I took most of my photographs about 5 minutes before then. It was a mellow orange and blue sky, with wispy contrails, and — on the lake — ice near the shore and coots massing a little way out:
The glassy surface to the right is ice:
13 minutes after the official sunrise time, the sun appeared over the buildings.
Prof. Larry Tribe would like to know how you, Prof. Althouse, can publish these calm, pleasant, but frivolous sunrise photographs, at a time when our country is engulfed in a Constitutional crisis!
Alan Dershowitz has an article claiming Pelosi's proposal to withhold a Senate trial is unconstitutional. He directs his remarks to Tribe (and pushes his book):
"It is difficult to imagine anything more unconstitutional, more violative of the intention of the Framers, more of a denial of basic due process and civil liberties, more unfair to the president and more likely to increase the current divisiveness among the American people. Put bluntly, it is hard to imagine a worse idea put forward by good people.
"Denying President Trump and the American people a trial in the Senate would constitute a variation on the title of my new book, "Guilt by Accusation." President Trump would stand accused of two articles of impeachment without having an opportunity to be acquitted by the institution selected by the Framers to try all cases of impeachment. It would be as if a prosecutor deliberately decided to indict a criminal defendant but not to put him on trial.
"This would deny him the right to confront his accusers and to disprove the charges against him. Tribe himself uses a variant of this analogy..."
McConnell v. Pelosi. Held: The Majority Leader was entitled to a writ of mandamus compelling the Speaker to perform the ministerial act of transmitting the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. Marbury v. Madison all over again. If Mitch was smart, he'd file that lawsuit on Monday. Nancy has no constitutional authority to hold onto the Articles once they were passed. The President must have his trial and acquittal.
Breaking reports that our apparently very active Prosecutor Durham is getting all of John Brennan's communications for his investigation in both the time periods after the 2016 election and before the election, including prior to July 2016 which has been the coup-sters 3rd time block fallback position.
"It is difficult to imagine anything more unconstitutional, more violative of the intention of the Framers, more of a denial of basic due process and civil liberties, more unfair to the president and more likely to increase the current divisiveness among the American people. Put bluntly, it is hard to imagine a worse idea put forward by good people."
Also known as just another day in Lefty/LLR-lefty-Land.
The Constitution says the House is in sole charge of preparing the charges of impeachment and the Senate in sole charge of the trial. I read that as saying the House may keep the charges on Pelosi's desk as long as they want to, but it would be improper for the Senate to take any notice of them until they are brought over to their place for them to consider. At present it is something like the sound of one hand clapping.
Coots are interesting, I don't think they visit around here.
Is auntie Nan, she of the solemn black impeachment dress, really saying or suggesting that the House will withhold sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate? Shameless if true. I didn't think i could despise them more.
"The federal prosecutor scrutinizing the Russia investigation has begun examining the role of the former C.I.A. director John O. Brennan in how the intelligence community assessed Russia’s 2016 election interference, according to three people briefed on the inquiry.
John H. Durham, the United States attorney leading the investigation, has requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry."
I read that as saying the House may keep the charges on Pelosi's desk as long as they want to, but it would be improper for the Senate to take any notice of them until they are brought over to their place for them to consider.
Just say Trump hasn't been impeached until the House impeachment process has concluded - ie., the matter is referred to the Senate.
If the House doesn't send the articles to the Senate, has Trump been impeached? Doesn't something more than a vote have to happen before a bill is legal. Won't the "impeachment" die with the Congress?
For instance, say the House passes a law prohibiting ICE agents from patrolling the border but they never send it to the Senate. That Bill has no meaning or power.
John H. Durham, the United States attorney leading the investigation, has requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A.,
There has been plenty of time and advance warning.
As much as I oppose their beliefs, I'm sad to see the democrat party bubbling in the septic tank. Trump has shown America the naked truth. Sure hope to find out what Paul Pelosi and associates were doing in Ukraine.
Jo Biden just said... That the Economy is doing Terrible! That it's doing 'okay', for "the Rich". But; "if you ask the old people/ the neighbors; you'll hear them say it's Terrible" No one has any income; except for "the rich"; and people on the minimum wage aren't able to afford new cars, and large apartments"
commenter Kevin recommends: "Just say Trump hasn't been impeached until the House impeachment process has concluded - ie., the matter is referred to the Senate" Wow. That's just what should happen. If there were an independent media, that point would be made clear.
Klobuchar isn't winning. Yang is truth telling but is ignored for it. Sweet Pete is saintly and youthful. And the Head Swamp Creature keeps spouting delusions that once worked before Trump taught reality for 4 years.
I didn't read it here, but on several other sites, I've read much disparagement of reporter John Solomon. From what I've determined, his reporting regarding the goings on in the Ukraine, the Biden, various stories re:Trump have been proven true in the main, and he has been vindicated.
The impeachment is in limbo until delivered to the Senate.
I think it would be improper for McConnell to discuss any arrangements for the trial with anybody, except perhaps his wife, until such time as the charges are delivered to his desk. Anybody he talks to, it will be leaked, and we will have a suspect situation of possible bargaining between the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority leader, i.e., the independence mandated by the Constitution has been broken.
... She was made aware of abuse Sometime between Oct. 21 and Oct. 24, 2016, Rogers reported his findings to the DOJ. From there, he presented his findings to the FISA court
Iman: "I didn't read it here, but on several other sites, I've read much disparagement of reporter John Solomon."
John Solomon, by virtue of being a real journalist who has spent 3+years exposing the russia collusion hoax and the lies about Carter Page and the vicious smears and attacks on Devin Nunes and all the rest, has been attacked at Althouse as well by the usual LLR and lefty suspects.
Article I - Abuse of power. There cannot have been "abuse of power" where nothing actually happened as a result of the talking.
Article II - Obstructing Congress. The President is supposed to jealously protect the privileges of the Executive Branch against encroachments by the Legislative. Read the Federalist Papers and Mr. Madison's Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention in 1787.
Althouse, I’m watching the Badgers play Baylor too. My wife and I are big volleyball fans, and this is a great match. Badgers look good, and they could be national champions. Stanford will be tough in the finals if they beat Minnesota in the other semifinal. How lucky for you to get to see all that great Big 10 volleyball in Madison!
Article III - Obstruction of Nadler. The Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has lawfully set lunch breaks every hour on the hour, centered on the all-you-can-eat Nacho Bar at Noon, and, in violation of standard House rules, several Minority Members have conspired to and facilitated the interposition of their bodies proper between the Chair and said Nacho Bar, at inpropitious times, thereby depriving the Chair of important nutritional satisfaction.
Congrats to the Badgers! They have an amazing block. It also helps to have a graceful 6’8” middle like Dana Rettke and a dominant outside like Molly Haggerty. Baylor played tough, but Wisconsin has the depth.
"So making impeachment of the sitting US president more popular is desireable? WTF is wrong with these people?"
Popular in the sense that a large percentage of the public is behind what you are doing. Usually, you try to build that support before you actually take the vote. After the fact is too late.
“As president, would you be willing to sacrifice some of that growth, even knowing potentially that it could displace thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers in the interest of transitioning to that greener economy?” the moderator asked Biden.
I am happy for Wisconsin but read that many female volleyball players are lez. Therefore I can not support the activity or the team. Sorry I have principles. Sorry Wisconsin lez volleyball players. Repent for your lez sins.
I would like some informed opinion from AA or other commenters with expertise in constitutional law about the question: "Has Trump been impeached?" Harvard Prof Noah Feldman (who was called as a pro-impeachment constitutional law expert last week) now says that impeachment hasn't occurred until the articles are submitted from the House to the Senate for trial. Democrats apparently think that they can withhold an "official submitting of the articles of impeachment to the Senate" which would allow them to simultaneously claim that (a) Trump has been impeached and (b) the Senate cannot bring the impeachment to trial. I'm having a hard time finding this distinction in the Constitution. In my reading, either Trump is impeached (giving the Senate the right to trial) or the Senate does not have the right to trial (meaning that Trump was not impeached). Any comments or commentary on this appreciated.
If impeachment weren’t absurd enough then holding up the articles in the House really seals the deal!! What’s Nancy afraid of? Is the Ukraine too close to home for her family? Or is it Burisma Joe holding his lead in the Dem polls that has her worried? Glad I enjoy popcorn... 😋
Watched the debate for about 30 mins and everyone onstage was asked several questions except Biden. The Moderators clearly are keeping ole Joe off camera.
Dump particles of peach mints on the stage and see who gathers the most.
Rabel said...John H. Durham, the United States attorney leading the investigation, has requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry."
@DavidBegley Stanford just took the first set from Minnesota. Stanford will be hard to beat. Their senior girls have been in the volleyball finals every year since they were freshmen.
Adolfo Martinez, 30, was found guilty last month of a hate crime, third-degree harassment and reckless use of fire after admitting to police in June that he stole a pride banner hanging outside the Ames United Church of Christ and set it on fire using lighter fluid about two blocks away outside the Dangerous Curves Gentleman’s Club, The Des Moines Register reported.
Story County Attorney Jessica Reynolds said in June that the hate crime charge was added because Mr. Martinez targeted the church’s property because of “what it represents as far as sexual orientation.”
What an absurdity. It's almost unbelievable. Perhaps it will turn out that initial reporting was incorrect. But assuming not, this guy is getting a harsh prison sentence for having "incorrect" opinions about homosexuality. No you can't take someone's property and set it on fire. But it was a polyester flag. You can get 'em on Amazon for seven bucks. He is being punished for hating gays even though he has an absolute fucking right to hate gays. This guy is being punished for what he thinks not what he does. It's an outrage.
Stephen Green • 2019-12-19 21:45:45 chat 0 comments
Bernie just paid for everything everywhere by waving his arms a lot. So we've got that going for us, which is nice. -- "he stole a pride banner hanging outside the Ames United Church of Christ and set it on fire using lighter fluid about two blocks away outside the Dangerous Curves Gentleman’s Club" Was Hunter a witness?
Yelp: "These are down home Midwestern girls so there weren't any with breast implants or scars. Again, go outside of Ames for anything that isn't homegrown and pure and clean.
The girl next door in a bar making her booty clap - that's Dangerous Curves." H. Biden
These loser Dem candidates need to do something to spice up these stupid debates. In solidarity with all females who have ever been groped without consent since the dawn of man, I propose they all wear Pussy Hats on stage at the next debate. Then, at the outset, they need to close ranks for a moment of silence with a sturdy, defiant collective black power salute. That will capture both the racial iniquity and vagino-discrimination that sadly permeate our country.
"I am going to start watching, but I won’t live blog. Too late for me. I’ve been up since before 2."
Assuming that's 2 AM...
Sleep. 2019 Oct 9;42(10)
Extreme morning chronotypes are often familial and not exceedingly rare: the estimated prevalence of advanced sleep phase, familial advanced sleep phase, and advanced sleep– wake phase disorder in a sleep clinic population.
Buttigieg deserves creditfor calling Warren’s hypocrisy out, especially considering the wrath from leftist activists he is sure to incur. It’s insufferable to listen to Warren rail against money in politics when she was doing the same thing basically yesterday. Now, the voters have one more reminder that Warren is a fraud.
"In my reading, either Trump is impeached (giving the Senate the right to trial) or the Senate does not have the right to trial (meaning that Trump was not impeached)."
I think the Senate rules are clear: they need notice from the House to take up the case.
I'd be happy to be corrected about this: it seems that the House procedure is covered by the "House Manual," which is murkier than I could decipher. I couldn't find anything about the moment when it's effective.
One interesting way out: the Senate suspends or changes it's rules, and takes up the matter. They're required to get the Chief Justice to preside, but he has no charges or prosecutors in front of him. He could reasonably argue that since he has nothing to preside over, no impeachment happened.
Sure, readering, that's why Pelosi has such an impressive string of victories over Trump. She's gotten so much of her legislative agenda through. She's a tactical genius. And like everybody else Trump has faced - each of whom had obvious advantages over Trump - Pelosi is guaranteed to win every time.
Trump is just so damned weak-minded that he fails at every turn.
While Hunter Biden was being paid $100K a year by a credit card company, Joe Biden was "carrying water" for that same company in the Senate while working on legislation.
Mayor Pete and Warren are both competing for the Country Club Dem voters. Mayor Pete has the edge with them. Bernie and Warren are both competing for the Pajama Boy and Julia vote. Warren is doing better with the Julias but Bernie is cleaning up with the Pajama Boys and Antifa Goons.
But none of them are getting any traction with The Blacks.
They are keeping Biden viable, along with the dwindling number of Deplorables.
Just because it would be cool doesn't mean it is likely to happen.
There is no "force the Dardanelles" masterstroke and *poof!* the Dems collapse. There is just a long slog of keeping the pressure on and continuing to win elections.
Christianity Today, has now called for Trump's impeachment, invoking the mission of the magazine's founder, Billy Graham. Franklin Graham, son of the evangelist, has publicly come out against impeachment and is a strong supporter of Trump.
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Prof. Larry Tribe would like to know how you, Prof. Althouse, can publish these calm, pleasant, but frivolous sunrise photographs, at a time when our country is engulfed in a Constitutional crisis!
Not watching the Democratic debate tonight?
Alan Dershowitz has an article claiming Pelosi's proposal to withhold a Senate trial is unconstitutional. He directs his remarks to Tribe (and pushes his book):
"It is difficult to imagine anything more unconstitutional, more violative of the intention of the Framers, more of a denial of basic due process and civil liberties, more unfair to the president and more likely to increase the current divisiveness among the American people. Put bluntly, it is hard to imagine a worse idea put forward by good people.
"Denying President Trump and the American people a trial in the Senate would constitute a variation on the title of my new book, "Guilt by Accusation."
President Trump would stand accused of two articles of impeachment without having an opportunity to be acquitted by the institution selected by the Framers to try all cases of impeachment. It would be as if a prosecutor deliberately decided to indict a criminal defendant but not to put him on trial.
"This would deny him the right to confront his accusers and to disprove the charges against him. Tribe himself uses a variant of this analogy..."
@clint. I am going to start watching, but I won’t live blog. Too late for me. I’ve been up since before 2.
McConnell v. Pelosi. Held: The Majority Leader was entitled to a writ of mandamus compelling the Speaker to perform the ministerial act of transmitting the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. Marbury v. Madison all over again. If Mitch was smart, he'd file that lawsuit on Monday. Nancy has no constitutional authority to hold onto the Articles once they were passed. The President must have his trial and acquittal.
Breaking reports that our apparently very active Prosecutor Durham is getting all of John Brennan's communications for his investigation in both the time periods after the 2016 election and before the election, including prior to July 2016 which has been the coup-sters 3rd time block fallback position.
"It is difficult to imagine anything more unconstitutional, more violative of the intention of the Framers, more of a denial of basic due process and civil liberties, more unfair to the president and more
likely to increase the current divisiveness among the American people. Put bluntly, it is hard to imagine a worse idea put forward by good people."
Also known as just another day in Lefty/LLR-lefty-Land.
The Constitution says the House is in sole charge of preparing the charges of impeachment and the Senate in sole charge of the trial.
I read that as saying the House may keep the charges on Pelosi's desk as long as they want to, but it would be improper for the Senate to take any notice of them until they are brought over to their place for them to consider.
At present it is something like the sound of one hand clapping.
Coots are interesting, I don't think they visit around here.
Is auntie Nan, she of the solemn black impeachment dress, really saying or suggesting that the House will withhold sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate? Shameless if true. I didn't think i could despise them more.
As Drago said:
"The federal prosecutor scrutinizing the Russia investigation has begun examining the role of the former C.I.A. director John O. Brennan in how the intelligence community assessed Russia’s 2016 election interference, according to three people briefed on the inquiry.
John H. Durham, the United States attorney leading the investigation, has requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry."
That's from the Times. Seems important.
I read that as saying the House may keep the charges on Pelosi's desk as long as they want to, but it would be improper for the Senate to take any notice of them until they are brought over to their place for them to consider.
Just say Trump hasn't been impeached until the House impeachment process has concluded - ie., the matter is referred to the Senate.
That should cause a ruckus.
If the House doesn't send the articles to the Senate, has Trump been impeached? Doesn't something more than a vote have to happen before a bill is legal. Won't the "impeachment" die with the Congress?
For instance, say the House passes a law prohibiting ICE agents from patrolling the border but they never send it to the Senate. That Bill has no meaning or power.
John H. Durham, the United States attorney leading the investigation, has requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A.,
There has been plenty of time and advance warning.
The CIA should have them ready to deliver.
it is hard to imagine a worse idea put forward by good people
I think I found your problem. They are not good people.
That's why they wind up in Hell.
That and Hunter's grifting is way more basis to open an intelligence investigation of Biden, Hunter and the Biden campaign.
Let the FISA warrants fly!
As long as Dems keep making own goals, let them keep the ball.
As much as I oppose their beliefs, I'm sad to see the democrat party bubbling in the septic tank. Trump has shown America the naked truth. Sure hope to find out what Paul Pelosi and associates were doing in Ukraine.
Jo Biden just said...
That the Economy is doing Terrible! That it's doing 'okay', for "the Rich". But;
"if you ask the old people/ the neighbors; you'll hear them say it's Terrible"
No one has any income; except for "the rich"; and people on the minimum wage aren't able to afford new cars, and large apartments"
Bernie’s yelling makes me grab at the remote to snap it off. I’ve stopped myself so far, but I can’t take it much longer.
And italian eni and french total amo g others
commenter Kevin recommends: "Just say Trump hasn't been impeached until the House impeachment process has concluded - ie., the matter is referred to the Senate" Wow. That's just what should happen. If there were an independent media, that point would be made clear.
I wonder if the impeachment gets mentioned in the debate I'm not watching. The Mayor
could bring it up.
I look forward to each debate. After a couple of minutes, I record it to watch later. After a couple of days, I delete it without watching.
Looks like even JAC has lost interest in live blogging this one.
When they went to commercial, I turned it off.
Klobuchar isn't winning. Yang is truth telling but is ignored for it. Sweet Pete is saintly and youthful. And the Head Swamp Creature keeps spouting delusions that once worked before Trump taught reality for 4 years.
Good. Professor, get some rest. No need to burn brain cells on this tonight.
Watching Badger volleyball.
You have an eye for beauty, professor!
I didn't read it here, but on several other sites, I've read much disparagement of reporter John Solomon. From what I've determined, his reporting regarding the goings on in the Ukraine, the Biden, various stories re:Trump have been proven true in the main, and he has been vindicated.
Does anyone know differently?
I especially like your second photo.
Because theyve been handed the fusion packet at the basilisk and the new yacker
The impeachment is in limbo until delivered to the Senate.
I think it would be improper for McConnell to discuss any arrangements for the trial with anybody, except perhaps his wife, until such time as the charges are delivered to his desk.
Anybody he talks to, it will be leaked, and we will have a suspect situation of possible bargaining between the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority leader, i.e., the independence mandated by the Constitution has been broken.
fyi, no new ground being broken in the debate
Klobachar has a brand new look, and no visible shaking tonight
how phoney is FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer?
... She was made aware of abuse Sometime between Oct. 21 and Oct. 24, 2016, Rogers reported his findings to the DOJ. From there, he presented his findings to the FISA court
Iman: "I didn't read it here, but on several other sites, I've read much disparagement of reporter John Solomon."
John Solomon, by virtue of being a real journalist who has spent 3+years exposing the russia collusion hoax and the lies about Carter Page and the vicious smears and attacks on Devin Nunes and all the rest, has been attacked at Althouse as well by the usual LLR and lefty suspects.
the opening question for all 7 candidates was how they'd make impeachment more popular to Americans.
All had idiotic responses
What is the deal with the way Sanders speaks?
That is disqualifying by itself
oops, spoke too soon
Amy is starting to vibrate again
the opening question for all 7 candidates was how they'd make impeachment more popular to Americans.
Impeach Nancy.
Article I - Abuse of power.
There cannot have been "abuse of power" where nothing actually happened as a result of the talking.
Article II - Obstructing Congress.
The President is supposed to jealously protect the privileges of the Executive Branch against encroachments by the Legislative. Read the Federalist Papers and Mr. Madison's Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention in 1787.
Nancy Pelosi on Senate Republicans intentions for impeachment: "I don't care what the Republicans say."....!!!!!
Spoken like a LLR.
Oh, are these losers debating tonight?
Althouse, I’m watching the Badgers play Baylor too. My wife and I are big volleyball fans, and this is a great match. Badgers look good, and they could be national champions. Stanford will be tough in the finals if they beat Minnesota in the other semifinal. How lucky for you to get to see all that great Big 10 volleyball in Madison!
Warren's plaintive speaking style is also off putting to me.
Why can't these people talk conversationally?
The Big 10 is to women’s volleyball
As the SEC is to men’s football.
None of these dems is trying to differentiate from each other.
Maybe they can run against Trump as a committee?
Article III - Obstruction of Nadler.
The Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has lawfully set lunch breaks every hour on the hour, centered on the all-you-can-eat Nacho Bar at Noon, and, in violation of standard House rules, several Minority Members have conspired to and facilitated the interposition of their bodies proper between the Chair and said Nacho Bar, at inpropitious times, thereby depriving the Chair of important nutritional satisfaction.
We win.
On to the final.
Womp womp
How does Dana Bash have a tv job on CNN? She's a total ditz.
Hey, if Pelosi is sitting on the Articles of Impeachment, they are halfway home.
Bernie is loud and stupid.
Yang ripped into media
Sanders has yet to answer a direct question.
He immediately goes off on a tangent to his stump speech about some injustice or another.
Biden is on another planet this evening.
Sorry to keep repeating this, but Yang is still only sane individual on the stage
Her husband jeremy was a feinstein staffer seeved in the obama defense department in otherwords abig shot deep stater
So making impeachment of the sitting US president more popular is desireable? WTF is wrong with these people?
Liz Warren is ripping on Mayor Pete! He had a fundraiser at rich Napa winery!
Congrats to the Badgers! They have an amazing block. It also helps to have a graceful 6’8” middle like Dana Rettke and a dominant outside like Molly Haggerty. Baylor played tough, but Wisconsin has the depth.
Okay, Warren and Mayor Pete finally sparring.
She married john king long time cnn fixture.
Pete's kinda nasty
Iowa Man Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison For Setting LGBTQ Flag on Fire
Full blown WWE wrestling match breaking out
"So making impeachment of the sitting US president more popular is desireable? WTF is wrong with these people?"
Popular in the sense that a large percentage of the public is behind what you are doing. Usually, you try to build that support before you actually take the vote. After the fact is too late.
Sanders goofing on Joe and Pete's billionaire benefactors.
Bernie is now winning the debate.
Thats not how any of this works.
We need Bernie Sanders to win the nomination. He is a wacko. He is the Larry David of politics.
Go wisconsin volleyball
Back to lying about our immigration policies.
I guess this gets the votes of the dreamers.
Drago @7:42pm... In my defense, I’m relatively new here. All of these naysayers must’ve gotten their orders from Commie central. Yes
My sister has seasons ticket and went to Pittsburgh. She said the food scene is excellent. Go Pittsburgh
Steyer is passionately moronic.
“As president, would you be willing to sacrifice some of that growth, even knowing potentially that it could displace thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers in the interest of transitioning to that greener economy?”
the moderator asked Biden.
Biden: "The answer is yes!"
Good old blue collar Joe!!
The battleground state ads write themselves.
Iman: "Drago @7:42pm... In my defense, I’m relatively new here. All of these naysayers must’ve gotten their orders from Commie central. Yes"
The lefties and Fake Conservative "lifelong republicans" (LLR's) out themselves daily so it won't be difficult for you to come up to speed on them.
Now, Amy K is hammering Pete! Why are they picking on the gay guy?
I am happy for Wisconsin but read that many female volleyball players are lez. Therefore I can not support the activity or the team. Sorry I have principles. Sorry Wisconsin lez volleyball players. Repent for your lez sins.
Or fusion or haklyut or any other private outfit tied to a foreign power.
It could be MN v. WI in the final. Epic!
Pete throws out not so subtle put downs with every response.
Amy giving it back pretty good.
I would like some informed opinion from AA or other commenters with expertise in constitutional law about the question: "Has Trump been impeached?" Harvard Prof Noah Feldman (who was called as a pro-impeachment constitutional law expert last week) now says that impeachment hasn't occurred until the articles are submitted from the House to the Senate for trial. Democrats apparently think that they can withhold an "official submitting of the articles of impeachment to the Senate" which would allow them to simultaneously claim that (a) Trump has been impeached and (b) the Senate cannot bring the impeachment to trial. I'm having a hard time finding this distinction in the Constitution. In my reading, either Trump is impeached (giving the Senate the right to trial) or the Senate does not have the right to trial (meaning that Trump was not impeached). Any comments or commentary on this appreciated.
Well weve never had a parliament disguising obtuse as clever before.
If impeachment weren’t absurd enough then holding up the articles in the House really seals the deal!! What’s Nancy afraid of? Is the Ukraine too close to home for her family? Or is it Burisma Joe holding his lead in the Dem polls that has her worried? Glad I enjoy popcorn... 😋
Gorgeous photos. Almost makes me want to get up early..almost. Get some sleep. You are appreciated.
If you aren't into the fake debate or womyns' volleyboll, here is a clip wher AG Barr eats Comey's seven-layer salad.
Watched the debate for about 30 mins and everyone onstage was asked several questions except Biden. The Moderators clearly are keeping ole Joe off camera.
Ice is nice at any price.
--Mae West
It's even better with the morning sun on it.
Dump particles of peach mints on the stage and see who gathers the most.
Rabel said...John H. Durham, the United States attorney leading the investigation, has requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry."
Poor Scowlface has no molars at all now.
Yang wins the debate.
Biden's support will rise at the expense of Mayor Pete and Liz W.
Amy K. might nudge up a little.
Status quo for Bernie
@DavidBegley Stanford just took the first set from Minnesota. Stanford will be hard to beat. Their senior girls have been in the volleyball finals every year since they were freshmen.
Iowa man who burned LGBTQ flag sentenced to 16 years
Adolfo Martinez, 30, was found guilty last month of a hate crime, third-degree harassment and reckless use of fire after admitting to police in June that he stole a pride banner hanging outside the Ames United Church of Christ and set it on fire using lighter fluid about two blocks away outside the Dangerous Curves Gentleman’s Club, The Des Moines Register reported.
Story County Attorney Jessica Reynolds said in June that the hate crime charge was added because Mr. Martinez targeted the church’s property because of “what it represents as far as sexual orientation.”
What an absurdity. It's almost unbelievable. Perhaps it will turn out that initial reporting was incorrect. But assuming not, this guy is getting a harsh prison sentence for having "incorrect" opinions about homosexuality. No you can't take someone's property and set it on fire. But it was a polyester flag. You can get 'em on Amazon for seven bucks. He is being punished for hating gays even though he has an absolute fucking right to hate gays. This guy is being punished for what he thinks not what he does. It's an outrage.
Stephen Green • 2019-12-19 21:45:45 chat 0 comments
Bernie just paid for everything everywhere by waving his arms a lot. So we've got that going for us, which is nice.
"he stole a pride banner hanging outside the Ames United Church of Christ and set it on fire using lighter fluid about two blocks away outside the Dangerous Curves Gentleman’s Club"
Was Hunter a witness?
"These are down home Midwestern girls so there weren't any with breast implants or scars. Again, go outside of Ames for anything that isn't homegrown and pure and clean.
The girl next door in a bar making her booty clap - that's Dangerous Curves."
H. Biden
Note on the rainbow flag burner....
Arson is a class D felony.
The perp is a habitual offender with 2 prior felony convictions. This has more to do with the harsh sentence than the flag burning.
Read local sources, not national propaganda media.
How drunk do you have to be to entertain such an idea, much less carry through with it?
Can I watch CNN as they try to paper over this mess?
I will try.....
Ok that explains but 15years, youdont get that much for straight up murder.
Amy K. on CNN and trying to reinforce the case she just made in the debate.
Prof. Althouse, I suggest you try to find clips of the coverage and review.
The Seinfeld Impeachment - it really is about nothing!
Put bluntly, it is hard to imagine a worse idea put forward by good people.
Well there’s his problem right there! He assumes there exists at least one individual in the Democrat Party who is a good person.
These loser Dem candidates need to do something to spice up these stupid debates. In solidarity with all females who have ever been groped without consent since the dawn of man, I propose they all wear Pussy Hats on stage at the next debate. Then, at the outset, they need to close ranks for a moment of silence with a sturdy, defiant collective black power salute. That will capture both the racial iniquity and vagino-discrimination that sadly permeate our country.
Ann Althouse said...
"I am going to start watching, but I won’t live blog. Too late for me. I’ve been up since before 2."
Assuming that's 2 AM...
Sleep. 2019 Oct 9;42(10)
Extreme morning chronotypes are often familial and not exceedingly rare: the estimated prevalence of advanced sleep phase, familial advanced sleep phase, and advanced sleep–
wake phase disorder in a sleep clinic population.
Two of the authors are from the University of Wisconsin Madison School of Medicine and Public Health.
Seems like Senator Warren thinks that if she says “selfie” enough times people will forget she’s 70.
Bay Area Guy said...The Seinfeld Impeachment - it really is about nothing!
I was hoping Joe would float a pushup challenge.
Mayor Pete on CNN now saying he'll end 'Trumpism'
These people just don't get it
Schrodingers peach mint or the funk and wagnall jar from the old tonight show
Hes more like malebolgia from spawn
Mayor Pete will give Pence a good run for the money in '24
Put afork in her:
Big dose of 'Civility Bullshit' going on on CNN now.
Buttigieg deserves creditfor calling Warren’s hypocrisy out, especially considering the wrath from leftist activists he is sure to incur. It’s insufferable to listen to Warren rail against money in politics when she was doing the same thing basically yesterday. Now, the voters have one more reminder that Warren is a fraud.
Warren pledges to read names of murdered transgender women of color annually from Rose Garden
"In my reading, either Trump is impeached (giving the Senate the right to trial) or the Senate does not have the right to trial (meaning that Trump was not impeached)."
I think the Senate rules are clear: they need notice from the House to take up the case.
I'd be happy to be corrected about this: it seems that the House procedure is covered by the "House Manual," which is murkier than I could decipher. I couldn't find anything about the moment when it's effective.
One interesting way out: the Senate suspends or changes it's rules, and takes up the matter. They're required to get the Chief Justice to preside, but he has no charges or prosecutors in front of him. He could reasonably argue that since he has nothing to preside over, no impeachment happened.
Pelosi knows how to get inside Trump's head. He's obsessed with threat of delay in submitting articles of impeachment to Senate.
Yang on CNN now. He is not compatible as a presidential candidate.
He is disqualified by not wearing a tie. Strange, but true.
Yang just said America doesn't care about impeachment.
This guy is truly a genius.
Thats stating the clear obvious, that yelling muadib near a weirding module
Stanford swept Minnesota in 3 sets. Volleyball final on Saturday Wisconsin v. Stanford.
CNN pundits choking on reality that impeachment has bombed
Warren on CNN now. Making the "you didn't build that" argument again.
So tiresome.
Warren will get money out of politics.
Not realistic.
Van Jones asks Warren if Biden is corrupt. Warren says Trump is despicable.
Ace O'Spades links to an article that says Hillary states will pick up a net of 22 states after the next Census.
If true, America is at her end.
CNN can't get Joe or Bernie for post debate interviews.
Switching over to FOX now.
Sure, readering, that's why Pelosi has such an impressive string of victories over Trump. She's gotten so much of her legislative agenda through. She's a tactical genius. And like everybody else Trump has faced - each of whom had obvious advantages over Trump - Pelosi is guaranteed to win every time.
Trump is just so damned weak-minded that he fails at every turn.
And you're so smart for figuring it all out.
Thats not exactly right, its more the difference between what might have been
While Hunter Biden was being paid $100K a year by a credit card company, Joe Biden was "carrying water" for that same company in the Senate while working on legislation.
She should have said like daffy duck, shes like lisa simpson as a presidential candidate.
Klaus Eberwein didn't kill himself.
(Google him, or see the Dingell thread for details)
Joe Biden mimicking that young guy with a speech impediment was a surreal touch. That woke my dozing wife up
a pocket veto from Nancy?
...will we see Christmas shopping cartoons of Nancy, with those
waiting in the line marked "RETURNS" ???
she probably doesnt even have a receipt!
Probably not:
Limited blogger said... Mayor Pete will give Pence a good run for the money in '24
big assumption re Pence.
Mayor Pete and Warren are both competing for the Country Club Dem voters. Mayor Pete has the edge with them. Bernie and Warren are both competing for the Pajama Boy and Julia vote. Warren is doing better with the Julias but Bernie is cleaning up with the Pajama Boys and Antifa Goons.
But none of them are getting any traction with The Blacks.
They are keeping Biden viable, along with the dwindling number of Deplorables.
This should bean interesting race.
That does seem like a niche vote.
Thanks Birkel.
lefties trying to make hay
out of no pro-Trump/anti-PeachMint demonstrations by his supporters
We are either at work, or at a Trump rally, or planning a yuge one 11/3/20, rather than validate the BS,
the Seinfeld/Honey Badger Impeachment
it's about nothing...and we dont care
has this been hashed over yet? Thread, fwiw
People don't understand the magnitude of what's coming.
has this been hashed over yet? Thread, fwiw
People don't understand the magnitude of what's coming.
Just because it would be cool doesn't mean it is likely to happen.
There is no "force the Dardanelles" masterstroke and *poof!* the Dems collapse. There is just a long slog of keeping the pressure on and continuing to win elections.
readering: "Pelosi knows how to get inside Trump's head. He's obsessed with threat of delay in submitting articles of impeachment to Senate."
Good one. Really.
Christianity Today, has now called for Trump's impeachment, invoking the mission of the magazine's founder, Billy Graham. Franklin Graham, son of the evangelist, has publicly come out against impeachment and is a strong supporter of Trump.
How does Dana Bash have a tv job on CNN? She's a total ditz.
@Bay Area Guy, you asked a question but answered it yourself.
Billy Graham died with a net worth of $25 million. He was the Jesse Jackson of Evangelicals. It’s hilarious his kid is a Trump supporter.
graham brought millions to Christ, all over the world, but this is o'sullivan's law, in action,
How do you get 15 years for burning a LBQGT flag in a country in which burning the national flag is a Constitutionally protected form of speech?
"How do you get 15 years for burning a LBQGT flag in a country in which burning the national flag is a Constitutionally protected form of speech?"
Might be that it has to do with ownership of the flag. But still, it's ridiculous apart from other unknown factors.
Might be that it has to do with ownership of the flag. But still, it's ridiculous apart from other unknown factors.
"He received 15 years for the hate crime of arson, one year for the reckless use of explosives or fire and 30 days for harassment."
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