... you can talk about anything you like EXCEPT the impeachment. Go down to the previous post to talk about the subject that must be encapsulated and isolated for the comfort and protection of all the assembled late-night chatters.

The photos were taken at 7:29 and 7:32 on a day when the actual sunrise was 7:24.
९२ टिप्पण्या:
Interference by foreign parties
So, how cold does it have to get to freeze the Lake?
Can we talk about the smashing dominating 49er victory over the lowly Packers?
"So, how cold does it have to get to freeze the Lake?"
32 degrees Fahrenheit.
The bottom one looks like a painting from the Group of Seven Canadian artists.
I'm reading a biography of Dashiell Hammett, author of The Thin Man and The Maltese Falcon and lover of Lillian Hellman. What a horrible person. A commie, a tax cheat, got sued for beating up his mistress. God sued for not paying small businesses and left the state without paying. Spent 8 months in and out of the Hospital trying to cure his VD. Also, a Drunk.
On the plus side, he left his wife and kids, but tossed them some spare change every once a while, and wrote this kids letters. Also, helped Hellman with her plays and always payed his Party dues on time.
Lake's frozen now. Snow on top of the ice.
Great pics, Prof. A. All your stuff is good, but there seems to be a progression toward way good. Thanks.
Brrrrrr, looks chilly out there. Was cold over here today (and yesterday and likely tomorrow).
Layoffs by my employer last week. Widespread but small numbers per organization. Not sure how many in total. Decent number of sales people were sent packing. HR did the choosing - not sure what criteria they used but the leadership team was not consulted and some very good sales people are no longer here. If this plays out like other such events there will be increased pressure on the folks that remain to produce more revenue. Any good people left will leave unless they see a very good and winnable deal in the short term. Hint: we aren't laying people off because we are greatly exceeding revenue targets. Wouldn't be surprised if LinkedIn is the most visited non-company website right now by the employees that remain.
Personally I'll be focusing my team on whatever deals have a chance of closing in the next few months, while I spend time looking for a new spot. At 62 I do not expect that to be easy - this space is a young person's game.
"It's another tequila sunrise
This old world still looks the same
Another frame"
Current temp in Madison 20 degrees. Picture this AM: Lake Unfrozen.
"Lake's frozen now. Snow on top of the ice."
OK. Pays to check ALL the comments.
Personally I like my lakes unfrozen. My women too.
Venus has been bright and beautiful lately; very early tomorrow and Thursday (40 min. pre-dawn) you might see Jupiter and a fingernail of moon, and maybe even faint Mars in the southeast--if you live in the CONUS anyway.
Finally finished The Library by Stuart Kells, and Darwin Comes to Town by Schilthuizen.
(I had forgotten all the references to libraries and mathom houses in Tolkien; ought to
reread LOTR . . . is there a good audio version?)
Nah, I'll probably just watch the DVD set again
Jeter in the Hall of Fame, but not by unanimous vote. Larry Walker, too. The second Canadian inductee.
It was 8 degrees, but I didn’t feel cold.
Later, we went cross country skiing.
Tiktok apparently makes posts get progressively longer and longer so that the comments scroll down as fast as one can scroll them up.
I can read the comments on the impeachment post only by going directly to the comments. I guess that's OK--it's just odd; fortunately, there's nothing in the post itself, really, anyway....
Finally watched The Maltese Falcon after a few decades of hearing how great it is.
"A disappointment" would be giving it too much credit. Rather dull I thought and an underwhelming end too.
Expected Sam Spade to be tougher.
That first link is from schweitzers finds 'running with law review' didnt merely heart the iranian guard 'shes also a client'
Getting laid off was the best thing that ever happened to me.
replying to rocean who notes the bad behaviors of Hammett. In many other discussions/forums, I have rejected the idea that an artist's personal shortcomings should make us reject his (her?) artistic accomplishments. And my opinion is reinforced by the reminder of Hammett's personal failings. In fact (I wonder) is there an argument that his personal failings were a necessary backdrop to his artistic accomplishments? I love the Hammett artistic output; I accept the facts about his personal failings. That only makes me think that I should not be so judgmental about other artists with personal failings.
Maltese Falcon with Bogart is one of the best adaptations of a novel. Even Hammett liked it. its the supporting characters who make the film. Greenstreet ( I like to talk to man who likes to talk), Lorre (perfumed and with tickets to the Opera), Elisha Cook (Keep this Gunsel away from me, or I'll kill him!) and of course Mary Astor (Help me Mr Spade, I'm so weak, and you're so strong).
People have complained that Astor isn't a femme fatale, but she's not supposed to be one. She's supposed to be a smart, slightly over the hill, femme fatale. which fits Astor to the T.
Its hilarious that George Raft was offered the lead instead of Bogart.
Stevew-good luck!
rcocean on Maltese Falcon: yes on everything. TCM ran a series of movies starring Greenstreet/Lorre . None of the subsequent movies was as good as Maltese Falcon (I liked a Mask of Dimitrios though). And Elisha Cook rode that one role into a long career in movies and TV, as the "Elisha Cook character from Maltese Falcon".
"I have rejected the idea that an artist's personal shortcomings should make us reject his (her?) artistic accomplishments."
I haven't said that we should reject Hammett's novels and stories because he was a nasty person. Just recognize that he *was* a nasty person. Which a lot of people refuse to do. Including Hollywood. CF: Julia and "Hammett".
As for Hammett the "artist". He wrote fiction only for $$$, and when he got a regular source of income from the Hollywood, and then from Radio, he stopped writing. After WW2 he tried to pick it up again, but it was no dice. You can't stop writing novels for 12 years and then go back to it when you're 52. And of course, how good was Hammett anyway? I could write some more on that, but I have a life.
rcocean: I didn't mean to suggest that this was your argument re: Hammett. But it is an argument that we hear all the time about other artists, so I meant to bring in Hammett as an example for why we should be more cautious about rejecting the works ( I don't know how to spell oveure or ouvrure or well you know what I mean) of others (say Polanski, but we could find many others Woody Allen??).
@stevew, good luck! A question for you. How many layoffs in HR itself? I mean, there are fewer staff in the company and apparently you aren’t hiring — are you?
I suppose some day I will find a company that does it’s layoffs from within the overhead functions and not the revenue-producing functions (e.g., sales).
And of course, how good was Hammett anyway?
I read a collection of his “Continental Op” stories several years ago and loved them. I loved “The Gutting of Couffignal,” which must have one of the all-time best curtain lines. The “Whosis Kid” was a great read, too. And if I ever meet a woman with silver eyes, I’m gonna turn and tun like Hell.
I'm enjoying the sunrise picture series. I'm often out there running about that time, as well. This morning I got out at 7:45. I warmed up a little, ran an easy mile, then did 8 x 400 with 400 recoveries, then another easy mile. 6 total. After running almost exclusively at low heart rate for 4 months, I am getting to do some workouts now and it feels so good. I'm going to Lubbock tomorrow afternoon and will most likely be treated to a fabulous sunset. Friday morning, I'll run in an athletic complex across the highway from the hotel that I frequent. The last time I ran there, I ran in the dark with a headlamp for about thirty minutes and I kept hearing animals in the grass off the road that I assumed were rabbits. When the sun came up, I could see that I was jumping up these huge Jack Rabbits. We have a lot of regular bunnies where I live in McKinney, TX and you get right up on them lots of times. Those Jack Rabbits seem to be much more leery of human contact. It was hard to get a good picture of them. They are three times as big as regular rabbits with long ears like a kangaroo. I've been looking forward to my Friday Jack Rabbit run since I booked this hearing several weeks ago.
@wild chicken: at my age and the standard severance package I'm thinking it would be for me too!
@JML: thanks!
@Big Mike: I don't know for sure but hear that overhead and administration, non-revenue producing functions, were unaffected by the layoff.
Doubtful this is the last of it. I'll be fine however it goes, have to coach and guide my folks. I hired all of them, they are real pros and great people.
Crazy is relative of course.
Prestigious accommodation in NYC:
Michael Avenatti being held in El Chapo’s former cell in Manhattan
"...Avenatti’s attorney claimed in court papers filed Monday that he’s being held in solitary confinement in the “Special Housing Unit on the notorious 10-South of the MCC-New York.”
His lawyers pleaded with a judge to release him to general population in the prison, arguing he could not prepare for his trial in those conditions.
“He is in a cell reportedly once occupied by El Chapo, on a floor that houses individuals charged with terrorism offenses,” wrote Avenatti’s attorney, Scott Srebnick.
“The temperature in his cell feels like it is in the mid-40s. He is forced to sleep with three blankets. Not surprisingly, he has been having great difficulty functioning.”
Srebnick noted that Avenatti is being held on lockdown 24 hours a day, with a guard keeping watch from outside his cell and two cameras trained on him at all times."
Peaches are out of season. The marketed peaches are either bastardized, dry, and tasteless, or have a foreign origin exhibiting progressive degrees of greenness or corruption.
I think that that prison is run by a gang, which was probably paid to off Epstein. I can’t figure out why Barr signed off on that finding. Clearly he was strangled with something like an electrical cord, of which there was one in his cell, and not hanged with a bedsheet. It’s not even a question once you see the pictures of his neck.
the guillotine is making a comeback !
...will this cutting edge technology beheading our way again?
Demonstrators have again gathered, for a second night, outisde @fortalezapr in San Juan, Puerto Rico calling on the Governor to resign.
Tonight, they erected a guillotine in protest.
Bernie bro #2: "Guillotine the Rich!!"
narciso said: Crazy is relative of course.
well, all the crazy people are sons and daughters of those of us who were never crazy, or who were just as crazy as our kids. There are no other alternatives.
Saint Bernard, who grew up in near Mont Blanc, who grew up in a place that was beautiful but full of people who just did not care, was once quoted as saying that we are never right to think of others as being foolish and irredeemably foolish if we do not also think that maybe we have been foolish too.
Saint Paul, who had no descendants, was closer to God than Saint Bernard ----- Saint Paul often wrote about the fact that, if we do not pray for everybody ----- and he meant it literally, reread if you do not believe me his lines in his eloquent letter to the Romans about how ALL CREATION WAITS FOR THE NEW WORLD THAT GOD WILL CREATE TO REPLACE THE WORLD THAT has been so difficult for so many creatures ------ Saint Paul, who had no descendants, was a humble creature, with love in his heart, WHO KNEW THAT EVERY SINGLE CREATURE THAT HAS EVER THOUGHT A KIND THOUGHT in its little creaturely heart - whether an animal, an angel, an aborted fetus, or a simple little unloveable sort of person not unlike the people we meet every day ----- every single one of them was born not for this world but for the redeemed world.
either you remember or you do not remember.
it does not matter.
Of course, we do not need to pray for creatures at the level of a virus, or at the created level of a bacteria that has never given a thought to another bacteria - such creatures have no more life than, at best, a fascinating prime number, and at worst, they have no more life than a square inch of geologically interesting but completely unconscious cement ---- but we do need to care about every creature who has ever, in its heart, wanted to be loved by another creature.
Have you read Archy and Mehitabel, have you had a grandchild who never had anyone fall in love with him or her, have you every really cared about the least of your brothers and sisters, the losers in life?
It is no small thing to pray for a creature who never had a friend in this world.
It figures that Florida Man is a Democrat
Florida man allegedly stabbed and killed his Trump-supporting boss after a heated political argument, according to local law enforcement. William Steven Knight, 28, described by authorities as a “proud and outspoken American and pro-Donald Trump,” was killed by employee Mason Trever Toney following a political altercation, according to witnesses.
In other news:
Hammett was a turd. He gave speeches *opposing* lend lease because that was the Soviet policy briefly. But a splendid writer.
The 1941 movie is fabulous.
by the way thanks to you all for not mocking me for asking you to pray for cockroaches, for weasels and rats and mice and for people who were never loved by anyone. And no I did not ask you to pray for ticks and little viruses and for bacteria. I have my faults but I am not irrational.
and for those of you who would like to mock me for that request to pray for everyone including little cockroaches, who actually have some family feeling in their little cockroach hearts, and for God's beloved brave little weasels, and for rats who sometimes act bravely, and for mice who almost nobody but me respects, well, God loves you too.
Trust me.
Nobody has ever hurt my feelings in all my long years in this life ---- I have been disappointed, but that is different from being someone whose feelings are hurt. God loves the people who disappoint me in a way that would break your heart, the way a good symphony can break your heart if you listen in the right mood
Well saul was a pivotal in the churches growth, because he knew greek and latin and hebrew and he could testify about his conversion amd whwre he was coming from.
This is a link for all us, each and every one.
speaking of heads on the chopping block
Iranian Regime now Offers $3 Million for Trump's Head, Down from $80 Million They Offered 2 Weeks Ago
Romans 8:22-24
either you have hope or you don't
its all good
God loves people with hope in their hearts
God loves people with no hope in their hearts
do me a favor and pray for the second group they are the ones who I care most about they are my brothers and sisters
Romans 8:24
if you are feeling lazy tonight well that is ok don't pray for the first group
but take a little moment of your time to pray for the second group
God hears your prayers
and thanks for not mocking me for praying for the cockroaches and weasels and rats and mice
by the way thanks to you all for not mocking me for asking you to pray for cockroaches,
One of my favorite visitors to this site was a coackroach…….
Bernie Sanders does not really want to win the nomination. Discuss
are you a Mullah who's short on 'moolah' ??
... here's a way to pick up some cash!:
IRGC strategist Hassan Abbasi brags about how taking Americans hostages generates lucrative ransoms. |
Abbasi calls for taking Americans hostages
Remarks by senior Revolutionary Guards officer and strategist Hassan Abbasi, January 17, 2020 at the Nowshahr Mosque in Iran
Thats an olds strategy goes back to 1983.
the dividing line is between creatures who have even just once cared about another creature and those who have not.
well there is another dividing line, between creatures who have never been unkind and those who have been unkind, I am on the wrong side of that dividing line, sad to say. and it is not the fault of society or of the people who were old when I was young, it is my fault that i have been for most of my life on the wrong side of that dividing line.
i am a lot more humble than i sound.
on the other hand i am sort of popular in cockroach world, trust me on that, not to mention mice world, and while that sounds like a humble - and to tell the truth, almost a disgustingly humble thing to say - it is not humble, it is just what it is, and God is going to give me tens of thousands of wonderful human descendants, and God will give you just as many or more if you wake up and pray with love in your heart for all those humble creatures that were created by the same God you were created by.
Hope that makes sense, if it doesn't, well, I tried. sorry if you think i wasted your time, well there are a few insightful things i could have said about "impeachment" but i was asked not to, so there's that.
What difference does it make
Luke 23 in cobination with matthew 24 and mark 13 is illuminating
He speaks of the fall of the temple, much like many signs that will prefigure his return, but not on a particular time table, this ties back to daniel
narciso we all have our own particular time tables
that is why the cockroaches loves me so much, and the rats, and the mice -----
Today is your day to be happy, I would say to the poor creatures, it is between you and God what tomorrow might bring.
Of course there are jobs I am not qualified for, I am not the guy you wanna call if you are a landlord who needs an exterminator in order to be a good decent landlord who makes sure that the apartments you lease are fit for human habitation, and to tell the truth that is a good thing to be ---- a good landlord who makes sure that the apartments you lease out are free from vermin. Because all human children deserve to live in apartments or homes or places like that which are clean and free from mice and cockroaches and rats. That is very important.
on the other hand if you have a friend who thinks that God has never loved him or her
I am exactly who you want there to tell that friend
God not only loves you but God created you and GOD WOULD BE SO DISAPPOINTED TO KNOW THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW
how much God loves you.
By the way you have no idea how much I was offered to hire on as an exterminator. There are five or more billion people in this world and I could have gotten rich that way and almost nobody else could have come close to getting as rich that way as I could have.
But if I had been rich on any day of all the days I have lived in this world would I be posting here?
the question answers itself.
There are a lot of good people in this world, and an awful lot of them are better people than me.
Original Mike said...
"So, how cold does it have to get to freeze the Lake?"
32 degrees Fahrenheit.
Pure water freezes at 32 deg F. Lakes aren't pure. Plus, the water isn't still, it's moving around, albeit not rapidly. But assuming the water transition temperature is 32, once the water reaches 32, if that's the surrounding air temperature, heat transfer stops. A temperature difference is needed for heat transfer. So, a few degrees colder than 32, maintained for a while.
Thats makes you animist or a buddhist, its hard enough to deal with people
As I understand this, the 9 black-robed idiots have granted the citizens of Flint the right to sue themselves for poorly choosing their elected officials. Didn’t Madison and Hamilton urge that the new government must be practical as one of its cornerstones? Good grief! However, the upside is that after they sue themselves, Flint will probably be bankrupt financially as well as morally.
Flint is already fucked.
Flint Town - Wikipedia
I'm a peach mint
Quid retribuam Domino pro omnibus quae retribuit nobis ?
>> Venus has been bright and beautiful lately <<
Beautiful sight the other week, Venus over the setting crescent moon just above the mountains. I don't recall anything quite like it.
">> Venus has been bright and beautiful lately <<
Beautiful sight the other week, Venus over the setting crescent moon just above the mountains. I don't recall anything quite like it"
Venus is so bright it degrades your dark adaption. I was at a star party awhile ago. It was the early morning hours, still dark, and Venus was rising in the east. Most of the observers were winding down, just standing around talking before heading off to bed, and I noticed that every one of us on the field had our backs turned to it. It was just too damn bright.
Hammett & Chandler are probably the most influential American writers of the 20th. Even unrelated genres like SF owe them and their first person heroes a debt.
More often than not, the talent of an artist is inversely proportional to his merit as a human being. There are some exceptions. Samuel Johnson for example. I think Johnson's life is studied and written about more extensively than his works. He's sort of the patron saint of artists and scholars. Despite his talent and learning, he remained a decent sort who did lots of kind and considerate things to those less fortunate--and he himself wasn't all that fortunate. Johnson showed that it was possible to be learned and literate and still retain your humanity There might be other examples, but they don't spring to mind.....I think Lillian Hellman might qualify as a worse person than Hammett. I've got a feeling that their domestic life didn't much resemble that of Myrna Loy and William Powell. They were also depicted on screen by Jane Fonda and Jason Robards in the movie Julia which was a totally dishonest piece of crap. Commies tell such elegant lies about themselves, and sometimes their lies are accepted as the real story.
Indeed blade runner is certainly chandleresque whereas altered carbon ismore in the dashell hammett vein
stevew... good luck
Apparently star trek picard lookslikeits going to toad a wet sprocket
Um, that's bad, I guess?
"Iranian Regime now Offers $3 Million for Trump's Head, Down from $80 Million They Offered 2 Weeks Ago"
Buyers market. Is it competitive with Hillary's offer?
Sunny and beautiful day here in Hawaii except for our 2 young wonderful police officers shot down over the weekend in a magical place called Diamond Head, flags flying half mast, eviction notice and neighboring houses burned. SAD
"Iranian Regime now Offers $3 Million for Trump's Head, Down from $80 Million They Offered 2 Weeks Ago"
Crowd funding through unmarked credits or bills. They're in progress to realize a Democrat consensus, or force a sociopolitical schism.
"Tiktok apparently makes posts get progressively longer and longer so that the comments scroll down as fast as one can scroll them up."
It doesn't do that for me, but I believe it is doing that for others. I won't be embedding TikTok anymore.
Sorry for the annoyance.
You may not want the Wuhan Coronavirus but the Wuhan Coronavirus wants you
BEIJING: Pharmacies in Beijing and Shanghai were running low on surgical masks and disinfectants Wednesday (Jan 22) as a deadly new SARS-like virus spread ahead of the busy Chinese New Year travel period. CNA
Around 7 million people are preparing to fly from China to 400 cities in 100 countries to celebrate the Chinese New Year (Chinese New Year of 2020 falls on January 25th (Saturday), and the festival will last to February 8th, about 15 days in total. 2020 is a Year of the Rat). Now is the time to stop this outbreak spiralling into a global health emergency.
Once Bernie Sanders drops out of the race, he'll be an extremely rich man. A good job if you can get it. People who give donations to Bernie Sanders are idiots.
The new strain of Wuhan Coronavirus has unusually high ability to bind to a human protein, researchers calculate.
Thailand has reported two confirmed cases of the virus, both of whom were Chinese tourists from Wuhan. Japan and South Korea have also reported cases of the virus involving traveler visiting Wuhan. Philippines and Australia investigating suspected cases after Wuhan visits. The US has one confirmed case.
"So, how cold does it have to get to freeze the Lake?”
You could wait a long time for a significantly sized lake to freeze at just below freezing,. In summer the temp profile is warm (maybe low 70sF) on top to cold (39 F for a deep lake) on the bottom, in winter, it’s cold (32F) on top, warm (39 F) on the bottom. It’s like a climate system, there are seiches, thermoclines, the wind plays a large part. Sometimes the wind blows all of the cold water on the top to one side, exposing the warmer water below to the surface, (seiches) and it’s the opposite in the summer. I could go on, but basically a good sized lake is a lot more complicated than a cow pond.
It is likely that the outbreak of a novel coronavirus in Wuhan has caused substantially more cases of moderate or severe respiratory illness than have currently been detected and reported.
We estimate that a total of 4,000 cases of 2019-nCoV in Wuhan City (uncertainty range: 1,000 – 9,700) had onset of symptoms by 18th January 2020.
Chinese authorities have also confirmed evidence of human-to-human transmission, as well as 15 cases in healthcare workers
MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador - better known as AMLO - said Wednesday morning that two cases of coronavirus are suspected in Mexico, and that health officials are scrambling to confirm. He added that one of the patients is under observation in Tamaulipas.
Cough, cough
Chinese authorities have revised the death toll for the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak to 17 on Wednesday, meaning that in under 24 hours, the death toll has almost doubled.
Meanwhile, Russia media reports claim that a passenger from Shanghai has been hospitalized in St. Petersburg, Russia
Some of the most interesting problems in my college Probability and Statistics class had to do with the spread of diseases. They were very subtle problems.
At least to me, I think if I had an IQ like Questor’s or rhhardin, maybe they would have seemed trivial.
The new strain of Wuhan Coronavirus has unusually high ability to bind to a human protein, researchers calculate.
Just my luck, bought a case of Corona yesterday.
More often than not, the talent of an artist is inversely proportional to his merit as a human being.
Commenter Steven Cook is an artist. He seems "ok".
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