Who does she think she is? March 6. #HillaryOnHulu pic.twitter.com/lrEkvhIB5Z
— hulu (@hulu) December 10, 2019
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Who does she think she is? March 6. #HillaryOnHulu pic.twitter.com/lrEkvhIB5Z
— hulu (@hulu) December 10, 2019
२०५ टिप्पण्या:
205 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Jeb! asked us to "please clap". To Hillary, I say "please run".
She’s the same kind of clueless kleptocrat as Joe Biden, she’s a ham-fisted war monger, and she has pretty much done Putin’s work for him undermining Americans’ faith in our political class by refusing to accept the result of an election.
Change my mind.
Three years of Hillary's Revenge.
And they say the stereotypes of women are untrue.
She is putting herself out there for an awful lot of media attention for a person who doesn't want to run. I think she also just recently made a public comment how it is appropriate to question the judgment of having Hunter Biden in the position that he was, even though she was clear to say that NO ONE has accused the Bidens of wrongdoing. I think she is hoping that the democrat voters will view all their choices as a cavalcade of "not tough enough to beat Trump". Then she can ride in and save the day. Though this close to primary deadlines to register, in fact I think she has missed a few states, makes me think if that is her strategy she is hoping to be a write in candidate at a contested convention.
So, this is the announcement that Dems are ditching all the current losers and running Hillary again?
"And they say the stereotypes of women are untrue.”
No kidding. She has taken “the woman scorned” to unseen levels.
I'm really enjoying the false advertising Hillary presents when she's politicing vs. the hippie dippy NewAge bag lady we see when she ain't.
She oughtta run with that. And crystals.
Cattle futures. That was back when they bothered to conceal kickbacks.
The white house travel office would finally be cleaned up if she were president.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
Vince Foster the constitution.
she's much worse than anyone says about her. people are too polite to say the truth
@Skylark said it all @6:22 AM.
The turning of the shrew.
Save my place, I'm going to throw up.
I can't even...
Though the mess that is the Democrats running for the candidacy is quite entertaining.
She destroyed evidence with bleachbit and hammers after receiving a letter from Congress to preserve evidence. She should be in prison right now.
She destroyed federal records of meetings with people who donated hundreds of millions to her “foundation” in State Department burn bags. She should be in prison.
If Crooked Hillary does run, can you imagine the giant kick to the nuts for Biden?
That's an interesting concept, what to put on one's gravestone, which there's not really a lot of room so it has to be pithy. What would other people think should be on Hillary's gravestone, there might be a whole documentary in that. I think I might go with "Finally gone...we hope."
She is the most criminal, most corrupt major party candidate for president in our lifetimes and Althouse voted for her.
Why isn't she in jail yet?
I'm getting a boner.
When Democrats/Media say that both sides are at fault on any issue, it means that the Democrats are almost totally at fault. This principle is infallible. So when Hillary says not as good or bad, then she is way less good and way more bad.
Tank said...
She is the most criminal, most corrupt major party candidate for president in our lifetimes and Althouse voted for her.
Why isn't she in jail yet?
HEY! it's not illegal to vote for someone!
Is somebody out there really trying to "introduce" Hillary Clinton to the American public?
Tank said...She is the most criminal, most corrupt major party candidate for president in our lifetimes and Althouse voted for her.
The election of Trump is working out as well as could reasonably be hoped (maybe better!), but 2016 was a devil you know vs. the devil you don't know election. Under those circumstances, it's not irrational to vote for the devil you know.
How much money was funneled to her for this?
MadisonMan said...
How much money was funneled to her for this?
Russia and China refuse to talk about it.
Where boners go to die
I'm with Henry. Hillary is far worse than anybody dares to say. Evil incarnate.
No. She’s worse than most people think.
The 33,000 destroyed emails contain evidence of the money deals she struck with foreigners that were run through the Clinton Foundation.
And she’s running.
She’s dishonest and crooked. She doesn’t have to be Satan Incarnate for me to abhor her.
they said on the trailer.... She's SO Smart
is there ANY indication of that?
wiki says she
was a National Merit Finalist & She graduated (highschool) in 1965 in the top five percent of her class
That sounds smart... But WHERE is ANY indication that she is She's SO Smart?
I liked her better when she was lost in the woods.
She has to run... it means immunity from investigation.
Hillary Clinton is the most personally corrupt politician to run for the Presidency since James Blaine in 1884. She isn’t in jail because, with respect to vice and corruption, she is in the center of the mainstream of her party.
Who knew that there were that many flattering photographs of Hillary. Whoever did her makeup for that last shot deserves some kind of award. Did they use CGI like with The Irishman?.....The Presidential bug is apparently a lifelong virus. Biden. Hillary. Bloomberg. Is Kerry dropping hints? I see him in the news a lot lately.
If Bill was our first female president, would that make Hillary our first LGBQ president?
I doubt Hillary wants to endure the primary campaign trail yet again. More likely, she's hoping for a brokered convention that turns to her in their hour of need as the chosen Savior of the Party. I get the impression there's another woman who has similar fantasies. Her name is Michelle.
Does she realize people are exhausted and sick of her?
Bill was the first black president. He said so. Not at all insulting to blacks./
More likely, she's hoping for a brokered convention that turns to her in their hour of need as the chosen Savior of the Party.
Yes and she probably doesn't care too much if she loses. This would rehabilitate her.
She is boiling rabbit, Glen Close-Fatal Attraction crazy. OR
It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear! And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!
One year ago, Hillary launched her resurrection tour with Bill. It was a disaster. Empty seats, shrunken venues, slashed ticket prices.
Now, the faked buzz she and her people are creating is all it takes is a stink on Howard Stern and now everyone is love again.
You don't need to fall in love, you just need to fall in line.
Michelle would win, but Michelle isn't desperate for power like HIllary is.
I'd rather have Michelle.
Was she asked about her husband and Epstein?
Blogger chickelit said...She has to run... it means immunity from investigation.
That is the new Biden rule that governs Democrat candidates.
Top 5% isn't that smart. If, as is usual, she claims the highest position she can legitimately claim then she is fifth out of a hundred (tenth out of 200, etc.). However, I think it fair to conclude that Hillary is exaggerating and so will state with near certainty that she is not SO SMART.
“Hillary, stay in the woods, OK? You had your shot. You fucked it up. You’re Bill Buckner. We had the World Series, and you let the grounder go through your legs. Let someone else have the chance. The fact that she’s coming back, it just verifies every bad thing anyone’s ever thought about the Clintons, that it’s all about them.”
-Bill Maher
Sally327 is en fuego today.
Hillary: You suck, I'm running.
Biden: But Barack chose me for VP, not you.
Hillary: Yes, but the deal was I got to run in 2016, not you.
Biden: But you lost
Hillary: But I won the popular vote.
Biden: But I'm supposed to run this time.
Hillary: He hasn't spoken one word of support for you. Not one. And you've lost a step.
Biden: My "No Mallarkey" Tour is going gangbusters, Gal.
Hillary: Oy vey. Have you heard of Jeff Epstein, Joe?
Plouffe interview where she accused anyone running a 3rd party effort is a "RUSSIAN ASSET"
Threats to anyone running a 3rd party platform. threat. Threat. Threat. You will be destroyed.
Media blitz
Book tour
Fake quotes from fake people who claim new-found love for her after her stint on Howard Stern. Now some fake polls are showing up with her on them.
None of this is by accident.
“If I said ‘back up you creep ...’”
The whole “Trump stalked her on stage like a gorilla” was another hoax, btw. Trump stood still in his spot and it was Hillary who wandered around and got close to him. But the optics looked like Trump was looming over her, trying to intimidate her. It’s just one of those things that people who know better will willfully lie about. Like Hillary.
"I ain't no-ways tarred" of a candidate with hot sauce in her purse.
Get some big guys to load her in the back of a black Suburban and let's start campaigning. Tell the deplorables their worse nightmare is back. I'm with her! Hillary!
She's so smart
So smart that she was responsible for what may have been one of the largest breeches of classified information in US history. I would hope the government would at least do an audit on the potential damage that was done to national security by having our adversaries on the copy list for every SoS email sent and received but we know it won't because Hillary! and because Democrat.
I have been thinking that 2020 would be a rerun of 2016, with Elizabeth Warren playing the part of Hillary. But Warren appears to be bombing in the out-of-town tryouts.
Is Hillary available for a reprise? Can she recapture the magic of 2016?
Can she be that once-again candidate of her dreams?
Mr. DeMille, she is ready for her close-up.
Her Private Server for Clinton Cash = under rug swept.
Hillary resurgence is deep state resurgence.
Warren isn't really fading, it just appears that way.... to clear the way for her->
*tho Warren isn't helping herself with her crazy ideas. But her ideas are no different from Bernie's.
She's so smart
Yet, she failed the DC bar exam.
She ain't that smart.
She has the curse of the consistently over-praised. She has believed her own PR for 40 years. She should have gotten a clue when she flunked the DC bar. Instead, she moved to Arkansas.
"She is boiling rabbit, Glen Close-Fatal Attraction crazy."
And remember, she didn't die the first time she was drowned. When Hillary arises from the tub, wet and screaming and wielding a knife, it will take Melania to shoot her down once and for all, and end this.
More seriously, Trump should tweet out that Hillary video without saying a word. Just the video. Then watch the Democrats devour themselves.
Trump is showing tremendous self-control in not tweeting about the Dems every day. Talk about shooting fish in a barrel.
Biden wins the nomination, dies a week later, and Hillary steps in to "save the party and the nation".
Cruella De Ville is running for president until somebody drives a stake through her heart.
"Anyone who, like me, when they think about Clintons, thinks about zombies, thinks about the undead, thinks about stakes through the heart, silver bullets and so on, has just received confirmation. It's as bad as we thought it was going to be."
-Christopher Hitchens
The good news is if she runs; whether she wins or loses, she will open herself up for endless investigations.
If I click the video, does Hillary get money? I'm afraid that's the case, so I don't click.
If Crooked Hillary hadn't been married to BJ Clinton, we'd be saying... who?
Gag me with a pitchfork!
She's every bit as bad as they say about Trump, and far more so.
“Yes and she probably doesn't care too much if she loses. This would rehabilitate her.”
I think that’s true. It’s not the loss that galls so much, it’s the transparent omissions and fuck-ups that led to the loss that nag at one afterwards. And, since Barack clearly isn’t that interested in doing The Leader of the Party gig, nomination-by-acclaim would give the title to HRC. And in her world, that’s as close to being washed in the Blood as you can get.
“Hillary, stay in the woods, OK? You had your shot.”
Remind me. How many times did she visit Arizona versus how many times did she visit Wisconsin? And did she not demonstrate her political acuity by visiting the coal miners in West Virginia and telling them she would give them money to retrain them to be programmers?
Yes and she probably doesn't care too much if she loses. This would rehabilitate her.
Running would grant her immunity, would give her a chance to put Chelsea on stage for the family dynasty, and, she could craft the ultimate female sympathy candidacy.
Of course she'd like to win, but winning is secondary at this stage. Smarten up, people!
Follow the money.
To be honest, I really do think she's as bad as they say she is.
And probably worse.
She exudes no love for her country. None.
Hillary has all the credentials and corrupt past that the entire Pantheon of LLR-lefty Chuck NeverTrump heroes worship.
It makes me gag that I'm supposed to turn off my brain and ignore her consistent record of corruption and incompetence and support her because she's supposedly the smartest woman ever.
A documentary about a nonentity just in time for nobody to care.
MadisonMan said...
If I click the video, does Hillary get money? I'm afraid that's the case, so I don't click.
The Clintons always get their money guaranteed and up-front.
Everett Dirksen (R-IL), the Liberace of the Senate, gave a speech at the 1952 Republican Convention. He addressed Tom Dewey: "Twice we have followed you down the road to defeat. We shall not follow you again." And they didn't.
She can’t use it openly but here is her campaign slogan: “Just imagine the revenge we'll take.”
You might think I am just joking, but I think this is a large part of her appeal.
Wondering if she'll be stood up at the curb again when the nomination van pulls up.
It may make sense to move election day to Halloween just for 2020 if Hillary is on ticket.
Trump or Trick or Treat
She’s not as bad as some people say?
A 20-something has to write this.
Or a true believer.
By now it is obvious that the sole reason the Clinton/Obama has beens are acting as if they are candidates is a defensive tactic. It is supposed to make investigating their crimes into a political Taboo. Benedict Arnold tried that.
"She's neither as good nor as bad as some people say about her."
That word "some" is the lynch pin to that epitaph. You can always find some example that lies beyond the truth either direction. It renders a debatable statement anodyne.
Nonetheless, she's lying. We all know her preferred epitaph would be "I'd rather be in the White House."
She’s not as bad as some people say
That’s true. She’s worse.
Democrats have a very high tolerance for grifting and criminal behavior from their electeds. The Comey whitewash did not amount to jeopardy for HillBilly, but she has learned from the Biden shenanigans, as have we all, that a run for the Democrat nomination cloaks a criminal with immunity.
Perhaps Barr and Durham will disagree, indict, and drag us back into a moral “normalcy” with Democrats and their leftmedia pimps kicking and screaming all the way. Any trial will have to be in the heartland.
I think that Hillary is doing what she thinks she has to to reverse the sagging donations to the Clinton Foundation.
You people ought to be doing the happy dance. Maybe they plan to use the show in enhanced interrogations.
A stake through the heart.
Pantsuited Pantload
a World Champion Grifter
may God help us all
Clyde: "She doesn’t have to be Satan Incarnate for me to abhor her."
Yes, but it does make it a bit easier, doesn't it?
Separately, Mooch won't run. She likes the high life, but she's already set up for that and she's just too lazy to do all that work for very little incremental adulation.
And if she did, she'd lose.
“If Bill was our first female president, would that make Hillary our first LGBQ president?”
No, Bill was the first Black President, so Obama could be the first female present, leaving Crooked Hillary to be the first LGBQxyz candidate. Except that she specifically disclaimed that this week. And unless that was actually Obama. That could mean though that Michelle could be the first transvestite President. But what does that leave Crooked Hillary? aren’t rumors about the foibles of the other side great?
Clap for the Pantload
She gonna rate deplorables low
Clap for the Pantload
She gotta a chance like Hell got snow
The Crack Emcee writes: She oughtta run with that. And crystals.
Clintonistas love those crystals.
She desperately wants to run again, but finding the opening isn't easy now. I think she miscalculated badly once again. Someone sold her (probably herself) on the idea of swooping into a brokered convention, but the idea is pretty idiotic. It is 99% probable that one of the candidates on the last debate stage will be the nominee- 90% of voters just won't waste their votes on 3rd place or lower candidates after South Carolina. After SC, the race will be heads up with, at most, a couple of stragglers getting 10% between them. And, if by some miracle, a candidate doesn't win a majority of the delegates before the convention, it is all but certain that the leader will still be the nominee since shafting that candidate is a sure-fire way to lose in November.
Obama has Netflix, but Hillary has Hulu!
Please run.
Please run.
Please run.
Oh, God, I will go to church, and stop ogling pretty women, and stop drinking beverage alcohol, if you run.
Please run.
She should have announced 8 months ago and fought it out like all the other candidates. I think it even likely, given the same field, she would have won the nomination. My only caveat to that is that her running might well have induced a candidacy from Michelle Obama. One of the prediction I made some time ago was that Michelle Obama would be the nominee precisely to stop Clinton from running on the ticket again.
the Good thing about a Hilary presidency (literally, the ONLY good thing),
would be the entertainment of listening to democrats explain how SHE hadn't done any impeachable actions; and being able to comparison contrast their words Now, with their words THEN
Hillary 2020
She's not that bad.
"Oh, God, I will go to church, and stop ogling pretty women, and stop drinking beverage alcohol, if you run."
March 6 is a little late. Who screwed up this time?
Hillary for President
1000 crazy cat ladies can't all be wrong
This is why she should have been prosecuted for her private server, spoliation of evidence, etc. Mercy is terribly overrated these days.
Just Give her what she wants already - Hillary 2020.
Hillary, why not 2nd choice?
Even the dumbshit Democrats wouldn't nominate Hillary again. But one can ALMOST believe it.
If a candidate drops out before the convention, are that person's delegates still committed on the first ballot?
Hillary 2020
Not that good
Not that bad
Just right
If Hillary runs, she should pick Liz Warren as her running mate -- as a consolation prize for pushing her out.
However, it would conjure up every male's nightmare from junior high --- having 2, not 1, tight-ass, humorless, junior high Principals scolding us in the cafeteria......
I want Hillary to run. I want it almost as bad as I want Greenland.
President Hillary would:
01) Get rid of Electoral College
02) Pack the SCOTUS
03) start WW 3 with Russia
04) Send 50,000 more troops to the middle east
05) Get of ICE and Immigration Laws
06) Tank the Economy with more taxes
07) Medicare for all
08) More bad trade deals.
10) Tax/Sue Gun makers out of business,
But she's a moderate. So its OK.
Hildabeast, one of the most criminal, craven, and evil things ever to come down the pike. Basta. You'd have to be braindead or evil to vote for her at this point.
And I forgot:
Will spend $500 Billion stopping "Climate Change".
Hillary 2020
I want another shot at that orange son of a bitch.
Unknown said...
“This is why she should have been prosecuted for her private server, spoliation of evidence, etc. Mercy is terribly overrated these days.”
“Democrats, who are guilty, love mercy. Others, who are not, prefer justice.” A play on Chesterton - maybe.
I'm going to go all Al Campanis and say Hillary "lacks the essentials" to be President.
Al Campanis is an "inside baseball" story. You either know it or you don't--but Campanis got fired by the Dodgers after a forty year career for saying that certain groups (who shall not be named in this politically correct age) lacked the essentials to be baseball managers.
Hillary 2020
It's still my turn, goddammit!
Hillary might assure that the R's take a solid lead in the Senate and take back the House.
Return the favor and impeach HER-> for using a private server while secretary of state under Obama, and all the international pay-to-play schemes that benefited her decision to keep her formal duties a secret.
Plus - uncover and repeat all of her other crimes. Dig up ALL Clinton Foundation Fake Charity Fraud.
It is already a known fact (despite media black-outs) that the Clintons use their foundation as a personal slush fund. for starters: 6 million+ a year on private jet travel alone.
Hillary running again is for her ego and her bank account. and the deep state who will profit off of her. See: Brennan.
Also - the media will have to go into full-on cover-up hyper drive for her. They will, but wow - it will be a thing to behold.
Hillary 2020
It's come to this
Blogger TJM wrote...
“Hildabeast, one of the most criminal, craven, and evil things ever to come down the pike. Basta. You'd have to be braindead or evil to vote for her at this point.”
So, you believe she can count on the votes of “educators,” journalists, Chuck, progressives, and other leftist diehards. I don’t think that will do it for her.
Quaestor: "The Crack Emcee writes: She oughtta run with that. And crystals."
Crack Emcee has been delivering up quite a few solid nuggets lately. Credit where credit is due.
The only good thing about a Hillary Presidency would be the entertainment value of Bill as first husband.
I think if the Dem convention is deadlocked on the first vote, then it is open and all delegates are released. That's how Hillary gets the nomination. And she is spared doing the primaries. Just her against Trump in the general.
My biggest concern is vote stealing by the Dems in swing states. Recall how LBJ won his first race with made up votes. JFK did the same thing in Illinois and some other states.
Bob Boyd: "Hillary 2020
It's come to this"
And, per Ace of Spades, the entire inaugural class of "Adam Schiff 'Republicans'" swoon with adoration of Hillary:
Jonah Goldberg
Matt K. Lewis
Bill Kristol
Charlie "3-Wives/Refused to pay Spousal and Child Support" Sykes
Steve Hayes
Jonathan Last
Andrew Egger
David Frum
...and Adam Schiff 'Republicans' Class President and Drag Queen Fan, Mx. David French
Trump's greatest legacies:
1. Pointing out how corrupt the Fake News is.
2. How China has eaten our lunch for over a decade.
3. Pulled out of the Paris Agreement.
4. Illegal aliens.
5. We are now a net exporter of oil and gas.
6. Cutting back regs.
7. Federal courts.
My biggest concern is vote stealing by the Dems in swing states.
This is a serious problem. What can be done to mitigate it?
Kelly: "The only good thing about a Hillary Presidency would be the entertainment value of Bill as first husband."
Well, it would also be entertaining reading LLR-lefty Chuck explain daily how every Hillary lefty policy and pronouncement is actually representative of "True Conservatism".
Hillary 2020
Blogger Dave Begley said...
Trump's greatest legacies:
1. Pointing out how corrupt the Fake News is.
2. How China has eaten our lunch for over a decade.
3. Pulled out of the Paris Agreement.
4. Illegal aliens.
5. We are now a net exporter of oil and gas.
6. Cutting back regs.
7. Federal courts.
And the most important legacy of all:
Exposing how corrupt and irredeemable the federal government is for all to see.
I don’t believe Hillary is hoping for a brokered convention. I believe her and her deep state minions are working to manufacture a brokered convention.
She needs three or four of these jokers to stay in the race till summer. Biden Liz Bernie...maybe that mayor guy. The build them up/tear them down articles will be the tell. Trying to keep them even enough to make it...
All good for the value Hillary shares, btw.
we can re-live all of Bill's sexual escapades. That's fun.
"It is 99% probable that one of the candidates on the last debate stage will be the nominee-"
What if something were to happen to all of them?
Jupiter: "What if something were to happen to all of them?"
Then there would be a 100% probability the dem candidate would be someone not on the last debate stage.
everything Hillary and her Podesta creepy corruption brigade do is a manipulation for her power.
It is a rare individual that is "as bad as some people say."
Hillary is that individual.
My biggest concern is vote stealing by the Dems in swing states.
This is a serious problem. What can be done to mitigate it?
Normally this would worry me. But I'm expecting the biggest landslide since Reagan in 84. 40 states for Trump. The Dems will win New York and California with 4 or 5 million extra votes, but Trump will take the popular vote too.
The Crack Emcee said...
She oughtta run with that. And crystals.
She was going to, but Eleanor Roosevelt advised against it...
And yet more people voted for her than for your guy. Me included.
DarkHelmet: "It is a rare individual that is "as bad as some people say."
Hillary is that individual."
Easy partner. That's "triggering talk" for many a LLR-lefty.
"And yet more people voted for her than for your guy. Me included."
And, pray tell, this resulted in .........?
She's worse.
readering: "And yet more people voted for her than for your guy. Me included."
Here is a link which can help explain your confusion based in ignorance:
Similarly, the team that scores the most points wins the Super Bowl, not the team with the most First Downs or best 3rd Down Conversion Rate.
If you have any other questions regarding the Electoral College and how it is not a "new" thing around which political campaign should plan, I recommend you read more.
You're welcome.
"And yet more people voted for her than for your guy. Me included."
That must just stick in your craw, right?
And yet more people voted for her than for your guy. Me included.
It must be embarrassing to have voted for Hillary. Think of all the wealth destruction for the middle classes that she would have caused. Think of all the Deep State wealth and power she would have created.
We dodged a bullet, thanks to her smug laziness and the Electoral College.
Normally this would worry me. But...
If Hillary had been honest in her book 'What Happened', she would have said, we could have won if we would have cheated, but we thought we had it in the bag and we didn't want to take unnecessary risks. We won't make that mistake again in 2020.
The only way I want to see Hillary Clinton 2020 is after Hillary Clinton 1947.
Hillary 2020
Kids won't touch my leg hair.
Schiff: Only Impeachment Will Ensure A Free And Fair Election
December 10, 2019 By Tristan Justice
Hillary gets in. Here's why:
Look at the RCP Betting Markets.
1. Warren has tanked in the past 2 months. The NY Dem money guys vetoed her. She's done.
2. There is essentially a 3-way tie among: Biden, Pete and Bernie.
3. Biden of 10 years ago? Definitely the nominee. Biden today as Grandpa Simpson? Umm, No. Nervous Dems are just waiting for the next gaffe, the next shoe to drop. That's why Obama hasn't endorsed him. Does he have the stamina to get through the grueling campaign, while his main personal support comes from his cokehead, dumbass son, Hunter? I doubt it.
Remarkably, that leaves either Pete or Bernie as the likely Dem nominee. Will either of these two fly? Bernie won't. The NY Dem money guys will veto him.
Hillary sees all this. She either gets in soon, or waits for the chaos and uncertainty of the convention to swoop in.
My 2 cents. Bookmark this.
BAG: "3. Biden of 10 years ago? Definitely the nominee. Biden today as Grandpa Simpson? Umm, No"
I'm not sure LLR-lefty Chuck accepts this judgement. He has recently argued on these pages that Biden is a physical and intellectual dynamo who can roll like a juggernaut over Trump.
I admit, there might be a smidgen of wishful thinking there, but LLR-lefty Chuck was outraged at the mere suggestion that Biden was too old and slowing down.
Hillary 2020
Don't make me beg
Hillary got the popular vote because of CA alone. Over 3 million votes from CA alone.
One in eight people live in CA.
Should we let CA pick our president? should we tell all other states to go pound sand?
She is corrupt. Does anyone care anymore?
Los Angeles County has a higher population than 39 States.
Chuck full of illegals. That vote.
And yet more people voted for her than for your guy. Me included.
Many of them more than once.
readering: "And yet more people voted for her than for your guy. Me included."
That includes both voters who are living and voters who are were not alive at the time.
It is often said that some voters vote republican all their lives until they die, at which point they become permanent democrat voters.
Even though many liberals hate Hillary (not the Catholic ones--it's against their religion), but will gladly vote for her to oust Trump.
There is no Jill Stein this time.
She is corrupt. Does anyone care anymore?
She was corrupt in 2016 and many people didn't care. Of course, Democrats are trying to make her bullet proof through the election by claiming it is impeachable to investigate her prior to the election. Not the same standard they have for Trump.
Browndog: "There is no Jill Stein this time."
Everyone knows Jill is just waiting for the phone call from Putin to recharge the campaign! Hillary said so! The NeverTrumpers say so!
And so it must be......
"I will certainly tell you, I'm under enormous pressure from many, many, many people to think about it." Yeah, from Republicans and her domestic staff at Chappaqua who just want her out of the house.
Most of CA vote like a trained hollywood circus animal.
Did the government ever release the sealed indictments of Hillary from the Star investigation?
"there is not Jill Stein this time."
If you dare run 3rd party, you will be labeled a "RUSSIAN AGENT."
This person and her corrupt cabal want to lord over you.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Most of CA vote like a trained hollywood circus animal."
Hence LLR-lefty Chuck's many many many links to these types.
I just don't see big money democrat donors throwing good money after bad. She's a L-O-S-E-R. This is all inside baseball-belt way nerd shit. Personally I would love to see it as it increases my chances to see her fall down or stroke out on the campaign trail like she did at the 9-11 ceremony. Also I think the countries that syphoned off all the emails from her private server will finally dump them to ingratiate themselves for another Trump term.
Gk1: "I just don't see big money democrat donors throwing good money after bad."
The dem big money donors know the Clinton's have a 40 year history of viciously taking revenge on those who choose not to play nicely with Clinton Politics Incorporated. Just look at what Hillary was able to pull via FusionGPS/State Dept/CIA/DOJ(including SDNY)/FBI/NSA/IRS/FCC/SEC etc as a mere candidate!
If hillary were the nominee, these donors know all Hillary has to do is pick up the phone and the DOJ swamp rats, even with Trump as President, will launch investigations into companies, foundations, families, etc. No one is safe.
All the donors will have to give and give and give just to keep Hillary's focus off them and on the off chance she wins. Can you imagine what a Hillary weaponized federal govt against her domestic political opponents would look like?
The LAST thing those guys want is Hillary's wrath and the best risk mitigation strategy is to not make waves.
There is zero downside to Hillary entering the race. None whatsoever. What else is she gonna do with her time? She doesn’t play golf and she’s too old to chase pussy. She’s getting in. And it will be glorious. 😎
There is no Jill Stein this time.
The Democrat Party's Suicide Quick Reaction Team will be on Ready Five in case someone declares a 3rd party run this time.
IG Report Reveals James Comey Lied To Fox News Anchor Bret Baier About Steele Dossier
lying liars who lie white gloved Hillary and her lies.
Hillary didn’t destroy Tulsi’s nascent mojo for sport.
Hillary 2020
“A stroke away from greatness!”
IS that sarcasm?
It is true, she's probably not an out-and-out murderer, which some people say about her.
She is, on the other hand, a Hunter Biden, an incompetent who served as the recipient for payoffs to her husband.
It depends on what the meaning of IS is, TJM.
Her astounding win of the popular vote can be wholly ascribed to the California Bum Explosion...
Cankles @53 secs "Bad To The Bone"
Her astounding win of the popular vote can be wholly ascribed to the California Bum Explosion...
More to the fact that CA Republicans had no reason to come out. No R's on the ballot other than Trump, and there was no way he was going to carry the state.
A popular vote election would be a whole different campaign. Trump would work both CA & NY in that case, so there's no point pretending Hillary would have won under different rules -- Trump would have been playing by those different rules too.
Dear America,
That divorce you wanted from the Clintons?
Not granted.
and FU.
The Podesta Group
All the donors will have to give and give and give just to keep Hillary's focus off them and on the off chance she wins.
"Nice international corporation you have there. It would be a shame if China nationalized it." Protection is cheap. Less than a billion.
She either gets in soon, or waits for the chaos and uncertainty of the convention to swoop in.
No, backroom deals are her thing. None of that campaign stuff.
It is true, she's probably not an out-and-out murderer, which some people say about her.
Very few members of the ruling class are "out-and-out murderers." They have a giant state apparatus to do their killing for them. When Obama wanted to murder a 16-year-old kid, he didn't pull the trigger; he just had the CIA blow the kid up with a drone. And anyone who had the misfortune of being in his proximity. Obama and Trump aided and abetted the Saudi destruction of Yemen. The ruling class may not be "out-and-out murderers," but their hands are still drenched in blood.
As was before, Hillary is a favorite of the ChiComs.
I just don't see big money democrat donors throwing good money after bad.
Not sure what donors this refers to but there's plenty of the usual $million+ check writers that would have no problem backing her if she's in. Many of them hold their powder until late anyways. She has whatever's left of the pay for play war chest and she can get the band back together get the foreign sovereign money flowing again when she gets close...PLUS if she sits and waits until a brokered convention she doesn't need 10 months of campaign staffers and ad buys. She can tease and stay in the spotlight then run on a frugal Trump budget for two months...
Hillary 2020
These are sad and strange times
"the entertainment value of Bill as first husband"
I've always believed that when push comes to shove Bill will do what he has to to make sure that his Secret Service team doesn't answer to Hillary.
I wanna see a deah match between the doddering old drunk and the fake Indian.
well skip awlaki, just a chip off the old block, hanging out in a café with Ibrahim al banna (yes one of those al bannas, as to yemen, the sauds have a hankering after Zaydi, like coyote had with road runner,
for my novella, I figured out initially awlaki sr was hiding in ataq, the provincial capital of shabwa, eventually he made it to the coastal town of shoqra,
actually I read it in morten storm's memoir, ghosted by paul Cruikshank, and confirmed elsewhere,
red queen reminds of the evil shrew in the hellboy revamp, that had to be severed in seven parts and buried in different parts of the country,
“More to the fact that CA Republicans had no reason to come out. No R's on the ballot other than Trump, and there was no way he was going to carry the state.“
True, very dispiriting, but I soldiered on.
She never stopped running for POTUS.
Good. Let her run. If she's their nominee again? Trump wins 40 states.
And yet more people voted for her than for your guy. Me included.
Which speaks volumes about you. And none of it good.
And has been pointed out countless times, the margin was in the state of California and the state of California only.
Weinstein paying $25 million for #MeToo. A parking ticket. Team Hillary2020 freeing up one of her best Hollywood allies. Hillary2020 and the First Laddie™ scandal free! The courts have exonerated!
It would be fascinating to see a brokered convention in my lifetime but it does not seem the way of the world. Donors are using their money to gain influence with the eventual nominee and will not willing throw money at a proven loser like Hillary. I always presumed her fan dance on whether she will or won't run is to throw off the investors from 2016 that got shit for donating millions and are still seeing red. I am pretty sure they didn't get those millions by being saps and I don't think they will double down on long shot, particularly if Trump's economy is still strong. This is all beltway bullshit to distract from the U.S.S Impeachment hitting an iceberg and going down with all hands. What a train wreck.
Hillary 2020
Cthulhu says, Hillary! why choose the lesser of the two evils!
The ruling class may not be "out-and-out murderers," but their hands are still drenched in blood.
Pictures or it didn't happen.
Scott M:
Pictures or it didn't happen.
Pictures of what or what didn't happen?
Does this mean Michelle isn't running after all?
More like #HillaryCthulhu
I mentioned the rope dancer, Marchetti's roman a clef, which is strikingly timely, you can switch out Vietnam for afganistan, in lieu of what the latest cable release have indicated, it appears like boyce probably ames and even Hansen used as the blueprint for their careers in espionage,
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