Just want to say hi, America.
— Tom Steyer (@TomSteyer) January 16, 2020
ADDED: This explains it:
https://t.co/Z0nodtXI9O https://t.co/bK04Sdj0y0
— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) January 16, 2020
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Just want to say hi, America.
— Tom Steyer (@TomSteyer) January 16, 2020
https://t.co/Z0nodtXI9O https://t.co/bK04Sdj0y0
— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) January 16, 2020
११३ टिप्पण्या:
Please. please continue your presidential run, continue to star in your own ads, continue to pay high priced consultants, focus groups, poll takers, etc. Continue to put as much of your own money back into the economy as possible.
The more the public is exposed to you and your ideas, the more you look like the standard lefty unhinged Democrat running for POTUS. I hope you and Mini-Mike get into a spending war.
It amazes me how people who have "earned" so much money can have such nutty ideas about how the country and world work.
Did Bernie call her a liar? I don't recall hearing him say those words. Denying the truth of an accusation isn't calling them a liar. A lie is an intentional untruth. Liawatha must have a guilty conscience.
Yah good. Okay...
Would he be incorrect if he did? I think not.
Who is he?
That actually makes me sorta kinda believe Bernie said something with enough frisson that there's more than zero behind Warren's assertion. Sorta like the 30 years thing.
"Yeah, good. Okay."
Shuffles off. Epic 'Big Alpha Guy' move.
Blogger Todd said...
"It amazes me how people who have "earned" so much money can have such nutty ideas about how the country and world work."
Yes, me too.
Did you just call me a liar on national TV?
Uh, no. But if you like I can do so at the next debate fauxcahontas.... liawatha...
It's not like she's not a liar.
Not saying "Hi" back to Tom and his annoying commercials and presence.
Warren lies as an automatic reflex. She lie about her ethnicity. She lies about where her son went to school. People who have looked at her alleged Scholarship say it’s based on bogus data. Why anyone believed her about Bernie Sanders is beyond me. #BelieveAllWomen? Definitely do not believe this one.
Oh Bernie, why did you lie? Not a good move. However, it won’t make me vote for Trump and I suspect most Democrats feel the same way.
Tom: Just want to say hi, America.
America: Just ignore him.
Good night, Tom.
The Billionaire says hi. He's dark money incarnate. But - hey - Hi.
CNN: "Senator Sanders, why do you believe that Hitler did nothing wrong?"
Sanders: "That's ludicrous. I don't believe that. I've never said that."
CNN: "I'll rephrase the question. So you think that Hitler did some things right?"
Sanders: "What? I've never mentioned Hitler at all. What is this?"
CNN: "Senator Warren, how do you feel about Senator Sanders beliefs and statements regarding Hitler?"
No he doesn't. He wants to control us.
OK, so along with "touchy/feely/creepy" Uncle Joe, we now have "Stalker Steyer".
"Just want to say hi, America."
What few ads of his I have seen are just awful and full of lies.
Who is he?
In all seriousness though, I sometimes wonder how many people know who he is. Imagine if you spent hundreds of millions of dollars on ads about yourself and most people still couldn't identify you to save their lives. Part of it is that Steyer is just bland in appearence. Another generic looking late-middle aged white guy in a suit is about as noticeable as a piece gravel in a pile of gravel... and half as interesting.
"Just want to say hi, America." is a lie.
My two favorite Twitter-verse things about this whole thing
- The Bernie-Bros and Broads texting 'snake' emojis to Warren and Warren supporters and them calling it misogyny because of some conflation of the Garden of Eden, Eve, and the snake.
- The new 'mom and dad are fighting again meme'.
Comedy gold.
The Billionaire says hi to the Millionaire Socialist. Awkward
Tom just wants to be loved. But he has joined the wrong political party. The Dems would as soon kill him as look at him. It’s a power thing. And he should see what this group’s ancestors did to the Knights Templar for acting like Steyer.
Considering Warren's past lies, [ her blood-line, Ferguson, etc... ] it's not hard to fathom Lizzy lying again about this.
" Why anyone believed her about Bernie Sanders is beyond me"
How can Democrats resist a woman playing the victim? It's especially irresistible to credulous, dumb middle class white females who want so desperately to believe they are oppressed.
When two beta males meet.... awkward.
Senator Sanders, Have you stopped beating women?
"2020 Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer says he wants to give housing to illegal immigrants.
The billionaire investor released his immigration proposal, in which he makes clear his administration would "ensure that all undocumented communities have access to affordable and safe housing.""
You can suck it Tom.
The Althousian blog instincts to break this down into (as someone yesterday said) Zapruder-like segments was prescient. Very pleased we have the audio to go along with it. It proves the body language reading was correct.
Steyer is a "hi-er" on national TV. When Liz and Bernie take the low road, Tom goes "HI"!
Good morning, America, how are you?
Don't you know me? I'm your native son.
"Just want to hijack America"
Ftfy, Tom.
'Bye, Tom.
Knives were definitely out for Bernie that night. I didn't watch the debate, but I've seen some of the subsequent coverage. The identity politics wing of the DNC must been in meltdown mode over the prospect of one of two straight white male septuagenarians being the nominee.
Steyer: "Smithers-- what's that word you little people say when greeting each other?"
Smithers: "Uhhh..."Hi", sir"
Steyer: "Very well-- go send out one of those "Twerks", or whatever it is, and tell them I said that"
J Farmer: it's the Deep State wing of the dnc-msm that wants Bernie out, just like 2016.
Hi to you Tom. Now go away.
Steyer’s a grinning douchebag. The billionaire class is pathetic.
J Farmer: it's the Deep State wing of the dnc-msm that wants Bernie out, just like 2016.
Yes, I think that is correct. Most of the DNC are likely not social justice true believers but rather pay lip service to the more activist wing of the party. Both major political parties have done pretty decent jobs at playing to their respective bases while still being complete tools of the establishment.
"Yeah good. OK" is this year's new "Bye Felicia". My sides are in orbit.
Bye Tom. How are we ever going to miss you, if you don't leave?
I wish I could find all this Tom steyer supporters and segregate them from society. they're a danger to themselves and everyone else. And should be kept away from sharp objects and heavy machinery.
Why do people think this is a real audio?
That was a coordinated hit job on Bernie. Also, is it true that the DNC has selected ‘Disco Inferno’ as their theme song for Milwaukee?
Big Mike said...
Warren lies as an automatic reflex.
It appears Warren takes events and statement into her memory where they germinate in her mind until she subconsciously fashions them into an assertion of fact that's useful to her later on, usually by casting herself as the victim-hero in the situation.
Warren lied, I am absolutely convinced of it, and I think Sanders probably should have just baldly stated it during the debate since everyone knows the CNN story wasn't sourced back to anyone but Warren. She attempted during that "hot mike" to get out in front of it by putting the focus back on Sanders (she knew the mikes were on and the conversation would be leaked out by CNN). Politics is a blood sport, and Warren is playing it as such, Sanders not so much.
I wish I could find all this Tom steyer supporters and segregate them from society.
They would fit in a cheap motel room.
Wince-- She got that trick from Gropey Joe. He's been doing that his whole life.
@Beasts of England
"Disco Inferno"
Nope. Changed recently to Talking Heads 'Burning Down the House'
With Warren the term crybully comes to mind.
Warren lost the election that night. Biden will not be the nominee.
- CNN hates him
- DNC doesn't want him
- Establishment fears him more than Warren
- His supporters have more energy
- Far bigger small-donations/micro-donations
I'm beginning to think that Burnie will be the nominee. After all, Milwaukee must be spared the flames, it's too important this year.
Well I mean what do you expect from Elizabeth Warren she is a former lifelong Republican
First, this is CNN. They are completely capable AND willing to doctor the audio. Second, if the audio is real then they knew IN ADVANCE that they should have the miles on. They KNEW what she was gonna do. This is CNN after all.
DNC doesn't want him
I'm of the impression that DNC would strongly prefer Biden over Sanders. Biden is the establishment candidate and Sanders has always been the upstart. The DNC sabataged Sanders last time and I'm unconvinced that they've changed that much in the intervening years.
Even though Obama hasn't yet endorsed Biden and even with all his obvious problems, I still think the DNC is an establishment organization where seniority and precedent are more important than energy.
"Just want to say hi, America."
Let's call it what it is -- spam.
tcrosse said...
I wish I could find all this Tom steyer supporters and segregate them from society.
They would fit in a cheap motel room.
1/16/20, 9:56 AM
Or one of Steyer's smaller foyers, maybe the maid's closet?
I think Steyer is a dote.
- Krumhorn
I think the lasting impression from people who see this tape if it is proved real is that Bernie kept his cool. He knew he was being set up and he acted more presidential than she did. That hands clasped to the bosom is straight out of silent flicks.
Sanders brushed off Warren pretty well there. Warren was playing for the cameras and Sanders knew it.
He’d be nuts to talk to her now one on one.
Bernie has a loyal following. Perhaps Warren has built one. Her fundraising is pretty mediocre. Seems she has more Julias than Bernie and some Soccer Moms. Bernie has some Julias and all the Pajama Boys.
This could be an interesting rift. But Warren needs more money.
I like how her voices rises at the end of "I think you called me a liar on national TV," as if questioning her own assertion.
Sanders isn’t a Democrat. It’s ridiculous for him to complain that the DNC has sabotaged him. That’s part of their job.
Sanders isn’t a Democrat
I know, right? They invite him to their debates like he’s one of them, yet he claimed his tribe long ago...so to speak Liz...
Flies by private jet
That’s billionaire with a ‘b’
Coal miner’s daughter
Ugh! That "1000-yard Steyer" look
instead of the disingenuous "Keeping money out of politics" schtick
why not something like SNL's "All-Drug Olympics"?
BLOOMBERG/STEYER $2020 (with lots more zeroes)
What a guy! Made his billions building coal plants in China, now Steyer is running as the greener than thou candidate. Unfortunately as MiniMike and Steyer prove, all that cash can never ever buy a personality and probably prevents a normal amount of honest self-assessment.
I'll explain my reasons. Establishment dems are dead. The party energy and ambition is moving further left...like a lot left. They had the chance to move more towards the center but it is clear now that their energized base don't want this. Biden is the past. Warren, Burnie, Buttigieg, and Harris are the future, along with a spate of current incumbents not currently running.
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" and "the enemy gets a vote". TDS does not cause moderation, it causes extremism.
DNC might want Biden, but I don't think the party's 'future' does. They see a dodderer, a fool, a dote. Then again maybe this is because I'm younger.
I'm sticking to my guns
Biden will not be the nominee
Milwaukee will be a catastrophe
Go for free
Or wait and see
If Burnie's shunned
Is supporters REEEEEEEEEE!
I'm unconvinced that the general Dem electorate has moved as far to the left as it may seem on social media and main stream media. I understand that all the energy may be with the extreme leftist upstarts, but I don't think it represents a majority mindset for the voters just yet. If it did, Biden numbers would not have held so stubornly high for as long as he has despite all his obvious issues. But there's also a larger worry for the Dem voter, can Bernie actually defeat Trump.
My sense is that if Bernie somehow ended up as the nominee it would be an absolute bloodbath for the Dems. Bernie clearly has some very enthusiastic supporters but they don't represent a large enough contigent in the general electorate to ensure victory. I believe that a significant number of Dems would simply not vote for Bernie. Make no mistake, an overwhelming majority of those non-Bernie Dems wouldn't vote for Trump either. They'd either cast a vote to some token candidate or simply stay home. The result would end up not only being a landslide for Trump in the electoral college, but also Trump winning something like 53% of the popular vote and Bernie only getting something like 40% (with the 7% remainder going to 1 or 2 token candidates).
This is just my sense and obviously I could be way off. But I think social media has clouded a lot of peoples judgements of reality, where the general publics mindset really is at. I think that people tend to imagine that social media represents some sort of majority viewpoint. I disagree.
Warren was ready to go full #MeToo on Bernie, claiming that he was yelling "A woman will never be President!" as he chased her around the desk, but when they focus-grouped it, they found that allegations of sexual harassment actually boosted Bernie among younger voters of every gender.
If Dems were logical they would let the lefty win the nomination. Trump crushes in 2020 and a “moderate” Dem can possibly win in 2024. The way it’s set up now, the “moderate” gets crushed in 2020 and the lefties get their chance in 2024. And get crushed.
Buttigieg, who turns 38 on Sunday, offers a generational change, something that is at once his greatest appeal to voters seeking change and his most significant drawback among those who believe the country is not yet ready for a millennial president. And Biden, 77, is seen by some as a creature of a previous and bygone political era, an elder statesman who is no longer as sharp on the debate stage as he was during vice presidential debates in 2008 and 2012. “I am so terrified,” said Beth Frederickson, 70, a retiree from Baxter, Iowa, who attended a Buttigieg town hall meeting Wednesday. “I think Biden is just going to bumble. Trump is mean and hateful, and he’ll eat [Biden] alive.”
I agree that social media does conflate the noise-to-reality ratio. Sure. But I reiterate that Biden cannot win. People under 24 will not turn out to vote for him. Obama hasn't endorsed him. Buttigieg will not win. The country (and especially black males) will not vote for him. I think dems - as alluded in the above link - subconsciously know this. Come Milwaukee, they will be forced to choose a loser extremist that represents where they're headed in 2024.
This is a classic Overton Window purity spiral. They moved way way way too far out ahead of 90% of America and thought with MSM help, lies, Hollywood, browbeating, and cancel culture they could squeeze their vision of America out in the end. Instead they've doomed their party Gramscian damnation until they can admit they were way off and start walking it back. Right now, they just cannot do that.
Heh! Brilliant and funny. I do love Curb.
Shorter exchange by these two Septuagenarian geniuses:
EW: You called me liar
BS: But you called me a liar
I'm vaguely aware of who Tom Steyer is. His commercials are on all the time, but they're background noise. I know from commercials that Outback sells steaks, but I've never eaten there. I know that Tom Steyer is running for President and that he doesn't like Trump but, beyond that, I don't know or want to know much about him. He's not getting much for his advertising dollar, but I suppose he's so rich it doesn't matter.....After Obama, every first time Senator pondered a Presidential campaign. After Trump, every billionaire thought about how much America needed his expertise to run the country. God help us if Buttigieg wins. Every city councilman will be running.
Howard sez:
J Farmer: it's the Deep State wing of the dnc-msm that wants Bernie out, just like 2016.
I think that's totally correct. The money-making Dems sank Bernie in 2016, and want to sink him again.
I accidentally upset some politically active Dem friends recently. Apparently it's very provocative to suggest that Bernie was the popular favorite in 2016, that DNC leadership favored Hillary and that this had something to do with the primary's outcome. These folks are scared of Bernie turning the party into a clownshow, or really, revealing it for what it is. Very sensitive about that. The more popular Bernie looks, the worse they seem to feel about all this. These are team-Klobuchar types now, the ex-Hillary genuine fans. They exist, and they are numerous. Establishment types.
I don't mean to suggest that Klobuchar has a chance, only that the establishment is grasping for straws. THey're all quite convinced the nomination will be Biden's, which they begrudgingly accept. I can't see that, as he's clearly very diminished by age.
Nonapod wrote:
"If it did, Biden numbers would not have held so stubornly high"
That is the problem, though- his numbers aren't that high. He is clearly the only real centrist in the field (as centrist as a Dem is likely to be any longer), and only represents about 30% tops in the polling. The candidates much further left represent around 50% already in the polling with 20% uncommitted.
Iowa is likely to clarify much of this race. If Nonapod is correct, then Biden finishes first or second in Iowa and then probably first in New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina, and will cruise to the nomination fairly easily after that. If Lucid is right, then Biden finishes third or worse in Iowa and New Hampshire, and the momentum dies in his campaign and he craters in South Carolina losing in an "upset" that ends his campaign.
I honestly don't know what to think right now. I had pegged Warren as the one to beat as recently as November, but her lies have started to catch up with her and right now she might well finish 4th in both Iowa and New Hampshire. Biden's polling numbers have held up as everyone other than Sanders basically ignores him and gives him a pass. However, I still have the nagging feeling that his poll numbers (Biden's) are softest of the field- people just answer, "Biden," because he is the only name they recognize, but by being so unconnected, they are far less likely to show up at a caucus or go to a polling station to vote in a primary.
Here is how I rate the hardness of polling support: (1)Sanders, (2)Buttuvwxyz, (3)Warren, (4)Biden.
Wince and Phidippus: agree. This is how fabulists work. It’s how memory and imagination work. Stuff gets mulched and refashioned as the story recycles endlessly, automatically. It’s natural and inevitable.
And in poetry or fiction or other creative art, it’s laudable.
In politicians and others who are at least pretending to say what is true? Not a good look. Liars need to keep track of the truth so they can keep matching, shading, explaining their variant. But people like Biden and Warren have lost (or never had) a good grip on the truth. They have made s*** up their whole lives. Not just BS’ing and fooling around: important parts of their self-story are just made up.
Fascinating pathology. Also scary.
Bernie lost one 2016 because he couldn’t get the black vote. He’s an old white guy from an old white state.
He’s also a wimp.
His best chance now is a three way race with Biden and Buttigieg.
Bernie didn't get the black vote in 2016. He wont get the black vote in 2020. You cannot win the D primary without the black vote. Bernie wont be the nominee.
All of this is setting it up for Biden, who will get the black vote (and is getting all the big bundlers and is the DNC and establishment choice). Only caveat to Biden getting the black vote is if the Obamas shiv Biden and support someone else. I cant see them doing that for Warren or Bernie. Buttigeg? Could happen, but hard to see him getting the black vote even if the Obamas support him.
I often wonder how many politicians and wannabe politicians suffer from (or benefit from) "anti-social personality disorder" otherwise known as psychopathy and/or sociopathy. Perhaps candidates for public office should be required by law to undergo personality assessments (like government and many businesses require for key positions) so that we the voters can better understand the people standing for election. At the very least, I'd like to know if a person has a "conscience" which seems to be a major difference between a psychopath and a sociopath. I might vote for the sociopath with a conscience even if he/she had no empathy for my particular concerns. If Michael Avenatti represents the "mean" in the distribution of psychopaths/sociopaths, where would Steyer fall? Warren?
Bernie's manner is even more stereotypically Jewish than Larry David in Curb. He reminds me of Jackie Mason as the aaardvark in the old And and Aardvark cartoons.
I think that's totally correct. The money-making Dems sank Bernie in 2016, and want to sink him again.
Yes, but also Warren who has them scared of what she would do if elected. If either were elected the stock market would drop 50% but nthat is what Krugman said about Trump.
Most of the DNC are likely not social justice true believers but rather pay lip service to the more activist wing of the party.
Their problem is that the energy, the willingness to knock on doors in hot summer days to get voters,. is the Bernie wing, If he loses again, especially if he is seen to have it stolen again, they will have trouble.
Bernie is the leftist populist just as Trump is the right populist. All the middle and lower class is starting to realize how screwed they were by the elites in 2008 and since. That is what Steve Bannon and Angelo Codevilla are saying and it is driving both Bernie and Trump.
But I reiterate that Biden cannot win. People under 24 will not turn out to vote for him.Obama hasn't endorsed him.
When you say he "cannot win", are you talking about the Dem nomination or the Presidency? If you mean he can't win the Presidential election because the younglings won't vote for him, perhaps. But I maintain that Biden has more of a chance of winning over large numbers of young Bernie Bros (because, OrangeManBad) than Bernie would winning over large numbers of moderate Dems and black voters. And obviously Obama absolutely would endorse Biden if he became the nominee.
To be clear, I personally would love for Bernie to be the nominee. And I also think that, as things stand now, Biden would most likely lose against Trump for a host of reasons beyond just young people not voting for him and Obama not currently endorsing him. I just think that Biden wouldn't lose quite as badly as Bernie would.
We know that the DNC curb-stomped Bernie in 2016. They changed the superdelegate rules, but kept enough of them back to support Hillary (that the GOP doesn't have superdelegates helped Trump to win the nomination).
Then, we know that the CNN debates were rigged against him as well. Was it Donna Brazelle who leaked questions to Hillary ahead of time? That's a tell.
Irony alert: Whenever the conservative voters choked on the nominee, whether Romney or Bush II, they were advised by the columnists to vote Democratic, destroy the GOP, and they'd get what they want next time.
Are we going to hear the same thing now from the Dems if they go for Biden? "Vote for Trump!"
here's a twist
...Biden is now open to picking an Hispanic VP-- Beto!!
1. Warren confronting Sanders about telling lies was probably meant as congratulations, one professional to another.
2. How come Steyer didn't want to say 'hello' to Warren, as well, I wonder?
"We know that the DNC curb-stomped Bernie in 2016."
But we also know from the Podesta leak that Bernie entered some kind of "off-limits" campaign agreement with Clinton, though we don't know what it encompassed. If he wasn't willing to campaign all-out against her, I don't think that he had much to complain about.
Pelosi's son,
John Kerry's step son
Biden's son
What do they have in common?
Ukrainian mega bucks.
Bernie Bros busted up the windows at Warren's campaign office in Portland.
This will be fun to watch.
skippy, because O'Rourke seems like someone adopted by the kennedy's
Hello to you, too, statist scum Steyer!
Matt Taibbi hammers CNN for their bogus objectivity.
This time, the whole network tossed the mud. Over a 24-hour period before, during, and after the debate, CNN bid farewell to what remained of its reputation as a nonpolitical actor via a remarkable stretch of factually dubious reporting, bent commentary, and heavy-handed messaging.
The cycle began with a “bombshell” exposé by CNN reporter MJ Lee. Released on the eve of the debate, Lee reported Warren’s claim that Sanders told her a woman couldn’t win in a December 2018 meeting.
Also, special shout-out to Matt for citing the famous Bernard Shaw opening debate question that "crotch-kicked" Dem Michael Dukakis.
C-SPAN recently followed Steyer around NH, filming him on long car rides, etc. He seems slightly insane.
So, is Warren shilling for the VP slit under Joey Plugs?
Howard - they all want the VP slit under plugs.
Vast sums of money for family members can be made with Ukrainian connections.
The VP slot under Biden would be a good spot. Maybe Harris. I notice she is speaking out about USSC nominations.
I still think the media is misspelling the nickname of Beta O'Rourke
Maybe Slow Joe Biden will pick Michelle Obama for VP. Hey, it'll shake up the race and our idiotic media will love it.
Save this comment! (1/16/20)
What is the basis for claiming Biden is "moderate"? I don't think I've yet seen a case this year where he failed to out-Left his competition. If he were in any way more moderate than the rest, might that not have become apparent when they were all asked if they would endorse full health care benefits to illegals?
"I'll rephrase the question. So you think that Hitler did some things right?"
"Well, I drove a VW Bug back in the 60s, does that count?"
Fuck off, Tom.
Hi America!
"a tacit understanding between the Clinton campaign and the [Obama] Justice Department over the inquiry into whether she intentionally revealed classified information through her use of a private email server," as the Post described it in May 2017.
Dutch intelligence accessed the document on Russian computers and provided it to the FBI. Included in the document was a discussion between Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., then the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, and Leonard Benardo, who worked with the George Soros-founded group Open Society Foundations.
Schultz told Benardo in the document that then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch would ensure Clinton was not prosecuted in the email probe.
not a SMIDGEN a corruption here folks!
We know CNN and the DNC cheated by coordinating debate questions in 2016 because they got caught and Brazile confessed to it.
Howard said...
So, is Warren shilling for the VP slit under Joey Plugs?
Harris has more to offer Joe.
In pretty much every way.
Bay Area Guy said...
Maybe Slow Joe Biden will pick Michelle Obama for VP. Hey, it'll shake up the race and our idiotic media will love it.
Save this comment! (1/16/20)
Michelle wont be second fiddle.
The democrats and their GOPe senator allies are currently making plans to damage Trump.
They have written off the current field and particularly all the senators.
If any of these people is the nominee they are a sacrificial lamb and they are giving up.
If Romney and Murkowski and Burr can help their democrat allies damage Trump enough in this trial Michelle will step in.
Harris is plotting for VP and the 2024 nomination.
This is a strangely long view and intelligent move for her.
Maybe I am giving her too much credit.
Did CNN hold the debate with no audience? Did they use a fake applause track?
His best chance now is a three way race with Biden and Buttigieg.
Apologies for the upcoming visual. When I first read that, my brain removed the word 'race' from the sentence.
Browndog: There was laughter When Abby Phillip asked Warren what she thought when Biden said a woman couldn’t win this election — so either there was an audience or even the pros thought that was a laughable question.
Browndog said...
Did CNN hold the debate with no audience? Did they use a fake applause track?
looks like the auditorium is rated at about 750, normally
the stage they used ate up some of the room,
and the media (in the pic) are taking up about the middle third of what's left.
So, there'd be room for a few, to several, hundred people.
I saw a thing tues evening, (on Ace of Spades, i THINK); and the podcaster was walking around out side the main doors... And there was NO ONE in line (~2hours b4 the debate)
Probably was invitation only
Meanwhile.... AT THE SAME TIME, President Trump had between 12, and 20, THOUSAND people in Milwaukee
His best chance now is a three way race with Biden and Buttigieg.
I can see the surprise on Sanders face, "Hey guys, you aren't talking about light bulbs.....are you???"
"I'm of the impression that DNC would strongly prefer Biden over Sanders." Golly you're a genius.
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