২৮ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৯

"Today I saw a thing and it said a lot of men…a lot of white men were committing suicide, and I almost thought, ‘Yeah, great,’ Then I thought about it little more and I thought maybe I shouldn't say that out in public."

News Center Maine provides some facts:
The Maine Democratic Party reacted to the video release with a statement, saying that [Richard Fochtmann, former State Senate candidate – and at the time - the Chairman of the Leeds Democratic Committee] was there as a private citizen and in no way represents the party....

Fochtmann said he regrets the joke. “It really wasn't funny, and I'm sorry that I did say that,” he said. “I just happen to be a passionate, outspoken person, and sometimes I just engage my mouth before I engage my brain.” He also said that after he finished speaking, a woman stepped up to the microphone and told him she was offended by his comments. He says that he later took the microphone again and apologized.

২২৭টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   227 এর 201 – থেকে 227
John henry বলেছেন...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...

WHy do the people who freed themselves and live in their own environment, with their family ties and everything, feel better than those who were robbed of every stich of their identity, deprived of an education for centuries, and still have to endure living with thier captors and what they "think"?

Sounds like you are saying that it is NOT the color of the skin that makes the difference.

That it is culture that holds some ADOS blacks back rather than skin color. That it is culture that allows immigrant blacks to succeed at significantly higher rates than ADOS blacks.

If I am understanding you correctly, we are in agreement here.

I'm not saying that skin color does not make a barrier for both ADOS and immigrant blacks. It does. But it seems to be a surmountable barrier.

Immigrant blacks seem able to surmount it better. Partly for the reasons you mention. Partly because of the selective nature of emigration. They are not necessarily a representative cross section of the island populations. Lots of good people on the islands. Lots of violent shitheads too. Kind of like anywhere else in the world.

I think a higher percentage of the good people emigrate.

By immigrant blacks I mean immigrants, their children and grandchildren from the Caribbean, and African countries.

John Henry

John henry বলেছেন...

There is also a significant difference between immigrants from the Dominican Republic in Mainland US and Puerto Ricans.

Very similar culture and history. Ethnically Dominicans are much darker having had a much higher percentage in immigrants from Africa, as slaves, than Puerto Rico. Speak similar, though slightly different Spanish accents.

But in the past, they seemed to do better overall than Puerto Ricans.

My sense is that in the past 40 years or so this is becoming less true as more and more Puerto Rican's move out of the ghetto and off of Uncle's teat. Puerto Ricans in Florida, as a group, are very different from Puerto Ricans in NYC, as a group.

It's all about culture. The culture they came from and the culture people live in now.

John Henry

Paul Doty বলেছেন...

The problem is, these lowlife corksoakers never take their own advice. Think how much nicer Maine would be if he killed himself.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Boys, I hear alot of complaints. Alot of excuses. Who will rescue you? Boo Hoo, society is tilted against me. Woe is me. Try this. Stand up straight. Pull your shoulders back. Refuse to submit. Get fired from your temporal job. This whole culture is built on top of your shoulders. It's crumbling. Stop listening to women. They're looking around, thinking maybe muslim men could protect them. You're looking to women to shore you up. Women wonder why you're such a whiny bitch. Man the fuck up. Get your rifle, and prepare to go to Virginia.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...

"New? No. I've been around for a while. Even longer than my current profile indicates. Long enough to know that not all the fine folks here share your might high opinion of yourself."

Oh, now the bar has been arbitrarily raised to where I have to please every single person here to prove you're a liar.

I don't even think so.

I get it. You don't like me. Move on.

effinayright বলেছেন...


"Blacks are coming up faster, and have more influence in the world, than America has ever seen any group ever before - with or without your help."

Tell us about all the planes, cars, computers and the rest of the Western world's commonplace inventions that have enriched humanity, that are now being made and/or invented in Africa. (ditto for the Arab Muslim world).


The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I'm watching a documentary about the Scottish background of American racism called "Who put the Klan in the Ku Klux Klan?" and one of the reasons given for why whites are so violent is because they know who they are - their heritage is confidence-building - something whites deliberately kept black people from, specifically for the debilitating effect it has.

But, today, of course, y'all plead ignorance and demand we pretend that's not a real phenomena, with long-term repercussions, we have to cope with every day. You know it. From niggers to negroes to coloreds to blacks to African-Americans and back to blacks again. You see it. You know it. You laugh at it. It's your work. Pick our head up, put our shoulders back, and do what again? For who? Y'all trippin'. It's easy for you - this is your heritage.

Yet, to us, you're barely even real people. As we understand the term.

Sorry, but, through your own diabolical mechinations, we're just getting things y'all take for granted, and piecemeal.

How anyone could do this to us is one of them, much as I'm sure the Jews wondered, except you take them seriously.

Because their attackers weren't you.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

wholelottasplainin' said...

"S N O R T"

"Blacks" are American, you idiot.


The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I never noticed the similarity between the Scottish flag and the Confederate flag.

Or where the idea of a "Clan" - as in Ku Klux Klan - came from.

WHite people don't want to talk about it - the bastards - enforcing everyone's ignorance. Still. Today.

It's just a Nazi-lite nightmare y'all think is normal.

Iman বলেছেন...

This all traces back to Insensitive Ponytailed Guy’s years in public school... all the teasing: “shut yer piehole, get Focht, mann!”

Iman বলেছেন...

I hope you have a better New Year, Crack Emcee.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"I am filled with feelings of disbelief at the surreal nature of the life those elite whites chose for themselves. How do you get to the point where you can enjoy a life that is composed of people who are your captives, who are around you in great numbers, every minute of the day, doing things against thier will, for no pay, they cook your food, they work in the fields, they fix up the house. If it's a cold night, you would order one of them to lie across your feet on your bed so that you are warm. At what point does living like that feel in any sense normal?"

I don't know but white Americans made it work and still insist on various aspects of it to this day or else their whole worldview crumbles like a cheap hat.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Iman said...

"I hope you have a better New Year, Crack Emcee."

Thank you. Same to you. I hope you all have a wonderful New Year and had a wonderful Christmas.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


The original version of the Ku Klux Klan was a music group.

n.n বলেছেন...

First, they came for the diverse babies. Then, they came for the white masculine males. And they saw that there was social justice, and it was progress, one step forward, two steps backward.

n.n বলেছেন...

It's all about culture. The culture they came from and the culture people live in now.

Nature sets up a bias and nurture brings it home.

narciso বলেছেন...

It was a militia based alomg the lines of the knight of malta and the terminology was greek cyclos but whatever.

Charlie Eklund বলেছেন...

Happy New Year, Crack! I hope it’s a good one for you. It’s always good to see you here and to read your comments, which are always interesting. I find myself agreeing with you more often than not, but even when I disagree, your writing is still nevertheless compelling. Please don’t be a stranger here.

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

Crack - My personal background is half German immigrant, half Scots-Irish. Both pleasantly violent, as you observe. It’s true that I feel no sense of shame whatever about the violent nature of the past. Further, there is no chance that I will. But trust me, not all white people are alike. There were huge cultural differences between my white grandmothers.

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

And on the German side, the Prussian great grandmother and the Bavarian great grandmother hated each other

Gahrie বলেছেন...

I don't know but white Americans made it work and still insist on various aspects of it to this day or else their whole worldview crumbles like a cheap hat.

Because White Americans are the only people in history who have owned slaves and thus all White people in perpetuity are guilty and must pay reparations for perpetuity.

walter বলেছেন...

"If we wanted to be serious about evidence, we might compare where blacks stood a hundred years after the end of slavery with where they stood after 30 years of the liberal welfare state. In other words, we could compare hard evidence on “the legacy of slavery” with hard evidence on the legacy of liberals."
“A Legacy of Liberalism”

mandrewa বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said,

"White Americans can be like those fools in Yurp, bragging about "soft power" as though I'd forgotten it was America that won the peace, they act like they invented. But white Americans want to pretend I will forget they killed, raped, and stole with impunity for hundreds of years, before blacks we even free to get started. When whites start counting their killing, for comparison, I'm never quite sure because, as any fool knows, if we're talking historically, in America, you can stop pretending it's even a contest - blacks aren't even starting to compete with the numbers whites have wracked up. They practically a race of psychopaths in the eyes of many - still."

Virtually every one of the 11 million black men or women that crossed the Atlantic in the trans-Atlantic slave trade was made a slave by black men or women, and I believe that for the vast majority of these 11 million there were three or four black people killed in the process of making each slave since it's my belief that slaves were largely produced by inter-tribal warfare and that for each young black man or woman sold to the slave traders there would have 3 or 4 children or semi-dependent older relatives that could not survive in the absence of each young man or woman.

Now some parts of what I just said we know with pretty good certainty. The European slave ships were an expensive and difficult enterprise for the Europeans. It took two years on average for a slave ship to make the transit of the Atlantic and one out of seven of the slave ships were lost per transit. Since it was such an expensive, difficult, and lengthy enterprise detailed records were kept and it's from those records that we can make the estimate of 11 million.

In addition anyone that understands economics, and that water does not run uphill, will realize after looking at the financial records of the slave trading companies how close to economic insanity the trans-Atlantic slave trade was and will get in particular that absent the willingness of Africans to sell human beings for things like glass beads and alcohol that there never would have been a slave trade.

This is one of the reasons why I believe that slaves must have been produced by inter-tribal warfare.

There is an ugly story that has been told for centuries, that Nigerians were raising human beings to sell as slaves. But that doesn't make any economic sense. If you compare the cost of raising human being versus what the Nigerians were being paid for the slaves, it doesn't add up.

But if the inter-tribal warfare was occurring anyway, then we can see Africans making slaves of their enemies, and selling them for ridiculously low prices.

Anyway, such is the nature of human beings that I'm sure that the great majority of African Americans will not accept what I just said. It's a lot easier to hate the other and blame almost everything on white people, than to accept hard truths about your own group.

And the unfortunate reality is I bet something like the majority of black people today think the Maine Democrat's joke was funny and like the idea of white people committing suicide.

And the funny thing is it is exactly that kind of thinking, the hatred of the other tribe, that fueled the trans-Atlantic slave trade and without which it would never have been possible.

Kelly বলেছেন...

His obvious mistake was saying it in front of a camera.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

He is mixed race and identifies as a person of color so has lived in minority neighborhood but has never been poor.

I'm not sure when I ever said any of that, and there are people here who certainly like to imagine me as poor. But I simply don't and would never identify as "white" - no matter how light my skin - because "white" is not an identity. It signifies a lack of identity - that you weren't "dark" enough to be a slave or Jim Crowed in America or that you're a less recent immigrant to Europe. There are nationalities that exist - French, German, Jewish, Greek, etc. - but none of these ever made membership in them contingent upon something as ridiculous as appearance, with the very brief exception of Germany for a very brief time. It's just not something that true nations, or true ethnicities or true cultures ever do. Those are the things that matter.

In any event, how does it even apply beyond America or Europe? Are Middle Easterners "white?" Are Central Asians "white?" These outdated categories mean nothing except to people who still long for the days when they did, and they only did for all the wrong reasons.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Oh Jeez...I think I've become the white Crack MC. Well, that's OK. I like the Cracker. Still...I don't think I get any of that sweet reparations. Man I'm payin' and payin' and payin'. Lord have mercy. Please God. pay my debts. Give Crack what he needs. Take it from my account. God...I know there's nothing in my account. BTW...Cracker MC...get your rifle and meet me in Virginia. I served with men like you. Thought I was done with that. It's never done. You and me brother

নামহীন বলেছেন...

There's gonna be a fight. Been there, done that. Thought I was done with it. We're never done with it. Here's what I'd like..Cracker MC next to me, and Dr Mike K on my other side. Man, can you imagine Dr K next to you when you're bleeding out? Have you ever been next to a man bleeding out? Do you understand what we're going into? It's not snark and smug. These things happen from time to time. BTW Cracker...I ain't giving you a damn thang. Well, I'll give my life. I think you'll give your life for me. Aint this boogie a mess.

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