January 12, 2020

A Washington Post juxtaposition: a grey seal and Tom Steyer wave hello (or is it good-bye?).

A screen grab from the front page of WaPo just now:

This is the sort of visual joke we often see on Drudge. I'm certain it's no accident. The seal is super-cute, and it was easy to find a photo of the politician waving and to put it just close enough to have an uplifting effect and not so close as to be ridiculous. Right next to the seal is a Playmobil toy holding up a flag. The flag raising is close to a wave, and the toy, the seal, and Steyer are all smiling.

Does this mean WaPo is nudging us to like Steyer? Okay, I'll read "Tom Steyer is surging in South Carolina and Nevada. Does it matter?"
Steyer’s ability to transform his personal wealth into a spot [in the next debate], while longtime elected officials such as Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) have been unable to qualify, is a source of growing friction in the party — especially at a time when income inequality is a heated topic among Democrats....

“Tom Steyer is doing what everybody should be doing,” said Johnnie Cordero, chairman of the Democratic Black Caucus of South Carolina, who has not endorsed a presidential candidate. “He is in the black community. He’s dealing with the people who you need to carry the state, at least for the African American vote.”

Black voters, who make up most of the state’s Democratic electorate, still back former vice president Joe Biden by large margins. But in the latest South Carolina poll, Steyer jumped to second place among that demographic, garnering 16 percent support — though Biden still commands 43 percent support.
Oh, well, there you have it. He's garnering.


gilbar said...

the democrat party HATES ALL Billionaires...
Except for the ones that Own them... Those are fine

gilbar said...

Tom Steyer
George Soros
Bill Gates
Jeff Bezos
Carlos Slim

THOSE billionaires are A OKAY!
It's those billionaires that make actual products that the democrats HATE

Temujin said...

Oh please, oh please, oh please give us Tom Steyer. It would be the entertainment of the year.

I'm thinking Bloomberg might sneak in from the outside if Bernie's head explodes between now and July. Otherwise, it's Bernie's to lose. And frankly- who wouldn't want a President who screams at you for 4 years.

gspencer said...

“And the Lord saith unto Tom Steyer, ‘I shall give unto thee resources beyond thy capacity to husband well, and thou shall be an example unto others of what not to be, what not to say, and what not to do. Thou art a fool, and thou shalt always be the same, and others shall learn from thy stupidity'”

Hagar said...

Tom Steyer is not a politician; just "high on the spectrum."

Mr. Forward said...

We are about two months away from four billionaires having a debate.

Rusty said...

If the guy is dumb enough to believe in man made global warming then he's just dumb enough to be president of the United States.

rhhardin said...

and thou shall be an example unto others

Shalt. The problem with ending KJV bible readings at the start of school is that nobody today can conjugate old-timey verbs correctly.

Thou art Peter and thou shalt pick pickled peppers.

iowan2 said...

How much $ has Steyer spent so far? A lot! Compare that to candidate Donald J Trump.

Now tell me who's the stable genius, and who's the idiot nut case.

rehajm said...

Otherwise, it's Bernie's to lose

Of the candidates with more than 10 percent support somewhere: Bernie's to lose, Biden is garnering the most support in the most states, Bootiedge leading Iowa or New Hampshire or somewhere, Liz is maintaining support at a lower level, Bloomberg is surging and now Steyer is qualified and garnering. Supposedly all of them beat Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada...

I don't see this being down to two after New Hampshire. There's no incentive to drop out...

tcrosse said...

Somebody tell Steyer that the US is not ready for a President who looks like the Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz.

Johnathan Birks said...

The irony is that the national media ignored the Newark water crisis, which can be laid entirely at the feet of Corey Booker. I suppose if Booker were a serious threat to them one of the other candidates would've raised it.


h said...

It is still hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that there are people (Steyer, Bloomberg, Bezos) who can spend $200-500 million dollars on a quixotic attempt to gain power and influence, and that expenditure does not have any impact whatsoever on their day to day lives.

Michael K said...

Blogger Rusty said...

If the guy is dumb enough to believe in man made global warming then he's just dumb enough to be president of the United States.

I don't think he believes it for a minute. The NeverTrumpers refer to Trump as a "con man." Steyer makes them all look like fools. He is the ego trip, along with Bloomberg but at least Bloomberg has a sort of record with NYC.

Steyer's money came from coal.

Sebastian said...

"He's garnering."

Yes. But we'll see if he also gets them.

Mark said...

Maybe that's the seal of approval we hear so much about.

gilbar said...

serious question, about "emoluments"

Tom Steyer is a Billionaire, who owns/owned Farallon Capital;
Farallon operates offices in:
United States San Francisco
Brazil São Paulo
Japan Tokyo
Singapore Singapore
United Kingdom London
Hong Kong Hong Kong

Assuming, as a hysterical joke, that Tom becomes President
and Assuming, to continue the hysterical joke; that someone mentions the word:emoluments

Which will be louder, saying: That's NOT relevant!;
the democrat party?
or the main stream media?
Or, will they sing it, in PERFECT harmony?

I guess, to ask the question; is to see the answer

Leland said...

I thought whenever a politicians right arm is outstretched in front of them and slightly elevated it was "The NAZI salute!!!". Oh, he's running as a Democrat, so a simple wave is like a gentle seal flapping its flipper (which isn't a hello gesture). By the way, what is meant by the white playmobile figures marching and carrying their flag?

rcocean said...

If we're talking about this Goober, it must be a slow news day.

Owen said...

(1) When people say “garner” does the actor James Garner get a residual?
(2) rhhardin: agree about the widespread and shameful ignorance about how to handle old-timey conjugations. Thou hast placed thy finger directly on the sore point.
(3) How Steyer made his money should be etched on every screen. What a hypocrite.

Howard said...

I always imagined steyer asking George to tell him about the rabbits

Howard said...

You know I think you people are right about emoluments. They're perfectly legal because I noticed the other day that they are one of the featured components as my wife's body lotion

fleg9bo said...

A Washington Post juxtaposition: a grey seal and Tom Steyer wave hello (or is it good-bye?).

Coincidence: We listened to Elton John's Grey Seal last night on YouTube after watching the film Rocket Man. Enjoyable flick -- not great but entertaining enough with some heavy-handed slow parts.

NCMoss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NCMoss said...

Steyer is unabashedly using his billions for a "progressive" makeover. Climate change, check. Open borders, check. Reparations, check. Lego-man is a more genuine than he is.

GingerBeer said...

WaPo must have given up on Buttigieg. Their first article touting him for president was one year ago.


stevew said...

Tom Steyer in one of his ads: "I'm going to be honest with you...", does this mean he's lying the rest of the time?

Tina Trent said...

Garnering means rubbing palms with money? The right palms.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Good garnering, Tom!

tcrosse said...

With my remote I am able to blank out, not just mute, the ads that Steyer has blanketed the airwaves with. Sometimes there are two in a row. I wonder if he thinks this overexposure is effective or just a goddam nuisance.

Seeing Red said...

Close to a Hitler salute. Those all white playmobiles were a poor choice.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

And tell me grey seal
How does it feel
To be so wise
To see through eyes
That only see what's real
Tell me grey seal

Wince said...

"These are the political ads Cambridge Analytica designed for you".

It appears to me Tom Steyer is attempting the same kind of a la carte ad targeting with demographic groups.

Watch this Tom Steyer "Economy" (Trump is a con man") ad.

Steyer is shot solo in front of phony green screen for the entire web-based YouTube ad.

I believe on actual paid broadcast this ad is then edited with shots targeting different demographic groups interspersed over that template.

I saw a Steyer ad last night that made me say I don't remember that "Economy" ad having so many black people in it.

And meanwhile Steyer is supposed to be surging with black voters in places like South Carolina.

But the ad was broadcast on SNL, which tells me the message is about convincing liberal whites that Steyer is popular with black voters rather than persuading black voters he's their best candidate.

Bill Peschel said...

Seeing the ads, I was more focused on the jihadi waving the axe (sure looks like it to me) next to Steyner than the cute seal.

It certainly aligns with his politics. Disagree with my lefty policies? Off with your head!

(And no, none of these clowns believe in global warming. If they did, they push to ban private jet travel, which affects only the Comfy Class and would make a real difference.)

Earnest Prole said...

You might even say the problem is he weaponized his personal wealth to garner 16 percent support.

Achilles said...

Temujin said...
Oh please, oh please, oh please give us Tom Steyer. It would be the entertainment of the year.

I'm thinking Bloomberg might sneak in from the outside if Bernie's head explodes between now and July. Otherwise, it's Bernie's to lose. And frankly- who wouldn't want a President who screams at you for 4 years.

The nomination is being held for Michelle.

You know the democratics think they have a chance if you start seeing puff pieces on Michelle pop up.

I don't think anyone could beat Trump in 2020 with 3.5% employment and the first wage growth for the working class in decades though.

But all the voting districts in Philadelphia will go from 105% turnout to 130% turnout so there is that.

Yancey Ward said...

There are lots of Tom Steyer ads running here in eastern Tennessee. He seems to have changed focus the last month to term limits for congresscritters. That probably plays well to the sorts of Democrat voters in SC and points west.

I predict he gets less than 3% in SC, though.

Achilles said...

The D's know everyone in the field currently would lose in an honest election by double digits and this puts the race out of the fraud range they normally run with.

New York is automatically signing up people who get drivers licenses to vote.

This is specifically why we have the electoral college and specifically why democratics want to eliminate it.

Seeing Red said...

Harvard Law via Lucianne:

Pack the Union: A Proposal to Admit New States for the Purpose of Amending the Constitution to Ensure Equal Representation


Jim at said...

I can't find the remote fast enough when a Tom Steyer commercial comes on. The guy oozes jackassery.

Earnest Prole said...

Pack the Union: A Proposal to Admit New States for the Purpose of Amending the Constitution to Ensure Equal Representation

The rare law-review article written in comprehensible English. I would encourage everyone here to have a look.

narciso said...

it speaks more of how pathetic, the other candidates are they can't crack 16% in south Carolina's African American community, I mean they had booker! harris, and for a split second Patrick,

narciso said...

that's one way of looking at things:


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I can't find the remote fast enough when a Tom Steyer commercial comes on. The guy oozes jackassery.


tcrosse said...

I can't find the remote fast enough when a Tom Steyer commercial comes on. The guy oozes jackassery.

My thumb is always on the button.