Choice very predictable, and yet... there must have been a temptation to help out the impeachment crowd and give it to Nancy Pelosi or "the whistleblower" or SchiNadPel.
Remember years back when there was competition to see how young a girl could fly a plane over the ocean? Right up until that one little girl spun in to the ocean?
I get the feeling this girl is that girl. Prolly won't end well...
I rate Time's Person Of The Year at about the the same level of importance as People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive and Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Issue cover model. Are any of these things not about selling shit?
Sad thing is, once upon a time, Time was actually a solid magazine, and even had some very important right wing writers such as Whittaker Chambers working for them.
Which just made them an early target for the Left's Long March Through The Institutions. It's just a skinsuit now.
the hong kong protesters, the ones who have been challenging the Iranian proxies in Lebanon and Iraq, the arab spring, which brought hariri and Abdul mahdi down,
Should have been Eric Ciaramella on the cover with Deep State the person of the year (remember it doesn't have to be a good person - Hitler was man of the year back when Time was more sexist).
Back when TIME was a real magazine, Wolcott Gibbs did a wonderful parody of TIME's odd writing style: "Backward ran sentences until reeled the mind. Where it all will end, knows God."
I see a lot of cross-over potential. Nike can bring out a bio-degradable sneaker make from organic materials. Greta can talk about how when she walks the world in search of environmental justice, she wears Nike. Further down the road, when she marries Leo, I know someone who can design just the right dress for her wedding. Something minimal and mulchable and yet stylish.
A used and abused child to represent an unserious age in a dying magazine.
She represents the plausible or conflation of logical domains. A profitable scheme that is not limited to [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] climate change.
And with persistence, self-esteem mutates into self-confidence.
This should probably be accompanied with a disclaimer, that "girls" does not refer to girls as a class as in "girl privilege." We should be wary that we do not progress to indulge diversitist thought and motive.
I don't much care about the child climate activist.
I am very glad that TIME did not pick "the whistleblower." Because the whistleblower's importance is something that the Trumpists, more than anyone, are blowing all out of proportion. The whistleblower isn't a critical witness. The critical witnesses are Trump, Mulvaney, Pompeo, Bolton, etc.
Making a hero out of the whistleblower plays into the hands of the idiots who think that it is somehow critical to the impeachment of Trump, to examine the motives and biases of the whistleblower. A now long-running comparison is the example of the person who went to a pay phone to report a bank robbery anonymously, and then vanishes. The police come, find the robbery in progress and arrest the bank robbers. At the trial of the bank robbers, does anybody care whether the anonymous phone caller had a grudge against the bank robbers? Of course not. The caller is of no more importance.
And yes, I know that Mickey Kaus addressed this issue and that Althouse blogged it. It was complete nonsense by Kaus, which looks worse and worse as it goes on.
The Althouse blog link:
burisma is no 1 client of naftogaz, which lobbied the good colonel, it made an arrangement with the atlantic council for the latter's funding, which paid ciaramella's associate misko's fellowship, which then put the previous ambassador herbst on the board,
Isn't Time worth about $1000 on the open market? Nobody under 70 reads it. Nobody buys the print edition except Dentists. Its a WEEKLY news magazine. Its the news equivalent of the horse and buggy.
The whistleblower called police and reported that Trump robbed a bank. Trump was in the bank, but he has an account there. The bank said Trump transacted ordinary bank business and they weren't robbed. The video shows Trump in the bank conducting an ordinary bank transaction.
But there is no need for police to talk to the whistle blower? Okay Chuck.
Oh by the way; it seems that Bill Kristol really wanted the whistleblower to get POTY. He was clearly not concerned about the same things I was, and didn't share the thoughts I posted just above.
One of the few recent instances where I have disagreed with Kristol. He probably just wanted to promote impeachment in general.
Poor Chuck. Still deluded into believing the Marxist talking point that a political hack leaker who has no direct evidence of that which he leaked is a "whistle blower". Can't wrap his head around the fact that the identify of someone who is relaying hearsay and coordinating with the coup plotters in the Dem chambers is absolutely vital to have out in the open and his testimony is key to nailing Schiff and his fellow traitors to a wall.
Since Chuck uses the Left's usual tactic of spinning a deceitful analogy, permit me to correct it for him: If someone hears third hand from a friend of a robber that a jewelry store is being robbed, and reports it to another gang, and then is caught out by the police for his criminal activities -- then yes, his identity and his relationship to the robbers and the other gang is very relevant to whether he is a reliable witness or not. And also relevant to whether he goes to jail with the robbers and that other gang or not.
'you always have a speech (Charles) and no one cares' one of the only memorable lines of dark phoenix, you see if you have a gathering of fmr foreign ministers, (fischer) prime ministers (kwasnievski) oecd delegation chiefs, (potter) governors of lousiana, (Landrieu) why no one wanted to touch this with a black sea barge pole
Sports Illustrated named Megan Raponie, SI "Person" of the year. You have to hunt for it on the SI website, because their readership is more interested in who won last Sunday's football game. SI's cover shot of her is interesting. She's duded up with a fashionable short haircut, and reclining on a Victorian sofa in an ankle-to-chin old timey Victorian dress.
This is all designed to cover-up the fact that she's 5-6, 132 lbs. and has the stick arms and legs of a 14 y/o boy. If you put her in the bikini, she'd have to be in the Gay SI sports illustrated edition because she's flatter than a table top. She also has weird, "man Hands" full of veins. I say "weird" because she's in her 30s.
actually these stories are tied together, with string, like a bond thriller, from kyev to Limassol Cyprus to Monaco, to Kazakhstan, to eastern Africa (where cofer black had once been station chief, and nabbed carlos the jackal) now moppet Thunberg is as genuine as that 8 year they had pestering Reagan in the 80s,
The impeachment will be the new "Valarie Phlame affair" something that dullards can drone on and on and on about, without ever saying anything of interest. Newcomers to the Althouse blog will forget how the usual suspects spent thousands of comments talking back and forth about the Scotter Libby and Valarie Phlame and Uranium in Congo so some such crap.
Bob Boyd said... The whistleblower called police and reported that Trump robbed a bank. Trump was in the bank, but he has an account there. The bank said Trump transacted ordinary bank business and they weren't robbed. The video shows Trump in the bank conducting an ordinary bank transaction.
But there is no need for police to talk to the whistle blower? Okay Chuck.
So you have completely changed my hypothetical. Okay. We'll just keep issuing competing hypotheticals.
"The bank says..." in your hypothetical is weird. Because an Inspector General did look at the whistleblower complaint did indeed express an "urgent concern" and that it "appeared credible." That is the opposite of your hypothetical wherein the bank said that there was nothing untoward.
In actuality, if we used your hypothetical, "the bank" would not release any video, and it instructed all of its personnel not to testify. (Of course this begins to put "the bank" in the position of a co-conspirator in the robbery. But hey it was your hypothetical.)
no actually it's much less interesting than the plame flameout, but you do notice the same notes, in the end I think we will find where the yellowcake ended up, the gossiper, was fitted for plame status, then they realized he was only good for off broadway, that's why they fitted colonel bearclaw (ht ace) for the slot, but there were problems with this 'star witness' as well,
TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said... Poor Chuck. Still deluded into believing the Marxist talking point that a political hack leaker who has no direct evidence of that which he leaked is a "whistle blower". Can't wrap his head around the fact that the identify of someone who is relaying hearsay and coordinating with the coup plotters in the Dem chambers is absolutely vital to have out in the open and his testimony is key to nailing Schiff and his fellow traitors to a wall.
Since Chuck uses the Left's usual tactic of spinning a deceitful analogy, permit me to correct it for him: If someone hears third hand from a friend of a robber that a jewelry store is being robbed, and reports it to another gang, and then is caught out by the police for his criminal activities -- then yes, his identity and his relationship to the robbers and the other gang is very relevant to whether he is a reliable witness or not. And also relevant to whether he goes to jail with the robbers and that other gang or not.
God damn it. We have people who were listening, live, to Trump's phone call with Zelensky. We have the people who were tasked with communicating directly with Ukrainian counterparts on the matters of a request that Zelensky announce an "investigation." And the people who were executing a delay in the extension of allocated military aid. We don't have Giuliani, and Trump, and Mulvaney because they refuse to answer questions.
The whistleblower reported concerns, based on information. An investigation is what determines whether any claims or defenses have merit. And a trial based on evidence determines whether anybody pays any price for what the evidence shows.
There is a better 'witness for the prosecution' on every single aspect of the whistleblower's complaint, than the whistleblower himself or herself.
So describe exactly why the whistleblower is a necessary witness, and if not a necessary witness, then why would any information be needed to impeach such a non-witness?
Oh, and seeing where this has now gone, I am done with this topic. I've said enough about the whistleblower. And this blog post was about TIME's person of the year.
The whistleblower is a perfectly interesting topic for debate. But I am increasingly careful about these personal back-and-forth battles.
I could find the climate change theory more believable if it weren't being pushed by the stupidest and least trustworthy gang around: the "liberal" Hive. It's like if you repeatedly caught a guy trying to pick your pocket, and then he told you, "The sky is falling!" And he also was a member of a cult that told you, "There is no truth but our truth." Would you be inclined to believe him, or disbelieve him?
Given the levels of his TDS and delusion, I fear he may harm himself when Trump is acquitted in the Senate, the charges come down against the Deep State traitors after the when the REAL investigation results come out, and Trump wins re-election in a landslide.
it was a fraud promoted by Michael mann, and oppenheimer (if memory served) I started hearing about it with whitley striebers' natures end, there about 1986, snl was glomming on to it, parodying carl sagan who adopted the ttaps (nuclear winter) fraud, then james burke of connections fame, came up with his epic future history 'after the warming' in 1992, it was still being used as a teaching tool in 2007 public schools,
Chuck said... There is a better 'witness for the prosecution' on every single aspect of the whistleblower's complaint, than the whistleblower himself or herself.
So describe exactly why the whistleblower is a necessary witness, and if not a necessary witness, then why would any information be needed to impeach such a non-witness?
As we saw with Horowitz's limited purview and in his report, hiding the "whistleblower" now would largely conceal from discovery any "documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the decisions to open the [Russia now Ukraine] investigation".
This is the media take-away the Deep State demanded with respect to Crossfire Hurricane, this is the media take-away Schiff wants now.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "So describe exactly why the whistleblower is a necessary witness, and if not a necessary witness, then why would any information be needed to impeach such a non-witness?"
There is literally no far left position or policy that LLR-lefty Chuck doesn't go to bat for.
BTW, the hoax whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, is in cahoots with dems to violate federal procedures and we need to get to the bottom of that.
So Time has discovered that a teenager is smarter than educated adults!
Back in 1956, Roger Revelle and Hans Suess conceived that:
"…humans are carrying out a large-scale geophysical experiment through world-wide industrial activity that could lead to build-up of atmospheric carbon dioxide greater than the rate of carbon dioxide production by volcanoes."
And the CO2 "greenhouse effect" suddenly became the theme song of the global warmests. When actual world climate results failed to support that man was killing man by burning fossil fuels to counter poverty, the mid-1990s brought dishonest presentations designed to prove that our weather had become more severe. Y'all must remember incidents such as the the Mann Hockey Stick invention, the Climategate emails and the changing historic weather records.
But the truth is that "follow the money" puts control of spending in the hands of politicians who dole out the green stuff to so-called climatologists. Today's science shows no relationship between climate and CO2 but it does show that, based on the evidence, solar activity, not atmospheric CO2, is the primary driver of Earth’s temperature. Has Greta Thunberg studied this evidence?
An ironic picture for me in the sense of officially displaying the foolishness and ignorance of the young. I live next to the coast and every year some very stupid tourist(s) stand on the rocks when there are wild pounding waves, despite the warnings. I guess they want to get close to nature? Or they think they are omnipotent? Unfortunately many people are killed when they are hit by waves and knocked off the rocks. It's always someone from out of town, no one local. Greta - 2019 Person of the year: a clueless child who believes she is all powerful. We're supposed to be inspired by this idiocy?
I bet most Americans (a clear majority) had no idea who she was before this, and probably still don't know. So, you can be "Person of the Year" and virtually unknown to most people. Even she admitted just the other day that her actions have had no effect, and have accomplished nothing. So unknown, and unaccomplished , not to misinformed are the qualification for "Person of the Year". Yea, Time!
Isn't Time worth about $1000 on the open market? Nobody under 70 reads it.
Heck, I’m over 70 and I haven’t read it in years. There was one exception. Last week I noticed a copy in my doctor’s waiting room, which was about six months old. I skimmed it, and discovered that not a single prediction about Donald Trump came true. Not one. Don’t plan to look at it again.
As for little Greta, she has been pumped full of junk science. She needs to be forced to take genuine science classes and have an end put yo her ridiculous travels.
@Michael K said... gadfly, what happened to you? Is that an impostor posting as you?
Michael, a review of my opinions will show that my conservative view remains the same. Where I disagree with Republicans, who used to claim to be conservative, is that I can never support a criminal in the oval office. And I made that stand long before Trump got elected by so-called conservatives acting like migratory lemmings.
Alarmist scientists have been caught red-handed tampering with raw data in order to exaggerate sea level rise.
The raw (unadjusted) data from three Indian Ocean gauges – Aden, Karachi and Mumbai – showed that local sea level trends in the last 140 years had been very gently rising, neutral or negative (ie sea levels had fallen).
But after the evidence had been adjusted by tidal records gatekeepers at the global databank Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) it suddenly showed a sharp and dramatic rise.
The whistle was blown by two Australian scientists Dr. Albert Parker and Dr. Clifford Ollier in a paper for Earth Systems and Environment.
Kenneth Richard at No Tricks Zone reports:
The authors expose how PSMSL data-adjusters make it appear that stable sea levels can be rendered to look like they are nonetheless rising at an accelerated pace.
The data-adjusters take misaligned and incomplete sea level data from tide gauges that show no sea level rise (or even a falling trend). Then, they subjectively and arbitrarily cobble them together, or realign them. In each case assessed, PSMSL data-adjusters lower the earlier misaligned rates and raise the more recent measurements. By doing so, they concoct a new linearly-rising trend....
Jim at said... Oh, and seeing where this has now gone, I am done with this topic.
You're the one who changed the subject and shit all over the thread.
No. Wrong. My first post on this page, at 2:31 went to the substance of the blog post, which included the notion of "the whistleblower" as a possible winner of the Time POTY.
@Seeing Red, this what has infuriated me about the entire AGW hoax. Having built —and validated — numerous mathematical models over the course of my career, standard practice is to adjust your model until it fits the data, not tamper with the data until the data squares with the model.
no there was no substance, it was a difference in policy, politicized into a simulacrum of impeachable claptrap, Schiff forgot there were more chains around ciaramella, than Jacob marley or to use another metaphor, he was the Cheshire cat, who could never be seen in full,
I can never support a criminal in the oval office. And I made that stand long before Trump got elected by so-called conservatives acting like migratory lemmings.
OK Straight TDS then, not fully crazy. Good to know.
Since the last glacial maximum about 20,000 years ago, the sea level has risen by more than 125 metres (410 ft), with rates varying from less than a mm/year to 40+ mm/year, as a result of melting ice sheets over Canada and Eurasia. Rapid disintegration of ice sheets led to so called 'meltwater pulses', periods during which sea level rose rapidly. The rate of rise started to slow down about 8,200 years before present; the sea level was almost constant in the last 2,500 years, before the recent rising trend that started at the end of the 19th century or in the beginning of the 20th.
So for 11,2OO years the sea levels rise around 410 feet, that's around half a foot every seven years. Then the seas stopped rising almost 2,500 years.
For at least the last 100 years, sea level has been rising at an average rate of about 1.8 mm (0.07 in) per year
So if you accept the measurements of the alarmists, the oceans are currently rising at a level of a little over half a foot every century.
Let me know when the courageous Greta travels to China (could take a while by boat, especially once she makes land) and harangues the PRC about their coal plants.
Choice very predictable, and yet... there must have been a temptation to help out the impeachment crowd and give it to Nancy Pelosi or "the whistleblower" or SchiNadPel.
Well..if Obama can land an affirmative action Nobel, she's earned this. And so has everyone else:
Unless you're me and have sat mouth agape, at this entire spectacle, since the creepy climate kid arrived on the scene. Or the Harmonic Convergence in 1985, I don't remember now.
It's only more NewAge madness, and the fact someone is attempting to raise it's level again, that have become predictable.
It really is like the issues that animated the negative side of my marraige have seeped into the world, and now, hilariously, I get the honor of watching everyone else deal with them - but with my own 20/20 hindsight - finding they're no better than I was at it. Even with resources I never had.
How to deal with an active, aggressive, cult insanity that destroys all it touches - and then blames you - that few acknowledge? It's a toughie.
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१२२ टिप्पण्या:
How Dare They!
Hitler is a past winner. Just sayin'.
Armstrong and Getty say Time is a website now; and everything everywhere is a stunt.
Merriam Webster word of the year is "they." The nonbinary singular pronoun. I'd have thought "it" would work.
Time Person of the Year is an abused child. This is help, indeed. s/off
A bit of self admiration for me not knowing much about this girl...
They gave it to a self-righteous, arrogant and awesomely ignorant teenage girl who thinks Thanos was the real hero of the Avengers movies?
Sounds about right.
Did anyone expect a better/different selection?
A truly laughable choice. In 20 years it will be head-scratcher.
Remember years back when there was competition to see how young a girl could fly a plane over the ocean? Right up until that one little girl spun in to the ocean?
I get the feeling this girl is that girl. Prolly won't end well...
TIME relishes its role as propaganda outlet for the establishment.
Most of us simply say, "Ho-hum"........
The TIME business sold for what, $1.00?. Vastly overvalued!
I rate Time's Person Of The Year at about the the same level of importance as People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive and Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Issue cover model. Are any of these things not about selling shit?
Sad thing is, once upon a time, Time was actually a solid magazine, and even had some very important right wing writers such as Whittaker Chambers working for them.
Which just made them an early target for the Left's Long March Through The Institutions. It's just a skinsuit now.
Don't be cynical. I applaud TIME for raising awareness of the exploitation of children.
If Trump hasn't been worthy of being "person" of the year since 2016, can the cable dunces stop talking about him 24/7?
Glaringly predictable. Couldn't be the whistleblower, no one knows who that is.😆
"Endangered Earth" was "planet of the year" in 1989.
Let's take the predictions from that issue and see how they panned out.
the hong kong protesters, the ones who have been challenging the Iranian proxies in Lebanon and Iraq, the arab spring, which brought hariri and Abdul mahdi down,
Ender Wiggins was not in the running?
Wallis Simpson was woman of the year for 1936 — so you see, it does stand the test of time.
The headline for the article is a lie. She is not the youngest person of the year. I, for one, was only 2.5 years old when I was a winner in 1966.
Should have been Eric Ciaramella on the cover with Deep State the person of the year (remember it doesn't have to be a good person - Hitler was man of the year back when Time was more sexist).
Back when TIME was a real magazine, Wolcott Gibbs did a wonderful parody of TIME's odd writing style: "Backward ran sentences until reeled the mind. Where it all will end, knows God."
I see a lot of cross-over potential. Nike can bring out a bio-degradable sneaker make from organic materials. Greta can talk about how when she walks the world in search of environmental justice, she wears Nike. Further down the road, when she marries Leo, I know someone who can design just the right dress for her wedding. Something minimal and mulchable and yet stylish.
A used and abused child to represent an unserious age in a dying magazine.
How appropriate!
TIME's person of the year is supposed to be the person who most influenced the news during the past year.
This was surely Trump - The Orange Man?
I have no problem with Time and Sports Illustrated (with Megan Rapinoe) further laying claim to irrelevancy.
The sooner they go out of business, the better.
I'm sure she'll be in the running for the Nobel Peace Prize, too.
Its all about self-esteem for girls. You go girl.
A used and abused child to represent an unserious age in a dying magazine.
She represents the plausible or conflation of logical domains. A profitable scheme that is not limited to [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] climate change.
Stupid is as stupid does.
No one has yet discovered who is paying for St. Greta's travel. No one.
The Sepulcher
In Jerusalem. Where Jesus lays.
Why did you work in insurance you, oh Angel of Reality?
Sublime thoughts transcripted at twenty-ten farmington. Poetry in thought.
I obsess over your poetry. Hours of obsession of the meaning of very very simple words.
She's perfect.
Self-righteous, angry, ignorant, viral.
Its all about self-esteem for girls. You go girl.
And with persistence, self-esteem mutates into self-confidence.
This should probably be accompanied with a disclaimer, that "girls" does not refer to girls as a class as in "girl privilege." We should be wary that we do not progress to indulge diversitist thought and motive.
Time Magazine Person of the Year and Nobel Peace prize = woke loser of the year.
Steve Hayward at Power Line makes an excellent point: Who paid for St. Greta's travel and PR campaign?
the grimaldis (the royal family of Monaco) who host a yearly conference for burisma, sponsored her initial trip, quelle surprise,
Has anyone given this young lady a second thought since her 72 hours of fame?
I don't much care about the child climate activist.
I am very glad that TIME did not pick "the whistleblower." Because the whistleblower's importance is something that the Trumpists, more than anyone, are blowing all out of proportion. The whistleblower isn't a critical witness. The critical witnesses are Trump, Mulvaney, Pompeo, Bolton, etc.
Making a hero out of the whistleblower plays into the hands of the idiots who think that it is somehow critical to the impeachment of Trump, to examine the motives and biases of the whistleblower. A now long-running comparison is the example of the person who went to a pay phone to report a bank robbery anonymously, and then vanishes. The police come, find the robbery in progress and arrest the bank robbers. At the trial of the bank robbers, does anybody care whether the anonymous phone caller had a grudge against the bank robbers? Of course not. The caller is of no more importance.
And yes, I know that Mickey Kaus addressed this issue and that Althouse blogged it. It was complete nonsense by Kaus, which looks worse and worse as it goes on.
The Althouse blog link:
just regular folk,
Greta, just don't slip off that rock.
We'd be really, really, sad. If you slipped off that rock.
And drowned.
Yeah, sad.
the first two links were flagged,
burisma is no 1 client of naftogaz, which lobbied the good colonel, it made an arrangement with the atlantic council for the latter's funding, which paid ciaramella's associate misko's fellowship, which then put the previous ambassador herbst on the board,
No children in politics tag?
And a little Child shall lead them.
Not me. Just dumbass liberals
Isn't Time worth about $1000 on the open market? Nobody under 70 reads it. Nobody buys the print edition except Dentists. Its a WEEKLY news magazine. Its the news equivalent of the horse and buggy.
The whistleblower called police and reported that Trump robbed a bank. Trump was in the bank, but he has an account there. The bank said Trump transacted ordinary bank business and they weren't robbed. The video shows Trump in the bank conducting an ordinary bank transaction.
But there is no need for police to talk to the whistle blower? Okay Chuck.
Oh by the way; it seems that Bill Kristol really wanted the whistleblower to get POTY. He was clearly not concerned about the same things I was, and didn't share the thoughts I posted just above.
One of the few recent instances where I have disagreed with Kristol. He probably just wanted to promote impeachment in general.
It's a consolation prize for not winning the Nobel.
Poor Chuck. Still deluded into believing the Marxist talking point that a political hack leaker who has no direct evidence of that which he leaked is a "whistle blower". Can't wrap his head around the fact that the identify of someone who is relaying hearsay and coordinating with the coup plotters in the Dem chambers is absolutely vital to have out in the open and his testimony is key to nailing Schiff and his fellow traitors to a wall.
Since Chuck uses the Left's usual tactic of spinning a deceitful analogy, permit me to correct it for him: If someone hears third hand from a friend of a robber that a jewelry store is being robbed, and reports it to another gang, and then is caught out by the police for his criminal activities -- then yes, his identity and his relationship to the robbers and the other gang is very relevant to whether he is a reliable witness or not. And also relevant to whether he goes to jail with the robbers and that other gang or not.
'you always have a speech (Charles) and no one cares' one of the only memorable lines of dark phoenix, you see if you have a gathering of fmr foreign ministers, (fischer) prime ministers (kwasnievski) oecd delegation chiefs, (potter) governors of lousiana, (Landrieu) why no one wanted to touch this with a black sea barge pole
Sports Illustrated named Megan Raponie, SI "Person" of the year. You have to hunt for it on the SI website, because their readership is more interested in who won last Sunday's football game. SI's cover shot of her is interesting. She's duded up with a fashionable short haircut, and reclining on a Victorian sofa in an ankle-to-chin old timey Victorian dress.
This is all designed to cover-up the fact that she's 5-6, 132 lbs. and has the stick arms and legs of a 14 y/o boy. If you put her in the bikini, she'd have to be in the Gay SI sports illustrated edition because she's flatter than a table top. She also has weird, "man Hands" full of veins. I say "weird" because she's in her 30s.
I'm glad they gave it to the little retarded Swedish girl.
It's Time Magazine.
What did you expect?
Swede for the TKO at 2:48 pm!
Why don't you fucking bores go talk about Impeachment somewhere else?
actually these stories are tied together, with string, like a bond thriller, from kyev to Limassol Cyprus to Monaco, to Kazakhstan, to eastern Africa (where cofer black had once been station chief, and nabbed carlos the jackal) now moppet Thunberg is as genuine as that 8 year they had pestering Reagan in the 80s,
The impeachment will be the new "Valarie Phlame affair" something that dullards can drone on and on and on about, without ever saying anything of interest. Newcomers to the Althouse blog will forget how the usual suspects spent thousands of comments talking back and forth about the Scotter Libby and Valarie Phlame and Uranium in Congo so some such crap.
RC said..."Yeah, sad."
Are you talking about seasonal affective disorder?
People post weird shit.
Bob Boyd said...
The whistleblower called police and reported that Trump robbed a bank. Trump was in the bank, but he has an account there. The bank said Trump transacted ordinary bank business and they weren't robbed. The video shows Trump in the bank conducting an ordinary bank transaction.
But there is no need for police to talk to the whistle blower? Okay Chuck.
So you have completely changed my hypothetical. Okay. We'll just keep issuing competing hypotheticals.
"The bank says..." in your hypothetical is weird. Because an Inspector General did look at the whistleblower complaint did indeed express an "urgent concern" and that it "appeared credible." That is the opposite of your hypothetical wherein the bank said that there was nothing untoward.
In actuality, if we used your hypothetical, "the bank" would not release any video, and it instructed all of its personnel not to testify. (Of course this begins to put "the bank" in the position of a co-conspirator in the robbery. But hey it was your hypothetical.)
Don't matter what they give Greta, she'll never reach Grand Poobah status.
"Better than nothing is a high standard" is about Time.
no actually it's much less interesting than the plame flameout, but you do notice the same notes, in the end I think we will find where the yellowcake ended up, the gossiper, was fitted for plame status, then they realized he was only good for off broadway, that's why they fitted colonel bearclaw (ht ace) for the slot, but there were problems with this 'star witness' as well,
She is not an influence, but a tool of her masters, a puppet on strings.
TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...
Poor Chuck. Still deluded into believing the Marxist talking point that a political hack leaker who has no direct evidence of that which he leaked is a "whistle blower". Can't wrap his head around the fact that the identify of someone who is relaying hearsay and coordinating with the coup plotters in the Dem chambers is absolutely vital to have out in the open and his testimony is key to nailing Schiff and his fellow traitors to a wall.
Since Chuck uses the Left's usual tactic of spinning a deceitful analogy, permit me to correct it for him: If someone hears third hand from a friend of a robber that a jewelry store is being robbed, and reports it to another gang, and then is caught out by the police for his criminal activities -- then yes, his identity and his relationship to the robbers and the other gang is very relevant to whether he is a reliable witness or not. And also relevant to whether he goes to jail with the robbers and that other gang or not.
God damn it. We have people who were listening, live, to Trump's phone call with Zelensky. We have the people who were tasked with communicating directly with Ukrainian counterparts on the matters of a request that Zelensky announce an "investigation." And the people who were executing a delay in the extension of allocated military aid. We don't have Giuliani, and Trump, and Mulvaney because they refuse to answer questions.
The whistleblower reported concerns, based on information. An investigation is what determines whether any claims or defenses have merit. And a trial based on evidence determines whether anybody pays any price for what the evidence shows.
There is a better 'witness for the prosecution' on every single aspect of the whistleblower's complaint, than the whistleblower himself or herself.
So describe exactly why the whistleblower is a necessary witness, and if not a necessary witness, then why would any information be needed to impeach such a non-witness?
Who reads TIME? That's like shopping at Sears.
"One of the few recent instances where I have disagreed with Kristol."
Well isn't that special?
I don't follow the Greta Thunberg story, but is it known that there is something off about that child? She has a very strange affect.
Not sure, but is Greta's last name, Malarkey?
unfortunately for Firestarter waif, an actual peace maker, the Ethiopian prime minister, won the prize that was her due,
more like radio shack, I do laugh at the ridiculous times covers
Oh, and seeing where this has now gone, I am done with this topic. I've said enough about the whistleblower. And this blog post was about TIME's person of the year.
The whistleblower is a perfectly interesting topic for debate. But I am increasingly careful about these personal back-and-forth battles.
I could find the climate change theory more believable if it weren't being pushed by the stupidest and least trustworthy gang around: the "liberal" Hive. It's like if you repeatedly caught a guy trying to pick your pocket, and then he told you, "The sky is falling!" And he also was a member of a cult that told you, "There is no truth but our truth." Would you be inclined to believe him, or disbelieve him?
Poor, poor Chuck.
Given the levels of his TDS and delusion, I fear he may harm himself when Trump is acquitted in the Senate, the charges come down against the Deep State traitors after the when the REAL investigation results come out, and Trump wins re-election in a landslide.
it was a fraud promoted by Michael mann, and oppenheimer (if memory served) I started hearing about it with whitley striebers' natures end, there about 1986, snl was glomming on to it, parodying carl sagan who adopted the ttaps (nuclear winter) fraud, then james burke of connections fame, came up with his epic future history 'after the warming' in 1992, it was still being used as a teaching tool in 2007 public schools,
" . . . unfortunately for Firestarter waif . . ."
"Firestarter waif" . . . priceless. Haven't seen a nickname I've liked so much since "Grandpa Gulag" for Bernie Sanders.
Chuck said...
There is a better 'witness for the prosecution' on every single aspect of the whistleblower's complaint, than the whistleblower himself or herself.
So describe exactly why the whistleblower is a necessary witness, and if not a necessary witness, then why would any information be needed to impeach such a non-witness?
As we saw with Horowitz's limited purview and in his report, hiding the "whistleblower" now would largely conceal from discovery any "documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the decisions to open the [Russia now Ukraine] investigation".
This is the media take-away the Deep State demanded with respect to Crossfire Hurricane, this is the media take-away Schiff wants now.
"That should hold the little bastards."
I wonder if we have become a Munchausen-by-proxy society.
A second-hand whistleblower has been emailing me with a story of Chuck masturbating to Greta Thunberg using the severed arm of Michelle Fields.
I told him that I would never pass along shit like that--no matter how much I hate Chuck. Never.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "So describe exactly why the whistleblower is a necessary witness, and if not a necessary witness, then why would any information be needed to impeach such a non-witness?"
There is literally no far left position or policy that LLR-lefty Chuck doesn't go to bat for.
BTW, the hoax whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, is in cahoots with dems to violate federal procedures and we need to get to the bottom of that.
So Time has discovered that a teenager is smarter than educated adults!
Back in 1956, Roger Revelle and Hans Suess conceived that:
"…humans are carrying out a large-scale geophysical experiment through world-wide
industrial activity that could lead to build-up of atmospheric carbon dioxide greater
than the rate of carbon dioxide production by volcanoes."
And the CO2 "greenhouse effect" suddenly became the theme song of the global warmests. When actual world climate results failed to support that man was killing man by burning fossil fuels to counter poverty, the mid-1990s brought dishonest presentations designed to prove that our weather had become more severe. Y'all must remember incidents such as the the Mann Hockey Stick invention, the Climategate emails and the changing historic weather records.
But the truth is that "follow the money" puts control of spending in the hands of politicians who dole out the green stuff to so-called climatologists. Today's science shows no relationship between climate and CO2 but it does show that, based on the evidence, solar activity, not atmospheric CO2, is the primary driver of Earth’s temperature. Has Greta Thunberg studied this evidence?
An ironic picture for me in the sense of officially displaying the foolishness and ignorance of the young. I live next to the coast and every year some very stupid tourist(s) stand on the rocks when there are wild pounding waves, despite the warnings. I guess they want to get close to nature? Or they think they are omnipotent? Unfortunately many people are killed when they are hit by waves and knocked off the rocks. It's always someone from out of town, no one local. Greta - 2019 Person of the year: a clueless child who believes she is all powerful. We're supposed to be inspired by this idiocy?
gadfly, what happened to you? Is that an imposter posting as you?
Given the levels of his TDS and delusion, I fear he may harm himself when Trump is acquitted in the Senate,
I think the House majority is shrinking daily. Now, one of the top instigators is saying she is not sure.
Well Hitler and Stalin were on the cover of Time. I guess Greta fits in nicely
"People post weird shit."
Yeah man. Like, Wow.
Chuck said...
Oh, and seeing where this has now gone, I am done with this topic.
How about every other topic, too?
Pretty please?
"The power of youth" says the subheading.
Is that so?
More like, the power of some oldsters to manipulate youth so they can increase their own control over the rest of us.
I bet most Americans (a clear majority) had no idea who she was before this, and probably still don't know. So, you can be "Person of the Year" and virtually unknown to most people. Even she admitted just the other day that her actions have had no effect, and have accomplished nothing. So unknown, and unaccomplished , not to misinformed are the qualification for "Person of the Year". Yea, Time!
Isn't Time worth about $1000 on the open market? Nobody under 70 reads it.
Heck, I’m over 70 and I haven’t read it in years. There was one exception. Last week I noticed a copy in my doctor’s waiting room, which was about six months old. I skimmed it, and discovered that not a single prediction about Donald Trump came true. Not one. Don’t plan to look at it again.
As for little Greta, she has been pumped full of junk science. She needs to be forced to take genuine science classes and have an end put yo her ridiculous travels.
@Michael K said...
gadfly, what happened to you? Is that an impostor posting as you?
Michael, a review of my opinions will show that my conservative view remains the same. Where I disagree with Republicans, who used to claim to be conservative, is that I can never support a criminal in the oval office. And I made that stand long before Trump got elected by so-called conservatives acting like migratory lemmings.
Oh, and seeing where this has now gone, I am done with this topic.
You're the one who changed the subject and shit all over the thread.
Chuckles, where have you been? Have you brought Igna with you? Drag her on out here and drop a coin in her slot, it'll be like old times.
I was hearing of some of the challenging elements to the mann narrative about a year before the ecru hack, 10 years later they are still making marks,
I was somewhere today and heard the clip of her at the UN saying "How dare you?!" and it struck me as hilarious. It really is.
I voted for Frosty the Snowman.
Via Insty:
Alarmist scientists have been caught red-handed tampering with raw data in order to exaggerate sea level rise.
The raw (unadjusted) data from three Indian Ocean gauges – Aden, Karachi and Mumbai – showed that local sea level trends in the last 140 years had been very gently rising, neutral or negative (ie sea levels had fallen).
But after the evidence had been adjusted by tidal records gatekeepers at the global databank Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) it suddenly showed a sharp and dramatic rise.
The whistle was blown by two Australian scientists Dr. Albert Parker and Dr. Clifford Ollier in a paper for Earth Systems and Environment.
Kenneth Richard at No Tricks Zone reports:
The authors expose how PSMSL data-adjusters make it appear that stable sea levels can be rendered to look like they are nonetheless rising at an accelerated pace.
The data-adjusters take misaligned and incomplete sea level data from tide gauges that show no sea level rise (or even a falling trend). Then, they subjectively and arbitrarily cobble them together, or realign them. In each case assessed, PSMSL data-adjusters lower the earlier misaligned rates and raise the more recent measurements. By doing so, they concoct a new linearly-rising trend....
Scold of the Year.
Congratulations. I'm sure you'll make a good little fascist.
Jim at said...
Oh, and seeing where this has now gone, I am done with this topic.
You're the one who changed the subject and shit all over the thread.
No. Wrong. My first post on this page, at 2:31 went to the substance of the blog post, which included the notion of "the whistleblower" as a possible winner of the Time POTY.
After that, came the personal attacks on me.
you HAVE TO ADMIT, if you're going to pick a Swedish Death Metal artist as person of the year...
She's the one!!
Greta Thunberg sings Swedish Death Metal
@Seeing Red, this what has infuriated me about the entire AGW hoax. Having built —and validated — numerous mathematical models over the course of my career, standard practice is to adjust your model until it fits the data, not tamper with the data until the data squares with the model.
no there was no substance, it was a difference in policy, politicized into a simulacrum of impeachable claptrap, Schiff forgot there were more chains around ciaramella, than Jacob marley or to use another metaphor, he was the Cheshire cat, who could never be seen in full,
What a bleak and barren cover photo. It's downright depressing.
I can never support a criminal in the oval office. And I made that stand long before Trump got elected by so-called conservatives acting like migratory lemmings.
OK Straight TDS then, not fully crazy. Good to know.
The Poor Man's LLR-lefty Chuck gadfly: "Michael, a review of my opinions will show that my conservative view remains the same."
LLR-lefty Chuck: "After that, came the personal attacks on me."
LLR-lefty Chuck takes time out from his racist postings and vulgar attacks on women and children to complain about people picking on him.
"After that, came the personal attacks on me."
Chuckles, they're not personal attacks. It's not you we hate, it's your stinking guts.
From Wiki:
Since the last glacial maximum about 20,000 years ago, the sea level has risen by more than 125 metres (410 ft), with rates varying from less than a mm/year to 40+ mm/year, as a result of melting ice sheets over Canada and Eurasia. Rapid disintegration of ice sheets led to so called 'meltwater pulses', periods during which sea level rose rapidly. The rate of rise started to slow down about 8,200 years before present; the sea level was almost constant in the last 2,500 years, before the recent rising trend that started at the end of the 19th century or in the beginning of the 20th.
So for 11,2OO years the sea levels rise around 410 feet, that's around half a foot every seven years. Then the seas stopped rising almost 2,500 years.
For at least the last 100 years, sea level has been rising at an average rate of about 1.8 mm (0.07 in) per year
So if you accept the measurements of the alarmists, the oceans are currently rising at a level of a little over half a foot every century.
It's nice that Drago et al are so obsessed with Chuck. If it weren't for that, they might not have a life.
Let me know when the courageous Greta travels to China (could take a while by boat, especially once she makes land) and harangues the PRC about their coal plants.
Here's hoping she says hello to the Uighurs for me.
Next stop, India. By then she should be used to people shitting in the street.
Choice very predictable, and yet... there must have been a temptation to help out the impeachment crowd and give it to Nancy Pelosi or "the whistleblower" or SchiNadPel.
Or to the Hong Kong protesters?
Are people allowed to criticize her positions now? Or is that still 'attacking a child'? Asking for a friend.
Well..if Obama can land an affirmative action Nobel, she's earned this.
And so has everyone else:
Tidalgate: Climate Alarmists Caught Faking Sea Level Rise.
Hong Kong freedom fighters killed by totalitarian commie party
Deemed "not worthy"
climate chaos is real
Goddess bless Greta
"Choice very predictable"
Unless you're me and have sat mouth agape, at this entire spectacle, since the creepy climate kid arrived on the scene. Or the Harmonic Convergence in 1985, I don't remember now.
It's only more NewAge madness, and the fact someone is attempting to raise it's level again, that have become predictable.
It really is like the issues that animated the negative side of my marraige have seeped into the world, and now, hilariously, I get the honor of watching everyone else deal with them - but with my own 20/20 hindsight - finding they're no better than I was at it. Even with resources I never had.
How to deal with an active, aggressive, cult insanity that destroys all it touches - and then blames you - that few acknowledge? It's a toughie.
Good luck with that.
Candace Owens
Verified account @RealCandaceO
11h11 hours ago
Candace Owens Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Democrats: She’s only 16! Trump is picking on a child.
Also Democrats: We need to lower the voting age to 16.
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