"White people have not changed. Two-thirds of all white guys voted for Trump. That means anytime you see three white guys walking at you, down the street towards you, two of them voted for Trump. You need to move over to the other sidewalk because these are not good people that are walking toward you. You should be afraid of them."
From "Michael Moore: ‘White guys who voted for Trump ‘are not good people. You should be afraid of them’" (Red State).
१५१ टिप्पण्या:
Booga booga.
Looks like the lefties/LLR-lefties have finally realized their sham-wow-non-peachment has completely collapsed and they have moved back to 25th amendment/racist! tactics all over again.
They will never learn.
It strikes me that someone refusing to participate in post-racial America is admitting to being a racist?
You should never give a mouse a cookie.
Michael Moore knows better, but he doesn’t do better.
The left has gone completely crazy. It would be funny.....if it weren't really so dangerous.
Delusional. Projecting their own cray cray onto others. Sure that they are right. Sure that any means to the end will work. Willing to do anything. They are scary.
Moore wouldn’t cross the street to avoid a nuclear explosion. Too much work.
Oh, here's a news flash: Michael Moore hates this country and the people who live in it. You'd think he was running for president or something.
What a fucking asshole liar Moore is. I can remember when he posed as the Champion of the working class, but it was all a con. He's a just rich globalist who hates average people. He CAN NOT say he hates average black/brown people, so he dumps on whites. Its thinly disguised class hatred.
He fat, sloppy, scum.
White supremacy is so ingrained in Amerikkka that even white-bashing is dominated by old, fat white guys.
Those white people sure are bad.
Deep down, Moore likes Trump. His tribe won’t let him so he must invent excuses. But, trust me, a Moore’s been looking for a Trump leader forever.
"But many people are unaware that they do not know, and others think they know when they do not. Attacks of foolishness have no remedy. Because the ignorant do not know themselves, they never look for what they are lacking."
Baltasar Gracian, S.J.
And Merry Christmas!
Michael Moore is not good people.
Shorter Moore: If you are not seethingly racist against white people, then you are a horrible racist.
The last group of people who'd want racism to truly end is the Left and Democrats. Who the hell would vote for them without it?
It's just the Left doing what it always does: Create or perpetuate a problem, project it, then present themselves as the only solution.
Blacks are not afraid of whites and they aren't afraid of Trump. They are finally getting 'woke' about the Democrats and the plantation and who really has their best interests at heart. Moore is nothing but a hideously ugly creep who hates America.
The default mode of the Center-Right is defense. Why weren't not racist. Why we're not nazis. Here's my 42 page memorandum detailing the reasons.
Defense never wins. They're NEVER going to stop calling you racist. NEVER.
I like Michael Moore et al afraid.
In fact, stay away from those dangerous polling stations.
How come that non-Trump-voting white man is walking with those 2 Trump-voting white men? Who knows, but he's scary too?
I vaguely know a UW professor who went up to a prof who was known to be conservative and said, right in her face, "You scare me!"
What a scary thing to do!
Michael Moore crossing the street because he sees 3 white men — like they're the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse — is not scary. It's funny. He's a white man too. What does he do if 2 white men walk along with him? How can he cross the street from the group that he's in? He must de-group. Or bring a woman along for protection.
Will he now, at long last, move to Canada where he can participate?
The expat actor/celebrity community to our north must be getting huge.
Lying made Moore rich and famous and he convinced himself it was for the greater good. Why would he stop lying?
Another thing the Left *always* does: Advance As If Under Threat Of Attack
Ann gives a good example with the "You scare me!" attack on a conservative professor.
"That means anytime you see three white guys walking at you, down the street towards you, two of them voted for Trump."
What if you're a white guy walking north, while across the street, there are two other white guys also walking north. Suddenly you see three white guys on your side of the street walking south.
What do you do?
I don't think this particular angle of attack will be successful. Moore should criticize Trump for his weight problems and overeating. That line of attack would be much more credible, especially coming from someone like Moore.
I didn't vote for Obama, but comforted myself with gladness that America could elect a black man. I had high hopes for a post racist future. Instead I learned just how many people hated me because of my pale skin. Turnabout is fair play you may shout in delight. But I ask you to consider the revenge cycle playing out by elected democrats.
This is a bullshit post. There's no good reason for it.
Moore shares a sidewalk with no one.
Funny how EVERYTHING became RACIST after we elected and reelected the first 1/2 black President who himself was a little racist against whites. Remember in his book when he called his white Grandmother (who raised him when his mother decided to stay in her Marxist Utopia) a typical white woman because she would cross the street when she saw a black person. Who else said that??? Oh yeah....Jesse Jackson!!
“There is nothing more painful to me … than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
– Jesse Jackson
Diversity breeds adversity.
I sure am glad I'm Irish instead of white.
Remember, they're not after him, they're after *you*.
I guess it's ok to be racist if you're black or a liberal.
Moore wouldn’t cross the street to avoid a nuclear explosion. Too much work.
He might slosh over to the safer sidewalk if tempted with a doughnut.
I vaguely know a UW professor who went up to a prof who was known to be conservative and said, right in her face, "You scare me!"
To which she should have responded, "Good!"
Lefties are all “scared”. Weird.
Honest to god, I thought about Michael Moore the other day, wondered what he was up to because I hadn't heard or seen any references to him in a long time.
I've always found that Michael Moore's intellect resembles his personal appearance: overweight, unkempt, and shoddy. With these latest ravings he demonstrates this and embodies what he and his fellow TDS sufferers imagine Trump and his supporters think and do.
If you see race in everything then you are the racist.
Whoever that is, his opinion is of no importance.
Has anyone seen Michael Moore and Chuckles together at the same time?
Just wondering'.
Are they..... DEPLORABLE?
Did Democracy Die in Darkness when your corrupt money grubbing power-whore lost?
Michael Moore is the modern over-weight blubber-skinned communist Leni Riefenstahl.
"Racist! Eleventy!!" Is starting to have the same effect as the impeachment. Bullshit, and American blacks know it. Loved it when Reverend Al called Trump a con man. It's starting to get naked out there.
Moore looks like an alien removed his innards and left the skin suit.
Fat, drunk and racist is no way to go thru life, Son.
I'll not participate in overlooking people of any race who would use the levers of power within the federal government to diminish the rights of free people. Michael Moore has not changed. If you see Michael Moore walking toward you, cross the street. Move away from him. He is not a good person.
Michael, you specifically should be afraid of them. Nobody else outside of the media should be.
Moore should definitely sue his obesity surgeon. Maybe his wife would not have left if he was not so gross.
When Michael Moore is walking down the sidewalk toward me I move to the other side of the street so there is room for us both to pass.
You know who else fear-mongered?
I'm just surprised that walking along the *side* of a street is even an option for Moore.
"I vaguely know a UW professor who went up to a prof who was known to be conservative and said, right in her face, "You scare me!"
What a scary thing to do!"
And what did you do?
This has been the Democrats position for decades.
Not news.
Actually the best part of electing His Barryness was our local media showing all those mug shots they used to avoid. Suspects in 85% of the violent crimes in my city are either AA or Hispanic. It’s about evenly divided but African Americans are 10.7% of the total population so they are wildy over represented in the crime stats.
Actually, there is a 1 in 27 chance that none of them voted for Trump (and an 8 in 27 chance that they all voted for Trump).
This is actually a simplified analysis. Humans being tribal the way we are, if one of them voted for Trump then the likelihood is close to 100% that they all did, and vice versa.
Projection, always with the projection.
Fatty better stay out of my way. Just saying.
"I vaguely know a UW professor who went up to a prof who was known to be conservative and said, right in her face, "You scare me!"
That is a perfect example of modern Leftist thinking.
They are very scared that a conservative will pierce their bubble and challenge them to actually think about their ideology.
What ever happened to liberalism?
I vaguely know a UW professor who went up to a prof who was known to be conservative and said, right in her face, "You scare me!”
To which the proper response would be “If I really did scare you, you wouldn’t have anything like the balls to say that to my face!”
So, Michael Moore would be approximately 2/3 deplorable according to body mass.
I consider myself a connoisseur of the subtleties of virtue signaling. The batshit, proudly self-hating kind is crude and gross, and indicative of a true moron.
As far as I am concerned, anyone refusing to participate in a post-racial America is in favor of lynch mobs and pointed white hoods.
I'd suggest they aren't afraid enough. If they were he would simply say ' yes sir'.
That means anytime you see three white guys walking at you, down the street towards you, two of them voted for Trump. You need to move over to the other sidewalk because these are not good people that are walking toward you.
"Trump's base was attacked by a giant socialist weasel."
I used to hear Michael Moore years ago on Detroit talk radio before he got 'national. He was a sick man then. He's not gotten better. Bitter. Deranged. Pretty typical for a 'leading spokesperson' of the left. Progressive indeed. Progressively sick.
Ever read comments from those unlucky enough to have worked with him? He's just a bad human. Nothing good about him. And I wish he'd quit wearing his Sparty hat in public. It's hard enough being a Spartan these days without evil clowns pretending to be part of it.
"I vaguely know a UW professor who went up to a prof who was known to be conservative and said, right in her face, "You scare me!"
What a scary thing to do!"
Today's left feel entitled to treat conservatives this way. You see it everywhere. It does scare me for the future of our country. The past has examples of where this can lead and it's not good.
"The Irishman actor appeared on Michael Moore's podcast Friday to express his disdain for the current president. Fecal matter gets a shoutout here.
"It would kind of feel good to punch him — not hurt him — but just punch him in the face,” Moore told the actor on the Rumble with Michael Moore podcast, to which De Niro replied. "I’d like to see a bag of shit right in his face. Hit him right in his face."
I wish a lot of people would cross the street when they see me coming, especially panhandlers.
Of course he doesn't think white people have changed. His team relies on selling identity politics to gain political power. They only way they can hope to keep minorities on their side is to convince them that white men are evil. Expect these claims to become more desperate as blacks and Hispanics drift away from Democrats in increasing numbers.
Whatevs. I’m old enough to remember when it was considered unmanly for a grown man to act excitable like a little girl.
If you click through to the article, you might notice that his RBG Tree Topper is making the "White Power" sign with its left hand.
Michael Moore is struggling to be relevant, and this racist accusing click bait got it.
My guess is his image is still suffering after his divorce revealed he is worth at least $50 Million, and he had luxury homes.
This is an attempt to rebuild his street credibility.
The problem he has, is the working class, that is his natural supporters, is doing better under Trump. So he is appealing to the Elites, by using the dog whistle that only racists would vote for Trump. So he his tarring his old supporters, his base, as Racists.
Mikey, Mikey, Mikey; you can do worse than that, but NOOOOOO, you wimped out!
mockturtle @ 10:27am,
Nah, she throat-punched her assailant who asphyxiated right there in front of her. Scary, indeed.
Being on the periphery of the open-carry movement here in WA, I heard of numerous instances of this same sort of BS: an open carrier peaceably going about their business, being suddenly confronted by some irate Lefty who claimed to be afraid of them but whose behavior spoke exactly the opposite--a loud, up-close confrontation that bespoke offence, not fear.
Fatboy Moore's pathetic ranting is almost a "preemptive" declaration that the Left expects to lose in 2020. Nobody with political confidence whines like this.
Paraphrase: "Black people, hate and fear white men!"
Yet another example of a prominent Lefty trying to sow hatred and division.
It took him 3 years to come up with this?
Why didn’t he move to Mexico or central or South America?
I don’t want that sad sack or anyone who thinks like him on my side of the street anyway. Begone, and return no Moore!
“The problem he has, is the working class, that is his natural supporters, is doing better under Trump. So he is appealing to the Elites, by using the dog whistle that only racists would vote for Trump. So he his tarring his old supporters, his base, as Racists”
What is funny about racist dog whistles is that the only people who can hear them are on the left (and thus self identify as being racists by admitting hearing the dog whistles).
If that person who was “scared” of that Prof was really “scared” that would have never happened.
That person was a blowhard.
*Other* white men.
There's no way Michael Moore is really afraid of 2/3 of the white guys in America. If only.
Alternate Reality: Female Prof whips out a model 29 on his ass and says "You Don't Listen Do Ya, Asshole".
Hey now Laslo!
Tubby Riefenstahl !
I don't think there's room for 3 people on Michael Moore's side of the street.
June Allyson said 4 out of 5 top Hollywood stars used Lustre Cream Shampoo. She was probably closer to the truth than Michael Moore.
I listened to the source interview and what Moore said about Flint and their children being poisoned was very touching. But when he went off announcing his hatred of white men he obviously made the interviewers uncomfortable, they laughed nervously. Michael Moore is a sick guy; why is that not obvious to those on the left, or they see it and just don't want to admit it because he's successful and rich? What do you call hating your own race? Is there a name for that? Race dysphoria?
Sidenote: when Moore and his wife divorced they fought bitterly over their quilt collection. He's a real sensitive gentleman, right? Not really.
Michael Moore says out loud what a lot of people on the left are thinking. He is not an outlier. Pay attention. He is saying that leftists uniquely transcend their ethnic identity, and that racial stereotypes of the historically dominant race are exempt from charges of racism. Do you see how these precepts, if they were true, would empower the left? That's what MM is about. Power.
Matt Taibbi has a book out decrying the way media is dividing American into groups that can't talk to each other.
But he and his co-host are nodding in agreement to every one of Michael Mooore racist statements. Matt even feels compelled to add "and the third white guy is probably thinking of voting for Trump." So Taibbi is just engaging in a different form of civility bullshit with his book.
How about a poll Althouse and ask who is the nuttiest far left lib celebrity?
Choices would be Michael Moore, Rob Reiner, Ron Perlman and Stephen King.
I'm Full of Soup said...
How about a poll Althouse and ask who is the nuttiest far left lib celebrity?
Choices would be Michael Moore, Rob Reiner, Ron Perlman and Stephen King.
12/26/19, 12:32 PM
I nominate Alyssa Milano, Cher and Bette Midler too!!
Same guy who said after 9/11 that white men are wusses; that if more black men had been on the planes, there wouldn't have been successful hijackings. Oh, and also that the people of Boston and NY didn't "deserve" this because they didn't vote for Bush.
Balkanization cannot come soon enough
Michael Moore? Isn't he that fat rich guy that tells everyone capitalism is bad and socialism is good?
Oh yea.. Michael 'the whale' Moore. So far leftist it would make Crooked Biden look like a staunch conservative.
Why hasn't he moved to Venezuela or Canada yet?
I watched Obama's inauguration in 2009 and I was moved to tears by the expressions on the faces of the black people in the audience there. They could not believe a black man had been elected president. I thought it could be an era of racial healing and reconciliation. I have never been so wrong in all my life.
So hey, White Obama voters, how'd that work out for ya. Your vote made racial divisions worse, and you are still a racist anyway. Damn! what a waste.
You can expect the same from any other attempt at buying off POVs (people of victim-hood) which is not a race, but definitely a community and a culture. No such concessions such as reparations, affirmative action, etc. will ever suffice, becuase some people would have no purpose in life without their imagined victim-hood. It's the asset they hold most dear, becuase they value the power it gives them, which is like the power you feel from a stiff drink, a strong drug, or any other addictive palliative which in reality robs you of power while making you feel powerful.
This guy is an racist, and a liar, and I don't respect the opinion of such people. He has made a fortune off of his lies, so why would he stop.
Well then it's pretty clear that you should be able to shoot white men on sight. If you shoot 2 out of those 3 white men who are menacing you and all minorities by their very existence as they walk towards you, then the odds are 50-50 you guessed correctly and have eliminated two TrumpVermin. And if you guessed incorrectly, then odds show that you have at least eliminated one TrumpVermin and have thereby saved at LEAST 87.2 minority lives. Statistics don't lie!
What people like Moore are doing is the equivalent of passing out free crack to people to get them addicted so they can make money of them. He's a scumbag.
"They only way they can hope to keep minorities on their side is to convince them that white men are evil"
They don't have to convince them of that. They just have to convince them that they'll all stick together and keep saying that.
"What do you call hating your own race? Is there a name for that? Race dysphoria?"
It's called a snob.
I vaguely know a UW professor who went up to a prof who was known to be conservative and said, right in her face, "You scare me!">>>
To which the logical response is: "Apparently not."
I read Michael Moore's Stupid White Men. In the book he wrote that in contrast to those politicians, he LOVES and appreciates teachers. Later on in the book, he wrote about high school, where he likened high school to a totalitarian dictatorship.
For most of us, the only time we enter an American high school is to vote at our local precinct. (There’s an irony if there ever was one—going to participate in democracy’s sacred ritual while two thousand students in the same building live under some sort of totalitarian dictatorship.)
Michael Moore tells us on the one hand, that he loves and appreciates teachers, but on the other hand, he also tells us teachers are wardens of a "totalitarian dictatorship."
The more he talks, the more incoherent he becomes,and the more likely he will contradict himself.
After reading Stupid White Men, I decided that Michael Moore wasn't worth listening to.
What a piece of SHAT!
"Stupid White Men" was an autobiographic work.
The definition of racism is simply judging people by race. It does not matter what the race is of the racist nor the object of his racism.
Which is worse, Moores’s racism or his very tenuous grasp of the concept of statistics?
He wants to live in a false narrative. There's nothing unusual about that, but usually it's women.
Anyway it's what Hollywood sells today.
"I refuse to participate..."
I wish. There is nothing more valuable that Moore could do than precisely that.
I'm a racist. I buy into the surprisingly large average IQ differences between races
but take it as a challenge - how to make society take it as the normal differences between individuals. When people are all white, for instance, everybody fits in - taking white as meaning everybody unmarked as to race - regardless of IQ.
My take is to do it the same way - good character is primary. When you've got that, you fit in somewhere.
Teaching blacks that they're behind because whites are discriminating against them drives out good character and dooms blacks to not ever fitting in.
Some distinction between well meaning racists and the stereotypical southern redneck might be a good idea.
Talking about average IQ differences more openly might be a good public policy input.
I resent that you find me scary. I'm gentle as a lamb. Every night I go to bed crying thinking about how much safety I owe you. I'm very hurt that you said this. I really want to hold your hand and roast marshmallows at your various estates in colder states.
All I think about is watching cute anime with you Michael and thinking over and over about your great documentaries about the Columbine shooters. Maybe you, Marilyn Manson, and myself could pet cute kitty kats while singing Kumbaya.
You hurt me Michael. I don't know why you find me scary. Trust me. I'm not.
The deep down fear among these people now is that Trump will turn Blacks away from the Democrats. Lowest Black unemployment in history, and huge income jumps in the Black community as well. Plus, Trump is clearly the underdog now with the apparatus of government trying to railroad him. Blacks know how that feels. People like Moore want to exploit them as they have for generations, while offering only addictive infantilization. "Ain't nobody got time fo dat".
If that fat fuck Michael Moore ever saw 3 men walking down a street carrying bags of cheeseburgers he would levitate off his feet and follow the aroma of cheeseburgers until the men closed their 4 x 4 pickup truck door and drove away. Even then he might be in hot pursuit.
At the time of the 2004 Democratic National Convention I was working in Downtown Boston. During lunch I walked around to check out all the happenings, hoping to get into an argument with some Democrats, or maybe a chance to beat up some Anarchists, whatever. At a restaurant nearby my office, I noticed a huge crowd of libs on the sidewalks outside. Inside were some of the Democrat big shots, Carol Mosely Braun, Gray Davis, and reportedly Hillary. I decided to hang around and see what would happen.
Across the street, the crowd parted like the Red Sea. Along with the of "Oooos" and "Ahhhs" from the leftie throng. Emerges, who else? Michael Moore. “It’s Michael Moore! It’s Michael Moore!” chanted the crowd in a frenzy. Now’s my chance! I get to harass a biggie.
So, I go right up to the land whale. “You fat fuck! Fuck you!” And a lot more in that vein. To give him credit, he maintained his composure, ignored my taunts and walked past me and into the restaurant. The crowd was aghast at my antics. “A Republican!” “Get out of here!” “You’re not welcome!”
I just smiled and went on my way.
I don't find anything especially objectionable about a lower IQ. I'd marry someone like that, I'd love a child like that. I'd respect such a person's opinion, and understand that I could learn something from them that they may know better than I do. Would you hire a brain surgeon to do your plumbing or a college professor to run the country. I wouldn't, becuase in many ways such "intelligent" people can be dumb as a bag of hammers.
When I see Moore, I don't see a man. I see an enormous ambulatory bag of offal on the verge of bursting.
If I encountered him on the sidewalk I sure as shit would cross to the other side. Just in case he was ready to blow.
"Which is worse, Moores’s racism or his very tenuous grasp of the concept of statistics?"
It's the racism that makes the numbers so hard to understand correctly.
I hope you're reading this. Did you know that large numbers of people - perhaps people standing right next to you right now - have the ability to build nuclear weapons if they only had a secure source of Plutonium? I know right? Crazy!
So there's a little known constitutional amendment that most people have never seen. It's the 69th amendment. It specifically states:
"Michael Moore is special and everyone on planet Earth owes him safety at all times."
You probably didn't know that you're safety is constitutionally protected Michael. By the way, did you know that you can get fatter? I mean, you'll run slower sure, but after all that's not a problem because you have a constitutional amendment that protects you! You're special because you make movie-films!
Maybe you won't read this. Maybe the eyebrow fat makes reading too difficult these days. Maybe you can't read that I'm not trapped in here with your kind, but that you might be trapped in here with us.
The deep down fear among these people now is that Trump will turn Blacks away from the Democrats.
I've seen claims that Trump is polling at 30% among Black people. If that's true, the Democrats are toast. It won't even be close enough to cheat.
I've been predicting a 40 state win.
fat Chavez gobbling, Iraqi terrorist apologist, yes that's who I listen to,
Once again, if we were half as violent as the left accuses us of being, they'd all be dead already.
Yet, there they sit. Pounding their keyboards without a care in the world.
Is anyone still paying attention to Jabba the State-fellator?
It's all fetishized-fantasy. They talk like this because they get off on it. They couldn't kill if you put a gun to their head. If you showed them a corpse with a collapsed skull they'd recoil and run in the opposite direction. It's fun and games...at least until the vast majority of the people they disparage - most of whom have military experience - decide to show up with machine guns wearing fashionable body armor a 'how-to-build-bombs' hobby kit.
They talk a good game, especially about 'putting a gun to your head'. If it ever got real they'd get beaten until they begged for death.
Moore lies. The Obama vote/s followed by the Trump putting all Americans first again has massively changed racial tensions. We are too busy to hate. That's why Moore is trying desperately to get division started back up.
wasn't he the one who yelled out
"Somebody give me a Cheeseburger !!"
at the end of Steve Miller's "Living In The U. S. A. "??
When I see three black guys together, I envision Juicy Smollett and 2 MAGA's
All race all the time. F off, democrats.
That's why Moore is trying desperately to get division started back up.
I agree, but there is a bigger point.
Obama was important to American Blacks (regardless of political persuasion) because it showed them that you can succeed if you play the game. His election arguably had the greatest impact on educated, middle class AAs.
Trump is important to American Blacks because it shows that you have a good chance of getting a decent job, if school was not your forte. His economy has a greater impact on blue collar workers who want their kids to become educated and middle class.
The high among racial grievance industry is threatened by these events and have to stoke the flames of resentment. Hence, we have racism at every turn, racial hoaxes and the evils of Whiteness.
Follow the money trail.
Moore would be perfect for a remake of "The Blob"
I heard that landwhal Moore saw 3 white guys on the sidewalk and then ate two of them.
Michael Moore is such a jerk that he's the kind of guy Bully Joe Biden used to take out behind the high school gym and beat up. Both of those guys are legends in their own mind.
Of course Bully Joe Biden never beat anybody up---but he would have wanted to pound on Moore.
There’s an old video out there of Michael Moore and Donald Trump on Roseanne’s talk show. Late 90’s, I think. It’s a strange video to watch in 2019 because the two blowhard white guys were loving on each other.
MM is a blowhard trying to stay relevant.
Moore is desperate to have name recognition above zero. He is way past his use by date. Don't know his catalog of work. There was his early stuff, about the GMC exec., then the school shooting, and?? Nope not getting it. He has nothing to offer in public dialogue. I rarely see his take on something being quoted as relative. Oh, Cuba has better health care? Was that Moore?
If I were to apply the verb 'hate' to anyone in the world it would likely be Moore.
well he seemed to have gotten the roger smith right in the 'fake but accurate' category, but most everything he has been agregiously wrong,
On one hand, he's a bigot. A principle of diversity under the Pro-Choice quasi-religion ("ethics") that indulges color judgments (e.g. racism, sexism) and denies individual dignity. On the other hand...
Michael Moore-backed Doc, ‘Planet of the Humans,’ Tackles ‘False Promises’ of Green Energy
He's no longer green about Green. Progress: one step forward, two steps backward.
Trump has been very popular among blacks for a long time. He's mentioned positively in tons of rap songs. I don't buy for a minute that he really only got 8% in 2016. I believe he was polling much higher then too. Does anyone really believe that if blacks were to vote 30% for Trump, in 2016 or 2020, that Dems wouldn't find a way to change that to 8% via massive voter fraud? If they let such a result stand even once, it'd trigger a massive preference cascade. It's literally existential for the party and they know it. If you think ethics would stop them.... heh.
Francisco D @3:25 says it better than I can. Being from Atlanta, good racial relations always in your face. Thank God and DJT for finally making every one positive and self confident again.
Obama and his bucket of kerosene in Sanford, Baltimore, and ferguson, in two places cities burned, in another a Hispanic of south American background was nearly lynched, a new wave of the black liberation army, was encouraged by his rhetoric, that's what moore finds soothing,
Obama was important to American Blacks (regardless of political persuasion) because it showed them that you can succeed if you play the game. His election arguably had the greatest impact on educated, middle class AAs.
Yes. Charles Payne said he would vote for him for that reason. I was in agreement even though I knew he was an empty suit.
Trump has been very popular among blacks for a long time. He's mentioned positively in tons of rap songs.
Never heard this but I am not surprized. Clinton was our first black president. I've been saying that Trump is our first gansta president for a while now.
I had briefly entertained that notion, till I quickly realized he was jesse Jackson with a better tailor,
If Michael Moore were walking down the street in Baltimore or East St. Louis and three black democrats are walking toward, he would not feel the need to cross the street?
If Moore was walking down the sidewalk towards you, you'd have to cross the street because he takes up the whole sidewalk.
Nice to see that Britain's Monster Loony Raving Party has representatives over here.
It's hard enough being a Spartan these days without evil clowns pretending to be part of it.
He might volunteer as their tackling dummy.
That's some pure-grade batshit crazy. Only rivaled by the recent Salon opinion piece stating Hallmark movies are worse than anything Leni Riefenstahl created in the 1930s and 1940s.
At one time Moore said he knew the working class guys that voted for Trump and understood their reasoning though he disagreed. Now he says to be afraid of these same working class guys? Presumably the ones he knows and hangs with. Right. My outrage meter was maxed out long ago but the bullshit meter is still in fine working order and pinging off the scales.
Reading about Di Nero wanting Trump to get a bag of shit in the face made me wonder AGAIN what is driving the intense hatred of Trump by the already wealthy and secure in their status Hollyweirdos. Sure they are Globalists but why are they SO desperately angry at him when their status in life is secure beyond almost anyone’s?
Then it dawned on me many men like De Niro who enjoy a false reputation as tough guys probably spent some time as rent boys on casting couches before they became too big of stars to have to whore themsleves. They also were probably complicit, if not themsleves participants, in Hollywood’s pedophilia. Wouldn’t want any of that to get out and tarnish their legacies would they?
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