December 6, 2019

"Downside of rep for investigative stories: called prominent dem politician involved in impeachment, whom I used to interview routinely. Instead heard from panicked comms dir..."

"... who said staff worried/politician refusing comment/punting to lawyer. I hadn’t yet said what it was about," tweets Ronan Farrow.


Bob Boyd said...

Hillary called for a shunning.

Anonymous said...

I can't recall it at the moment, but there's a proverb that the innocent man walks in peace while the guilty start at shadows, or something to that effect.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are still going bat t shIt crazy of Kavanaugh.

Yancey Ward said...

"Hey Joe, Fat Fuck Farrow wants to have a chat- what should I tell him?"

Mike Sylwester said...

Why is Farrow tweeting this?

henry said...

I assume he randomly called one of the beneficiaries of the secret House settlement fund.

traditionalguy said...

Ronan better be careful with political investigative reports , or he is going to win the Seth Rich Award.

Mike Sylwester said...

It has taken me a while to guess that rep means reputation.

Bay Area Guy said...

I may take flack for this, but Ronan Farrow might be one of those last remaining honorable liberals. Yes, I'm sure he votes straight Bernie Sanders policies.


He went straight up against the leftwing media/Hollywood establishment, and they tried to sink him, but failed. In other words, he has seen the face of the beast, and didn't like what he saw.

Also, he despises his "father" Woody Allen.

I'm gonna keep an eye out for Ronan. He may do some more great journalism in the future.

Mike Sylwester said...

Last weekend BookTV broadcast an hour-long interview of Farrow. It was quite interesting.

Kelly said...

Laughably no one in the twitter comments is curious as to what the story could be. All they want is for Ronan to call Lindsey Graham’s office to scare him. What could they mean by that I wonder?

Nonapod said...

"staff worried/politician refusing comment/punting to lawyer." sure sounds like the beginnings of a new Dem scandal. Good thing too, the Impeachment Show was not entertaining in the least.

In other news, Baby Yoda gets more attention on Social Media than any current Dem candidate

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

He’s enjoying his power.

gspencer said...

All signs someone has something to hide.

Mike Sylwester said...

My guess about Farrow's phone call is that he is trying to develop a story about Trump's sexual shenanigans, and he is trying to get some information or a confirmation from the politician who is involved with the impeachment.

Ironically, the politician is not answering Farrow's phone calls, because he thinks that he himself is the subject of Farrow's current investigation.

Farrow sent this tweet in order to get the politician to respond to Farrow's phone calls.

sean said...

It reminds me of the doubtless apocryphal story about the man who sent 12 of his prominent friends a telegram "Flee at once. All is discovered." All 12 left the country within 24 hours.

Bob Boyd said...

"Oh and Ronan Farrow called."

"I never touched that lying little bitch!"

Mike Sylwester said...

In his BookTV interview, Farrow impressed me as extremely intelligent, which makes me think that he is the biological son of Woody Allen.

However, Farrow looks a bit more like the biological son of Frank Sinatra.

I wonder if some other man is the biological father.

Ann Althouse said...

"Laughably no one in the twitter comments is curious as to what the story could be. All they want is for Ronan to call Lindsey Graham’s office to scare him. What could they mean by that I wonder?"

Something about gayness, I infer.

Bay Area Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

Baby Yoda deserves more attention than any fo the Democrats...

Let's see if we find out more, but I detect a faint bouquet of bluff...

Yancey Ward said...

Hello, I'm Lindsey Graham. You might remember me from such celebrity funerals as "Andre The Giant, We Hardly Knew Ye" and "John McCain: Today We Mourn A Stooge."

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I wonder if Ronan got any genes from his mother.

mccullough said...

Rosemary’s Baby fucked up with that bullshit Kavanaugh story.

He’s as crazy as his mom.

Wince said...

Mike Sylwester said...
It has taken me a while to guess that rep means reputation.

It's taken some of Farrow's commenters longer to realize that "dem" doesn't mean demented or demonic Republican.

called prominent dem politician involved in impeachment, whom I used to interview routinely. Instead heard from panicked comms dir...

rcocean said...

its amazing how ONE REPORTER got this whole #metoo thing rolling. You have to wonder how much better this country would be if we had a REAL independent Press and not DNC-Media.

The Crack Emcee said...

rcocean said...

"its amazing how ONE REPORTER got this whole #metoo thing rolling. You have to wonder how much better this country would be if we had a REAL independent Press and not DNC-Media."

Ronin Farrow is evidence the rest of them ain't doing shit.

narciso said...

the problem I noticed about catch and release, is he can't distinguish between poorly sourced rumors, and actual documented fact,

Michael K said...

Ronan better be careful with political investigative reports , or he is going to win the Seth Rich Award.

Bingo !

JohnAnnArbor said...

Ronin Farrow is evidence the rest of them ain't doing shit.

The difference between putting in the time to do the job right and copy/paste.

narciso said...

cover with a pillow, until it stops moving,

Ken B said...

I wanted to like Catch & Release, because he takes aim at the right people. But I gave up, for the reason narcisco identified: he treats dubious, poorly sourced stuff as if it were proven. So the book is a mash up of solid stuff and vapor. He seems for example to treat Rose McGowan as an Oracle.
I hope the court cases sort out the facts.

Ken B said...

I think a lot of us see him as serious and honest. I just found his book frustrating because he isn’t skeptical when he should be.

cubanbob said...

Look at the comments at the tweet. All squirrel BS.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Farrow impressed me as extremely intelligent, which makes me think that he is the biological son of Woody Allen

He graduated college at 15.

Temujin said...

I smell John Durham.

narciso said...

his other book, about international issues, was chock full of left wings and islamist sympathies, sisi bad, Qatar good,

narciso said...

Colombian guerillas good, uribe makes him sad,

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

“He graduated college at 15.”

I’ve seen no evidence that Woody is smarter than Frank.

Anonymous said...

Even stupider than the calls to investigate Lindsey Graham are the requests that he investigate Kavanaugh. Because, you know, nobody looked into him at all.

Fucking idiots. And they get to vote.

tim in vermont said...

It’s amazing that Farrow SPECIFICALLY mentions that it was a Democrat, and you go to Twitter and it’s all “Call a Republican! I bet Lindsey Graham’s face turns white!”

What about Bob Menendez - D NJ? Try and get a response from a Democrat on that one.

tim in vermont said...

"I’ve seen no evidence that Woody is smarter than Frank.”

Solid point.

The rule of Lemnity said...

this is what he is going to be known for the rest of his life. the ralph nader who exposed the hitherto un-equal cultural application of consent. Hero to women.

Unless he does something bigger.

Greg Hlatky said...

"The guilty flee when no man pursueth" - Proverbs 28:1

Maillard Reactionary said...

Much truth can be found in the Holy Writ, Greg.

The Vault Dweller said...

I'm always surprised when people on the left are surprised by the othering that occurs on the left. I guess it is easier to not not notice a tactic that is used when you are the normal target for that tactic. Reminds me of when Marrianne Williamson was surprised at the meanness she experienced from the left.

The Vault Dweller said...

oops my above comment should read
when you are not the normal target for that tactic.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Snowballs are dangerous weapons.

Static Ping said...

Honestly, if investigative reporters were really good, about 90% of Congress would refuse to take their calls. And I mean both parties. It would end up like something like Escape From New York where they would just wall up the entire city since everyone inside was a criminal anyway.