I was asked at a town hall “if there was ever a time in your life where somebody you really looked up to maybe didn’t accept you as much?” Here’s my answer: pic.twitter.com/ariYPwvWQr
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) December 2, 2019
It worked for Hillary that time... until it didn't.
१६६ टिप्पण्या:
An interesting strategy. Girl tears are a Hail Mary pass. They don't usually start flowing until it's just about over...
What the fuck is this weepy, soap opera bullshit doing in a presidential election?
This is where Trump has succeeded spectacularly. He's shown that this insidious, idiotic identity politics crap doesn't have shit to do with the job of being president.
Warren kind of threw her mom under the bus there.
Of course, the Injun jokes sorta write themselves here, don't they?
Warren looked recognizably human. My cynical impulse is to think that any event that takes place upon a stage is a staged event, but, even so, she looked human and real.
The shill child looked too young to vote.
Women like tears.
See the Dilbert cartoon of long ago
White Chicks.
My upbringing taught that one never cries in public. Today, all kinds of people blubber away in front of cameras.
>>The shill child looked too young to vote.<<
We can certainly hope so, because we just saw the kind of *shit* she would base her vote on.
While no fan of the Kennedys, I admired the solemn dignity of Jackie and the children in the assassination aftermath. I still admire it.
Making a difference, one child at a time.
"I'd Walk a Mile for Affordable Daycare!"
Hillary's tears were from 2008. I remember the clip not for her fake emotion but all the Wellesley women seated at the tabel to support her. They didn't show up in 2016. ...some of us are tied, some of us are dead...
Warren is running a commercial promising $200 a month raise in Social Security benefits, to be funded by the wealthiest 2%. That's the plan.
It looks staged. And why did Warren send it out as a tweet?
Female cops cry when the anti-corruption unit finds them out. Line of Duty. Some cynical female cops mention waterworks as a defensive strategy by those female perps.
Apparently it can be faked or real, but in either case it's acted.
One must have a heart of stone to view Warren/Hilllary's tears without laughing.
Some of us will be president. Some of us will not.
Someone should ask Hillary what bothers her more: Losing to the Black Man or the Orange Man.
So Warren's mom told her she had to pursue a rich guy or a someone with social status?
And Warren did, she really tried to make herself marry some guy she didn't love to please her mom? But then she was like, Yuck! No way. Can't go through with it? But her mom was really disappointed that she couldn't tough it out? Wow. Okay. Sounds like a heck of a romance novel.
See the Dilbert cartoon of long ago
I like movies with diseases and robots. And talking monkeys.
That was information I didn't need. rhhardin is right about soap opera women.
I can't wait to see Putin and Warren have a good cry together and hug.
Soap opera election.
Andrew Yang cried at a campaign event and it seemed to have no impact, positive or negative.
Warren really tried to make it work. The guy was rich and important and actually quite nice.
But all those bleeding warts.
Who can beat Patsy Schroeder?
Oscar quality.
1987: Pat Schroeder Announces She Won't Seek The Democratic Nomination
U.S. Rep. Patricia Schroeder wipes her eyes at a 1987 news conference in Denver
In 1987, former Colorado Rep. Pat Schroeder memorably broke down upon announcing that she would not seek the Democratic nomination for president. The media frenzy that followed illustrated the tricky terrain for female candidates who show emotion. "Women across the country reacted with embarrassment, sympathy and disgust," wrote The Chicago Tribune, a week after the incident. More than two decades later, Schroeder told USA Today she's still catching flak about it. "I want to say, 'Wait a minute, we are talking about 20 years ago.' It's like I ruined their lives, 20 years ago, with three seconds of catching my breath."
crying helps lock up the female soap opera vote.
Check. Warren has this voting block already. At least that is my first impression based loosely on the support I see locally. It's all from women.
I doubt it helps with people who are not moved by staged tears.
At least she didn't sniff the kid's hair.
"She's not responsible for what she's doing.
Her mother made her what she is.
And it's up against the wall redskin mother."
Bob Boyd
Obama threw his grandmother under the bus. It’s a tried and true strategy for Democrats.
I have a theory about women [and I am one, BTW] that probably coincides with that of Tulsi Gabbard. Women don't trust other women who are not outwardly emotional. Why? Because they see them as not being vulnerable and that scares them.
I am actually more interested in the questioner than Warren. She seemed to be holding back tears just trying to get the question out.
Fernandistan and others who think the questioner is a child. That cannot be right. The children are on strike over climate. https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/climate-strikes-un-conference-madrid-by-greta-thunberg-et-al-2019-11 Maybe you are all oblivious to the real world, but in my neck of the woods, this has literally brought us to our knees: the children refuse to take out the garbage, they refuse to walk the dog or clean out the cat box; they refuse to write thank you notes to their grandparents for birthday gifts; they refuse to pick up their socks and fold their laundry; and in extreme cases they refuse to do school homework. I suppose with the end of the world literally at hand, it is hard to make an argument that a few unfolded tee-shirts or unraked leaves are going to make a big difference. But they certainly have succeed in getting one old geezer to sit up and take notice of the climate disaster literally on our doorsteps.
Perhaps I would be less cynical about this It Gets Better moment, if Liz hadn't felt compelled to turn it into a campaign tweet. If someone in the audience had posted the video to show what a sensitive creature she is, that would be one thing. But it's a little bit gross for Warren, herself, to capitalize on a kid's pain with this commercialized, back-patting, throw Mom under the bus, "Look what I did!" display. But it seems like the soap opera women on her Twitter account are falling for it, so she must know her audience.
I got a Neil Armstrong kind of vibe from the exchange.
Warren recounted a point in her life where she lost the esteem of her mother for rejecting "a man", while the young woman was perhaps loosing esteem for rejecting "mankind".
campaign trail of tears
I'm trying to picture Trump attempting to cry on stage. "What do they call these, tear ducks? Like ducks? Ducts? I have excellent tear ducts. I don't use them much. But...look at that...tears. Beautiful. I can turn them on and off. Tear ducts."
"My upbringing taught that one never cries in public."
Yes, they should be gonged off the stage after that. The ploy carries too much baggage, of manipulation in personal relations. Or of downright weakness.
What's the male equivalent to this strategy?
Or, of too much drugs on the campaign trail...Ambien will make you weepy...
Remember that Bruce Springsteen video in the 1980's of "Dancing in the Dark?" He pulls a fan up onto the stage and dances with her in a concert setting. For years I thought that was a genuine moment, then I saw that girl starring in "Friends." I get that same sort of vibe from the Warren video. Even the story didn't seem genuine. Seems like a young woman would loose respect for her mom in a situation like that and not care so much what her mom thinks about her decision. Also, why is that young woman who asked the question crying?
What's the male equivalent to this strategy?
The Cornpop story.
What if it turned out that that girl was being repudiated by her socialist professor and classmates because she was a prolifer? Do you think Warren would have answered in the same way? Would the audience have felt sympathy for the girl?
As J. Farmer notes, the backstory of that girl is probably interesting. If it is in some way supportive of Warren, we will learn it. If not, not.....Warren didn't look overtly scripted and rehearsed in that moment, so I count it as a win for her. It's very rare that she looks spontaneous.
"The Cornpop story."
I felt that the "grab them by the pussy" story brought us all together emotionally.
"Warren really tried to make it work. The guy was rich and important and actually quite nice."
Why didn't it work?
I kind of feel sorry for the guy when I hear her talking about him like this. She says she did put a high value on making it work (so she did share her mother's values). The crying made it seem like... but he was horrible to her.
I don't know the story. Do I need to look it up? Seems unfair.
She may have sincere feelings about the story, but it's very hard to believe she hasn't told it many times. She has practiced the delivery, the pauses, and has waited for the opportunity to deliver the spontaneous outflow. I would expect that the campaign planted the question, and probably did a dry run with the answer.
A person would have to stick their nose under a lot of teepees to find out if the story is true.
I looked it up. From WaPo:
"[Warren] was trying to balance the pressures of being a new professor, under intense scrutiny, with being a wife and mother. And she was failing. “My world was stretched to the breaking point,” she said. She would cook breakfast for [her first husband] Jim and her two kids, Alex and Amelia, and then head to school, where she was balancing classes, research and everything else. She would get home around 5, sometimes get dinner on the table around 7 or 8 and stay up past midnight, preparing for classes the next day. And then she would do it all over again.... By Warren’s telling, she and Jim never really fought. He just gave her looks — when dinner was late or when she was up all night grading exams. When they were on their high school debate team together, Jim had been drawn to her because she was smart and driven, Warren remembered. Now he seemed to yearn for a more traditional wife. But she had become a different person than she was at 19, when they married. “I think we were both shocked by who I turned out to be 10 years later,” Warren said. “He thought I would be someone else, and truthfully, I kind of assumed that, too. I kept changing and growing almost despite myself.” Teaching law, Warren said, “was when the whole world opened up for me.” It was impossible to put her ambitions back into a box and close it away, not even to save her marriage. “I wanted so much to do the work,” she said. “I wanted to do the work, I wanted to be a good mom, I wanted to be a good wife but didn’t manage all of that.” One night, Warren recounted in her memoir, “A Fighting Chance,” she asked Jim whether he wanted a divorce. She was shocked she said it. But he didn’t appear to be. “Yes,” he replied. Jim moved out and into an apartment in southwest Houston, according to public records. She and the kids stayed in the family’s suburban home. The couple separated sometime in early 1979. Warren has never said exactly when, though she later wrote in her memoir that “there were reconsiderations and some attempts at one-more-try-to-make-it-work.” Her family watched the kids that summer as Warren traveled to Florida to attend a conservative law and economics retreat. One of the other attendees was Bruce Mann, a professor and legal historian at the University of Connecticut. Both have described a moment of instant attraction. It’s unclear when the two officially became a couple, but Warren has said she visited him that fall in Connecticut. And he came to see her in Houston. Warren filed for divorce from Jim on Nov. 5, 1979. The divorce was finalized on Jan. 16, 1980.... While Warren has been careful to call her ex-husband “a good man,” she has occasionally hinted at bitterness. After their divorce, Jim quit smoking, took dance lessons and got remarried, she wrote in her memoir. “We didn’t see him much,” she said. He died of lung cancer in 2003 at 58. While Jim had struggled with Warren’s ambition, Mann embraced it...."
campaign trail of tears.
Good one, Meade.
She’s remembering the Trail of Tears and how her ancestor was there... on horseback, shooting stragglers.
That is such a good picture of Hillary to photoshop a flask in place of that microphone. I thought it was a flask at first.
God, Hillary is unlikable. Its amazing that Trump spared us 4 more years of her in the White House.
Matching blonde semi-bowl cut. The kid looked like an homage to Warren.
Warren looked recognizably human. My cynical impulse is to think that any event that takes place upon a stage is a staged event,
serious Question:
WHY was the little girl so emotional? Hers was a pretty mundane question* to be sobbing over
My $0.02
She was All Emotional, because it was the FIRST TIME, she'd ever been on screen; and she was terrified that she'd misread the lines they gave her.
Am i implying that it was a completely choreographed thing?
pretty mundane question*
"I was wondering if there was ever a time in your life,
where somebody you Really Looked Up To
MAYBE didn't accept you as much (voice starts to crack)
And how you dealt with that (Starts to sob)
So who cooked the kids breakfast and dinner after the divorce? Mann?
Warren is still using her dead ex-husband’s name. That’s how independent she is. The First Mrs. Warren
She recalls the burdens of her married life, but how did getting a divorce fix any of that?
I don't want a President who cries under mild stress. But I didn't want Warren under any circumstances.
(And I agree mockturtle -- good one, Meade)
This is where I come to get the most cynical take on things.
Howard said...
Matching blonde semi-bowl cut. The kid looked like an homage to Warren.
I'm pretty sure that Central Casting was looking for: THE YOUNG LITTLE LIZZIE
She's sugarcoating it. Its just a variation on the much better known phenomenon of the successful man dumping his 1st wife, for a newer model, or someone more "Sophisticated". But because Warren is a woman, we have to believe "Jim" was to blame. He just couldn't accept the "new her".
readering said...
This is where I come to get the most cynical take on things
If history has taught us anything, it’s that it is impossible to be cynical enough.
I think we all need to give credit to Hillary for being so BRAVE. Trump stood behind her in a debate and she soldiered on! She landed under "Sniper fire"! And she kept her marriage going. A brave woman - who would've been a Marine, except for sexism.
Oddly, Warren doesn't say, "My mom wanted me to make my marriage work."
She says, "My mother and I had very different views of how to build a future. She wanted me to marry well." Which makes it sound like a disagreement about who she should marry or whether she should marry. That's the way I interpreted it.
Central casting said:
Get me the girl she was at 19, when they married
BTW, the only reason Hillary got to run for POTUS, is contact lenses and hair dye. Look at pictures of her back in Yale Law school. Mousy brown hair and coke bottle glasses.
No way we'd vote for someone with coke bottle glasses. If you don't like Hillary, blame the optometrists.
Did Warren's family members take back the wedding gifts they gave for her first marriage?
I think its better that people get married later. 19 is too young, people are still kids. They didn't used to be, but they are now.
Yeah, Shrillary has help some days - 750 ML bottles of Chardonnay.
I laughed and laughed at both videos. What frauds those two are.
"I am actually more interested in the questioner than Warren. She seemed to be holding back tears just trying to get the question out."
That was also an act- this was staged beginning to end.
If history has taught us anything, it’s that it is impossible to be cynical enough.
Yes. Certainly recent history has taught me to me far more cynical than I was...
As to this crying it would seem the cynical view is the most flattering. If the crying is sincere the cryer looks like someone who defaults to blubbering in the face of adversity.
"Campaign Trail of Tears"
Meade for win!
Warren is just riffing off of the plot of Titanic.
"my heart will go on...."
I'm surprised Warren didn't tell the girl about the time she had to tell her mother she was going to start wearing shoes and teaching law at the white man's school.
How dare her mother want her grandchildren to be raised in a two parent home! The audacity!
The Education of Little Tree was also written by a fake indian.
Arguably, Andrew Yang was moved to tears due to a genuine feeling of sympathy for someone else's loss/suffering. In that case, public tears are not inappropriate. Like crying in the movie theater because Travis has to shoot and kill Old Yeller. Or in Coal Miner's Daughter when Ted Webb knows he's losing his little girl:
Ted Webb : I ain't ever gonna see you again.
Loretta Lynn : Yes you will, daddy.
Ted Webb: Maybe, but I ain't never gonna see my little girl again.
But there are some public people who we need to be able to trust to maintain emotional control and not break down in public. At least until the event is over and they are safely back in a private setting. Here's a partial list:
President of the United States
Military unit commander
Airline captain/Busdriver/Uber driver
Person eulogizing your mother
Divorce lawyer
Boy Scout troop leader
I believe Warren was lying about her mother.
Progressive Women's Leadership since about "a Fish needs a bicycle" has shown itself Rancid. Manipulative, Proudly Dishonest, hideously Overwrought, Low-Down, OverBlown, Off-the-Point, Sanctimonious, Hate-filled Fussy-Butts and Hen-Peckers Extraordinaire.
ptewy to the bitches.
all hail heroic exceptions & free-thinkers, @SenatorSinema, @TulsiGabbard, a few, whew.
I'm surprised Warren didn't tell the girl about the time she had to tell her mother she was going to start wearing shoes and teaching law at the white man's school.
Thread Winner!
I'm surprised Warren didn't tell the girl about the time she had to tell her mother she was going to start wearing shoes and teaching law at the white man's school.
I love it. Thank You Bob Boyd!!
I suspect Warren had an affair. Believe I read she did some work or school related traveling during her marriage.
And, she should Konamarie those sweaters.Seriously.
Meade suggests: Like crying in the movie theater because Travis has to shoot and kill Old Yeller. .
Oh, yes, movies are different. ;-) Last movie I cried over was Glory, I think. Although I was home when I watched it.
And it was in 2012 when I watched it.
And, she should Konamarie those sweaters.Seriously.
Maybe they spark joy! ;-D
The days of Edmund Muskie are long gone.
Meade said...But there are some public people who we need to be able to trust to maintain emotional control and not break down in public. At least until the event is over and they are safely back in a private setting.
I would add blog comment moderator to the list.
Dammit, Bob Boyd, quit trying to make me cry in front of all these people!
"Meade said...
Dammit, Bob Boyd, quit trying to make me cry in front of all these people!"
Now, that's Italian
What’s a few more tears on her Trail of Tears!?!?
I am actually more interested in the questioner than Warren. She seemed to be holding back tears just trying to get the question out.
She looked like a 16-year-old version of Lizzie. High cheek bones and all. And I'm sure she was a plant, with Warren prepped with her heart-rending answer.
Authoritarian progressive scolds should always be made to feel sad and cry. They deserve it.
The kid obviously had an issue with some sort of rejection. Warren did a pretty good job of consoling her. And that's good. She will need to console millions of Americans seeking medical help if her platform is enacted.
She blew up her family for her career. That's some selfish shit right there.
Don't know if anyone has mentioned this in any of the 98 comments above, but move over Granny Wetherell, there's a new squaw in town.
It's The Jilting of Granny Warrenall.
So... Warren married a loser
What's the male equivalent to this strategy?
Harvey Weinstein fertilizing potted plants.
Words of wisdom from the mists of the distant past:
Big Girls Don't Cry
Edmund Muskie was drummed out of the 1972 election for crying.
readering: "This is where I come to get the most cynical take on things."
This was written by the moron who still literally believes Kavanaugh is a gang rapist and Trump went to Afghanistan to change the subject away from impeachment!!
Oh yeah, readering also still believes Trump is a literal russian agent......but "un-cynically" believes it, one supposes.
I kept changing and growing almost despite myself.
I hear this often from people who get divorced. "I grew and she/he didn't." And they are usually having an affair when they say this. Now that I know she had an extramarital affair before her divorce, I understand why she felt bad disappointing her mother. It wasn't that they disagreed on whether or not to marry rich. She let everyone in the family down - her kids, her husband, her parents.
Tears will melt Putin's heart.
"So who cooked the kids breakfast and dinner after the divorce? Mann?
Warren is still using her dead ex-husband’s name. That’s how independent she is. The First Mrs. Warren"
No way in hell a feminist law professor is going to go around named Mrs Mann.
This is where I come to get the most cynical take on things.
Yeah. How dare we cast a cynical eye towards a women who's lied about nearly everything in her personal life up to this point.
This is best thread ever. I'm laughing out loud at everybody's comments.
Remember that Bruce Springsteen video in the 1980's of "Dancing in the Dark?" He pulls a fan up onto the stage and dances with her in a concert setting. For years I thought that was a genuine moment, then I saw that girl starring in "Friends."
I fell for that too. In fact, for a moment, I thought she had decided to become an actress after being pulled on stage by Bruce.
PS. Dancing In The Dark is the only Springsteen song that I liked. (Though I DO like Atlantic City, but only when done by Levon Helm and the second version of The Band)
Farmer asks about the girl. I think it is obvious why she was chosen: she looks like a young Warren. One of many things that makes think this is staged.
Gilbar asks a good question, why is the girl near tears?
Because it makes Warren's tears appear sympatico rather than maudlin. Warren is sharing the girl's pain, carrying some of the burden. Only a nasty meany would think this sign of caring, so much caring, is a bad thing! In other words: you are right and it is fully choreographed.
"For years I thought that was a genuine moment, then I saw that girl starring in "Friends."
Courtney Cox was on Carson not long after the video was made. She said she was new to Hollywood but got the job because everyone else they auditioned could dance.
The way that was filmed and edited looks completely staged.
PS. Dancing In The Dark is the only Springsteen song that I liked. (Though I DO like Atlantic City, but only when done by Levon Helm and the second version of The Band)
Personally, the ONLY Bruce Springsteen song i care for is Faster and Louder, the opening track from Bloodbrothers. He performs his part adequately.... not missing a number
Warren leaves a lot of (actually all) important context.
Why was Warren responsible for doing all the cooking? Did her former husband also work at a demanding job and come home late every night? If so, the real reason for the divorce could well be: Neither of us wanted to give up our career and become the homemaker, even though we could live on one income. Though, as many have mentioned--how did getting a divorce help with the law teaching/taking care of a household problem? I mean, if you need to hire a nanny, maid, cook, gardener; it would be easier to do that on two incomes than one.
Or maybe the husband was underemployed and could have taken care of the household chores, but being a male chauvinist, would not lift a finger to do "woman's work". But we know that can't be it, because, in what universe would warren not have whacked a ball so nicely teed up?
That tired, wino voice of Springsteen has only grown more tired and affected.
Blogger Meade said...
campaign trail of tears
LOL. I watched both. I don't get the same emotional response. Warren seems more real when (and only when) compared to Hillary. I watch Hillary and think to myself, "Sociopath who has calculated exactly what she thinks people want to hear".
The clip of Hillary was right before the NH primary, right? So when she gets all choked up about not wanting to see "us" fall backwards, it was because someone other than her would be the Dem nominee...someone bad for our country in her opinion like Barack Obama, John Edwards or whoever else other than her that was running.
John Legend did a pretty nice cover of Dancing in the Dark on Howard Stern.
p.s. When Courtney Cox hosted SNL, she and Adam Sandler recreated the Dancing in the Dark scene during the monologue.
Bob Boyd said...
I'm surprised Warren didn't tell the girl about the time she had to tell her mother she was going to start wearing shoes and teaching law at the white man's school.
Two thumbs up.
It was nice of Hillary to explain to us why electing Obama would be a disaster for our country. It seems like any time it is not her or her husband who wins, it’s a disaster for America.
I didn’t think I could dislike that fake Indian with greater intensity, but after watching that video, I see that I was wrong.
" I kept changing and growing almost despite myself."
Great Ghu.... what's the emoticon for barfing?
A friend of mine took Courteney Cox to her junior and senior proms. The key to her heart? He snuck out of Episcopal summer camp and walked three miles each way to buy her cigarettes. :)
Got my daughter's grades this week.
2nd in class of 892 at Lawrence North School in Indianapolis.
Impeachment is not on her radar.
That's Lawrence North HIGH School.
When you compare her performance here with when she offered hubby a beer, it is obvious how much she's grown as an actress. This looked genuine. She's got some of the timing down.....I'm reminded of when the dingo dogs ate Meryl Streep's baby. It's certainly a hard day when the dingoes eat your baby, but it salts the wound when nobody believes you.....Elizabeth Warren, to date, has never known the grief of having a loved one eaten by dingo dogs, but she knows the pain of having people not believe in her suffering. She played this tense moment better than Meryl Streep. No one in the audience laughed and many thought her story was credible.
Blogger Sydney said...
Remember that Bruce Springsteen video in the 1980's of "Dancing in the Dark?" He pulls a fan up onto the stage and dances with her in a concert setting. For years I thought that was a genuine moment, then I saw that girl starring in "Friends."
Bruce obviously did that a lot with this song. The video from the concert in East Berlin in 1988, pre-fall of the Wall, was genuine though. If Winning the Cold War would have had a hashtag, this was it.
I am as big a musical snob as anybody, but Bruce Springsteen is a fine musician. Not music I am into, but to not give him his propers says more about you than him.
"Its just a variation on the much better known phenomenon of the successful man dumping his 1st wife, for a newer model, or someone more "Sophisticated". But because Warren is a woman, we have to believe "Jim" was to blame. He just couldn't accept the "new her"."
Imagine Trump telling the same story, tears and all. "I had to dump Ivanka, she just couldn't accept the new me, but Marla did. And then I had to dump Marla, cuz I outgrew her, and she just couldn't accept the new me." But then, in these feminist times, no one would dare apply the same standards to Warren that they would apply to Trump as a matter of course.
Surprising plot point: Trump and Ivanka still get along. Riddle me that, feminists.
But maybe Trump sees the Lizzie shtick and decides to do a Page on her. "I had to do all the cooking over the campfire, sniff sniff, and keep the teepee clean, sniff sniff . . ."
“if there was ever a time in your life where somebody you really looked up to maybe didn’t accept you as much?”
What is this question suppose to mean? Where is it coming from? It is a terribly vague question.
Ivana is the Trump first wife and I know people who know her. She is a bitch according to them. Ivanka is the daughter.
Marla I don't know about.
By the way, Hunter Biden did not show up for his court date in the paternity case today and his lawyer quit.
Whoops !
I am surprised the Warren campaign thought this was a good clip to advertise. To my ears it sounds like Warren was saying she followed Mom's orders and married for money.
Just checked wikipedia and EW left college after two years to marry husband #1 in 1968.Then while he worked at IBM she went to the University of Houston to finish her Bachelors, they move to NJ and she attends Rutgers law school graduating in 1976. Then, with all her expensive education complete, she asks hubby #1 for a divorce in 1978.
Sure sounds like she used #1 one to finance her education then dumped him. Hardly a proud moment for feminism.
Way to go, Todd Roberson's daughter.
"By the way, Hunter Biden did not show up for his court date in the paternity case today and his lawyer quit."
I read that the lawyers were fired. I guess Biden is trying to buy time given the court has ordered financials to be delivered to the court.
I predict that Hunter Biden also doesn't show up at the January hearing either, claiming difficulty in finding representation.
@AZ Bob:
What is this question suppose to mean? Where is it coming from? It is a terribly vague question.
I agree, but I interpreted it in the vein of "never meet your heroes."
Of course, an even better solution is to not have heroes in the first place. Expect the worst, and you'll never be disappointed.
Then, with all her expensive education complete, she asks hubby #1 for a divorce in 1978.
Sure sounds like she used #1 one to finance her education then dumped him. Hardly a proud moment for feminism.
Sounds like Abortion Barbie in Texas. Good pair.
Courtney Cox was probably the hottest girl there.
Personally I think that crying in public is a bad look for anyone who hopes to be regarded as a leader. Especially when it over personal stuff. Come back and talk to us after you've outgrown the problem and put it into perspective. No one cares, nor should they.
International relations do not depend upon acceptance, consensus, or empathy. Nations seek advantage for themselves; alliances are tactical and subject to change without notice. Presidential aspirants should demonstrate a recognition of this reality.
I kind of thought this element of show-business in politics was on the way out. I think it was very effective for a while, but my sense is that most voters on both sides of the aisle at the very least are very tired of the over-sentimentalism and more likely correctly viewed the displayed emotions as fake. While Trump certainly has lots of show-business in his politics it doesn't really include the over-sentimentalism bit. My sense is that Trump winning kind of killed that off as a viable tactic in politics for the time being.
you know Courtney was related to miles Copeland CIA spy in the middle east, and stewart Copeland, drummer from the police, and scorer for the equalizer,
What is this question suppose to mean? Where is it coming from? It is a terribly vague question.
My assumption is that the young girl who asked the question might be gay, and someone she knows isn't fully on board with that lifestyle.
Courteney Cox paying her dues (commercial):
I had zero doubt you’d know those factoids, narciso. 👊🏼
Cynicism can be defense against disappointment.
Also malevolent misanthropic.
I just watched 20 seconds of the Warren play and threw up in my mouth. I couldn't go any further.
How did we become such a nation of weenies?
Noticed Pocahontas is now offering $200/month to seniors.
The rancid reek of desperation.
"I am as big a musical snob as anybody..."
Not while I'm the house, you're not!
It's just plain disgusting and there is no way we should elect someone who cant keep it bottled. Jeezus Christ, there's a world of murderers and con men out there and we're gonna elect someone who gets teary at a drop of a hat. Fuck.
State law school in seventies was not an expensive education. (But least of the fantasy speculation from commenters.)
B of E comments: I had zero doubt you’d know those factoids, narciso. 👊🏼
Nothing escapes the all-seeing eye of narciso. Nothing.
Its more interesting than cigar store indian warren,
Courtney got her big debut in misfits of science? Then was in some forgetable films
There's nothing wrong with being a fake indian, it's just funny that you'd try to be a joke. A claim of a low IQ and a backward culture.
Maybe going for the Rosseau noble savage play.
A noble savage is a literary stock character who embodies the concept of the indigene, outsider, wild human, an "other" who has not been "corrupted" by civilization, and therefore symbolizes humanity's innate goodness.
But forgetting about peace pipe, warpath, wampum, firewater....
A claim of part Ashkenazi Jew might do better. They're smarter than even Asians.
I mean what jokes could people make about Warren as an Ashkenazi Jew. No birch bark canoes or anything. The most they could say is that she couldn't grow corn.
An Ashkenazi Jew wouldn't have sold Manhattan for 24 beads.
Ashkenazi Jews know about ethical dilemmas.
A woman comes into the store and buys a bolt of fabric for $100. I notice that she's by mistake handed me two $100 bills stuck together.
Here's where the ethics comes in. Should I tell my partner.
AA thinking perhaps, well at least they use Amazon portal sometimes ...?
Here's where the ethics comes in. Should I tell my partner.
I heard that one but it was about a lawyer.
"State law school in seventies was not an expensive education.”
Nor was it a ticket to teach at Harvard.
Of course it was staged. it's the political season and she's running for president. A good default position when listening to any politician, but especially democrats, is that everything they say is a lie. Let them prove it's not.
"if there was ever a time in your life where somebody you really looked up to maybe didn’t accept you as much?”
What is this question suppose to mean? Where is it coming from? It is a terribly vague question."
Warren sure knew what it meant.
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