I notice 2019 was just below normal temperature-wise in Madison. I'm digging the warmer-than-normal January. (Why no, I don't ski! Why do you ask?) I also noticed a still-not-completely-dark western sky after 5 today! Progress!
An Iranian general declared today that Tehran was not afraid of war after Donald Trump threatened the country after the siege at the US embassy in Iraq...
'We are not leading the country to war, but we are not afraid of any war and we tell America to speak correctly with the Iranian nation.' Islamic Revolutionary Guards Commander, Brigadier General Hossein Salami warned. 'We have the power to break them several times over and are not worried.'
Trump had said in a tweet on Tuesday that Iran would be 'held fully responsible for lives lost, or damage incurred, at any of our facilities. They will pay a very BIG PRICE! This is not a Warning, it is a Threat.'
Black women of child-bearing age make up 3% of the US population
Yet they account for 39% of abortions
Listen to the crowd at this black church erupt in applause when the pastor reveals what Trump did to curb that This is an awakening https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1212555122888171521
Let’s take another look at this
Brennans personal emails got hacked and blackmailed by 15 yr old hacker had access from October 2015 to Feb 2016 pretty interesting late 2015? When Brennan started his freak out?
"Oone kauha wiki wiki, sweet brown maiden said to me As she gave me language lessons on the beach at Waunakee Oone kauha wiki wiki, she then said and smiled with glee But she would not translate for me on the beach at Waunakee Oone kauha wiki wiki, she repeated playfully Oh, those lips were so inviting on the beach at Waunakee
Oone kauha wiki wiki, she was surely teasing me So I caught that maid and kissed her on the beach at Waunakee Oone kauha wiki wiki, you have learned it perfectly Don't forget what I have taught you said the maid from Waunakee"
What could have brought so many volunteer firefighters out to fight a fire? Did I mention that the Avalon is a "clothing optional" resort, and that it was going to celebrate a "Happy Nude Year" party?
Can you imagine the discussion when a tired firefighter gets home? "Where've you been, honey?" "Fighting a fire over in West Virginia." "That's not even in this state. Where in West Virginia?" "The Avalon nudist resort." "You're sleeping on the sofa tonight!"
Libs coming out of the woodwork crying over one of the most hated men in all the Middle-East.
Obama's point man on Iran hardest hit:
Ben Rhodes Verified account @brhodes
Congress has to assert itself and determine exactly what our Iran policy is. Did we mean to do this? Do we have any plan for what comes next? What is the legal basis for all this?
An Iranian general declared today that Tehran was not afraid of war after Donald Trump threatened the country after the siege at the US embassy in Iraq..
Guess he expected a tweet instead of a spanking. Bet he has changed locations this evening.
Come what may, but this shitstain should have been taken out years ago. He and Iran are directly responsible for hundreds of US servicemen's death and thousands of injuries.
Shame on Bush and Obama for not taking care of this years ago.
Is Rhodes worried the Mullahs are going to rat them out?
Kerry met with them and assured them Trump was going to be gone. The $50 billion payment to the Swamp was worthless. Iran is now worse off. We’re sympathetic. Obama let us down too.
Treason! Secretary Pompeo: Former Obama Officials Are Telling Iran to Wait Out Trump — Then America Will Go Back to Appeasing Iran Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft January 2, 2020 411 Comments
1.8KShare 329Tweet Email
Barack Obama’s former Secretary of State, John Kerry was secretly meeting with Iranian officials to salvage Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
After the news broke last week, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee called on G-men to arrest John Kerry for his treasonous acts.
Kerry was working against the Trump administration to salvage the Iranian nuclear deal.
In May of 2018 former Obama Secretary of State was seen dining with several Iranian regime officials.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Trump’s claim that John Kerry violated the Logan Act is “true.”
“It’s true. I mean I was there in Munich when I saw not only Kerry … the whole gang that crafted that terrible deal…they were there, they met with the Iranian leadership,” Pompeo said during an appearance on “Fox and Friends.”
“It’s unusual, but more importantly, it’s wrong,” said Pompeo.
On Thursday Secretary Pompeo accused the Obama officials of secretly telling Iran to wait out President Trump — then America will go back to appeasing.
Via FOX News:
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused members of the Obama administration of undermining President Trump’s maximum pressure campaign on Iran by telling the Iranians to “just hang on” until Trump loses in 2020.
“I’ll be straight up with you,” Pompeo says in an interview for the American Enterprise Institute’s national security podcast “What The Hell Is Going On?,” which I co-anchor with my colleague Dany Pletka, “you have folks who served in the previous administration who are telling the Iranian leaders today, ‘Just hang on. President Trump will lose in the election in November and we’ll go back to appeasement. America will write you a big check, we’ll underwrite your terror campaign around the world, we’ll give you a clear pathway to a nuclear weapon system. Just wait until the Trump administration is finished.’”
The Mullahs likely will back down now. They escalate more, then they will be assassinated. Putin will explain it to them. He understands how this works.
Iran got too comfortable with the US predictable response.
• shot down a US drone. • attacked Saudi oil facilities, unprecedented • struck an American base, even if the victim was one contractor • organized embassy storming • Sulaimani still moved around feeling invincible
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump In order to get elected, @BarackObama will start a war with Iran. 1:48 PM · Nov 29, 2011·TweetDeck
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump Now that Obama’s poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate.
19.2K 3:39 PM - Oct 9, 2012
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump I predict that President Obama will at some point attack Iran in order to save face! 4:23 PM · Sep 16, 2013·Twitter Web Client
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump Remember that I predicted a long time ago that President Obama will attack Iran because of his inability to negotiate properly-not skilled!
Treason! Secretary Pompeo: Former Obama Officials Are Telling Iran to Wait Out Trump — Then America Will Go Back to Appeasing Iran Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft January 2, 2020 411 Comments
I read that 3? Years ago? I guess they couldn’t wait.
Wait out Trump and more cash will flow, I’ll bet.
That $150 billion could have been put to Social Security.
All the butt hurt libs are sharing age old Trump tweets from completely different circumstances to show how butt hurt they are. Maddow looked like she was going to cry.
Meanwhile, Iraq's Tahrir Square is awash in celebration.
Just in time to bolster the Kavanaugh is a gang rape leader narratives!!
It seems like only yesterday Admiral Inga was going on and on and on about how critically important a short delay in a scheduled computer security exercise was and how it was basically Munich II.
Quick question for the remaining hoax russian collusion truthers like Inga and HoaxPPT: why would Trump order the whacking of key players of a russian client state?
Take your time and while you are coming up with brand new gibberish, ponder the Nordstream II sanctions.
Reports of celebrations in Iraq following confirmation of Qassem Suleimani's death - a man who had the blood of tens of thousands of Iraqis on his hands. A monster in the body of a human being. https://twitter.com/Mo_Allamy/status/1212918739890581504 …
Everyone in District of Criminals knows the reason why Obama's 1.4 billion of the pay off was sent to the Mullahs in untraceable cash and gold bars was so that a third of the loot could kick back to the EU leaders and the Soros/Clinton/Obama Gang's secret bank accounts. Khamenei has twice threatened to tell on all of them if they don't stop that Bad Orange Man.
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump Now that Obama’s poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate.
Well, Obama and Hillary did strike Libya with some "kinetic warfare," destabilizing the country. That led directly to Benghazi. And only you and Cedarford backed the filmmaker BS around here.
"Putin will explain it to them. He understands how this works."
What if he tells them that we'll always be able to F with them as long as they don't have nukes as a deterrent? What if they come to that conclusion on their own?
Or, is the idea that if we F with them more and more, then supposedly they'll hit a tipping point where because of the terrible pain they'll be scared such that they'll conclude that it's best for them to maintain no nukes such that we are always able to massively F them when we want cause they got no nukes?
Although I'd like it if they did, I wouldn't bet that they'll see our increasingly harsh F-ing them, and then conclude that that's a balance they'd like to maintain forever by not having nukes.
How long until the democratics and LLR-lefties add the killing of terrorist mastermind and democrat-declared "spark of divinity" Soleimani to the current hoax articles of impeachment?
adSs: "What if he tells them that we'll always be able to F with them as long as they don't have nukes as a deterrent? What if they come to that conclusion on their own?"
History began 15 minutes ago for lefties like adSs!
Hey dummy, obambi and Biden and Hillary have already taught the world that lesson in spades in Libya.
Which also accelerated the islamic supremacist refugee waves into Europe.
Thanks for playing.
Try reviewing recent history once in a while. It would truly set you apart from your lefty/LLR-lefty pals.
Congress has to assert itself and determine exactly what our Iran policy is. Did we mean to do this? Do we have any plan for what comes next? What is the legal basis for all this?
Has anyone bothered to check what that little Iranian cypher who was last seen living with the Obamas has to say about all this?
Did we mean to do this? Do we have any plan for what comes next? What is the legal basis for all this?
Taking these questions in order: (1) I imagine so, yes. (2) Yes, but you don’t need to know what it is. The one with the slightly complex answer is (3) under long-established international law a country’s embassy is part of its sovereign territory. In launching an attack on the American embassy Iran and its Iraqi stooges technically committed an act of war on the US itself. Ben Rhodes should know this.
In other important ME news: Israel begins energy production in its massive Leviathan field. Right on top of the US becoming the worlds largest producer of oil and gas as well as becoming a net exporter.
Islamic supremacists, democratics and LLR-lefties hardest hit.
Suleimani has murdered or maimed hundreds of american and other coalition forces. He was the viceroy who oversaw the suppression of the wave of protests.
Via Rantburg: ...Overnight, demonstrators pitched tents and camped outside the embassy walls. On Wednesday morning, they were bringing in food supplies, cooking equipment and mattresses, Reuters witnesses said, suggesting they intended to stay for a long time....
Is history when they filled a reactor core w/ cement, stopped centrifuges and shipped nuke material out of country?
I.e. is history back before DJT? I.e. before they started ramping up uranium enrichment?
Is the idea that now they'll slow and/or stop? Unlike they've done re responding to DJT so far? When do DJT's policies start to make the Iranian nuke problem better, instead of worse?
Major Iran protests erupted in November 2019 triggering the greatest existential crisis in the regime's 40-year history. Protesters took to the streets in at least 191 cities calling for regime change. The regime has resorted to brute repression, killing at least 1500 protesters and arresting thousands more. It also shut down Iran’s internet completely for a week, blocking images of the protests from reaching the outside world.
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE IRAN PROTESTS: Number of restive cities: 191 Number of martyrs: At least 1500 Number of injured: More than 4,000 Number of detainees: More than 12,000
The protests began on November 15, 2019 over a three-fold rise in gasoline prices but in less than 24 hours, the chants became entirely political. Iranians are chanting “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to Rouhani” on the streets of Iran. They want regime change.
Theyve been testing us for forty years, one can look farther back to noel in moore in khartroum in 1972, one of the beneficiaries of the deal was naccache and associate of carlos the jackal.
“ Does anyone know if Patterico 's blog is off line ? I just clicked on a link and got something unrelated.”
It might as well be. He has around a dozen steady commenters and he rarely posts anything. I think your LGF comparison was spot on, as he seems to derive pleasure from alienating people.
The speed with which the US actions against Iran played out today is stunning. This was carefully planned and anticipated in advance. Iran tripped the trigger today and US forces acted with precision.
Trump and his team saw this coming. They planned. They acted. This is what real leadership looks like.
I'm sorry if Ann fails to find her desired boredom in the actions in Iran today. Being a doormat for Islamic terrorism is not the kind of boredom we should embrace.
"The death of Qasem Soleimani, one of Iran’s most revered military leaders, is certain to heighten tensions between the United States and Iran."
Fox News:
'...Inside Iran, his name generates something of a split view. In March this year, Iran’s Supreme Leader awarded him the highest military order – the Order of Zulfaqar – making him the very first Iranian official to be endowed with the commendation since the 1979 founding of the Islamic Republic.
He was even immortalized in a 2017 epic animated film entitled “Battle for the Persian Gulf,” in which he takes center stage vanquishing the Americans in the imaginary conflict.
Yet one young Iranian dissident in the country told Fox News that, at least quietly, he is characterized as “a criminal,” but most are afraid to protest in the face of being arrested, maimed or killed.'
Will they now speed up or stay the same or slow down re their work on nukes?
The only thing driving the Iranian push for nuclear weapons is the pursuit of power and prestige. They would be doing their best to build the bomb if we were shipping them a billion dollars a year, and they would be doing their best to build the bomb if we were carpet bombing their cities.
Democrats & LLR-leftists now officially on record as being opposed to killing terrorist leader Soleimani and supporting unrestricted immigration into the US of MS13 "spark of divinity" murderers.
I'm a never-trumper to my core. I think the guy is a world class ass clown. On the other hand, making sure the world understands that organizing an invasion of a US embassy is not a healthy lifestyle choice sounds like a good idea.
This "revered" military leader wasn't shot down in the streets of Paris by a Mossad hit team. He was killed in a military strike while operating in a country not his own, against American interests and American personnel. He put himself in harm's way and got "unlucky". Stuff happens.
[Senator] Chris Murphy [Dem, CT] ✔ @ChrisMurphyCT The attack on our embassy in Baghdad is horrifying but predictable.
Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East. No one fears us, no one listens to us.
America has been reduced to huddling in safe rooms, hoping the bad guys will go away.
What a disgrace.
And a couple days later:
Chris Murphy ✔ @ChrisMurphyCT Soleimani was an enemy of the United States. That’s not a question.
The question is this - as reports suggest, did America just assassinate, without any congressional authorization, the second most powerful person in Iran, knowingly setting off a potential massive regional war?
That might be the most shameless one-eighty in recent memory.
@Drago It means I didn't vote for him in 2016 and I won't vote for him in 2020. My point being that despite how I feel about the guy, the strike in this situation was justified. I place country over politics.
Chris Lopes: "@Drago It means I didn't vote for him in 2016 and I won't vote for him in 2020. My point being that despite how I feel about the guy, the strike in this situation was justified. I place country over politics."
No you dont. What a pathetic self-serving lie.
If you are a nominal republican and decide you just cant vote for OrangeManBad then you are affirmatively supporting whomever the democrat candidate happens to be.
The choice is binary.
But hey, maybe you like the direction the dems are taking us in.
Chris Lopes is no doubt hoping for another totally not corrupt at all Mueller investigation into this unprecedented action by Trump because its just not fair that Trump has delivered the most conservative governance in 100 years AND Trump keeps saying mean things about dems and beating them.
Why, its just not sporting old chaps! Not cricket wut wut! Harrumph!
I see three comments here, as well as news reports stating marines arrested...
That just bothers me. How about using Marines captured. Insurgents, terrorists, the ENEMY, aren't arrested in war zones by Marines or soldiers and given Miranda warnings, they're captured.
Charles Hoskinson ✔ @cehoskinson If Qassem Soleimani is really dead, that's a bigger score for the US than either al-Baghdadi or bin Laden. He was more dangerous than both of them.
Two senior members of #Lebanon's #Hezbollah are reported to be the main targets of #USAF drone strike near #Baghdad International Airport tonight. They both had arrived from #Damascus via Cham Wings Flight No. 6Q501. One of them is reported to be Mohammad Al-Kothrani!
What does that even mean in the context of how the dems literally Stasi-ized our federal government?
Yes, when we needed to vet Trump, we got witch hunts and warlock trials instead. Now, for better, or worse, he will return to office for four more years to prove his mettle. That said, while others have skimmed the surface, created waves, Trump has at least embarked into the pool, albeit wading in the shallow end. There is work to be done on the foreign end, more on the domestic end. Still, cautiously optimistic with a center-right trajectory. For now, he has restored a working relationship with Iraqis, and is clearing the clutter left by administrations past, not limited to Obama spied, Clinton colluded, Biden obstructed, etc.
The chancellorship at British universities is in very great part a ceremonial position, an honor given to... why they chose Mrs Clinton for 'an honor' I have no idea. It involves, perhaps, an annual speech. The vice-chancellors are the UK equivalents of US university presidents.
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१४३ टिप्पण्या:
Beech? Pretty sure that's a Larch.
I notice 2019 was just below normal temperature-wise in Madison. I'm digging the warmer-than-normal January. (Why no, I don't ski! Why do you ask?)
I also noticed a still-not-completely-dark western sky after 5 today! Progress!
Does anyone know if Patterico 's blog is off line ? I just clicked on a link and got something unrelated.
I have not looked for months.
No hes still over macho grande
Maybe hes pining for the fjords:
Speaking of pining for the fjords, looks like the Iranians' Quds Force commander just became a "good Muslim."
That's a fab-looking beach as Titus would concur.
On MSNBC, the death of the Quds Force General was referred to as “an assassination.” As if that was a bad thing.
This is 2020, not 1979.
He was at Baghdad Int.l airport, was he flying out?
He sleeps with the fishes, now
The genius of vox
He never should have been there in the first place.
An Iranian general declared today that Tehran was not afraid of war after Donald Trump threatened the country after the siege at the US embassy in Iraq...
'We are not leading the country to war, but we are not afraid of any war and we tell America to speak correctly with the Iranian nation.' Islamic Revolutionary Guards Commander, Brigadier General Hossein Salami warned. 'We have the power to break them several times over and are not worried.'
Trump had said in a tweet on Tuesday that Iran would be 'held fully responsible for lives lost, or damage incurred, at any of our facilities. They will pay a very BIG PRICE! This is not a Warning, it is a Threat.'
Meet @hmousavian, an Iranian terrorist turned “Princeton scholar,” who runs #Iran’s talking points in mainstream media.
Black women of child-bearing age make up 3% of the US population
Yet they account for 39% of abortions
Listen to the crowd at this black church erupt in applause when the pastor reveals what Trump did to curb that
This is an awakening
Let’s take another look at this
Brennans personal emails got hacked and blackmailed by 15 yr old
hacker had access from October 2015 to Feb 2016
pretty interesting late 2015? When Brennan started his freak out?
"Oone kauha wiki wiki, sweet brown maiden said to me
As she gave me language lessons on the beach at Waunakee
Oone kauha wiki wiki, she then said and smiled with glee
But she would not translate for me on the beach at Waunakee
Oone kauha wiki wiki, she repeated playfully
Oh, those lips were so inviting on the beach at Waunakee
Oone kauha wiki wiki, she was surely teasing me
So I caught that maid and kissed her on the beach at Waunakee
Oone kauha wiki wiki, you have learned it perfectly
Don't forget what I have taught you said the maid from Waunakee"
Ozzie, Harriet, David and Ricky Nelson on the beach at Waikiki
Khamenei got cocky with Trump on Twitter, Trump takes out Soleimani.
This one tickled my funny bone. On New Years Eve a serious fire broke out at the Avalon Resort lodge near Paw Paw, WV. The part I found funny was this line: "Volunteer firefighters from three states battled the blaze."
What could have brought so many volunteer firefighters out to fight a fire? Did I mention that the Avalon is a "clothing optional" resort, and that it was going to celebrate a "Happy Nude Year" party?
Can you imagine the discussion when a tired firefighter gets home? "Where've you been, honey?" "Fighting a fire over in West Virginia." "That's not even in this state. Where in West Virginia?" "The Avalon nudist resort." "You're sleeping on the sofa tonight!"
Blogger Browndog said...
"Khamenei got cocky with Trump on Twitter, Trump takes out Soleimani."
Don't pick a fight with a skunk.
I want to know who squealed.
I see our permawar in the middle east continues unabated. Wasn't Trump going to get us out of there? Literally nothing he says has any truth value.
Not tired of winning!
They pushed, we pushed back. They chose poorly.
Howard, I got a treat for you...
ARM -- At least we're not funding our enemies with plane loads of cash any more...
Oh, and the horse you rode in on.
Islamic Revolutionary Guards Commander, Brigadier General Hossein Salami warned.
Salami, salami, baloney!
Libs coming out of the woodwork crying over one of the most hated men in all the Middle-East.
Obama's point man on Iran hardest hit:
Ben Rhodes
Verified account @brhodes
Congress has to assert itself and determine exactly what our Iran policy is. Did we mean to do this? Do we have any plan for what comes next? What is the legal basis for all this?
Ben rhodes who handed 150 billion over the sepah without a receipt
Iran's top military commander was just killed in Baghdad.
The deputy chief of Hezbollah was killed.
Iran's top militia leader in Iraq was killed.
The two militia leaders who led the attack on our embassy were arrested by Marines as well.
Keep an eye on all the "real conservatives" that called Trump weak for not attacking Iran for shooting down a drone.
We hate you America, sez the people wearing jeans, baseball caps and using I-phones.
Candygram for Soleimani!
Wince said... [hush][hide comment]
An Iranian general declared today that Tehran was not afraid of war after Donald Trump threatened the country after the siege at the US embassy in Iraq..
Guess he expected a tweet instead of a spanking. Bet he has changed locations this evening.
Oh ARM, what a fool you are. You are like a man complaining when a murderer is arrested, “I thought we stopped mass incarceration.”
What is the legal basis for all this?
Maybe it was just an accident, sorry !
Literally nothing he says has any truth value.
Yeah, pretty sure he told them to quit fuckin' around, or else..
Kinda, they bring a knife, we bring a gun, right?
Come what may, but this shitstain should have been taken out years ago. He and Iran are directly responsible for hundreds of US servicemen's death and thousands of injuries.
Shame on Bush and Obama for not taking care of this years ago.
“"Soleimani is our leader" written under window by Iran-backed militiamen at U.S. Embassy Baghdad, about head of IRGC’s Quds Force, responsible for special operations in Iraq and Syria
Pretty sure no one is going to be attacking another US embassy as long as Trump is President.
The Swamp got $50 billion of that money. Maybe even half.
This was a proportionate response. The guy was 62. He was at retirement age. Trump did the Mullahs a favor.
Is Rhodes worried the Mullahs are going to rat them out?
Kerry met with them and assured them Trump was going to be gone. The $50 billion payment to the Swamp was worthless. Iran is now worse off. We’re sympathetic. Obama let us down too.
Pretty sure the days of Iran taking US Navy sailors hostage using bass boats on the open sea, then us apologizing to them are over too.
“That guy (President Trump) has tweeted that we see Iran responsible for the events in Baghdad & we will respond to Iran. 1st: You can’t do anything.
Kamenei's tweet to Trump earlier today.
Bombs went off at the Baghdad Airport and heads are exploding at NBC & CNN. Weird.
That was a foolish move, friedman probably couldnt read it, but people at centcom can and do.
“Pretty sure the days of Iran taking US Navy sailors hostage using bass boats on the open sea, then us apologizing to them are over too”
Will they now speed up or stay the same or slow down re their work on nukes?
Bombs went off at the Baghdad Airport and heads are exploding at NBC & CNN. Weird.
Some people did some things. Shrug.
They may have gotten someone who’s with Lebanon’s Hezbollah, too.
Will they now speed up or stay the same or slow down re their work on nukes?
Inferring we destroy their facilities may be premature. Remain calm.
Good to see ARM has not relapsed into his moronic "Great Awakening" and imminent recession narratives.
Good for you ARM.
Hang in there tiger.
Treason! Secretary Pompeo: Former Obama Officials Are Telling Iran to Wait Out Trump — Then America Will Go Back to Appeasing Iran
Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft January 2, 2020 411 Comments
1.8KShare 329Tweet Email
Barack Obama’s former Secretary of State, John Kerry was secretly meeting with Iranian officials to salvage Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
After the news broke last week, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee called on G-men to arrest John Kerry for his treasonous acts.
Kerry was working against the Trump administration to salvage the Iranian nuclear deal.
In May of 2018 former Obama Secretary of State was seen dining with several Iranian regime officials.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Trump’s claim that John Kerry violated the Logan Act is “true.”
“It’s true. I mean I was there in Munich when I saw not only Kerry … the whole gang that crafted that terrible deal…they were there, they met with the Iranian leadership,” Pompeo said during an appearance on “Fox and Friends.”
“It’s unusual, but more importantly, it’s wrong,” said Pompeo.
On Thursday Secretary Pompeo accused the Obama officials of secretly telling Iran to wait out President Trump — then America will go back to appeasing.
Via FOX News:
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused members of the Obama administration of undermining President Trump’s maximum pressure campaign on Iran by telling the Iranians to “just hang on” until Trump loses in 2020.
“I’ll be straight up with you,” Pompeo says in an interview for the American Enterprise Institute’s national security podcast “What The Hell Is Going On?,” which I co-anchor with my colleague Dany Pletka, “you have folks who served in the previous administration who are telling the Iranian leaders today, ‘Just hang on. President Trump will lose in the election in November and we’ll go back to appeasement. America will write you a big check, we’ll underwrite your terror campaign around the world, we’ll give you a clear pathway to a nuclear weapon system. Just wait until the Trump administration is finished.’”
The Mullahs likely will back down now. They escalate more, then they will be assassinated. Putin will explain it to them. He understands how this works.
Hassan Hassan
Verified account @hxhassan
Iran got too comfortable with the US predictable response.
• shot down a US drone.
• attacked Saudi oil facilities, unprecedented
• struck an American base, even if the victim was one contractor
• organized embassy storming
• Sulaimani still moved around feeling invincible
Relax people. It was just "workplace violence."
Donald J. Trump
In order to get elected,
will start a war with Iran.
1:48 PM · Nov 29, 2011·TweetDeck
Donald J. Trump
Now that Obama’s poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate.
3:39 PM - Oct 9, 2012
Donald J. Trump
I predict that President Obama will at some point attack Iran in order to save face!
4:23 PM · Sep 16, 2013·Twitter Web Client
Donald J. Trump
Remember that I predicted a long time ago that President Obama will attack Iran because of his inability to negotiate properly-not skilled!
8:55 PM - Nov 10, 2013
Treason! Secretary Pompeo: Former Obama Officials Are Telling Iran to Wait Out Trump — Then America Will Go Back to Appeasing Iran
Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft January 2, 2020 411 Comments
I read that 3? Years ago? I guess they couldn’t wait.
Wait out Trump and more cash will flow, I’ll bet.
That $150 billion could have been put to Social Security.
Trump didn’t attack Iran.
All the butt hurt libs are sharing age old Trump tweets from completely different circumstances to show how butt hurt they are. Maddow looked like she was going to cry.
Meanwhile, Iraq's Tahrir Square is awash in celebration.
Admiral Inga checks in!!
Just in time to bolster the Kavanaugh is a gang rape leader narratives!!
It seems like only yesterday Admiral Inga was going on and on and on about how critically important a short delay in a scheduled computer security exercise was and how it was basically Munich II.
Quick question for the remaining hoax russian collusion truthers like Inga and HoaxPPT: why would Trump order the whacking of key players of a russian client state?
Take your time and while you are coming up with brand new gibberish, ponder the Nordstream II sanctions.
Via Rantburg:
Reports of celebrations in Iraq following confirmation of Qassem Suleimani's death - a man who had the blood of tens of thousands of Iraqis on his hands. A monster in the body of a human being. https://twitter.com/Mo_Allamy/status/1212918739890581504 …
There’s video.
Trump flexing killing terrorists by tweeting out a picture of an American flag is the best part of this evening.
Are you not entertained?
Everyone in District of Criminals knows the reason why Obama's 1.4 billion of the pay off was sent to the Mullahs in untraceable cash and gold bars was so that a third of the loot could kick back to the EU leaders and the Soros/Clinton/Obama Gang's secret bank accounts. Khamenei has twice threatened to tell on all of them if they don't stop that Bad Orange Man.
Boy, that "Benghazi" lefty talking point didnt even survive 48 hours!!
Better luck next time Admiral Inga! Perhaps you should be conferring with Field Marshall Freder for your next set of talking points.
BREAKING: U.S. Marines have arrested multiple Iran-backed military leaders in Iraq - Al Arabiya
Please help promote #FreeIran2020
A few Iraqis seem happy. It won’t last, but.....
Obama sends billions to the largest state sponsor of terror.
Trump sends packages of a different sort to our enemies.
BTW, if he was in Iran, he wouldn’t be dead. He should have stayed home.
Inga retweeted...
Donald J. Trump
Now that Obama’s poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate.
Well, Obama and Hillary did strike Libya with some "kinetic warfare," destabilizing the country. That led directly to Benghazi. And only you and Cedarford backed the filmmaker BS around here.
"Putin will explain it to them. He understands how this works."
What if he tells them that we'll always be able to F with them as long as they don't have nukes as a deterrent? What if they come to that conclusion on their own?
Or, is the idea that if we F with them more and more, then supposedly they'll hit a tipping point where because of the terrible pain they'll be scared such that they'll conclude that it's best for them to maintain no nukes such that we are always able to massively F them when we want cause they got no nukes?
Although I'd like it if they did, I wouldn't bet that they'll see our increasingly harsh F-ing them, and then conclude that that's a balance they'd like to maintain forever by not having nukes.
I dunno.
-marines have arrested multiple Iran-backed mil leaders in iraq
-NXIVM Sex Cult Leader Keith Ranier Faces Life Imprisonment
(iirc, the sentencing was delayed-- is he spilling beans? Could be quite juicy)
-Brian Cate's pep talk for the new year:
How long until the democratics and LLR-lefties add the killing of terrorist mastermind and democrat-declared "spark of divinity" Soleimani to the current hoax articles of impeachment?
Hillary Clinton appointed chancellor of Queen's University, Belfast
adSs: "What if he tells them that we'll always be able to F with them as long as they don't have nukes as a deterrent? What if they come to that conclusion on their own?"
History began 15 minutes ago for lefties like adSs!
Hey dummy, obambi and Biden and Hillary have already taught the world that lesson in spades in Libya.
Which also accelerated the islamic supremacist refugee waves into Europe.
Thanks for playing.
Try reviewing recent history once in a while. It would truly set you apart from your lefty/LLR-lefty pals.
Congress has to assert itself and determine exactly what our Iran policy is. Did we mean to do this? Do we have any plan for what comes next? What is the legal basis for all this?
Has anyone bothered to check what that little Iranian cypher who was last seen living with the Obamas has to say about all this?
Seeing Red said...Hillary Clinton appointed chancellor of Queen's University, Belfast
You mean the town where Titanic was built?
Did we mean to do this? Do we have any plan for what comes next? What is the legal basis for all this?
Taking these questions in order: (1) I imagine so, yes. (2) Yes, but you don’t need to know what it is. The one with the slightly complex answer is (3) under long-established international law a country’s embassy is part of its sovereign territory. In launching an attack on the American embassy Iran and its Iraqi stooges technically committed an act of war on the US itself. Ben Rhodes should know this.
In other important ME news: Israel begins energy production in its massive Leviathan field. Right on top of the US becoming the worlds largest producer of oil and gas as well as becoming a net exporter.
Islamic supremacists, democratics and LLR-lefties hardest hit.
Suleimani has murdered or maimed hundreds of american and other coalition forces. He was the viceroy who oversaw the suppression of the wave of protests.
Via Rantburg: ...Overnight, demonstrators pitched tents and camped outside the embassy walls. On Wednesday morning, they were bringing in food supplies, cooking equipment and mattresses, Reuters witnesses said, suggesting they intended to stay for a long time....
Seems they were in for the long haul.
Is history when they filled a reactor core w/ cement, stopped centrifuges and shipped nuke material out of country?
I.e. is history back before DJT? I.e. before they started ramping up uranium enrichment?
Is the idea that now they'll slow and/or stop? Unlike they've done re responding to DJT so far? When do DJT's policies start to make the Iranian nuke problem better, instead of worse?
Also via Rantburg:
Major Iran protests erupted in November 2019 triggering the greatest existential crisis in the regime's 40-year history. Protesters took to the streets in at least 191 cities calling for regime change. The regime has resorted to brute repression, killing at least 1500 protesters and arresting thousands more. It also shut down Iran’s internet completely for a week, blocking images of the protests from reaching the outside world.
Number of restive cities: 191
Number of martyrs: At least 1500
Number of injured: More than 4,000
Number of detainees: More than 12,000
The protests began on November 15, 2019 over a three-fold rise in gasoline prices but in less than 24 hours, the chants became entirely political. Iranians are chanting “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to Rouhani” on the streets of Iran. They want regime change.
Only 1 policy will make it better: submit.
Theyve been testing us for forty years, one can look farther back to noel in moore in khartroum in 1972, one of the beneficiaries of the deal was naccache and associate of carlos the jackal.
anti-de Sitter space: "Drago,
Is history when they filled a reactor core w/ cement, stopped centrifuges and shipped nuke material out of country?"
Playing dumb is probably your best move here.
Gadaffi was going along with all US requirements related to weapons systems and what did your heroes do?
Had him removed from power and thrown to libyan islamic supremacist wolves.
Hillary quote: "We came. We saw. He died" (cue mad Hillary cackle)
That lesson was lost on.....no one.
But I get it. This is bad for the dems so its important to you to find something, anything, to cling to......bitterly.
“ Does anyone know if Patterico 's blog is off line ? I just clicked on a link and got something unrelated.”
It might as well be. He has around a dozen steady commenters and he rarely posts anything. I think your LGF comparison was spot on, as he seems to derive pleasure from alienating people.
Seeing Red said...Hillary Clinton appointed chancellor of Queen's University, Belfast
She can hold office hours down the pub behind a bottle of Bushmills.
The speed with which the US actions against Iran played out today is stunning. This was carefully planned and anticipated in advance. Iran tripped the trigger today and US forces acted with precision.
Trump and his team saw this coming. They planned. They acted. This is what real leadership looks like.
Keep an eye on all the "real conservatives" that called Trump weak for not attacking Iran for shooting down a drone.“
Brother, you nailed it!
Is aggressive and competent defense of America's interests an impeachable offense?
Well at least were talking about real things, not peach mint, which has nothing to do with anything.
I'm sorry if Ann fails to find her desired boredom in the actions in Iran today. Being a doormat for Islamic terrorism is not the kind of boredom we should embrace.
“ Did we mean to do this? Do we have any plan for what comes next? What is the legal basis for all this?”
Young Ben “Dirty” Rhodes asks these questions? Why, it’s as if he literally knows nothing.
lots of stuff from these 2 {in your spare time ;-) }
@CarrollQuigley1 @BenKTallmadge
Soleimani dead, Inga and makers of goat sex lubricants hardest hit...
"The death of Qasem Soleimani, one of Iran’s most revered military leaders, is certain to heighten tensions between the United States and Iran."
Fox News:
'...Inside Iran, his name generates something of a split view. In March this year, Iran’s Supreme Leader awarded him the highest military order – the Order of Zulfaqar – making him the very first Iranian official to be endowed with the commendation since the 1979 founding of the Islamic Republic.
He was even immortalized in a 2017 epic animated film entitled “Battle for the Persian Gulf,” in which he takes center stage vanquishing the Americans in the imaginary conflict.
Yet one young Iranian dissident in the country told Fox News that, at least quietly, he is characterized as “a criminal,” but most are afraid to protest in the face of being arrested, maimed or killed.'
The death of Qasem Soleimani, one of Iran’s most revered military leaders
By followers of the religion of peace?
Queens university had some prestigious graduates like seamus heaney and david trimble, but everything is for sale now.
Hes like keyser soyse, he was everyehete and nowhere, from the iran iraq war to syria and yemen
Red queen seens upset
Will they now speed up or stay the same or slow down re their work on nukes?
The only thing driving the Iranian push for nuclear weapons is the pursuit of power and prestige. They would be doing their best to build the bomb if we were shipping them a billion dollars a year, and they would be doing their best to build the bomb if we were carpet bombing their cities.
Democrats & LLR-leftists now officially on record as being opposed to killing terrorist leader Soleimani and supporting unrestricted immigration into the US of MS13 "spark of divinity" murderers.
But really, who didn't see that coming?
And danang blumenthal, chimes in
I'm a never-trumper to my core. I think the guy is a world class ass clown. On the other hand, making sure the world understands that organizing an invasion of a US embassy is not a healthy lifestyle choice sounds like a good idea.
This "revered" military leader wasn't shot down in the streets of Paris by a Mossad hit team. He was killed in a military strike while operating in a country not his own, against American interests and American personnel. He put himself in harm's way and got "unlucky". Stuff happens.
[Senator] Chris Murphy [Dem, CT]
The attack on our embassy in Baghdad is horrifying but predictable.
Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East. No one fears us, no one listens to us.
America has been reduced to huddling in safe rooms, hoping the bad guys will go away.
What a disgrace.
And a couple days later:
Chris Murphy
Soleimani was an enemy of the United States. That’s not a question.
The question is this - as reports suggest, did America just assassinate, without any congressional authorization, the second most powerful person in Iran, knowingly setting off a potential massive regional war?
That might be the most shameless one-eighty in recent memory.
Respected adversary, with the butchers bill he racked up, probably fed the maw that was islamic state.
He was for it, before he was against it?
Just the pallet, no cash.
Farmer is MIA tonight.
The Dem responses are all the same: "Soleimani was a terrible guy, but Trump was wrong to take him out."
Every stinkin' one of them.
Tomorrow's talking points tonight.
I'm Shocked!
Maybe he should have worn a disguise.
It's sad that somehow his Baghdad R&R trip was revealed.
And this corner, the fellow who thought medvedev would have the power.
You shook me
Rod and Jeff.
Chris Lopes: "I'm a never-trumper to my core."
What does that even mean in the context of how the dems literally Stasi-ized our federal government?
Some of Jeff B’s best!
Have the democratics/LLR-lefties started a GoFundMe for Soleimani yet?
Conference call at 4:30. Nap time for glorious vanguard.
Doesn't look like a proper Muslim send-off is possible.
Maybe a scholarship?
"Literally nothing he says has any truth value," says the thief of Aristotle's face whose own truth value is less than nothing.
Well this escalated quickly, MAGA! Unpeach!!
Gorgeous picture by the way Ann.
It means I didn't vote for him in 2016 and I won't vote for him in 2020. My point being that despite how I feel about the guy, the strike in this situation was justified. I place country over politics.
No Farmer, no Birkel. Nor Tokyo Chuck.
And your alternative come November? See someone you like?
Chris Lopes: "@Drago
It means I didn't vote for him in 2016 and I won't vote for him in 2020. My point being that despite how I feel about the guy, the strike in this situation was justified. I place country over politics."
No you dont. What a pathetic self-serving lie.
If you are a nominal republican and decide you just cant vote for OrangeManBad then you are affirmatively supporting whomever the democrat candidate happens to be.
The choice is binary.
But hey, maybe you like the direction the dems are taking us in.
Tell Me Lies
walter: "Drago,
Doesn't look like a proper Muslim send-off is possible.
Maybe a scholarship?"
Well, I am reluctant to speak directly to your point as it might upset Chris Lopes delicate nature and sense of decorum.
excellent chickelit 10:17 evil indeed
Trump is interfering in elections!
Chris Lopes is no doubt hoping for another totally not corrupt at all Mueller investigation into this unprecedented action by Trump because its just not fair that Trump has delivered the most conservative governance in 100 years AND Trump keeps saying mean things about dems and beating them.
Why, its just not sporting old chaps! Not cricket wut wut! Harrumph!
I see three comments here, as well as news reports stating marines arrested...
That just bothers me. How about using Marines captured. Insurgents, terrorists, the ENEMY, aren't arrested in war zones by Marines or soldiers and given Miranda warnings, they're captured.
Chris supports the attempted coup.
You place politics over country.
Via Rantburg:
Charles Hoskinson
If Qassem Soleimani is really dead, that's a bigger score for the US than either al-Baghdadi or bin Laden. He was more dangerous than both of them.
Two senior members of #Lebanon's #Hezbollah are reported to be the main targets of #USAF drone strike near #Baghdad International Airport tonight. They both had arrived from #Damascus via Cham Wings Flight No. 6Q501. One of them is reported to be Mohammad Al-Kothrani!
A PR guy was taken out, too.
What does that even mean in the context of how the dems literally Stasi-ized our federal government?
Yes, when we needed to vet Trump, we got witch hunts and warlock trials instead. Now, for better, or worse, he will return to office for four more years to prove his mettle. That said, while others have skimmed the surface, created waves, Trump has at least embarked into the pool, albeit wading in the shallow end. There is work to be done on the foreign end, more on the domestic end. Still, cautiously optimistic with a center-right trajectory. For now, he has restored a working relationship with Iraqis, and is clearing the clutter left by administrations past, not limited to Obama spied, Clinton colluded, Biden obstructed, etc.
About the photo,
Different from the documentary style we've seen recently re the sunrises this fall and winter.
All tip-top.
Ralph L.,
"Beech? Pretty sure that's a Larch."
Thank you, Dennis!
My contribution, featuring the woman screaming at the white cat:
Iranian Barbecue
Obama sent pallets of cash, Trump took out the trash.
Iran's Top Military Commander, Qasem Suleimani, Assassinated In US Airstrike
Translated from Arabic by Google
Demonstrators celebrations in #ساحة_التحرير With the killing of the terrorist Qassem Soleimani. #
I place country over politics.
Says the guy who will vote for the communist.
I must be at the wrong beach.
Seeing Red said...
Hillary Clinton appointed chancellor of Queen's University, Belfast
Maybe they don't have extradition with the US? Doubt it, but more likely explanation than her academic acumen.
The chancellorship at British universities is in very great part a ceremonial position, an honor given to... why they chose Mrs Clinton for 'an honor' I have no idea. It involves, perhaps, an annual speech. The vice-chancellors are the UK equivalents of US university presidents.
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