[CNN moderator ABBY] PHILLIP: Sen. Sanders, CNN reported yesterday that — and... Sen. Warren confirmed in a statement, that in 2018 you told her that you did not believe that a woman could win the election. Why did you say that?Huh?! I see from an annotation in the transcript that Phillip's question caused laughter, but I cannot understand the journalistic ethics of talking like that, assuming the very fact about which there is a controversy and in the face of Sanders's adamant denial.
SANDERS: Well, as a matter of fact, I didn't say it. And I don't want to waste a whole lot of time on this, because this is what Donald Trump and maybe some of the media want. Anybody knows me knows that it's incomprehensible that I would think that a woman cannot be president of the United States. Go to YouTube today. There's a video of me 30 years ago talking about how a woman could become president of the United States. In 2015, I deferred, in fact, to Sen. Warren. There was a movement to draft Sen. Warren to run for president. And you know what, I said — stayed back. Sen. Warren decided not to run, and I then — I did run afterwards. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes. How could anybody in a million years not believe that a woman could become president of the United States? And let me be very clear. If any of the women on this stage or any of the men on this stage win the nomination, I hope that's not the case, I hope it's me. But if they do, I will do everything in my power to make sure that they are elected in order to defeat the most dangerous president in the history of our country.
PHILLIP: So Sen. Sanders — Sen. Sanders, I do want to be clear here, you're saying that you never told Sen. Warren that a woman could not win the election?
SANDERS: That is correct.
PHILLIP: Sen. Warren, what did you think when Sen. Sanders told you a woman could not win the election?
WARREN: I disagreed. Bernie is my friend, and I am not here to try to fight with Bernie. But, look, this question about whether or not a woman can be president has been raised...Oh, yeah, it is! That's precisely the question. She's just deciding to use her time in a different way, to move on to something else she'd like to say. This is disrespectful to Sanders, who just had a lot to say on the subject. He was harshly attacked, and he defended himself very well, so this is not the time to just say I don't want to fight. She forced him to fight, so she should fight, unless the truth is, he's right and she's wrong, but then she should take back her lie and apologize. I don't like what she's doing here, and I don't like the way the moderator helped her.
... and it's time for us to attack it head-on. And I think the best way to talk about who can win is by looking at people's winning record. So, can a woman beat Donald Trump? Look at the men on this stage. Collectively, they have lost 10 elections. The only people on this stage who have won every single election that they've been in are the women. Amy and me.Ugh. Klobuchar so-true-ing.
KLOBUCHAR: So true. So true.
WARREN: And the only person on this stage who has beaten an incumbent Republican any time in the past 30 years is me. And here's what I know. The real danger that we face as Democrats is picking a candidate who can't pull our party together....But you were divisive, attacking Bernie the way you did. And now you're avoiding facing up to him and touting yourself as the bring-us-all-together person.
... or someone who takes for granted big parts of the Democratic constituency.Who's doing that?
We need a candidate who will excite all parts of the Democratic Party, bring everyone in and give everyone a Democrat to believe in. That's my plan and that is why I'm going to win.That's not a "plan." We're supposed to think it's a "plan" that you're going to be someone everyone can "believe in"?
Phillip moves on to Amy Klobuchar, who, by the way, was wearing astoundingly ridiculous makeup last night. I remember saying, before I stopped watching, "She's disqualified herself, wearing makeup like that." Meade chided me for being one of those women who say that sort of thing about other women, and I said I don't trust her judgment.
PHILLIP: Sen. Klobuchar...Well, Phillip, you just let Warren babble away without dealing with the question. Why should Klobuchar imagine she needs anything more than a cue that it's her turn to speak?
KLOBUCHAR: Thank you.
PHILLIP: Sen. Klobuchar, what do you say to people who don't...
KLOBUCHAR: Thank you, Elizabeth.
PHILLIP: Sen. Klobuchar, what do you say...
KLOBUCHAR: I would like to point out...
PHILLIP: Sen. Klobuchar, let me finish my question.
PHILLIP: What do you say to people who...Hah! She explains what's pretty close to a correct interpretation of the level of the questioning from CNN.
KLOBUCHAR: I thought it was such an open-end — I wasn't at the meeting, so I can't comment, but I was going to say...
PHILLIP: What do you say to people who say that a woman can't win this election?Whoa! Phillip does it again! She assumes the very question in controversy, that there are "people who say that a woman can't win this election," and that has to mean Bernie, because no one else is accused of saying that. No one! Phillip is a piece of work. So the bullshit question to Klobuchar is what to say to a person who asserts something that no one is asserting publicly? Who needs an answer to that? Klobuchar should be asked: Do you believe Bernie said what he's accused of, and what would you say to voters who think that either Bernie or Warren is lying and that one of them is therefore unsuited to be President?
KLOBUCHAR: I hear that. People have said it. That's why I've addressed it from this stage. I point out that you don't have to be the tallest person in the room. James Madison was 5'4". You don't have to be the skinniest person in the room. You don't have to be the loudest person. You have to be competent. And when you look at the facts, Michigan has a woman governor right now and she beat a Republican, Gretchen Whitmer. Kansas has a woman governor right now and she beat Kris Kobach. And her name is — I'm very proud to know her, and her name is Governor Kelly. Thank you. Third...There was no "first" and "second," but okay.
... I would add to this, you have to be competent to win and you have to know what you're doing. And when you look at what I have done, I have won every race, every place, every time. I have won in the reddest of districts. I have won in the suburban areas, in the rural areas. I have brought people with me. That is why I have the most endorsements of current Iowa legislators and former Iowa legislators in this race.This isn't even an answer to the question of what to say to people who can't picture a woman beating Trump in the presidential election. Some women have been elected governor in some states. President is quite another matter, and Trump is a unique opponent.
PHILLIP: Thank you.Oh! No follow-up at all. No you didn't answer the question (the too-easy question). Just "Thank you." Ridiculous!
KLOBUCHAR: Because they know I bring people with me. And finally, every single person...Warren is interrupting Sanders during his time to respond and she's pointing out that she checked the facts beforehand and chose the number 30 so that Sanders wouldn't fit into the set of persons she wanted to refer to. Are we supposed to find that funny... or jackassery?
PHILLIP: Thank you, Sen. Klobuchar.
KLOBUCHAR: ... that I have beaten, my Republican opponents, have gotten out of politics for good. And I think — I think that sounds pretty good. I think that sounds pretty good with the guy we have in the White House right now.
PHILLIP: Sen. Sanders, you can respond.
SANDERS: Well, just to set the record straight, I defeated an incumbent Republican running for Congress.
SANDERS: Nineteen-ninety. That's how I won, beat a republican congressman. Number two...
WARREN: Thirty years ago.
SANDERS: ... of course, I don't think there's any debate up here...
WARREN: Wasn't it 30 years ago?
SANDERS: I beat an incumbent Republican congressman.
WARREN: And I said I was the only one who's beaten an incumbent Republican in 30 years.
SANDERS: Well, 30 years ago is 1990, as a matter of fact. But I don't know that that's the major issue of the day.What? The arithmetic? I think it's a swell issue right now, because Warren tried to be so clever and she actually got it wrong!
I think what the major issue of the day is — let's — does anybody in their right mind think that a woman cannot be elected president? That's — nobody believes that. Of — Hillary Clinton got 3 million votes, more votes than Trump. So who believes that a woman can't win? Of course, a woman can win. But the real question is, how do we beat Trump? And the only way we beat Trump is by a campaign of energy and excitement and a campaign that has, by far, the largest voter turnout in the history of this country. And I believe that our campaign has the strongest grassroots movement...Oh! Of course, Phillip gives Warren the last word.
PHILLIP: Thank you.
SANDERS: We have been endorsed by many grassroots organizations...
PHILLIP: Sen. Warren —
SANDERS: That's why...
PHILLIP: Sen. Warren, I want to give you the final word.
WARREN: So I do think it's the right question, "How do we beat Trump?"Well, that was clever. She wanted to change the subject, and Sanders offered how to beat Trump as the better subject, and, given more time, she goes right there.
WARREN: And here's the thing. Since Donald Trump was elected, women candidates have out-performed men candidates in competitive races. And in 2018, we took back the House; we took back statehouses, because of women candidates and women voters. Look, don't deny that the question is there. Back in the 1960s, people asked, "Could a Catholic win?" Back in 2008, people asked if an African-American could win. In both times the Democratic Party stepped up and said yes, got behind their candidate and we changed America. That's who we are.That was an easy answer!
PHILLIP: Vice President Biden? Vice President Biden, go ahead.
BIDEN: I agree women can win.
And I have went in..."I have went in"? We're supposed to accept a candidate who says "have went"?
... and campaigned for 27 of them this last — in 2018, the best group I've ever campaigned for, in terms of competence. But the real issue is who can bring the whole party together, represents all elements of the party, African-American, brown, black, women, men, gay, straight. The fact of the matter is that — I would argue that, in terms of endorsements around the country, endorsements wherever we go, I am the one who has the broadest coalition of anyone running up here in this race.Ugh. I need a long break. That was horrible!
PHILLIP: All right. We're going to take a short break now.
ADDED: After writing all this, I read the Wikipedia page for Abby Phillip (who is only 31 years old):
Along with Wolf Blitzer and the Des Moines Register chief politics reporter Brianne Pfannenstiel, Phillip co-moderated the seventh Democratic debate of the 2020 election at Drake University on January 14, 2020, which received withering criticism from a number of journalistic outlets within a few hours for apparent centrist bias and disingenuous, even insulting questions and follow-ups, such as what has been widely criticized as a CNN-manufactured and stoked "feud" between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
७६ टिप्पण्या:
Saying a woman can't win was just one of those whiney petulant things people said when Hillary didn't win. Sheesh.
TNL, best humor on TV.
Thirty years inclusive or exclusive?
Ugh. I need a long break. That was horrible!
It was horrible. The "moderator" Abby Phillip is typical of a horrible clueless pseudo-journalist.
The issue is horrible. We all loved Margaret Thatcher, many folks here loved Sarah Palin. Nobody thinks a woman can't be president. We just don't want a leftist woman.
Finally, the candidates are horrible. Warren's staff leaks an anonymous, false attack on Bernie about a 1-year old conversation? And CNN gobbles it up.
Horrible all around.
This incident generates a real probability of breaking the democrat party into seriously divided factions.
Bernie's campaign is on tape supporting internment and mass murder.
Warren not only is obviously lying in a snakelike and backhanded way, she just looks like a jerk.
The Michelle Obama campaign is getting feelers out now.
Well, as a matter of fact, I didn't say it. And I don't want to waste a whole lot of time on this, because this is what Donald Trump and maybe some of the media want.
It would be funny to have Bernie use that line on Liz, who started the whole meme.
Why wouldn't the American people vote for a candidate who says "have went"? A larger percentage of Americans say "have went" than say "covfefe" or "hamberder".
"Thirty years inclusive or exclusive?"
Thanks for the prompt. I added another line. If he won in 1990, that was November 1990, and it won't be 30 years from then until November 2020. So he is within 30 years.
The best part is the other options.
Biden is clearly suffering from dementia. Democrat voters will accept blatant corruption. Not dementia.
Buttigieg is the end of monolithic Black support for Democrats and will make the Hispanic a 50/50 group at most for democrats. IOW he is the end of the democrat party.
There is a 5th candidate. She is vicious to her subordinates. Good luck getting a bitch boss elected president.
The culinary possibilities of chicken feet are far more interesting than this bullshit. Thank you the diversity of topics, Ann.
Antifa are thrilled with this weird bunch.
I wouldn't get too excited about which weirdo the left will pick. In the end, The left will rally around the sacred D candidate. Spin the bottle. Nobody cares. Punitive taxation and Free stuff! + lots of bowing and money for the Mullahs.
+ open borders and vote fraud.
Thatcher-Reagan 2020.
Berno: I don't want to waste a whole lot of time on this, because Truuuuummmp!
Kinda looks like some questions were leaked so they had to stick to the script.
Pence rule around Abby.
like ghidra vs rodan,
We should NOT be discussing this because the Republicans will POUNCE!
Of course a woman can be President. What the public wants to know, NEEDS to know is if a trans woman [who still has her man-berries] were to win, does that still count as a woman winning or would she(?) get an asterisk next to her name, like Trump NOW has an asterisk next to his name?
Where are our legal experts?!? We need a ruling!
It would have been funny if Abby donned a pussy hat off-camera between questioning Berno and Lizzy.
Bleach bit beat me to it. I would have voted for Thatcher in a new york minute.
Thatcher was the prediction of Reagan just as Palin was the predictor of Trump.
The GOPe went after her almost as viciously as the Dims. Nicole Wallace was the agent assigned by the Deep State in the McCain campaign to destroy her. I still remember how she and her husband wanted to campaign in Michigan late in the Campaign and were told not to do so.
I was surprised I didn't see a post on Althouse today about Burnie's Boys and their blazing bravado for breaking and blazing in Milwaukee as captured by Project Veritas. That was just part 1 so more will be forthcoming...maybe once the whole series is released.
After those little tidbits I'm all in for Biden or Warren. No other reason than I really want the proof they will. At this point, we genuinely want them to provide a reason. Really hoping they won't puss-out.
Bernie should have said “I never said A woman couldn’t be elected, I said THIS woman (pointing at Warren) couldn’t be elected”. I would have respected him for that
The Dem candidates are really vapid little lilliputians
Meanwhile, all that genderisming pissing off TQ+/#!* folk.
Maybe that's what Berno said to her at the end.
The Wiki entry, probably modified by a Bernie supporter, still misses the point- this wasn't a "a CNN-manufactured.....feud"- this story had to have been initiated by the Warren Campaign, and it is all but certain to have been initiated by Warren herself. What Warren has tried to do for the last two days is to create some sort of plausible deniability about being involved in this, but the tactic is just moronic.
This is CNN. There's really no more comment required.
But I will!
Elizabeth Warren notes that she's the only Dem to beat a Republican incumbent. True. But...that happened in Massachusetts where Republicans are typically not allowed outdoor during daylight hours. Scott Brown was who she beat. Brown won his seat in an open election after Sen. Ted Kennedy was finally called up to answer for his actions in life. And Brown was only allowed to win because his opponent, Martha Coakley was so awful, the people of Massachusetts decided to allow Republicans to go out during that particular day- one day only- to vote. That was a one-time thing in Mass. It'll never happen again. Gov. Charlie Baker isn't even allowed outside- as a penalty for winning an election. No wait...two elections. Two elections? How did this happen? He must be a Susan Collins type of 'Republican'.
Think I'm making this up? See if you can find any Republican on the staff at Harvard, Boston College, Wellesley, or Brandeis.
I would really like Sanders to tell Warren to eat a bag of dicks.
they could melt like the ghouls in the omega man,
Bernie's rape fantasies - ever read em? ooo makes grab em by the pussy seem tame.
... but I cannot understand the journalistic ethics of talking like that, assuming the very fact about which there is a controversy and in the face of Sanders's adamant denial.
In my right hand I hold a copy of the syllabus of the ethics class at the Columbia School of Journalism (it’s a sheet of paper blank on both sides).
Being a typical blue collar ,old school, low class American man, I hafta comment on the ladies appearance. 'twas obviously her moment to shine in national media and she put a whole lotta effort into looking as attractive as possible. Interesting in what, in her mind, that entails.
Without looking, I remember bright red lipstick, flowing long dark hair over her left bosom and partially over her left forehead.Very smooth layered make-up
Maybe an audition for a tv news slot. Would make sense for her to take advantage of the situation.
Obviously she was not intelligent enough to abandon her script and is now being laughed at nationally.
Bernie's rape fantasies - ever read em? ooo makes grab em by the pussy seem tame.
Forgot about that. If Warren really serious, that old book(s?) should be making appearance through surrogates. After all, the talk about child care and women presidents is aimed at the ladies.
And the only person on this stage who has beaten an incumbent Republican any time in the past 30 years is me. And the only person on this stage who has beaten an incumbent Republican any time in the past 30 years is me.
When Warren said that, I thought immediately that there was something fishy about the "30 years".
I can only say that over on Reddit people are absolutely furious with both CNN and Warren. It seems to me that Warren truly is finished after this little incident.
As for CNN... well they've had absolutely zero credibility with all Trump supporters for a very long time now obviously. But they were able to maintain at least a tiny amount of viewership based on becoming the 24/7 full-on Trump-Derrangement channel. But now they seem to have really stepped in it. Many lefties are now demadning that the DNC should stop letting CNN host debates all together.
This is truly a bessed day for those who would enjoy seeing CNN crash into flames. And as for the Dem candidate intercine warfare, go long on popcorn futures.
Because Warren is the fresh young upstart.
Abby has a B.A. from Harvard.
"her name is Governor Kelly"
Isn't Governor a man's name?
good news everybody,
Hey, Abby. When did you stop beating your wife?
I cannot understand the journalistic ethics of talking like that, assuming the very fact about which there is a controversy and in the face of Sanders's adamant denial.
There once was a time when journalists had ethics.
Now it is all about serving the interests of the Progressive Democrat party.
Those interests apparently involve getting Bernie out of the race. Dems could count in their super delegates to do it in 2016. Now they need all hands on board in the media.
dix is right. But there’s a larger issue here. Based on what I hear from conservative women I know, conservative women have not forgotten the treatment of Sarah Palin at the hands of liberal women twelve years ago.
"I thought immediately that there was something fishy about the "30 years".
She would have gotten away with it if she'd said "31 years", but that would have smelled even worse.
This was the first debate I watched in this election race.
I had never seen or heard about Phillip before. She impressed me very positively.
I did not notice when she said tendentiously, "what did you [Warren] think when Sen. Sanders told you a woman could not win the election?"
Phillip was a superb moderator. I think she unintentionally misspoke that one question.
Strike that. "29 years". I forgot which way time works.
Slow Garampa Joe campaigned for binders full of women.
The young lefties at Vox believe that Biden won the debate by doing nothing, and letting the also-rans squabble over trivial matters.
Sounds about right to me.
These Dem candidates are a joke. But the joke will be on us, if they ever get power.
Amy Klobuchar ... was wearing astoundingly ridiculous makeup last night
This was my first time watching Klobuchar speak.
Her answers were meandering, with many irrelevancies. On her every answer, she talked far beyond her allowed time and ignored the moderators' calls to stop talking. When she rudely continued talking, she was not completing a thought; rather, she was adding new thoughts.
Also, her appearance was messy. She had stray hairs, and her clothing was odd.
Her eyebrows are misaligned. (I did not think that is a makeup problem.)
I suppose I agree with her politics more than with the other candidates' politics. However, she made, by far, the worst impression on me.
Althouse complains that Phillip did not ask follow-up questions.
Phillip asked tough, challenging questions and then let the candidates themselves debate each other. Phillip herself did not argue with the candidates.
I thought both of the women moderators were superb. Wolf Blitzer was just OK.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Antifa are thrilled with this weird bunch."
Antifa and "Lifelong republicans" (LLR's)
the seventh Democratic debate ... received withering criticism from a number of journalistic outlets within a few hours for apparent centrist bias and disingenuous, even insulting questions and follow-ups
I thought the questions generally were tough and challenging.
That seems to be the apparent centrist bias.
"Mike Sylwester said...
This was the first debate I watched in this election race.
I had never seen or heard about Phillip before. She impressed me very positively.
I did not notice when she said tendentiously, "what did you [Warren] think when Sen. Sanders told you a woman could not win the election?"
Phillip was a superb moderator. I think she unintentionally misspoke that one question."
LOL She did it TWICE man.
Vice President Biden?
Not lately. He's been Mr Biden since January 2016.
Curious George at 3:42 PM
LOL She did it TWICE man.
The second time, Phillip said, "What do you say to people who say that a woman can't win this election?"
In other words, Phillip's second question did not implicate Sanders.
Phillip's first question indeed was unfair to Sanders. I think she misspoke. I think she intended her first question to be more like her second question.
With Yang and Tulsi out, Bernie is now most sane of the remaining candidates.
Got it !
Klobuchar appearance last night reminds me of angry Alejandro Sosa, Scarface entrepreneur. Been buggin' me all day.
Mathematically Warren is wrong since the election was in late 1990. So she can't even do that right.
I would like to think they are both lying but I think it more likely that just she is.
I think Bidens stammering is a return to his claim of stuttering as a kid. Pressure gets to him sometimes.
It's absolutely unimportant and irrelevant whether or not a woman can or will win the presidency.
This is a total non-issue in terms of the well being of this country.
Learned a new word today, taking opportunity to mis use it.
Tranche of Bernie's Rape Story
You can think Elizabeth Warren is lying, but the tell was when Bernie Sanders trotted out the anybody-who-knows-me-knows-I-wouldn't-have-said-that" defense.
The question of whether a woman, and in particular Elizabeth Warren, can beat Donald Trump in 2020 is out there, and whether Bernie Sanders questioned that directly or only indirectly is not really the issue. So from that perspective Phillips questioning was quite good. She stayed on the issue, not the he said/she said sideshow.
Reading Bernie Sanders's answer, he is saying that he offered to let Elizabeth Warren declare first early in the 2016 election cycle, and only jumped in when she did not. He's inviting us to conclude that it is still his turn.
Warren's 30 years will prove to be far more accurate than her $52 trillion.
Even though he probably didn't say it, Sanders is right - a woman can't win in 2020. Unless Trump decides to declare he's actually a woman. Which would not surprise me that he would do so if it would cause everyone to hyperventilate about him for a couple days.
Mike Sylvester:
The second time, Phillip said, "What do you say to people who say that a woman can't win this election?"
In other words, Phillip's second question did not implicate Sanders.
The problem with that interpretation is that NO ONE is saying that a woman can't win this election simply by virtue of being a woman. The only supposed claim of anyone saying it was Sanders according to Warren. It still implicates him by positing that "people who say that a woman can't win this election" even exist. No one says that. Who else could they be talking about?
I see from an annotation in the transcript that Phillip's question caused laughter, but I cannot understand the journalistic ethics of talking like that,
What is this "journalistic ethics" you are writing about?
We haven't had that in the US since Trump started running for President
The Nation thinks that CNN is biased against Bernie.
How's that for Left on Left on Left crime?
The big loser of the night was the network that hosted the event. CNN was so consistently aligned against Bernie Sanders that it compromised its claim to journalistic neutrality.
I kinda think The Nation is right. CNN isn't as ideological as The Nation. CNN is mostly just an inept mouthpiece for the Dem Party, not a bunch of true socialist believers. They likely prefer Warren to Bernie, so they jumped on her effort to bollox him up with bullshit.
Michelle Obama campaign is getting feelers out now.
Am I wrong to say Michelle combines Sanders and Warren in one persona.
they both have that stella mudd thing going on here, an apocryphal comment from two years ago, doesn't count for anything,
sanders like bill ayers had similar ideological positions, but was too lazy about it,
WARREN: And the only person on this stage who has beaten an incumbent Republican any time in the past 30 years is me.
This made me laugh...Warren makes it sound like a Dem nominee getting elected to statewide office in fucking Massachusetts of all places is an act of political wizardry.
Sarah Palin must be going: where was all the love for female candidates when i was running for VP?
Of course, a woman can win. a tall man can win. A short man can win. An old person can win. But also a young person. You know who cannot win?
A bald guy. A really fat guy. A guy with a high-pitched voice. A guy with a beard. Or someone really, really ugly.
We need to stop with the "Oh, we're just looking for the best person no matter what. Because most of us aren't.
there were insinuations of sexual assault (sarah bernhardt) there was hanging in effigy in west Hollywood, there was an unsolved arson on her church, going on 10 years now,
Actually, this debate shows why the D's usually win. The killer remark in D debate is: "This only helps Trump or the R's" Remember back in 2015-2016, all the R candidates cared about was trashing each other and calling Trump names. They didn't give a damn that it helped elect Hillary. most of the DC republicans would've LOVED IT if Trump had lost.
Warren shook his hand after earlier debates. Her refusal to do so now is a tactic. Proves her bad faith.
Bay Area Guy said...
The Nation thinks that CNN is biased against Bernie.
How's that for Left on Left on Left crime?
The big loser of the night was the network that hosted the event. CNN was so consistently aligned against Bernie Sanders that it compromised its claim to journalistic neutrality.
I kinda think The Nation is right. CNN isn't as ideological as The Nation. CNN is mostly just an inept mouthpiece for the Dem Party, not a bunch of true socialist believers. They likely prefer Warren to Bernie, so they jumped on her effort to bollox him up with bullshit.
Except that the Democrats Wall Street and Tech overlords hate Warren most of all. So unless they're convinced that Warren is already toast, DNC lackeys should be going after her, not Bernie
Two comments:
1) This "controversy" is so plainly orchestrated that it reminds me of the debate kerfuffle when Stephanopoulos asked Romney about states banning contraception, when it was plain that neither Romney nor anyone else in the GOP field was even thinking of the idea as a serious policy matter. Romney was caught flat-footed, and it created the public perception that the GOP was about to ban contraception. Mission accomplished!
2) On any given topic, if you were told that either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren were lying, who would you regard as the most likely to be lying? (Let's leave out the "both lying" scenario, for the sake of argument.) I may think Bernie is nuts, but I think he is earnestly and honestly nuts, whereas Warren is as cynical and calculating as a Clinton.
Klobuchar and Warren both lied. It's not a good look.
Klobuchar did not win every race she ran -- and that is specifically how it was phrased. In her first race, she dropped out when a stronger candidate entered.
So they both lied about Klobuchar, and Warren lied about Bernie, and it was calculated lying but really bad lying too. Not a good look for "the cause" of women.
The Best Explanation: The moderator is not good at follow-up questions and stuck to those written ahead of time. She is not good at her job.
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