December 3, 2019

I'm enjoying this Twitter spat between Greg Gutfeld and Molly Jong-Fast (the journalist/daughter of Erica Jong who got the big scoop interview of Lisa Page).

We talked about the interview yesterday, here. I didn't think there was anything in it worth reading. I just was fascinated by Page's calling attention to Trump's imitation of her boyfriend's orgasm. So I'm inclined to believe Gutfeld's "You’re the recipient of media welfare and the drooling posts after your 'scoop' prove it."

And while I'm here and talking about the attention given to the imitation orgasm, let me show you this other tweet from Jong-Fast:

We'd have all forgotten Trump's fake orgasm if Page and Jong-Fast hadn't dug it up and thrust it in our face yesterday. Take some responsibility.

And I think there are quite a few of us who remember having kids who suddenly needed explanations about Bill Clinton having oral sex in the White House.

But the news is the news. Keep your children away from all the news if knowing about the world as it is seems more damaging than protecting them from reality. There are so many things in the news that could hurt a youngster. Hearing a hard-breathing "I love you, I love you" from Trump is close to nothing unless the parent chooses to go graphic about it and explain what adults know. Why couldn't you just say "Oh, he's being silly and exaggerating how these 2 people were so in love with each other"?

I'm giving this my "using children in politics" tag because Hasan and Jong-Fast are just dragging children into view for their own political purposes. It's the desperate old what-about-the-children? plea.

IN THE COMMENTS: Freeman Hunt said:
Windows 10 was popping up little news notifications on our new computer, so when my ten year old logged on to math class this morning, he was greeted with the news that teens tortured a deer and a woman hung her children with a leash. The notifications are now disabled.

I think I can handle explaining Trump's impression.


Jaq said...

“The children are watching...” I honestly thought that that ad was hysterical. Maybe the Russians made Hillary run it!

J. Farmer said...

"Once we lose the moral high-ground we are no different from the rest of the non-Muslims; from the rest of those human beings who live their lives as animals, bending any rule to fulfil any desire."

-Mehdi Hasan

rcocean said...

You know who really likes Greg Gutfeld? Putin's children. Yeah media whore is right. Gutfeld is funny, Dung-heap is just employed because she knew someone.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"'s done psychological damage."

Sure it does if you're a mental infant masquerading as A MENTAL INFANT. younger than 9 see more porn these days than 19 year olds did a generation ago. But Trump's fake orgasm. Right. Priorities.

Amadeus 48 said...

Has anyone taken a look at Jong-Fast mére's magnum opus (Fear of Flying) lately? A public reading of that would be tough to explain to the kiddies. A zipless what!??

Martha said...

The only psychological damage done was done to Lisa Page’s children long before Trump simulated lover Strzok’s cries of passion.

Shouting Thomas said...

No woman with a hyphenated last name should be believed or trusted.

Michael K said...

No woman with a hyphenated last name should be believed or trusted.

You certainly know their politics without asking.

robother said...

Molly put the zip in zipless fuck.

Amadeus 48 said...

There is a point where the honorific "knowledge worker" becomes completely ironic. I think most members of the MSM elite have reached that point.

chickelit said...

In my opinion, childless women of a certain age are always the loudest and most obnoxious when it comes to lecturing on what's best "for the children."

samanthasmom said...

"One Smart Person and Greg Gutfeld" is a fun show to catch.

Seeing Red said...

In my opinion, childless women of a certain age are always the loudest and most obnoxious when it comes to lecturing on what's best "for the children."

Then they win like Merkel.

gspencer said...

"quite a few of us who remember having kids who suddenly needed explanations about Bill Clinton"

I'm one of those parents. My boy was 7 when all that was being discussed on the TV.

Democrats, we'd do just fine without them.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Child: "Mommy, what is Trump doing?"

Woman: "Well honey he's doing something very very inappropriate and simulating what men sound like when they make icky with girls."

Child: "What's icky with girls?"

Woman: "Never you mind about the bad orange man. Now take your hormones before we go to the hospital to have your genitals removed and dilate for the rest of your life."

Child: "What's dilate?"

Mr. Forward said...

Just flicking through the channels is an assault on human nature. Thanks, Hollywood.

Seeing Red said...

Forgotten about Trump’s fake orgasm?

I never would have known about it if I didn’t read this site!

Tank said...

A fun aspect of this is that Althouse is enjoying it. That is not a criticism.It is funny, and not necessarily rational, the things we enjoy.

MayBee said...

Obviously you can just tell kids he's making a funny noise. The idea that children are going to be traumatized by this is hilarious.

Quaestor said...

Why are so many feminists so fragile that Trump's mockery of the Strzok/Page misalliance? (BTW, it appears Lil'Miss Jongfast is too lamebrained to realize Trump's "orgasm" was during his Strzok impersonation.) I thought the whole "feminism" was about the empowerment of women. Is it wise or even safe to trust psychologically fragile persons with any degree of power?

readering said...

I put this in my desperate to deflect from Trump category.

Bay Area Guy said...

We have Kamala Harris servicing her married superior (Willie Brown).

We have Lisa Page servicing her married superior, Peter Strzok.

Why are these allegedly super women attorneys so supplicating in the work force? I thought modern professional women were beyond this.

gspencer said...

"I never would have known about it if I didn’t read this site!"

It's only appropriate, n'est pas, that a phenomenon bringing unwanted attention to something is named after a Democrat.

Iman said...

Isn’t Jong-Fast the nitwit employed by the Bulwark, or has that sad enterprise already gone under? Page is crying by the end of the interview... she is woman, hear her sob.

hombre said...

If it had been anyone but Trump it would have been characterized as the lovesick fawning of a teenage boy, or somesuch, not an orgasm. Who has orgasms that look like that?

readering said...

Bay Area Guy: which was longer ago: Harris dating Brown or FLOTUS modeling nude and lesbian in magazine?

Ann Althouse said...

"No woman with a hyphenated last name should be believed or trusted."

Her last name combines her mother and her father's name, so I think the parents put that name on her. Says nothing about her in that case.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

There are all types of orgasms.

Peter Strzok’s arrogance is the product of a corrupt FBI

btw- you can do whatever you want but if you are participating in a clandestine relationship or operation while employed by the FBI - you are compromised.

You should be fired immediately.

Martha said...

“Conservative commentators have disputed that Trump was mimicking an orgasm.”

The plot thickens.

Lucid-Ideas said...

@Bay Area Guy

Modern professional women were never beyond this. Many of them became professional women exactly for this, in the same way many of them went to college because boys going to college were there and marrying a machinist is beneath them.

Never listen to what women say, especially feminists. Watch what they do, and who.

Quayle said...

it is all sordid stuff. But who did the greatest psychological violence? Trump to Page with his words? Or Page to herself with her adulterous affair? People can choose what they want to do. I get it. But let’s not lie about the discernible bitter consequences that our poor choices cause.

Bay Area Guy said...


"Bay Area Guy: which was longer ago: Harris dating Brown or FLOTUS modeling nude and lesbian in magazine?"

Look, Squirrel! Nice try.

Leland said...

And I think there are quite a few of us who remember having kids who suddenly needed explanations about Bill Clinton having oral sex in the White House.

Does this explains Disney/ABC not covering Jeffery Epstein and Prince Andrew? They didn't want parents having to explain to their children that given an opportunity, royalty would love to take them to bed?

I haven't watched a political speech since the 2003 SOTU. I'd never know of the fake orgasm thing until I saw it here at Althouse. And if someone didn't tell me it was a fake orgasm, I would have never gotten it from the video. I don't think a child would have heard it and thought it was anything but basic mocking.

I remember a time when Hollywood made movies like When Harry met Sally. That's my standard for a fake orgasm.

Amadeus 48 said...

readering: That was lame. You are going to have to try harder.

You caused me to go look at those pictures of Melania when she was modeling.


I am proud to be an American! And so is she!

Bob Boyd said...

Seems like feminists have gone from burning their bras to clutching their pearls.

readering said...

If we all forgot fake orgasm the first time ... can't remember what I was going to write next.

Howard said...

I couldn't give a zipless fuck

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MayBee said...

Between this with Page and the impeachment being about Yavanovich, it's obvious the Democrats have decided the way to win 2020 is to make Trump sound toxic to women. Of course, to do this we have to ignore what people have done to Sondland. But then again, to make women always be victims we have to ignore that men are people too.

Dave Begley said...

Good one Howard.

Ken B said...

Don’t minimize this. “When Harry Met Sally” destroyed millions of young lives. Tens of millions.

Anonymous said...

Iman: Isn’t Jong-Fast the nitwit employed by the Bulwark, or has that sad enterprise already gone under?

I glanced at Jong-Fast's twitter a while back for some reason. Gave off a strong impression of mental illness. So not surprised if she's working for The Bulwark.

Iman said...

Try a zip line, Howie.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I like it when a bunch of vulgar pricks (Madonna comes to mind) were fainting over some obscure never been heard before tape of Trump saying "grab em' by the pussy"
circa 10 years prior to any politics.

meanwhile - look at all the millionaires inside the democratic government whore factory.

Beaneater said...

Ann Althouse said...
"No woman with a hyphenated last name should be believed or trusted."

Her last name combines her mother and her father's name, so I think the parents put that name on her. Says nothing about her in that case.

Also, sometimes there are oddities. Unfortunately, MyWife'sFirstName + MyLastName = SomethingSilly. She bit the bullet and went by SomethingSilly for about 3-4 years at the beginning of our marriage, but she realized that getting introduced as SomethingSilly at academic conferences was not making the best impression. So she eventually hyphenated. It's no biggie. said...

Didn't feminists declare any sex between a women and a man in a superior position of authority to be a form of rape? Oh yeah, they had to change that when Clnton blew it out of the water, so to speak.

Sebastian said...

"It's the desperate old what-about-the-children? plea."

What's your evidence it's "desperate"? Sure, they have no argument, but they don't care about having no argument. These are progs, living in their prog bubble, unconcerned about what you or I or anyone else thinks. Page has nothing to fear. Jong-Fast has nothing to fear. The entire prog MSM-Dem-deep-state political-industrial complex supports people like this. Other than the existence of Donald Trump, there is nothing to be desperate about.

narciso said...

grandpa was a commie apologist, momma was ahem diligent researcher, on some matters,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The hack press will not remind us of the corruption inside the FBI - because they stand shoulder to shoulder with that very corruption. They applaud corruption. FBI corruption is their hero.
The hero that seeks revenge for Hillary's loss.

narciso said...

what was surprising about that tape, is the staff acted like it was sop, and knowing what we know about lauer and rose and moonves, lets say anchorman was more true to life, than they would care to admit,

Sebastian said...

"make Trump sound toxic to women"

Yes, this is the game plan.

"to make women always be victims we have to ignore that men are people too."

There you go again, with your sexist "people" rhetoric. Get with the feminist line: women are special, people are secondary.

Next, you'd tell us that all lives matter. God forbid.

Bob Boyd said...

reader said...

With kids it’s always going to be something. I was in middle school when feminine hygiene products started to be advertised on tv. If there were boys with us (hanging out as friends) watching tv we became horribly embarrassed.

With my son it was the ED commercials that seemed to run constantly on the sports channels. The first few times the commercials just passed by, then he wanted to know what they were, and then he would laugh when the came on. I think part of what made them so funny was how often the commercials ran.

Iman said...

Strzok gets his nut!

narciso said...

I remember the full freak out, she had in salon, I think when she thought palin would bring McCain over the top, from rome,

Chuck said...

We'd have all forgotten Trump's fake orgasm if Page and Jong-Fast hadn't dug it up and thrust it in our face yesterday. Take some responsibility.

And I think there are quite a few of us who remember having kids who suddenly needed explanations about Bill Clinton having oral sex in the White House.

Same thing with those damn Holocaust Museums and memorials. We've have forgotten about the effing Holocaust but they keep reminding us about it and bringing it up. Can't let it go already.

We keep getting reminded about these things. Trump mimicking the severely handicapped reporter, Serge Kovaleski. Trump calling foreign nations "shithole countries." Trump calling the Charlottesville/Friday night torch-bearers and the racist organizers "good people."

I'll say this about Trump; he keeps producing such a relentless stream of outrages that it is a bit difficult to keep them all in order. A spreadsheet might help.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lying liars gotta lie. Liars support liars.
It's all the same.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

that would be momma jong, molly was probably hyperventilating into a paper bag,

Ken B said...

For over 40 years I have been hearing from lefties that the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the rest of the intelligence agencies are rotten, manipulative, unaccountable, out of control. Now, because Trump, they are paragons. Trump is doing Howard Zinn's job for him, exposing the corruption of the entrenched shadow government he bangs on about — and this is the thanks he gets!

Ken B said...

There goes Chuckles, comparing Althouse to David Irving.

Have you visited the When Harry Met Sally memorial Chuck?

Swede said...

I wonder what damages Page's children more:

1) The president of the United States imitating an orgasm by their mother's lover.

2) The fact that their married mother was fucking some guy from work (no, wait, 2 guys from work).

Can you imagine having that conversation with your kids? Do you think daddy and her sat on the couch together to have that talk?

If her kids aren't old enough to be on the internet, just wait until they are.

n.n said...

Didn't feminists declare any sex between a women and a man in a superior position of authority to be a form of rape?

Yes, there was a non-profit corporate campaign about superior exploitation through at least the 80s and early 90s that targeted children for reeducation. They mocked the religion of the Church, only to replace it with the quasi-religion ("ethics") of the Chamber. The bigotry was profound.

Oh yeah, they had to change that when Clnton blew it out of the water, so to speak.

It was politically incongruent (e.g. unprofitable) at the time. Unfortunately, Republicans mischaracterized or overestimated Feminist support... love for women and girls.

n.n said...

"make Trump sound toxic to women"

Yes, this is the game plan.

Just in time...
Boys Will Be Boys » Stop Abuse Campaign

"Boys will be boys" is no longer an acceptable phrase to excuse an entire gender of behaviors that are undesirable. Actually this sentiment is offensive to boys and men. It gives us the inaccurate picture that boys and men are incapable of acting in a respectful, dignified, and compassionate manner.

Projection... rabid diversity (i.e. color judgment): sexism, and so Pro-Choice. Willfully blind, ignorant, or corrupt? Perhaps they realize that progressive liberalism has placed civilized society at risk. Probably not.

"entire gender of behaviors"

At least they got this right. Binary sexes: male and female. Binary genders: masculine and feminine, respectively, of sex-correlated physical and mental attributes. Baby steps.

narciso said...

they were going after communists and leftwing activists, sometimes ineptly, they chose poorly the company did with some of their chosen proxies, but it wasn't missionary work

Darrell said...

We keep getting reminded about these things. Trump mimicking the severely handicapped reporter, Serge Kovaleski. Trump calling foreign nations "shithole countries." Trump calling the Charlottesville/Friday night torch-bearers and the racist organizers "good people."

Proven lies and the reason why people want to kick your skull into mush, Chuck. When Chuck imitates you he flails his arms around, too, and flaps his jaw. Like we all do when talking to a crazy person.

Freeman Hunt said...

Windows 10 was popping up little news notifications on our new computer, so when my ten year old logged on to math class this morning, he was greeted with the news that teens tortured a deer and a woman hung her children with a leash. The notifications are now disabled.

I think I can handle explaining Trump's impression.

rehajm said...

I don’t want to call it too early, but I think @greggutfeld may have the dumbest take on my Lisa Page interview.

Dumb but Accurate.™

I happened to catch that segment of The Five- the blonde woman had a better take, something along the lines of Page will be on The View by Friday, then the Sunday shows, then the book deal and then the cable news contributor deal after that.

Let's see if its true...

rehajm said...

To repeat: If Page sees that as an orgasm she's not doing it right (despite all the lab science she does).

Wince said...

Trump was simply pretending to be Love-Strzok, kinda like Clemenza in the Godfather.

"I love you with all my heart. If I don't see you again soon, I'm going to die!"

Michael K said...

Blogger readering said...

Bay Area Guy: which was longer ago: Harris dating Brown or FLOTUS modeling nude and lesbian in magazine?

Nice try. Answer me this. Which involved blow jobs ?

Michael K said...

I'll say this about Trump; he keeps producing such a relentless stream of outrages that it is a bit difficult to keep them all in order. A spreadsheet might help.

Chuck, take your meds !

rehajm said...

Has her daughter seen FBI Lovebirds? Now there's some explaining to do...

Lucien said...

Hard to believe an intelligent person hears that clip and thinks President Trump was doing an orgasm imitation.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Molly Jong-Fast thinks Strzock is "hawt".


mockturtle said...

Just how Fast can Molly Jong?

Ken B said...

I agree. It’s a mockery of billing and cooing. You can see similar stuff in old Marx brothers movies.

readering said...

Blowjobs? It's tough but I don't know Harris or Trump, either of them.

Iman said...

Kwong, Jong, Fong and a Long Duc Dong...

Bruce Hayden said...

“Forgotten about Trump’s fake orgasm?”

“I never would have known about it if I didn’t read this site!”

Didn’t realize until much later that it was supposed to be sex, and not just what desperate teenaged boys say when trying to woo a girl.

Bruce Hayden said...

“We have Lisa Page servicing her married superior, Peter Strzok.”

Actually, they were just coworkers. She effectively reported directly to DD McCabe, but acted as a bridge between Strzok and McCabe, who normally had maybe 3-4 layers of the bureaucracy between them. Their antics are humorous at times, when Strzok and McCabe are finagling to get together (with Page as their intermediary) without Strzok’s immediate boss, Bill Priestap present. Most notably, this occurred when Strzok was on his way back from London in August of 2016, presumably after the successful passoff of the predicate for their Crossfire Hurricane Russian Collusion investigation from the CIA, via the State Department.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Was it a real fake orgasm, or a fake one?

J. Farmer said...

Molly Jong-Fast thinks Strzock is "hawt".


Strzok always seemed a little light in his loafers to me.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I wonder what damages Page's children more:

1) The president of the United States imitating an orgasm by their mother's lover.

2) The fact that their married mother was fucking some guy from work (no, wait, 2 guys from work).”

I have zero sympathy for Lisa Page here. She actively conspired to use hers, her boss’, and her lover’s official government offices first to affect a Presidential election, and then when that failed, to destroy the Presidency of the man she tried to prevent from being elected. She violated her oath of office, by working to destroy our Constitution and our Constitutional form of government. What they all deserve is to be hung at a public execution, then drawn and quartered. Absent that, public embarrassment about her violating her marriage vows is about all that she is likely to see, as a result of her treasonous behavior.

Iman said...

Get it right, Wince... “I love-a you witha all my heart. If I don'tah see you againa soon, I'ma gonna die.”

Earnest Prole said...

The daughter of Erica Jong is embarrassed by the thought of an orgasm?

Hagar said...

Didn’t realize until much later that it was supposed to be sex, and not just what desperate teenaged boys say when trying to woo a girl.

Glad to find I am not the only innocent visiting this blog.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Strzok always seemed a little light in his loafers to me.”

What was interesting to me was looking at the pictures of both Strzok and Page with their respective spouses. Strzok’s wife looks like a ball breaker, and very likely is. She earns more than members of Congress in her post at the SEC in charge of enforcement (apparently utilized by Strzok to leverage Byrne, the head of Overstock, to introduce a Russian attorney to Trump’s son and SIL, for their infamous Trump Tower meeting). She looks fairly big boned, either well muscled, or a bit overweight. Contrast her with skinny, whiney, Page, whose husband appears in pretty much every picture I have seen of him, as a doofus beta. Though a peer with Page on paper, Strzok was one of the most aggressive, most effective, FBI employees working against Trump. He was involved in almost every facet of the plot against Trump, up until getting fired. For her, he was an alpha male. And Page treated him like her hero, something that every straight guy craves, and he was unlikely to be getting at home.

I still would have loved to have been a fly on the wall, when Strzok’s wife confronted Page over the affair, effectively ruining the careers of the two lovebirds at the FBI.

Leland said...

Didn’t realize until much later that it was supposed to be sex, and not just what desperate teenaged boys say when trying to woo a girl.

That's how it came across to me. But perhaps it brought back memories to Lisa about her times with Peter.

Bruce Hayden said...

We discussed hyphenating my kid’s last name, and didn’t because of its excessive length (maybe 20 letters plus the hyphen). Instead we used her last name as a second idle name. We were all happy about that decision when our kid was in school. They spent middle and high school alphabetically right behind a girl with a hyphenated last name just a little bit shorter (maybe 18 letters), which stuck out like a sore thumb whenever everyone in the class was listed alphabetically. Imagine being the one kid in the class whose first name was automatically relegated to a second line, because their full name didn’t fit on one.

And, then, there is the question of what to do for the next generation? Hyphenate four surnames? Eight for a third generation. Though my ex has no sympathy for the patriarchy, she didn’t want our kid to be saddled with the longest last name wherever they went.

Birches said...

Do people actually think he was imitating an orgasm? Pretty crappy sex if it was. It was the sound of somebody lovestruck. Like a dumb teenager. Gosh people lose their minds over Trump.

William said...

Erica Jong wrote Fear of Flying. That book was extremely pro orgasm. It's hard to believe that her daughter has trouble with mimicked orgasms. I would have thought that Erica had raised her daughter to be more open minded about discussions of sex. Erica has failed her daughter.

James K said...

“Her last name combines her mother and her father's name, so I think the parents put that name on her. Says nothing about her in that case.”

Apples don’t fall very far from their tree.

Birches said...

Ahh, I see I'm not the only one.

MayBee said...

Ken B said:
Have you visited the When Harry Met Sally memorial Chuck?

omg. hahahahaha

rcocean said...

"We keep getting reminded about these things. Trump mimicking the severely handicapped reporter, Serge Kovaleski. Trump calling foreign nations "shithole countries." Trump calling the Charlottesville/Friday night torch-bearers and the racist organizers "good people."

Yep Liars gotta lie. Its the old Commie technique. Repeat the lies over and over, until it becomes the truth.

rcocean said...

Hello My name is "Reilly Fast-Jong-Bong-Gopnik.

My mother was Fast-jong and my father was bong-gopnik.

rcocean said...

Fear of Flying - now those were the days when people read REAL literature.

rcocean said...

Has Molly whined that she's received "Death or Rape Threats" yet?

'Cause Leftists and Journalists always do. They're brave little soldiers.

Hagar said...

Where do I turn off the Windows announcements?

William said...

What's the current third wave feminist position on zipless fucks. I don't think an office romance has ever qualified as a zipless fuck, but what with the FBI, marriage partners, security phones, etc, this must qualify as one of the most zippered and condiciled fucks in the history of fucking. Who is the feminist hero and who the villain: Peter Strzok, his wife, Lisa or Trump? It seems to me that it takes some heavy lifting to make Trump the heavy in this melodrama, but they've done heavier lifting.....Emilia Clarke regrets her nude scenes on GOT. She doesn't regret being portrayed as some kind of supreme high, Nazi death goddess in the last episode. There's so much about modern civilization that I don't understand.

ken in tx said...

We have an over-sexualized society. It never occurred to me that Trump was imitating an orgasm. I thought he was just making fun of two over-excited illicit lovers on the phone.

Freeman Hunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Freeman Hunt said...

"Where do I turn off the Windows announcements?"

I'm not at home now, but I think it was Settings > System > Notifications.

Hagar said...


Lurker21 said...

If that was what a fake orgasm looks like, it's surprising that any man would be fooled by one. I wouldn't have jumped to "orgasm." It just looked like the president was imitating excitability. The way that kids make fun of the mushy, kissy parts of the movies. When they push the Barbie and Ken dolls together and move them around I guess that's simulated sexual intercourse, but would the kids or their parents really describe it that way?

Lurker21 said...

Molly wrote a Salon article, "Being a Prude in a Family of Libertines" in which she spreads a lot of dirt about her family. If she really were modest about sex, she probably wouldn't do that, would she? She'd keep it to herself. Part of her justification is that people already know all the stuff anyway (and actually care about it), but it could be that all that talk about prudes being obsessed by sex may be true after all, at least in her case. She concludes by saying that she isn't really a prude. Maybe, but she is certainly something of a narcissist. Too much information.

More information: She also wrote a whole book of stories about her family and their obsessions and eccentricities. Her grandfather was the Communist novelist Howard Fast (not that it matters or that anybody remembers). Her parents' marriage was a big thing back in the 70s. They wrote about it. A lot. It was clear it wasn't going to last. "I give it five years" was literally correct. Erica was a wild woman, and Jonathan was sort of a wimpy male feminist.

And, dude, MJF writes for the Bulwark and the Forward. I'm not sure she's right for the image they want to project.

Alec Rawls said...

Sheesh, there was no "fake orgasm." Trump mimed them talking to each other like lovers: "Oh Peter," "Oh Page," as if nobody talks to each other with heightened concern unless they are having sex. Jackasses.

This is like when the Never Trumpers were called cuckolds (because they are), and they tried to turn it around by pretending that cuckold, instead of being a centuries old term for betrayal by people who have pledged their loyalty (candidates and claimed conservative spokesman who turn on their supporters by shilling for the other side), is actually a racist term for a category of interracial porn.

It's a dirty fake, on the level of calling someone racist in an attempt to win an argument. Nobody was likening Never Trumpers to anything pornographic and mocking the passionate political criminality of Strzok and Page was not sexual either. These dirty minded evasions are par for the course for leftists and Never Trumpers but no one else should fall for such garbage lies.

Ctmom4 said...

As someone whose third grader got off the school bus one day and asked me what a Lewinsky was, my answer to this is to tell them to F off.

Birches said...

Eh, I'm pretty sure Ace means cuck in the sexual way...

Rusty said...

" A spreadsheet might help."
You should get on that right away. Take your time.

Hieronymus Anonymous said...

Can i really post a comment ? At this time , it looks like the comment might actually appear on the website . Let's see if it does .

madAsHell said...

Why do I feel like Lisa Page was hired as a piece-of-ass, and a fall guy....or gal?

Hieronymus Anonymous said...

I saw President Trump's Minnesota rally soon after it happened . At that time , i thought that he was making an exaggerated imitation of a moment of passion . I did not suspect for one instant that he was portraying anything like an orgasm . I would like to know what proportion of people understood it the same way that i did . If you can keep it decent , please tell me why you believe that my interpretation was wrong .

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