"I think it is appropriate at this point for me to admonish both the House Managers and the President's counsel, in equal terms, to remember that they are addressing the world's greatest deliberative body. One reason it has earned that title is because its members avoid speaking in a manner and avoid using language that is not conducive to civil discourse. In the 1905 Swain trial, a Senator objected when one of the managers used the word 'pettifogging,' and the presiding officer said the word ought not to have been used. I don't think we need to aspire to that high a standard, but I do think those addressing the Senate should remember where they are."
I didn't watch much of yesterday's theatrics, but I did think the style of speech was inappropriate for a legal presentation. It was more like actors in a courtroom drama. Lawyers arguing in the U.S. Supreme Court do not take anything like that tone. I only heard a small bit of argument from House Managers, but it was obvious to me that they were speaking through the cameras at the American people and trying to gain political ground. I was able to vocalize disgust and walk away, but the Chief Justice is required to sit there and listen, and all the Senators are required to sit there and listen, and the form of speech really disrespects them.
There's so much talk about solemnity and seriousness, but these characters are speaking like they're in a Hollywood melodrama. Something really wrong is going on here....
IN THE COMMENTS: Darrell says: "Sure. Criticize both sides. That makes you look impartial. That's what losers do." But if you look at the Washington Post's story on the Roberts admonishment, you'll see the highest-rated comments there accuse Roberts of bias against the Democrats:
In trying to be fair Justice Roberts is accepting the lying of the executive branch as equal. Shame on him. The world is watching.....Second-highest rated:
Too bad Chief Justice Roberts did not see a need to admonish McConnell when the Senate refused to hold hearings or an up or down vote on Merrick Garland's nomination, leaving a Supreme Court seat open for a year. And too bad Roberts was silent again when McConnell orchestrated a change in the rules governing confirmation for the Supreme Court to allow a Justice to be seated based on a simple majority vote. Insults on the floor of the Senate, even during an impeachment trial doesn't compare to the damage McConnell has done to the Court, to Congress, the Constitution and the Country through his actions.
२१३ टिप्पण्या:
213 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»"We've been respectful of the Senate," an animated White House counsel Pat Cipollone fired back. "We've made our arguments to you. And you don't deserve, and we don't deserve, what just happened. Mr. Nadler came up here and made false allegations against our team. He made false allegations against all of you; he accused you of a cover-up. He's been making false allegations against the president. The only one who should be embarrassed, Mr. Nadler is you, for the way you've addressed the United States Senate. This is the United States Senate. You're not in charge here. ... It’s about time we bring this power trip in for a landing."
Nice try judge but that’s not gonna work. The tone of the language is why they’re doing this...
I Object
Roberts does not impress me. I figure Obama has pictures of him in bed with a dead boy.
McConnell shooting down all eleven Schumer amendments like clay pigeons, the brawl at the end of the Kansas State-Kansas basketball game last night, Democrats starting to throw elbows and insults at each other... Acrimony. America is feeling kind of chippy.
The only peaceful place you could go was Richmond for a Second Amendment rally.
Civility and decorum are no way to appeal to the audience. If they want ratings they need someone willing to swing some rhetorical chairs. The chosen house managers seem eager to rise to the occasion.
It's a pretty poor circus that doesn't let the clowns get out of their car.
The left wants impeachment to be an on going thing. They are interested in the ratings, not the outcome. Next time the ladies from the View will be the impeachment squad. Schiff and Schumer can introduce a motion to have Judge Judy, or Alex Trebeck as the chief justice for the next impeachment, or the one after that. so many possibilities.
A few republican talking heads expressed dismay how the President's defense team handled themselves.
-allowed democrats to introduce new evidence that was not part of the record in the House proceedings.
-While the dems used their time to put forth their entire case, charts and all, time after time after time, the defense stuck to the issues at hand--the debate over the amendments at hand.
It seems republicans are still stick in this "follow the rules/fundamental fairness" when is comes to dealing with democrats when have abandoned that quaint notion for the winning strategy of "by any means necessary".
Many are still baffled how we got to the point of sitting in a chair at 2 a.m. on the floor of the Senate listening to arguments over the Impeachment of the republican President.
This must be the pseudoist pseudoevent there ever was.
Sure. Criticize both sides. That makes you look impartial. That's what losers do.
It seems long past the point to be indulging Susan Collins. Our nation is paying dearly for her indulgence. Cut her loose and feed her to the Democrats. If your majority is that fragile you probably don’t deserve to have one...
When did Alyssa Milano become so important that she was included in the impeachment trial, AND the Kavanaugh trial?? Is she their secret weapon???
The only peaceful place you could go was Richmond for a Second Amendment rally.
There were plenty of guns at that rally (and damned few cops, or so I have read). An armed society is a polite society.
I read a couple articles about this kerfuffle this morning, including an article linked to foxnews.com. Both implied Roberts was admonishing Jay Sekulo.
Roberts should have remembered where he was when Obamacare came up.
Some scandal involving Roberts and his adopted Russian children, that Obama discovered.
I am boycotting this whole thing.
Remember Roberts and the census citizen question.
Roberts has to hear oral arguments in a Supreme Court case in just over 2 hours.
Pettifogging is now my favorite term to describe some commenters here.
I did think the style of speech was inappropriate for a legal presentation.
Luckily it's not a legal presentation.
Adj. placing undue emphasis on petty details.
"pettifogging attorneys were the bane of civil society"
So how about peskyclarificatory?
So much repetition! I’d be spitting mad at having to sit through all that over and over... wth? Waste of time. Get back to the judges.
It got a little chippy here in 1861.
Susan Collins - every word she says, every breath she takes is with an eye towards getting reelected in her blue state.
Including every vote she casts.
“Something really wrong is going on here....”
You got that right Ann Althouse. Really, really wrong.
Wilbur--You are ignoring what she did in the Kavanaugh hearings--when she ripped the Democrats a new one in the best speech I have heard in the Senate in my entire life and cast an important vote for confirmation, unlike that nitwit from Alaska (Murkowski, obviously). The money is flooding into Maine to beat her because she gave that speech and made that vote.
The Senate is not going to remove President Trump. Trump is unlikely to lose the election because of anything that happens in this impeachment farce. The Senate may change hands if people like Collins, Gardner, McSally, and Tillis lose, however. There goes our ability to confirm judges. Collins was there when we needed her, and she'll be there again if she is re-elected.
In my book, she gets to act any way she thinks is in her best interest in this farce.
I did think the style of speech was inappropriate for a legal presentation
Well, is it a legal presentation or not? We can’t seem to get a consistent answer on that.
Prof., those WaPo comments are, sadly, exactly what we expect. “But but but...Republicans suck!” Or, more precisely, “it’s ok that we do it because they do it too. But they suck for doing it.”
Wilbur said...
Susan Collins - every word she says, every breath she takes is with an eye towards getting reelected in her blue state.
The republicans needed her, for their majority; so, the republicans let her run the show
The democrats needed bluedog (moderate) democrats for THEIR majority, so the democrats force the bluedogs to heel, and toe the line
This is the difference between republicans and democrats
This is WHY democrats run this country
Thus is WHY many Life Long Liberals can 'say' that they're repubicans
"...remember that [you are participating in The Greatest Show on Earth]."
Ftfy, Chief.
"One reason it has earned that title is because its members avoid speaking in a manner and avoid using language that is not conducive to civil discourse."
He's at the circus, complaining about the presence of clowns.
I'm with Amadeus 48 with respect to Collins.
I see Collins did join the dems in a vote last night. Maybe it was this morning.
While you were sleeping...
In my book, she gets to act any way she thinks is in her best interest in this farce.
Yes, probably the correct political decision. Probably. Right up until it isn't.
I wonder if this is really what it takes to hold her chunk of Maine or if this is just political indulgence. That indulgence comes at a cost and Democrats are extracting it at the moment...
Dems are screaming, "They're blocking crucial evidence! They're blocking crucial witnesses!"
If Bolton and Mulvaney testified, there would be two more crucial witnesses, then two more after that and two more after that until there were finally two that we didn't hear from and those final two, we would be told, are the ones whose testimony would have convicted Trump if only the Senate had allowed them, but alas, Republicans, terrified, managed to block them. Sham! Travesty!
It's just like the Russia investigation. Despite Mueller's report, Dems still insist Putin sneaked into a voting booth in Wisconsin somewhere and changed the the outcome of the 2016 election and he now controls Trump with pictures of peeing prostitutes. OMG!
Sorry, but I've largely tuned out. Maybe I shouldn't, but come on...the moral outrage, even if it were justified, is so selective I just can't take it seriously.
I have not heard the word "pettifogging" before. I'm a bit disappointed that the meaning of it is not in line with my first impression of being some exciting derivative of "petting".
Collins' behavior in the Kavanaugh hearings is exactly what I mean. I have no doubt she calculated she needed to give her speech to avoid being strongly challenged in a primary back home.
I just don't trust her for a minute.
If Trump is as good at five-dimensional chess as some think he is, he is totally cool with Collins doing whatever she thinks is best. He'll even tweet out an attack on her to help her out.
"I am boycotting this whole thing."
I'm not boycotting it; I just couldn't be less interested.
Good for Justice Roberts, though, but fat lot of good it will do. We've become too coarsened and addicted to the shrieking childishness of (the misnamed) "reality tv." With Trump in the White House, our entire nation has become the backdrop for the tawdriest reality tv show of all.
How dare a Senator think about how their constituents want to be represented.
"pettifogging" is just a bunch of malarkey.
We all know why she does what she does. The question that should be asked is it worth it? Is it counterproductive?
Instead of an eloquent letter from a fence sitter if there was a more solid political front we could have seen censure or pursuit of criminality of the Democratic leakers and other bad actors. Perhaps not, but perhaps it would have been enough for a reluctant Speaker not to indulge the radicals on her side or not putting a vulnerable Senator in a position to be vulnerable.
If I knew how I would put a double thumbs up here in response to commenter Amadeus 48's posts.
WaPo commenters fall asleep sobbing about Merrick Garland and clutching his picture.
1. Do you want to admit that you trust any politician? Rethink that.
2. Collins waited until the crucial minute in Kavanaugh flap, and then flattened the Democrats and Dianne Feinstein. It was personal and deadly. Collins was there when we needed her. She always has been. She often has tried to compromise, but I can't think of a case where her vote was decisive against the GOP side, unlike Jim Jeffords and Arlen Spector.
3. Senators don't grow on trees. We take them where we find them.
4. I don't feel the same way about Murkowski, but she votes to for the GOP to organize the Senate. I'd like to see her beaten in a primary by someone who isn't a swivel-eyed loon. In 2010, Murkowski lost the GOP primary and then won in a write-in campaign. I'd say she has some swing in Alaska.
Your entire ruling class is decadent.
That is not limited to these politicians; this means that you have a great mass of people "at the top", in every field, in every institution, public and private, that is a failure, a gross error in your processes of selection and promotion. The cursus honorum broke decades ago.
This is not really a political problem, but a social and cultural one. It just shows up in politics more because of media attention.
Its lucky for all of us that the maintenance of society and economic functioning, in the short-medium term anyway, does not depend on these people, but on your middle class and middle ranks.
You could take your entire leadership and outsource it easily. Your "best and brightest" are readily replaceable by talented foreigners. The middle though, these are not easily replaced. The surprisingly common American ethos of painstaking responsibility, discipline, plus initiative, is irreplacable. Americans have a talent for self-organization that is very uncommon, at least on the mass scale.
So far.
But your leaders - "lions led by donkeys" does not begin to describe it.
"No Mallarkey" sez Joe Biden!
"No Pettifoggery" sez John Roberts!
One side never accepted the results of the 2016 election and is trying to undue the votes of 63 Million people. The other side is resisting, and, surprisingly, fighting back.
So, Yes, there will be acrimony.
We needed an Al Pacino Justice For All moment there.
A Chief Justice that not only bent over backwards for Obamacare, but re-wrote it for the decision upholding it.
It was more like actors in a courtroom drama.
That, of course, is what it is.
It is a congressional hearing and congressional hearings are always stage managed productions.
As for new witnesses and additional evidence, if one side is allowed that, the other side will match the ante and raise, and we are off to the races.
Pretty funny that Trump’s lawyers are accused of lying because Schiff showed a deceptively edited video that purported to show that the president believed that he has absolute power. Of course this stuff is aimed at the media, who are the real arbiters of what Americans see, and we know that they won’t give the same play to the Republican takedown of that video. They will give it no play at all, because the real jury here are the voters in Republican states, that Democrats are trying to turn.
Your entire ruling class is decadent.
That is not limited to these politicians; this means that you have a great mass of people "at the top", in every field, in every institution, public and private, that is a failure, a gross error in your processes of selection and promotion. The cursus honorum broke decades ago
The Harvard admissions scandal proved that in blinking red letters.
Yes, that vid was entertaining, but not exactly relevant to the matter at hand. Instead, I suggest this.
Why more relevant, you may well ask. Eventually, Schiff, Pelosi, and the whole Democratic establishment will face the Bridge of Death:
What is your name?
Adam Schiff.
What is your quest?
To get revenge for losing the White House in 2016.
What qualified Hunter Biden for that richly paid job at Burisma?
AIYEEEEeeeeeee! (splat)
No doubt the fancy government lawyer wanted to make a memorable speech at this unfortunately historic occasion; let his admonitions be entered into the American Journal of Hall Monitoring.
I don’t believe that a cynic could have written Collins’ speech. It was great. I trust her. Romney needs to go though, but apparently the Mormon mafia is going to keep him in power. He’s done outside of that state though.
I thought we already established that impeachment is a political thing.
Other than injecting himself into the impeachment and exposing himself to critique; what exactly does Chief Justice Roberts think he can do if the House Managers or the President's Counsel decides to ignore him? Will Roberts take over the Senate and hold the House or Executive Branch in contempt of Congress?
“Something really wrong is going on here....”
No kidding. What we are about to see is the amorality of House Democrats and the leftmedia infect the Democrats and two or three Republicans in “the world’s greatest deliberative body.” In other words, the complete unraveling of our bipartisan nation.
This impeachment is so bad, so anti-constitutional, that even Romney should disassociate from it. If he doesn’t, the rumors about his shady Ukrainian interests may be true.
Trump's sense of humor is amuse of power.
Moscow Mitch’s show trail is bound to bring out the drama but nothing will enable the public to see the DOD emails. At least Roberts seems reasonable in his request.
Quoting: A popular saying among lawyers is that if the facts are against you, argue the law; if the law is against you, argue the facts. And “if the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell.”
I always thought it was a mistake to impeach Clinton over Monica. To some extent, Dems are seeking revenge--in addition to not accepting the 2016 election.
Too bad Chief Justice Roberts did not see a need to admonish McConnell when the Senate refused to hold hearings or an up or down vote on Merrick Garland's nomination, leaving a Supreme Court seat open for a year
What happened to Garland was neither unique nor unusual. Out of 48 failed nominations to the Supreme Court, 12 failed because the Senate failed to act on the nomination.
This impeachment has two purposes: 1. To gain political advantage for 2020; 2. To cover up the Bidens’ corruption.
Republicans cannot get a fair shake from the leftmediaswine and therefore cannot control the former. Consequently, they should hammer unmercifully on the latter. There is plenty of circumstantial and direct (the Biden video) evidence.
The President has a right to investigate: “Biden corruption!” “Biden corruption!” “Biden corruption!” “Democrat corruption! Oops, sorry.”
“Your mind is a mashup of what you let in to it” a wise man once said. I think I am going to curate this impeachment out of my brain space. Trump has shown our entire political class to be totally corrupted. His work is done. It’s up to us as individuals to deal with the new reality.
He is a great man, but this is the end times for our Republic as we knew it.
Roberts has no trial experience and has spent his life in a world where the Justices have ALL THE POWER. But this show has a Jury which is an audience watching a TV show. And they expect to see dramatic WWF moves delivered with Mr Smith Goes to Washington passion.
So the Dems won day one by appealing to that Jury that has the public opinion power, and the Trump team lost it by appealing to Chief Justice Roberts who has NO POWER.
Blogger Aunty Trump said...
“Your mind is a mashup of what you let in to it” a wise man once said. I think I am going to curate this impeachment out of my brain space. Trump has shown our entire political class to be totally corrupted. His work is done. It’s up to us as individuals to deal with the new reality.
Great comment.
It should start to dawn on people that this cannot be fixed simply with elections.
That clip from 'And Justice for All' is one of my all time favorites.
Roberts is speaking as an adult to a room full of kids who view him as a substitute teacher. They'll behave on and off as admonished until one of them finally blows up. It'll happen.
BTW: Hunter Biden will probably not answer a Senate subpoena. He is, after all, a criminal.
Added: The Senate's 53-47 safe wall will break and follow any Public Opinion cascade.
I only heard a small bit of argument from House Managers, but it was obvious to me that they were speaking through the cameras at the American people and trying to gain political ground. I was able to vocalize disgust and walk away,
But you'll rationalize voting Democrat in November anyway...won't you?
Adam Schitt is from Hollywood. Hillarywoodland. The land of Weistein and lies.
History's worst crimes (per WaPoop readers):
1. Hillary did not get elected POTUS in 2016.
2. Obama did not get re-elected POTUS in 2016.
3. Gore did not get elected POTUS in 2000.
4. Merrick Garland was not elevated to the Supreme Court in 2016.
5. Gov. Stacey Abrams was not elected governor of anything at any time.
6. Ayanna Pressley (Francis Parker School'92) lost her hair.
roesch/voltaire writes: Moscow Mitch...
Lame. Jejune. How embarrassing, you have a perfect opportunity to coin a real gut-slamming epithet and all you can come up with is Moscow Mitch?
Your use of Voltaire's visage as an avatar is, however, amusingly ironic, though I doubt the irony is intended. I suggest the Vicomte de Valvert would suit you better, or to borrow from Rostand more boldly, just three letters is better still.
The latest is that Schumer is going to try to disqualify Pat Cippolone because he is a fact witness. He has two privileges: attorney-client and Executive.
The Dems are desperate.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Adam Schitt is from Hollywood. Hillarywoodland. The land of Weistein and lies.
And close personal friend of Ed Buck.
It's good that Althouse was able to vocalize her disgust.
After the kavanaugh inquisition, shirley he cant be serious.
Its a travesty of a mockery
@Gahrie (8:17), yes, she certainly will.
romney's kid is deep into burisma
Give be a break. Every vote for or against conviction is already pre-determined. Glad the Chief Justice can get himself to play along with the make believe. Roberts is another Bush mistake. Just like Justice Souter.
That the below comments are highest-rated should be an embarrassment to NYT readers:
...The world is watching.....
No Virginia, not only is the world not watching, barely any Americans are watching. The whole thing is a farce and the conclusion is pre-ordained.
Second highest-rated:
Too bad Chief Justice Roberts did not see a need to admonish McConnell when the Senate refused to hold hearings or an up or down vote on Merrick Garland's nomination...etc. etc. on Senate rules changes...
The Supreme Court does not have a say in Senate rule making.
No his chancellor in residence cofer black get things right dont be like sciff who misrepresented zylochevsky for zelenzky
Mollie Hemingway is the only reporter with the balls to utter the name Eric Ciaramella on Fox News.
narciso said...
Until at least January 2025.
nothing will enable the public to see the DOD emails.
What in the world are you blathering about ?
Ann Althouse said...Lawyers arguing in the U.S. Supreme Court do not take anything like that tone.
Not now, but just wait until the Court puts those TV cameras in...
Why isn't the defense team asking why Biden is untouchable? Why does Biden have automatic immunity?
Why is Biden exempt from investigation?
Is there a clause in the US Constitution that gives Joe Biden and his family immunity?
Thats a paul sperry piece, misko wnt to work for atlantic council while ciaramella went back to the company
wendybar said...When did Alyssa Milano become so important that she was included in the impeachment trial, AND the Kavanaugh trial?? Is she their secret weapon???
If she's as effective as she was in stopping Kavanaugh I sure hope they keep using her.
Sorry, I meant to say Mr. Justice Kavanaugh.
Pelosi should have appointed good-looking House Managers. Schiff and Nadler are hard to watch. They ugly
Roberts is a distinguished looking guy. He’s aged well.
If this were a movie, he’s the only one who could play himself.
roesch/voltaire writes: Moscow Mitch
These are the galaxy brains your education dollars are paying for.
Blogger buwaya said...
Your entire ruling class is decadent.....
The middle though, these are not easily replaced. The surprisingly common American ethos of painstaking responsibility, discipline, plus initiative, is irreplacable. Americans have a talent for self-organization that is very uncommon, at least on the mass scale.
Adj. placing undue emphasis on petty details.
the pettifoggers are The middle though, these are not easily replaced.
Thanks Buwaya.
Now pass judgment on CJ Roberts view of pettifogging as pejorative
...In the 1905 Swain trial, a Senator objected when one of the managers used the word 'pettifogging,' and the presiding officer said the word ought not to have been used. I don't think we need to aspire to that high a standard, ...
There’s no point in trying to win over the Trump base. All that I can do in a spec like this is repeat what I said last night (alerted through conservative George Conway’s Twitter feed), that Pat Cipollone lied through his teeth to claim that in the House, Republicans were barred from attending depositions of witnesses.
It’s not true; it was never true. Cippolone must know it isn’t true. Republicans and Democrats alike, from three House Committees, were all permitted to attend. In particular, Devin “Well Maybe I Do Know Lev Parnas” was able to attend whenever he wished, but often chose no to.
That’s all from me on this. Just one pure, stone-cold, inexcusable lie from Pat Cipollone.
Roberts has to hear oral arguments in a Supreme Court case in just over 2 hours.
Yeah, the local radio host gave some credit to Roberts this morning. Yesterday, he had to listen to oral arguments for two cases prior to heading over to Congress to watch the Democrats clown show. His reward is to do more of the same. If you had to do what Roberts did, you might get tired of the melodrama and feel compelled to say something too.
why is it illegal to ask about democrat corruption?
This is a dog fight. Let them fight. For once could we have come fun with this like the British House of Commons?
Chuck -
Explain to the class why it's illegal to ask about Biden's obvious international moneygrubbing corruption?
Chuck and all other leftists-
Point to the document that says the Bidens have automatic immunity.
Point to the document that says "political rivals" have automatic immunity.
Point to the document that says "Democrats are above the law, above scrutiny, above asking questions about, and above investigation"... etc.
So - Pettifogging Malarkey. Don't watch the show. Althouse and Justice Roberts agree that the Dems and Republicans are matching in tone (grating), hence no breakout preference cascade is likely, except "Turn that off." The McConnell strategy of no new witnesses is being followed. The arguments are the same as before. The outcome will be as expected. Thank you to the President's defenders, who are sacrificing brain cells by actually following and refuting the "legal arguments" in the pitiful Adam and Jerry scripts. Someone had to do it. We have have republic if they can keep their eyes open.
PS. Warren and Sanders are off the campaign trail at a crucial moment and not allowed to talk. Will this harm them or Biden since it means Biden will talk more?
They all lie. You only get mad at Trump and his people for lying.
Says a lot about you. None of it good.
The highest rated comment is stupid, deranged, willfully obtuse, or propaganda.
And the Leftist Collectivists support that.
Of course it’s biased against Democrats.
They’re the ones likely to engage in the most extreme form of it.
Quaestor to r/V: Lame. Jejune. How embarrassing, you have a perfect opportunity to coin a real gut-slamming epithet and all you can come up with is Moscow Mitch?
"Moscow Mitch" has been in currency among the broken for a while now, so no points for originality either.
and you have rocket surgeon from this corner of the country, val demings, who left her gun in her vehicle. and was stolen, re cofer, he probably encountered zylochevsky when he at large ambassador for counterterrorism, and the latter offered to provide support for action in nearby pankisi gorge,
Chuck’s hero George Conway shares a doctored photo of Rep. Elise Stefanik on Twitter.
So George Conway is a liar.
But Chuck’s OK with George’s lies.
Because that’s how Chuck rolls.
The legal argument for impeachment is: Republicans have no rights especially the President because we have a consensus in the community which is that Republicans are hate-garbage and by challenging this consensus the Republicans are supporting hate-garbage and we will not allow hate-garbage supporters to support hate-garbage amidst our personal loveliness. We soar.
we see how Elizabeth warren's nephew does propaganda for the arm of the Iranian state, the sepah pasdaran, which organized Hezbollah, the da'wa into the network that ameri and muhandis created for the Kuwait bombing, (the ones who were subjects of negotiation in iran contra, ultimately they were freed when Iraq invaded Kuwait) they followed the same pattern in Iraq, with the badr brigades
I briefly saw it at 11 PM EST, while flippping through the Channels and thought "Why the hell are these losers still talking at 11 PM?"
These Senate clowns always act like Pompous masters of the universe but they can't do anything on time, or do their just jobs unless they have a drop-dead deadline imposed on them. I hope the "Question Time" will be behind closed doors, otherwise we'll have to listen to one droning Senator after another, grandstanding and be stupid.
It’s Warren’s Son-In-Law, not her nephew.
If you don't like John Roberts, thank George Bush, he picked him. Like his father, he didn't want to have a Senate Fight over SCOTUS nominations, so he picked a guy that Arlen Spector liked.
Of course at the time, all the FAKE CONS assured us that Roberts was "Secretly Conservative" and this nomination was Bush's "clever 4-D chess move". Y'know like Souter.
mark warner through Yandex is more directly aligned with Moskva, then say mcconnell, not surprisingly he had arranged a backchannel to Assange and steele through adam waldman, who also worked for the Russian foreign ministry, as well as deripasha, who steele also moonlighted for deripasha, who is now represented by david Vitter, the 'victim' of miss daniels,
I stand corrected, since he's real indian, it's like the hall of mirrors in the second conan film,
Chuck: "That’s all from me on this. Just one pure, stone-cold, inexcusable lie from Pat Cipollone."
Note that during this same period, the Republicans that WERE TOO ALLOWED TO ATTEND!!!!11!! were almost completely prohibited from cross examination or calling witnesses. They were effectively just spectators. The reason they were just spectators is because of the FIERCE URGENCY OF NOW that Democrats claimed permitted no time at all for Republicans to get to participate in the hearings... until it was over, at which point the articles sat there for a month.
But Chuck feels that, in the above, the difference between "allowed to attend" and "allowed to participate" is the real scandal. That is the important lie. Not the complete denial of due process for the President in the House, predicated on a claim of URGENCY!!! that was obviously bullshit then and completely proven to be bullshit now.
That *actually consequential* lie is only 50% pure, lukewarm and perfectly excusable according to Chuck.
"There’s no point in trying to win over the Trump base.”
So how are Republicans going to ever win another election if your plan succeeds?
and one might fault colonel north's clumsy approach, but the top men, like graham fuller in the company, only differed in the means of the gratuity, now it was a little too clever by half to overcharge the older tow missiles, against the equipment that Germany the Soviets and France had supplied (see timmerman's fanning the flames)
"Chuck feels that, in the above, the difference between "allowed to attend" and "allowed to participate" is the real scandal. “
’There’s no point in trying to win over the Trump base.’
I knew yesterday was a disaster for the left, and this is the proof. Embrace the suck, Chuck.
Remember when Chuck came here breathlessly decrying the use of a deceptively edited video by Schiff to make it look like Trump believed something he clearly doesn’t? “Fake but accurate” is the standard for Chuck when his side does it.
Nobody did Ham better than Al Pacino.
why had waldman been retained, because he required passports, to consult on providing info on levinson, who was an agency operative lost on kish island in 2007, odd how he was never one of the requests in the Iran Deal,
Chuck wouldn’t know about the bullshit Schiff is spewing because he gets all of his news from MSNBC and CNN.
The latest is that Schumer is going to try to disqualify Pat Cippolone because he is a fact witness.
Well if that's the standard I fully expect Adam Schiff to step down, since he colluded with Ciamarella.
and Atkinson, who enabled this schrodinger's peach mint to go on,
But if you look at the Washington Post's story on the Roberts admonishment, you'll see the highest-rated comments there accuse Roberts of bias against the Democrats
Accusing others of bias is what Democrats do.
It's their go-to move.
I am fat. Despite this, I’m in mostly good health (just a little joint and muscle pain), and for the first time since I was young, I love my body! I’ve been joining some fat-positive and fat-liberation movements, because, you know, we deserve to have rights and be a part of life! But lately, my foot has been hurting, and even though I am on good terms with my body, I’m noticing certain physical pains that I don’t remember having when I weighed even just 100 pounds less.
I think I would like to start trying to lose weight again, just until I get comfortable. Am I betraying a worthy cause by losing weight? I feel like a fraud for even thinking about it. - Slate
You make think this is off topic, but I don’t. Once you identify with a cause and center your relationships around it, your sober judgement goes out the window. Kind of like in a cult.
re pacino, he started doing southern accents in scent of a woman, then sort of with devils advocate, where he was the head of a firm that represented parties like hsbc and banamex, like Mueller's firm in fact, then in the recruit, he was a disgruntled company operative like Nicolson who was willing to sell an intrusive hacking tool like promis,
Losing control of the House in '18 was catastrophic.
The Dems are frothing mad dogs and must not be allowed any power at all until the illness runs its course.
Roberts is the wrong man for the moment. If he isn't going to do anything to shut down the Dem's coup attempt (and there probably isn't anything he CAN do) he should STFU and sit there until the curtain comes down on this disgrace.
I am fat. Despite this, I’m in mostly good health (just a little joint and muscle pain), and for the first time since I was young, I love my body!
Listen, fat.
Nobody cares.
I think his best work was his Dunkachino ad.
for you, Chuck
Clyde said...
The only peaceful place you could go was Richmond for a Second Amendment rally.
Clyde wins the thread.
Again - why is it illegal to ask about Bidens obvious corruption?
Are the Bidens above the law? If so, why? Please point to the document or statute that states the Biden's are above the law.
from another fusion appendage fti, but they hide that detail
from the mind of aaron 'tractor' Rupar,
Susan Collins gave the best, most admirable and serious speech by an American politician since Reagan. She voted to confirm Kavanaugh.
He's already deemed the process..taxing.
All the corruption is on the left.
All of it, Chuck.
Whistleblower Was Overheard in '17 Discussing With Ally How to Remove Trump
Oh look Chuck! Schiff lied! Caught by Politico, no less!
I can’t wait to hear your stern denunciation and demand that he step down for lying on the Senate floor! Only Senators are allowed to do that!
they don't actually verify any info, this was one of the hinge points,
of course if one looked more than one degree, one would discover that mifsud was a western and north African intelligence operative,
"Susan Collins gave the best, most admirable and serious speech by an American politician since Reagan.”
Hear hear! If she wants to hear witnesses, I trust that it’s to lay bare the truth of the matter. And I trust that she means *all* of the witnesses, not just those for the “prosecution."
What is it with the Italians and North Africa? "Carthago delenda est!” goes way back, doesn’t it.
Blogger Ken B said...
Susan Collins gave the best, most admirable and serious speech by an American politician since Reagan. She voted to confirm Kavanaugh.
Her heroism is unmatched. She cast a vote. An aye vote. For a judge.
Books, poems, and plays will surely ensue.
Susan said...
It's a pretty poor circus that doesn't let the clowns get out of their car.
1/22/20, 5:09 AM
Jim said...
Next time the ladies from the View will be the impeachment squad. Schiff and Schumer can introduce a motion to have Judge Judy, or Alex Trebeck as the chief justice for the next impeachment, or the one after that. so many possibilities.
1/22/20, 5:14 AM
Awesome comment Susan!
Jim, they would NEVER select Alex, he has far too much common sense and would not play along with their games.
Are they still ticked off over Hannibal?
"Jim, they would NEVER select Alex,”
Alex has made some vaguely anti Trump comments on his show, and some questions suggest that MSNBC may be on in the writers’ room from time to time.
it does, that's probably farthest back although carthage was technically Tunisia, and ended up French for 120 years,
Does that speech, obviously prepared, suffice as Robert's "two cents"?
wendybar said...
When did Alyssa Milano become so important that she was included in the impeachment trial, AND the Kavanaugh trial?? Is she their secret weapon???
1/22/20, 5:29 AM
Yes, she is, they use her to put a hex on the Republicans...
one might say, the peoples of north Africa, are trying to return the favor with the large scale immigration from that region, and farther south, that's why they wanted to get rid of salvini,
Yeah, Europe is being reverse invaded by their former colonies. It will be hard for people a couple hundred years from now not to believe that they deserved it.
as well intentioned as Sarkozy intervening in Libya,
started around here:
The Arab conquest of Sicily and parts of southern Italy lasted 75 years. According to some sources, the conquest was spurred by Euphemius, a Byzantine commander who feared punishment by Emperor Michael II for a sexual indiscretion. After a short-lived conquest of Syracuse, he was proclaimed emperor but was compelled by loyal forces to flee to the court of Ziyadat Allah in Africa. The latter agreed to conquer Sicily, with the promise to leave it to Euphemius in exchange for a yearly tribute. He entrusted its conquest to the 70-year-old qadi, Asad ibn al-Furat. The Muslim force numbered 10,000 infantry, 700 cavalry, and 100 ships, reinforced by the fleet of Euphemius and, after the landing at Mazara del Vallo, by knights. The first battle against Byzantine troops occurred on July 15, 827, near Mazara, resulting in an Aghlabid victory.
I listened to a bit of it on the radio in the car. The speaker was one of the women on the Democrat impeachment management team. The tone was that of an overly dramatic closing argument. Alleged facts were presented as proven conclusions. Now if you are trying to persuade--rather than demagogue--you present evidence of your "facts" and let the tryer of fact draw his or her own conclusions.
As for me, I concluded that I simply couldn't listen to any more of that--and turned the radio off.
This whole charade has been Pettifog Junction.
"I think it is appropriate at this point for me to admonish both the House Managers and the President's counsel, in equal terms"
So one side stages an outrageous attack on the president, denies the president due process, the president defends himself vigorously, and "both sides" need to be admonished?
"I did think the style of speech was inappropriate for a legal presentation"
But Dems have already established that this is a political process: they need no crime, they can impeach for any reason, they need no process, except when it serves their political purpose, etc. etc. Legality is beside the point.
"Something really wrong is going on here...."
Umm, yeah, Dems are trying to stage a coup. Do you now "see what happens"?
"Highest-rated: In trying to be fair Justice Roberts is accepting the lying of the executive branch as equal. Shame on him. The world is watching....."
See, ordinary progs couldn't care less about Roberts and Althouse pearl-clutching. For them, the only thing really wrong is that Trump is still president.
The InterAgency Consensus is that Jerry Nadler is a pudgy little homunculus.
physical pains that I don’t remember having when I weighed even just 100 pounds less
"Even just"? I might use that phrase with 15 or 20 pounds, but 100?
Her heroism is unmatched. She cast a vote. An aye vote. For a judge.
Books, poems, and plays will surely ensue.
Eaxctly. I find it difficult to believe there’s a voting population of Maine that will flip parties because Collins didn’t side with Democrats on amendment 17 or because she voted to shut the shit show down before hearing every last Democratic indulgence of ‘new’ ‘evidence’. What bilge...
Meanwhile we subject the rest of the nation to the very correct notion that Democrats are in control of everything even when they aren’t. That has an impact on Althouse style voters in important swing states...
If that Senate Republican vengeance is coming they better get on with it. I won’t hold my breath...
I'm not sure.
Losing the house discredited the GOPe, Republican's in name only, that were slow walking everything of Trump. I'm still amazed that during the lame duck session after the mid terms, the house sat on it's hands and nothing passed. What a huge opportunity Ryan had. Trump is rebuilding the Republican Party, making it more of a non Elite Party. And if Trump succeeds in getting more minority votes, that will hurt the Democrats for a generation electorally.
The Democrats gaining the house has ripped off the mask, and shown their craziness. Trump derangement has taken them over.
In politics, as in a large ship, it takes a huge amount of pressure, power, and time to make a turn. By the Democrats over reaching and going total resistance, the US Politics and Culture are moving more back to the center. US Politics are going through a huge change in direction, the question is will it survive Trump. Globalism and a lot of the other post WW2 and Cold War Institutions are being changed. And the fight the Deep State, the government bureaucracy and allies, picked with Trump, has had a huge negative impact on them. Just by being aware of the hidden forces, it reduces their effectiveness. The me from 15 years ago would never have imagined how corrupt the US Congress is (Hunter Biden, Solyndra, Fast and Furious). The Elites, or uniparty, have also been shown to be incompetent. It reminds me of the Wizard of Oz, where the curtain is pulled away showing the Wizard is just a small man. And the curtain can never be put back.
>DarkHelmet said...
> Losing control of the House in '18 was catastrophic.
"Sentence First–verdict Afterward"
verdict first trial later
and WITH Alex Trebeck - Answers first === questions later
I don't see why he does not serve as presiding officer
Andrew Weissman-"republican" Chuck: "In particular, Devin “Well Maybe I Do Know Lev Parnas” was able to attend whenever he wished, but often chose no to."
LLR-lefty Chuck sure picked a bad day to bring up his latest guy who "We all must listen to for his information will surely bring down Trump" "witness", Parnas.s
Right after the entirety of LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved MSM has begun to wash their hands of this guy so much so that Politico and Chuck's heroes at CNN are warning readers/viewers that Parnas' info cannot be trusted and SDNY won't even use this cat as a cooperating witness!!!
Literally just 72 hours after Chuck and his dem pals told us the GAO ruling (hilariously and immediately debunked) as well as Parnas "sealed the deal" on Trump's impeachment!!
I mean, can you imagine being so moronic as LLR-lefty Chuck that you would actually write crap like that (and reference Conway and Andrew Weissman and Laurence Tribe!) as your "go to" guys for the "truth".
I mean, just let that sink in for a moment!!
LLR-lefty Chuck, following his "True Conservative Principles", somehow, once again, as always, ends up on the far far far marxist left of the Democrat spectrum in advancing his "lifelong republican" talking points.
Pierre Omidyar or Reid Hoffman or Soros or whoever is responsible for Chuck's performance here really ought to ask for their money back.
The D's always keep the pressure on. They're always on the attack. Give them half the salami and they will scream you're a creep for not letting them have the whole thing.
Every D Senator votes in lockstep and supports Schumer. How much you want to bet that at least 45 of the 47 D's vote to convict? And had made their minds up BEFORE the trial started?
But we go through this Senate Kubuki dance. McConnell, constrained by the RINO's gives Schumer a non-partisan compromise deal. Schumer then screams its an OUTRAGE and that McConnell is a contemptible Trump partisan, and demands, and demands, and demands. Then McConnell, under pressure from Mittens and Collins, gives in to one or two of Schumer's demands. And then we go on to the next scene in senate kubuki theater.
Collins, Lisa Murkey, and with Mittens replacing Flake, will pull the same crap they did in the Kavanaugh hearings.
BAG--Thanks. I have been waiting for someone to use homunculus in a sentence ever since Woody Allen in "Manhattan".
Wallace Shawn, one of Althouse's favorites, played Mary's (Diane Keaton) first husband, Jeremiah. She assured Isaac (Woody) that Jeremiah was "just devastating". Isaac called him a little homunculus. Nadler would have been even more preposterous in the role, and therefore better.
One reason it has earned that title is because its members avoid speaking in a manner and avoid using language that is not conducive to civil discourse.
And I'm-a not gonna tell you motherfuckers about this again, ya hear?!
Good sober, Althouse-esque article in The Hill, by former Hillary Clinton campaign guru Mark Penn.
Money Quote:
Like them or not, presidents uniquely represent the elected will of the people. As such, their removal is not just about the removal of a person but the overturning of that elected will. For that reason, there are few offenses that will be so grievous as to cause the party in power to give up their party’s leader and convict a president; most charges, even if true, won’t reach that high bar for removal. Clearly, the accusations in 1998 and 1999 did not meet that threshold, and neither do the charges today.
"One reason it has earned that title is because its members avoid speaking in a manner and avoid using language that is not conducive to civil discourse"
Point of Parliamentary Procedure!
Althouse, should CJ Roberts get a "civility bullshit" tag? Or, since he is not on a "side", he avoids it.
Wallace shawn is a graduate of Putney school and Harvard '65, he went to india on a Fulbright scholarship,
intending to be a diplomat, that's when he took up acting,
This whole charade has been Pettifog Junction.
And that's Uncle Joe, he's a movin' kind of slow at the junction...
The illness continues... http://patterico.com/2020/01/22/impeachment-trial-an-utter-disgrace/
“Its a travesty of a mockery”
A traveshamockery!
Where is Foghorn Leghorn when you need him ?!?!?
which means it's going well, I should have left when he banned shipwrecked crew,
Where is Foghorn Leghorn when you need him ?!?!?
Had an opportunity early this morning to ask a group of about 30 20's/30's tech company employees (in an off hand, conversational, no pressure way) in a very liberal university town in Colorado if anyone had watched or paid much attention to the impeachment hearing.
1 said he had watched some highlights but couldn't quite understand what was going on because Ukraine got the money and he is certain Biden is totally corrupt (this guy is a Bernie fan).
So, that's it.
1. Sort of, and not in a way that helps dems.
The rest of the room just laughed about it and said no way they were going to watch this thing because its so mind numbing and no one can understand what the "crime" is.
Which is not surprising since there was no crime and no abuse of office and "obstruction of congress" isn't even a real thing.
I combine this interesting group anecdote with the recent Jeopardy episode referenced on twitter and elsewhere where 3 very intelligent contestants were shown a picture of Adam Schiff an not a single one of the 3 could come up with Schiff's name!!! (a result that undoubtedly causes Banned Commenter Andrew Weissman-"republican" Chuck a great deal of distress and is likely to drive Chuck back into intensive psychological therapy).
The dems are not making progress. At all.
And their candidates are making fools of themselves and officially adopting positions that are so far left that independents are moving away from them and only far left marxist dems like LLR-lefty Chuck are remaining on board.
John Roberts is a weak man, spineless. I don't like him, however intelligent.
@Amadeus 48,
BAG--Thanks. I have been waiting for someone to use homunculus in a sentence ever since Woody Allen in "Manhattan".
Heh - Busted. That's where I got it from. Before Woody got weird and creepy, Manhattan (1979), was one of my favorite movies. I've been calling people "homunculus" for 40 years!
Watercooler talk at a Bay area client site was all about the 49'ers no impeachment talk at all other than someone trying to describe a Seth Myer's rant about impeachment.
The liberals here have largely resigned themselves to disappointment and the few hold outs in the office that prophesied that the republican senate "would finally defect on Trump" are spitting acid at Hillary popping up from her spiderhole to shit on Bernie.
But seriously, other than a political junky why would you tune in?
"Homunculus" is the source of "monkey".
(A)void speaking in a manner and avoid using language that is not conducive to civil discourse. J. Roberts
Where have you been the past three years? This is not a trial but political theater. You have no authority to run this dog and pony show.
I guess Roberts didn't think "This is not who we are." was apt.
Romney is figuring out whom he crawled into bed with. Ha ha ha! Fuck you Mit! Give me back my $250 I sent your campaign!
I leave the impeachment trial droning on in the background while I do other things I need to sit on my ass for. My favorite thing is 100 senators shutting up. I want to see some on-camera squirming and scratching and frowning but I guess it would violate the dignity of the whole thing.
Rocean, the rules say the Senators' questions must be submitted in writing and will be read by the Chief Justice. I think that will rule out 5 minute disquisitions disguised as questions
Just wish someone would man up and call Schiff a liar instead of using weak synonyms.
Blogger Qwinn said:
But Chuck feels that, in the above, the difference between "allowed to attend" and "allowed to participate" is the real scandal. That is the important lie. Not the complete denial of due process for the President in the House, predicated on a claim of URGENCY!!! that was obviously bullshit then and completely proven to be bullshit now.
That *actually consequential* lie is only 50% pure, lukewarm and perfectly excusable according to Chuck.
So Qwinn was the only commenter to even attempt a suggestion that I was wrong in pointing out Pat Cipollone’s lie concerning Republicans’ ability to be present and question witnesses in the House SCIF during the impeachment inquiry. Cipollone said, “not even Mr Schiff’s Republican colleagues were allowed into the SCIF...”
That is false. Republicans were allowed into the SCIF, and were allowed to participate in the examination of witnesses. Full stop; Cipollone was just full of malign shit. Cippolone wasn’t making any clever ultrafine points about “participation.” Cippolone chose his words, in a written speech. Cippolone chose a lie; about who was allowed into the proceedings. Republicans from three Committees were allowed into the Scif, just like Democrats from those three Committees.
How did Cippolone get that so wrong? Did he just not understand? Did he not know the text of the speech? Or was it a calculated lie that had been poll-tested along with Matt Gaetz’s fall stunt of getting together a bunch of non-Committee Republicans to barge in?
@rcocean: Agree. Who is the Blasey Ford character in this drama and when is he or she introduced?
It may be hard to believe, but these people are grown adults elected by their constituents and donors. Let them speak and act as they will. It's up to us to judge them and replace if needed. If we just did our job right, things would be a lot better, and so would the people up there.
There is just one problem with this, and really only one. The American people are miseducated and misinformed. They are made that way by two institutions dominated by Democrats and leftists - people who ruin everything they touch. The Senate is no better than we make it.
Romney is figuring out whom he crawled into bed with. Ha ha ha! Fuck you Mit! Give me back my $250 I sent your campaign!"
I didn't send him any money, but I embarrassed myself defending him back then. He made a fool of me, and now I can't stand that sock full of mush.
this was his beginning,
Apparently, Miller was an unacknowledged double agent (by his own admission) who was used by his FBI superiors in a botched counterespionage operation. In spite of the classified facts of the case, Schiff willingly went after Miller to cover for the FBI’s own ineptitude. In other words, because of Miller’s lack of competence and experience to carry out his assignment (he literally threw himself at a female Russian access agent), the FBI got caught with its pants down. The prosecution of Miller, then, became the only face-saving measure for the FBI. Sound familiar?
Roberts okayed Obamacare, so he should svoid his statist streak.
Yes bagoh, we get the government we deserve. We have to be better citizens and pay a bit more attention.
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