have some respect for them as people, moral agents. The others all revolt me more the more I see of them. Possible exception: Delaney, but you never do see him so it’s a moot point.
Remember when Democrat candidates were only as awful as Dukakis? Good times, good times.
Any discussion of American empire*, whether you like it or hate it, and the dangers of despotism has to start by acknowledging what old Toynbee noticed: empires that must routinely use violence and subterfuge against foreign enemies usually end up using the same methods against the home population too, or at least those parts of the population that the security apparatus fears.
That's been happening since the 1940s, and increased drastically, as we now know, under recent administrations. The cost of maintaining our current system overseas, or going to war, is greater power of surveillance and control at home for people who are not trustworthy.
American empire been very very good to me
Thats probably true
Why did the republic fail, because the expansion of the territories caused instabilities that created power vaccuums that were filled alliances of strong men
The crassus the pompeys against the parthians spartacan rebellion of course caesar decided he would be head homcho, a project his nephew ultimately completed.
Somewhere in that interval came catiline, the ex soldier with a pre jacobin vision.
What do we have here?
a nice thread by John Hayward @Doc_0
"One of the major factors influencing Iran coverage over the past few years was the need to downplay every hideous thing Tehran did, in order to protect the nuclear deal. The media literally looked the other way while Iran's proxies stacked up civilian corpses."
First look
Re the quincy institute thst soros and koch brothers have teamed up on
Re the flannery thread:
Thank you, Hollywood!! I had to fuck Harvey Weinstein and murder my baby, but this is truly an honor!
"For what shall it profit a woman, if she shall gain the golden globe, and lose her own soul?"--
Crudely stated but accurate:
narciso: "Omg"
Where is that?
Its supposed to be the washington post building, it may be fake.
umm..accompanying article?
No it was just an image 'fake but accurate' like the phony parliament vote ans the withdrawal letter.
Any word on the honest mistake release of said letter?
Its left unclear, it really is 'a wildenessof mirrors'
was Epstein funding Science... or silence?
How did Epstein meet so many luminaries in the worlds of science and technology? It all might trace back to literary agent John Brockman.
Maybe either epstein or junkerman herself is the second category
2020 Vision--Eyes Wide Open ??
Pedo busts, #MeToo/Weinstein, box office slump-- 2020 the year Hollyweird crashes?
boy! She really does swing both ways!!
Kyrsten Sinema breaks from pack: ‘Soleimani was a terrorist … Iran’s aggression should be checked’
walter said...
Any word on the honest mistake release of said letter?
hoping to avoid a Clash?
"Should we stay or should we go now?
Should we stay or should we go now?
If we go there will be trouble
An' if we stay it will be double
So you gotta let me know...
Should we stay or should we go?!?"
this is it
“Will the hearings be held in secret with only Schiff allowed to leak selected information?”
The HSCI isn’t cleared for this sort of stuff. By necessity the Gang of Eight is, which does, currently include Shifty (and Palsi). Schifty’s Lawfare prosecutors aren’t cleared either. The WH is not about to let the sorts of intelligence driving this decision out to be leaked to our enemies. Sources and Methods. And Schifty’s HSCI has no oversight authority over WH decisions to use military force. None. To the extent that any committee do, they would be limited to Armed Serices or Foreig Relations.
Blogger Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
boy! She really does swing both ways!!
Kyrsten Sinema breaks from pack: ‘Soleimani was a terrorist … Iran’s aggression should be checked’
She wants to be re-elected, unlike Pelosi's sacrificial lambs.
“You don't want to know if Bolton stood at Trump's desk along with Mulvaney and Pompeo and said, "Mr. President, we may be in violation of the Impoundment Control Act if we don't release the aid; but even more importantly, the Ukrainians need it urgently, and we are hurting national security interests if we continue to hold it up. If anybody finds out about this, there will be hell to pay, and possibly a prosecution..."”
This is the usual Lawfare BS. There are no criminal sanctions in the Impoundment Control Act. The way it is supposed to work is that te President asks Congress for permission not to sped money allocated by Congress. If he doesn’t notify Congress, the Comptroller General can litigate the matter in the District Court for DC. Of course, if the Comptroller General had filed suit there for the delayed aid money for Ukraine, it would have been immediately dismissed as moot since, by then, the allocated money had bee spent.
And, no, there is no role for Schifty’s HSCI there whatsoever. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.
The reason that this is so clearly Lawfare, is that the law is being deliberately misinterpreted, in order to create a crime, when there is none. If you just read the Definitions, you might get the impression that the law covered delaying spending aid money for even a couple of weeks. It is just when you read the entire Act together, that you realize that it’s purpose is to force the President to spend the money that Congress has authorized to be spent in a fiscal year, in that fiscal year, and provides a mechanism to force the expenditure if he doesn’t request that the spending authority be rescinded.
And this doesn’t even get into the Separation of Powers aspect. The Act was enacted in response to Nixon’s attempt to sequester and not spend monies authorized by Congress, and enacted in spending bills either passed with his signature, or over his veto. Initially, there appears to have been a Line Item veto provision, presumably struck down as violative of Separation of Powers. Forbidding the President from delaying disbursement of the allocated aid monies for a couple weeks would infringe the President’s plenary Constitutional power to conduct foreign policy (and run the Executive Branch). If he decided that spending the monies in that fiscal year in the way directed by Congress wasn’t in the national interest, he could then have OMB send a request to the Comptroller General to rescind the authorization or to transfer the money elsewhere. The Comptroller General would then transmit the request to both houses of Congress, which would have to concur. That would presumably be Constitutional. In short, all that Congress can probably Constitutionally do is pass bills that authorize spending by the President in specified ways, and then have its Comptroller General sue in DC District Court to force the authorized spending. Anything more would violate Separation of Powers.
“Kyrsten Sinema breaks from pack: ‘Soleimani was a terrorist … Iran’s aggression should be checked’”
Arizona has a long history of maverick Senators, Republicans Goldwater and McCain being some of the more notable recent members of that list. I am quite happy that Democrat Sinema has joined that club. I had much lower expectations for her - she was elected with huge amounts of money from out of state billionaires like Soros flooding the airways, often sandwiching two of her ads around one McSally ad during a single commercial break, combined with a decent amount of cheating by Soros funded election officials.
“She wants to be re-elected, unlike Pelosi's sacrificial lambs.”
Still, in her defense, that is almost five years from now. A lot of Senators vote the party line until the last year or two of their term, then switch to representing their constituents for that sort period, figuring, often very correctly that their constituents have very short memories.
"Kyrsten Sinema breaks from pack: ‘Soleimani was a terrorist … Iran’s aggression should be checked’
She wants to be re-elected, unlike Pelosi's sacrificial lambs."
From my perch in MA I'd say Sinema seems to genuinely hold this point of view on the situation and action. If she is taking this position to improve her chances of re-election by the voters of her state then she is acting appropriately in representing them. That is much different than the pandering we see from the Pelosi sacrificial lambs and current crop of Democrat POTUS candidates.
she was elected with huge amounts of money from out of state billionaires like Soros flooding the airways, often sandwiching two of her ads around one McSally ad during a single commercial break, combined with a decent amount of cheating by Soros funded election officials.
Her election was part of the test run of ballot harvesting. The election official in Phoenix was part of it. Lots of "late votes" just like Orange County in CA.
If she wants to cross party lines, she will be unique these days, Soros also spent $600,000 to elect the Maricopa Sheriff.
Sinema isn't up for reelection this year. My take as a conservative Arizonan is that she is a common sense Senator unafraid to go against the current. Her attractiveness keeps her from being stifled by her Party.
My take as a conservative Arizonan is that she is a common sense Senator unafraid to go against the current.
I hope you are right., She sure looked radical in 2018 but McSally did run a weak campaign. I am worried about her this year. I know her and she is quite good in small groups but she got bad advice in 2018.
I hope John Henry is OK in PR with the earthquake cluster.
I hope you are right., She sure looked radical in 2018 but McSally did run a weak campaign. I am worried about her this year. I know her and she is quite good in small groups but she got bad advice in 2018.
I voted for McSally with misgivings due to her anti-Trump stand but have been pleasantly surprised by Sinema.
And, yes, Michael, I hope we hear from JH today to let us know he's OK.
I've been worried about John Henry, too.
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