১১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৯

"The activities we found here don’t vindicate anybody who touched this..."

Said Michael E. Horowitz, testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee today, reported in the NYT.
Mr. Horowitz was responding to [Senator Lindsey] Graham’s mention of an Op-Ed by the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey published in The Washington Post after Mr. Horowitz’s report became public.

While Mr. Comey acknowledged that the inspector general found “mistakes” in the administrative process associated with the wiretap applications targeting the former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page — the focus of the report — Mr. Comey wrote that Mr. Horowitz’s “most important” finding was his debunking of the insinuations by Mr. Trump and his allies that F.B.I. officials, driven by political bias, conspired to sabotage Mr. Trump.
Here's the op-ed in question: "James Comey: The truth is finally out. The FBI fulfilled its mission." (WaPo).

২৯৮টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   298 এর 201 – থেকে 298
narciso বলেছেন...

Then there is the low bid on the exchange networks by her college friend, that made them vulnerable to russiam hackers
Somewhere down the list, is her contribution to commissary menu items

Birkel বলেছেন...

I have no information in any direction. But CIA assets were run at the Trump campaign apparatus. Who better to get a FISA warrant against, than an asset you control? After all, why would he complain? He gives the FBI two hops right onto Trump's phone.

Why risk going after a private citizen? Those people get uppity. They bitch. They sue for records. They have rights.

I haven't been able to see the value of selecting randos.

But I don't have any evidence.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

narciso, she is a woman.
What does a woman want?
A strong and brave man to love.

And she got stuck with Planned Parenthood's little puppet Barry.

For God's sake man feel some compassion !!!!

Roy Lofquist বলেছেন...

The song in question is "Subterranean Homesick Blues" by Bob Dylan. Herewith the semi-famous flash card version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGxjIBEZvx0&feature=youtu.be

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Why would Page do it? Money? A misguided sense of patriotism? Cuz he's a nut? (there is some evidence for this one)

narciso বলেছেন...

I mentioned that song i didnt include the link

MayBee বলেছেন...

Birkel- but if he's in on it, why go to the trouble of getting a warrant?

narciso বলেছেন...

He was a trident scholar at annapolis eventually he ended up in finance, he arranged one of the bigger deals in russia, the gazprom deal, there a kernel of truth, that hides the lie. That deal has finally gone sudewise a bakers doxen years earluer

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

Look Mrs Obama has had many good things in life, a good college, a famous brother who excelled in an easy but popular sport, lots of money --- and to tell the truth I think she was kind of hot in her 20s and 30s, and so there's that .... and to be a hot woman in your 20s and 30s, in the USA in the 80s and 90s, is not nothing ....

but has she had, narciso, anything like the good things you and I have had?

narciso বলেছেন...

Because you bury the agency link, you turn the source into a target.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Birkel- but if he's in on it, why go to the trouble of getting a warrant?"

I imagine the warrant gives them cover to spy on his associates.

Qwinn বলেছেন...


Without the warrant, Page could only spy on what he had direct access to. The warrant gave the FBI the two-connection reach of anyone Page had contact with, which would be anything and anyone they wanted in Trump's campaign.

narciso বলেছেন...

She was an associate in a major law firm not much effort that i could see, she is still treated on a pedestal by the media thet were rewarded hansomely for a substandard performance imho.

MayBee বলেছেন...

So does anybody think a second look at the Crowdstrike report is warranted now? Is the FBI's say so enough?

narciso বলেছেন...

Remember enemy of the state, will smith as a patent atty had some unsavory dealings, he also had connectiond to this muckraker, the off the books researcher it doesnt take too many key strokes to make him a target.

narciso বলেছেন...

Oh without a doubt and preliminary analysis like that done by jeff carr makes those claims very threadbare.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Without the warrant, Page could only spy on what he had direct access to. The warrant gave the FBI the two-connection reach of anyone Page had contact with, which would be anything and anyone they wanted in Trump's campaign.

Well, the warrant gave them "legal" cover to get the two connection reach. But do they actually need a warrant to physically get the information? I don't think they ever got a warrant to take down Gen Petraeus.

narciso বলেছেন...

They didnt thats why jeh johnson leaked the file to the press, he took out petraeus swapping for brennan and got the dhs post in the bargain.

MayBee বলেছেন...

I imagine the warrant gives them cover to spy on his associates.

I guess I'm saying if he's cooperating...he can spy on his associates. He can turn over any communication he has. They don't need the mess of someone finding out about a FISA warrant.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but what was the out going to be for him if the IG report didn't come out? How was he going to be rehabilitated?

Birkel বলেছেন...

To hop two steps, MayBee.

MayBee বলেছেন...

exactly, narc. And took out someone Obama was afraid would run for President.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

narciso at 9:45

well yeah tell us something we don't know, but keep defending General Petraeus, a great American hero.

Pleasanton 1974.

San Antonio 1985.

let me say this another way ....

Years from now I might be re-reading your insights ---

just kidding years from now I will be long gone ---

it's on you my brother to keep telling the truth ;

Magna est veritas et praevalebit !!!

Birkel বলেছেন...

If Hillary wins there's no reason to rehabilitate Page. Because nobody knows his name.

When Hillary loses, Page isn't associated with the campaign. But the FBI can now track him forward and backward. Backward to his limited involvement with the campaign. And two hops from there.

Hopping people is nice. Hopping two people through TIME is even better!

Big Mike বলেছেন...

exactly, narc. And took out someone Obama was afraid would run for President.

So it’s time to ask the two-part question again. What did Barack Obama know, and when did he know it?

MayBee বলেছেন...

Big Mike- I think Obama did whatever Brennan wanted, and so ruining Petraeus was a little gift Brennan gave Obama. They brought him into the admin to keep him out of 2012, and ruined him to keep him out of 2016.

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...

Humble request for more cut and paste from paywalled NYT article.

12/11/19, 1:24 PM

Archived snapshot of page

MayBee বলেছেন...

When Hillary loses, Page isn't associated with the campaign. But the FBI can now track him forward and backward. Backward to his limited involvement with the campaign. And two hops from there

I'm confused though....why would he cooperate with this. Because his name is out there now and the Democrats did everything they could to smear him.

narciso বলেছেন...

Maybe the afghan operation was doomed from the start like vietnam.was pre the pleiku landings it was deemed the good war because it was the abandoned theatre for a time, but there should have been an interval by which the counterinsurgency shoulx have been fulfilled.

Churchy LaFemme: বলেছেন...

How long before another Clint Eastwood make movie?

Umm, it better not be long..

narciso বলেছেন...

Brennan didnr employ drones like a scalpel but like a hammer, although selectively.there were whole swaths of territory was rising, and general flynn could see the patterns. First they got rid of mccrystal (yes he didnt fight back) then petraeus. Shorting doen the iraq project and finally general flynn

Birkel বলেছেন...

Cooperate? Why did a person attached to US Intel go along with this plan?

Let's ask Page and Strzok first.
Or Clinesmith?
The list of reasons I don't understand about the motivations of these people is legion.

These people broke laws as part of a coup.
What is a little sacrifice?

Qwinn বলেছেন...

The smearing of Page has been pretty perfunctory compared to the smearing of Flynn and Manafort, IMO. That's one of the questions that "he was in on it" clears up for me.

And as Birkel noted, it also explains why Page hasn't sued.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Not to mention, why did they go to the wall to nail everyone else with process crimes despite no underlying crime, *except* Page.

MayBee বলেছেন...

It's an interesting theory and possible, but for now I still see him as a victim.

narciso বলেছেন...

Like jack ryan he used his position in finance to observe events in russia, he noticed those two svr operatives and referred them to the authorities, the contact was stripped of context.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Qwinn- possibly because he was, after all, a CIA asset. And because they knew they had lied on his FISA warrants.

narciso বলেছেন...

Page didnt know about at all, until they lwaked the fisa app to miss watkins, he probably suspected some from the ioffe piece,

MayBee বলেছেন...

Today didn't clear up why they went after Flynn. Crazy they "observed" him under the guise of a brief to POTUS. Now....I suspect it's Brennan going after Flynn because Flynn was right about ISIS. But I'll be interested to see more about that.

narciso বলেছেন...

At the previous point, he was probably stonewalled by his fmr contacts. He had been Dissavowed

narciso বলেছেন...

And afghanistan, and as such probably thought russia could be a partner but remember vindman set up the trip to the gru headquarter name escapes. Halper cobbled together some innuendo against lokhova,

Birkel বলেছেন...

Flynn was correct about ISIS. He was correct about the Libyan disaster. He was correct about the CIAs wasted billion (trillions by now?) in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Check the WaPo for those tidbits.

Flynn was hated because he is a 3-Star (4?) general with an eye toward reform that would cost the PTB billions.

narciso বলেছেন...

Maybe it wasnt so smart to appear on russian tv but frankly what network was willing to listen in 2013, about what was going on. Mccrystal was out of the picture and quiet, then came oetraeus flynn was the last domino in theatre.

narciso বলেছেন...

And heres another angle which i only recently noticed who was in post graduate school in the uk at the same time as miss broadwell, nawaf obaid mifsuds colleague at general intelligence

MayBee বলেছেন...

exactly, Birkel and narc

MayBee বলেছেন...

Maybe Flynn is why they went after Trump.

MayBee বলেছেন...

I mean, but not because of Flynn's "Russian Ties".

narciso বলেছেন...

You see an entire leviathan which is half public and half private, only concerned with its own self preservation, which they confuse with the nations own interests

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Flynn was definitely a victim. I want him to win his lawsuits for millions (and I think Trump hasn't pardoned him precisely because it would make his case less compelling) and then I want Trump to put him in charge of pretty much the entire military and tell him to clean fucking house. Every Obama plant must go.

narciso বলেছেন...

They went after flynn because he was trumps sherpa in this field, he kbew when they were blowing ahem smoke and whats really important.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Schiff chairs the House Intel committee and covered for all the FISA abuse. He wrote memos attacking Nunes when Nunes was right. Does he even care about the abuse?

narciso বলেছেন...

For that reason, this quite nearly the same pattern with lewis libby 14 years before, actually worse. Trumo threw chum in the water and the predators pounced

Birkel বলেছেন...

Anybody who notices that 4 TRILLION per year is funneled thru DC, supporting people with a Will to Power, will be attacked. The one-stop shop for corruption that benefits those willing to pay homage... that is wonderful for the connected.

4 TRILLION per year.

Imagine what people will do to capture a millionth of that.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

After Hillary and Comey, Schiff is the third in line I want to see serve a life sentence. Or their heads on pikes. Let them tell us which sentence they'd prefer, then give them the other one.

narciso বলেছেন...

No for the reasons ive outlined,

MayBee বলেছেন...

Twitter is interesting tonight. Reporter after reporter being shown to have written definitive information about how strong the Steele Dossier was, or how FISA didn't depend on it. All wrong. None of them angry at their sources. And quote after quote from Schiff that is 180 degrees from the truth. But none of these reporters are mad at him or at the FBI or at Comey.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Schiff is slimming the 4 TRILLION.

No, he does not care about corruption.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Skimming, I mean.

The reporters are given power and money to protect the skim.

They are like the 13 year olds who watch the street corners for the drug dealers.
They yell when the police roll up.

MayBee বলেছেন...

great analogy. And the people like Schiff who give the scoops get all the cover from the media when he is wrong.

MayBee বলেছেন...

For example:

Here is a March 2018 tweet from the current House Council for impeachment, Norm Eisen:

All false sir. Flynn’s plea statement admits widespread collusion during transition & there is much evidence it started before. Your buddy Nunes’ memo proves FBI investigation was based on much more than Steele dossier. And that dossier is more & more corroborated by the day.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Sydney Powell, sometime soon in the future:

Given all the lies perpetrated by the people who have brought these charges against my client, we must withdraw the plea General Flynn entered. We look forward to robust discovery.

narciso বলেছেন...

We saw what happened with his turkish law partners charge on appeal.

walter বলেছেন...

narciso said...
She was an associate in a major law firm not much effort that i could see, she is still treated on a pedestal by the media..
Apparently butt buddies with GWB...which "is not nothing".

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Schiff chairs the House Intel committee and covered for all the FISA abuse. He wrote memos attacking Nunes when Nunes was right. Does he even care about the abuse?"

Adam Schiff will come to be seen as this era's Joe McCarthy.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

Proverbs 8 is always worth reading

unless you have memorized Proverbs 8, well then obviously you do not need to reread those wonderful lines .....

Paris 1979.

Albany 1985.

Please try and keep up, people,

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Original Mike:

Bite your tongue. Joe McCarthy was an honorable and extremely brave man who took on Stalin and was destroyed by Schiff's predecessors, the very same worms that McCarthy was trying to warn us about and that have taken over virtually every institution since.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Walter and narc- who is the "she" we are talking about here?

(please don't say Jamie Gorelick)

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

I am in a good mood tonight so I am not gonna tell anyone what NOTHING really is

but there have been nights where I could have done so

but there has never been, thank God, a night when I was not in a good mood

there is something in all of our hearts which teaches us that we should never ever ever be unkind

there are good people who know what NOTHING tries to be, and what NOTHING wants to be

but those good people are not going to play along with NOTHING


because God loves us all, and God hates nothing.
There is no hatred in God's heart.

Proverbs 8, my friends.

Please try and understand.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

McCarthy enjoyed life, Wisconsin is one of the most beautiful states in the universe, and he was a senator.
He fought in a war bravely, and did not live that long after the war, he never cared about the criticisms of the draft-dodgers.

Not saying I know what was in his heart, just saying he probably had a good life, compared to most of the people who hated him

narciso বলেছেন...

Michelle obama, i dont begrudge anyone getting rich, even though she doesnr reciprocate

Now jamie gorelick the zelig of diaster how long you got.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

lots of other things I could be doing tonight but I decided to help out anyone on the internet trying to figure out what to think about nothing

and that is not nothing

you are welcome

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

Jamie Gorelick wanted to be a beautiful ballerina

she wound up as a failed but famous bureaucrat

have a heart narciso

narciso বলেছেন...

It is good to consider every book of the old and every book of the new testament, thry were the foundation on which this country rested.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

rem acu tetigisti

narciso বলেছেন...

Mccarthy was a flawed man, stipulated, but as head of government oversight he looked at nearly 20 years of treason sometimes mere negligence more often malfeasance and was struck by it. You couldnt spell it out wasily 'if it doth prosper, none call it trason'

narciso বলেছেন...

Now he didnt have access to venona, even though the soviets found out about in 1946 from sgt weisband it wasnt public knowledge but the ware and pressman spyrings the amerasia scandal

Dagwood বলেছেন...

Another one of the Repubs (damned bad camera work: could not ever get a view of his name-plate) was honest-to-Jesus brilliantly articulate.

Might be Josh Hawley, R-MO.


MartyH বলেছেন...


Every politician's solution to solving the deficit is to take on "waste, fraud and abuse."

As long as budgets are growing, there is NO reason to address WF & A.

The ONLY condition where WF & A could possibly be reduced would a budget frozen in absolute dollars for a decade or so. With a department's purchasing power reduced by inflation, the need to spend more efficiently MAY result in the motivation to root out the WF & A.

Without a frozen budget it will be business as usual until the system destabilizes into a singularity and no one can predict what happens next.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

I have, at times, entertained the possibility that Carter Page was part of the conspiracy to get Trump- in other words, he was an actual plant in the campaign put there by the CIA, and once there, became a convenient "target" for a FISA- the goal being to get surveillance on whoever Page had contact with in the campaign.

Now, I don't believe that theory has much standing today- the Horowitz Report does strongly suggest Page was just a dupe- in other words, if he were a part of the cabal to get Trump, he did a lot things to hinder that effort, in particular in his contact with Halper and the things Page said in those encounters.

The following essay- The Hidden Hand gives a sort of view of how I now view the entire operation to get Trump impeached. My money has long been on John Brennan- he was there at all the critical stages and with all the critical contacts that would be necessary to get it off the ground and to keep it all in the air, at least until early 2017.

narciso বলেছেন...

Yes i dont have the language or certainly experience that faddis has in the field, but thats the notion i was trying to convey

narciso বলেছেন...

Thanks to lee smith, we know fusions dissenination of reports go back to the spring of 2016, slightly after mifsud is informed about hillarys emails provenance.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Bay Area Guy wrote:

"During the campaign, the Deep-State FBI assholes were poised to take-down Trump with the Steele Dossier. But they hesitated and held their fire, because they mistakenly believed Hillary would win."

Steele did leak to the media prior to the election- he and Simpson were doing yeoman's work doing so. Indeed, most media organs have confirmed that they had most of the Steele dossier as it stood in early November of 2016 before the election, but were unable to confirm any of it, so didn't report on it. Their judgment wasn't that it would have been unfair to Trump- we know that isn't the problem- their judgment was that unconfirmed rumor would backfire against Clinton, and I think that judgment was correct.

Various people in the Obama Administration were trying to leak out that the Trump Campaign was already a target of a criminal investigation (they worked through Harry Reid), but again the media were making the judgment that such a story might well help Trump, and again I think they were correct.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

I guess I should have read all the comments before writing my last one- Gospace made my first point about the likely poltical effects, and Kathryn51 pointed out Reid's work in leaking about the investigation.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Reiterating the article just cited by Yancy: The Hidden Hand

The essence of a coup, which some might refer to as covert action, is the hidden hand. One does not announce that a foreign power is overthrowing the government and installing a new government. One pulls strings as if from behind a curtain, making events that are all part of a carefully orchestrated plan appear disconnected, spontaneous and serendipitous.

As I read through the recently released IG report for the second time, as someone with a great deal of experience in military and intelligence matters, I see that hand everywhere.

Per the IG report, a single report is delivered to the FBI in the summer of 2016. It concerns a meeting between a cooperative contact of a foreign intelligence service and a junior level employee of the Trump campaign, George Papadopoulos. The report relates what are frankly very amorphous comments by Papadopoulos concerning the Russian government and its alleged possession of information on Hillary Clinton.

On any other day this report would command no attention whatsoever. The source in question has no track record of any kind with the FBI. Papadopoulos has been employed by the Trump campaign for perhaps 90 days at this point, and there is no reason to believe he has contacts of significance in the Kremlin.

Not on this occasion. This one report from a foreign intelligence service goes directly to the top of the FBI. The Director himself, James Comey is briefed. A full investigation is launched. Multiple confidential human sources are tasked. Wiretaps are ordered. A task force is organized. Crossfire Hurricane is born.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...


There is a problem, though. This hand, perhaps because it is controlled by individuals who have made their bones riding desks in Washington, DC and not in the field running actual operations, is clumsy. The information regarding Papadopoulos provided the needed pretext to start an investigation, but most of the people who will now form the investigative team are not in on the plot. They will have to be led to the pre-ordained conclusion, so that it appears that they did so without outside interference.

And these investigators have a pesky habit of actually doing their jobs.

Almost immediately these investigators demonstrate that Papadopoulos does not have the access within the Trump campaign necessary for the suspected Russian connections. If there is a conduit, Papadopoulos cannot be it.

Suddenly, Carter Page is shoved forward as the new focus of the investigation. His contacts with Russians are long-standing and well-known. He will serve well as the new target. Human sources are mobilized. Wiretaps are ordered.

But, there is another problem. Those wielding the clumsy hidden hand have forgotten the first rule of real operational personnel. Never move against a target until you have run “traces.” until you have run the individual’s name through our databases, checked the records and found out what we already know about him. Maybe the conspirators really don’t know that. Maybe they just don’t dare do so, because it will mean involving working-level personnel who are not in on the joke.

In any event, they apparently did not run “traces” and as a consequence they clearly do not know that, yes, Mr. Page has extensive Russian contacts and, yes, he has been reporting to “another government agency” for many years on those contacts. Page is a source. Our source.

This is problem. It is a huge, never fully resolved problem for the conspirators. The “other government agency” sends a formal memo documenting the fact that Page is a source. The hidden hand tries hiding that. Any mention of it is removed from applications for FISA warrants, and it is never mentioned in renewal applications either.

This is critical. The FBI didn’t check with other agencies to see if Carter Page was clean. He wasn’t, but was, instead, working for the CIA. Whoops.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...


But, again, as new FBI personnel, unwitting of the plot are assigned to the investigation they keep doing their jobs. Already they have determined that the only evidence they can develop is exculpatory. Already they have established that there is no basis to believe any of the allegations against Donald Trump and his campaign. Now, they circle back to the issue of Page.

Are they, in effect, focusing investigative resources on a man, Page, who has been cooperating with American intelligence for years? If so, this is the definition of “crossing lines.” Inquiries are made. A second memorandum is sent by the “other government agency.” This one spells out in excruciating detail Page’s relationship with that agency.

The conspirators, behind their curtain, are now desperate. What was supposed to be an elegant plot is now in danger of collapsing. The hand directs crude measures. An attorney assigned to the investigation materially alters the memorandum inserting words not found in the original and making it appear to say exactly the opposite of what it said, in plain English, originally. The trail is covered, temporarily, but there is now hard, physical evidence of the conspirators intervention. The “other government agency” retains the memorandum in its original form, waiting to be discovered by investigators scrutinizing the record at a later date.

This was the email modification by FBI atty Kevin Clinesmith, working for Strzok, to create the Woods file, that got him fired.

This pattern of often clumsy manipulation of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation is everywhere in the record. It is at the heart, for instance, of the entire Christopher Steele narrative.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Bruce Hayden wrote:

"The other thing that went wrong was that the FBI switched the focus from George Papadopoulos to Carter Page, probably as a result of getting ahold of the Steele Dossier."

The essay I linked to above makes what I consider the argument for why this happened- basically that not all the case agents were corrupt, and probably determined within a week or two at the most that Papadopoulos didn't have the necessary contacts to be some sort of Russian asset or as a go-between in this so-called conspiracy with the Russians. In short, there was no chance of getting a FISA on Papadopoulos using the Russian Collusion narrative. Page, on the other hand, had the Russian contacts that could be spun to look perfidious. The main problem with Page was that he was a CIA asset, and burying that information, given freely by uncorrupted CIA officer/s in memorandum was done for a while, but the CIA officer/s insisted on bringing it back up in June of 2017, so Clinesmith tried to bury once and for all by altering that e-mail. It bit him in the ass.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...


This pattern of often clumsy manipulation of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation is everywhere in the record. It is at the heart, for instance, of the entire Christopher Steele narrative.

Shortly after Crossfire Hurricane is initiated, Steele, a former British intelligence officer, appears to provide a dossier, actually multiple files, concerning alleged connections between Donald Trump and his campaign and the Kremlin. The dossier also includes a number of gratuitously salacious allegations concerning President Trump and Russian prostitutes, which likely says more about Steele and the way his mind works than anything else.

Steele is working for a law firm employed by Fusion GPS, which is in effect, an extension of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. He is in Washington, DC frequently. He has a wide range of contacts at senior levels on multiple continents. He has had contact of some kind with the FBI for years.

Yet, when Steele appears to deliver his information he chooses to pass that information to a junior FBI agent working for an FBI Legal Attache (Legatt) in a European city and then rely on this individual to get the “intelligence” to the right people. Why? Because in the minds of those individuals masterminding this operation this will make the information more “organic.” It will not arrive on the desks of the special agents working Crossfire Hurricane as if hand delivered. It will not appear to be too neatly packaged and perhaps arouse suspicion. It will seem to the people working the investigation, most of whom of necessity can never know what is really happening, that this information was developed in the field and therefore is more credible and to be afforded more weight.

But, again, the hand is clumsy. Steele is a loose cannon. He talks to the press. He discusses his contact with the FBI. This is discovered. Formal contact with Steele is shut down. He is no longer an FBI source.

As with the alteration of the memo from the “other government agency” the conspirators must become more forceful and more visible. If Steele’s “intelligence” cannot continue to be fed into the investigation there is no plot. There is no way to lead the investigators in the desired direction and ensure the desired result. The entire operation is in danger of collapsing.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...


Again, per the IG report, Bruce Ohr, a senior Department of Justice lawyer with no role of any kind in the investigation, but a wife who works for Fusion GPS, suddenly appears and makes himself a conduit between Steele and the FBI. Beyond that, in fact, he meets directly with the head of Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, obtains at least one thumb drive full of Steele’s reports and ferries those to the FBI. The pipeline is reestablished.

No one in the Department of Justice or FBI has asked Ohr to play this role. It is, in fact, in direct conflict with his status as an attorney. Ohr actively hides his actions from his superiors. His behavior is transparent and without justification. It is almost certain to attract attention. This is not all the way covert action should work, but the conspirators, backed into a corner by the FBI’s refusal to meet Steele directly have no choice. It is the files compiled by Steele, which are the key to their efforts to delegitimize and destroy Donald Trump.

The IG report on the Crossfire Hurricane investigation runs to hundreds of pages, and it contains a wealth of information. It is the product of what can only have been a massive amount of investigative work by a team of dedicated professionals and is a huge resource for those attempting to understand the origins of the Russian collusion hoax. Yet, at the same time it misses the essence of what just transpired. It is like reading a description of the actions and motivations of a troupe of marionettes in a stage play and missing the fact that they are all simply doing what those pulling the strings make them do.

The FBI did not conduct an investigation of Donald Trump and his associates that ultimately proved to be based on false information and continue that investigation long past the time it should have been shut down simply because some people made some errors in judgment or some procedures need to be changed. That investigation was simply the most visible piece of a deliberate, covert attempt to overthrow the democratic process. The perpetrators of that crime have yet to be brought to justice and identified. Let’s hope that happens soon.

Time for the hidden hand to be revealed.

Thanks to Yancy for the link.

narciso বলেছেন...

Heres another twist:


Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Time for the hidden hand to be revealed.

At one point, I thought that there was a high level conspiracy involving Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, and maybe Comey. But the conflict between the FBI and what appears to be Brennan’s CIA suggests that there wasn’t as much coordination as this hidden hand theory suggests. Right now, my vote is on Brennan starting things off, setting Popadopolis up, and getting that passed to the FBI through a foreign ally (I think either the UK or Australia). But once passed off to the FBI the plot went sideways. And that was a good part of why it fell apart.

Of course, while much of this was going on, the assumption was that Crooked Hillary would be President, and everything would be swept under the rug. Didn’t happen. And the cleanup just made things worse.

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...


"AG Barr said the Dunham report won't be available until Spring or Summer. I wondering who will have respect for our federal government by then?"

Who has respect for it now?

Qwinn বলেছেন...

That THH article is great, but I wish it had worked in the coverup of Hillary's email scandal and the DNC hacking and Crowdstrike. Considering how the same actors kept coming up in all of these, I don't think they're separable from the narrative.

Let me add that I think the genesis of everything that's happened is the Filegate scandal. Hillary got her hands on FBI files for blackmail way back when and has had her hands on the strings of the intelligence community ever since. Brennan may well be the Hidden Hand, but I suspect Hillary gave him *all* his orders.

Danno বলেছেন...

After seeing the IG Report headlines, it sounded like Horowitz was coming totally down in the camp of supporting the deep state resistance. In seeing clips of testimony today, it appears that was a ruse to get the deep staters to lower their defenses.

Birkel বলেছেন...

It is because the Executive Summary is not written by Horowitz.
But the body of the report was written by Horowitz.

It's a stupid thing.

Rory বলেছেন...

"Considering how the same actors kept coming up in all of these, I don't think they're separable from the narrative."

I haven't read the report yet. Does it deal with this at all, that moving the exact same people together is dangerous?

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

IG Horowitz essentially said that while mistakes were made, none of the FISA abuses could specifically be tied to documented political bias. Strzok and Page had documented political bias (in their voluminous trail of text messages), but she was never in a decision making position, and all of his material decisions were approved by higher ups, most typically his boss, CD ADD Bill Priestap, who has never shown, in documentary form, any political bias.

But Strzok’s suit to get his job back turned up an interesting response, a report justifying his firing, and one of their complaints was that he stalled the FBI’s investigation of Crooked Hillary’s emails found on Weiner’s laptop for a critical month right before the election. His justification was that the (Trump) CH investigation was a higher priority than the (Clinton) MYE investigation. While those were his views, it was never clear whether or not his management ever put that down on paper. I suspect not. So, it could be argued that he can’t show that that wasn’t his own prioritization. Worse though, the report faulted him for not requesting additional resources for working on the two highest visibility investigations that the FBI was engaged in at the time, given the 35k other Bureau employees potentially available. He could have requested more resources, but didn’t, so that decision was his and his alone. His documented promise to Page that they were going to prevent Trump from being elected can be persuasively argued was the motivation for that decision, since that decision very likely helped Clinton and Hurt Trump in the election.

hstad বলেছেন...

The arrogance of Comey is perfectly stated in this - "... "James Comey: The truth is finally out. The FBI fulfilled its mission." (WaPo). Yep they did, Mr. Comey, by interferring in the 2016 election. Two things: 1) put this guy in jail and 2) abolish the FBI.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

Lorena Bobbit please pick up the white courtesy phone.

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