Tweets Trump this morning. He doesn't link to an article or video with that quote or even say who the interviewer was or what was the question that "duped" her. I tried looking it up and was unsuccessful. Anybody know?
ADDED: Thanks to commenters who aimed me approximately here:
Politico’s Anna Palmer asked Pelosi to react to the criticism that Democrats are racing through their impeachment inquiry of the president.
“It’s been going on for 22 months, two-and-a-half years actually,” Pelosi said initially.
Then immediately made clear she was referring to the Mueller investigation.
“I think we are not moving with speed. Was it two and a half years ago they initiated the Mueller investigation? It’s not about speed. It’s about urgency. One of the charges against the president of the United States is that he was violating his oath of office by asking for government to interfere in our election undermining the integrity of our elections,” she said.
८५ टिप्पण्या:
Try asking that really short guy from California, Robert Reich. I remember him calling for impeachment/resistance shortly after the election. It may have something to do with the "not my President" vowel movement.
Here’s MSNBC’s take:
[At Politico’s “Women Rule” summit], Anna Palmer asked Pelosi to react to the criticism that Democrats are racing through their impeachment inquiry of the president.
“It’s been going on for 22 months, two-and-a-half years actually,” Pelosi said initially.
Then immediately made clear she was referring to the Mueller investigation.
“I think we are not moving with speed. Was it two and a half years ago they initiated the Mueller investigation? It’s not about speed. It’s about urgency. One of the charges against the president of the United States is that he was violating his oath of office by asking for government to interfere in our election undermining the integrity of our elections,” she said.
Saw the video on Fox last night.
As I remember, Pelosi was attempting to rebut a reporter's question about the rush to impeach, saying something to the effect it's been in the works all along.
CJinPA at 9:15 AM
Anna Palmer asked Pelosi to react ...
I heard that exchange yesterday on talk radio. I don't remember which program.
As usual, while Trump left out the full context, there was enough true about what he wrote for it to stand. They have indeed been trying to impeach him for two and a half years.
It's like a bad sitcom. Jack says she has hot tits and then has to convince Mr Roper he meant she left her bra in the drier too long.
Obviously, there has been a massive effort to remove President Trump from office ever since he was elected in November 2016.
Such an effort is unprecedented in US political history.
Ironically, Trump's political survival in such circumstances has made him a hero for much of the electorate.
I caught all this when it happened, but it doesn't matter. It's not like this impeachment is about real crimes or that the Democrats intend to try Trump as if this was a respectable court of law matter. And their voters will still claim that this isn't about the fact they can't abide Hillary losing to Trump or respect the results of elections.
Try this -
In other words, Trump’s Tweet was a lie. Another Trump lie.
So, Pelosi is admitting that the Mueller investigation was initiating the impeachment. Which everyone in DC knew. As evidenced by the tweet of the whistleblower's attorney 10 days after Trump's inauguration, "the Coup begins."
But Trump is lying, according to Chuck. Right.
It is so unfair when the Donald is taken out of context, but that expectation is not something he will live up to.
Sort of like the #BeBest brouhaha about Barron. A week later Trump himself is mocking a teenager on social media ... but somehow this teenager is ok to mock publicly, just not Trump's precious little teenage snowflake.
Trump must be counting on his base to be stupid enough to forget that Pelosi and Dem leadership pushed back on all impeachment talk for the better part of two years before the Ukraine scandal broke. The Trump base doesn’t get much past Rep. Rashida Tlaib and her idiotic and extremist inauguration celebration (“impeach the motherfucker”).
Nobody ever went broke, betting on the stupidity of the Tlaib or the Trump political bases.
"In other words, Trump’s Tweet was a lie. Another Trump lie."
The Chosen One never lies, that would be below him - rather our President was simply making another one of his famous jokes as he is so apt to do.
In Chuck's other planet words, Trump’s Tweet was a lie. Another Trump lie.
Oh, only Talib? Seems lie there were articles of impeachment entered a LONG time ago by a congress critter that, helpfully, explained you could impeach Trump as many time as they want.
And Nancy was responding on why the Ds were not rushing impeachment. 22 months was the answer. Mueller was the walk back. Does ANYONE believe the Mueller investigation was not viewed on the left as the foundation for impeachment?
"C'mon, man!"
Lord there were SO many examples of the Resistance (brave young souls that they are) calling for impeachment.
This is what happens. Nancy said she's not going to whip the votes. Trump sends messages to those 31 Dems in Trump districts that he won't campaign against them if they vote against impeachment. The vote then fails in the House.
Nancy wins in that Trump doesn't destroy the Dems (Biden!) in the Senate trial. The Senate trial would be one long TV commercial for Trump. The Dem Senators can run for President and aren't stuck in DC for a month. Nancy's base feels good about the committee vote.
Trump wins as he is not impeached by the House.
Win. Win.
so buzzfeed fired all their line reporters, but apparently they kept 'crack reporter' Jason leopold, on staff, after their prague pratfall,
Blogger JAORE said...
Oh, only Talib? Seems lie there were articles of impeachment entered a LONG time ago by a congress critter that, helpfully, explained you could impeach Trump as many time as they want.
Excellent point.
There were others from the far left, not just Tlaib, and with methods more formal than Tlaib’s trash talk. All pushed back by Pelosi and leadership. For many, many months now.
Thank you for helping me make the case that Pelosi has not been plotting an impeachment from the beginning of the Trump Administration.
earth 38 where they put jim Acosta's head on a pike, outside the white house, like vlad tepes did to wary turks,
She wasn't duped. That was an unforced error.
Nobody ever went broke, betting on the stupidity of the Tlaib or the Trump political bases.
It is just this type of contempt that makes me believe that Chuckles really is a member of the GOP Establishment.
Jack says she has hot tits and then has to convince Mr Roper he meant she left her bra in the drier too long.
Professor, I think you've created a monster!!
..and then Chuckles starts defending Democrats again. It does cause one to doubt his party identification....
of course she was involved because of her sons clean energy deal (ahem scam) in the Ukraine, and seeing as her husband is also involved in china, big time,
What exactly would Democrats have to do for *their* actions to rate as "government interference in an election"? Didn't the Horowitz report just lay out at least 17 times more evidence that the Democrats did this, including with help from foreign operatives?
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Nobody ever went broke, betting on the stupidity of the Tlaib or the Trump political bases."
Trump's current support among republican voters is 95%+ and LLR-lefty Chuck hates every one of them.
Which is why he is a big far left radical Lawfare guy as demonstrated by his continually linking to them and praising their positions.
Think of LLR-lefty Chuck as the Jeremy Corbyn of FakeCon NeverTrumpers.
gahrie: "..and then Chuckles starts defending Democrats again. It does cause one to doubt his party identification...."
There has been no time in the last 4 years where LLR-lefty Chuck was not defending democrats.
LLR-lefty Chuck has shown a particular affection for the more radical members of the democrat party, just like Tlaib.
Every now and again LLR-lefty Chuck remembers that he is supposed to at least pretend to be conservative, but its clear he's forgotten his earlier training and can't even fake it anymore.
"As I remember, Pelosi was attempting to rebut a reporter's question about the rush to impeach, saying something to the effect it's been in the works all along."
Just wait until the republicans incorporate that Pelosi comment into their ads!!
You think LLR-lefty Chuck is upset and protective of Pelosi now?! Just wait until that happens!
Sorry Chuckie!! Your pals Pelosi and Schiff-ty and Nads Nadler and Swalwell have completely given your game away.
There really is nowhere to hide for you HoaxCon's anymore.
I suggest you spend more time on Jonah Goldberg's twitter arguing about which Star Wars movie is the best and what dog pictures are most meaningful to you!
That's about all he's doing these days anyway.
You know, it seems like only yesterday LLR-lefty Chuck was lecturing us all about how wrong Brexit was and how stupid its voters were and how ridiculous Boris Johnson is and how wonderful the EU-ophiles were.
Which just goes to show LLR-lefty Chuck is happy to be just as big a political doofus predicting political events on this side of the pond as he is predicting political events on that side of the pond!!
BTW, China deal phase 1 signed! Big big win for America's farmers.....and LLR-lefty Chuck despises that deal for the obvious reason that America is helped by it.
In other words, Trump’s Tweet was a lie. Another Trump lie.
I think Chuckles association with Inga is showing. He simply cannot tell the difference between opinion and fact.
Someone should go pull up all of LLR-lefty Chuck's predictions from 2015/16/17/18/early 19 where he said Trump was too dumb and incompetent to get any Trade Deals done.
Oh how LLR-lefty Chuck laughed and laughed and laughed at the 95%+ republican base voters who believed Trump would get those deals done.
Oh how LLR-lefty Chuck laughed and laughed and laughed.
You see, LLR-lefty Chuck simply knew those sorts of deals were not possible. Better yet, LLR-lefty Chuck knew those deals weren't needed, what with the amazing and astonishing and wonderful economy Chuck's "magnificent" obama gave us........
Yes, LLR-lefty Chuck even yesterday is STILL arguing that all the economic improvements were due to obama!!
This is because LLR-lefty Chuck is a "principled True Conservative"...........
Ukraine scandal?
That’s only because the Mueller Report went south.
that's conyers eternal satrapy, that he tried to hand off to his dauphin, who had his own #metoo issues,
now most of these fusion fed hacks, as techno fog pointed out were predictable, but shane harris had shown some independent thinking then he joined the hive at the daily basilisk,
Seeing Red: "Ukraine scandal?"
Why can't the democrats/LLR-lefties cut the investigators some slack and conjure up a French Polynesia scandal.
Hell, everyone and their cousins would want in on that one.
How was she "duped"? The reporter is obviously sympathetic to Pelosi and the Democrats. Pelosi made a gaffe of actually telling the truth, then tried to walk it back by referring to Mueller.
Trump was right in the tweet, but everyone knew that without Pelosi's gaffe- the measure is who is honest enough to admit that the Democrats have been planning Trump's impeachment since before he was elected. To not admit this is to either be a liar or the dumbest fuck lawyer in Michigan.
And, yes, I probably should embrace the power of "and".
Yancey Ward: "How was she "duped"? The reporter is obviously sympathetic to Pelosi and the Democrats. Pelosi made a gaffe of actually telling the truth, then tried to walk it back by referring to Mueller."
A Kinsley Gaffe where one accidently blurts out the truth which exposes real intent.
LLR-lefty Chuck has made any number of these Kinsley Gaffe's over the last 4 years exposing him as a typical run of the mill leftist.
undermining the integrity of our elections,” she said.
Racist has run its course.
Illegitimately elected looks to take its place.
Calling this a lie is a lie. Anyone doing that is a liar and should refrain from criticizing others for lying.
It's not possible for an honest informed person to believe that the Democrats have not been planning and attempting impeachment since the day Trump was elected. You know they had the conversations the very next day, and many of them have been openly calling for it and running on it ever since. Stop lying.
Chuck said...
In other words, Trump’s Tweet was a lie. Another Trump lie.
What was the Russia hoax investigation about Chuck?
They have obviously been trying to impeach trump since he was elected.
You are just a piece of shit and nobody cares what you say. You are on the same side as the democrats, but they don't even respect you.
Chuck makes only three posts, yet it result in his name being called out over two dozen times by three different people....with five of those posts in a row from the same person.
That's gotta be a new record, no? Even Emmanuel Goldstein only had a moment of hate directed at him in a day. The Althousians take it to a whole new level - their hate isn't only momentarily, rather it festers & burns all day and every day.
Nobody ever went broke, betting on the stupidity of the Tlaib or the Trump political bases.
I can't speak for Tlaib and her lefty loonies, but with respect to Trump's supporters this is precisely the sort of attitude that gave us Trump in the first place. I wonder whether the moby who wrote this will ever have enough brain cells working simultaneously to understand that point.
this does resemble the john Chisholm witchhunt down to the 7th circus, approving the raid on Cyndi archer's house, fourth amendment, are you cereal,
Their unseemly choice to prosecute a late-late-late-late term impeachment after more than 7 trimesters, socially justified by rumor, innuendo, inference, and creative crimes, is a progressive indulgence of liberal license. They have well and truly jumped the Ass.
the manafort and roger stone takedowns with full press attention, on inflated charges,
purple: "The Althousians take it to a whole new level - their hate isn't only momentarily, rather it festers & burns all day and every day."
It's not hate to point out particular posters long posting history and what that history says about their true intent.
Any honest recounting of interactions with LLR-lefty Chuck would have to include the fact that he was specifically banned for hateful, vulgar and racist attacks as well as obvious bad faith posting and refuses to abide by that banning.
Of course, since its purplepenguin we are talking about, another Adam Schiff-type poster, one cannot expect an honest recounting from him/her/xer.
But do carry on in high dudgeon on behalf of your lefty ally Chuck.
IMO, today's rushed vote was a desperate attempt to shift the conversation away from the Horowitz report.
Let's not fall for it, I say.
"Any honest recounting of interactions"
I'm not convinced you are giving an "honest recounting" of things he has said/done. You've repeatedly said many of the same exact things about me, which I know to be completely untrue, so it isn't much of a leap for me to beleive you will lie about others as well.
"he was specifically banned"
You sure about that? 'cause if so, why aren't his posts being deleted like others who-shall-not-be-named* are? When folks who have been banned try to post again, moderation goes on and their comments are removed yet that isn't happening with him. Why not?
Perhaps you could link to where our hostess specifically banned him from posting on her blog? Ain't saying it didn't happen, just saying it is kinda hard to take your word on it.
*And I shall not name them 'cause our hostess has clearly stated that we should not name those who she has banned from her blog...
....which begs the question, if you truly beleive he is banned then why do you keep talking about him? (Even in threads he doesn't participate in). Sounds to me like you're saying a big ol' "Fuck You!" to Althouse by doing so, but I'm sure you have justified it somehow in your own mind, eh?
purplepenguin: "I'm not convinced you are giving an "honest recounting" of things he has said/done."
Althouse banned him, not me.
He was told to leave numerous times. His posts were deleted during the moderation periods. Drago is correct.
Yancey: "PP, He was told to leave numerous times. His posts were deleted during the moderation periods. Drago is correct."
purple is on a roll!
Was it over when Germany bombed Pearl Harbor?
"Althouse banned him"
Link, please.
And if so, then why do you keep interacting & talking about him...even in threads he hasn't posted in? Are you unaware that she has requested that we not do so with those folks whom she has banned or do you just make your own rules on her blog?
I’m still amazed that Trump survived the Mueller investigation.
My guess is Pelosi did not expect Trump to survive either.
The collapse of the Mueller narrative forced this plan B with the Ukraine. And perhaps another reason was Trump was poking around the Ukraine, which would expose the business as usual corruption in the US government, and seems to have had an outsized influence in anti a Trump stuff.
purple: "Are you unaware that she has requested that we not do so with those folks whom she has banned or do you just make your own rules on her blog?"
Still waiting for your first criticism of banned LLR-lefty Chuck continuing to post here.
I'll respond once you've done that.
But you won't.
purple: "Link, please."
Look it up yourself.
purplepenquin said...
And if so, then why do you keep interacting & talking about him...even in threads he hasn't posted in? Are you unaware that she has requested that we not do so with those folks whom she has banned or do you just make your own rules on her blog?
I agree with this to an extent.
Chuck is a part of a small and discredited movement of paid shills that are paid by leftist billionaires to present a false premise.
Refer to the Cruise Ship GOPe in the general characterizations.
Address his stupid posts when he posts.
But pointing out he has lied repeatedly, represents a movement with about 100 people in it, and is an admitted racist are all legitimate points.
Given Pelosi’s wealth, one would hope she could afford some decent dentures. For Godsakes, it’s painful to watch her slur and chew her way, blank-eyed, through an interview.
Put the shovel down, Chuck.
The collapse of the Mueller narrative forced this plan B with the Ukraine. And perhaps another reason was Trump was poking around the Ukraine, which would expose the business as usual corruption in the US government, and seems to have had an outsized influence in anti a Trump stuff.
I agree and it will be why the Senate trial, if the thing ever gets there, will be very short. The corruption is bipartisan. Trump is the only clean one in town,
Three failures by Blogger so far,. 4 5 6
I'm not convinced you are giving an "honest recounting" of things he has said/done. You've repeatedly said many of the same exact things about me,
Also true although less egregious.
Chuck should be known as Upchuck, as nearly all of his posts amount to the dog’s breakfast.
purple is very very very very concerned that someone might criticize the posting stylings of banned poster LLR-lefty Chuck.
I must defend the Althouse blog, and specifically Althouse herself.
I’d like to think that she would not countenance the use of her blog comment pages for any “racist” content, and she did not, would not, should not allow me or anyone else to post racist comments. As far as I know, Althouse has NOT allowed any racist commentary.
I’ve never posted any racist comments. The psychotic Trump loyalists here who claim that I was “banned” for racist (among other things?!?) comments are stating falsehoods that aren’t simply insulting and injurious to me; they are insulting to Althouse and her blog.
You won’t see my detractors post any linked examples of racist comments from me, because they cannot. There aren’t any. (Cue Drago, quoting me out of context on Dr. Ben Carson; I like Dr. Carson personally and have met him and have had the opportunity — long before anyone outside of Detroit and the subspecialty of pediatric neurosurgery ever heard of him — to tell him of my admiration of him. Drago knows this and will not tell you about it. It would be the umpteenth time that Althouse’s readers would have been bored by Drago’s smear and by my exhausted response.)
We see more of the psychotic personal attacks on me today, on page after page of the Althouse blog. Dozens upon dozens of personal attacks on me. A page where a half dozen consecutive comments from Drago, each and every one of which is a personal attack on me, interrupted only by a single post from another commenter who clearly only got his comment into the que as Drago was hitting “Publish my comment on yet another.
I feel sorry for Althouse, having to police that volume of dreck, bearing no relation to the subject(s) of her blog posts.
My only “crime” against the Althouse blog is my mere existence, with a point of view that is hostile to Donald Trump and derisive of Trump’s supporters. My original comment on any comments page of any Althouse blog post is uniformly aimed at the substance of her posting. After that is when the personal attacks begin in on me. And often enough, the personal attacks on me begin even without a single comment from me. This is certainly a moderation problem, but it is just as obviously not my problem.
Nadler was overheard the day after the election saying that they would impeach Trump
LLR-lefty Chuck: "I must defend the Althouse blog, and specifically Althouse herself."
The noble White Knight LLR-lefty Chuck!!
Of course, an actual White Knight gentleman would depart when explicitly told to do so by the Lady of the Blog, no?
LLR-lefty Chuck: "This is certainly a moderation problem..."
The Banned Poster Who Keeps Posting complaining about moderation policy!
Greta The Great has decided to be as public as she can be. She speaks at the UN, she make headlines on her bogus crusade to go carbon neutral, she’s on the cover of Time. When has Barron EVER drawn attention to himself? You look foolish for pushing this meme.
Chuck said...
You won’t see my detractors post any linked examples of racist comments from me, because they cannot.
Chuck said...
She was always a good, solid, credible nominee.
Completely unlike many other Trump nominations. Like Trump's nomination of Dr. Ricky Bobby for the Veteran's Administration. Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People. Or Scaramucci for anything.
I think that there is general relief that Trump didn't nominate Agent Maxwell Smart for head of the CIA.
5/9/18, 4:29 PM
Chuck blatantly racist in this post.
He attacked another military serviceman who served the country and military members for years in a condescending and snitty manner.
There is a reason Ann asked you to leave Chuck.
You are a piece of shit.
She can't even defend you with your civility bullshit. Purple Penguin only defends you because you are an ally of the leftists and they are looking pretty shitty too and need all the help they can get.
The left(inclusive) is falling apart. They are getting crushed in Honk Kong. They got crushed in Britain. They are losing here in the US.
It took them 30 years to recover from the fall of the Soviet Union and they almost won in 2016.
The last 3 years have been nothing short of a miracle.
Nancy color doesn't look so good. Pre-stroke? Very tired, listless. It's all slipping away and there is nothing she can do about it now. Every democrat in a red district is a goner if they vote for impeachment. And for what? A trivia question on 2030 Jeopardy?
Gk1: "Nancy color doesn't look so good. Pre-stroke? Very tired, listless."
That's nothing.
Take a look at Hillary! Egads.
Here's the lefties at the Daily Mail calling Hillary "wonderfully youthful"!!!!
Yikes! She looks like one of those novelty apple head dolls you can buy in the Ozarks. I dunno Nancy has that sort of "FDR at Yalta" look about her. Must be from all of that praying for Trump's soul?
I'm a never Trumper and even I have to ask if Pelosi sees it all as the same process, why can't Trump?
A week later Trump himself is mocking a teenager on social media ... but somehow this teenager is ok to mock publicly, just not Trump's precious little teenage snowflake.
Could you point out the time Barron Trump ran his mouth in front of the United Nations, scolding us all for not stopping the Earth's axis and then appeared on the cover of Time magazine?
Thanks, in advance.
Wince: "As I remember, Pelosi was attempting to rebut a reporter's question about the rush to impeach, saying something to the effect it's been in the works all along."
It's very clear Pelosi accidentally spoke the truth.
Which is why LLR-lefty Chuck is spinning so hard for her today.
I must defend the Althouse blog, and specifically Althouse herself.
She has and can defend herself.
It's kind of like the pedophile who moves into the neighborhood. The authorities alert you because you know the chance he'll repeat offend is high, and everyone keeps as close an eye on him as they can.
What Pelosi did by trying to pivot to Mueller was show us that Mueller/Ukraine/impeachment are parts of the same overall effort to remove the President by any means, fair or foul.
Another romney advisor atephen shrage was involved with doings in london in 2016.
Chucks first comment was beautiful trolling.
I have mixed feelings on how this impacted the thread.
Time Magazines original popular vote I read was for the person of the year to be the HK Protesters.
Editors overruled then for Greta.
Probably due to fears of China’s reaction.
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