I guess all the Democratic candidates will weigh in on the killing of Soleimani.
Here's Bernie Sanders: "Trump's dangerous escalation brings us closer to another disastrous war in the Middle East that could cost countless lives and trillions more dollars. Trump promised to end endless wars, but this action puts us on the path to another one."
Here's Biden:
My statement on the killing of Qassem Soleimani. pic.twitter.com/4Q9tlLAYFB
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 3, 2020
As for Trump's tweeting, he only has one post from the relevant time period. It's this:
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 3, 2020
You understand what that means, as an answer to the verbiage put on Twitter by his opponents.
६३ टिप्पण्या:
But Obama killing American citizens via drone strikes was OK.
The Left truly are TDS obsessed traitors.
Why does Biden think this is about escalators?
Convert Iran into a sea of glass.
Sometimes the strong use of force is necessary to engender the respect and fear needed to cow one's enemy. And make no mistake, they are the enemy.
They will never cease probing for weakness.
A pol has to anticipate where the audience is and how to divide them.
I'd guess Iran is happy with it in order to have a popular common enemy to hype, in light to domestic problems. On the other hand, their deescalating the actual actions abroad might be a good idea; just not the rhetoric.
The Dems have once again set themselves up as right only if things go badly for America. From rooting against the economy to rooting for war in the middle east.
Am I the only one wondering why the leader of the elite Iranian terrorist Quds Forces was in Baghdad, Iraq? How is it that this action, against an agreed terrorist leader who was supposedly planning attacks against Americans, is an escalation? What would Warren, Biden, and Sanders have us do? Lift the sanctions and send them a pile of cash, I guess.
Iran has escalated their anti-American rhetoric and actions of late. The consensus I've read is that this is because the US sanctions on Iran are putting increasing pressure on the rulers there and have lead to a decline in their support from the people of Iran.
Barack Hussein Obama invited him into the White House in 2011. So, Democrats just might think that the man was righteous.
From an article that didn't age very well. January 1, 2020
"The man behind Tehran’s strategy in Iraq, as he has been in Syria, is almost surely Major General Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s Quds force, Tehran’s shock troops. Soleimani has had free reign in Iraq for some time. It is likely that the leaders of the Iranian-dominated militias, the Hashd al Shabi (Popular Mobilization Units)—of which the KH is a component force—answer to him. He surely wants Trump to respond with more than threats, or even tear gas."
How Tehran Rolled Donald Trump In Iraq
It is Iran, not America, that calls the shots in Baghdad.
by Dov S. Zakheim, The National Interest
This is a teaching moment. Will Iran learn that additional provocations in Iraq will lead to more deaths at senior Iranian levels? They should. Were those videos of soy boys breaking into a storage shed worth it? They certainly alarmed the wimps and propagandists in the US media.
Barry tried his thing. Failure.
Trump is trying something else.
There comes a point when it's time for killing.
Will Obama be entering a formal mourning period to honor his dear friend?
Thanks Mr. Forward. That was a great example of being unable to distinguish Shinola from the other stuff. That Dov S. Zakheim really knows all about the situation in Baghdad.
Soleimani could not be reached for comment, since he had been incinerated the next day.
I particularly like the irony of "Iran calls the shots in Baghdad." Only if they wanted to be rid of Soleimani.
Correction: It was Hadi al Amiri who is one of the ringleaders of the attack that was in Barack Hussein Obama's White House, not Soleimani. I guess that they all look alike, is my excuse.
Like the Texas church shooting - the use of force by the good guys makes media/left heads explode. Because it works.
No doubt this is a war, but it may be the first war that puts generals on the front line rather than 18yo troops. Kind of changes things.
As we say in Australia - "two bob each way" Biden.
A radio newsbabe from Baghdad says we're in unchartered territory.
Ben Rhodes hardest hit.
Also, what's up at WaPoop? Soleimani was a "revered" military leader? Not even Granny Warren buys that one. She said Soleimani was a murderer, responsible for the deaths of thousands. WaPoop better get back on the reservation.
We had lunch on New Year's Day with our friend who is a long-time student of the Soviet system and the operations of Marxist thought. He said that the far left doesn't see any of their constant reversals of position as hypocritical or even inconsistent. They are taking a longer view that whatever is helpful to bring down the current system is good and necessary and therefore consistent with the laws of history. It is the chaos, not the specifics, that is important.
Trump shows USA Flag.
Democrats kneel.
World watch.
The foreign policy of the Democratic Party: those who hate the United States must be understood, sympathized with and apologized for.
The domestic policy of the Democratic Party: those who love the United States must be demonized, attacked and suppressed.
Yesterday was a good day. S&P 500 up 27 points and then we roasted some really bad guys. I’m still not tired of all the winning!
Someone should ask Jimmy Carter what he thinks of Trump's proactive defense of our Embassy.
This wasn't just an impeachable offense; this was TREASON! Treason against an ally of the democrat party. Who THE HELL does this 'Trump' think he is? The Democrat party has spent BILLIONS of (other people's) Dollars shoring up, and assisting the Iranians; and Now, this 'Trump' just starts blowing things up!!
HOW will this forward the Democrat Party goal, of Iranian World Dominance ??
Time will tell if Trump’s response is the correct one, but time has already told that the Democrat’s response is not.
I saw another tweet yesterday that I thought was from pdjt. It was too the effect that the folks in Benghazi spent 13 hours asking foor help that never came.
When the embassy asked for help they got 100 marines immediately, 400 Airborne underway and 1000 more troops on standby ready to roll if needed.
(something like thst. Going by memory)
If that wasn't pdjt, it was pretty impressive.
John Henry
Iran has escalated their anti-American rhetoric and actions of late. The consensus I've read is that this is because the US sanctions on Iran are putting increasing pressure on the rulers there and have lead to a decline in their support from the people of Iran.
Yes. The IRGC, which is the parent of the Quds Force, is like the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, although smaller and meaner if possible, They are the real rulers of Iran under the command of Khamenei, and totally corrupt. They are hated by the people who are not our enemy in Iran. Mosque attendance is now at 2% and the people might well abandon Islam if allowed to do so. The birth rate has crashed as women "vote with their uteruses."
Amadeus 48 said...
“We had lunch on New Year's Day with our friend who is a long-time student of the Soviet system and the operations of Marxist thought. He said that the far left doesn't see any of their constant reversals of position as hypocritical or even inconsistent. They are taking a longer view that whatever is helpful to bring down the current system is good and necessary and therefore consistent with the laws of history. It is the chaos, not the specifics, that is important.”
It’s called pragmatism.
I would be less worried about this if I thought there was an overall strategy to what we are doing in the region rather than a series of random neural firings in the President's brain.
Biden appeased Corn Pop.
I would have loved it if Trump had posted the Gadsden flag instead. It is the one that says, "Say what, one more time".
Which president was it who killed him? Obama - yeah! Oh, oh, Trump - terrible, terrible.
Do these clowns know how ridiculous they look?
Trump did not retaliate when Iran shot down our drone because of the large number of casualties, most of them largely innocent low level workers.
He takes out a small group of high level evil people directly responsible for acts of war against the US-killing Americans and inciting an attack on the US embassy.
Bully for you, Mr. President.
I do not for one minute think Joe Biden personally wrote that statement. It's coherent and measured. Not Joe.
This is strategic, not random. We have ignored or responded proportionally to Iran's provocations.
They shoot down a drone; we shoot down a drone.
One of their proxies shoot rockets and kill a contractor, we take out some of their proxies.
They declare war by inciting an attack on our embassy, we respond by doing the equivalent of shooting down Yamamoto.
If I recall, lots of Elizabeth Warren types said the same thing in the run up to WWII. Can't we all just get along? If we are just "nicer" they would be too! They just want a "little" more, is it really worth the trouble to try and stop them for THAT?
How many innocent lives lost will finally be enough for these types of people to decide something needs to be done? Or is it really that the wrong person did something? If a "D" President did it all would be fine? Or a mix of the two?
Soleimani was a murderer, responsible for the deaths of thousands, including hundreds of Americans,but Truuuuummmp!
If was Obama administration: "Decisive action"
The West Wing:
Fitzwallace: Excuse me, Leo, but pardon me, Mr. President, just what else is there?
Bartlet: A disproportional response. Let the word ring forth from this time and this place, you kill an American, any American, we don't come back with a proportional response, we come back (bangs fist on table) with total disaster!
Trump did what Bartlet was afraid to do.
Fuck proportional responses. Soleimani can burn in Hell.
Iran just finished killing 1200 of their own people during protests last month. Do all these Dems really believe their country's ready to go to war with us? They've lost their military brains and their people hate them. Really?
They are under maximum pressure.
Perhaps, if President Trump used the more soothing Betsy Ross flag design, it would have been less triggering to the totalitarian leftists.
By the way, the Iraqi Freedom authorization hasn’t expired or been revoked by a measure from the House or Senate? Because, as I understand the media, this Iranian mass murderer of U.S. citizens was killed in Iraq, no?
Lastly, he is the Commander of all the U.S. military forces, so the posturing politicians can just suck it.
Actually its right with taking out the qumari defense minister season 4 i think.
Referred here:
Elaborated further:
This response by Warren should scare any reasonable person fro voting for acDemocrat this year for president. This had the possibility of being Trump's Benghazi. Nope. Not on his watch. The Americans that night in Benghazi were counting on the sort of response that our embassy in Baghdad got. They wanted some help. Any help. All they got was standdown orders for the automatic military response that was spooling up. In Baghdad, the Iranians, instead faced an immediate deployment of Apache gunships, announcing their presence with flares, threatening to light things up with their .30 caliber chain guns and racks of missiles, with another 100 Marines showing up the next day, 400 Army troops the day after. Etc. Contrast this with the American security people in Benghazi spending the night using lasers to target attackers for help the expected aerial support, that never came, because it had been ordered, from the White House, to stand down.
But then Major General Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s Quds force, was taken out. The "protest" was being orchestrated and run by Quds. Trump responds to essentially attacking our Iraqi embassy, and Trump responded by taking out the Quds commander, who was conveniently in Iraq at the time, which made him fair game and a legitimate military target. For many of us, it was an absolutely perfect response - quick, decisive, precise, but not wasteful.
What Warren and the other Dem leaders for their nomination are signaling is that they prefer the Benghazi style response to attacks on out embassys and consulates. Trump is making Iran squeal now with ratcheting up the sanctions, and then, when given sufficient provocation, is willng by to act decisively against the country. You can visualize Warren, Sanders, etc responding to the attack on our embassy by loading up cargo planes with more pallets of cash for the Iranian mullahs. Appeasing the Muslim extremists, bribing the Iranians, and failing to respond to attacks on our consulate, failed with Obama and Clinton. Warren, etc, promise a return to that strategy. They forget the lessen of the time that the Iranians attacked and seized our embassy in Tehran, holding our embassy personnel until Reagan was elected, and his people started talking about using Daisy Cutters to open up LZs in downtown Tehran, instead of the jungles of Vietnam, etc. and, magically, we got our embassy staff released.
That isn't going to help their campaigns to replace Trump in the White Hiuse.
"Our priority must be to avoid another costly war," tweets Elizabeth Warren.
No Senator Warren, the priority is to protect and promote US interests abroad.
Shorter Biden: I won't just sacrifice American jobs for the Green New Deal, but American lives in the Middle East.
Iraqi puppets of Iran attack US Embassy pretending to be Iraqi protesters. Trump sends 750 Marines to guard the Embassy and shoots the Iranian general leading the attack. Quite proportionate. Moreover, the true Iraqi protesters and all Iraqi reformers, will be happy today because this Iranian general was shooting and torturing them through a puppet Iraqi militia (paid for with money off the pallets of cash). Sadly, CNN was not able to cover scenes of Americans being shot but only the soyboys' school outing: "A Day of Rage at the American Embassy. Courtesy of Cash for Terrorists." This was followed by the Mullahs' endorsement of the Democratic party. "Ilhan Omar must go back to the kitchen but in general her words are correct. Surely they were written by that man with her who is a Democratic party op. We support the Democrats unless they run a woman or a gay or a Communist or Jew."
Trump has perfected the American haiku.
I do not want WAR with Iran... I really do not....I just want Iran to be made into a parking lot.
For I do remember the 444 day Embassy takeover and hostage crisis.
Yes I'll get over it... when the word Iran means parking lot.
Seems like Trump has a measured response to both Iran and Democrats.
Interesting Trump was willing to do what Obama and Bush were not.
I posted this on another thread but I'll repost here because it's more relevant here, i.e., what is Trump's strategy. He's taking down the Mullahs. The Iranian leadership is shrieking about revenge today but they are running on fumes. From en.radiofarda :
Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has said that Iran has lost $200 billion during the past two years as a result of U.S. sanctions.
However, he said he was running the country's economy without that $200 billion.
Speaking while launching a railway project in Golshahr near Tehran on Tuesday December 31, Rouhani said: "Iran would have earned $200 billion surplus income since 2016 if the country was not involved in an economic war."
The United States imposed crippling economic sanctions on Iran in 2018 and 2019, after it decided to withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, known as JCPOA, asking for a stronger agreement and a change in Iran's behavior in the region.
Iran has lost 90 percent of its oil exports; a cash lifeline for the government and the economy. Its currency has fallen fourfold in the past two years and annual inflation has surpassed 40 percent.
Rouhani questioned the argument of hardliner who say the sanctions have not affected Iran and criticized them for calling for the strengthening of "sanction management", as a way out of the dire situation, without making any political concessions to the United States.
"What should we do? When there is no food and water, you are still in danger no matter how strong you are," he said.
Elsewhere in his speech Rouhani spoke about Iran's joint naval exercise with China and Russia in the Sea of Oman last week and said: "The plundering world is angry about this exercise in the same way they become angry when they see millions of Iranians take to the streets to support the political system."
Rouhani made the comment a few weeks after millions of Iranians protested against economic hardships, inequality, financial corruption and discrimination following a gas price hike in November.
Trump has magical powers.
He has the entire left; the media, Democrats, and other assorted loons, blasting their disapproval.
For killing some terrorists.
Some NYT reporter even tweeted an interview of this terrorist reading poetry.
Because he had a gentle side, you see.
Trump not only killed these assholes, he got the Dems to make his re-election ads for him.
Iran et al may be surprised with the passing of quid pro bo, but their proxy regimes are no longer viable. Iran was exonerated through the application of scalpel reciprocity.
known as JCPOA, asking for a stronger agreement and a change in Iran's behavior in the region.
That's the key missing feature of JCPOA in a quid pro bo that underwrote progress in the greater Middle East.
We have certainly fallen a long way from when George Marshall convinced Arthur Vandenburg to back Truman's foreign policy.
What escalation?
Iran attacked a high-ranking US official's diplomatic mission in Baghdad.
We responded by attacking a high-ranking Iranian official's diplomatic mission in Baghdad.
That's a perfectly proportionate response, made all the more just because the official we attacked was the man in ultimate military command of the Iranian attack, not some random Iranian schmuck.
I thought Woke Lefties liked Game of Thrones.
Everything before the word "but" is horseshit
The Pentagon is the murkiest part of the Swamp and only they [and their crony contractors] have a stake in the ME. It's high time we heeded Eisenhower's warning about the 'military-industrial complex' and its hold on our policies and our budget.
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