१२ जानेवारी, २०२०

Sunrise, northern view.


Time: 7:53. Actual sunrise time: 7:28.

२०८ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   208 पैकी 201 – 208
Michael K म्हणाले...

Bruce Hayden was semi-optimistic about the new FISA court lawyer who will "assist" in solving the problems of "spygate." He said that lawyers can take a side representing a client that does not necessarily indicate their personal views.

David Kris does not seem to be that sort of lawyer. He is a partisan participant in the coup attempt.

Collyer’s report specifically identified search query increases tied to the 2016 presidential primary. Two years of research identified this process as the DOJ/FBI and IC using the NSA database to query information related to political candidates, specifically Donald Trump.

When Judge Boasberg was given the similar assignment, to review the intelligence community use of the NSA database, essentially a FISA-702 compliance audit (2017 through March 2018), he wrote his findings in a report in October 2018.

Within Judge Boasberg’s review of the 2017 activity he outlined an identical set of FISA violations from within the FBI units and “contractors” as initially outlined by Judge Collyer a year earlier. Judge Boasberg wrote his opinion in October 2018 and that opinion was declassified last October 8th, 2019).

Boasberg’s review was 2017 through March 2018 [Main Link to All Legal Proceedings Here], written October 2018 and made public October 2019.

To counter the FISA-702 legal issues Judge Boasberg was identifying about the unlawful data exploitation and surveillance of U.S. persons (4th amendment violations), the government countered with an attempt to justify. This is the aforementioned appeal process known as the FISC-R. Who is the Amici Curiae attempting the justification?

David Kris.

It’s Kris’s job to manufacture the judicial plausible deniability the FISA Judges need to keep allowing the FISA process to exist.

It's time for FISA to be repealed.

J. Farmer म्हणाले...


It's always a good policy, when someone threatens you with death, repeatedly, is to assume they're not serious.

Thank you for completely missing the point.

Don't bother to arm yourself, JIC.

Considering that the US spent $900,000,000,000 on the military last year, I'd say we have armed ourselves.

You might not be pro Iranian regime, but they couldn't have a better cheerleader.

Here's a fun game. Quote a single thing I've said about the Iranian regime that could be construed as "cheerleading." We have diplomatic relations and do business with any number of unsavory regimes around the world.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"I can certainly see why Cook is so enthusiastic about Farmer's foreign policy ideas."

Well, sure. They're intelligent and prudent, based on a realistic assessment of reality. Most of the slobbering kill-happy "USA!USA!" jingoists here are living in a cartoon world credible only to half-wits and toddlers.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

Hmmm...I guess I forgot to sign in. The two "Unknowns" on this page are my comments.

n.n म्हणाले...

Yes, Obama Helped Fund the Iranian Regime

Yet Andrea Mitchell and CNN, and all the usual suspects, immediately rallied to Obama’s defense to also explain that actually Trump is talking about money we owed Iran.

We never “owed” the Islamic Republic any money. This is a myth. In 2016, the United States was in the middle of an unresolved dispute in front of the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal at The Hague over cash advanced by the Shah for military equipment we refused to deliver after the 1979 revolution. You might recall, this is when Iran began prosecuting its war against the United States, taking hostages, and killing service members.

It is unlikely that U.S. would ultimately have been obligated to hand over a single deutschmark to the mullahs. For one thing, the U.S. had its own counterclaims over Iran’s many violations — which, in total, exceeded the amount supposedly “owed” to it. Obama, in his obsessive goal of placating Iran to procure a deal, unilaterally dismissed a stipulation held by the previous administration that the United States wouldn’t release funds until other court judgments held against Iran for its terrorist acts on American citizens were all resolved.

... The president, in fact, risibly claimed that the agreement had saved “billions of dollars.”

Submission as a segue to new and saved wars in the greater Middle East. Not to mention license to Communist Chinese-style domestic suppression.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Andrea Mitchell is a hack.

Ken B म्हणाले...

Why don’t we know what the wapo paid Sandman? Democracy dies in darkness.

Marc in Eugene म्हणाले...

I think CNN was meant there-- nothing at @N1ckSandmann etc about a WaPo settlement. I do see that he's intending to return to DC for the March for Life on Friday next, the 24th. Are there journalists who care about such things willing to poke about? I guess not.

'Everything I dislike about my ex-wife gets fixed by Donald Trump'. There's certainly a catchy beat there, CMC. Neglected to tick the repeat button 'off' and got distracted by stuff and so have heard the song about four times at this point, background, anyway.

«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने   208 पैकी 201 – 208   नवीन› नवीनतम»