"... including shooting 'unsuspecting civilians and police officers' in hopes of igniting what one called a 'full-blown civil war,' authorities said in court filings. In legal motions filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Maryland, prosecutors said the three suspects, who were under investigation for weeks before the rally, were recorded discussing the planned mayhem by a microphone and video camera secretly planted in a Delaware apartment by FBI agents in December. 'We can’t let Virginia go to waste, we just can’t,' one of the men, Patrik J. Mathews, said, according to the court filings. Like his co-defendants, Mathews is accused of belonging to a militant hate group whose name, 'the Base,' is a rough English translation of 'al-Qaeda.' Mathews, according to prosecutors, said: 'Here’s the thing. . . . You want to create . . . instability while the Virginia situation is happening . . . derail some rail lines . . . shut down the highways' as a way to 'kick off the economic collapse.' 'Virginia will be our day,' another of the three, Brian M. Lemley Jr., said, according to the court documents."
From "Alleged white supremacists planned deadly violence at Richmond gun rally, federal prosecutors say" (WaPo).
Meanwhile, the rally that did take place was entirely peaceful: "Gun-rights advocates pick-up trash after protesting peacefully in Richmond."
१३७ टिप्पण्या:
Sounds a lot like "never let a serious crisis go to waste."
Here’s the thing. . . . You want to create . . . instability while the Virginia situation is happening . . . derail some rail lines . . . shut down the highways' as a way to 'kick off the economic collapse.' 'Virginia will be our day,
sounds like the terrorists in my favorite '60's flic.... Fritz the Cat
how STONED do you have to be;
to think that your group (all 6 of you?) would be able to 'kick off the economic collapse'?
Sounds like Charlie Manson.
3 FBI informers arrested for saying the exact things some people wanted to be said
Somebody's been watching them some damn Boyd Crowder and gettin' some funny ideas.
how dangerous would they be without being armed and trained by the FBI undercover agent?
So they are going to wind up the movement of hundreds of thousands of these people that the media is always on about now, good.
Dylan Roof said he did it because he couldn’t find any IRL people who agreed with him, he thought that he would flush them out with his action. Well, here’s a couple of them.
Meanwhile, the media ignores Bernie Bros who advocate building GULAGs in the U.S. and executing Republicans.
They're still working on Bernie's campaign!
Not sure that I believe the Deep State's actors (I guess I really don't), but three people, one of whom was charged with transporting a Canadian, trying to "kick off the economic collapse" reminds me of that joke about the guy whose plans for world domination were thwarted when his wife found out about them.
3 FBI informers arrested for saying the exact things some people wanted to be said
This, a hundred times. I don't doubt that antisocial and psychopathic people like those depicted here exist. I doubt our law enforcement's integrity and ability to locate them, and tend to think the convenience of finding just what they were after to tar the Virginia 2A protests is highly suspect. Let's see what comes out at trial, except there almost certainly won't be one. Instead we'll get sealed plea agreements. Why would anyone trust the FBI at this point on this subject?
Sorry, I don't, and never will trust the FBI.
"...said the three suspects, who were under investigation for weeks before the rally, were recorded discussing the planned mayhem by a microphone and video camera secretly planted in a Delaware apartment by FBI agents in December."
Looks like they got kicked out of mom's basement, then.
henry: "...how dangerous would they be without being armed and trained by the FBI undercover agent?
Probably provided most of the beer and weed, too. You can't get that kind of quality nutcase bloviation without quality weed.
I thought bringing in the illegal immigrant Canadian was a nice touch, though. Now it's a shadowy international operation. Much scarier.
Mathews is accused of belonging to a militant hate group whose name, 'the Base,' is a rough English translation of 'al-Qaeda.'
Hmm... so maybe the "White Supremacist" thing is an opinion.
BTW, it doesn't seem the words expressed by the defendants that resulted in their arrest is much different than what Project Veritas is showing from Bernie campaign staffers.
Sound more like anarchists than white supremacists
The "military style training" in Georgia was three young men running around one of their dad's fields trying to impress an FBI undercover agent.
All of these conversations were recorded by another undercover agent who was egging the three men in Virginia to say things like that.
There is no evidence that any of them have criminal records that would indicate their behavior was anything but talk. The one crime they committed was helping a Canadiaj enter the country illegally. If we enforced that immigration law equally, half of Congress and the Senate, most big city mayors, and the entire Democratic Party leadeship would have to be arrested, along with all the Democrat candidates for president.
In contrast, BLM members have murdered more than ten and injured hundreds of police officers. ANTIFA has killed people, severely injured scores of police and bystanders with weapons and bullets, assaulted thousands of police with bricks and bottles, and ANTIFA and BLM have destroyed entire neighborhoods, burning buildings, looting, breaking windows and destroying and torching cars.
The three men in Georgia were reported to be targeting ANTIFA. But the arrest documents cite their targets (who were not, in fact, attacked) as two people who had doxxed them, which was the source of their interpersonal feud.
So. Try finding that in a newspaper.
fbi.gov has nothing to say about this matter, here's DOJ's version. One guy is, indeed, charged only with "transporting and harboring [a Canadian] and conspiring to do so."
Cleaning up after a protest was standard operating procedure for the Tea Party, but the media deep-sixed any coverage of that fact.
They were in their jammys when they got busted so you have to ask yourself, could they be a Chinese sleeper cell?
It doesn't sound white supremacist to me. Derb did a catalog and it doesn't seem to fit under anything that gets called white supremacist.
That is too good a story. It must have been written by Hollywood writers. The three actors they arrested are playing roles in a False Flag production. If a local police had received tips and they confronted the three guys it might be true. But the second we see that it was all an FBI initiated scenario, the chance that there is truth in the report drops to zero.
I wonder if the one guy's plea coercion will stipulate that he stay away from Canadians.
There were thousands of non-deaths at the Virginia rally...
They had such trouble finding enough local "white supremacist" that they had to import at least one from Canada. I guess that is part of the "jobs Americans won't do"?!?
Had any of these miscreants ever appeared in black face?
If true, if, bury them under the jail. Then do the same with all the tough talkers of BLM, Antifa, radical Muslims and others that foment rebellion, murder and chaos.
From my viewpoint, it appears the FBI is tying to create a false narrative again. After all, it worked on Trump, until they were caught. Even then, then worst of the rogue members escaped punishment.
It’s a federal matter because they crossed state lines.
Try living in Delaware and not crossing state lines.
As we know, guns kill people. It’s simply not possible for there to be so many guns in one place that there were no deaths. Media coverup! Oh, wait, the fbi got to them first.
So, we have 3 nut jobs who think they are going to start a civil war by shooting at people with guns. Uh huh. None too bright, are they, these lads.
Oh, and the white supremists thing I’m sure was just added by the media. They definitely sound like anarchists, as already noted.
This is too damned pat. Something smells.
Care to speculate when (if ever) these so-called white supremacists go to trial?
2 of the 3 were probably FBI agents. The most visible and outspoken KKK members are FBI undercover.
derail some rail lines . . . shut down the highways' as a way to 'kick off the economic collapse.' '...
That sounds more like leftwing antifa.
"Economic collapse" is the language used by antfia. Leftwing antifa.
Is it "white supremacist" or "white nationalist"?
I assume White Nationalists want...their own, white nation. White Supremacists think whites are superior. Which is stupid, because if you watch TV, like all patriotic Americans should, you see that white folks, especially men, are intellectually inferior. Amirite?
I don't know if these Manson wannabes would have taken action, but I'm glad for all of the peaceful protesters that they were prevented from doing so. (And, the 'entrapment - they were never really going to act' defense is used by a lot of Muslim plotters, too.)
I am on the same page as AllenS. Don't trust and never will trust the FBI or the police.
how dangerous would they be without being armed and trained by the FBI undercover agent?
I know everyone bangs on about how "the rank and file field agents" are good guys. They don't do all those awful things that those in the upper echelon do. Probably that is mostly so.....
BUT how do you think those upper guys rose in the ranks. They had a lot of success in exposing and capturing bad people. How do they do that? Often they create the situations, entice vulnerable people to do those bad things and THEN expose the crimes so they can get good stars and promotions.
Long story ahead!!!
I personally know of one man who was caught up in one of those stings about 40 years ago. Did he participate in the crimes. Yes. The dope. Would he have ever done it without being swept up, lured and enticed with money and goods from the FBI undercover agent who was actually running and forming the syndicate? Not likely. None of it would have happened as it did without the FBI orchestrating the criminal activity.
Even though it came out in his and trial and that of some of the others, the role that the FBI played in creating and masterminding the operation, he and 13 others still went to Federal Prison for several years. (non-violent property crimes) Because they did do the crime, they then did do the time. As it should be.
13 others who didn't even know each other, were not even near each other or ever had interacted with each other. They were all PUT together by the FBI. He doesn't dispute that He did commit the crimes! The dispute is that the FBI got away with it. Again.
This guy, 35 years later, is now a model citizen, retired, volunteer for several charities, Lions Club, and all around respected member of the community. Those that know him don't judge by the past. You judge by how someone is now.
The FBI was reprimanded by the judge and of course nothing happens. They did the crime and got promoted. The mastermind got promoted out of the area...probably working in a cushy spot and trying to undermine Carter Page and trapping General Flynn.
Is it any wonder that the "authorities" and the media (who are basically criminals themselves) are held in low low esteem?
Crooks and liars
The cops heard 'kick off the economic collapse' and thought they had accidentally tuned in to the Democratic candidates' debate.
The subtext of media coverage is that these men are just acting out the wishes of all those who attended the rally. The various sicko Bernie bros are just the nut cases that large political movements sometimes attract....The people who warn us about the evils of stereotyping after every Islamic atrocity now tell us how these flakes are an imminent threat to democracy.
Our resident lefties must be sleeping in this morning. Will no one in this thread laud our untouchables for protecting us from the huge and growing menace of White Supremacists?
Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
derail some rail lines . . . shut down the highways' as a way to 'kick off the economic collapse.' '...
That sounds more like leftwing antifa.
or NJ Governor
Meanwhile, the rally that did take place was entirely peaceful: "Gun-rights advocates pick-up trash after protesting peacefully in Richmond."
Is that a surprise? An armed society is a polite society.
White Supremacist? Sounds more like the The Red Army Faction ( also known as the Baader–Meinhof Group or Baader–Meinhof Gang) or the Weathermen. Maybe Antifa, but you can't foment economic collapse with tats and bike locks.
Wow - DBQ. just wow.
The FBI is corrupt. top down Clapper-crapper.
Were they wearing white hoods ala Governor Northam?
Sounds like a lot of loose talk that never went beyond the spit-balling stage. 3 men in mom's basement talking about "economic collapse" and "Shutting down highways". With what?
Does the FBI have anyone implanted in Antifa?
Thanks for reading that long story. Every time I see this man and remember his story I get furious at the corruption in the FBI...and probably every police force out there.
It isn't ALL FBI or all police, but enough of them get away with this that it really makes you wonder. No consequences for planting evidence, orchestrating crimes, entrapping good people (like Flynn)
We all know what happens when you have children who misbehave and there are no consequences. You get MORE of that behavior. Just like we get more Illegal Aliens breaking into the country when they are rewarded with all sorts of freebies for doing it.
Why should anyone ever obey the law when others can break it with Impunity. (that bitch)
** Inside joke. My husband will jokingly say he is going to do something with impunity. Nap with Impunity. Have extra fries and a hamburger with Impunity....and I respond. That Bitch she is everywhere!! and she doesn't even do the damn dishes!!!!
I don't trust the FBI. Any agency that was headed by Comey and McCabe, is sketchy until proven otherwise.
Creating the mayhem they wanted would have actually required what we’re at one time fairly common manual labor skills.
Skills they likely did not posses since they were apparently spending all their time playing army.
Conspiracy law must be fun. Lots of grey lines and arguing about whether a statement to do X is really breaking a law and is a "conspiracy" or not. PLus, what happens as in DBQ's case, where an FBI agent is egging someone on? Entrapment - or conspiracy?
well we saw what john allen mohammed did a decade ago, the police chief of course failed upwards, to seattle and Philadelphia if memory served,
The FBI and the hack press would never lie to us.
I'm with you on the FBI, 100%. They're a federal agency, and their job is to do anything they can to justify their own existence. And because they're in close contact with the upper echelons of power, they're beholden to those people. What we're seeing with the FBI right now concerning Trump is a manifestation of that.
As for regular police, we part company. Most regular cops do NOT create situations where people commit crimes. No, that happens often enough where that isn't even necessary. I can walk down any major city block and see some type of crime happening right in front of me - drug deals, violence, etc. Note that I said most - are there crooked cops? Sure. Are there police chiefs that are politicians first? Yes, in that case, a majority. But none of that changes my original argument: regular cops, overwhelmingly, are honest citizens, who lean right (that is inarguable), and want to live in a safe place like the rest of us.
As for your friend from 40 years ago - no offense, but when he saw that he was about to do something illegal, he could have walked away then. The choice was his, yet he made the wrong one at the time. The FBI may have facilitated it, but he (as you said yourself) did the crime and did the time because of it.
Yeah. Right. You keep doing you, WaPo
I'm with you on the FBI, 100%. They're a federal agency, and their job is to do anything they can to justify their own existence. And because they're in close contact with the upper echelons of power, they're beholden to those people. What we're seeing with the FBI right now concerning Trump is a manifestation of that.
As for regular police, we part company. Most regular cops do NOT create situations where people commit crimes. No, that happens often enough where that isn't even necessary. I can walk down any major city block and see some type of crime happening right in front of me - drug deals, violence, etc. Note that I said most - are there crooked cops? Sure. Are there police chiefs that are politicians first? Yes, in that case, a majority. But none of that changes my original argument: regular cops, overwhelmingly, are honest citizens, who lean right (that is inarguable), and want to live in a safe place like the rest of us.
As for your friend from 40 years ago - no offense, but when he saw that he was about to do something illegal, he could have walked away then. The choice was his, yet he made the wrong one at the time. The FBI may have facilitated it, but he (as you said yourself) did the crime and did the time because of it.
Did these white supremacists vote for Obama twice and work for the Democratic Party like the last batch?
Sigh. We'll never know their true motive.
I have to disagree about local cops not being like FBI agents. My guess would be the same percent of dirty cops in the local force as the FBI.
For example, our local narcotics cops were doing undercover buys. They approached a harmless local homeless man. He would wash your car windows at the gas station for a dollar. He actually did a good job.
They asked him if they could buy drugs. He said he doesn't sell drugs. They asked him if he could hook them up and they'll give him a dollar. He said he knew somewhere to buy drugs. He took them to 3 different places before he found someone dealing.
They charged him with dealing and he's doing 20 years.
I Callahan. As for your friend from 40 years ago - no offense, but when he saw that he was about to do something illegal, he could have walked away then. The choice was his, yet he made the wrong one at the time. The FBI may have facilitated it, but he (as you said yourself) did the crime and did the time because of it.
Yes. He agrees with you totally too. He said if he had been smarter and a better person back then, he wouldn't have become entrapped. He realizes that he was in the wrong. As bad as it was to go to Federal Prison for 5 years, he still says it was his "wake up call".
Would he have done it without being enticed. Maybe. Maybe not. We won't know.
However the fact that the FBI is CREATING crimes to solve is the real problem. Bill in Texas is correct in that it isn't just FBI. Police are guilty too.
As I said. It isn't everyone of the law enforcement who are doing this. But enough do AND they generally get rewarded, promoted for doing it.
Seems to justify the gun rights demonstrators carrying their weapons, especially since most of the police were positioned inside the fence encircling the state capitol building.
>> 'the Base,' is a rough English translation of 'al-Qaeda.' <<
That's odd, makes me want to know more.
A few years ago, I read some FBI agent bragging about lying to the FISA court to get a warrant to intercept all electronic messages for a Minnesota bank VP. The FBI had looked him over--even interviewed him-- and couldn't find anything. The agent got a paid informant to claim the bank VP had talked with a known terrorist at a car wash. The FISA court granted the warrant. The FBI agent said they do that all the time and it was unlikely to blow up in his face because of all the warrants the Court had issued.
actually it's more like the Foundation, bin laden had borrowed it from the Asimov series,
"Entirely peaceful." Those are words that you will never read in any MSM description of the Richmond protest. Thank you Ann.
WaPo: While no violence erupted at the gun rights rally on Monday, it almost did!
Reminds me of the period after 9/11 when the FBI would find some mentally ill crank, convince him to say he's going to blow something up, and then arrest him for conspiracy to commit terrorist acts (the FBI agents being the other members of the conspiracy, of course).
Then they'd tout their big stop in the media and finally take the whole thing to congress to ask for more money and power.
I wonder if they had supported Hillary Clinton on their blog and expressed admiration for “agent provocateurs” the way the organizer for "Unite the Right” in Charlottesville had, before becoming a die hard Trumper a couple days after Hillary declared a resistance.
I’m absolutely not a fan of the FBI, but if what they’re saying is true it only goes to show that they’re not completely an incompetent waste of taxpayer money.
they’re not completely an incompetent waste of taxpayer money.
That's what they want you to think.
It isn't ALL FBI or all police, but enough of them get away with this that it really makes you wonder. No consequences for planting evidence, orchestrating crimes, entrapping good people (like Flynn)
I wonder how many people remember Ruby Ridge now? I forget (without looking it up) if it was the FBI or ATF that entrapped Randy Weaver into selling a shotgun with a barrel shortened to force him to be an informant in the white nationalist colony in Hayden Lake, ID.
That Grand Jury in Idaho would still like to talk to Lon Horiuchi, the FBI sniper who killed Weaver's wife, Vicki.
it was the latter and that touched off a brushfire that ended at the murrah federal building,
Several years ago I wrote a letter in support of a candidate for mayor in IL. One night shortly after I sent it, two policemen rang my doorbell. It was a Sgt and a patrolman. They told me they just received a call from an old woman who claimed she was locked and held hostage in my basement. I laughed and said bullshit. You are just here because of that sign on my lawn (for the opposition candidate.). He looked real embarrassed and said he had to check it out. I told him to do what he had to do, and to get me before he entered my son’s room because the dog in there would bite if he thought the boy was in danger. The Sgt, looked upstairs at the door, apologized for having disturbed me and left. At Clair county - democrat controlled and corrupt. Screw the democrats. They are evil.
It's time we confronted the epidemic of racial hatred and bigotry endemic to the Deep North.
BANG! "Sorry."
BANG! "Sorry."
BANG! "Sorry."
--Canadian mass shooters, probably.
the Canadian participant was probably much younger than this, which happened about 25 years ago,
More than a week later, on the night of 16 March a 16-year-old named Shidane Arone, broke into the compound and was taken prisoner. Tied up and blindfolded in a holding area, the teenager was beaten and tortured for hours — punched and kicked, the soles of his feet burned with a cigarillo and his shins struck with a metal bar. Arone pleaded for the soldiers to stop, crying, “Canada, Canada, Canada.” Bruised and bleeding, he was dead by the morning. Much of his suffering was photographed by his abusers, including paratroopers Master-Cpl. Clayton Matchee and Private Kyle Brown. Other soldiers who did not take part in the beatings could hear Arone’s screams and pleas for mercy but did nothing to intervene.
My general sense remains that the total number of truly dangerous, deranged individuals roaming this country who could fairly be described as "right wing" probably couldn't fill a city bus. Basically they're far outnumbered by the FBI agents who are tasked with investigating them and posing as one of them.
Sure, there may be a slightly larger number of people who may espouse all sorts of wacky, white supremacist, neo nazi nonsense on the internet. And you could probably scrape together enough of those sorts for a very tiny public rally or protest (which would no doubt be counterprotested by a group that would be several orders of magnitude larger). But as far as "right wing" individuals who would be capable of actually committing dangerous violence, like mass shootings or bombings, I just don't see them in the numbers that I would catagorize as a dire threat in the United States today.
Right wing violence is not being supplied in the amounts that the media and the left (BIRM) demand. They require bad behavoir from right wingers for their narratives. They require it for advancing an agenda, for justifying gun grabbing and the continued centralization of power in the government. And of course the media also makes lots of money from tragedy, from bloody soaked headlines, hours of talking heads blathering over aerial footage of emergency vehicles and crowds of law enforcements.
'the Base,' is a rough English translation of 'al-Qaeda.'
google translate is under the impression that 'al-Qaeda' is monkey-talk for 'the leaders'.
Perhaps "the Base" is like La Raza, which translates to "The Race" but you can't call them racists without being called a racists yourself.
there was one recent shooter, who wanted to volunteer with the far right azov battalion, to fight the Russians in eastern Ukraine, that story went down the memory hole quick,
he was a skydragon worshiper, atheist type if I recall,
The congressional letter addressed to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and pushed by freshman Rep. Max Rose (D-NY), portrays Azov as part of an ultra-right-wing “global terrorist network” analogous to al Qaeda or the so-called Islamic State, but one bent on attacking Muslims, Jews, and people of color. The letter notes that the man who carried out the mosque massacres in New Zealand last March, killing at least 50 worshippers, claimed he trained with the Azov. His livestreamed slaughter then inspired murderers in the United States who targeted a synagogue in Poway, California, and Hispanic shoppers in El Paso, Texas.
"Blogger Jason said...
BANG! "Sorry."
BANG! "Sorry."
BANG! "Sorry."
--Canadian mass shooters, probably.
1/22/20, 10:10 AM"
Morbid, but hilarious.
IF the WaPo had any credibility I might be concerned, but they've thrown it all away, and as for the Federal prosecutors, we've seen how they operate.
Fortunately, the FBI et al are allowed to monitor, surveil and infiltrate these nut groups without protest from civil rights professionals. Compare to the upset when it was learned they were monitoring extreme Muslim groups after 9/11. Another difference is the that loose coalition of "white" people are happy this is done and want them locked up. We don't want to understand their issues and why we're failing as a society to make the nuts feel this way.
White supremacy? - thy name is leftwing liar and FBI hacks.
Here is a possible theory. Some parts may be true, while other parts not so much
There were thousands of “heavily” armed protesters at the VA protest. A lot of former military. Likely a lot of combat vets from Iraq and Afghanistan. A lot of the guys lounging around in body armor with their AR-15s on slings looked very much like they had done that for a living for awhile. This was VA, and we know of people coming I from other “free” states to help protest. A lot of them consider themselves sheep dogs, protecting their flocks of sheep. Wonder why AntFA didn’t act up that day? Very likely because of the presence of all those sheep dogs.
What would be the effect of these sheepdogs hearing a bit of gunfire, esp maybe by the combat vets, some probably with PTSD? Very likely, a lot of muzzles coming up real fast (that is the purpose of those one point slings that so many of them were carrying). Really fast. Like what happened at that Texas church recently, that incident lasted all of six seconds, and by then, six guns were out and aimed, and the only reason that it took that long was that it took several seconds for the head of security to get a good sight picture. That sort of fast. Might there have been some answering fire? I think there would have been a decent chance of it. Maybe not 50/50, but above zero probability.
Now we go to the FBI and their White Nationalists. As everyone here knows, and most will admit, the political violence these days is almost entirely on the left, led by the Anti First Amendment (AntiFA) fascist thugs. This is a very politically inconvenient reality. In their usually transference, a lot of powerful Democrats, whether local or national politicians, the MSM, etc, routinely ask the FBI to crack down on white suprematists, neo Nazis (despite the Nazis having been left wing), Klan members (for much of a century the Dem party shock troops), etc. they desperately want the public to believe their fable, so are constantly asking the FBI what they are doing to address this problem. The FBI can’t admit the truth, that the risk on the right of political violence is negligible, because then they will be told that they aren’t trying hard enough, and to try harder. So, the FBI, ever wanting to look like heroes, while striving for what all bureaucrats want (bigger budgets, more subordinates, etc), invents and orchestrates small groups of white suprematists, neo Nazis, etc. and this isn’t anything new - for maybe a half a century now, the joke has been that at any Klan meeting, a majority of the participants were likely to be either FBI agents or their informants. Yes, a lot of make work, but the FBI is a bureaucracy before anything else, and we have seen so much of that over the last several years with FISAgate, etc.
So what do they do, when the participants in one of the small cells of miscreants they created get the bright idea of traveling to Richmond and instigating trouble with all those heavily armed sheepdogs lounging around with their “assault weapons” on single point slings? Not as AntiFA tried to do, by infiltrating the rallies, then egging them on to violence, but rather very likely by gunfire. The FBI essentially had a duty to scoop their cell of miscreants up, to keep the potential bloodshed down, and it would make it look like they were doing their job, trying to protect us from (the fictitious) right wing violence. Win/win for the bureaucrats at the FBI.
Never let a crisis go to waste. Never hesitate to create a crisis.
Avanetti who?
I would not be surprised if the Azov battalion wasn't a bunch of racists. Western Ukraine is full of actual, honest to God, dangerous Nazis.
One year I saw a bunch of them viciously attack a group of 80-90 years old veterans of the Red Army celebrating Victory Day.
The FBI is too busy running coup d'etats on American Presidents and covering up the mega massive Clinton thefts, and necessarily suiciding their own agents to ever find a real abominable snowman/White Supremacist.
well they have a similar mindset as the oun, that grew in reaction to the holomodor, that was involved in some high profile assasinations in Poland in the 30, who subsequently supported hitler until part of the leadership, was interned and some portion settled in germany and Australia and even Canada, after the war.
"Meanwhile, the rally that did take place was entirely peaceful: "Gun-rights advocates pick-up trash after protesting peacefully in Richmond." " Media shoots itself in feet.
“I wonder how many people remember Ruby Ridge now? I forget (without looking it up) if it was the FBI or ATF that entrapped Randy Weaver into selling a shotgun with a barrel shortened to force him to be an informant in the white nationalist colony in Hayden Lake,”
It was the ATF. They finally decided to arrest Weaver, and sent in the US Marshalls. One of them died, as well as someone only the Weaver’s side. Federal agent dead meant sending in the FBI’s HRT, rushed there from Quantico. The rest is history, with illegally permissive Rules of Engagement, the HRT sniper killed Vicki Weaver, with a baby in her arms.
According to several reliable sources, Randy and his older daughter are regulars at county fairs in NW MT selling her handiwork. First heard about this (at the local shooting range) from our former state senator who had run into them at the Flathead County fair, and later by people who had run into them at the fair in Missoula.
The cover on the latest issue of the New York State Bar Association Journal is devoted to this article: "A Growing Threat: Violence Perpetrated by White Supremacists." Discerning Americans want to know where the threats are coming from. Comforting to know its always the usual suspect, never the actual perps.
transporting and harboring [a Canadian] and conspiring to do so.
Oh, yeah, that's how it starts. Some Right-Wing Nut Jobber smuggling in a Canadian or two...
But, before you know it, you're finishing every sentence with "eh?", demanding back bacon at breakfast, drinking Molsons, asking for single-payer health care, and being real polite. By then, it's too late. The damage is done. You've been Canadized!
Since the rally went off so peacefully, I suppose we can assume the FBI managed to catch the only 3 people in the country who wanted to cause a ruckus at the event. What a relief. Also, what are the odds?
This happened so long ago, I can't remember the city where it happened, except it was in Utah, where he was from.
In 1967 went to Vietnam with a man named Michael Austin Beebe. He was discharged from the Army on 7 Nov 1969. He was arrested and charged with drug possession on a date I can't remember anymore, and while in custody he was beaten to death by the cops, and died on 26 Apr 1973. All of us from A Company 3rd of the 503rd Inf., 173d Airborne Brigade were and are still pissed.
Virginia is a company town. The only way it goes down is if DC goes down.
Hunger Games.
Just so we understand, the WAPO photo is of the FBI seal! Clap clap y'all!
Whatever happened to "rogue elements"? You know, the kind that were always to blame for federal law enforcement mal-,mis-, and a-feasance in the past? It says a lot about our politics today that the traditional face-saving sacrifice play never seems to have occurred to the Ds.
Of course, if they're able to oust Trump, all their doubling-down pays off.
It'll be too late for them if they don't
White supremacists? Ah, my comrades on the right.
Wait - I hate them. I have nothing in common with them. I have nothing to do with them.
That's weird.
Had they not been arrested, it is 99.9999% probable that they wouldn't have done anything. Based on the description, I don't think it likely they are ultimately convicted/plea to anything other than the immigration violation- the other charges are thought crime material.
meanwhile, nut jobs who fantasize about imprisoning their political rivals in slave labor re-education camps get paid by the Bernie Sanders campaign.
Althouse wrote: "Meanwhile, the rally that did take place was entirely peaceful. . ."
But the violent rally of the Wapo's imagination was more important!
Yep. Charismatic FBI undercovers become leaders to low IQ friendless lonely guys. Encourage them to follow the leader, then become MSM heroes for arresting them.
The FBI guys not just there listening. They are the ones the dummies latch on to as their leader. Wanting to impress, the dumbs agree with every escalation and make up some of their own.
probably, there are a whole lot of ellipses, in that statement, which might provide context,
remember that ex coast guardsmen, who wanted to be a one man hit team, what came of that,
I would hazard a guess that a survey of the 2nd Amendment rally attendees would show a big overlap with those who attended the Tea Party rallies.
Both groups are for law and order, respect for the country, personal responsibility, and support of the Constitution. They also pick up their own trash, like good citizens do. That is part of being responsible.
Of course, the media wants to trash and defame both groups. Spreading false stories about extremism and trying to put the groups into a racist and white supremacist box. The media can't stand it when the anticipated death and destruction doesn't happen.
Sorry to be such a disappointment /S
Do you still think Northam was hoping for violence, rather than fearing it? Don't you think it is virtually certain that the activities of the folks who were arrested and those like them were reported to him?
More generally, it seems to me that this is another blot on cruel neutrality--where is your cynicism as applied to our President and his minions, including say, Alan Dershowitz?
It's amazing how negative the reputation of the FBI is in the comments. The publicity on the actions against Trump that the FBI was in the middle of, has taken a huge toll on the FBI's reputation. It's going to get worse after Durham's report, and hopefully Trump's second term will get a leader of the FBI that can fix the deep state issues in the FBI.
I'm still amazed the US Court System allows the Police to lie to you. This is so unethical, and the path of the end justifies the means.
Same with Judicial and Qualified Immunity. These are just good intentions, that lead to the road to hell.
The book 3 felonies a day is so relevant, as is the book and video
You Have the Right to Remain Innocent Video - James Duane
“It's amazing how negative the reputation of the FBI is in the comments. The publicity on the actions against Trump that the FBI was in the middle of, has taken a huge toll on the FBI's reputation. It's going to get worse after Durham's report, and hopefully Trump's second term will get a leader of the FBI that can fix the deep state issues in the FBI.”
Last night we were watching the end of the latest episode of FBI. At the end, the SAC was asked by a former mentor of hers, now retired, to look the other way concerning $1m of drug monies that he had justifiably seized, but not turned over. My comment to my partner was, that since the purpose of the show is to rebuild the Bureau’s reputation, the last thing that she would do, was look the other way. And, of course, I was right. As she walked out of his hospital room, two other agents walked in and cuffed him to his hospital bed.
Do you still think Northam was hoping for violence, rather than fearing it?
Yes. This is evidenced by the observed lack of police presence at th Ed event.
Don't you think it is virtually certain that the activities of the folks who were arrested and those like them were reported to him?
A consequence of the Nicholas Sandman story is that every conservative at every kind of rally is aware that provocateurs attend conservative rallies and seek to incite violence or violent talk. It used to be only prolife rallies where you got all kinds of warnings about provocation. Now everyone knows that the media will lie about any slight variation caused by these provocateurs and escalate your rally into a Nuremberg rally so as to damage your cause. So the chances of successful provocation have sharply diminished. People are careful and watchful. Nicholas Sandman took quite a beating from the fake news world but his ordeal helped us all see an important reality. I hope he gets a ton of money but perhaps when he is much older and looks back he'll think that helping alert conservatives to the viciousness of the media was a greater achievement
“I'm still amazed the US Court System allows the Police to lie to you. This is so unethical, and the path of the end justifies the means.”
I am still amazed that the system continues to accept and condone it, even at the highest levels. FBI DD McCabe lied to NSA Flynn in order to have two of his agents (Strzok and Pientka) come over to the WH, and spring a perjury trap on him. They lied to Flynn at the time, but went back and put in their FD 302 witness statements that Flynn appeared to have been being truthful at the time. McCabe’s attorney, Lisa Page then a week or two later suggested tweaks to the 302s to her lover Peter Strzok, among other things removing the statement about Flynn’s apparent truthfulness, which was apparently done, those changes then personally approved by DD McCabe before filing. And during litigation, that was the version of the 302s supplied to Flynn’s attorneys as Brady information by dirty AUSA Van Grack, who has repeatedly denied to Judge Sullivan that there were earlier 302s. Yet, it was Gen Flynn, and not McCabe, Strzok, Pientka, and Van Grack, who was charged for lying to a federal official.
Sound more like anarchists than white supremacists
Diversitists, rabid even, perhaps. From the left-right nexus, probably. #HateLovesAbortion
"meanwhile, nut jobs who fantasize about imprisoning their political rivals in slave labor re-education camps get paid by the Bernie Sanders campaign.”
Do you have proof that she who shall not be named is in the pay of Sanders? I wonder if her “denazification” post is still up.
well one of the original ones, was carl oglesby, sds activists mentor to teen hillary kennedy conspiracy theorist, basing it on the contacts between the company and the gehlen org,
the theory elaborated,
I was informed the other day by a certain banned commenter that it was only because of the actions of these fine FBI personnel - along with Governor Blackface - that the Second Amendment rally didn't turn into a shootout with hundreds of thousands of casualties.
McCabe lied to NSA Flynn in order to have two of his agents (Strzok and Pientka) come over to the WH, and spring a perjury trap on him.
Meanwhile, what has happened to Pientka ? Is he in the Witness Protection Program?
And what about the story that their 302s had been switched ?
sid Blumenthal's government by gunplay, came out the same year, as did a collection by noam Chomsky,
I think they made him the sac in san Francisco,
Entirely vs mostly peaceful.
" that the Second Amendment rally didn't turn into a shootout with hundreds of thousands of casualties”
Second WWIII we have avoided this month!
Deep State arrested the right scum to prevent violence. You people should be happy
Blogger Bill, Republic of Texas said...
I would not be surprised if the Azov battalion wasn't a bunch of racists. Western Ukraine is full of actual, honest to God, dangerous Nazis.
One year I saw a bunch of them viciously attack a group of 80-90 years old veterans of the Red Army celebrating Victory Day.
1/22/20, 10:42 AM
Bill, you do know the general history of Ukraine and the Red Army?
I'd like to know more about these guys. It's easy to speculate that they're just a couple of nimrods that talk a big game, but I'm glad that they're now detained. It may well be true that they were encouraged or even enticed by undercover agents; but people with good intentions would not have been a part of those conversations, I think.
Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the INTERNET about this specialist called Dr,OLU and decided to contact him on his email: Drolusolutinthome@gmail.com) so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr OLU I also learn that Dr OLU also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement etc.. If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr OLU now for help on his email (Drolusolutionhome@gmail.com) or add him on whatsapp line +2348140654426
Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the INTERNET about this specialist called Dr,OLU and decided to contact him on his email: Drolusolutinthome@gmail.com) so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr OLU I also learn that Dr OLU also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement etc.. If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr OLU now for help on his email (Drolusolutionhome@gmail.com) or add him on whatsapp line +2348140654426
Young Hegelian @ 10:52: LMAO! :-D
So Governor Minstrel and his Southern Democrat goons doubled down on gun laws today.
Maybe the GOP will actually find people willing to run next year.
The marchers know what happened in New Zealand and it’s coming here.
(Quickly writing down Dr. Olu's information before comment is deleted...)
FBI must not have google translate,
according to it 'al-Qaeda means the leaders.
“The protest was peaceful, with most of the controversy stemming from the fact that participants cleaned up after themselves.”
Imagine that ... just like Occupy Wall Street.
I was surprised to see kevlar helmets during the Richmond 2A muster.
I was REALLY surprised to see that you can buy kevlar helmets!!
So Chuck is now posting here as "Unknown?"
Howard said...
Deep State arrested the right scum to prevent violence. You people should be happy
I take it then that "you" people are unhappy?
I will be very annoyed if Lon Horiuchi dies quietly in bed of old age... but then again so did Idi Amin. Mr. Horiuchi should instead be looking at a needle after being convicted of Aggravated First Degree Murder, and so should every superior up the chain of command who approved the shoot-on-sight ROE.
Oh, and strike that "should be"--this all happened long enough ago that the peeps should be ancient history by now.
"Deevs said...
Since the rally went off so peacefully, I suppose we can assume the FBI managed to catch the only 3 people in the country who wanted to cause a ruckus at the event. What a relief. Also, what are the odds?"
Sorry, not true: Northam is still at large.
Diversity breeds adversity. Leftists need to lose their religion.
It is the FBI. I want to see the evidence first. They have no credibility left.
Plot twist: the three were actually undercover ATF agents.
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