My post, from 5 days ago, quotes NBC12 — "Fearing a repeat of the deadly violence that engulfed Charlottesville more than two years ago, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam declared a temporary emergency Wednesday banning all weapons, including guns, from Capitol Square ahead of a massive rally planned next week over gun rights" — and says:
That phrase — "Fearing a repeat of the deadly violence that engulfed Charlottesville more than two years ago" — caused me to have a thought so cynical that I will refrain from writing it down.With Glenn's companionship, I will disclose that when I read the headline out loud 5 days ago, I stopped after "Fearing a repeat of the deadly violence that engulfed Charlottesville" and said "Hoping for a repeat of the deadly violence that engulfed Charlottesville."
Today's the day. The rally is under way. The New York Times is doing live, minute-by-minute updates under the heading "Virginia Gun Rally Live Updates: Crowds and Lines, but Calm So Far." Sample text:
White supremacists, members of antigovernment militias and other extremists have said they planned to be in Richmond for the rally as well, stoking fears of the sort of violence that left one person dead and some two dozen others injured during a far-right rally in Charlottesville in 2017.
Hoping to head off trouble, the state has set up a security perimeter around the Capitol grounds and has banned weapons — including firearms — from the area inside. Police officers guarded the area with the help of bomb-sniffing dogs, and people entering the perimeter through the single entrance were being screened with metal detectors....
१२८ टिप्पण्या:
When a politician says "I am appalled" you can usually assume it means "I am delighted."
Agents provocateurs shouldn't be too hard to find.
Yeah, the media's been counting this event down like doomsday for the past several days.
Northam’s wife probably had to coach him not to disclose his hope for violence.
A Corral is for beasts for slaughter
Bottom line: Northam's a bigot
He's making unfounded assumptions about a culture he does not understand.
Pretty ironic on MLK Jr. Day.
When the leftists create violence today, it will be the gun guys who are blamed because if they did not have a rally, there would have been no violence. Ingalogic.
Hoping to Cause trouble, the state has set up a security perimeter around the Capitol grounds, which will require all groups to smush into each other to go through the gate
Probably the safest place in the country to be today.
I assumed you thought he hoped for violence.
I really, really hope there is no violence.
Or a Reichstag fire.
’Police officers guarded the area with the help of bomb-sniffing dogs, and people entering the perimeter through the single entrance were being screened with metal detectors...’
Sic semper tyrannis seems like an ironic motto for today’s Virginia. Maybe they should reverse it: Virginia is for tyrants.
I still think Charlottesville was a Democrat dirty tricks operation that succeeded beyond expectations.
This looks to be Charlottesville repeating itself without anyone pulling the levers?
Northam seems a political incompetent, but he certainly is not the only fool in the mix.
Governor Blackface... Two-face is braying for a national spectacle to paint it Black... Green. Deja vu.
Charlottesville was one guy trying to escape a lynch mob.
NYT is, hopes to be, a first-order forcing of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change, through liberal indulgence of diversity, spinning balls of yarns, then braying loudly from their platform of falsely imputed trust.
...the cynical view that I had but felt I should refrain from saying.
Why the reticence? The Dems are hoping and praying (and more) to get some ugly out of this rally that they can ride 'til November. Preferably dead bodies. That's beyond vile. Why is such viciousness something that shouldn't be exposed and discussed?
"White supremacists, members of antigovernment militias and other extremists have said they planned to be in Richmond for the rally as well, stoking fears..."
What, no tiki-torch nazis on the scene yet? The gummint really needs to recruit instigators with a better work ethic.
Of all of the people at this rally, White supremacists, members of anti-government militias and other extremists are more than likely very few and far between.
frum logic
He should defuse the tension with some moon-walking.
As is typical with leftist arguments, it's really more of a "heads I win, tails you lose" kind of thing.
Violence: "See, there was violence because there were guns! Therefore we must ban guns."
No violence: "See, there was no violence because we banned guns. Therefore, we must ban guns."
Damn how the Democrats and DNC-media LIE. "violence broke out" at Charlottsville, because thousands of anti-fa were allowed to attack the other side, who were outnumbered 10-1. Some of them were Neo-nazi who were willing to rumble, but others were just conservatives who wanted to protest the removal of the Lee Statue.
This is somehow been twisted by the DNC-media into Neo-nazis causing violence and White supremacists attacking the poor innocent lambs of Antifa! Some poor dumb nazi panicked and hit someone with a car while trying to escape, & that's been turned into Murder one and a 100 year sentence.
Now, its "Gun toting Nazi's are trying to shoot up people in Richmond". Its like alice in wonderland.
It would have only been fitting if everyone showed up today in blackface.
tcrosse: "Agents provocateurs shouldn't be too hard to find."
Already a "professional" "journalist" from NBC posted video of the 2A crowd reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and claimed the crowd was saying "We will not comply".
There is also video of some dude trying to get a guy in the crowd who is advancing 2A rights to say he wants to "jump that fence and shoot Northam", at which point that speaker and the entire crowd turn on this agitator dude and call him out for what he is obviously doing.
It's all so obvious what the dems/LLR's are up to.
I thought and still think violence at the rally today was extremely unlikely- armed and unarmed people won't often pick open fights with armed people unless they are mentally ill.
As I wrote before, Northam and the Democrats in the Virginia legisture are misunderstanding the danger here- the most likely danger to them is just getting voted out the next time they run for office, but the actual physical danger was never an armed battle in the streets of today's rally- it is coldly rational 2nd Amendment supporters deciding that the legislators themselves are the appropriate targets for violence. If I were a Democrat in the VA legislature voting for these gun bills, I would wear a bullet proof vest all the time.
Biden and DNC media went into hysterics when Trump just told the truth. Bad people on both sides. The Liberal establishment wants to protect Antifa. They're the liberal's "Street enforcers". They refuse to attack Antifa, refuse to call them out on their violence, refuse to even tell us who they are. Hey, they attack Trump supporters and "Nazis" so everything they do is A-Ok.
We'll know that if the DNC-Media says "Violence breaks Out" that Antifa has attacked the Gun supporters. If its "Neo Nazis attack" then the gun supporters started it.
Who else to blame for it!
Bride at wedding.
Corpseman at funeral.
Gunman at shoot.
“Hoping for a repeat of the deadly violence that engulfed Charlottesville."
Yup. And it’s not cynicism when it’s real.
If Northam was an R - we'd still be hearing about the "Racist who dressed up in black face". But because he's a D, its gone down the memory hole. Move On dot Org.
"Obese people walking around in camouflage and tactical gear covered in guns is cringeworthy and makes for questionable optics."
There are fat people on all sides of all issues, so I'm uncertain what that adjective adds to your argument. But hey, to each his own. 'Merica.
gilbar: Hoping to Cause trouble, the state has set up a security perimeter around the Capitol grounds, which will require all groups to smush into each other to go through the gate
Or maybe the idea is to corral the protestors so that, as they file out when the rally is over, antifa gets a nice clear whack at 'em.
Your scenario would disarm the good guys, too, and we wouldn't want that, would we? Better to have antifa armed, rested, and ready outside the security perimenter. The msm can always be relied upon to blame any resulting violence on the 2A guys.
Media using the term "white supremacist" to smear anyone not a proggy corruption excusing democrat party hack.
Jack Posobiec keeps you current on his twitter page
It seems the Governor got outsmarted.
Only a few hundred inside the official fenced off kill zone. Thousands outside, and the streets downtown are packed.
If these people wouldn't insist on their rights there wouldn't be a problem.
Someone better keep an eye out for Fairfax in that crowd.
Drago: Already a "professional" "journalist" from NBC posted video of the 2A crowd reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and claimed the crowd was saying "We will not comply".
There is a video of "we will not comply" being chanted, but apparently Mr. Professional is so professionally well-informed he didn't recognize that the people in the video he posted were chanting the pledge.
But what's the problem with "we will not comply", anyway? I thought progs were all about the nobility of civil disobedience against authoritarian scum attempting to deprive citizens of their constitutional rights.
The democrats and the left are ALWAYS projecting their own hatred and tendency to violence on the Right. No Republican has been shooting up Democrat Congressmen at a baseball game. No Republican has been breaking the ribs of a Democrat Senator in a sneak attack. No Right-wing professor has been hitting people on the head with a bike lock. Osward a commie. Sirhan Sirhan a left-wing Palestinian. Wallace and Reagan both shot by mentally ill leftists. Ford almost killed by Sara Jane Moore - who was obsessed with the SLA.
But the DNC-media always portrays the Right as "violent".
"Obese people walking around in camouflage and tactical gear covered in guns is cringeworthy and makes for questionable optics."
What are the optics of them wearing pussy hats?
If I were a Democrat in the VA legislature voting for these gun bills, I would wear a bullet proof vest all the time.
And they aren’t, which is what tells you that their anti-gun rhetoric is just so much BS. If the Dumbocrats really believed what they say they’d be walking around in brown pants so no one could see the stains.
I've been watching & listening to the many audio/video clips posted from the rally today. It is with fondness that I hear the lovely Virginian accent that I once had. The difference between the white and the black accent is not as pronounced in Virginia as it seems to be in other places. Though I grew up mostly elsewhere, VA is my home state.
What has 'white supremacy' got to do with the price of fish?
Exactly why would "white Supremists" be more violent than, say, your average everyday Occupy Wall Street rally? Or a meeting of the Black Panthers?
You know that Ritmo, Inga, and Chuck are praying to Moloch or Baal or whichever God listens to them for violence here that they can blame on Trump.
People who are worked-up about defending their Second Amendment rights are apparently not all that similar to people who are worked-up about preserving Confederate monuments. Who could have guessed it?
It is obviously an act of political calculation. The disturbing part is its purpose and premise.
The interesting part is the convergence of the theme of polarization, on both sides.
In normal politics it would be time to pacify the opposition, given that they have already been given a concession, in that the automatic rifle ban has been withrawn.
Some words of appreciation for the population of all those opposition counties (because we are dealing with entire populations here) would help. The governor could address the crowd on a conciliatory theme - "we are not your enemies, we really truly like you, we intend to deal fairly, etc." But they are not doing that. This is either political malpractice or something much more sinister.
Both sides are looking for a bloody shirt. That an actual state government is doing this is very disturbing.
My father grew up in Virginia. I was always struck by the difference between his accent and my uncle's accent. My father lost his mother to tuberculosis when he was two, and he spent a few years raised by a black nanny. He had an unusual accent for a Virginian. It had a black rhythm to it, which I didn't quite realize until I was in my 30's.
"Obese people walking around in camouflage and tactical gear covered in guns is cringeworthy and makes for questionable optics."
A lot of the guys who look a bit heavy are wearing body armor - even a lot of plate armor. Plus maybe a half dozen or so standard (30 round) sized magazines on the front of that. You can pretty well guarantee that is the case if they are also wearing military helmets and an “assault weapon” slung across their chest - often with a one point sling.
If I were a fascist anti First Amendment (AntiFA) thug, I wouldn’t try violence with this crowd. I think that it would take a lot more balls than most AntiFA fascist thugs usually exhibit.
Should be interesting. What is the message if there is no violence today?
But what's the problem with "we will not comply", anyway? I thought progs were all about the nobility of civil disobedience against authoritarian scum attempting to deprive citizens of their constitutional rights.
In Connecticut the owners of proscribed long guns have responded to similar anti-gun legislation about the way Democrats themselves responded to laws against using marijuana or cocaine. I doubt that citizens any of the other states, Virginia not excluded, will be different. In many of our wilder states people need semiautomatic long guns because of the reintroduction of large predators like wolves and bears into the rural areas where they live.
Browndog, interesting Twitter feed. No Neo-Nazis, no Antifa and no major Police presence.
Guns being openly carried are indeed supremacy equalizers. But since all races can openly carry equally its required the idiots at MSM to pretend today is the late 1800s again and all but the whites are Knights of the KKK redux. Actually they are Lexington Green and Concord Bridge patriots redux.
buwaya: Both sides are looking for a bloody shirt. That an actual state government is doing this is very disturbing.
No, I don't think it's both sides. The anti-2A people aren't being the least bit coy about wanting a bloody shirt to wave. BAMN, after all. But I don't think there are many, if any, 2A people looking for a martyr. They know perfectly well that the msm and the ptbs will do everything in their power to distort and memory-hole any violence against 2A supporters, and to vilify its victims, and that they will most likely be successful in the attempt.
"In normal politics it would be time to pacify the opposition, given that they have already been given a concession, in that the automatic rifle ban has been withrawn."
I see. So if I propose 5 things that infringe upon you and withdraw on, I should say, Thank goodness for that?
Screw that.
Thus the art of leftist compromise proceeds apace.
The Left is very dastardly here. Yes, they'd like to confiscate guns by law, if they could get away with it. But that takes time, and campaigns, and votes, and boring stuff.
They want to orchestrate a confrontation (like in Charlottesville) between gun-lovers and Antifa, hopefully get some violence out of it, maybe someone gets hurt or dies, and then blame it on "Neo-Nazis" supported by Trump.
Very dastardly.
rcocean said...
Damn how the Democrats and DNC-media LIE. "violence broke out" at Charlottsville, because thousands of anti-fa were allowed to attack the other side, who were outnumbered 10-1. Some of them were Neo-nazi who were willing to rumble, but others were just conservatives who wanted to protest the removal of the Lee Statue......
Now, its "Gun toting Nazi's are trying to shoot up people in Richmond". Its like alice in wonderland.
1/20/20, 11:31 AM
I say it everyday...we are living in Upside down world.
"they have already been given a concession, in that the automatic rifle ban has been withrawn."
I think Buwaya meant semi-automatic rifle. Automatics are illegal everywhere in the US as far as I know.
hawkeyejdb: I've been watching & listening to the many audio/video clips posted from the rally today. It is with fondness that I hear the lovely Virginian accent that I once had. The difference between the white and the black accent is not as pronounced in Virginia as it seems to be in other places.
Yes, the Virginia accent is arguably the loveliest of all American regional accents. Don't know if there's any difference between black or white speakers, it all sounds great to me.
Not a Virginian, but I, too, mourn the loss of my natal Southern accent. Always got compliments on it, from strangers in the street or at the other end of the phone line. I've lived for many years now in a region that is the home, alas, to one of the unloveliest of regional accents, and sometimes I cringe at the sound of my own voice.
Looks like the stable nothing Burger the Gov was aiming for. Deplorables hardest hit.
Imo, Virginia accent is regional southern with a subtle Canadian twang.
I wonder if the average newsreader was polled to identify the weapon used to kill a person and injure a dozen others in Charlottesville that fateful day, how many would incorrectly identify a firearm? Maybe a knife or machete if told it wasn't a firearm?
How nice of Howard to give governor Blackface the benefit of the doubt. You racists need to stick together!
Any way of finding out which Psy op team came up with experiment set up for target population and control.
Could be double and triple blind possible.
Jussie Smollet and the Covington Kids proved that the demand for violence committed by whites far excedes that supply.
As an aside, Jussie Smollet and the Covington Kids would totally be a good name for an old school punk band.
“In many of our wilder states people need semiautomatic long guns because of the reintroduction of large predators like wolves and bears into the rural areas where they live.”
To be fair, while modern “assault weapons” are very possibly the best defense weapon against attacks by the reintroduced wolves, that is probably not the case with brown bears. The issue is penetration. Brown bears can get really big, and that size can protect the inner organs, and their fat can close wound tracks quickly enough that they don’t easily bleed out, or at least not quickly enough to save their putative victims. And that often means head shots, which are difficult because of their thick skulls which have a lot of angles that can redirect bullets in other directions. I mentioned in a previous thread that one of my next AR-15 builds will be for a .458 SOCOM (11.63×40mm)pistol build (meaning that the barrel is less than 16”, and the butt stock has been replaced by a pistol brace), and that is the reason (we have both brown bear and wolves in the county, but mostly we just have a lot of black bears down in the valleys where most of the people live).
The movement for bear defense seems to have been from very large caliber revolvers to decently large caliber semiautomatics (esp 10 mm), due to the number of rounds available. Every year anymore there seem to be a couple bear attacks where the human survives, and the bear does not, because his self defense handgun had 10 or more rounds available, which typically means double stack magazines. Most popular these days seems to be 10 mm Glocks, esp the full sized G20, with 15 round magazines. I am just waiting for brown bears to start intruding into WA (they already have been seen in the ID panhandle, coming in from the Wilderness areas on the MT border) and their 10 round magazine limits. We are talking, at most, brown bears being a mere 30 miles away from WA. Someone is going to die as a result.
If the 2A people are NOT looking for a bloody shirt they are making a mistake - looking at the whole thing very narrowly of course. Bloody shirts are recruiting/radicalizing magic.
There is no substitute for martyrs.
There are enough media bypass channels to make such a bloody shirt useful.
This would, of course, in a larger context, be very dangerous, bringing the inevitable crisis closer.
Howard said, "Imo, Virginia accent is regional southern with a subtle Canadian twang."
Yes, my uncle used to joke about "going aboot the hoose".
My father once said he could usually tell which Virginia county a speaker was from just by the accent.
Buwaya Puti: Randy Weavers wife has no comment.
Hagar, I agree. If the Charlottesville guy was really trying to kill people with his car, he sure the hell wasn't very competent.
Bruce Hayden said...
modern “assault weapons” are very possibly the best defense weapon against attacks by the reintroduced wolves, that is probably not the case with brown bears. The issue is penetration.
i know Nothing about guns; but wouldn't you increase bear effectiveness by alternating hollow nose rounds, with full metal jackets?
I'd think; in my ignorance, that a full metal round would penetrate much deeper.
We will not comply, indeed. I believe-- hope-- that Virginia will mark the beginning of an American preference cascade. A lot of us are tired of the tyranny of the nanny state.
other extremists
You know, these people can go straight to hell.
These are regular people who are quite rightly concerned over the totalitarian actions of a government willing to disarm them.
Fine. Then I'm an extremist, too. Do something about it.
And you know it seems just a bit inconsistent to scream that Trump = Hitler 12 hours a day and then spend the other 12 hours demanding government take away our weapons.
The rally is now over and no violence. Let's see if everyone gets along as they disperse. I wonder if the pro-gun Left showed up like they said they would.
Interesting videos at this HotAir link.
Bruce Hayden asked: "Should be interesting. What is the message if there is no violence today?"
The message is "and when that didn't work to get Trump, they invented a new meme.
AA: "...the cynical view that I had but felt I should refrain from saying."
Aw, go on and say it. We can take it. The head crackers that Northam hopes will perform for him don't read the Alhouse blog.
Demonstrates once again that almost all Democrats and LLRs are assholes.
Who knows? Maybe the good governor will pull out his old set of Klan robes and see what he can stir up.
Everyone attending the rally should go in black face; and when asked to produce their identity papers, should stand and proclaim "I am Northam".
“i know Nothing about guns; but wouldn't you increase bear effectiveness by alternating hollow nose rounds, with full metal jackets?
I'd think; in my ignorance, that a full metal round would penetrate much deeper.”
The problem with that is that JHP (jacketed hollow point) would mushroom too quickly, and not reach sufficient depth to do significant damage. They are designed based on the target being a normal human. A 500 pound brown bear has a much greater girth than most humans, and the humans that have comparable girth, and are nearly that big, due to their morbid obesity, They most often don’t have the top speed of nearly 40 mph that some brown bears have. Most of those humans might top out at 5 mph.
Still, I do stagger JHP and solid cast (that penetrate better than FMJ) in the magazine in the handgun when I am down in the valley where most of the people live, and I am more likely to run into a black bear, cougar, or coyote. As far as I know, most of the brown bear sightings have been on the ridge to the north, which is part of a bear highway between the Bob Marshall wilderness complex along the Continental Divide and the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness area west of us, though according to a former game warden (and now the Justice of the Peace), there have been some on the ridge to the south. And in those areas, I switch to a magazine with straight solid cast bear loads.
What is the message if there is no violence today?"
The same as every other day: White supremacists are everywhere.
“ Everyone attending the rally should go in black face; and when asked to produce their identity papers, should stand and proclaim "I am Northam"”.
What is funny there is that blackface might just defeat facial recognition, which is why some attended with balaclavas or masks partially obscuring their faces. Being prime Klan country up to a half a century ago, VA apparently has an antimask Klan law. But blackface very clearly would be protected 1st Amdt speech, given Gov Northrams past. Would have been interesting.
Soon we'll be reading that "20,000 white supremacists are expected to attended the Kid Rock Concert this Friday night". It's all pure evil.
“The rally is now over and no violence. Let's see if everyone gets along as they disperse. I wonder if the pro-gun Left showed up like they said they would.”
I would say that the message then is, that if the right brings enough guns, carried by people who obviously know how to use them, that the left will be intimidated, behave, and not engage in violence. Which again says that guns in the right hands quell violence and don’t cause it.
Little Mike Bloomberg has been very quiet about gun grabbing lately. You would think he would be loudly declaring his love for the Virginia state govt. and Gov.Blackface during this run up.
‘Looks like the stable nothing Burger the Gov was aiming for.”
Good work for the Governor. Also the arrests of the White Supremacists beforehand helped.
Little Mike Bloomberg has been very quiet about gun grabbing lately.
He's on a new kick hoping that the "Republicans pushed granny off the cliff" meme will bear new fruits. Meanwhile, Democrats are following Trump's lead to mitigate progressive prices... at least in drug pricing, in lieu of Obamacares. Next, maybe, never, they will think of the children! Bloomberg, in particular, is a full-throated Pro-Choice religionist/moralist in the Chamber.
Which again says that guns in the right hands quell violence and don’t cause it.
The Founders knew the basis for liberty was self-moderation, and offered the People and opportunity to prove their worth. In the great majority, their confidence was well placed, and their trust was redeemed.
Howard said...
Looks like the stable nothing Burger the Gov was aiming for. Deplorables hardest hit.
Howard said...
Buwaya Puti: Randy Weavers wife has no comment.
The first comment was made at 12:37. The second at 1:19. 42 minutes apart.
A halfway intelligent person would notice the cognitive dissonance.
But I will spell it out in crayons for the idiots like Howard.
We have thousands of examples of government sponsored and private sponsored leftist violence against us. We have all the bloody shirts we could ever need or want.
But we are not looking for bloody shirts to wave.
We are not seeking or pushing for violence.
But you will not leave us alone. You are constantly trying to take our freedom.
And at some point you are going to get what you are begging for.
And there will be no quarter.
Inga said...
‘Looks like the stable nothing Burger the Gov was aiming for.”
Good work for the Governor. Also the arrests of the White Supremacists beforehand helped.
Speaking of people looking for bloody shirts.
Have you apologized to Steven Scalise yet?
Oh that is right you refuse to admit what you said about him getting shot. That he should stop supporting the second amendment because a Bernie Sanders supporter shot him. And you refuse to own up to the thousands of leftist commenters who said the same thing.
Because you are just a complete piece of shit and so is your entire political movement.
Inga is looking forward to all of her political opponents... err she means white supremacists... getting preemptively locked up.
You know to stop violence.
But they are white supremacists because the leftists said so. So many white supremacists running around.
Gotta lock them all up.
Because they are in between Inga and power.
And we all know why Northam wont tell which one he was in the picture.
Because he was not wearing blackface.
He was wearing the hood.
But the KKK were democrats so it makes sense.
“Three suspected white supremacists arrested in Maryland and Delaware this week had discussed opening fire from different positions at Monday’s planned pro-gun rally in Richmond, Va., in the hopes of causing chaos, law-enforcement officials said.”
“Three more suspected neo-Nazis connected to a white nationalist group that reportedly planned to have members at a gun rights rally in Virginia have been arrested, authorities say.
Three Georgia men were arrested on charges of conspiracy to commit murder and participating in a criminal street gang as part of the hate group, The Base, according to the Floyd County Police Department.”
Three people. Three.
In contrast to tens of thousands.
STFU already.
Interestingly, The USN has an Aircraft carrier and support group sailing off the Virginia coast practicing disruption of all GPS signals ashore from January,16-24. The Feds say they have to practice riot controls skills in an DC area that includes Northern Virginia, so oppositions cannot communicate successfully. And the POTUS will be safe out of the country January 21-24. Hmmm?
“Three people. Three.”
3+3= 6 Read more carefully.
And where there were 6 there were more who may have shown up had their fellow white supremacists not been arrested.
This seems like a good forum for me to suggest once again that the news media begin immediately to report on shootings whether the weapons in question are legally acquired and registered. Let everyone know the level of gun violence that comes from legally armed citizens.
Liberals want to take guns away from conservatives, who own guns to protect themselves from liberals.
And right outside that 'perimeter' was THOUSANDS OF GUNS!!! Lots of them brought AR-15s!! And you know what? No violence. Strange.. Antifa always has violence but on the other side ... no violence.
I've seen some clips from the Richmond rally. They make me feel proud of my fellow Americans and conservatives. A few shit-stirrers (undoubtably Antifa plants) were booted out of there as soon as they called for violence. And one AA gentleman told onlookers that he was "Ralph Northam in blackface."
Good humored, civil, peaceful adults - what a difference from the nasty, screeching left.
And where there were 6 there were more who may have shown up had their fellow white supremacists not been arrested.
Know why you're a dishonest piece of shit? Time and time again you squeal that X doesn't speak for you. And Y isn't a position you hold ... even though your ideological kin do. I mean how DARE we paint you with a broad brush!
Yet we have tens of thousands of gun owners peacefully protesting a totalitarian governor and you attempt to smear all those people with a few arrests of some idiots. Not only is it pathetic, it's bullshit.
So, in case you didn't understand it the first time?
Shut the fuck up, already.
Inga said...
“Three people. Three.”
3+3= 6 Read more carefully.
And where there were 6 there were more who may have shown up had their fellow white supremacists not been arrested.
And then we get to what Inga really wants. She wants to claim everyone who disagrees with her should be arrested.
Because these 6 people represent all of us. All of her opponents are violent racists because they found 6 people somewhere in the country to arrest.
But we just need to pass some "common sense" gun regulations. Regulations that only affect law abiding people who happen to be Inga's political opponents.
Inga just wants to persecute people who disagree with her.
Democrats in Virginia are lying and smearing their opponents just like everywhere else.
You are just shitty people.
I know Inga is very disappointed that no blood was shed, but fortunately the plants from her side were kicked out of there before they could cause any problems.
And it's easy to understand why. Leftists don't know how to act like conservatives. They only know the stereotypes they get from the MSM. So they show up, say violent, racist shit - and are then shocked when they're not applauded.
In contrast, it would be simple as pie to turn up at the Women's Rally pretending to be another one of the buffoons. All you need is a dumb anti-Trump sign, a pussy hat and a head full of stupid, vulgar slogans. Of course, you would also have to shut your brain down for several hours.
“So, in case you didn't understand it the first time?
Shut the fuck up, already.”
So, just how are you going to get me to STFU? You’re mighty brave telling others to STFU from your living room armchair.
Amazingly enough, all those protesters carrying their loaded weapons, who remained outside the security perimeter, managed to avoid a massacre or even a negligent discharge of all those firearms. Is this absolute proof that possession of guns is no indicator of, has no correlation with, and is not a cause of, criminal violence?
Here's a white supremacist marcher for Inga and Howard and ARM. He truly is dangerous to their side:
Admiral Inga: "And where there were 6 there were more who may have shown up had their fellow white supremacists not been arrested."
Precisely how many more?
Now would be a terrific time to use your vaunted mindreading skills on a mass scale to give us some insight.
Remember gang, as Inga has explained many many times, all those black marchers with guns are white supremacist nazis.
Misogynist too no doubt.
Inga said...
So, just how are you going to get me to STFU? You’re mighty brave telling others to STFU from your living room armchair.
Thank you Inga for what you do.
You are repulsive to any decent human being and you accurately represent the left.
The problem is there are many people who don't want to face hard truths.
But you make them face the truth every time you post.
You all need to wake up. Inga and her friends will not stop until everyone who disagrees with them is rendered defenseless and is in jail or re-educated.
Of those 3 + 3 supposedly white supremacists, including, IIRC, 1 Canadian, did they come up with the idea on their own ? Or was it the infiltrated government agent who encouraged them to talk about violence? How far along were they in their big big plans?
One of the well known items about the KKK and white supremacist groups is that any time they get together - a large percentage of them are paid government informants if not outright agents. Yet, idiots keep falling for the entrapments set up by the government. The real danger is in lone wolves.
But then, stupidity runs deep in certain types, including white supremacists, none of whom I've actually met. Child porn consumers among them. I'm now up to 3 of those I have known. It's likely today a government website advertising availability. And people who fly across state lines to meet that willing underage partner - who get arrested as they step off the plane.... Seems like that's a weekly occurrence, although it hits national news only when it's a bigwig of some sort.
Inga is so, so disappointed that she didn't have more shot Republicans to gloat over, like she did with Steve Scalise.
After all, that's what the left dreams of, as evidenced by Bernies campaign's "bring back the Gulags and shove all Trump voters into them!" plan.
Did Inga ever go on the record about that, by the way? Has she been appalled at that yet? I don't recall her being upset about the left's plan to murder tens of millions of Americans that, Inga claims, she cares about.
Ritmo's a lost cause; he'd be the first in line to volunteer as a Gulag Guard for Bernie.
Northam's declaration of emergency was his cover: if the march came off peacefully, he can count on the MSM media to say that was only because of the tight policing.
Not merely hoping for violence, but actively trying to provoke it.
Who in the world wanna try to pretend they can rp;; w Ti,p..
How does the Left find so many white supremacists all over the place when most of them are locked up in prisons?
No medical coverage.
I’ve been in Richmond since Sunday night. My hotel’s four blocks away from the event. I attended, which is to say I went through security and participated in the rally proper. I saw one EMT crew three blocks from the outer boundary of the gathering outside the fenced perimeter. No coverage inside, at all. And one crew outside, which is nothing, given the crowd size.
And our governor here in the Old Dominion is a physician.
Notice how few actually stepped into "The Pig Trap" cage! Not many.
Northam claimsvhis preps forestalled the 'coup'. Shoot, if the lobby day attendees had wanted to revolt, there was enough firepower there that the entire Dem gov't class would be dancing at the end of ropes.
I hope that Northam & Co realize how precarious their stances are at the time, but I doubt it. They ain't thst bright.
I now mentally preface any report from the New York Times with these words:
"Today the New York Times claimed, without evidence, that....."
Southern Democrats took the 2nd Amendment rights away from freed slaves 155 years ago and they haven’t changed. KKK/Minstral Northam is the latest in a long line. They haven’t changed.
The Southern Demonrats, Germans and Castro took away guns.
I have an inalienable right to defend myself especially since they’re emptying the jails.
Keep in mind that at Charlottesville, the "good" counter-protestors outnumbered the "white supremacists" (not all of whom were white supremacists, some just objected to the destruction of history) 2 to 1. And the law enforcement deployed throughout the area outnumbered the counter-protestors 2 to 1.
Watch the videos of the running attacks on the protestors, and ask a simple question: Where were the cops?
Yeah, Northam wants an incident. Personally, I think he should be given one, a very focused and personal one.
He should have been dragged out of the Governor's Mansion and hung by the neck until dead in Capitol Square. Ditto the hanging for the every legislator who authored, co-authored, sponsored or co-sponsored the bills in question.
Cruising Troll said...
Yeah, Northam wants an incident. Personally, I think he should be given one, a very focused and personal one.
Althouse has spoken out very strongly against violent ideation on her blog. Please respect the local customs.
jaydub said...
I think Buwaya meant semi-automatic rifle. Automatics are illegal everywhere in the US as far as I know.
1/20/20, 12:26 PM
Still catching up on all the comments so this may be a repeat...
Automatic rifles are NOT illegal to own in the USA if you go through the proper process to own one "legally". For an "average Joe" to own a full-automatic rifle, you need to have the proper Government issued paperwork containing a valid tax stamp. There are two main routes to go to get this paperwork. The first is as a citizen and the second is as a corporation or trust. A lot of folks go the trust route, it saves some time, some process (like finger prints), and it can be structured to cover multiple individuals. The same processes can be used for suppressors. In all cases, regardless of the item, the tax stamp is $200.
Each NFA item needs to have its own paperwork and tax stamp.
The big impediment with full-auto is the Reagan signed firearms law of 86. That made it illegal for any "normal person" to own a full-auto firearm that was NOT registered as such prior to the 86 deadline. This has resulted in HUGE price increases for these items as the available supply is only shrinking as items break, are lost, or are destroyed.
As an example, a "full auto" trigger group for a Ruger 10/22 rifle was less than $50 back when. It now sells for $20K or more at auction. The parts to convert an AR-15 to full auto are $5 or so BUT get caught with them and it is a Federal crime (unless you are a licensed manufacturer).
LOTS of folks own legal full-auto weapons, working tanks, working mortars, working rocket launchers, etc. All it takes these days is a competent lawyer, time, and money.
As I've said before, I despise, detest, and distrust the NYT (and the WaPoo). They lie.
When I was a Democrat, I monitored right-wing demonstrations and groups. I do it for the right now -- because I gradually realized the left is where the real ideological and cultural danger lies. I research radical domestic political groups for a living. I'm ecumenical -- I watch everyone -- because that's the best way to understand the weird places where the fringes meet. I follow everyone from the LaRouchites to Adbusters. I know both sides.
There is no significant white supremacist movement in America. I knew that when I was a Democrat, too, and found the manufactured crises, lies, and false accusations disgusting then, too.
There are a lot of special agents infiltrating both sides, even in obviously benign groups. At any rally or protest designated white supremacist, however, a big percentage of participants are undercover feds because there are so few such people to start with.
I am increasingly worried that left-wing politicians, journalists, and left-wing federal agents are colluding to try to gin up violence and blame it on conservatives. I didn't always feel this way -- I still don't feel this way about the Koreshian deaths, for example. That crisis was manufactured by child rapist David Koresh. But we are now in a very different place now.
The headline stories about the three men in Georgia arrested and accused of plotting to murder an ANTIFA couple and go to Virginia have already been altered or wormholed on media websites. They weren't targeting ANTIFA. I have to use Wayback Machine to even map out the original reporting, and that's disturbing. I can't find anybody in w western Georgia who knows them or what really happened. This stuff is getting scary. I wouldn't hesitate to accuse the government and the leftist media of trying to manufacture violence and blame it on conservatives. The Left has been trying to start a race war since the Sixties. Tom Hayden, Bill Ayers, et. al. put it in writing -- and acted on it. But now there are elements in federal law enforcement with the same ambition.
We need an army of people watching and monitoring these sorts of media incitement.
Governor Coonman Blackface Baby Killer would prefer to deal with unarmed peasants.
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