"Parents Shocked at Drag Queen 'Pre-Show' Ahead of 'Star Wars' at Alamo Cinemas."
How good is your bullshit detector?
I went there from Instapundit. PJ Media is not a place I go on my own, and here's a great example of why I find it so off-putting.
२२६ टिप्पण्या:
226 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Fucking, between at and drag.
Another, between at and fucking if there’s two missing.
I object to the lack of talent.
I will be discouraged if my readers don't get the answer to this one. It's specific and factual and nothing like "Fucking, between at and drag."
It's an answer that you should know but could easily discover from reading the text of the article.
I am missing your point.
the preshow was not live but on video?
The word 'oversensitive' is missing?
But I see what Althouse is getting at. The Alamo Drafthouse isn't your typical movie theater.
First guess: Drafthouse (since it’s not all Alamo theaters or all theaters in Alamo, and drafthouse indicates these are adult cinemas that simply don’t bar children)
Second guess: PG-13
Ann "Transgressive" Althouse.
She plays in the NYT, WaPo, and New Yorker sewers, but she feels dirty visiting Instapundit. Take a golden shower at Alamo.
Not sure why video vs live changes the essence of the story, though the article should have included that detail.
My dogs both gave me an odd look when I laughed out loud at this.
"What they mean is they only tolerate one point of view (theirs) and concerned parents' views are not tolerated nor respected, so scram, bigots! How dare you (Greta Thunberg voice) try to keep your children from seeing men dressed like Madonna in a sex dungeon!"
Oh, and it's a PG-13 movie. My son being long grown, I'm not sure how they classify movies these days, but the '13' seems to indicate that 8 and 10 year old kids might find the movie troublesome.
No clue what you’re trying to get at, but I personally am shocked that they actually used a phrase I’ve been using as a joke for years: “We welcome healthy debate but don’t tolerate intolerance.”
They really and truly are beyond parody.
Keenen Ivory Wayans and Tommy Davidson did it better in the "Men on Film" skits on "In Living Color." Of course they weren't drag queen characters, just outrageous flamers, but at least they were funny.
My bullshit detector must be defective because I read that article about an hour and half ago then saw your post and nothing jumps out at me. Essentially, the "pre-show" runs at all Alamo Drafthouses prior to the running of this movie. Some parents objected to the normalization of drag queens at a show that a lot of children will obviously be attending with their parents. Maybe, they could put "Some" in the headline but when I read it, I don't think that saying "Parents" means all parents but some parents. Obviously, not all parents attend and they probably didn't talk to every parent there.
Thank you, Harsh Pencil.
Our hostess is right. It is Alamo Drafthouse Cinema. It’s a bar. The headline writers had no good reason, other than clickbait, to omit the word.
Don't take children to Alamo Drafthouse. But if you do, it's on you. Don't like the show because it's not for kids? You're an idiot.
I love the way right-wingers bitch about snowflakes and the lack of personal responsibility and then make an outrage out of entitled parents thinking a rowdy bar atmosphere needs to be kid safe. What hypocrisy!
When you go to the movies, trailers for R rated movies are shown, but any content that would make them rated anything other than "G" has been left out of the trailer. Parents have become trusting that anything that comes along with the movie they've taken their child to see will carry a "G" rating. If the drag queen portion of the pre-movie show would have a higher rating than the movie that's being shown, then the whole show should come with that rating, and the higher rating should be prominently displayed. In this case if the drag queens meet PG-13 standards, then parents have no right to complain, but if the queens drop the F-bomb or make overt sexual comments, then parents do have a right to expect the movie theater to advertise their showing of the new Star Wars movie is rated R.
How about "some" in front of parents.
But you could say that about almost anything.
For example "some" in front of practically any headline about about climate change. Instead of "Scientists say blah blah blah" it should be "Some scientists say blah blah blah".
Yeah it's a Draft House and talking about kids is convenient but I wouldn't want to be subjected to that either. Why what must we adults continually be subjected to degeneracy and ugliness?
Used to be they mocked you for making slippery slope arguments.
Now they mandate the slippery slope.
If you take your kids to go get a beer you thereby agree to all other potential vices.
I would have been able I presume to guess the supposed missing word if it weren't for the fact I was/am distracted by the seeming fallacy Instapundit, whom you go to sans prompt, isn't part of pjmedia.
Maybe "Instapundit is the only area of pjmedia I go to unprompted" better conveys what you meant to say?
If the missing word is Drauhthouse that would indicate a special sensibility regarding words ending in "...house" (or ...haus) which is understandable and I believe partially acknowledged especially as pertains to Althouse or Althaus.
The idea "Ball games sell beer, kids ought ergo be shown live sex shows if stupid parents allow them to attend" doesn't support any hypothesis being aired now, but what two decades from now shall we be told is reasonable in order children be groomed for proggie desires?
The complaint should not be that kids were in the audience and might see that. Its that anyone should be subjected that that low standard of entertainment. Not sure if I mean a tranny fashion commentary or Star Wars.
Just for taste sake- who sat in the company planning meeting and said, "Hey, you know what we need to pump up Star Wars? Let's have a pre-show with trannies talking about Star Wars fashion. Let's show 'em how progressive we are." I would have loved to be a part of that company brainstorming session.
It's all crap. All the way down. Everyone trying to outcrap the other.
It is not a bar, it is a cinema that serves food and drinks as many do now.
"cater to adults."
I don’t think Ann knows what the Alamo Cinemas in Arizona look like. They are not “rowdy bars”.
And...that means the trannies also spoil your appetite?
[Movies] Paired with great food and drink
"To minimize distractions, we generally don’t admit infants and small children. We do, however, offer weekly daytime screenings under the banner of Alamo For All, meant for young families and guests with special needs."
I've lost track of whether tits are PG-13 or R.
Strange, but PJ Media was right about Russia-gate all these years, while the NYT, WaPo, the major networks, MSNBC and CNN were horribly (and I would add wilfully) wrong.
In fact PJM made their bones debunking the Rather-gate hoax.
That being said, I read their stuff with a certain grain of salt.
Like I do everything else.
Drag is the gender version of blackface. Why is it permitted?
Good for Ann to loathe children in politics. I’m disappointed Ann couldn’t see it was the adults who didn’t want to be subjected to a drag show while trying to enjoy Star Wars and a beer.
"I love the way right-wingers bitch about snowflakes and the lack of personal responsibility and then make an outrage out of entitled parents thinking a rowdy bar atmosphere needs to be kid safe. What hypocrisy!"
Althouse thinks Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas are a rowdy bar atmosphere but can't understand why others don't. It is because it is a very expensive place to get drunk, not a dive bar. It offers children's attractions like Chuckie Cheese or a minor league baseball stadium does, does Althouse feel these locations are inappropriate for children also?
What about The Edgewater, they serve booze, can a parent not be a right-wing hypocrite if they go there with children? The Memorial Union serves beer, should children be allowed there by decent parents?
By labeling the Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas as a rowdy bar atmosphere Althouse punts on the importantance of the story within a decades long context: Perversion will seek you and your children out in kid's movies, before the movies, in schools, at libraries, and via social media so there is no place to not go to protect children, there is only showcasing the heartless cruelty the proggies demand everyone celebrate or face severe repercussions.
Sorry, I did NOT realize that Public Libraries served Beer
"Ball games sell beer, kids ought ergo be shown live sex shows if stupid parents allow them to attend"
and what about Restaurants? If parents are STUPID enough to bring their children with,
to a place that serves food and drinks; WHO ARE THEY to complain about wait staff going down on customers?
I’m going to guess that it was advertised as part of the show.
Now, to review the comments and see if I was right...
They served wine at church this morning. Drag is out if place there, too...
Hmm, I’m much less impressed by the Drafthouse excuse. It’s a kid’s movie and drafthouse theatres are not typically designed to exclude kids, they are designed to give the parents something to do while their kids watch a movie.
Wow this certainly hit a nerve..an a little taken aback at Ann’s disdain for people who don’t want to normalize drag queens for their children but that being said..if it bothered me I would have walked out asked for my money back and stopped frequenting that establishment. No need to get upset..just use economics to make your point.
Seriously? Most women like that are THRILLED to have a gender-nonconforming child.
Seriously? Cut out the middleman and start quaffing thalidomide. Then you can really go to town on having a special child!
Re gays, blacks - I'd bet no theater serving a black population would have a drag show lead-in to a kid's movie.
Well, not twice!
I thought "Arizona" was Nahuatl for "rowdy bar".
Interesting to think of parents spending money at a movie theater that also sells food and alcohol as entitled because they weren't expecting nor happy with a drag pre-show before a children's movie.
Would someone truly entitled say that about the the parents, that the parents acted entitled?
Yes. Part of what attracts me to Althouse's blogging is her sense of entitlement and her confidence that her positions, mostly unstated, are so right that any pot-stirring or rabble-rousing won't make a dent, no matter the volume or truth of the backlash.
It is sad it leads to things like voting for Hillary but nobody is perfect, except the guy in Some Like It Hot.
I think it is funny now that PJMedia has a paywall service option. Even funnier that those pushing the pay articles are the ones I wish didn't post at Instapundit. Like McConnell said, it is hard to have leverage by holding back something I didn't want in the first place.
But don't tell us that American families have to tolerate showing such misogynist crap to kids because there is no fucking swearing involved.
I don't know where you live but to claim that drag queens are misogynists demonstrates you have never even met a drag queen.
You really need to get out and meet real, diverse, people once in a while.
Also to claim that seeing a man dressed as a woman will somehow damage children is ridiculous. You do realize that one of the most family friendly (and richest) actors launched his career dressing in drag in very family friendly movies. And let's not forget the late, great Flip Wilson (or hell even Rudy Giuiliani)
"... but she feels dirty visiting Instapundit"
I love Instapundit, which long predates PJ Media. It has an affiliation with PJ Media, but I don't know why that was chosen and maintained. Anyway, I gladly read Instapundit every day. I never go to PJM just to see what's there (as I do with the NYT, WaPo, etc.), and I even try to avoid clicking through when it's a PJM link, though sometimes I get sent there, like with this one today.
I had a big squabble with PJM when it first got started. You can find that in the archive. It's interesting stuff!
Comments to this post have gone to hell.
Went to the Alamo Drafthouse once and didn’t like it. I didn’t like all the eating; too noisy. Also didn’t like the trailers. Too weird. Won’t go back.
Our favorite theater is the local Alamo Drafthouse, and I will cut Althouse some slack because -- per their website -- there are no Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas anywhere in Wisconsin. Hence she is ignorant of how they generally operate.
Our Alamo is a multiplex, and each of the eight theaters is set up with narrow tables in front of the theater seats. There are menus in trays under the tables every so many seats, and in addition to popcorn and nachos one can also order dinner from a limited number of choices (e.g., chicken tenders, burgers). Waiters come to take your orders, and one can also order beer and wine as well as soft drinks. It is not unusual for parents to bring adolescent children into the theaters, and have a cheap-ish dinner plus a film for a family night. Our Alamo's advertising specifically appeals to families to come for shows that are G, PG, or PG-13.
The Alamo pre-shows, at least at our theater, are generally hokey things, meant to entertain the theater-goers who come early to order and start eating before the main show comes on. In the pre-shows I've seen vaudeville acts in black and white (from the thirties, judging from the women's hair styles), weird clips (apparently) from Japanese kids shows, and strange stuff like that. I'd have been unpleasantly surprised to see drag queens as part of the pre-show, especially if my main reason for coming to the theater is my pre-teen kids are dragging me to see "Star Wars."
That's a lengthy way of saying that it is you who are way out of line, Althouse. Learn to be tolerant of people who want to raise their kids their own way, okay?
I've only been to the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas. It's clearly designed for adults, with drinking and a party-style atmosphere. People who bring children do not have grounds for bitching about how the entertainment is designed to be fun for adults who are easy-going about sexual things.
The word "drafthouse" is a big clue in the name of the place, whether the non-Austin locations live up to the brand or not.
As for the PG-13, that too is a clue. The parents who brought children to PG-13 shows are on notice that the themes will be somewhat challenging.
Frankly, I don't think "Star Wars" movies are such good fare for children. Why not just serve your kids beer at home? They'll like that too.
Looking into it a bit deeper, it seems that the Alamo standard bill of fare this month is:
Little Women
Uncut Gems (Adam Sandler flick)
Spies in Disguise (animated film)
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Jumanji: The Next Level
Richard Jewell
Black Christmas
Knives Out
Two indies films, probably tailored to local tastes.
Some of the larger cities have Star Wars running on two screens, other cities are also showing Frozen II. So it's not like they're just showing Star Wars, which would draw adults as well as kids, they're also showing films targeted at kids. The Alamo hiding behind the "we're and adult establishment" line is bullshit. They should know that people with kids don't want to see a film with a couple of drag queens mouthing off.
Yes, the PJ Media headline is click baity. But it's the internets, where everything is click bait.
And as far as hypocrisy goes, I'm sure somewhere there's a left-wing headline screaming; "Fascists nearly riot at Alamo Cinema showing of Star Wars".
Try getting them out of the women's bathrooms with all their makeup and ... equipment when you just want to take a piss at a gay bar (back in the day) and the "ladies" are putting on a show to emulate their celeb crushes.
So you hang out at gay bars and are shocked, just shocked, that there are drag queens in the women's restroom.
You are one strange chick.
" a rowdy bar"
I will add that I think there is a profound difference between comedians of a bygone age like Flip Wilson, Milton Berle, Bob Hope, Lou Costello, and even Cary Grant (!!!) cross-dressing for comedic effect versus drag queens. YMMV
I'm reading the Wikipedia summary of the plot of the new "Star Wars" movie, to try to see why the parents of America believe this is good nourishment for young minds. Spoiler alert, obviously...
Eh. I had a whole long thing copied, but I deleted it. I read it. Skimmed it. Various people with funny names get clues about where and why they should go searching for somebody else with a funny name and they go searching, find what they're looking for, fight, kiss, die, etc, and get new clues about something else to go looking for. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Why would you want your child to sit still for that sort of thing? Because big images flash at him quickly? It's like you want to pervert your child's capability for paying attention so that he can put up with utterly repetitious tedium as long as the colors change and flash. Sick! So much worse than a couple comedians on stage in drag.
...the entertainment is designed to be fun for adults who are easy-going about sexual things.
Some if those adults recognize there’s a war going on. Nay, there was a war, they lost and now they’re being flayed by the victors while trying to watch Star Wars.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Why would you want your child to sit still for that sort of thing? Because big images flash at him quickly?
You pretend to sophistication, but the actual level of perception and judgment you display indicates that you/the world would have been much better off with you as a housewife to some janitor or maintenance man.
Always check the source material if possible:
“Whether it’s an interactive Movie Party presentation of a timeless classic, a chef-inspired feast with a menu paired to a film, or a re-evaluation of a lost gem, we love sharing the movies we love with Alamo Drafthouse audiences of all ages.”
“To minimize distractions, we generally don’t admit infants and small children. We do, however, offer weekly daytime screenings under the banner of Alamo For All, meant for young families and guests with special needs.”
By the way, if you were a housewife, you'd probably better understand the difference between a janitor and a maintenance man than you now do. The one thing about lawyers I've noticed is they don't understand or appreciate what anyone else does.
"What about The Edgewater, they serve booze, can a parent not be a right-wing hypocrite if they go there with children?"
I don't care if anybody is a right-wing hypocrite as long as they don't make a big stink about their stupid opinion or try to stop me from saying what I think they are.
As for restaurants that cater to adults but allow children, I think the parents who bring children need to respectful to the other clientele and not let their children create an atmosphere that's not what the place is trying to offer, and they are certainly jerks if they publicly complain that the place isn't providing enough of a child-oriented environment.
"... they weren't expecting nor happy with a drag pre-show before a children's movie."
Are the "Star Wars" movies children's movies? That's an interesting question!
Lots of adults watch "Star Wars" movies without having children to bring along. What about all the super-hero comic-book movies? Children's movies?
Everything's for children now and everyone is a child. We even have a baby for President!
Those of you up-in-arms about comedians in drag... ever heard of Milton Berle and Flip Wilson? Monty Python?
If you respond to a commenter that is always deleted, your comment will be deleted too. Just a heads up. Don't waste your effort.
Prof., you’re in one of those tailspins you get in once in a while where you keep splitting your hairs finer in a dubious effort to avoid admitting that your point isn’t as strong as you thought it was when you first wrote it.
Cinema drafthouses are places for family entertainment and nobody’s looking at the PG-13 rating, they’re looking at the “Star Wars” which is a movie franchise primarily aimed at teens and pre-teens. Oh yeah, and “Disney.” It’s a Disney movie.
The “Disney” is pretty strong signal. Much stronger than PG-13.
I've never been to a movie in the last 30 years that had a "Pre Show". Especially one that you were forced to sit through for a half hour.
Trailers for upcoming movies. Ads from various local businesses playing on a loop. Warnings to not smoke, turn of your damned cell phone and please eat some popcorn. Sure. Those are annoying enough.
Most people just want to see the movie already. Now in the past we did have some pre shows....we called them Cartoons. Bugs Bunny. Daffy Duck. etc.
I would be pissed about having to sit for a half hour extra watching some bullshit about anything but to have an agenda filled "show" shoved in my face and in the face of my children....when all we want is to watch the show!....is infuriating.
I agree. Omitting words is omitting context.
That is the left's game. Don't play it.
Serious Question (and, This time; i AM Serious)
are there Really people that go to movie theaters?
I mean, Are There REALLY people that go to movie theaters?
isn't that what our iPhones are for? Or What, people go to these 'theaters' and then watch their iPhones?
Frankly, I don't think "Star Wars" movies are such good fare for children. Why not just serve your kids beer at home? They'll like that too.
No opinion on Star Wars for kids. I think the movie you take your child to is your choice depending on the age and more importantly maturity of your child. (Do NOT take crying babies or rowdy rude kids to the movies, though. It just irritates everyone else around you. Get a babysitter!!!)
However, just because you are at a place that also serves beer or wine, doesn't mean that you are taking your child to a den of inequity or going to be giving your kids alcohol. Get a grip.
If that were the case then no one would be able to take their children to an Olive Garden or any other restaurant.
Drive in movies would have been illegal too, since the point of taking your kids in the backseat of the car to the drive is was so the parents could enjoy some adult time at the same time as the kids enjoyed the movie..the playground...and falling asleep in the back in their jammies. Man those were good times for all :-)
Did my comment get deleted? If so why. It was a direct response to an implied threat of violence.
The Star Wars movies are definitely Children's movies. All of them. That the last one ended up being PG-13 doesn't change that, because the capstone movie may have simply had more mature themes and scenes than other movies in the series. Also, as a reminder PG-13 didn't exist when A New Hope came out, and an early scene in that movie featured the smoldering corpses of Luke's aunt and uncle.
If you want a parallel example, the Harry Potter books and movies were aimed at kids, and the last movie in that series was PG-13. Because there was so much death, so much.
Rhardin, full on boobs with nipples is usually R. In PG-13 you can get away with side or underboob without nipples or nipples showing through fabric as long as the scene isn't too "intimate".
"Those of you up-in-arms about comedians in drag... ever heard of Milton Berle and Flip Wilson? Monty Python?"
This has become sad. None of the examples were highly sexualized.
Did my comment get deleted?
Mine vanished as well. Hard to see why.
I love the way right-wingers bitch about snowflakes and the lack of personal responsibility and then make an outrage out of entitled parents thinking a rowdy bar atmosphere needs to be kid safe. What hypocrisy!
You seem to be really stretching in order to appear equally frustrated with both sides. Considering how crazy the left has been the last few years, is this the best you can come up with for outrageous "right wing" behavior?
If you like to just mix your kink and your sci-fi I recommend Another Life on Netflix. Plot summary: stuff a team of LGBTQ+ twentysomethings onto an autonomous spaceship for a mission of vague objective and purpose. On their journey, while the crew explores the endless vacuum of space and the seemingly endless combinations of LBGTQ+ orifices, the autonomous spaceship rudely interrupts with constant malfunctions, threatening the lives of the crew and, more importantly, their fun.
An extinction protest was also at a risr of sky walker showing in london, whats the point.
Dr. Althouse: It's an answer that you should know but could easily discover from reading the text of the article.
Somehow, Dr. Althouse, I never took you for an originalist. :-)
OK, bad legal theory jokes aside, I'm inclined to agree with you. On the other hand, isn't there something wrong with, as I take your point to be, a bar that shows movies not prohibiting those under legal drinking age from attending? It seems to me there's a colorable argument the theatre chain can't have it both ways: if you're going to open your doors to children to see the movies, you're going to open your doors to parents' criticism when your pre-show makes cultural assumptions adults can reasonably be expected to contend with, but some parents will, entirely predictably, wish not to have exposed their children to ex post facto.
"Mine vanished as well. Hard to see why."
I see why. She is trying to delete all comments by one person and all replies to that person. Unfortunately, she is doing a piss poor job of it so it looks random.
Gilbar: Serious Question (and, This time; i AM Serious)
are there Really people that go to movie theaters?
If you have kids and it is a first run of a very popular movie..Star Wars, Frozen etc....your kids will agitate and force you to let them go alone... or go with them (depending on the movie). It is a peer pressure thing for the kids. They don't want to be left out and so you cave and do it.
If I were forced to go, I wouldn't mind having dinner, decent snacks and maybe a beer.
I, personally, haven't been to a movie theater in years and years. For a lot of reasons. Mostly, there haven't been any movies that I am really interested in seeing. Movies are crap anymore. I can wait until I can stream it or get the dvd. Then I can watch in my pj's. Pause the film and discuss with my husband. Have snacks and drinks at home.
The other main reason, is that I don't want to be in a dark building with all those other people who usually end up ruining the experience of the movie by talking, moving around and being annoying.
Everyone to their own though.
"That's the Alamo, not the Amigo..."
JAORE said...
Did my comment get deleted?
Mine vanished as well. Hard to see why.
Psst. She deletes stuff she doesn't like. Pass it on.
Or, she could just be doing it wrong.
Blogger Xmas said...
The Star Wars movies are definitely Children's movies. All of them. That the last one ended up being PG-13 doesn't change that
IIRC, ESB had Luke lose his hand specifically to earn the PG-13 rating, precisely to not be seen as too babyish. That doesn't make it "adult," that was a sop to adulthood.
Now its trite garbage, this one has fallen off 71% from last week.
I’ve always enjoyed a good drag show, but I always knew when and where they’d be shown.
PJMedia has succumbed somewhat to click-baity headlines and faux outrage, but Alamo would be well-advised to publicize the content of these pre-shows, too.
"...ever heard of Milton Berle and Flip Wilson?"
I've heard about Milton Berle. Legend has it that he had a very big cock.
I have heard of Flip Wilson, but don't recall any stories about his cock.
Replace the drag-show preview with one by the NRA showing proper gun usage.
See if left-wing mileage varies.
I am Laslo.
To keep it thematic, the NRA could critique the firearm skills of the Stormtroopers, who can never seem to hit a target ten feet in front of them.
I am Laslo.
I dont get that, wasnt their precise nlaster fire how luke realized they were targeting the sand crawler.
’Replace the drag-show preview with one by the NRA showing proper gun usage.’
But guns are evil and bad, and trannies are wholesome and good!!
Blaster fire, but they torched the whole story arc, bastards.
"...entitled parents thinking a rowdy bar atmosphere needs to be kid safe."
Your assumption that it's a "rowdy bar atmosphere" is unwarranted.
And c'mon on, Althouse - misleading headlines are "a great example of why I find it so off-putting"? As if that were a practice unique to "trashy" media.
I don't much care for PJMedia either, and rarely click on links to it, but what a transparently bullshit rationalization for refusing to venture outside the "respectable" media ghetto for news.
For us normals, *any* appearance of *any* drag queen at a Star Wars movie — an obviously family-oriented movie franchise for 40+ years — would stir up a substantial amount of anger at the naked attempt to indoctrinate our young people.
It doesn’t matter what kind of theatre it was, at all. Parents see it’s a Star Wars movie and think “safe for young folks”. 40+ years of experience will do that to people.
There are literally zero people out there thinking “uh oh they serve beer there too, I bet there’ll be drag queens!” Not a thing.
It's an answer that you should know but could easily discover from reading the text of the article.
I read the article and you missed by a mile.
Goodbye, Professor...taking my Amazon business elsewhere.
Replace the drag-show preview with one by the NRA showing proper gun usage.
I was thinking Schoolhouse Rock snippets on the positive impacts economic freedom has on humanity, followed by Thomas Sowell talking about anything for four minutes.
I’d reckon roadhouse wouldn’t care for that...
Lighten up guys! You know the Professor goes off the rails when the topic is sexual deviance which, by the way, is implicit in cross-dressing today and was not in Uncle Milty’s or Flip Wilson’s Day.
I’m pretty sure my daughter, who is no “right-winger, would object to my taking my granddaughters to a restaurant that serves liquor where the wait staff or floor show featured drag queens. It’s really about the constant drumbeat by the sexually bedeviled folk.
I don’t think I have a cineplex near me that doesn’t serve alcohol. AMC, Showcase, even the one arthousey one left all have full bars. Beer, wine and liquor...
Tim Maguire at 8:37 gets it. Best to avert our eyes and move on.
It's hilarious you right wing snow flakes always get the vapors from anything LGBT. Classical overcompensation triggered by involuntary titillation.
It's a free fucking country and the Draughtsman's movie theater is making a free market choice that then will flourish or fail from the invisible hand. Why do you people hate capitalism?
I have no problem with a theater showing drag queens at a movie for kids.
if they claearly state in the ads or at leastat the box office that this is what they are doing
My problem is that they apparently deceived the parents. Probably on purpose. Maybe "fraudulently"? (IANAL)
Most likely on purpose. They probably thought that mention of a drag show would keep people away and hurt ticket sales.
You are pretty big on "choice" when it is about abortion, Ann. Not so much about other things like whether to take kids to see drag queens.
That's what this whole thing is about, choice and the right to make one.
Note: if they did advertise the drag show ignore the rant above.
John Henry
Between Drag Queens and the Transgender, liberal women are in Third Place in the Women's Competition of Life.
Which is funny, because they are the only ones that can actually have an abortion.
I am Laslo.
WTF. I live in CANADA, I have never heard of Alamo cinemas, and I am supposed to know that specifically Alamo *Drafthouse* Theaters are different and if I do not it means my bullshit detector is wonky?
Bullshit Althouse. The stupidest post ever.
"Between Drag Queens and the Transgender, liberal women are in Third Place in the Women's Competition of Life."
I should clarify: liberal LESBIAN women are in third place.
Liberal heterosexual women are in fourth place. They don't even get a medal.
I am Laslo.
Drag queens are no different from circus clowns to people with normal healthy attitudes towards gender. Boycott Flip Wilson, Milton Berle and Red Skeleton.
Maybe before the movie "Little Women" they can have someone read the Teen Vogue guide to Anal Sex that they just republished online on Christmas Day.
It would be educational, as long as they don't read it too sexy.
I am Laslo.
Any other Jimmy cannery fans here? The Alamo doing special preshows reminds me of the 1933 movie "Footlight Parade", perhaps Cagney's best film.
starring James Cagney, Joan Blondell, Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell and featuring Frank McHugh
Cagney runs an agency that does live Busby Berkeley style pre-shows all over the country.
It had "Republican" controversy too. Some didn't like its blatant promotion of fdr's nra (national recovery administration) which the Supremes later ruled illegal.
John Henry
whitney: "Yeah it's a Draft House and talking about kids is convenient but I wouldn't want to be subjected to that either. Why what must we adults continually be subjected to degeneracy and ugliness?"
Exactly this. It is an explicit part of the Leftist agenda to normalize degeneracy, as part of the goal of demoralizing normal people.
Laslo's comment re: The NRA is also on point. What other reaction could there be if there were a short about firearm safety, say, than "Oh the humanity?". Especially if women or children were depicted therein.
Separately, I think that Our Hostess is being deliberately obtuse (a key defense mechanism of hers) when she suggests a parallel to trannie jokes in a Monty Python skit and a presentation by or about real trannies. No one could possible mistake those Monty Python routines for anything but mockery of trannies who, then and now, occupy an uncomfortable territory between ridiculous and pathetic.
Those creaking noises you hear are the rivets coming loose in a world view that is being stretched past its design limit.
I started paying more attention to Althouse when she declined submission to pajamas media. Smart Lady.
Do you people realize Monty Python's Lumberjack song is mocking your gender fluidity paranoia and the cut of your Macho posture?
If ever there were a definitive confirmation of the notion that one should come to this blog for the comments and not for the original posts, dear god, this is it.
“Everything's for children now and everyone is a child. We even have a baby for President!”
Indeed we do.
tim maguire: Prof., you’re in one of those tailspins you get in once in a while where you keep splitting your hairs finer in a dubious effort to avoid admitting that your point isn’t as strong as you thought it was when you first wrote it.
Yup. And he line "Why not just serve your kids beer at home? They'll like that too" confirms that she's committed to digging the whole deeper.
Althouse has a strong holy-roller streak, which, while not at all unusual in progressives, is always amusing to observe when recruited to the defense of the obnoxious program of normalizing deviance.
Bob hope had a joke that went something like
Welcome to California. Yesterday sodomy was illegal. Today it's legal. Tomorrow it will be mandatory. "
It's getting this bullshit pushed in our face that bothers a lot of people. Most people are happy to live and let live. We just want the same courtesy extended to us.
Bruce Jenner wants to lot to be a woman? Done by me. Just leave me out of it. Don't try to convince me that he actually is a woman and not some delusional senior citizen. Whatever else he may be he is not a "woman".
John Henry
Sick! So much worse than a couple comedians on stage in drag.
Your snobbery concerning films has been both faintly amusing and irritating. One gets the impression there should be a "Lady" or "Von" in front of Althouse at times.
But the comment that Star wars is worse for your children than drag queens is simply Leftwing craziness.
Right wingers don’t mind men in drag if it’s done by straight men, but when done by gay men, they find it unappealing, deviant. Not deviant when done by Rudy Giuliani?
Those of you up-in-arms about comedians in drag... ever heard of Milton Berle and Flip Wilson?
Do you honestly believe that either actor would be allowed to use those characters today without a backlash from the Left?
How long until the parents are condemned as some sort of stooge?
Flip Wilson as “Geraldine” was trying to be funny. An obvious over-the-top caricature, funny as hell, and it passed network censors in the early 70s, so it was pretty tame. Nothing edgy or sexual about it, by appearance or presentation or the humor itself. Standard pop culture entertainment.
He was making fun of women as idiot gold diggers, no? That is my memory watching (and laughing a lot) as a 12 year old in 1971, but even 6 year old kids could watch that and understand it was comedy, without getting the jokes. Any drag queen characters by famous comedians out there today, making fun of idiot gold diggers?
" No one could possible mistake those Monty Python routines for anything but mockery of trannies who, then and now, occupy an uncomfortable territory between ridiculous and pathetic."
Never say no one because there is always are resident dullard Inga:
"Right wingers don’t mind men in drag if it’s done by straight men, but when done by gay men, they find it unappealing, deviant. Not deviant when done by Rudy Giuliani?"
You seem to be really stretching in order to appear equally frustrated with both sides. Considering how crazy the left has been the last few years, is this the best you can come up with for outrageous "right wing" behavior?
She's beginning her long run up to her "This is how the Republicans lost my vote" post.
Ice Nine
Yes. This is the most ridiculous post I can recall. First, bitching that headlines leave out detail. And then the detail is the name of the theatre chain. And then those of us who have never heard of that chain are somehow stupid. Just ridiculous.
Exactly Inga... It's too much of a turn on for conservatives when the trannies are gay
Phidippus AKA Philippians
Nicely put about the creaking noises. Althouse I have long maintained lacks self insight. It’s why Hardin can punk her so effectively.
"Did my comment get deleted? If so why. It was a direct response to an implied threat of violence."
I told you why, but maybe you couldn't figure it out.
I told you at 8:37.
Other than that reason, you're fine. You'll have to restate it, so please go ahead. I wish everyone would get the message. I think most have.
Most drag shows are meant to be funny, no? How is it different than straight men in drag trying to be funny? The outrage over a drag show by right wingers is hilarious. I realize that the original outrage was at parents who were outraged over the drag show as a prelude to Star Wars, then the next outrage was at Althouse for blaming the parents for being less than aware of the reputation of the Drafthouse, then the outage morphed into outage over gay men doing a drag show. What’s next?
So much outrage.
"I see why. She is trying to delete all comments by one person and all replies to that person. Unfortunately, she is doing a piss poor job of it so it looks random."
You're doing a piss pour job of valuing what you have here.
I can't believe I took the trouble to write a respectful answer to FF's first question to me only to go back and see that he insulted me!
FF, you should have deleted your own first comment rather than leaving it there for me to encounter and take seriously once you found the answer yourself, which was my own anticipating your problem and dealing with it before you raised it.
There, is that non-random enough? You've been really awful here. You ought to apologize.
So much outrage.
Tell us again how you feel about the election 2016, the nomination of Kavanaugh, Sandmann standing his ground, and on and on and on......
“The outrage over a drag show by right wingers is hilarious.”
Oh, I should correct my sentence to say the outrage by right wingers over a drag show is hilarious, although a drag show by right wingers would be even more hilarious.
There, is that non-random enough? You've been really awful here. You ought to apologize.
I've been waiting years for an apology for calling victims of rape splooge stooges...I don't even expect an apology for the personal insults you have made about me.
"the outrage by right wingers over a drag show is hilarious"
As hilarious as the outrage by anti- right wingers over the Trump/Bush Access Hollywood tape?
"And c'mon on, Althouse - misleading headlines are "a great example of why I find it so off-putting"? As if that were a practice unique to "trashy" media."
Yeah, trying to draw a distinctive between PJ Media and "legitimate" media on this basis is unfounded.
Gahrie, quit lying about me. You're a bad guest taking advantage of my hospitality.
"calling victims of rape splooge stooges"
On the street, she's what's known as a "victim blamer"
“As hilarious as the outrage by anti- right wingers over the Trump/Bush Access Hollywood tape?”
No, that wasn’t in the least bit hilarious. The outrage was well placed. Grabbing women by the pussy and not caring because one is famous and they let you do it is a vulgar aggressive disrespectful comment. If you think what Trump said there was just fine, then that’s on you.
There, is that non-random enough? You've been really awful here. You ought to apologize.
Oh come on. I have been much more awful than that mild criticism. It took a little work to figure out whose comments were upsetting you. You had not deleted all her comments including one particularly nasty one.
"Yeah, trying to draw a distinctive between PJ Media and "legitimate" media on this basis is unfounded."
I critique MSM every day on this blog. Do you understand why I read it and not PJM and Breitbart? You say I've drawn a distinction, but WHERE did I do that? You've been reading this blog long enough to have seen me explain — many times — why I read the NYT and WaPo and not the right-wing media that try to lean in the other direction. And you should know it's not because I've made a legitimate/illegitimate distinction. That's in your head.
FF, your capacity for reason is sorely lacking. You should think harder and apologize. But good to know that you admit to being " I have been much more awful" on other occasions, like that's an excuse. Try being a better person, and not just better than you at your worst.
Perhaps if could tell us who is being deleted we could do a better job of not responding to them.
Right now I have no idea who nor to respond to.
John Henry
I found what looks to be the skit as a filmed YouTube piece connected to Alamo Drafthouse.
The irony of all of this is that it just isn't funny. Not risque, not edgy, just... not funny. Limp. Flaccid.
I can't quite figure it out; if it wasn't being done by drag queens this wouldn't have any purpose at all - no one would bother to film it.
It isn't even that the drag queens are charismatic; they're flat and generic.
So the joke is simply: look at men dressed as women talk about Star Wars actors and costumes. And laugh because... they're men dressed as women talking about Star Wars actors and costumes.
Then again, maybe it is fiendishly funny: perhaps it's meta about 'women not being funny' being so true that even men-dressed-as-women are incapable of humorous content?
Scratching my head on this one.
I am Laslo.
a rowdy bar atmosphere
I see others picked up on this early on and, yes, this is where the BS meter really shoots up.
Your typical drafthouse is a place that both shows movies and serves food and beer, sometimes at with an individual table set-up. We have one in Arlington, but we also have regular theaters here that serve beer, places that are no more rowdy than any other mainstream theater chain.
In fact, I remember Bimbo's in Ann Arbor would occasionally show movies while serving their pizza and beer. Lots of kids there too.
"You've been reading this blog long enough to have seen me explain — many times — why I read the NYT and WaPo and not the right-wing media that try to lean in the other direction. And you should know it's not because I've made a legitimate/illegitimate distinction. That's in your head."
I have to admit I don't know why, but my memory isn't the best sometimes.
I think I should go watch the Packer game.
AA 10:49
Of course you nail the NYT for misleading headlines. What I object to here is the assumption that I, living in another country entirely, should know that “Alamo” and “Alamo Drafthouse” are different, and so different that leaving out the full name should affect my reading of the headline. I doubt it would even if I had ever heard of these chains, but it certainly doesn’t when I haven’t. That is simply not comparable to some of the headline trickery we have seen from the NYT.
Gahrie, quit lying about me. You're a bad guest taking advantage of my hospitality.
Are you claiming that you didn't call male victims of rape splooge stooges or post personal insults about me?
Push comes to shove I will believe you, but do you have a link?
Flip Wilson did Geraldine (the character but not in drag) on the freaking Ed Sullivan Show 50 years ago https://youtu.be/0SLifea3NHQ
The Ed Sullivan Show. There was no better barometer of culturally mainstream family entertainment for that era. Today we don’t have such a barometer, although Progressives use and view Twitter that way while other people ignore it. If we did have such a barometer, there is zero chance that a drag queen would be included.
Flip’s Geraldine was original and funny and bears no relation to today’s “drag queens are normal too, kids” mandated cultural brainwashing bullshit.
In today's world, you can never be left alone to eat your waffle.
I am Laslo.
"Are you claiming that you didn't call male victims of rape splooge stooges or post personal insults about me?"
You brought it up. You should be able to prove it. The archive is completely available and searchable, so support your statement or take it back. I have already said that you are lying about me.
"Schomer stressed that all Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas have full bars and cater mostly to adults."
Well, that's one way to get through Star Wars, Drag shows and booze.
"Grabbing women by the pussy and not caring because one is famous and they let you do it is a vulgar aggressive disrespectful comment..."
Inga, you ignorant slut, Trump didn't say he grabbed them by the pussy; he said THEY WOULD LET YOU GRAB THEM BY THE PUSSY IF YOU WERE a star. Here is the direct quote:
TRUMP: "Yeah that's her in the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs [breath fresheners] just in case I start kissing her. You know, I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."
BUSH: "Whatever you want."
TRUMP: "Grab them by the p****. You can do anything."
This particular observation on Trump's part has been documented and validated by innumerable rock stars (For example, The Eagles even had stage crew hand out "third encore" backstage passes to the hot women near the stage.) I don't know why you're getting all huffy about this. Women have been putting out for rock and movie stars for fun and profit forever. That said, the likelihood that a star grabs you, specifically, by the crotch is less than zero, so cool the indignation.
Try being a better person
If I wanted to be a better person I would stop commenting here. I find most of your commenters to be truly horrible people who I would avoid like the plague in the real world. I guess it is the masochist in me that keeps drawing me back.
"Everything's for children now and everyone is a child. We even have a baby for President!'
And a little child shall lead them. Thank God! Althouse seems to have a contempt for boozers. But even drunks have standards. Just because i want a draft beer and some nachos with my Star wars doesn't mean I want some drag show on the side, or some Gay Porno.
Re Gahrie's charge, I found this from Althouse:
“Here's where I originally wrote "splooge stooge." It was in the context of saying men are responsible for the children who are born when they have failed to control where their genetic material goes. That was unrelated to shutting down the comments, which I had to do for a time because of a technical problem — later solved by some people at Blogger — that had made moderation next to impossible.”
Personally I do not think that proves Gahrie's charge, BUT if I do my “how Althouse parses” schtick then I point out that rape victims are amongst those who have “failed to control where their genetic material goes” and are thus within the ambit of splooge stooge as decried by Althouse.
I do recall Althouse arguing that men who are raped should still be liable for child support so that hostile reading is perhaps not such a stretch. Certainly if you express disdain for the claims of men tricked into fatherhood, or whose stolen sperm is used, AND argue that even being raped doesn’t absolve them then Gahrie's conclusion doesn’t sound far fetched.
Star wars Fans: How dare you call it a kids movie! Its deep. Very, very deep.
Althouse: Don't take you kid to Star Wars. It'll warp their minds.
Star war Fans: Absurd. Star Wars is a movie made for kids, ah...wait a minute.
Althouse doesn't like pajamas. She prefers to blog nude and alone.
“If I wanted to be a better person I would stop commenting here. I find most of your commenters to be truly horrible people who I would avoid like the plague in the real world. I guess it is the masochist in me that keeps drawing me back.”
Oh boy, I can relate.
AA: I critique MSM every day on this blog.
Yes, and? That you refuse to step outside of "respectable" sources is exactly why your critiques of "respectable" sources sound like the stuff one read in "right-leaning" sites 10 years ago.
It isn't a matter of on *what* criteria you are using to exclude "trashy" media, it's *that* you exclude all but "respectable" sites.
Right wingers don’t mind men in drag if it’s done by straight men, but when done by gay men, they find it unappealing, deviant. Not deviant when done by Rudy Giuliani?
I find it fascinating that Leftists think they have a pipeline into the minds of people they never talk to and consider deplorable.
Drag queens were regularly part of the underground gay culture in Chicago for many decades. They had a yearly show at the Aragon ballroom. My mother went with her gay boss and friends on a regular basis. One year they had a performer made up to look just like her. She was flattered to tears.
My mother is a die hard conservative, more so than I am.
First guess: Drafthouse (since it’s not all Alamo theaters or all theaters in Alamo, and drafthouse indicates these are adult cinemas that simply don’t bar children)
Second guess: PG-13
1: The "drafthouse" only bans children under the age of 6. So it's not relevant. It's a movie theater where parents can bring their kids
2: "PG-13"? Is this supposed to mean that 13 year olds aren't children? That parents should expect to have drag queens choved in the face of their 13 year olds?
How about: "don't shove freaks at us unless and until you've clearly warned us you're going to do so, in time for us to go someplace else instead of your freak show, at no extra cost / loss to us"
Yes, I am very hostile to any and all freaks tht the Left tries to force on the rest of us
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
I love the way right-wingers bitch about snowflakes and the lack of personal responsibility and then make an outrage out of entitled parents thinking a rowdy bar atmosphere needs to be kid safe. What hypocrisy!
Rowdy bars don't allow kids in them, at all. By virtue of the "Alamo Drafthouse" choosing to allow parents to bring their kids there, they are taking on themselves the responsibility to maintain an environment that's appropriate for families
If you don't want to provide an environment appropriate for families, you don't let them in
“Yeah it's a Draft House and talking about kids is convenient but I wouldn't want to be subjected to that either. Why what must we adults continually be subjected to degeneracy and ugliness?”
“I find it fascinating that Leftists think they have a pipeline into the minds of people they never talk to and consider deplorable.
I read the Althouse blog comments section, ‘nuff said.
I take it that Althouse hasn't signed up for VIP access at PJ Media.
PJ Media is not a right wing or left wing website. It's a piece of a corporation that sells advertising - by any means necessary. Misleading headlines are just a part of the hustle.
It's was trending that way before Roger Simon sold it, and has now gone all in.
Reynold's continuing involvement with Salem Media and his lackadaisical approach to his own postings at Instapundit leads me to believe that he's just in it for the money nowadays.
It's disappointing but, money talks, and he commands a lot of eyeballs and thus a lot of money.
The outrage about the pre show...drag queen show....is about being blindsided.
If you knew that there was going to be a half hour of drag queens that you might have to try to explain to your 10 year old kids....you could choose to watch it or not go to the show.
However, there wasn't that option. The movie goers had already paid their (exorbitant) fees to see Star Wars and then were either forced to sit for a half hour and watch something they did NOT want to see or forfeit their admittance fees.
As an adult, I could not care less about whether trannies want to discuss the costumes in Star Wars. However, as an adult I really resent having my time wasted on such bullshit.
“My mother went with her gay boss and friends on a regular basis. One year they had a performer made up to look just like her. She was flattered to tears.
My mother is a die hard conservative, more so than I am.”
“How about: "don't shove freaks at us unless and until you've clearly warned us you're going to do so, in time for us to go someplace else instead of your freak show, at no extra cost / loss to us"
Yes, I am very hostile to any and all freaks tht the Left tries to force on the rest of us.”
I guess granny Francisco would tell this guy to go fly a kite, what’s wrong with bawdy humor?
BTW: PG 13 rating doesn't mean you cannot have your child younger than 13 see the movie. If you are accompanying that child. The rating is only a guideline. Different for R or X ratings though.
I took my 11 year old daughter to see The Color Purple. We discussed the book before the movie. Talked about the racial dynamics and a bit about why the Father was a bad guy in the movie. There were no explicit scenes of the incest. It was hinted at. She didn't need to know the mechanics or details about incest. All she needed to know, at that age, was the Father was a bad guy.
We discussed the film later when she was a 15 year old and read the book for class. The concept of incest was still "icky" but able to be discussed at an adult level.
If I didn't think that the movie was worthwhile or that she would be traumatized by the movie content....we wouldn't have gone. MY CHOICE!!
Choice is the issue. Being surprised by adult content at what is purported to be a child or young person's movie is the outrage.
“The outrage about the pre show...drag queen show....is about being blindsided.
If you knew that there was going to be a half hour of drag queens that you might have to try to explain to your 10 year old kids....you could choose to watch it or not go to the show.”
Maybe so, but the outage here from some right wing snowflakes as I quoted above, is that they only like straight men in drag, gay men in drag are deviant.
Well poor Ann got pancaked again after showing her 60s liberal schtck _ "you right wing (Christian) hypocrites". Besides your 60s liberalism being a sham as evidenced
by history you have the added disadvantage of being a professor for over 30 years. It gives you a distorted view of yourself and the world because of the captive audience you have had for decades. Being a single parent didn't help since there was no mate with alternate views , just you as the boss. Mead is after the fact.
Credentials don't go far in the real world.
Maybe so, but the outage here from some right wing snowflakes as I quoted above, is that they only like straight men in drag, gay men in drag are deviant.
Well, I don't care for either option. Then again, I don't like ridiculous caricatures or circus clowns. Even when I watched him as a child.....I thought Milton Berle was stupid and not in the least funny. Slapstick and stupid.
Some skinny women look in a mirror and see a fat person looking back, and then starve themselves.
Some chubby men look in a mirror and see a fat person looking back, and then dress as a woman rather than go on a diet.
I hope that clears it up.
I am Laslo.
PG-13 didn't exist until 1984, Empire came out in 1980. The re-release special editions may have been PG-13 though.
Gremlins and Temple of Doom were the two movies that caused the creation of the rating. Those were both kids movies (and both by Spielberg) that pushed the edge of appropriate violence for children.
People who pretend to be someone they aren't, by being cartoonishly over-the-top and wearing garish make-up, all the while making some people uncomfortable.
Wait - this comment was meant to go in the preceding post about clowns.
Althouse's theme today is coming from her subconscious, apparently.
I am Laslo.
I think it is funny now that PJMedia has a paywall service option. Even funnier that those pushing the pay articles are the ones I wish didn't post at Instapundit. Like McConnell said, it is hard to have leverage by holding back something I didn't want in the first place.
Well, I can't make you want it, but if you turn off javascript and click the link, the paywall goes *FOOF* and you will see the article.
Drag queens = clowns for hipsters.
Where every balloon animal is a snake.
Or a giraffe penis.
I am Laslo.
Regarding tits:
At one time you could get away with brief tits in PG movies. For instance in Airplane (1980) and Sheena (1984). The first was so brief that you could blink and miss it, the second because it was a "beauty of nature" scene with no implied sensuality.
As for PG-13, well remember Titanic?
Barack Obama was a failure> racist> hater
Being gay is wrong> that's like hating blacks> hater
Being trans is a mental illness> that's like hating gays> hater
I don't want my my kids exposed to that lifestyle> that's like hating trans people> hater
My kid is confused and suicidal> don't blame me
Dang it! I can't believe I didn't do some sort of pun about TITanic!
Oh, I get it. If you have beer present, then it means you shouldn't care what your children are exposed to. Your stretched logic is noted.
I blew a trannie once when I was 17.
Fortunately it was on a Buick.
John Henry
Laslo People who pretend to be someone they aren't, by being cartoonishly over-the-top and wearing garish make-up, all the while making some people uncomfortable.
Wait - this comment was meant to go in the preceding post about clowns.
Funny story about Trannies and Clowns.
Way back when....in 1970, I lived in San Francisco. Every morning I would catch the Judah street car to go to the downtown area where I worked. The car was full of mostly bored commuters going to work and sometimes a mom or two with kids going to school.
We all ignored each other as does every urban dweller. Don't want to actually strike up a relationship with strangers. You check out the people around you just in case you know them but more to scan for danger just to be safe. You then go back to ignoring everyone. So most of us were reading the paper or a book. No conversations...just keep to yourself. The little kids are up front with the mom so they can get off for school.
At a stop, on come these three really over the top trannies. I mean FLAMBOYANT!!! As all good commuters do, you look. Don't comment and go back to supreme isolation.
The kids, however, don't know these rules and yell out. Look Mommy...CLOWNS!!!!
The trannies got really pissed. Red in the face. We all snickered. Some laughed out loud. And then dove even deeper into our reading materials.
The trannies got off in a big fluffy huff and the next stop and then we ALL LOLed big time.
Nothing changes, except we aren't allowed to laugh anymore.
conservatives in drag = bitter Klingers
Two lessons I learned today from this blog:
1) Beer served at a movie theater = A drag queen show comes before the movie.
2) You don’t know that = you’re a right-wing deplorable.
Thanks for giving me reason to get off the web and do something productive today!
I haven't been to a drag show since the 1990's. The drag queens I knew had an elegant style - very Audrey Hepburn etc.
Don't have any interest in it now but will come across ads for shows in Seattle (see The Stranger). There appears to be a weird, exagerrated 'clown aesthetic' that has taken hold. Given how many people find clowns scary - I can see people being put off by a hybrid-man-woman-clown. The aesthetic is just not that attractive anymore. Its waaaay over the top these days. Quite ugly if you ask me.
And I refuse to pay one cent to see adults lip sync. Take away the gender aspect of drag shows. If I invite you to my show where I dress up as Amy Winehouse and lip sync her songs, are you really that interested?
I do recall Althouse arguing that men who are raped should still be liable for child support so that hostile reading is perhaps not such a stretch. Certainly if you express disdain for the claims of men tricked into fatherhood, or whose stolen sperm is used, AND argue that even being raped doesn’t absolve them then Gahrie's conclusion doesn’t sound far fetched.
Althouse's splooge stooge comment was made during a conversation about the fact that male victims of rape were indeed forced to pay child support to their attacker.
You brought it up. You should be able to prove it. The archive is completely available and searchable, so support your statement or take it back. I have already said that you are lying about me.
Frankly, given your history, I would not be surprised to discover that you had deleted the posts in which you made the statement. You have deleted things that made you look bad before.
I will leave it up to the Althouse community as to which of us is lying about this.
Libertarians? Probably not.
Schomer stressed that all Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas have full bars and cater mostly to adults.
A reason for zoning laws.
I blew a trannie once when I was 17.
Fortunately it was on a Buick.
John Henry
Situational ethics.
Just to clarify a Drafthouse policy, the theaters open about 30-45 minutes before the movie’s start time. The pre-shows are screened during this time. The one for the most recent Godzilla movie was a great clip show of many previous iterations of the big guy. No one is forced to watch the pre-show, you buy tickets for particular seats and can show up just before the movie starts - the published time - with no problem. Many people go early because its easier to order food when the lights are up. The pre-shows are usually fun and slightly weird. I haven’t been all that often but I’ve never seen one with content specifically made for it; they have always been pastiches of tv shows, ads, and old or foreign movies.
Alamo has the best popcorn I’ve ever eaten, a decent bar and ok other food. It is a good place to see a movie because they protect the viewers’ experience. If you are late they won’t let you in. They’ll also kick you out after one warning if you are talking or disturbing others in any way, like being on your phone.
Keenen Ivory Wayans and Tommy Davidson did it better in the "Men on Film" skits on "In Living Color."
Damon Wayans and David Alan Grier.
But, yes. They were hilarious. They did one live opposite of the Super Bowl halftime show.
Let's just say FOX regretted the decision.
lb said...
Wow this certainly hit a nerve..an a little taken aback at Ann’s disdain for people who don’t want to normalize drag queens for their children but that being said..if it bothered me I would have walked out asked for my money back and stopped frequenting that establishment. No need to get upset..just use economics to make your point.
Really? You told your kids you're going to take them to see Star Wars tonight (that was your first mistake). Then, after the drag "queens", trannies, have been brought out you're going to go try to get your money back from the arrogant bigots who forced the trannies on you in the first place?
Good luck with that.
Oh, and by that point it's too late, your kids have already seen the freaks, and will have questions.
Yes, hating normal people, and wanting to to do them what they consider harm, makes you a bigot
"If you are late they won’t let you in. They’ll also kick you out after one warning if you are talking or disturbing others in any way, like being on your phone."
Rowdy ain't what it used to be.
Althouse is being worse than obtuse here, she is being disingenuous. The linked article says the video was shown at every Alamo, not just the ones called Drafthouse. Hence Drafthouse is irrelevant. The headline is *more* accurate without it. Althouse is just venting her contempt — I choose the word carefully — for those whose sexual attitudes she does not share.
Joan at 1:58 pm
Thank you. I have never been to a Drafthouse theater. Never heard of them. It was good to get some clarification on how the system works.
It does sound like fun. However, to be fair to those who might be offended by the pre show, it seems that there should be some sort of disclosure or warning. This would go for any topic that might be sensitive. As Laslo pointed out. A pre show promoting guns, reviewing guns and discussing the uses would be offensive to some as well.
Fair is fair. Allow people to make a choice. Or better yet. Put on a pre show so neutral that no one can object.
I would be ordering my food and drinks anyway and not have children with me so IDGAF. Others do.
They should open in Singapore.
Althouse: beer served, so screw your kids, let's have all the gay, tranny, pervert fun we want. Althouse wants normalization of perversion whenever wherever it can be served.
Be more observant or stop drinking, I have not directed one comment toward her.
I don't read most of your posts sweetie. My tolerance for inanity is low.
Try to figure out what "looks like" means as in it looks like you two are having a conversation,
So, the headline is correct. The question is if "drafthouse" is an implicit or explicit establishment of a trans-social religion at select or all Alamo cinemas.
Althouse is just venting her contempt — I choose the word carefully — for those whose sexual attitudes she does not share
For those who don't celebrate her son's perversion.
Yes, the headline is *more* correct than with the allegedly missing word. So whose bullshit detector is broken? Althouse's.
“My tolerance for inanity is low.”
Then however can you tolerate yourself?
Gee Ann, calling your efforts at deleting comments piss poor turns out to be one of the least offensive insults you have endured on this thread.
I actually feel sorry for you.
"Frankly, given your history, I would not be surprised to discover that you had deleted the posts in which you made the statement. You have deleted things that made you look bad before."
That is a lie, Gahrie. You are about to fall into the category of bad faith commenter, which means that I will delete you every time regardless of what you write. I will no longer read what you write. You will be deleted because of your record as a troll. You have vastly wasted my time here today.
I will give you exactly ONE chance now to write something that proves you are not in bad faith. You must deal with everything I've said to you thus far in this thread. If you do not redeem yourself, you are PERMANENTLY PERSONA NON GRATA, just like the person I have been deleting over and over today. A nonentity who is never read.
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