১৮ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৯

Tangled up in red, white, and blue.

"Trump supporters displayed a giant flag as the 2 groups jostled for position. Some of the pro-impeachment group got tangled up with that flag and the people holding it. And one woman wound up on the ground. There were no punches thrown, and cooler heads soon prevailed" — says the voiceover in video at "Pro impeachment rally in La Crosse met with counter rally of Trump supporters" (WXOW, La Crosse).

La Crosse is the home base of Ron Kind, who, according to yesterday's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, is the only Wisconsin congressman who had not yet declared how he would vote on impeachment.
Kind is a centrist Democrat who represents a western Wisconsin district narrowly carried by Trump in 2016. Of the 31 Democrats across the country who hold seats carried by Trump, almost all have nevertheless announced plans to support impeachment. Kind is the last of these Democrats to announce how he will vote, according to some tallies kept by national media outlets....
ADDED: From Kind's Wikipedia page:
[In 2009, Kind] refused to join in the effort... to have Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) step down amid an ethics probe involving Rangel's taxes. “We're all ultimately human and none of us are perfect and we're all prone to mistakes from time to time,” Kind had explained. “If that becomes that new standard - that any mistake is subject to dismissal or losing their position - then that's going to be a very tough standard for each and every member to have to live up to."
There's a good sentiment to contemplate today... as the House rushes to impeach Trump for saying something in a phone call that was arguably imperfect.

৫১টি মন্তব্য:

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Let me get this straight. It was a White crowd fighting a white crowd for supremacy. Gotta love Wisconsin.

Darrell বলেছেন...

They amazingly got entangled in the banner held by Trump supporters, too. As the Trump people stood still.

I wonder what Soros is paying for the spontaneous rallies.

Hagar বলেছেন...

I don't think the mood in their home districts carry near as much weight as the fear of Pelosi's powers to dish out favors and punishments within the Democratic caucus in the House.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Leftwing group think prevails. Leftists are known for their Nazi-like hold on group-think.

Howard বলেছেন...

10,000 mouth breathers in Wisconsin hold the key to Trump's second term. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Owen বলেছেন...

Darrell: I share your curiosity in how much $oro$ $auce is being spread around the countryside on this spontaneous demonstration of the People’s Righteous Indignation. Can we hope that some enterprising journalist might try to dig into that?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

We all know the superiority of the leftwing mob.

Pro-Trump Women Verbally Harassed, Navy SEAL Assaulted by Unhinged Dems in Swanky DC Hotel

Curious George বলেছেন...

"Kind is a centrist Democrat"

No, only his constituency makes him pretend to be centrist. He's a lefty.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Some of the pro-impeachment group got tangled up with that flag and the people holding it. And one woman wound up on the ground.

A flag entangled people; the ground aligned itself with somebody's body.

Stuff like that happens a lot to stationery demonstrators just standing around minding their own business.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I wonder what Soros is paying for the spontaneous rallies.

I do, too. Thank Howard for his contribution to Trump 2020, everybody.

rehajm বলেছেন...

I suspect there's a few people in Wisconsin willing to protest Trump for free...

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

The "centrist Democrat" is extinct. How many stories have we read about the 31 Dems in Trump districts? about a billion yet I bet no more than 3 vote against impeachment. So far there is only 1 [Van Drew] and he switched parties.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The Congressman should talk to Bart Stupak about what you do with your life after you vote the way you are told.

wild chicken বলেছেন...

I read the letter and I don't get when Trump quotes Turley, saying you can't make high crimes or misdemeanors out of taking matters to the courts? Or something like that.

I must have missed it.

gilbar বলেছেন...

people said...
I wonder what Soros is paying for the spontaneous rallies.

Can we hope that some enterprising journalist might try to dig into that?

of COURSE we can't hope that; just think about how much Soros is paying for cooperative press

Lefties are All Against Rich People.... Except the Rich People That OWN Them

Chuck বলেছেন...

There's a good sentiment to contemplate today... as the House rushes to impeach Trump for saying something in a phone call that was arguably imperfect.

The suggestion that the sole basis for the impeachment of Trump is his having said "something in a phone call that was arguably imperfect," is more than a mere misrepresentation, and indeed it is more than frank dishonesty.

It's a laughable distortion of the actual facts. Shame on you Althouse. Your readers are not that stupid.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Some of the pro-impeachment group got tangled up with that flag

Metaphor alert.

ga6 বলেছেন...

He just wants some attention...3 year old in adult form..

rehajm বলেছেন...

OT: Nancy dressed in black. She must know she’s dug the Democrats own graves?

Temujin বলেছেন...

The answer to who arranged the 'spontaneous' impeachment rallies: Victory Girls

Kevin বলেছেন...

It was a White crowd fighting a white crowd for supremacy.

It's always the people holding the flag who are the nationalists.

The people "Hey Hey-ing" and "Ho Ho-ing" are the paid protesters.

readering বলেছেন...

Chuck you haven't been reading her readers all these years?

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"The suggestion that the sole basis for the impeachment of Trump is his having said "something in a phone call that was arguably imperfect," is more than a mere misrepresentation, and indeed it is more than frank dishonesty."

Hard to know when testimony was taken in the damn basement.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

"something in a phone call that was arguably imperfect," -

Why does the professor soft-shoe the issue. The Bidens, Kerrys, Pelosis, and Romneys....all fleeced Ukraine for to line their own pockets. All while young Ukrainian women head to the red light districts of Europe to escape poverty.

Not only was it perfect. It was necessary. And it was Trump's duty. But even a free speech advocate has to watch what they say in a totalitarian community like Madison.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Our Poor Chuck said...
The suggestion that the sole basis for the impeachment of Trump is his having said "something in a phone call is more than a mere misrepresentation, and indeed it is more than frank dishonesty.

Yes Chuck! We Are QUITE AWARE that the phone call wasn't the sole basis (even though that's what the House is saying)
We are QUITE AWARE that THE TRUE CRIMES that President Trump was said to have committed were
1) getting elected
2) refusing to resign

Oh you Poor Chuck, don't you REALIZE, that we Actually LISTEN to what you have to say?
We've HEARD You. We Understand, that to a LIFE LONG LEFTIST like you, it is an IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE for a non Leftist to be President.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Read the IG report yet, Chuck?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

It is illegal to suggest that Hillary and Biden and their deep state protectors are corrupt.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The left is one giant: "WE HATE TRUMP - so, HOW DARE YOU!"

Nonapod বলেছেন...

“We're all ultimately human and none of us are perfect and we're all prone to mistakes from time to time,” Kind had explained. “If that becomes that new standard - that any mistake is subject to dismissal or losing their position - then that's going to be a very tough standard for each and every member to have to live up to."

So tax evasion isn't grounds for an ethics probe because "we're all prone to mistakes". I wonder if a normal citizen could use that as a defense? "I'm sorry I didn't pay my taxes, your honor, I'm only human".

Smerdyakov বলেছেন...

They'll meet again someday
On the avenooo...

Ken B বলেছেন...

They do NOT charge bribery. So the phone call is not one of the *acts* alleged to be an impeachable offense is it?

SeanF বলেছেন...

wild chicken: I read the letter and I don't get when Trump quotes Turley, saying you can't make high crimes or misdemeanors out of taking matters to the courts? Or something like that.

I must have missed it.

The Dems subpoenaed some of Trump's documents.

Trump filed a lawsuit, arguing the subpoena is invalid, and asking the courts to make a determination.

The impeachment charge of "Obstruction of Congress" is based, at least in part, on Trump not turning over the documents.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Here's some facts for you, Chuck.

1. First-ever purely partisan impeachment;
2. First-ever impeachment advocated by House members before the president took office and took any official actions;
3. No crime is alleged;
4. The first-ever impeachment brought less than a year before voters speak on the incumbent.
5. Hearings led by a man who brazenly, extensively, and provably lied (Nunes vs Schiff memoranda)
6. The Speaker of the House opposed it, but was bullied by young radicals she called “the Squad”
7. Impeachment hearings drove approval of the target higher

Left Bank of the Charles বলেছেন...

Does the Kind standard allow denialist require confession of the mistake?

Imagine this. “It was an imperect call, but I never conditioned the miliatary aid on opening the investigation. I later made that clear to my ambassador.”

Francisco D বলেছেন...

I see that Chuckles is clowning around again and insulting our hostess.

I am now convinced that this is his paying job after failing as a lawyer.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Our morning paper showed a mere handful of pro-impeachment protesters from yesterday. They were all white geezers my age or older and I suspect they may have been Canadian snowbirds. ;-D My daughter reported the same in her small town in WA. She said she rolled down her window and shouted, "Trump in 2020!".

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

2017-2020 - The * Years.

It’s on the FBI, CIA, FISA Courts and the House of Representatives with the first Female Head of House.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

10,000 mouth breathers in Wisconsin...

The dumbest lout on this board, with the exception of Ritmo, actually said this.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Nonapod said...

So tax evasion isn't grounds for an ethics probe because "we're all prone to mistakes". I wonder if a normal citizen could use that as a defense? "I'm sorry I didn't pay my taxes, your honor, I'm only human".

Better than the treasury secretary blaming Turbo Tax.

Democrats are just openly corrupt people.

Calypso Facto বলেছেন...

I posted last week that Ron Kind would be squeezed the hardest; he has one of the most toss-up districts in the state. If Pelosi was smart she'd let him off the hook, but I think she views him as expendable (or already a bad reelection bet) and would rather have his show vote today. Kind has done some cross-aisle voting; maybe he'll show some backbone again today with a vote against impeachment.

Crayon-eating, ex-Marine Howard doubles down on the Dem policy of driving away critical Wisconsin independent voters with insults. Hey, worked great for Hillary, right?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

"Pro impeachment rally in La Crosse met with counter rally of Trump supporters" (WXOW, La Crosse)

Given that WXOW is part of the ABC network, I can safely assume that reality was the other way around -- a pro-Trump rally met with a counter-rally by the pro-impeachment loons.

Some of the pro-impeachment group got tangled up with that flag and the people holding it.

Accidentally, of course! Suuuure.

Pookie Number 2 বলেছেন...

Have we considered the possibility that Chuck is intentionally demonstrating just how pathetic the Never Trump crowd is by pretending to be one of them? The character he plays is undeniably pathetic, but maybe it’s an act? Like an untalented Titania McGrath?

Chuck বলেছেন...

I kind of like this sort of post. Direct, and not any ad hominem garbage. You do this kind of post a lot, Original Mike. You should do it all the time.

Original Mike said...
Here's some facts for you, Chuck.

1. First-ever purely partisan impeachment;

The Clinton impeachment was almost purely partisan. Anyway, I just adore Justin Amash.
2. First-ever impeachment advocated by House members before the president took office and took any official actions;

It was a stupid and shameful stunt by the stupid and shameful Rashida Tlaib & co.; their impeachment trashtalk long before the Ukraine scandal arose. Classic Democrat stupidity of the first order.
3. No crime is alleged;

Read the House Judiciary Committee report. I expect that we are going to have about six hours of debate coming up today that will focus much more attention on those crimes.
4. The first-ever impeachment brought less than a year before voters speak on the incumbent.

Yawn. I'm much more convinced by the fact that Trump's misconduct related directly to a candidate in that upcoming election.
5. Hearings led by a man who brazenly, extensively, and provably lied (Nunes vs Schiff memoranda)

Oh, wait; I thought you were talking about Nunes as the liar. The upcoming House Ethics investigation (#2) of Nunes will be interesting.
6. The Speaker of the House opposed it, but was bullied by young radicals she called “the Squad”

The Speaker of the House very deliberately opposed and restrained The Squad -- and rightly so -- until the Ukraine scandal. Speaker Pelosi did at least as well in opposing her radical left members, than Speaker John Boehner did in opposing his radical right members. They drove Boehner out.
7. Impeachment hearings drove approval of the target higher

Didn't Clinton's numbers eventually get driven up?

I think that the current House Democrats, and indeed all Congressional Democrats in both houses, have done a really shitty job of pressing the impeachment case. The three left-wing lawprofs were bad. Stiff-arming Justin Amash is bad. The entire push, straight out of the old left wing playbook, is bad. Mass protests aren't working. The usual left wing media isn't working. There are plenty of anti-Trump conservatives and alienated Republicans who can be mobilized for impeachment. That is where this could have been won. Taking more time could have been done. I'd like to have seen the senior White House staff subpoenaed, and those subpoenas litigated. And I suppose that after the Senate Republicans dispose of this impeachment, the House Democrats will do just that. That will be the lesson from this impeachment. That any party attempting to move for the impeachment of a President will need to carefully discipline its own radical elements, and will need to carefully sell its case to members of the opposition party.

Carter Wood বলেছেন...

The major organizer of all these rallies, La Crosse included, was Moveon.org.

Which I find funny, given its origins.


Drago বলেছেন...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "There are plenty of anti-Trump conservatives"

There are approximately ZERO.


But you just keep up your racist posting and lying there tiger. It's going gangbusters!

narciso বলেছেন...

it's just the john Chisholm snipe hunt writ large, and Ronnie earle, et al, apparently Justin Fairfax was part of the witchhunt against McDonnell, reversed on appeal,

Jim at বলেছেন...

Maybe somebody could point me to a video that showed a bunch of Republicans partying in the streets when Clinton was impeached.

Thanks, in advance.

narciso বলেছেন...

whats forgetting to pay tax on a million in Dominican real estates, haters,

Michael K বলেছেন...

The Clinton impeachment was almost purely partisan. Anyway, I just adore Justin Amash.

Chuck and his bullshit. 30 Democrats voted to impeach Clinton. Fuck off, Chuck

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Chuck apparently doesn't know that the IG report destroyed Schiff's credibility and exonerated Nunes. I can not believe they have Schiff as the face of impeachment.

I suppose Chuck sees Brit Hume as disreputable too.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Michael K said...
"The Clinton impeachment was almost purely partisan. Anyway, I just adore Justin Amash."

Chuck and his bullshit. 30 Democrats voted to impeach Clinton. Fuck off, Chuck

Huh? It was just five, right? From the Clinton Impeachment Wikipedia page:

Five Democrats (Virgil Goode, Ralph Hall, Paul McHale, Charles Stenholm and Gene Taylor) voted in favor of three of the four articles of impeachment, but only Taylor voted for the abuse of power charge. Five Republicans (Amo Houghton, Peter King, Connie Morella, Chris Shays and Mark Souder) voted against the first perjury charge. Eight more Republicans (Sherwood Boehlert, Michael Castle, Phil English, Nancy Johnson, Jay Kim, Jim Leach, John McHugh and Ralph Regula), but not Souder, voted against the obstruction charge. Twenty-eight Republicans voted against the second perjury charge, sending it to defeat, and eighty-one voted against the abuse of power charge.

Where'd you get "30" from?