The arrogance, the dismissiveness, the smug cackling, the accents.
— Steve Krakauer (@SteveKrak) January 28, 2020
If Donald Trump wins re-election this year, I’ll remember this brief CNN segment late one Saturday night in January as the perfect encapsulation for why it happened.
२८८ टिप्पण्या:
288 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Yup. It was there in 2016 and has only gotten worse. I didn’t vote for the guy and I do appreciate some of the humor regarding him but this is the sort of “news/analysis” that creates a deep seated anger towards the media.
but CNN has decided this is the business model they’re going to hang their hat on.
Now let’s laugh about Liz Warren. (Crickets)
President Trump engineered the most stunning electoral upset in U.S. history.
He's presiding over a period of unprecedented economic success.
What are these morons cackling about?
I grew up revering The NY Times and The New Yorker. They seemed to be incredible oases of intellectual sophistication to this redneck small town boy.
And, now it's all been reversed and the sophisticates are just stupid, clueless yokels. How did this happen?
Rick Wilson in 2016 opened my eyes. How awful campaign consultants are, and how desperately they need their money and need to be in the game or they will try to tear someone down.
We have too much money in campaigns, and lots of it goes to them, and they are one of the harmers of democracy. They've created a permanent, selfish class.
Wilful blindness.
Evan McMullin campaign strategist Rick Wilson...
They hate us so much. It's actually terrifying to contemplate the future when they have power over us
First time ever Rick Wilson smiled on TV.
Exactly. Speaking the truth is not an effective sales tool.
It is true. They don't hate Trump. They hate US.
It's not hate Whitney, it's derision and pity. You people wish it's hate, but we don't care about you that much.
Exactly. Speaking the truth is not an effective sales tool.
You're one of the dumb yokels, Howard.
There a touch of insanity in the way in which you speak with such self-assurance.
You're incredibly stupid.
Lemon thinks he got the job in spite of having sucked Zucker's cock, rather than because he sucked Zucker's cock.
That's not smugness, that's Rusty Trombone Face.
I am Laslo.
The elites are treating white trash like you people treat ethnic minorities.
Tell us about your big dick, again, Howard.
Speak with a lisp while you do it.
That's your most impressive intellectual move, Biggus Dickus.
"You people wish it's hate, but we don't care about you that much.”
It’s fear and loathing. I was riding around the Intercoastal in a boat with a Trump hater and she was getting scared at the Trump 2020 flags we saw. OMG! There are people who don’t watch CNN and MSNBC all day and believe everything they see! How frightening!
Big strong man
’That's not smugness, that's Rusty Trombone Face.’
{ { { golf clap } } }
They laugh to hide the sobs. You just know thye went home and cried themselves to sleep...
For people supposedly deserving of a panel three shot they are completely blind to how they will be perceived...or as suggested how they will top of the 2020 election night loser meltdown reel.
That’s really funny that somebody on CNN used the word “credulous” to describe people who won’t watch their incessant nonsense.
"The elites are treating white trash like you people treat ethnic minorities."
Okay, okay: just how many times do MAGA folk have to apologize to Jussie Smollett?
Have a little forgiveness.
I am Laslo.
Cable news is a vast wasteland, film at eleven.
You only have to suck Jesse's dick once, Laslo. Unlike Trump
Ukraine is the name of a vast fertile plain with rivers running through it. In WWII it had Hitler's Panzers running through it going east for 18 months and then turning around and going west for 18 months. As for knowing where it is on a map the few Germans who survived have traumatic amnesia.
You only have to suck Jesse's dick once, Laslo. Unlike Trump
Here we go with the Biggus Dickus act.
Howard, go work out your internal struggle with homosexuality in private.
Maybe the steam room at your local gym?
Wait until the dime drops that they have truly swapped positions with the white trash they so deplore. This business has gotten out of control, and they'll be lucky to live through it.
To acknowledge this at this point for a supposed "master of the game" like Rick Wilson would be... Inconceivable.
These are the same people who believe everything darling little Greta says about global warming.
Yeah, it’s “white trash” who oppress people. LOL. They are so powerful.
That's bad television. Woke people ruin everything! Imus used to get these giggle-fests going and it made for bad radio and bad TV at the same time.
Mezzrow: except you people are only capable of erecting a cargo cult of rust, excess lipids and opium buzz.
Blogger Howard said...
It's not hate Whitney, it's derision and pity. You people wish it's hate, but we don't care about you that much.
Once again Howard does his Rick Wilson imitation. Howard, you embody the supercilious self anointed elites who can't do anything right but are sure you are the smartest kid in the room.
A very few Progs are starting to realize all is not well in blue heaven.
Stewart compared achievement by race in a number of cities that he classified as progressive or conservative. The results didn’t surprise me, but they shocked Stewart. Conservative cities (as ranked by political scientists used as a reference for the study) consistently did a better job of closing student achievement gaps–sometimes, to zero–than progressive cities. This chart sums up the findings:
You aren't that smart, Howard.
Don't forget, Rick Wilson is a certified Life-Long Republican, yes one of those LLRs you have read about here on Althouse. The kind of Republican who is too sophisticated to hang out with actual Republican voters. You know, the kind that just can't tolerate someone gauche so they promote the Democrat just this one time because the GOP-base has strayed from our appointed supporting role for the Party of Destruction.
Yeah it's the pecking order. The weak white trash pecks on the destitute and helpless because Christian.
Blogger Howard said...
“The elites are treating white trash like you people treat ethnic minorities.”
Do you mean the ethnic minorities who climb walls, crawl through tunnels and brave deserts to get here. Or do you mean the ethnic minorities from whom came the first elected CEO of a western nation and which has more minority millionaires than any other nation on earth. Or do you mean the ethnic minorities who receive more taxpayer largesse than from any other nation. Etc. Etc.
Which ethnic minority do you mean, Howie?
Their display is based on a story an NPR reporter made up?
Smart enough to easily trigger you and Tommy, doc
“Trump tweeted our CNN clip from 2 days ago. Friends are now concerned about my safety. I refuse to be intimidated & bullied by bad faith actors who cry fake victimhood,...”
Self awareness not his strong suit.
"The weak white trash pecks on the destitute and helpless”
Yeah sure. They keep them out of Harvard, right? Refuse to hire them as engineers.
". If Trump loses there's no more market for his schtick. He's doing his best to make sure that doesn't happen”. - Mickey Kaus
This shit that Howard is evidencing, while incredibly stupid, is something I've seen quite frequently among lefty men.
Sexual jealousy of Trump because the president has the hot pussy.
As he so bluntly states, Howard's terrified that the president will shove his dick down his throat.
Yes, Trump is the better man, Howard, and he does have the hot pussy. Believe me, he doesn't want to force you into submission by shoving his dick down your throat.
This S&M homosexual rape game is the central focus of your life, not the president's.
It does bring to mind why we still fund NPR...
Who do you think hires all the servants and gardeners, Auntie? That's right, the elites. Since elites pay much more taxes, they earned the right for purchasing everything you hate like welfare and AA. If you people manned up and became free market capitalists, then you might have some sort of influence.
If you people manned up and became free market capitalists, then you might have some sort of influence.
What government agency do you work for, Howard? All you lefties are attached to the government teat.
From Wikipedia:
Don Lemon-Occupation Journalist
Sean Hannity-Occupation Radio host, television host, political commentator, author
The pretension that Lemon is a "journalist" and that this clip is news is what makes it smugness.
If you people manned up...
Jesus, you can't help yourself, can you, Biggus Dickus?
I'm ridiculing you for your closeted homosexual obsessions and you can't stop displaying them.
From Wikipedia:
Don Lemon-Occupation Journalist
Sean Hannity-Occupation Radio host, television host, political commentator, author
The pretension that Lemon is a "journalist" and that this clip is news is what makes it smugness.
Look, Howard, just go find a nice young guy and get fucked in the ass.
It's OK.
We all understand. It's legal. Nobody's going to arrest you and throw you in jail.
Howard, you realize don't you, that servants and gardeners (that are usually illegals) aren't paid jack shit by the elites. That's why they hire them.
“Who do you think hires all the servants and gardeners, Auntie? That's right, the elites.”
American born “servants and gardeners” have a right to wage protections from foreigner competition that is exploited by wealthy elites. You call that “racism” but really it’s economic protection that Americans deserve.
You people never disappoint
CNN is garbage.
These are the same asshole who attacked Nick Sandman.
AllenS, not to worry, liberals have repealed the law of supply and demand.
You people never disappoint
Howard, for Christ's sake, go get laid at the local YMCA and quit agonizing over it here.
Are you Latino? Latino gay guys are commonly like you. If they're the pitcher and not the catcher, they not really gay.
Will liberals ever figure out that calling people stupid is not an effective way to get them to listen to you? Their inability to learn from experience, their refusal to engage in even the most basic self-examination, is inspiring.
I love it when Auntie gets all serious and sincere. She desperately needs to convince herself that her convictions are socially acceptable.
Tim is exactly right. Speeking truth to weakness is counter productive
"She desperately needs to convince herself that her convictions are socially acceptable.”
I have to hand it to you, your threats of banishment from the cult is probably your strongest card, and all you have since you can’t really refute what I said.
@Howard - "you people". No stereotyping for you, nosiree!
Jesus, I'm beginning to appreciate Titus for being out and proud.
Sure beats these closeted rants from Howard.
"You people never disappoint"
Glad you enjoy being mocked and ridiculed for the miserable loser that you obviously are, Howard.
Next you will probably throw your own poop.
Allen S., Why do you hate competition? We opened up our country to these poor people and now you want to renegotiate because they do work more efficient than whites.
Wow. Howard seems a bit upset this morning. And it is really early here on the West Coast. Bad night?
Southern hicks? I thought we were all Russian assets?
Which is it, you corruption excusing Nazi arseholes?
It's impossible to refute the voices in your head, Auntie.
"Why do you hate competition?”
These are the new “Stick it to the powerless” Democrats we have heard so much about.
Howard, I never thought I'd be giving a man this advice, but here goes...
Come out of the closet.
Separate your political ideas from your sexual fears.
"t's impossible to refute the voices in your head, Auntie.”
Yep, he’s throwing poop.
Howard said...
Smart enough to easily trigger you and Tommy, doc
A spiritually healthy adult does not brag that he is smart enough to intentionally harm fellow human beings. Something is wrong with the person who does that.
I hope you find the fix you need.
Howard, there are 66 comments and 13 of them are yours. I don't see how you can think that anonymously spewing invective over a comments section that disagrees with you is not hate. What is your definition of hate?
the problem isn't cnn, its practically all of them, rick Wilson is on dohas dime, well they know how to deal with eunuchs over there, f chuck, our import from kendall, dogs body for 'red' harkin, Wallace fils (who shares a brain with andrea Mitchell)
White Trash powerlessness is self inflicted, Auntie. Therefore you people Garner less sympathy
He who laughs last...
The reality is that the Democrats have abandoned the poor and the powerless for big California money. Howard is just one example.
I've often wondered if Howard has ever held a job.
This happens everyday. I hardly watch any news anymore, because I am sick of getting talked down to. I live in New Jersey. People have been lining up to see the President for over 48 hours in 30 degree weather. In a BLUE state. Tell me again, what Rednecks and Rubes we are. But Trump will still be your President, and from the looks of it, will win again in a landslide.
Is it “self inflicted” to have the market for your labor flooded with foreign competition? More moron economics from the poop thrower.
Harm, Scalito? Sticks and stones. It's never too late to grow a pair
"Is this smugness?"
"It feels to me more like desolation and — triggered by one very silly image — loss of composure."
No. Another instance of Althouse attributing to others feelings she thinks she would experience in their situation. Sure, a rational Althousian might feel desolated, but here we are dealing with progs. They aren't losing composure. This is progs being composed. Losing composure would be taking the next step -- calling for reeducation camps, justifying the gulags, shooting at GOP reps, that sort of thing.
"The arrogance, the dismissiveness, the smug cackling, the accents."
Right. No "interesting" Althousian interpretation needed.
Per Aunty Trump: The reality is that the Democrats have abandoned the poor and the powerless for big California money.
And California money is fleeing to Texas by the billions.
In one year’s time, 1,800 companies left California and most made Texas their destination. From the HT Group.
I've never wondered if Allen S was anything other than a salaryman.
It's hard to actually defend Rick Wilson here, just as it would be hard to defend anybody who ridiculed ethnic minorities in that way. It's not a matter of opposing policies that some other group favors or benefits by, but of personal ridicule. Derision yes, but I don't see pity in it.
I'm getting tired of the idea that you either attack and ridicule one group or you attack and ridicule some group thought to be opposing it, whether it's poor whites or people of color or religious believers or even rich White liberals. At the risk of being labled #civilitybullshit, I'd say it doesn't have to always be hate this group or hate that group.
Rick Wilson's Wikipedia biography is very sketchy about his early life, and he slips into that accent a little too easily. Could it be that Rick has some status anxiety of his own and some reason for it? Rick Wilson, barely hanging on to the ragged edge of the upper class, kicking at the the people he came from?
And if Wilson wanted to make Pompeo's behavior the issue, why is he making his own behavior the issue? Poor strategy from the strategist. Could this be why Evan McMullin isn't president now? Of course, at this point for Wilson, it's probably more about being entertaining enough to keep his media job than of having an actual effect on politics.
And yet California's share of global GDP continues to expand.
Have fun in Wildwood, wendybar. It'll probably be the most people in the town during the off-season.
I hardly watch any news anymore, because I am sick of getting talked down to.
Keep in mind, you're being talked down to by a poo-flinging loser like Howard. Hardly someone to react to with anything other than laughter and mockery.
Where's Titus when you need him?
Calling Titus!
Purportedly cherry butthole begging to be cracked!
"Therefore you people Garner less sympathy"
Ha ha ha ha ha. You're funny, Howie.
I'd like to see the three democrat assholes above comment on this.
We opened up our country to these poor people
"We" didn't open up the did. We tried to tell them to stay home if they weren't legal.
I've noticed this often when I've encountered TDS:
The president provokes primal sexual fears and explosive sexual jealousy in so many people.
On the female side, this is evidenced by attraction to him because of his wealth and power, and revulsion over the rape fantasies that this generates in women who know he'll never choose them.
On the male side, this is evidenced by the S&M homosexual fear (and hope) that Trump will shove his dick down their throats or up their asses in a display of dominance.
"And yet California's share of global GDP continues to expand.”
Yes, Google has a kind of tax on the economy. Same as when stock brokers used to be highly regulated and you couldn’t buy or sell a stock without cutting in some old Wasp firm. Now you can’t really run a business without writing Google a check every monty. IIRC we used to pay them something like 10K a month, or our pipeline would dry up.
They should be regulated.
And yet California's share of global GDP continues to expand.
Still broke.
Howard said...
Harm, Scalito? Sticks and stones. It's never too late to grow a pair
The word you used, trigger, was popularized by academia to describe the mental harm caused by so-called microaggressions. The entire concept centers around the mental harm words can cause. I imagine you have at least a vague understanding of how it is used based on how you deployed it.
There really is no other way to interpret your comment: you are proud that you can intentionally trigger others. You are proud that you can inflict some small mental injury on strangers on the internet. So proud you noted it as an achievement.
I find that sad. Sad for you because you must be hurting or missing something. And sad for the people you take out your anger on.
I hope you have a good and prosperous day.
Not to mention the effort spent countering the Google games of the competition and coming up with games of our own.
This is how the population of Madison views the rest of the State of Wisconsin, no?
In one year’s time, 1,800 companies left California and most made Texas their destination. From the HT Group.
Hurricanes. Lololol
I've noticed this often when I've encountered TDS:
The president provokes primal sexual fears and explosive sexual jealousy in so many people.
He's been great at bursting the pretentions of the smarter-than-thou set that features a lot of entitled incompetents who paid for credentials signifying nothing. Frothing mediocre douchebags like Howard can't take the mockery and immediately signal their outrage that the "rubes" are not minding their place. Hence expressions like "white trash." Losers like Howard just double down and it is glorious.
I'm getting a flop sweat vibe from Howard. I think we should leave him alone in his fantasies.
CNN has decided this is the business model they’re going to hang their hat on.
Yes. Just as Democrats have decided that they are going to hang their hats on desperately false narratives such as Kavanaugh as sexual predator and the Trump impeachment. It is rather pitiful.
Howard said...
I've never wondered if Allen S was anything other than a salaryman.
Yes, I was also an Infantryman.
How dare CNN journos call me a "credulous Boomer rube"!!!!!
In fact, I'm not a Boomer:)
It's a bit snarky, Yes, but those who dish it out, have to take it. And Trump dishes a lot, and we yuck it up. So......
I do wish CNN would return to even-handed journalism. Many moons ago, Crossfire was my favorite show (Pat Buchanan v Michael Kinsley).
Adam Schitt is from CA.
That's embarrassing for CA.
It seems that Howard and Shouting Thomas are having a dick measuring contest on this thread.
Does anyone have a micrometer?
Didn't watch clip, but laughing at Howard simultaneously claim he doesn't care about us and then continues to engage us. See, I didn't watch the clip from CNN because I really do not care about them. When you truly don't care, you just don't care.
This is why political humor is best left to the professionals at SNL and the gifted amateurs here in this comment section. The contempt that these CNN people feel not just for Pompeo and Trump but for all those who vote Republican shines through. As Trump has pointed out, they don't just hate me, they hate you.....They don't seem to be aware they are on the air and broadcasting to the larger public. There must be hundreds--well, anyway, dozens--of people who tune into CNN and overhear such infra dig put downs. The CNN observers do not elucidate the campaign issues. They are the campaign issues.
Just heard that Babylon Bee bought CNN so they could have an all satire all the time Cable TV outlet. Very little will have to change at CNN.
Seeing Red said about Texas Hurricanes. Lololol
Pretty sure that hurricanes are not an issue in Lubbock or Amarillo.
Can you find Texas on a map?
I know that what I'm saying might seem way off base.
I was editor of the leading men's rights newsletter for a while. In Manhattan, where I lived at the time, our membership was heavily comprised of men who had been married and had children, then "decided" they were gay, got divorced and moved into the gay cruising scene.
Not surprisingly, they found themselves in bitter and vicious custody battles during their divorces.
Most of these men were politically conservative. They had hoped to find a receptive and affectionate community in the gay demimonde of NYC, but they only found themselves hated and ostracized again because of their political views.
This type of "you're stupid and unfashionable" razzing on this TV show is exactly what they faced. Being Republican and conservative is the ultimate sin in the gay demimonde of NYC.
President Trump does things- he doesn't talk about them particularly well. His estimable intelligence is manifested in -and invested in- the quality of his work.
These smug, silly goofs actually think words are actions.
It's becoming harder and harder to understand how any rational person could justify rewarding the Democratic Party and the MSM for this type of behavior by continuing to vote Democratic.
Who is Steve Krakauer? Am I deplorably ill-informed and non-elite for not knowing who he is?
The interesting thing to me, as Mr. Krakauer personally bookmarks this video clip for possible use after the election, is that if Trump loses in November, it will be because of this sort of personal dismissal of Trump, by voters who ought to like Trump based on conservative politics or the performance of the economy.
That is, Trump’s personal idiocy, dishonesty, divisiveness and hatefulness will be his downfall among voters he would otherwise have won over. And that would be a good reason to remember Steve Krakauer’s Tweet in November.
Yeah, it’s “white trash” who oppress people. LOL. They are so powerful.
That's me in the blue bathrobe, drinking tequila from a plastic cup.
The guy ran a construction/real estate empire before this. He had his own TV show before this. People have seen him in action on that show. He is worth a [mostly] self-made fortune in BUSINESS, not TV, not movies, not music. actual BUSINESS. How the hell can they sit there and act out like that like he is some sort of back woods rube that was nothing before the other rubes handed him this job? The lack of critical [hell, any] thinking that goes into commentary like this is appalling. And THESE people "know" they are OUR betters! OMG!
All three of these folks would either be dead by self inflicted moron-ites or someone's b*tch for life three days after the lights go out. I would not trust a one of them to change a car tire, start a camp fire or judge if a carton of milk is bad.
crunchy irony
Scaito does a dissertation on triggered. Comedy gold.
Among other things, this should be the end of televised Presidential debates, at least in the format of TV talking heads posing questions. Why would any Republican Presidential candidate ever subject him or her self to these hopelessly partisan actors?
I might watch Trump and The Bern go at each other mano-a-mano, but letting any network talking head (including Wallace) insert his agenda? Why? The fiction that any of these people are "objective" is one of the many veils that Trump has ripped away.
These Trump TV commercials just write themselves!
I prefer to think of you as a paratrooper, Allen S. Anybody qualifies for the infantry.
And yet the elites keep losing. Maybe we could call them something besides "elites"? Maybe "crazy people"? Maybe "delusionists"? From what I hear, they believe that women can have penis's and impregnate men.
Tell us about your experiences with white trash, Howard. I don’t know what that expression means. Tell me about it. Do you always think in terms of race? Wouldn’t that be a Yes, Howard, give us all of your deep thoughts about race.
Fredinaneinstein appropriately appropriating two cultures simultaneously.
Professor Althouse---
I don't think the clip captures desolation or smugness. It oozes insincerity and contrived laughter. Fake condescension, which is the only kind of condescension middling intellects can use.
I agree with you there was nothing particularly witty about Rick Wilson's little jibe. That's all I could think as I sneered at them. I was embarrassed that Don Lemon, while holding himself out as an intellectual, thought Wilson's joke smart enough to trigger fake hysterical laughter.
Or maybe they should be called the "confused," because they hate populism yet they strongly believe the electoral college should be replaced with a popular vote.
Progs are getting a lot of mileage off of this story, using it to help fill up Kabuki Impeachment coverage.
I noticed -- and found it annoyingly interesting -- to see how many minutes of each hour @NPR "news" has been spending on this story -- over days! -- to fill their many hours of "dramatic" impeachment coverage.
you have to fill that time with Something!!!
So not a surprise that other treasonous, hate-inciting media would borrow that event to fill time for themselves.
Howard said...
The elites are treating white trash like you people treat ethnic minorities.
1/28/20, 7:06 AM
Project much? Every left wing social policy is designed at its core to hobble minorities while projecting "caring" by the white Democrat "elites".
Also, funny that you consider that pile of over credentialed, ignorant snowflakes "elites". Like most words that the left captures, its meaning has been devalued to the point where it is now a term of derision.
very stable people
I am white trash, Amadeus 48.
If Hunter Biden killed someone the headline would be:
"Trump once donated to father of man who killed someone"
Trump needs only to make this clip into an ad and play it over and over and it will all be over for sure.
Lemon wasn't even really laughing. It was acting.
“That is, Trump’s personal idiocy, dishonesty, divisiveness and hatefulness will be his downfall among voters he would otherwise have won over. “
Now do Hillary. And all the people who were absolutely sure she was going to win.
Shame on me! I recall this article from months ago, and having enjoyed it at the time... Steve Krakauer was the author:
The one thing I did not understand from the column was Krakauer’s presumption that the now-famous photo of the Clintons and the Trumps was harmful to Hillary. I don’t know; maybe that’s true. But why would the picture have disturbed Hillary’s cause but not Trump’s cause? Trump was so desirous of getting the former President to attend, that Trump was sending money to Clinton foundations and other enterprises? I always understood that the Clintons had no desire to be there, but rather did it for the money. Was that the bad thing? Trump paid the money. That wasn’t a bad thing? Trump craved the celebrity and prestige of the Clintons. That’s an okay thing with the Trumpettes? Maybe it was. I keep thinking that Trump was right, that he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue, or donate to the Clintons, and not lose any voters.
sad, but hearst wouldn't recognize his own publications any more,
hunter settled the child support case, so I guess he's available, I supposed he'll be as sympathetic as ellis from die hard,
And yet California's share of global GDP continues to expand.
And yet California's share of the nation's homeless continues to expand, while almost all of the increase in GDP you mentioned goes to already-wealthy Silicon Valley firms and their executives. Never thought I'd see the day a prog touted the success of greedy, evil corporations and stark & worsening income inequality in an effort to own the cons, but the Trump era has twisted a lot of left-wing minds beyond recognition.
The state (California) in last year's budget estimated it has $287 billion in unfunded retiree liabilities for pensions and health care.
Expand away, California !
If Dickhead Wilson had gone after Dems even half as hard as he goes after Trump, maybe he would not be called a useless grifter now.
evidence finally introduced,
they'll make it up in volume,
“The one thing I did not understand from the column was Krakauer’s presumption that the now-famous photo of the Clintons and the Trumps was harmful to Hillary.”
And that’s why your side lost. Short answer: “Look what a hypocrite Hillary is! She was happy to take my money and be seen with me then! But that’s how corrupt the system is and that’s what I’m running to change!”
THAT’S why it is bad for Hillary and not for Trump. He’s acknowledging the problem and his part of it. Your side and Hillary are the ones pretending everything is fine.
he crashed guilianis campaign, in 2008, along with the other rocket surgeon john avlon, they haven't trusted him with any thing serious since then,
These guys are morally retarded. Not morally immature. Too old to write this off as mere immaturity. They are morally defective. Morally stunted. Morally retarded.
Rick Wilson still doesn’t understand the Trump voter, but he makes a CNN clown laugh, so that’s something I guess. New career path?
Has the GOP already turned this in to a campaign ad? If not, why not?
"They hate you. They really hate you. And, your whole family and your neighbors, too." It writes itself.
Bob Boyd said...
Lemon wasn't even really laughing. It was acting.
Yup. And bad acting at that. My 8-year old feigns laughing better at humor that goes over her head when trying to fit in with adults.
Has the GOP already turned this in to a campaign ad? If not, why not?
"They hate you. They really hate you. And, your whole family and your neighbors, too." It writes itself.
Chuck - Trump used to be a democrat.
The idea that Trump paid the Clintons to be there ... do we know if that is true?
It could be true. Certainly we know the Clintons don't do anything unless they are paid.
"I keep thinking that Trump was right, that he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue, or donate to the Clintons, and not lose any voters."
But you yourself knew those things by election day Nov. 2016. Yet he didn't lose your vote.
So yes, as you say you keep thinking — Trump is right.
Putting on southern/rural white accents to indicate stupidity? If it isn't smug and arrogant (which I think it is), it is at least boorish. Have them pick any other ethnic accent and use it to mock people then see if their viewers still like their giggle fits over it.
"The president provokes primal sexual fears and explosive sexual jealousy in so many people."
All persiflage and baiting aside, I believe this to be true. Chuck, in particular, has always had an unmistakable undertone of desperate envy when attacking Trump. Every one of his comments could be reduced to, "Why him and not me?".
Martin said...
Has the GOP already turned this in to a campaign ad? If not, why not?
In fairness, the segment initially aired on an obscure cable network. No one noticed until two days later when a rando on Twitter tweeted it to his 20k followers.
Howard you really are laughable. As are those snobs in the CNN clip. You are like middle schoolers who make fun of the classmates they don’t designate as “cool” , to show off their superiority and status. Quite immature and transparent to those of us who grew up and recognize you for what you are. The joke is actually on you.
Blogger Mary Beth (the commenter) said...
Putting on southern/rural white accents to indicate stupidity?
Lol, wouldn't it have been great if he had tried to imitate the voice of a Black Trump supporter?
"Yo What is all deez lines on maps? ah don' need nahh geography! you know das right!"
Wow. That should be used as a campaign ad for Trump.
Is the typical Deplorable incapable of finding Ukraine on a map? Maybe he just doesn't give a shit. I bet Fauxcahontas knows all the world's capitals. She probably got better marks than Trump in spelling, cursive, and comportment, too. That's how she got into Harvard; that and her high cheekbones.
Thanks Merny11, it's Junior High and you have it exactly backwards. On this blog, the cool and popular kids are you deplorables. It's your safe space. I'm playing the part of a sarcastic outcast who makes fun of the jocks and social butterflies.
I had seen Wilson on tv now and then over the years, and he struck me as a garden-variety Repub political consultant: i.e. a true scumbag asshole, interested only in the wellbeing of Rick Wilson. On the CSpan show, he went on about Tucker Carlson being "a nihilist, a nihilist I tell you!" and called Tulsi "Jill Stein with better hair."
Thinks a lot of himself, does Rick Wilson.
Lemon is a known steaming pile; I have no idea who the clown on the left is.
Putin asset (please don't tell Rick!)
I do feel that it's a bit unfair of me, like taking a magnifying glass to an ant hill. What do you call that? Guilty pleasure?
Cackling like hens while spewing playground insults seems to appeal to women.. See the View!
Mary Beth (the commenter) said...
Putting on southern/rural white accents to indicate stupidity?"
Trump didn't win in 2016 because he won Southern votes but because he won the votes of people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, thus breaking Hillary's "blue wall." (And many of those voters had voted for Obama in '12.)
I guess it's a bit more difficult for Wilson to imitate an upper Midwest accent.
"You're one of the dumb yokels, Howard."
Howards playing with himself again!!!
Gee Howard if you say so .... and that is the explanation for the CNN performance too? SURE .....
Right now, thousands of people are lining up in Wildwood, NJ to attend tonight's Trump rally. Very few Southern drawls in that crowd.
Yeah, that redneck accent thang is a gift to Trump.
Trump is a step ahead of me. HE USED IT AS A CAMPAIGN AD!
That is GOLD!
Does anyone actually LIKE watching Don Lemon?
Three mean girls in the school cafeteria.
“Trump tweeted our CNN clip from 2 days ago. Friends are now concerned about my safety."
It goes with the territory. Just ask Dawn Lemon.
Narr: "Thinks a lot of himself, does Rick Wilson."
Rick Wilson is currently a wholly-owned asset of Qatar and certain leftist billionaires.
That is literally his "base" of "support" now.
Smart move by Lemon. Who's going to watch CNN if Trump loses? Their entire marketing strategy depends on Trump.
They think it is 1964. Unfortunately for them, it is not 1964. We have the internet.
What delightful campaign ads this will become. I look forward to them.
"I'm playing the part of a sarcastic outcast who makes fun of the jocks and social butterflies."
You are the voice of the establishment, dude.
You are like Hillary Clinton imagining that she is part of the "resistance."
Merny11:. You're right about CNN. I've agreed with that upthread. That doesn't change the fact that the comments are dominated by Trump deplorables and I am merely a pesky minority of about 5 libtards who regularly comment.
That's right Char Char, I ain't no Flatlander like you people.
Rick Wilson looks like Glenn Beck's retarded brother. Sounds like it, too.
bring better arguments, there is the mirror effect that we know what they think, like fish in the water, we can't help it, and they are blithely isolated from our thought patterns,
Nah, seems more like smugness (and worse) to me.
Blogger Meade said...
"I keep thinking that Trump was right, that he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue, or donate to the Clintons, and not lose any voters."
But you yourself knew those things by election day Nov. 2016. Yet he didn't lose your vote.
So yes, as you say you keep thinking — Trump is right.
What a genuinely interesting comment!
Yes I voted for Trump. And just reluctantly; downright disagreeably.
I was hoping for judges like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. And fearful of judges like Sotomayor and Kagan. I did know, from the John Miiller/Baron tapes (and so much more) that Trump appeared to be a kind of sociopath. But I hoped against hope that in the frankly incredible possibility that Trump became President, he’d be surrounded by competent mainstream Republicans who would minimize Trump’s personal failings.
What has happened in the Trump presidency is that for me, he’s shot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and now as one of his jurors I am ready to convict him.
As you’ll recall, Laurence, I always thought that Trump’s “shoot somebody” line was more than anything an unveiled insult to the Trump base. And as much as I want it to be clear that I have been a lifelong Republican, I also want it clear on how little support went along with my vote. Indeed my vote for Trump in 2016 is a big part of why I feel so strongly about publicly denouncing him now.
Laurence there’s a fresh story going around about the hashtag #ILefttheGOP:
I am not looking to leave the GOP; just rid it of Trump. But no matter what, Trump will not get my vote again. There were fewer than 11,000 of us in Michigan in 2016; usual Republican voters who opposed Trump all through the primaries, the general, and who no doubt polled against Trump. Reagan Democrats in our-counties made it close for Trump in Michigan. Educated suburban Republicans who sucked it up to vote for him (or who blandly voted a straight Republican ballot as I did) gave Trump his victory. But not again for me. It was only a hypothetical, that Trump could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue when he first said it. Now he has done it, figuratively, for me.
Blogger Drago said...
Narr: "Thinks a lot of himself, does Rick Wilson."
Rick Wilson is currently a wholly-owned asset of Qatar and certain leftist billionaires.
Trump lawyer Pam Bondi has been making more money from Qatar than Hunter Biden made as a Burisma board member. $115,000 per month. Drain the swamp.
How is your Ripple-scented blue heaven working out for you, Howie?
Chuck prefers Bernie, a hard core socialist, over Trump.
Chuck never mentions in his Michigan election recaps that Trump got ~165,000 more votes than Romney got in 2012. 😂
1/28/20, 10:39 AM
Blogger Lewis Wetzel said...
Chuck prefers Bernie, a hard core socialist, over Trump.
And I wrote that... Where?
Where the fuck do you step off, writing that about me?
" But no matter what, Trump will not get my vote again. "
You prefer any candidate to Trump, including Bernie. Get over yourself.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "And I wrote that... Where?"
You have been a huge vocal supporter of marxist Lawfare types, every lefty media organization, George Will, Bill Kristol, Charlie "Deadbeat Dad" Sykes, Rick Wilson etc.
ALL of whom have publicly stated they will be happy to vote for ANY democrat candidate over Trump, including Bernie.
So there's that little "problem" you have there, Mr "principled conservative".....
“The state (California) in last year's budget estimated it has $287 billion in unfunded retiree liabilities for pensions and health care.
Expand away, California !
You’ve given me an idea for what could be a top-selling t-shirt, AllenS: “How is Your Ripple-scented Utopia Working Out For You, Caliunicornia?”
Howard said...
The elites are treating white trash like you people treat ethnic minorities.
Really, Howard?
1: Are "Asians" ethnic minorities? Because I'm pretty sure it's you leftists supporting Harvard's claim that all Asians ahve bad personalities, not us conservatives and Trump supporters
2: It their behavior acceptable? Yes or no?
Because if it is acceptable, then it must be the case that "treating ethnic minorities" that way is equally acceptable.
So, pick one, and let us know which one it is
"Where the fuck do you step off, writing that about me?"
I can write anything that I want about you. It's a free country. Nya-nya.
tim maguire said...Will liberals ever figure out that calling people stupid is not an effective way to get them to listen to you? Their inability to learn from experience, their refusal to engage in even the most basic self-examination, is inspiring.
Howard said...Tim is exactly right. Speeking truth to weakness is counter productive
Thanks Howard, I appreciate you demonstrating my point. But it was unnecessary. There are plenty of examples out there already. The video clip that headlines this thread, for instance.
Beasts of England: "Chuck never mentions in his Michigan election recaps that Trump got ~165,000 more votes than Romney got in 2012."
Because FakeCon LLR-lefty Chuck, like all operational leftists, requires his NYT-cocooned bubble existence to try and make sense of this world that they thought they had completely wired.
Recall how LLR-lefty Chuck laughed and laughed and laughed about that silly Brexit idea put forth by the terrible and horrible Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson.
Oh how LLR-lefty Chuck enjoyed that!! Because, you see, the NYT and CNN and the Guardian told him it was all a big joke destined for failure. And Chuck believed them, because of course he did.
The result then and in December, as with Nov of 2016 for us, completely and utterly befuddled those that believe they stand astride the course of history. And LLR-lefty Chuck truly believes he is one of those "elite" "thinkers" who understands so very well these courses of events.
He and his pals know nothing.
One has only to read Chuck's pronouncements about somehow getting the republican party "back" after Trump. He is oblivious to the political and social inflection points that have been reached.
We are never "going back".
Imagine any other identifiable group being mocked in that way on CNN--the firings would be automatic.
Mock some effete San Francisco-type accent, say, and laugh about ill-informed or extremist liberals while so doing and you'd be out of a job before the show was over.
Golly I can remember when showing actual footage of people with identifiably stereotypical speech patterns in the context of making a point about different groups' attitudes towards government programs (free "Obamaphones" as I recall) was deemed out of bounds, unacceptable, and ugly by nice centrist people like Professor Althouse. Imagine if people made fun of that group via mocking their speech patterns/accents! The pitchforks would already have sold out.
Oh well. I guess all there's left to say is: Fuck Rick Wilson, fuck his fellow travelers like Tom Nichols et al., fuck all the pseudointellectual "pundits" and writers who made a nice living, for years, off of purporting to agree with, understand, and speak for the very people they now mock and scorn, and as always: fuck the Media.
BTW, if you want a perfect example of how LLR-lefty Chuck's operational leftist worldview is easily punctured and deflated by a few simple facts, go and read the Bolton thread from yesterday where Bruce Hayden and Birkel utterly destroy the not so carefully crafted house of cards-lefty talking points that Chuck strings together with nothing behind it.
It's really quite humorous.
Blogger Beasts of England said...
Chuck never mentions in his Michigan election recaps that Trump got ~165,000 more votes than Romney got in 2012. 😂
Know it very well. Auto workers terrified by Romney’s NYT op-ed suggesting the possibility of managed bankruptcies for US automakers. Right before Obama initiated managed bankruptcies.
Leave it to Patterico to be a total asshole on the subject...
“ This clip is making the rounds among conservatives. Like Hillary’s “deplorables” comment or Obama’s “cling to guns or religion” gaffe, it’s a perfect flashpoint for regler fokes across the nation to decry how they’re mocked by the elites.
... But second of all, Wilson is (while painting with way too broad a brush) right in the clip about a lot of things. First: he is right that Donald Trump could not find Ukraine on a map if his life depended on it (and I would watch a movie in which his life did depend on it). Wilson is correct that “this is an administration defined by ignorance of the world.” What the panel is discussing in the above clip is Pompeo’s insistence that the regler fokes out there don’t care about Ukraine. Pompeo was quoted by an NPR reporter as asking: “You think Americans care about Ukraine?” (Pompeo has contested aspects of the NPR reporter’s claim, but to my knowledge, he has not contested this quote — and to the extent that objective evidence exists to determine who is telling the truth as to the aspect he does contest, that evidence supports the reporter and not him.) Pompeo thinks nobody cares. And maybe a lot of people don’t. But the President should. And the Secretary of State should. And they should care about Ukraine as more than simply a crowbar they can use to bludgeon Joe Biden into submission.
Wilson goes on to say “That’s partly him playing to their base and playing to their audience, you know, the credulous boomer rube demo that backs Donald Trump, that wants to think that [adopts Southern accent] ‘Donald Trump’s the smart one and y’all elitists are dumb.'” It’s a bad look because of the accent mocking. But here again, he has a point — although it is ridiculously overbroad and ensnares far too many sensible people in its net.”
John Ossoff says he wants to beat Republicans "So They Can Never Show Their Faces in Public"
The Million Dollar Extreme guy Sam Hyde has a quote you see in a lot of places on the internet: "When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny"
That sentiment used to be called extreme and outrageous. Used to.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Know it very well. Auto workers terrified by Romney’s NYT op-ed suggesting the possibility of managed bankruptcies for US automakers. Right before Obama initiated managed bankruptcies."
Yes indeed. That Romney was so very very very easily played by the Chuck's "magnificent" democrat allies and pals in the media.
I can imagine how very proud Chuck was of Romney when Romney literally "surrendered" on live TV to Chuck's "magnificent" obama AND one of Chuck's lefty CNN hero "journalists"!
The only thing Romney could have done on that stage that would have made Chuck more proud would have been to simply endorse Obama on the spot!!
CNN and NPR midgets attacking the MONSTER-sized TRUMP? BWAH haha haha haha haha hah!
Remember how all LLR-lefty Chuck's media heroes trashed Romney in 2012?
Romney gave a woman cancer, on purpose!
Romney hated dogs and committed dog abuse!
Romney paid no taxes for 10 years!!
and on and on and on it went.
And Romney and supposed fanboys of Romney, like LLR-lefty Chuck, can't wait to sidle up to these very same leftists to have their little heads patted, their tummies rubbed and to be given a tidbit off the Lefty Table of Acceptability.
These are the lunatics who think the nation is just yearning for them to become "leaders" of the republican party again!!
Trump is bringing us Peace, and Democrats hate him for it.
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