Writes Franklin Graham (on Facebook).
Wow. That was an own goal.
Franklin Graham (apparently) would not have talked about his father's support for Trump, but the attempt by editors at Christianity Today to put Billy Graham's name on their political opinion forced him to go public.
Graham continues:
For Christianity Today to side with the Democrat Party in a totally partisan attack on the President of the United States is unfathomable. Christianity Today failed to acknowledge that not one single Republican voted with the Democrats to impeach the President. I know a number of Republicans in Congress, and many of them are strong Christians. If the President were guilty of what the Democrats claimed, these Republicans would have joined with the Democrats to impeach him. But the Democrats were not even unanimous—two voted against impeachment and one voted present. This impeachment was politically motivated, 100% partisan. Why would Christianity Today choose to take the side of the Democrat left whose only goal is to discredit and smear the name of a sitting president? They want readers to believe the Democrat leadership rather than believe the President of the United States.ADDED: Graham's post went up 9 hours ago (around midnight). Here's Trump's tweet, published some hours later:
Look at all the President has accomplished in a very short time. The economy of our nation is the strongest it has been in 50 years, ISIS & the caliphate have been defeated, and the President has renegotiated trade deals to benefit all Americans. The list of accomplishments is long, but for me as a Christian, the fact that he is the most pro-life president in modern history is extremely important—and Christianity Today wants us to ignore that, to say it doesn’t count? The President has been a staunch defender of religious freedom at home and around the world—and Christianity Today wants us to ignore that? Also the President has appointed conservative judges in record number—and Christianity today wants us to ignore that? Christianity Today feels he should be removed from office because of false accusations that the President emphatically denies.
Christianity Today said it’s time to call a spade a spade. The spade is this—Christianity Today has been used by the left for their political agenda. It’s obvious that Christianity Today has moved to the left and is representing the elitist liberal wing of evangelicalism.
Is President Trump guilty of sin? Of course he is, as were all past presidents and as each one of us are, including myself. Therefore, let’s pray for the President as he continues to lead the affairs of our nation.
....have a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns, than Donald Trump as your President. No President has done more for the Evangelical community, and it’s not even close. You’ll not get anything from those Dems on stage. I won’t be reading ET again!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 20, 2019
ALSO: Under Trump's tweet are all sorts of attacks on Trump that try to use religion against him, and these often go awry. Don't attempt a religious attack unless you're sure you know what you're doing (and if you are sure, God help you). Here's one example, just the first thing I saw over there, by someone who thinks he's hurting Trump:
And I’d like to remind everyone that he’s a “Christian” who doesn’t think it’s necessary to ask for forgiveness. pic.twitter.com/7wSpd4l1pc— Idea Jonez💡 (@ideuhz) December 20, 2019
MORE: Here's the Christianity Today editorial, which appears under the name of one person, Mark Galli, the editor in chief. He does not purport to channel the opinions of Billy Graham, but he does essentially say that he was encouraged to express his own opinions by Graham.
We want CT to be a place that welcomes Christians from across the political spectrum, and reminds everyone that politics is not the end and purpose of our being.... That said, we do feel it necessary from time to time to make our own opinions on political matters clear—always, as Graham encouraged us, doing so with both conviction and love. We love and pray for our president, as we love and pray for leaders (as well as ordinary citizens) on both sides of the political aisle....Galli should have foreseen that the anti-Trump press and social media would seize upon his editorial and exploit it as much as possible, putting Billy Graham's name on it conspicuously. I know the first reports I saw on the subject made me feel like I was getting Billy Graham's opinion and to wonder whether I'd misremembered that he had died.
३११ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 311 पैकी 201 – 311Let's put it this way: If Trump DID drink and DID do drugs, lefties would be screaming about it day in and day out. They certainly did it to W despite no sign he ever did these things since years before his presidency.
Then, when Obama admitted to coke in his book, they didn't care.
Then, when Trump does none of these things, he's "utterly amoral".
This is not what "arguing in good faith" looks like.
Drudge seems very interested in the Christianity Today story. Apparently Drudge has become a member of the same demo.
You’re a little behind the times, ARM.
Inga: "Funny how Drago so fervently hopes that the Articles of Impeachment never make it to the Senate."
What an idiot!
I WANT them sent over to the Senate.
I'm laughing at you and the usual lefty morons because its YOU who don't want them sent to the Senate!!
ARM: "I do not think...."
Truer words have never been spoken.
Inga - I don’t care whether the articles make it or not. Because it doesn’t matter either way. This was a sham from top to bottom, and the American people know it, based on the drastic change in the polls over the last two weeks.
Are you even trying anymore?
The Very Very Forgetful and Perpetually Uninformed Inga: "......anybody who thinks it’s not an impeachment until it gets to the Senate for the trial is stupidly mistaken."
I think its impeachment, but do you know who doesn't?
The democrats very own Expert Constitutional Witness, Noah Feldman!!
"Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate
According to the Constitution, impeachment is a process, not a vote."
I'll bet Inga feels even dumber than before!
"I've got: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, NRO, the Weekly Standard, Reason, Chik Fil A, virtually every Church..."
Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Reason, Chik Fil A, and most churches are not political right wing organizations. Their reason for being was never political. They are ripe targets for infiltration for exactly this reason.
NRO isn't left-wing, but it is dying because of the NeverTrumpism. The Weekly Standard just died because of the NeverTrumpism, but it didn't turn left-wing either.
Christianity Today took steady aim at President Trump ... and shot itself?
How many are there who still read Christianity Today and who have been uncomfortable with it for some time who will now decide that they're just done with it, for good?
Drago said...
ARM has been shamed into trotting out his laughable "great awakening" schtick.
You were making grunting noises that, if emitted by a sentient being, might reasonably be interpreted as signs of you missing this particular line of enquiry. I aim to please.
Ralph: My Scots-Irish ancestors also became Baptists, though they started out Presbyterian.
Here is an update on Drudge.
Drudge now owns a travel agency in Florida called Moon Traveler LLC.
Moon Traveler? What?
Florida corporation records show that the address Drudge used for the travel company matches the Miami address he uses for his media company. This is hardly high-level sleuthing, however, it must be noted no one else in the news media found this, so what does that say about the news media these days?
“I WANT them sent over to the Senate.”
No you don’t. Nor do you want McConnell to call witnesses. You want it to be gone just as much as Lindsey Graham. You talk big, but when and if Democrats put on their witnesses you’ll be singing a different song. You are predictable.
The leftwing religion of trashing the Constitution.
Pelosi cannot let her bogus impeachment go to the Senate.
Prediction: She will hang on to her bogus party-line jack-off impeachment until after the 2020 election. Control freaks gotta control freak.
Trump is the most amoral president since FDR.
JFK and LBJ beg to differ.
(Taken from elsewhere - I didn't find this myself...)
From the Idaho Constitution Party State Chairman, Floyd Whitley in a public discussion of the articles of impeachment:
"Then there's a parliamentary issue. Presumably, the impeachment partisan vote was as a committee of the whole. That being the case, upon the vote, House rules say that a measure "can be reported, with or without amendment, or tabled, which means no further action on it will occur." Speaker Pelosi has refused to report it (to Senate), and no amendments were proffered. So technically, with the expiring 2019 Session gavelled into recess, those impeachment articles actually tabled...in other words, they died without action not having been reported, and not having been specifically disposed. The Speaker has no power to resurrect. And no one can "presume" without specification whether any further consideration of them was "intended". Were I a parliamentarian, I would say that the impeachment articles now must be brought AGAIN, in the new (second) Session. These articles were certainly improperly handled in the last (first) Session."
I just know, that history all got wiped out eventually with the Living New Testament. Good to know for historical purposes.
What do you mean "wiped out?" How people reacted to God in the Old Testament is no different to how they react to him now.
1) God does something amazing for someone or some group of people.
2) Yeah God! We is going to obey you forevers.
3) Short time later, start worshiping other gods and exploiting the weak and poor
4) God (sometimes via prophet) says "you need to knock that stuff off!"
5) People say "Screw you."
6) God does something to get their attention
7) God, please - save us!"
The Senate will dismiss the articles and Trump will present his case during Sweeps-week on Fox News.
Rudy is going to present a report of all the Dems getting paid off by money launderer through Ukraine.
Then Barr is going to unseal indictments against Comey, Clapper, and Brennan.
Then they get the Epstein Cell
First, House Resolution 755 says, upon its adoption, “That Donald John Trump, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors.” It also resolves that “the following articles of impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate.”
The House didn’t technically vote on the resolution by itself, but the rules for the impeachment as passed by the House declared that “the adoption of the resolution [755], as amended, shall be divided between the two articles.” Thus, by approving the two articles, they effectively adopted House Resolution 755. And that resolution says that Trump “is impeached,” not that he will be impeached after the second part of the resolution — the transmission to the Senate — is acted upon.
Lederman also pointed out that the House’s existing impeachment rules indicate such a vote is sufficient for a president to be impeached. Chapter 27, Section 8 says, “The respondent in an impeachment proceeding is impeached by the adoption of the House of articles of impeachment.” So according to the House’s own rules, it has impeached Trump. The rules say nothing about the transmission being necessary before impeachment takes effect.
Is that all that matters? Well, the Constitution says the House “shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.” If the House says in both its existing impeachment rules and the rules adopted for this particular impeachment that the vote by itself means Trump has been impeached, it would seem to have the power to make that determination.
Yes Donald Trump has been impeached.
Hoax Impeachment FanGiuuurrrlll Inga: "No you don’t. Nor do you want McConnell to call witnesses."
I have been calling for witnesses in the Senate trial from the first, as my posts over the last several months demonstrate.
But if you and your hack dem punks believed in getting more witnesses you would have fought to get them in the House investigation.
But you cowardly liars didnt.
And now you know Nancy and her team played you morons like the chumps you are!!
Hang in there Tiger!!
it's gone zombie, this is like saying you most vote for gantz, over Netanyahu, because the latter has had some moral failings, drudge was an interesting aggregator of little known tidbits, but now that I know where the telegraph and the express can be found, there is little need for it,
Franklin Graham is a nepotism hire who had no significant independent profile until he started fellating Trump. To the limited extent he was known at all it was for supporting dictators who persecuted gays and saying that most Protestants do not view Mormonism as a Christian faith. Class act all round.
Is this (the bolded text) even debatable? As Christians, “Protestants” historically — and typically even today — consider themselves to be a “Nicene” faith: a religion which (though politically independent from Roman Catholicism along with Eastern Orthodoxy) nonetheless accepts the Nicene Creed (deriving from the First Council of Nicaea taking place in that city of what's now Asiatic Turkey in 325 A.D.).
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) — with its whole book of added scripture known as The Book of Mormon describing Jesus's second ministry in North America — inherently doesn't and cannot conform with the Nicene Creed, and therefore from that “Protestant” point of view cannot be “Christian” — at least as Nicene Christians use the term.
Inga said...
“I WANT them sent over to the Senate.”
No you don’t. Nor do you want McConnell to call witnesses. You want it to be gone just as much as Lindsey Graham. You talk big, but when and if Democrats put on their witnesses you’ll be singing a different song. You are predictable.
12/20/19, 1:07 PM
Sorry Inga, that is just wish-casting on your part. MANY of us want the Senate to get going with the trial already (if all it takes is a vote in the House, why wait on it to be sent over?). We do want witnesses, to include Hunter & Joe Biden, Schiff, the whistleblower, FBI, CIA, etc. We want ALL the folks involved in this on the witness stand UNDER OATH and libel for perjury charges. That may be the ONLY way any of these criminals see the inside of a prison. So I say BRING IT ON!
Inga said...
“I WANT them sent over to the Senate.”
No you don’t. Nor do you want McConnell to call witnesses. You want it to be gone just as much as Lindsey Graham. You talk big, but when and if Democrats put on their witnesses you’ll be singing a different song. You are predictable.
12/20/19, 1:07 PM
Sorry Inga, that is just wish-casting on your part. MANY of us want the Senate to get going with the trial already (if all it takes is a vote in the House, why wait on it to be sent over?). We do want witnesses, to include Hunter & Joe Biden, Schiff, the whistleblower, FBI, CIA, etc. We want ALL the folks involved in this on the witness stand UNDER OATH and libel for perjury charges. That may be the ONLY way any of these criminals see the inside of a prison. So I say BRING IT ON!
Inga said...
“I WANT them sent over to the Senate.”
No you don’t. Nor do you want McConnell to call witnesses. You want it to be gone just as much as Lindsey Graham. You talk big, but when and if Democrats put on their witnesses you’ll be singing a different song. You are predictable.
12/20/19, 1:07 PM
Sorry Inga, that is just wish-casting on your part. MANY of us want the Senate to get going with the trial already (if all it takes is a vote in the House, why wait on it to be sent over?). We do want witnesses, to include Hunter & Joe Biden, Schiff, the whistleblower, FBI, CIA, etc. We want ALL the folks involved in this on the witness stand UNDER OATH and libel for perjury charges. That may be the ONLY way any of these criminals see the inside of a prison. So I say BRING IT ON!
Inga said...
“I WANT them sent over to the Senate.”
No you don’t. Nor do you want McConnell to call witnesses. You want it to be gone just as much as Lindsey Graham. You talk big, but when and if Democrats put on their witnesses you’ll be singing a different song. You are predictable.
12/20/19, 1:07 PM
Sorry Inga, that is just wish-casting on your part. MANY of us want the Senate to get going with the trial already (if all it takes is a vote in the House, why wait on it to be sent over?). We do want witnesses, to include Hunter & Joe Biden, Schiff, the whistleblower, FBI, CIA, etc. We want ALL the folks involved in this on the witness stand UNDER OATH and libel for perjury charges. That may be the ONLY way any of these criminals see the inside of a prison. So I say BRING IT ON!
My respect for Althouse went way down with this post. For one thing, how does pointing out the immorality of this president show that the twitter posters do not know Christianity?
Good news everyone!!
Now that this latest democrat/LLR-lefty hoax has failed, Li'l Adam Schiff-ty claims he's got sonething on Pence!!!
Wow. Do the dems know their gullible Inga base voters, or what?!
Inga said...
“I WANT them sent over to the Senate.”
No you don’t. Nor do you want McConnell to call witnesses. You want it to be gone just as much as Lindsey Graham. You talk big, but when and if Democrats put on their witnesses you’ll be singing a different song. You are predictable.
12/20/19, 1:07 PM
Sorry Inga, that is just wish-casting on your part. MANY of us want the Senate to get going with the trial already (if all it takes is a vote in the House, why wait on it to be sent over?). We do want witnesses, to include Hunter & Joe Biden, Schiff, the whistleblower, FBI, CIA, etc. We want ALL the folks involved in this on the witness stand UNDER OATH and libel for perjury charges. That may be the ONLY way any of these criminals see the inside of a prison. So I say BRING IT ON!
So, we're voting for a Priest or POTUS?
Turley says Trump WAS impeached. The Republican’s own witness.
No you don’t. Nor do you want McConnell to call witnesses. You want it to be gone just as much as Lindsey Graham. You talk big, but when and if Democrats put on their witnesses you’ll be singing a different song. You are predictable.
Inga, being a little slow, has not heard Kevin McCarthy promise that when he is Speaker in the next Congress he will expunge the vote this week. McConnell will dismiss the articles when "managers" don't show up and the vote will be gone in a year.
It never happened, Inga.
State cultists, however, I'm sure Christianity Today is okay with.
Yancey Ward said...
NRO isn't left-wing, but it is dying because of the NeverTrumpism. The Weekly Standard just died because of the NeverTrumpism, but it didn't turn left-wing either.
They are dying because most people have figured out there never was a "right-wing."
We want to be free. Not right wing.
Almost nothing about Trump is right wing.
The Right-Left dichotomy was always a sham. The people they propped up as "right-wing" hate us and were always on the other side.
The "left-wing" is a sham too. It is a bunch of stupid tools funded and supported but wealthy billionaires.
But they are too stupid to notice.
’One of those viewpoints is that Trump is an appalling dumbass and one of the most amoral people to ever walk this earth, albeit something of a pussy when it comes to actually implementing the implications of his dark and fetid imaginary world.’
ARM isn’t exhibiting the Impeachmas joy. Wonder why?
No one was out to get you or your family, Inga. So why did your father leave Europe during the mid-20th century?
You still spout the Party Line quite well.
BTW the Democrats had a lot of time to bring witnesses.
Now they have to bring more?
If it was that important, they should have.
“Fucking evangelicals.”
mccullough said...
Trump is the most amoral president since FDR.
Bill Clinton actually raped women.
”Once attended a funeral at a liberal 'church' that had a woman pastor and the hymnals had been revised to refer to God as She. I kid you not.”
So? If there were a god, it would not be gendered at all. It’s just as silly to refer to god as “he.”
In the meantime, Trump's poll numbers continue to rise.
People who are smarter than Inga (which is to say, most people), understand this is a load of bullshit and are annoyed by it.
I took the British elections last week as a good sign, since after Thatcher was elected, we got Reagan and after the UK voted "Leave" in 2016, we got Trump.
Their leftists, who are just as stupid and arrogant as ours, are absolutely refusing to examine why they lost in a landslide ("Our policies are popular, really!") and so will thankfully remain out of power for a long time. If our leftists had any brains at all, the UK elections would make them nervous. But they're too busy masturbating to "Impeachment!" which will go nowhere and do nothing but piss off independents in the swing states the Dems need next November.
Trump, like Boris Johnson, is fortunate to have the enemies he does.
So? If there were a god, it would not be gendered at all. It’s just as silly to refer to god as “he.”
12/20/19, 3:34 PM
If you are Christian and believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God and the second person of the Trinity, that indeed gives God a gender. Jesus of Nazareth was a man.
LLR-lefty Chuck is in a bind here, isn't he?
He has long pretended to like Sen McConnell but now, with the impeachment farce going over the cliff on the dems/LLR's, the lefties need all hands on deck to attack McConnell.
LLR-lefty Chuck's democrat allies are calling McConnell "Jeffrey Dahmer"!!
Poor LLR-lefty Chuck. It's his job to support the democrat narratives and talking points at all costs, but LLR-lefty Chuck has invested a lot of time pretending to be a "principled conservative" (...I know I know, stop laughing....) so we have finally reached the LLR-lefty Chuck FakeCon "rock and a hard place" point.
My money is on LLR-lefty Chuck attempting to square the circle with slightly indirect attacks on McConnell that still satisfy Chuck's beloved dems rhetorical requirements.
In any event it will be fun to watch.
If Meghan McCain can ride her dead dad for the rest of her career, Franklin can defend his dad from allegations of libtardism and anti-Trumpism.
Hi Drago, so what do you think about Turley saying Trump WAS impeached? You must feel really stupid.
exiledonmainstreet: "In the meantime, Trump's poll numbers continue to rise."
I was quite pleased to see how quickly Joe "dentures" Biden admitted he will be happy to gut hundreds of thousands of battleground state blue collar jobs to satisfy the desires of Saint Greta and AOC.
I'm sure that's going to play well come general election time, assuming Biden doesn't have another deadly aneurysm and/or bleeds out through his eyes. As obama's doctor said, Biden has a lot of health issues.
A lot.
We will know the dems are fearful of Biden's health status when they launch additional LLR's onto the blogs to attempt to push their previously used and debunked Trump health concerns in an attempt to keep Li'l Joey "I like to touch little girls" Biden out of political harms way.
The Very Very Very Forgetful Inga: "Hi Drago, so what do you think about Turley saying Trump WAS impeached? You must feel really stupid."
12/20/19, 3:48 PM
I believe Inga may have a learning disability:
See Below
Drago @12/20/19, 12:52 PM
"I think its impeachment, but do you know who doesn't?
The democrats very own Expert Constitutional Witness, Noah Feldman!!
"Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate
According to the Constitution, impeachment is a process, not a vote."
I'll bet Inga feels even dumber than before!
“However, Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe wrote on Twitter that he disagreed with Feldman's analysis, saying that "under Art. I, Sec. 2, Clause 5, he was impeached on Dec 18, 2019. He will forever remain impeached. Period." That portion of the Constitution says that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."”
"I'll bet Inga feels even dumber than before!"
She has the memory and attention span of a fruit fly. Therefore, she never feels dumb.
As you have pointed out many times, leftists don't remember what they said 2 hours ago. If they did, they'd feel shame due to their many failures.
Clinton was also "forever impeached" but that didn't stop Inga from voting for him.
Nobody gives a shit, Inga.
Guess what Drago, we Democrats don’t always agree with other Democrats. I’ve posted three sources now that disagree with Feldman. Two of the three of them are Democrats. The White House is looking to make the argument that if the House doesn’t send the Articles of Impeachment over there is no impeachment. We all know that is BS
Well, I can see why Althouse turned on moderation again.
Inga: "Guess what Drago, we Democrats don’t always agree with other Democrats."
That's your excuse for not being able to read?
You are remarkably stupid, in a class all of your own. The Dem's own law professor witness has said until the articles get sent to the Senate there is no impeachment.
Be that as it may, the greatest constitutional scholar today, Alan Dershowitz, professor emeritus of Harvard Law School and a liberal Democrat said the manner of impeachment, in and of itself, is unconstitutional since the morons in the House did not follow the standard for impeachment articulated in the US Constitution. He also called this impeachment an abomination. When you get up to Alan's level of intellect and expertise, please come back. Otherwise, just naff off.
I'll bet Inga feels even dumber than before!
Nope. Not when stupidity is only exceeded by arrogance.
“The Dem's own law professor witness has said until the articles get sent to the Senate there is no impeachment.”
The Republicans OWN law professor Turley, said Trump IS impeached, I posted a link to him above. Tribe who is a Dem law prof disagrees with Feldman. Other Dem law profs disagree with Feldman. So because Feldman posted an erroneous idea all of us Dems have to agree with him? Sorry we don’t do groupthink.
Do men gather grapes from thorns?
“The White House is considering making the argument that President Trump has not officially been impeached, given that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has not transmitted the articles of impeachment to the Senate, two sources involved in the president's impeachment defense told CBS News.
The White House is considering making the case that Mr. Trump has not been impeached based on an opinion piece by Harvard Law Professor Noah Feldman on Bloomberg's opinion page Thursday. Feldman was one of the legal experts called by Democrats to testify before the House Judiciary Committee earlier this month and has advocated for Mr. Trump's impeachment and removal from office.”
Apparently the White House is throwing Turley under the bus for the opinion of Feldman, LOL.
TJM said...
the greatest constitutional scholar today, Alan Dershowitz
Is this Alan Dershowitz the accused pedophile from Brooklyn, or is he one of the still blameless Louisiana Dershowitz's?
My view:
It is Impeachment, but not sending it to the Senate "obstructs" the Senate from holding a trial.
One may ask: Where do these asshats come up with this shit?
Well, they have many, many people that get paid to spend all day, every day, to come up with this shit.
All republicans do is react. Since their reaction is always predictable, usually because it's based in common practice, it's easy for the communists to throw the slider since they're always sitting o the fast ball.
Gary said...
My respect for Althouse went way down with this post.
You must be new here.
Inga: "Apparently the White House is throwing Turley under the bus for the opinion of Feldman, LOL."
Apparently the dems are throwing Feldman, their star witness, under the bus for the opinion of Turley, LOL.
See how easy this is dummy?
Inga: "So because Feldman posted an erroneous idea all of us Dems have to agree with him? "
Please explain in your own words why Feldman is incorrect.
Give us a minute while we pop the popcorn......
Sanhedrin = House Dems
...Jesus didnt get a fair trial either
“Apparently the dems are throwing Feldman, their star witness, under the bus for the opinion of Turley, LOL.”
Nope. Tribe and other Democratic law profs have disagreed with Feldman. Feldman is not the voice of the Democratic party. Is Turley the voice of the Republican Party?
Explain the White House believing Feldman over Turley.
Inga: "Nope."
Inga: "Explain the White House believing Feldman over Turley."
When Inga narratives collide.
So let me get this straight there rocket scientist:
The White House is scared to death of having the Articles of Impeachment sent to the Senate...yet the White House is arguing that impeachment HAS occurred and is demanding the articles of impeachment be sent to the Senate immediately.
Turley is saying the White House and Feldman is full of shit. Tribe says so too as well as other Dem law profs. They cannot claim there is no impeachment because they haven’t been sent over to the a Senate yet.
Case closed.
“...yet the White House is arguing that impeachment HAS occurred and is demanding the articles of impeachment be sent to the Senate immediately.”
Wrong. The White House is arguing that impeachment HAS NOT occurred because the Articles haven’t been sent over yet.
if the Senate wants to move forward all they have to do is change their rules that requires the house manager is to bring the articles to the Senate.
“The White House is considering making the argument that President Trump has not officially been impeached, given that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has not transmitted the articles of impeachment to the Senate, two sources involved in the president's impeachment defense told CBS News.
The White House is considering making the case that Mr. Trump has not been impeached based on an opinion piece by Harvard Law Professor Noah Feldman on Bloomberg's opinion page Thursday. Feldman was one of the legal experts called by Democrats to testify before the House Judiciary Committee earlier this month and has advocated for Mr. Trump's impeachment and removal from office.”
More #IngaLogicFails
The White House is scared to death of the impeachment trial in the Senate including additional witness testimony, yet the White House is saying that they want witness testimony in the Senate impeachment trial!
I'm going to file this one right next to Inga's previous stellar assertions:
Carter Page is a russian spy
Papadopolous is a russian spy
Flynn is a russian spy
Trump is a russian asset
Mueller will prove collusion
May/Merkel/Macron/Trudeau are the "real leaders of the free world"
Trump will never win the nomination
Trump will never make it to the first primary
Trump will never make it to the convention
Trump will not be the nominee
Trump will not make it to the general election
Hillary will win in a landslide
Trump will not make it to his inauguration
Trump will not last 3/6/9/12/18/24/36 months
Trump will not improve the economy'
Trump will not improve US manufacturing
The Stock market will never recover
Trump will not be able to renegotiate US trade deals
etc etc etc
This is so much fun. It really is.
Inga: "Wrong. The White House is arguing that impeachment HAS NOT occurred because the Articles haven’t been sent over yet."
Correct dummy.
The White House WANTS the trial. With Witnesses. Which you claim they do not.
The Senate cannot conduct the trial until the articles are sent over (supposedly).
So the White House is saying hurry up dem dummies and send the articles over to the Senate.
This is the point where Inga has to figure out which of her many false statements she wants to throw under the bus due to all the hilarious talking point contradictions are blowing up her talking points.
Let's all watch carefully to see which talking points get tossed. Should be fun.
“The White House WANTS the trial. With Witnesses. Which you claim they do not.”
So they claim. I don’t believe it for a minute. The Senate wants to get rid of it as quick as possible too.
Remember, according to the dems, their impeachment case is a "slam dunk" and should easily convince the American people of the horrible Orange Man Bad crimes.
Further, this impeachment is super super super duper duper duper URGENT since this is "a crime in progress" and "the fate of our republic and democracy is literally under threat"......
.......and the dems will get right on that after this 3 week break......maybe.....perhaps.....well, who knows really?
Inga: "So they claim. I don’t believe it for a minute."
Oh, I see your mindreading capabilities have returned!!
Congratulations! And to think those mindreading capabilities had disappeared for the last 3 years.
Well, not a moment too soon to have them returned, eh?
Inga thinks we've forgotten the hundreds of other mindreading based projections she's made in the past that have, well, to put it politely, fizzled.
Inga, do you use a crystal ball? Tea leaves? Chicken bones? What's your secret?
Trump is scared shitless if Dems get to call Bolton, Mulvaney, Pence these and others. They know they’re under oath.
Inga: "The Senate wants to get rid of it as quick as possible too."
The Senate wants to treat this moronic exercise in democrat rage with all the respect it deserves: None.
Inga: "Trump is scared shitless if Dems get to call Bolton, Mulvaney, Pence these and others."
Wait a minute.
You guys told us your case was a slam dunk.
Are you revising your previous lies?
Drago believes what Daddy Trump tells him to believe.
Inga, it sure sounds like you guys have Trump dead to rights.
Have you considered going to the Courts to make these witnesses available? I mean, you know, like you are supposed to?
After all, remember, according to your lying dems, this is a "crime in progress!!!!eleventy!!!".
Better get on that right away.
Inga believes what Daddy Satan tells her to believe.
Inga: "Drago believes what Daddy Trump tells him to believe."
Inga believes everything Schiff-ty Schiff and Nads Nadler tells her.
Hey, remember when Inga told us all how truthful and wonderful that Schiff-ty Memo was and how Nunes was simply lying all over the place.
It seems like only yesterday when it was 2.5 years ago.
Unfortunately for Inga, we found out the truth with the Horowitz report, which validated Every Single Nunes Memo claim and destroyed Every Single Schiff-ty Memo lie.
tsk tsk
Another tough break for Inga.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
TJM said...
the greatest constitutional scholar today, Alan Dershowitz
Is this Alan Dershowitz the accused pedophile from Brooklyn, or is he one of the still blameless Louisiana Dershowitz's?
Pray tell, Unloved Commenter AnUnreasonableMan, how does that affect the substance of Dershowitz's opinion? I bet you still slobbered over Horndog Clintoon (Frequent Flyer on the Lolita Express and credibly accused of rape) no matter is bad, personal conduct?
Isn't it interesting that every single Inga claim eventually gets blown up and every single thing the other side claims ends up getting validated.
Did you know that Inga STILL thinks the hoax dossier is real?
She really does!! Just ask her!
Despite Steele and the FBI and Steele dossier subsources saying its all crap!!!
But that's the thing with Inga-like mindreaders, they just "know stuff".......
Is Inga a real person or just a fictitious character that Althouse uses to keep us posting here?
TJM: "Drago, Is Inga a real person or just a fictitious character that Althouse uses to keep us posting here?"
It's a fair question.
She is such a clown that you would think she was a conservative plant, wouldn't you?
But all you have to do is go on twitter to see thousands and thousands of moronic lefties who actually believe that the dems Hoax Impeachment actually removed Trump from the White House!!!
They actually believe that!
Given that its entirely believable that morons like Inga and ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck are all too real on the left.
TJM: "Pray tell, Unloved Commenter AnUnreasonableMan, how does that affect the substance of Dershowitz's opinion?"
Its better not to give the time of day to the smears against Dershowitz perpetrated by David Bois and the rest of Clinton Crime Inc.
They do this sort of smearing against anyone who stands up against the dems. Dershowitz had to learn the hard way, as Turley is now, what happens to anyone who doesn't toe the marxist line.
BTW, Inga STILL will not admit Carter Page is not a russian spy!!
Even after we find out that Carter Page, Naval Academy grad and Naval Intelligence Office and CIA asset, actually assisted in putting actual russian spies away!!
Inga doesn't have the character to take back all of her smears against this proven American patriot.
Which tells you all you need to know about her, assuming you didn't already.
All the things we don't know will prove Trump is a criminal!
Similar to: All the people that didn't vote would have voted democrat!....so it counts!
when national review, doesn't make an explicit apology for what it wrote about carter page three and a half years ago, how can one expect a astroturf lefty shill to do otherwise,
I subscribe to CT and have found Galli's editorials helpful, but this one was a disappointment. He needlessly references Billy Graham in the first line. Later he says the case against Trump is "unambiguous," when it is very ambiguous. Trump is Ambiguity Itself, but it is hard for moralists to accept ambiguity. At the end, after condemning Trump's "gross immorality", he pivots to try to delegitimize Trump's evangelical supporters. It was a sad thing to read.
the virginia guiffre affidavit, doesn't matter anymore does it, they were touting it like holy grail for two years, but when it was just gossip from the mail it no longer mattered,
Blogger Howard said...
if the Senate wants to move forward all they have to do is change their rules that requires the house manager is to bring the articles to the Senate.
Oh no. You would like that but all they have to do is convene and look around to see is any Housies are there. No=dismiss.
So, I read that Trump is thinking of adding the Brooklyn Dershowitz to his legal team. It certainly would be a capstone to his legal career: O.J., Epstein, Weinstein and Trump.
“It certainly would be a capstone to his legal career: O.J., Epstein, Weinstein and Trump.’
It would be fitting.
Its clear Dershowitz, by virtue of not simply accepting the marxist theory of how to get rid of Trump, will continue to receive the Soviet dissident treatment.
He can wear that ostracism with pride.
So now, according to Italian media reprts, Joseph Mifsud is missing and presumed dead at the same moment FISC judge Collyer is stepping down, just like FISC Judge and Strzok pal Judge Contreras did.
I'm sure its nothing.
I just hope Judge Collyers life insurance is paid up.
I just hope Judge Collyers life insurance is paid up.
No point. Life insurance doesn't cover suicide, and she's clearly suicidal.
Its certainly fortunate former NSA head Adm Rogers has been working with Durham for several months now.
You recall Rogers dont you Inga? He was the guy who:
1) shut down the astonishing number of illegal FISA database searches by democrat operatives
2) Went to the Trump transition team in Dec of 2016 to tell Trump directly (without the knowledge of the corrupt obama team) that he was being spied upon. Within 12 hours of that meeting in Trump Tower the Trump transition moved its entire operation to Trumps resort in New Jersey. Once the corrupt obamaites found out Rogers warned Trump, Brennan, Clapper and Comey called for Rogers to be fired...gee I wonder wht?....
3) Rogers' NSA pointedly did not agree with Brennans and Clappers corrupt ICA report in Jan of 2017..a report some are already calling Obamas Hoax Dossier since that ICA report was generated by Brennans boys outside of normal analysis channels...hmmmmm......
What a great Christmas and New Years this will be!!
Browndog: "No point. Life insurance doesn't cover suicide, and she's clearly suicidal."
Not necessarily true for some policies.
Yeah, Drago. I posted a link to that story on another thread.
Once threads get over 200 comments Inga or Ritmo seems to show up so I avoid them.
No point. Life insurance doesn't cover suicide, and she's clearly suicidal.
Actually many policies do. About 10 years ago, a former colleague and mentor committed suicide. We (his former colleagues) found out because he shared an insurance agent with one of us.
I saw the writer on TV defending himself as spokesperson.
Mike the rules of the Senate state that they will not take up impeachment until the house managers bring it to their August Chamber. No ticky no shirty
"own goal"?? You think he harmed himself? You've got an odd take on reality.
"own goal"?? You think he harmed himself? You've got an odd take on reality.
Blogger Howard said...
Mike the rules of the Senate state that they will not take up impeachment until the house managers bring it to their August Chamber. No ticky no shirty
Howard, I don't think that means what you think it means . If Mitch convenes the Senate and there are no House managers present, It is DONE!
Bye Bye. No tricks, no sham. Bye Bye.
Alinsky's admonishment to make them live up to their own rules has proved durable in this age of information warfare, and he may be Gramsci or Dutschke's most effective proponent. But if you want lead that long march, and be like Sherman marching long and triumphant through enemy territory, you can't be ignorant about your enemy. This silly magazine is not part of the long march anymore. It's march is over, and it didn't need to be, because a religious brand like this can be used long and well. This is not merely a stupid article, this is the loss of a strategically important stronghold, thanks to an idiotic and poorly considered action. When men do this in an actual shooting war, it's because they're stupid brave. Can't even say that about these fools. Thanks for wasting all that effort to capture Christianity Today. Ot was wasted as far as it goes.
Jesuriah Armfield, the granddaughter of Billy Graham, has said that her uncle Franklin Graham should cut down his praise for President Donald Trump, whom she argued has not shown himself to be a Christian in his words and deeds.
In January she told The Washington Post that Franklin Graham's suggestion that Trump is an ambassador for Jesus "diminishes not only my Jesus but all he stood for and came to Earth to fight against."
She positioned at the time that Trump "encouraged racism, sexism and intolerance, exactly what Jesus taught against."
"My president doesn't have to be a Christian ... I just don't want him to be held up as the poster boy for Christian evangelical because he doesn't represent most of us."
Robert Conquest's Second (of 3) Law of Politics:
2. Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.
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