Here it is
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) January 2, 2020
२ जानेवारी, २०२०
Biden touts himself as the embodiment of honesty while spreading a well-known lie. That's an exquisite form of lying.
Biden rhetoric,
Scott Adams
१६६ टिप्पण्या:
Biden is a liar, a racial huckster, and a doddering old swamp creature from D.C.
Joe is just repeating what "he learned from the news" (similar to how Obama learned everything from seeing it on the News) Liars.
The media(D) hacks are the biggest liars of all.
It's entered political lore at this point. Just like there are people who still claim that Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house.
How long before the Pecan Pie Detective shows up with links and quotes about how Biden is correct?
The Dems have done jack shit for the working man and the only Blacks who prospered during the Obama years were the Obamas
Our fiery and righteous Hostess nailed Slow Joe at the beginning of his campaign for spreading this toxic, racist lie:
How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?! The hypocrisy of offering to bring us together and embrace lofty values when he is either repulsively ignorant or just plain lying!
I could not finish watching that video. I tried, but I couldn't force myself. It's utterly toxic bilge.
If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President.
Posted by Ann Althouse at 10:33 AM 4.25.19
Simple thought experiment(Scott Adams style). If people don't care about Trump's incessant lying, why will they care about Biden's? As long as Trump/Biden tell the people what they want to hear...
Just like there are people who still claim that Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house.
Some people get very angry when you point out simple truths like that. They were SO happy not knowing, you see. Or pretending not to know.
There's that old quote that's often misattributed to Goebbels - "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself."
It's hardly news that people are often willing to believe lies that confirm their biases. But it's also true that they will repeat lies that they know full well to be lies.
I love the 'Unit D' placards in Biden's video. I'm thinking "What the heck is Unit D"?
Who designed those?
Well, although Biden is still a racist liar, at least he hasn't sniffed anyone's hair in a while.
Biden's coke-head stripper-impregnating Hollywood Hills mansion owning son pocketing million in international pay-to-play tax payer funded mega-bucks - the media tells us that is a fabrication and a figment of our imagination. A conspiracy theory!
I've been so, so tempted to drive over to Iowa and have the following exchange with Joe.
DDB: During your 8 years as VP, didn't you and President Obama have lunch every week?
Biden: Yes, we did. And let me tell you, those were great lunches. Simply great. Barack and I were simpatico on all the major issues. That's the God's honest truth.
DDB: So, why did President Obama order the CIA and FBI to spy on the Trump campaign?
Biden: Uh, uh. Stammer, stammer. Yada, Yada.
DDB: I think you're lying.
Uproar ensues.
I won't do it, but Trump will if Biden gets the nod.
'open channel d' man from uncle,
as I pointed out in an earlier thread, citicorps chase and deutsche bank are big fans,
I see Alex the troll stopped by.
The judge in the Hunter Biden paternity case has "recused " himself. I wonder why. Worried about Arkancide ?
Since Biden doubled down on his lie, is he disqualified?
Inquiring minds want to know.
How very odd that a man who has obvious poor health and signs of early stage dementia, has shown no inclination of leadership in a four decade career, can't get Obama to endorse him, and is involved in taking graft money is considered the frontrunner for the Democratic Party.
hunter is like the second round of roger Clinton, isn't he, the Arkansas times was so agitated, it's like deja vu all over again, of course biden made common cause with eastland and byrd, for a good cause, this was around the time he was basically repeating soviet talking points from the campaign for better living,
interestingly the huntress, warned about putin's predatory designs not only on Ukraine but even on Alaska, she was not taken seriously
Here's 59 Slang Phrases From The 1920s We Should Start Using Again, you may want to keep this handy so you can understand what the No Malarkey candidate is talking about.
It's disheartening that Biden is widely regarded as "the sane one".
Joe Biden lies about everything. His first wife and young daughter died in a traffic accident, and Slow Joe has been spreading the story ever since hat the truck driver involved was drunk. He wasn’t. The investigation cleared the truck driver of any wrongdoing.
Another example of the same thing, contorted lying. Apparently purple state Representatives who believed Trump should not be impeached nevertheless voted to do it because of a quid pro quo - Pelosi told them they'd get no money for their re-election unless they voted the way she said. So, as a result of a quid pro quo they did believe in, they impeached Trump for quid pro quo they did not believe in.
Biden has to win the Black vote overwhelmingly in order to win the Democrat nomination.
Biden is the Hillary of 2020.
He's a lifetime government whore and he gets to lie about you with the backing of the press.
... the only Blacks who prospered during the Obama years were the Obamas.
Eric Holder did okay, too.
There are a LOT of Democrats--the campus and journalist varieties especially--that make no distinction between "white supremacist" and "someone who doesn't think all Confederate statues should be melted down and turned into modern publicly-funded art."
They will treat them the same way. So they don't make the distinction Trump was making--even though it's a very simple distinction that most sane people can make.
In other words, they deliberately don't care about the lie Biden's pushing, because to them, it isn't a lie. No "fine person" would object to tearing down that statue, right? I mean, what kind of person is THAT? We wouldn't invite them over to the next wine-and-cheese party. Must be a racist!
No Malarkey!
AA and Scott Adams lost that battle a long time ago.
Biden says what his handlers tell him. Biden doesn’t know whether what the handlers tell him to say is true or is false. He just says it.
Anyway, politicians lying is what they do. Trump lies. Biden lies. They all lie. These are tactics. Trump understands them. He’s better at them than his opponents.
Can't wait til Herr Pluggs
...gets tricked into denying his gaffes were plagiarized
Biden was a joke in 1988, so why should he be taken seriously now? He looks like a placeholder for some nominee to be named later.
Again- the LIE about Trump being a white-supremacist, is still spread by the hack-D corrupt press. The same press that spread the Podesta-Hillary lies that Trump is a Russian asset.
The Brennan-Maddow-Todd-Schitt Press.
There's fine people among the bad people too. Bad is a political judgment here.
Dem politicians have to lie about what Trump said because he is likely to get a significant share of the Black vote in 2020. He has to be transmogrified into a racist, homophobic, zenphobic, misogynist, Islamaphobic deplorable because he is doing a great job as a politically moderate POTUS.
He loses points for style, but gains an awful lot for substance. In contrast, Obama was all style and no substance.
Joe Biden is too fucking stupid to be a liar.
Shorter Dilbert Spectrum-dweeb:
Whom the Fuck does Unka Joe think he is, Donald Trump?
That's what readering calls winning the argument.
Dems are doing the same thing by replacing "us" with "me"
Then there was Schitt doing a creative writing exercise into the House record.
"No joke!"
wendybar said... [hush][hide comment]
Joe is just repeating what "he learned from the news" (similar to how Obama learned everything from seeing it on the News) Liars.
Have come to believe Joe is ignorant of many things. He believes that lie. I would bet a hundred bucks, and give three to one odds that Joe could not navigate the internet, manage an email account or create an OKCupid profile...
It's a lost cause. Be a pure SJW, or wear your Klan hood.
The weird thing about Trump is that he actually is trying to fulfill his campaign promises. Anybody expect any of the Dem candidates to be a strong leader? More likely to be a figurehead and go with the flow.
Expected Trump to play golf and leave the business of running the country to the lifers in politics. Wonder if he would have done just that if he had not met so much resistance from the get-go.
I, for one, recall a more civilized era when the lies told about Republican presidents concerned nothing more than denying that a real turkey was used as Thanksgiving prop when serving troops holiday dinners, as was done to GW Bush, and of course that GW Bush was literally Hitler, as was his daddy, and Reagan, and Ford, and Nixon, although not quite Eisenhower, ha-ha.
Joe Biden is a vile person, and always has been.
There is no way in the world that Comey and Brennan would have spied on Trump unless Obama ordered them to do so.
Why isn't anyone but me asking that question?
The Fake News speculates all day about everything so why don't they speculate about that?
Yeah, i loved that "Robert E. Lee was not Geroge Washington" correcting by the reporter. This asshole was DEBATING the President. What gave him the right? I don't give a shit what some NYT/WApo Reporter thinks about anything. I want to hear what the President thinks.
The D's are going to portray Biden as "moderate". If your remember Obama and Clinton were portrayed as moderate too. And then we got Obamacare and Clinton trying to change the healthcare industry in 1993. Hopefully, this example of Biden lying about trump complimenting Neo-nazis will wake up a few Dumbos.
Biden has never been a paragon of honesty, even graded on the politician curve. He had to drop out of the presidential campaign in 1988 because he got caught plagiarizing speeches and papers in law school.
Its good people are pushing back against the Charlottsiville Lie about Trump, because Biden and the D's are NEVER going to stop lying and calling anyone they dislike a Racist. And if they can't find some racist behavior by the R's - they'll make something up.
readering: "AA and Scott Adams lost that battle a long time ago."
Only amongst the democratics like yourself and the LLR-lefties who still believe the hoax dossier is real, Carter Page is a russian spy, Trump colluded with Russia and Kavanaugh is a gang rapist.
Everyone else has caught on to your act since you guys are running around calling minorities "white supremacists" and women "misogynists" and jews "Nazis".
Or did you really think that would work?
Remember, LLR-approved Joey The Groper Biden openly admitted democratics believe Pravda over facts.
Biden has this aura of being a nice, moderate fellow - and he isn't. He's lied constantly about himself and others and he's been a 100% ACLU/ADA liberal his entire life. He just gives off this "Good ol'Joe" friendly vibe. He isn't going to stop any o of the left-wing craziness if he gets elected. But people just want to believe he's "Moderate". Senator Jones from Alabama votes in lockstep with Schumer, but people want to believe he's moderate because he'll TALK moderate. Biden is the same.
Whom the Fuck does Unka Joe think he is, Donald Trump?
Only in his wildest, most wishful fantasies.
Prior to vice presidency, Joe famous for being one of the poorest guys in long time politics. Admirers call it honesty. Realists call it dumb.
Check this from 2011. Anybody on this site who couldn't do better with less income?
Joe Biden’s Net Worth
Age: 69
Employment: U.S. Senator from 1973-2008, Vice President 2009-2017
Average Annual Salary throughout Senate and VP Political Career: $109,988
Average Annual Salary over last 10 years: $172,770
Total Salary Earned since 1973: $4,179,550
Salary Earned in 2010: $230,700
Net Worth as of 2010: approximately $262,500 (somewhere between -$209,000 and +$734,000)
I thought it had to be a mistake. There’s no way someone with his income history has so little money saved. I went straight to the White House website and looked at his financial disclosure report and by golly, this guy is a personal finance idiot.
Joe Biden has been banking an upper-middle class salary for almost 40 years and he has well under a million dollars to show for it. The fact that this guy’s opinion might even be considered in any fiscal matter concerning the United States of America is absolutely terrifying.
"They gonna put y'all back in CHAAAAAIIIIIINNNNNZZZZ."
Meanwhile, here's Biden going full Alt-Right/White Supremacist:
Can you imagine the month-long media freakout if Trump had said this?
Full Moon:
Biden bought a $3m beach house in Delaware.
"Biden and his wife Jill currently reside in a McLean, Virginia, mansion that is estimated to worth upwards of $6M by real estate website Zillow, according to the Washington Post.
The former vice president leases the home — a stone's throw from CIA headquarters — with rent being estimated at $20,000 per month. The nearly 12,000-square-foot home, which is set back from a quiet, picturesque road, is gated, features a home theater, parking for 20 cars, and a fully equipped gym that includes a sauna."
Both houses are going to be flooded by climate change floods.
Biden bought a $3m beach house in Delaware.
Are you kidding?!!?
What kinda moron buys a beach house in Delaware?
Well, mea culpa. There's a few really expensive nice houses on the beaches of Delaware..
Whoda thunk it?
Fullmoon: "Joe Biden has been banking an upper-middle class salary for almost 40 years and he has well under a million dollars to show for it. The fact that this guy’s opinion might even be considered in any fiscal matter concerning the United States of America is absolutely terrifying."
Biden has ensured his brother and his son have cashed in on his govt service to the tune of millions and millions.
That way Joe can pretend he hasnt profited...while living in multiple million dollar homes and living the millionaire lifestyle...all achieved by graft.
he was a friend of angelo, received the second highest contribution from aig, similar from the other sub prime scavengers,
Well, mea culpa. There's a few really expensive nice houses on the beaches of Delaware.
If you moved one of those houses to Montana the geniuses in the press would refer to it as a "compound".
I see Howard is vying with Inga for the coveted "most stupid post" award.
I keep meeting people who believe this. A very effective lie indeed.
Hillary was the bagman for Bill just like Hunter is the bag man for Joe.
I wonder where Joe gets the rent for that house in VA? It would be interesting if the IRS ran a net worth case on Joe.
Trump is being impeached for Biden's quid pro quo.
A feat only available when your media dutifully spreads the schitt.
Our media functions as a SuperPac for the Dems - two sides of the same rotten, rusted, coin
"Jay Mossman was standing with his 8-year-old grandson, Cole, talking with a project manager Friday at his beach house, just south of Cape Henlopen State Park in Rehoboth Beach.
The main topic of conversation, other than details on the doors Mossman, 61, was to have installed, was the new neighbor a few lots down.
Turns out, Mossman nearly purchased the house in question on Farview Road, but his wife, Nancy, was looking for something a little closer to the house where Jack Nicholson famously fell for Diane Keaton in the 2003 movie "Something's Gotta Give."
Ann's former neighborhood.
Nebraska has counties bigger than Delaware.
Joe keeps pluggin' away!
Biden proclaims the 'European' identity of America: "Our culture is not imported from some African nation."'s several fun videos up and down the thread
There is no way in the world that Comey and Brennan would have spied on Trump unless Obama ordered them to do so. Why isn't anyone but me asking that question?
Everyone (especially Republicans) knows that the Black Messiah cannot be touched or vilified in any way.
He is the third rail in politics.
I see Howard is vying with Inga for the coveted "most stupid post" award.
Diff is, Howard just pretending.
"Simple thought experiment(Scott Adams style). If people don't care about Trump's incessant lying, why will they care about Biden's? As long as Trump/Biden tell the people what they want to hear..."
Until we see Trump's fabrications - normally in the form of bluster and jokes - parroted by the national media and an entire political party, you are talking apples and oranges.
" FullMoon said...
Joe Biden's Net Worth
Age: 69
Employment: U.S. Senator from 1973-2008, Vice President 2009-2017
Average Annual Salary throughout Senate and VP Political Career: $109,988
Average Annual Salary over last 10 years: $172,770"
So Hunter Biden at 50,000 a month average made way more than Dad at 14,300 a month. And here we've been criticizing poor Hunter and calling him a useless cokehead. Lighten up, he'll be providing for Dad's old age very soon. Not.
and SloJo cant compete
...with a POTUS Trump Tweet!!
Trump accused of spreading ‘dangerous’ QAnon conspiracy theory by constantly retweeting
when are the media going to ask the big Q??
. Lighten up, he'll be providing for Dad's old age very soon.
Slo Joe gonna be alright. Since the VP gig, he became a cash machine, writing books and giving speeches for big bucks. Must have acquired something worthwhile to say at O'Bama's knee.
Poor guy actually cannot see the problem with Hunter profiting because that is the way is is done in D.C. BTW, Bidens brother apparently got a billion dollar reconstruction contract in Iraq, with no prior experience.
"AA and Scott Adams lost that battle a long time ago."--readering
So you are going to stand up for the truth, aren't you?
Jeremy Corbyn has become known in derision as "Magic Grandpa".
Time for Biden to plagiarize one more item from a Labour Party leader. He has become Magic Grandpa.
This is the favorite lie of libtards. They are not giving it up.
How did Biden get those $11 million dollar houses on his average salary of 170,000 a year? Quid pro quo's?
BTW The Delaware and New Jersey beaches are very nice in the summer and they're great winter beaches also. They're better at this moment than California beaches which are full of needles and sewage washing from homeless encampments
readering said...
AA and Scott Adams lost that battle a long time ago.
readering pretends to be a decent human being.
But then she just runs with admitted lies. "lost that battle" means you leftists ignore reality and make up your own shit.
You are just a terrible person.
Democrats are all just terrible people.
Full Moon on Biden's net worth. 262K +/- ?? in 2010. Can this be right? I'm sure I saw that he bought a second home -- a beach house in Delaware, which must run 5+ million (or maybe that was with his doctor/wife's salary -- though I think she was a doctor/professor not a doctor/heart surgeon. What an outrage it would turn out to be if Biden's net worth in 2010 was $262K and his net worth in 2017 was (I'm making this up for illustration) $7 million. COuld that have occurred with out US aid kickbacks from Ukraine, for example?
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
"How long before the Pecan Pie Detective shows up with links and quotes about how Biden is correct?"
Thank you Yancey! I had forgotten that episode.
Shame on you for this repeated gaslighting courtesy of Scott Adams.
Writing in the online pages of The Bulwark, Robert Tracinski comprehensively desconstructed Adams' phony "Charlosttesville Hoax Hoax."
Adams is too lazy and too dishonest as a propaganidist, to have ever acknowledged Tracinski's devastating column. And the fact that you have never once acknowledged it either, Althouse, despite having repeatedly pimped Adams' lying cover for Trump, is shameful for you.
When Trump was blundering his way through repeated incompetent phrasings of what he was trying to say about Charlottesville, recall that Trump specifically claimed that the people "the night before" (that is, Friday, August 11) were "protesting very quietly." Bullshit. The Friday night tiki-torch march was shown on television, and the marchers were chanting all sorts of neo-Nazi shit like "Jews will not replace us." Trump's quote, taken from Tracinski's column which all of you should read:
"There were people in that rally, and I looked the night before. If you look, they were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I’m sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day, it looked like they had some rough, bad people—neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest, because you know—I don’t know if you know, they had a permit."
No; the Friday night marchers (whom Trump mischaracterized as at least partly innocent) did not have a permit. And the people who DID have a permit for the Saturday, August 12 rally were explicitly white supremacists. The organized speakers were all white supremacists; they included no other respectable groups and we know all about it because their permit was litigated in court. There's no one else to consider, when we are talking about the people who had a permit. And we are talking about the people who applied for the permit because Trump, acting like the smartest guy in the room, told us to consider the permit.
Shame on you for this, Althouse. Intelligent readers should not forgive you for trying to gaslight them on this story. And I would not be so hard on you if you had ever forthrightly blogged the competing facts and arguments no both sides; the Scott Adams/Steve Cortes theory that it is a "hoax" to think that Trump condoned white supremacists, versus the Robert Tracinski theory as to how Trump cloddishly did just that, whether he meant to or not.
Yours is a deeply dishonest blog post, Althouse, when you pretend that it is as simple as Scott Adams wants you to think it is. You really should know better.
No, that's a stupid form of lying. It is stupid because it is so ridiculously easy to expose it.
Joe Biden is so stupid that he cannot imagine that anyone is smarter than he is. (This is a special case of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.) It is a very common problem in stupid people.
The unfortunate part is that there really are a lot of people in this country who are as stupid as Joe Biden, or stupider. That's how he got so far in his political career.
Dave Begley wrote:
"I won't do it, but Trump will if Biden gets the nod."
If you did, Biden would start talking about the time he threaten to beat up a drug dealer named Cornhead.
Oh Chuckie, Chuckie, Chuckie, I'm impressed that you are still trying to gaslight this conversation with Tracinski's deeply dishonest and misrepresentational post, and then following it up with a long list of red herrings that don't do anything to disprove that the "good people" lie you and your Leftist ilk promulgate.
Your whole post fails to address the fact that EVEN THE TRUMP QUOTES YOU INCLUDE prove that Trump was talking about people who joined the marches without knowing or caring that the permit was assigned to a bunch of white supremacists. You take a small thing that Trump probably did not know (who drew the permit) and spin that up into a wild, dishonest accusation of "defending white supremacists".
You also perform the usual Leftist dishonest fallacy of associating all people in a conservative group the same qualities of the worst people in that group, whether the others would have known that or agreed with them. Using your own logical nonsense, we can safely say that Trump dishonestly painted the Leftists marching on Aug 12 as also having some "fine people" when they were actually all anti-American Communist trash.
But, you yourself are anti-American, Leftist trash, deeply dishonest and without a redeeming or redeemable quality. One might say you are deplorable.
Dave Begley: "The Fake News speculates all day about everything so why don't they speculate about that?"
Easy, Dave. That sort of speculation would be irresponsible.
Answer to my question turned out to be exactly 4 hours.
Hilarious. Biden new slogan, Battle for Soul of the Nation. No malarkey!
Inspired by Joes old pal, CornPop
Ready for Soul Train memes.
Chuck said:
"Shame on you for this, Althouse. Intelligent readers should not forgive you for trying to gaslight them on this story...
Yours is a deeply dishonest blog post, Althouse, when you pretend that it is as simple as Scott Adams wants you to think it is. You really should know better."
I was feeling a little low today, but this cheered me up. But for the grace of God, I could be Chuck.
Corn Pop Was A Bad Dude T-Shirt
I have not run into one liberal democrat out on the left coast even remotely enthusiastic about voting for Slow Joe. It reminds me of the time when I lived in Overland park, Kansas and I could not find many rank and file republicans enthusiastic about voting for Bob Dole in 1996. These folks ate lunch in the special "Rush Rooms" that pumped in Limbaugh's program every week and even still, weren't that broken up when Dole got beaten like a rented mule by Clinton. That's some "front runner" the democrats are falling behind. :-O
Biden: Battling for the soul of nation while murdering millions of the unborn!
One of many problems for Tracinski and Chuck is that there was video of Trump making his remarks.
Neo-national (and international) socialists single/central/minority rulers are potentially bad people. Diversitists (e.g. racists, sexists) are bad people. The anti... the fascists are bad people, who set up an abortion zone to manufacture a spectacle, and were a first-order forcing of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change that concluded with abortion of one of their own.
Why are you and the boring cartoonist and the other history-haters continuing to push this dishonesty? People are "fine" for just being neo-Confederates or wanting to venerate and deny the atrocious legacy of the Confederacy? The Confederacy were not only white supremacists, they were white supremacists who violently took up arms against the United States, in an unconstitutional insurrection to break the country apart and put an end to liberty in an imperial fashion across that would spread through the Caribbean and Central America. Their system of racial supremacy and persecution and dehumanization was so eminent that it was what inspired Hitler himself. These are the people you're defending as "fine?" Those who seek to elevate that legacy?
Thomas Jefferson and Washington were not perfect, but they did not take up arms against the United States but instead helped to found it and at least sought to contend with their conflicting natures and interests when it came to the sectionals courage against liberty that existed at the founding. They thought slavery would end in time, and Washington manumitted his slaves. Lee did not willingly provide for this and his own views on blacks as slaves were arguably harsher. Plus he almost succeeded in destroying the U.S.! This is not a man to venerate, and men such as Davis and the rest of his cabinet can be judged even harsher. Lee's skills in war and allegedly gentlemanly ways made a convenient Trojan Horse for the abominable miseducation of Americans regarding our own history through the "Lost Cause," but to elevate the Lost Cause or those seeking to continue to whitewash and deny this horrible aberration of our country and its ideals and continuing to confuse it with something other than the Nazis' very own best, real-life example for how to prosecute their OWN cause is a horrendous and horrible slander to keep injecting into our politics.
Biden spoke no lie here. Anyone defending Trump's comments as either accurate or at least not furthering the elevation of America's own exquisite promotion of white supremacy is.
Biden speaks truths to facts.
’Trump's quote, taken from Tracinski's column...’
I think I spotted the problem. 😂
Real Life Example of talking to a Leftist:
Leftist: Trump's a racist, man. He supported nazi's at Charlotttsville!
Rc: No, he didn't. Trump said..blah blah.
Leftist: Trump's a racist, man. He supported nazi's at Charlotttsville!
Rc: No! You're not listening. Trump said...blah blah.. How is that racist?
Leftist: [Stares ahead for 15 seconds] I don't care. Trump's a racist, man. Look what he did at the border! Babies in cages.
And so it goes.
Chuck also buys Adam's Schitt's false testimony to congress about what Trump said in his own phone call.
Never-Trumpers are just liberals who are dishonest. Or they're Conservative Inc. Pens for hire, who will say ANYTHING for $$. The Bulwark Boys, David French, etc. are are dishonest clowns or political prostitutes. We know they won't attack Google because they're getting paid off.
The "Trump supported Nazi's/racists at Charlottsville" is a good litmus test. If you see any Politician or pundit saying it, you know they're a lying dishonest hack.
The "Trump supported Nazi's/racists at Charlottsville" is a good litmus test. If you see any Politician or pundit saying it, you know they're a lying dishonest hack.
The "Trump supported "fine people" at Charlottesville" is a good litmus test. If you see any Politician or pundit or Repube saying it, you know they're supporting those who worship the same white supremacists that were worshipped by the Hitler regime.
How can you say Confederates were as bad as Nazis? I mean, look at how nicely they treated U.S. soldiers.
"No; the Friday night marchers (whom Trump mischaracterized as at least partly innocent) did not have a permit."
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (WVIR) - Friday, Aug. 11, 2017
"Update 8:20 p.m. : A judge has granted a temporary injunction for Jason Kessler allowing him to have his Unite the Right rally in Emancipation Park.
The judge came down with a decision around 8 p.m. Friday.
A judge heard arguments Friday from attorneys requesting an emergency injunction stemming from a case against the city of Charlottesville and its decision to move the rally to McIntire Park, rather than at the planned Emancipation Park location.
The Rutherford Institute and ACLU say the city's decision to move the rally out of downtown is against the organizer, Jason Kessler’s, free speech rights.
The civil rights groups argued the move violates Kessler's right to free speech, because the rally is meant to be a protest of the City Council's decision to remove the statue of confederate General Robert E. Lee from Emancipation Park."
Not all lies are the same. Lying about the size of your inauguration or victory are stupid and petty, but they are not bearing false witness against your neighbor. Biden's lie here, or Warren's lie about Michael Brown are vastly different, both in their moral content and their destructiveness. To me they are disqualifying.
Iman said...
One of many problems for Tracinski and Chuck is that there was video of Trump making his remarks.
Why is that a problem? Tracinski takes great care in quoting Trump accurately and completely.
The "video" problem for Trump is when Trump claims that he "looked the night before." Since Trump wasn't there, we must presume that what Trump is talking about is having "looked" at a television showing the Friday night tiki-torch march.
So now somebody can tell me what video Trump saw on Friday night, that gave him grounds to suggest that when he "looked," he saw "people very quietly protesting the statue of Robert E. Lee..." Link us to that video!
President Trump made no less than a total of five (5) statements about Charlottesville.
I'll do them in five separate comments because of the character-numbers limitation.
Afternoon of Saturday, August 12, 2017; at Trump National Bedminster Golf Club.
Trump condemned violence coming from "many sides, many sides." The "many sides" line that was clearly not prepared and was something that Trump was free-lancing, was what ignited the controversy.
Ken B - indeed.
August 14; from the White House.
Reportedly unwilling to again address the subject, but convinced to do it by Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly, Trump reads the prepared statement that recites: "To anyone who acted criminally in this weekend's racist violence, you will be held fully accountable. Justice will be delivered. ... Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the K.K.K., neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans."
August 15, Trump Tower.
Trump reads a statement, and then takes questions including this exchange:
TRUMP: ... you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group ... that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.
REPORTER: George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same.
TRUMP: George Washington was a slave owner. So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him?
REPORTER: I do love Thomas Jefferson.
TRUMP: Okay, good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now, are we going to take down his statue? So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people—and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally—but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists.
And also this, already-quoted, statement: "I looked the night before -- if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. ... You had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest, and very legally protest -- because I don’t know if you know, they had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit..."
President Toilet Paper,
Bobby Kennedy while at the UVA law school belonged to a segregated country club. Was he a racist or a NAZI?
August 22, Phoenix rally.
Trump doesn't like the way that his Trump Tower freelanced remarks have been treated, and he doubles down: "Does anybody want George Washington's statue [taken down]? No. Is that sad, is that sad? To Lincoln to Teddy Roosevelt. I see they want to take Teddy Roosevelt's down too. They're trying to figure out why, they don't know. They're trying to take away our culture, they're trying to take away our history. And our weak leaders, they do it overnight."
April 26, 2019, White House lawn.
After Biden chides Trump's Charlottesville statements, Trump digs in again. "I have answered that question, and if you look at what I said, you will see that question was answered perfectly. And I was talking about people that went because they felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee, a great general, whether you like it or not, he was one of the great generals. I have spoken to many generals here, right at the White House, and many people thought, of the generals they think that he was maybe their favorite general. People were there protesting the taking down of the monument of Robert E. Lee. Everybody knows that."
Aha! The ol' "perfect" answer! It was just a warm up, to his "perfect" phone call with Ukranian President Zelensky a few months later! Everybody knows that.
“Most people, in fact, will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear.”
― Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
Good grief, a Chuck and Ritmo thread. Back to my book.
Charlottesville was the death rattle of the Obama legacy of racial division, not a start of Trump's.
Not all lies are the same. Lying about the size of your inauguration or victory are stupid and petty, but they are not bearing false witness against your neighbor. Biden's lie here, or Warren's lie about Michael Brown are vastly different, both in their moral content and their destructiveness. To me they are disqualifying.
Because supporting the lie of the "Lost Cause" narrative of a righteous Confederacy is the most important lie that you feel a need to uphold.
Well biden misrepresented his wifes accident, for 34 years so.
Bobby Kennedy while at the UVA law school belonged to a segregated country club. Was he a racist or a NAZI?
Did he take up arms against the United States to dissolve the constitutional union and spread racialized slavery as the morally appropriate economic system? Even while it was dying everywhere else? Did Nazis write about the inspiration they found in this trivial association of his?
Your question answers itself. Stop being ridiculous.
Stop picking at nits while the Nazi-esque Confederate apologists infest your Southern base.
"I thought it had to be a mistake. There’s no way someone with his income history has so little money saved."
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
President Toilet Paper is an intellectual coward, hence he won’t respond to whether Bobby was a racist or NAZI.
However, President Trump is upholding our Constitutional order against the daily onslaught from the racist and NAZI like media and Demtard Party
Once again, Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck takes a position well to the left of most democrats.
Of course, if anyone thought for one second Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck was going to allow any criticism of his beloved dem frontrunner without significant lefty-talking point infused commentary, well, you haven't been paying attention!
TJM: "However, President Trump is upholding our Constitutional order against the daily onslaught from the racist and NAZI like media and Demtard Party"
However, President Trump is upholding our Constitutional order against the daily onslaught from the racist and NAZI like media, Demtard Party and FakeCon LLR-lefties.
What kinda moron buys a beach house in Delaware?
Some of the happiest family vacations we ever took were in Bethany Beach, Delaware.
In James Q. Whitman's research of the Prussian Memorandum, he found that the Nazi jurists who came to America in search of lessons to apply to their own racial laws, found the Jim Crow laws of the American South were probably too harsh even for them.
But this is the system of law that Robert Lee was all in favor of. He opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. Supported Andy Johnson. And was silent regarding the rise of the Klan.
But hey. He was the most gentlemanly exemplar of the very fine people of the Confederate Statue and Monument Admiration Society that is being defended by the supposedly "very fine" people in your base that Trump (and Ann and Dilbert) feel so defensive about.
I can see why.
Shame on you for this, Althouse. Intelligent readers should not forgive you for trying to gaslight them on this story
I would TOTALLY comment about this, but Our Beloved Professor has rapped my knuckles, and told me to mind my tongue....
I'm TOTALLY NOT Commenting, except to say that people (UNNAMED PEOPLE!) should be nice to Our Professor!
If people don't like her, they should pack up and leave!
I guess it's ok not to have nighttime torch rallies and shout about how "Jews will not replace us" as long as you're not actually doing that, but just marching and gathering with them and making common cause with them. Over whatever.
What a very fine thing to do. Just ally with them politically. How fine.
BTW, can anyone on this blog point me to the last time Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck actually criticized Slow Joe Biden for any reason?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that in the last 4 years Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck (and supposed "Principled True Conservative" LOL) has not had a single criticism to offer up on Slow Joe.
"What a very fine thing to do. Just ally with them politically. How fine."
And Yep.
"Barack Obama welcomed leader of US embassy attack to the White House: Iran's 'point man' in Baghdad Hadi al-Amiri was hosted in the Oval Office in 2011 – eight years before he orchestrated siege in Iraq"
Drago, you will never get trolls to say anything negative about Slow Joe. Oh sure, some oblique criticism about not being forceful enough "fighting Trump's LIES!" but that's about it. The thing is lefties really don't have much enthusiasm for the dogs breakfast of candidates they have to choose from.
In other great democrat/LLR-lefty news, Manhattan DA (Good old Cy Vance Jr! A real lefty fave of one LLR-lefty Chuck) decides that maybe hate crime laws really aren't appropriate when islamists attack Israeli citizen jews on NY subways while yelling "Allahu Akbar"!
It remains a complete mystery why the attacker attacked the innocent jewish bystander.
A complete and total mystery.
Probably has to do with Trump, like that machete attack in Brooklyn by the muslim radical "dreamer".
Gk1: "Drago, you will never get trolls to say anything negative about Slow Joe."
I'd be happy if Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck simply stopped speaking of the dems/leftists/marxists as if they were earthly messiah's and dreamy beyond words.
Oh right. A photograph. So damning.
Did he march and rally with Farrakhan?
Was there a way to defeat the Baathists and ISIS without using Iran?
But nice attempt at the typically amateurish smear job there - failing to realize who's using whom as a way to deny the common cause of the "fine people" seeking to preserve the statues that the Nazis were marching for.
If you're a fan of Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens and Robert E. Lee just say so. If you're a fan of what they stood for and what they're commemorated for, just say so.
Until then, just STFU. Even though photography was still in its infancy, I'm sure there are also photos of them with Grant or Union senate colleagues or whatever.
Also, it looks like Draco's still figuring out how to do hyperlinks.
Drago, you will never get trolls to say anything negative about Slow Joe.
I realize the right-wing need for a bad Joe Biden story is strong, but their need for falsehoods is even stronger. No, we won't go along with your lies about him. Circulate them among yourselves, as you did (and still do?) about Obama's supposedly Kenyan birth. You know. That one that Trump started and supposedly paid so many people to go to Hawaii to find out "great and wonderful things" about it.
Before he finally couldn't push it any longer in the general and had to disown it. And blamed it on someone else.
That's your leader. Multiple lies told every day. It doesn't even phase you. He's the mouth that gives voice to the lies you tell yourselves that no one else was ever delusional enough to say publicly. But he does it for you. Just like he did about that whole Kenyan thing.
In other news
Here's a very damning state-of-the-art (for the time) depiction of General Grant making common cause with noted Confederate warrior Robert E. Lee. At least if Drago's "understanding" of history and politics is any indication.
Whoa! What powerful anti-U.S. Grant propaganda that is!
Draco, do get back to us when you can fill us in on the skinny details that honest Truth-Teller-In-Chief Commander Trump has found out through his trusty investigators in Hawaii on the unbelievable things they were finding.
Unbelievable things!!!
HoaxPPT: "I realize the right-wing need for a bad Joe Biden story is strong..."
As in singular!
Too funny. Gee, where would we find any bad stories about Joe Biden? I mean, a bad story involving Joe Biden is like a unicorn!
You and Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck just keep doing you! Its going gangbusters.
HoaxPPT: "Here's a very damning state-of-the-art (for the time) depiction of General Grant making common cause with noted Confederate warrior Robert E. Lee. At least if Drago's "understanding" of history and politics is any indication."
I am sure Trump will be happy to shake hands with Slow Joe after he is destroyed in the election via Total Political War.
One quibble: I didnt see a smile on the faces of US Grant and RE Lee.
I wonder why the difference.....
Iranian General Soleimani killed in an airstrike.
Not to change the subject, but I know for a fact that there is bigotry in Charlottesville. At UVA. On the left. In the hard sciences. I witnessed it. I should have been wearing a wire.
As for the Kenyan thing -- I'm still not cool with that book promo touting Obama as Kenyan. Althouse blogged it if you need a refresher. The whole attitude on the left was "so what if he's Kenyan. It makes him cool."
Biden basically has no chance in the general. Dems will have to rely on Hillary and massive fraud. Either that or remove Trump.
Iman: "Iranian General Soleimani killed in an airstrike."
Thoughts and prayers go out to democratics and LLR-lefties everywhere in these difficult times.
You and Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck just keep doing you! Its going gangbusters.
And you and Trump and your gang can keep doing Putin! It's also going gangbusters! For the Kremlin!
OK. I came back to look and Ritmo is still in full flower,.
Don't they need you on the PM shift or something ?
Blogger is trying to help you by the usual malfunction.
I am sure Trump will be happy to shake hands with Slow Joe after he is destroyed in the election via Total Political War.
Translation: This is Slow Drago's way of admitting that Obama did not make common cause with whatever political aims Farrakhan had, despite trying to imply that he did.
Once again, what were the unbelievable things that your hero Trump was "absolutely" having his investigators find out about Obama in Hawaii? Same things you were uncovering with him and Farrakhan?
It's nice to see how incapable you are of even trying to believe, let alone defend your lies. Or the lies you'd tell about Biden or anyone else.
Folks, remember the Republican impeachment defense? That if they could do this to Trump they'd do it to anyone? (i.e. holding people accountable to their office).
Well, if Drago and Trump can tell the lies they tell about Biden what kind of lies do you think they could tell about you? Or about themselves?
Republicans are in full-on anti-truth mode. They really believe the rest of America will follow their delusions as far as their psychologically bankrupt party will need them to.
Iranian General Soleimani killed in an airstrike.
In Iraq. Cleanup of quid pro Bo.
It's nice to see Drago slithering back under the rock he came from.
Drago, when Trump is called on the lies he's told about Biden, will he come clean? The way he was forced to come clean on the lies he told about Obama being from Kenya?
Will he blame the lies this time on Hillary, the way he did the lies he told about Obama?
Isn't your party running out of lies to tell and believe in?
Will Trump compensate the first documented case of windmill cancer he finds in all those windmill fields that sprang up across the plains?
Will Michael K come out of retirement to operate on the windmill cancer that they will undoubtedly find in this poor soul and victim of dangerous renewable energy?
Oh the lies. Do they ever stop?
Will all this prosperity pay for (or be worth) your leader's trillion dollar deficits?
What very sound economics. Put a trillion dollars a year on the tab we owe to foreign governments to pay for the economy to be in the shape it's in. How responsible.
Biden is old, and it is sad to see an old man inebriated with lies.
Trump did not say what the evildoer Biden says Trump said,
everyone knows that,
Let me add this. Not that anyone cares. God loves us all, even poor Joe Biden. Seriously, can you imagine what it is like to know what I know about how much God loves us all and to also know that the poor little old man, who does not know any better, has been running around for years saying things like "I will shove a rosary down your throat if you tell me I am not Catholic" (Joe, my friend, there are billions of Catholics who want you to stop claiming to be Catholic, we all know you are a hate filled little old man, and we do not care that you want so much to make us pro-life Christians look bad, we care about you, and want you to stop lying about being a faithful Catholic - FOR GOD'S SAKE WE WANT THE BEST FOR YOU JOE)
pray for Joe he too has the right to consider himself, in moments where we pray as if we meant what we said, an inheritor of God's graces.
You too, no matter how far you think you have strayed from God, are someone who God thinks of us his most beloved child.
Trust me, I am basically a few thousand years old and I have seen so much coldness, but all that is cold ends and the only thing that remains is this ----- the very true story in which God created you and did everything that someone like God does for someone like you.
Trust me. Sometimes I exaggerate but right now I am not exaggerating - the story you live in can be described like this -----
you live in a very true story in which God created you and did everything that someone like God does for someone like you, and I, who am basically a few thousand years old, will some day tell you how happy I was that moment where you realized how much God loves you and how easy it is to be a thinking decent human being.
Thus ends my comments on the "Biden presidential candidacy". (POSTSCRIPT) ....And maybe I am not a thousand years old. I really hope I am not, but .... we all have more memories than we can bear. Cor ad cor loquitur.
A Ritmo thread is usually over 200 comments, 80% of them nasty and useless.
Call me when it is over 200.
There are no 'fine people' marching with Nazis. This is one of the stupider attempts to defend Trump. His behavior over Charlottesville was contemptible.
I see folks here didn't choose "chill" for new year's resolution.
Obama is in mourning over the loss of the Iranian terrorist
“There are no 'fine people' marching with Nazis. This is one of the stupider attempts to defend Trump. His behavior over Charlottesville was contemptible.”
Master persuader has Althouse and Adams claiming that there are very fine folks who go to a town to march w/ Nazis who are protesting local government control.
Or, maybe it didn’t take much persuading at all. I dunno.
A Ritmo thread is usually over 200 comments, 80% of them nasty and useless.
Awww. You sound even more butt-hurt than usual. What a sensitive snowflake you are.
Is it the prostatic windmill cancer you picked up that's got you feeling this sensitive?
;-). You must be a real hoot at parties, with all this sensitivity and such. My poor, poor baby.
Nursemaid will be coming along shortly for you, little boy.
Now we’ll see other media lead with complimentary obits about this nutcase General after the WaPo gives him a “revered”. EFF them and death to the Ayatollah SnuffySmithah !!!
You are losing control of your blog to the crazy left. Good luck, I am heading back to Instapundit
Crazy butthurt guy TJM can't defend Trump's comments and is leaving for the warm embrace (clutches?) of the crazy right. Oh no! His thoughtful insights will be so sorely missed. He's picking up his marbles and leaving for a guy who thinks in sound bites and never learned how to construct a thought that wasn't more than five words long.
Bye-bye TJ! Tell Instant Propaganda Poop that another one of his precious stupids is on his way!
Flurry along, little snowflake! Scurry along!
I never noticed Ann claiming that the purpose of her blog is to control the comments section to partisan ends and make it "non-left", or even to make it "non-crazy." But nice try.
Popular sentiment is not with Trump. If it were you'd be clamoring to ditch the EC also. But you're not. And you won't.
So this means that you know your country is much more "left-wing" than you'd ever admit. And you want to control it as much as you want to control this blog.
But you won't.
Bye. You won't be missed.
stephen cooper: "Biden is old, and it is sad to see an old man inebriated with lies."
Just today Joey "aneurysm" Biden was telling an audience, a very very small audience, World War 2 occurred in the 1920's.
At some point Hunter is going to have to take some of his corrupt Ukrainian/Russian and Chinese communist millions to stage an intervention with dopey dementia boy.
A racist fopdoodle and Ritmo all in one thread.
How do we count ourselves so lucky?
President Toilet Paper,
You are as crazy and stupid as Inga. You will either be committing suicide or crying non- stop in November 2020 like the Hildabeast
I think it is time for us to abandon the Althouse nuthouse. There is no point in conversing with the leftist crazies here whom Ann tolerates
Whatever you say, TMJ. It's been non-stop right-wing crazies here for more than a decade. It's not Ann's fault or anyone else's that you have a delusional psychopath as a president who is so full of shit that even you lunatics can't defend him - no matter how much you love him. Maybe that's why you love him. You're as insane as he is but always knew there was something humiliating about it. But President Crazypants doesn't keep his crazy on the Down-low.
All I've done is pointed out how full of shit he is. (Hawaiian investigators discovering unbelievable things about Obama and Kenya). Just admit that you're in love with a psychopath. I realize he makes you feel that your mental illness is validated, even if you still can't defend your collective craziness in front of others, or even us. President Crazypants alone is the source of your validation, just because he openly proclaims the same psychopathy that you share and remain rightly embarrassed about.
Go away already. And don't forget to fuck off.
A very selective audience no doubt, but that wasnt as crazy as his whopper about fdr in 1929.
TJM said...
I think it is time for us to abandon the Althouse nuthouse.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
TJM said...
I think it is time for us to abandon the Althouse nuthouse. There is no point in conversing with the leftist crazies here whom Ann tolerates
You are looking at it wrong.
Every time these leftists run with their blatant lies they make a new Trump voter.
Every time Ritmo speaks he shows the world what a piece of shit he is.
They are doing god's work.
"You [Ritmo] are as crazy and stupid as Inga." Is that even possible?
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